高中英语 Unit1 Other countriesother cultures Language points课件 牛津译林版选修9.ppt

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1、1. Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to Russia, and has always been famous for its fantastic scenery. second only to 仅次于仅次于e.g. Our city has an area of 20,000 square kilometres, second only to the largest city in our province. 我们的城市占地我们的城市占地2万平方公里,仅次于万平方公里,仅次于 我省最大的城市。

2、我省最大的城市。Rayon ranks second only to cotton as the most widely used fiber.人造丝是仅次于棉花的使用得最广泛人造丝是仅次于棉花的使用得最广泛的织物。的织物。He is second only to my own son in my affections.我除了爱我的儿子,最爱他。我除了爱我的儿子,最爱他。比较比较: second to, next to, superior to, junior / senior to e.g. He is such a good player that he is second to none

3、. 无人能比无人能比Next to music, he loves tennis best.除了音乐,他最喜欢网球。除了音乐,他最喜欢网球。This employee is superior to the former in ability. 这个雇员比上个强。这个雇员比上个强。He is junior to me by two years. 他比我小两岁。他比我小两岁。2. Canada has vast areas of wilderness, from the Arctic north, where average winter temperatures are usually minu

4、s 20 degrees centigrade, to the 8,892-kilometre-long border with the USA to the south, which is the longest border in the world not defended by an army or the police. 加拿大有辽阔的荒原,北起北极加拿大有辽阔的荒原,北起北极那那里的冬季平均气温通常是零下里的冬季平均气温通常是零下20摄氏摄氏度,南与美国比邻度,南与美国比邻边境线长达边境线长达8,892千米,是世界上最长的没有军队或警察千米,是世界上最长的没有军队或警察设防的边境线

5、。设防的边境线。本句是主从复合句,句中本句是主从复合句,句中where和和which分别引导一个分别引导一个非限制性定于从句非限制性定于从句,介词,介词短语短语fromto说明地域范围之广。说明地域范围之广。(1) My favorite room is the tidy study with a fireplace, _ we can watch TV and enjoy the nice scenery outside. A. where B. when C. that D. which (2) The soldiers had to sleep in their wet clothes,

6、 _ most uncomfortable. A. which I think it was B. which I think was C. which I think D. that I think was 3. and fish are abundant in the seas and rivers. abundant adj. 丰富的丰富的e.g. The country is abundant in natural resources. 这个国家天然资源丰富。这个国家天然资源丰富。 There is abundant firewood in the forest. 森林里有充裕的薪柴可

7、用。森林里有充裕的薪柴可用。 Winkle shells are abundant on this beach. 这个海滩上有大量的峨螺壳。这个海滩上有大量的峨螺壳。 拓展:拓展: abundance n an abundant harvest 丰收丰收 an abundant year 丰年丰年 be abundant in 富有富有;富含;富含 There are _ supplies of firewood in the forest.A. plentiful B. abundant B.C. plenty of D. many经典例题经典例题4. In the heart of Tor

8、onto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN Tower for short. Smaller in size, but just as famous, is the city of Vancouver in the province of British Columbia on the Pacific coast. In the heart of Toronto 及及smaller in size, but just as famous在句中做表语置于句在句中做表语置于句首,主谓完全倒装。首,主谓完全倒装。

9、e.g. Present at the meeting were 20 people.for short 的缩写的缩写in short 简言之简言之A be short for B A是是B的缩写(简称)的缩写(简称)A be short of B A 缺乏缺乏B5. in addition to being close to some very popular ski areas. in addition to 加上加上, 除除外外, 又又; e.g. In addition to giving a general introduction to computer, the course a

10、lso provides practical chance. 课程除了一般介绍电脑知识外,还提课程除了一般介绍电脑知识外,还提 供实际操作的机会。供实际操作的机会。6. The mall consists of eight kilometres of passages, filled with shops, art galleries and even a water park. consist v. 一致一致, 由由组成组成, 包括(包括(of)e.g. The beauty of the picture consists in its balance of colors. 这幅画的美在于其

11、色彩的调和。这幅画的美在于其色彩的调和。consist v. 存在于(存在于(in) (与(与)一致;()一致;(with)e.g. True charity doesnt consist in almsgiving. 真正的慈善不在于施舍。真正的慈善不在于施舍。 Substances consist of small particles called molecules. 物质是由叫做分子的微粒组成的。物质是由叫做分子的微粒组成的。The testimony consisted with all known facts.证据与全部已知事实相符。证据与全部已知事实相符。7. the large

12、st of which is shaped like a semicircle shape n. 形状形状, 形态形态, 外形外形, 模样模样e.g. The writers dreams find a shape in his novel. 作者的理想在他的小说中得到作者的理想在他的小说中得到 体现。体现。 Athletes must stay in shape. 运动员一定要保持身体健康。运动员一定要保持身体健康。shape v. 定形,使定形,使成形,塑造成形,塑造e.g. Our vacation plans are shaping well. 我们的假期计划进展顺利。我们的假期计划进

13、展顺利。vt. 使成形;塑造,制作使成形;塑造,制作(+into/from/out of)e.g. The dress was shaped to her figure. 这件连衣裙做得很适合她的身材。这件连衣裙做得很适合她的身材。相关短语:相关短语:in no shape (or form) 决不,完全不,一点也不决不,完全不,一点也不in shape 在形状上在形状上, 在外型上在外型上in the shape of 以以的形状的形状形式形式, 作作为为get put sth. into shape 使成一定形状使成一定形状be in bad shape 情况还处于混乱状态;健康情况不佳情

14、况还处于混乱状态;健康情况不佳give shape to 使成形;表达,使使成形;表达,使具体具体条理条理化化keep . in shape 使使保持原形保持原形in good shape 完整无损,处于良好状态,健康情况良好完整无损,处于良好状态,健康情况良好8. to seek their fortunes in the Gold Rush. seek v. 寻求寻求, 寻找寻找, 搜索搜索 (+after/for)e.g. He sought vainly for the answer. 他寻求答案他寻求答案, 但无结果。但无结果。 Something suspicious was fo

15、und after the room was sought through. 房间被彻底搜查后房间被彻底搜查后, 发现了一点可疑发现了一点可疑 的东西。的东西。相关短语相关短语Nothing seek, nothing find. 谚谚无所寻则无所获。无所寻则无所获。be (much) to seek 还需要探求还需要探求, 还大为缺乏还大为缺乏; 还远未找到还远未找到much sought after 供不应求供不应求, 极受欢迎极受欢迎be yet to seek 还没有还没有seek out 找出找出, 搜出搜出; 挑出挑出be not far to seek 1. 在近处在近处 2.2

16、. 很简单很简单; 不难找到不难找到; 显而易见显而易见seek through 找遍找遍9. Although only _ people became successful, many stayed and built settlements in the area, and there are now many museums showing what life was like back then.A. a few ofB. few of B.C. plenty ofD. a handful ofa handful of 意为意为”少数的少数的”e.g. Only a handful of people attended the meeting last Sunday.A handful of holiday-makers visited the tourist attraction.



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