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1、话题二:卫生与健康(夯实基础)话题二:卫生与健康(夯实基础)一、课标话题词汇:一、课标话题词汇:1. 健康,卫生 n.health2. 医院 n.hospital3. 牙科医生 n.dentist4. 气息;呼吸 n.breath5. 照顾,保护,小心 n.介意.,在乎,关心 v.care6. 能量,活力,力量 n.energy7. 身体 n.body8. 大脑 n.brain9. 耳朵 n.ear10. 眼睛 n.eye11. 风景,情景,视力 n.sight12. 脸 n. 面对 vt.face13. 头发 n.hair14. 手臂,支架 n.arm15. 手 n. 递 v.hand16.

2、 手指 n.finger17. 膝盖 n.knee18. 腿 n.leg19. 足,英尺 n.foot20. 头 n.head21. 口 n.mouth22. 语言 n.tongue23. 颈,脖子 n.neck24. 肩膀 n.shoulder25. 鼻子 n.nose26. 牙齿 n.tooth27. 心脏 n.heart28. 胃 n.stomach29. 血,血液 n.blood二、课标话题基础短语二、课标话题基础短语1. 感冒 have a cold2. 发烧 have a fever3. 头痛have a headache4. 牙痛have a toothache5. 肚子痛hav

3、e a stomachache6. 喉咙痛 have a sore throat7. 背痛have a sore back8. 咳嗽得厉害cough badly9. 躺下来休息 lie down and rest30. 药,医学 n.medicine31. 温度 n.temperature32. 治疗 n.treatment33. 活下来,幸存 v.survive34. 疾病 n.illness35. 咳嗽 n.cough36. 流行性感冒 n. flu37. 发烧 n.fever38. 腹痛 n.stomachache39. 牙痛 n.toothache40. 癌症 n.cancer41.

4、伤 v. 伤口 n.wound42. 肥皂 n.soap43. 疼痛,努力 n.pain44. 称.的重量 vt.weight45. 呼吸 v.breath46. 痛 v.ache47. 苍白的 adj.pale48. 酸的 adj. sour49. 合适的 adj. fit50. 健康的 adj. healthy51. 生病的 adj. ill52. 患病的 adj. sick53. 好 adv.well54. 弱的 adj.weak.55. 老的,旧的 adj.old56. 危险的 adj.dangerous57. 医学的 adj.medical58. 坏的 adj.bad59. 疲倦的

5、adj.tired10.量体温take ones temperature11.看牙医see a dentist12.喝带蜂蜜的热茶drink hot tea with honey13.多吃蔬菜 eat more vegetables14.保持健康stay/keep healthy15.紧张不安be stressed out16.拥有健康的生活方式have a healthy lifestyle三、课标话题基础句型三、课标话题基础句型1. 你怎么啦?/出什么事了?Whats wrong?/Whats the matter?2. 我希望你快点好起来。I hope you get better so

6、on.3. 做眼操对我们的眼睛有好处。Doing eye exercise is good for our eyes.4. 别紧张,一切都会好起来的。Dont be stressed out. Everything is going to be fine.5. 你最好不要吃太多快餐和垃圾食品,对你的健康不好。Youd better not eat too much fast food and junk food. Its bad for your health.6. 健康的食物和足够的运动帮助我学习更好。Healthy food and enough exercise help me to s

7、tudy better.7. 多吃蔬菜,少吃肉,可以让我们保持健康。Eating more vegetables and less meat keeps us in good health.8. 你不严重。Its nothing serious./ There is nothing serious with you.9. 你最好多喝点水,好好休息。Youd better drink more water and have a good rest.10.你应该早起并多做运动来保持健康。You should get up early and take more exercise to keep h

8、ealthy.四、范文背诵四、范文背诵Nowadays, many countries in the world have found cases of the novelcoronavirus. It is said that people with coronavirus will coughhave a fever andfeel tired.To prevent the virus, we can do many things. Firstly, we had better not goto places where there are many people. If we have

9、to go out, we should wear amask. Secondly, we need to wash our hands often with soap and runningwater, especially after we cough or sneeze. It is also a good habit for us toexercise regularly. It can not only help us keep fit but also improve our healthagainst illness. And having a good sleep is imp

10、ortant, too. People who are tiredor under stress can get sick easily. And then, eat more fruit and vegetables tokeep ourselves fit and strong. Last but not least, open the window and keepthe air in the room fresh.If we all do these things, we will prevent virus. So there is no need to beworried. I b

11、elieve we will win through in the end.话题二:卫生与健康(实战练习)话题二:卫生与健康(实战练习)第一部分:基础过关第一部分:基础过关一、课标话题词汇:一、课标话题词汇:18. 健康,卫生 n. _30. 药,医学 n. _19. 医院 n._31. 温度 n._20. 牙科医生 n._21. 气息;呼吸 n._22. 照顾,保护,小心 n._介意.,在乎,关心 v._23. 能量,活力,力量 n._24. 身体 n._25. 大脑 n._26. 耳朵 n. _27. 眼睛 n._28. 风景, 情景, 视力 n. _29. 脸 n. 面对 vt. _30

12、. 头发 n._31. 手臂,支架 n. _32. 手 n. 递 v._33. 手指 n. _34. 膝盖 n. _18. 腿 n. _19. 足,英尺 n. _20. 头 n. _21. 口 n._22. 语言 n._23. 颈,脖子 n. _24. 肩膀 n. _25. 鼻子 n._26. 牙齿 n._27. 心脏 n._28. 胃 n._29. 血,血液 n. _二、课标话题基础短语二、课标话题基础短语17.感冒_18.发烧_19.头痛_20.牙痛_21.肚子痛_22.喉咙痛_32. 治疗 n._33. 活下来,幸存 v. _34. 疾病n. _35. 咳嗽 n._36. 流行性感冒 n

13、._37. 发烧n. _38. 腹痛 n._39. 牙痛 n._40. 癌症 n._41. 伤 v. 伤口 n. _42. 肥皂 n._43. 疼痛,努力 n._44. 称.的重量 vt._45. 呼吸 v._46. 痛 v. _47. 苍白的 adj. _48. 酸的 adj. _49. 合适的 adj._50. 健康的 adj._51. 生病的 adj._52. 患病的 adj._53. 好 adv._54. 弱的 adj._55. 老的,旧的 adj._56. 危险的 adj. _57. 医学的 adj. _58. 坏的 adj._59. 疲倦的 adj. _23.背痛_24.咳嗽得厉害_25.躺下来休息_26.量体温_27.看牙医_28.喝带蜂蜜的热茶_29.多吃蔬菜_30.保持健康_31.紧张不安_32.拥有健康的生活方式_三、课标话题基础句型三、课标话题基础句型11. 你怎么啦?/出什么事了?_12. 我希望你快点好起来。_13. 做眼操对我们的眼睛有好处。_14. 别紧张,一切都会好起来的。_15. 你最好不要吃太多快餐和垃圾食品,对你的健康不好。_16. 健康的食物和足够的运动帮助我学习更好。_17. 多吃蔬菜, 少吃肉, 可以让我们保持健康。 _18. 你不严重。_19. 你最好多喝点水,好好休息。_20. 你应该早起并多做运动来保持健康。 _



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