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1、第五章第五章汉译英中的句子整合问题汉译英中的句子整合问题形合与意合形合与意合(hypotaxis and parataxis)(hypotaxis and parataxis)在汉英双语对比中,汉语重意合,英语重形合。英语:英语:1. 1. 词语的形合手段词语的形合手段 词缀词缀 词语的形态变化词语的形态变化 词组联接手段词组联接手段词缀:英语:beautiful scenery汉语:美景、美容、美其名曰美景:a beautiful scenery美容:to have a face lift美其名曰:to call it by a resounding name词语的形态变化:起泡酒spark

2、ling wine i.e. ,wine like beer and champagne that can sparkle with foams药酒medicated wine i.e., wine that has been medicated to cure disease like rheumatism解困酒wine to drive out sleepiness i.e., wine that may drive out sleepiness词组联接手段:介词词组、不定式词组和分词词组都是英语重要的词语形合手段。残疾儿童教育 education for the handicapped

3、children展品 the exhibits on display与同屋住的人共用的餐厅 dining room shared by flat-mates2. 2. 句法形合手段句法形合手段充当句法关系形态形合手段的词词主要是英语动词。a. There was little to induce living things to come ashore,forsakingforsaking放弃,断念, 抛弃their all-providing, all-embracing mother sea.海岸上实在没有什么东西足以引诱海水里的小生物, 使它们离开那无所不有、 无所不包的海洋母体。b.

4、ApprisedApprised 通知, 报告 of the tough ways by principal of Roslindale High School, sixteachers asked out even before he arrived.新任校长没有到职, 就有六名教师得知此人在任罗斯林德尔中学校长时的高压作风而辞职了。充当句法形合手段的各式联接成分在英语中共有三类充当句法形合手段的各式联接成分在英语中共有三类:并列连词; 从属连词; 复合结构并列连词:You try to persuade him now, I talked to him all last night,the

5、reforetherefore Ive done my part.你去说服他吧,我昨晚跟他谈了一整夜, (可以说可以说)尽力了。从属连词:a. 见到他,你就会认出他来。You will recognize himwhenwhen you see him.b. 他对音乐感兴趣,就来了。He came becausebecause he was interested in music.c. 你需要我,我就来。I will come if if you want me.复合结构:a. 酒不醉人人自醉。It isIt is not the wine thatthat intoxicates but t

6、he drinker who gets himself drunk.b. 人到醉时方觉醒,醒时难得醉时清。It isIt is not until one gets drunk thatthat he gets sober and it isit is difficult for himto to get asas sober asas hegets drunk.现代汉语的意合来自古汉语的传统,在古汉语中,意合可以说是主流:现代汉语的意合来自古汉语的传统,在古汉语中,意合可以说是主流:c. 知己知彼,百战不殆;不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知彼不知己,每战必殆。(若)(若)知己(又)(又)知彼,

7、(则)(则) (虽)(虽)百战(而)(而)不殆; (若)(若)不知彼而知己, (则)(则) (将)(将)一胜(及)(及)一负; (若)(若)不知彼(又)(又)不知己, (则)(则)每战(将)(将)必殆。c. (若)(若)知己(又)(又)知彼, (则)(则) (虽)(虽)百战(而)(而)不殆;You can fight a hundred battles without defeatif if you know the enemy as well as yourself.(若)(若)不知彼而知己, (则)(则) (将)(将)一胜(及)(及)一负;You will win one battle a

8、nd lose one battleif if you know yourself but are in the dark about theenemy.(若)(若)不知彼(又)(又)不知己, (则)(则)每战(将)(将)必殆。You will lose every battleif if you are in the dark about both the enemy and yourself.汉英对比,英语注重形式链接特点同样是很明显的。如:汉英对比,英语注重形式链接特点同样是很明显的。如:我们还在运筹之中,对手就抢先了一步。WhileWhile all our plans were st

9、ill in the blue-print stage, our competitors got the jump on us.意合与形合之别其实也就是语篇连贯的隐显的不同。汉语的意合无须借助词汇语法的意合与形合之别其实也就是语篇连贯的隐显的不同。汉语的意合无须借助词汇语法的衔接手段,仅靠词语和句子内含的逻辑联系(或靠各种语境和语用因素)衔接手段,仅靠词语和句子内含的逻辑联系(或靠各种语境和语用因素) ,便能构成连贯的,便能构成连贯的语篇;英语则往往少不了词汇语法的显性衔接,即从语言形式上把词语句子结合成语篇整语篇;英语则往往少不了词汇语法的显性衔接,即从语言形式上把词语句子结合成语篇整体。因

10、此在双语互译时,便常见隐显不一的情况:体。因此在双语互译时,便常见隐显不一的情况:1. 1. 牡丹江水,汹涌澎湃,万马奔腾,一泻千里。牡丹江水,汹涌澎湃,万马奔腾,一泻千里。Waves upon waves, the Peony River rushed violently down its long course like countlessWaves upon waves, the Peony River rushed violently down its long course like countlesshorses galloping.horses galloping.2. 2. 饥

11、者甘食,渴者甘饮,是未得饮食之正也,饥渴之害也。饥者甘食,渴者甘饮,是未得饮食之正也,饥渴之害也。The hungry think any food sweet, and the thirsty think the same of any drink, and thusThe hungry think any food sweet, and the thirsty think the same of any drink, and thusthey do not get the right taste of what they eat and drink. The hunger and thir

12、st, in fact,they do not get the right taste of what they eat and drink. The hunger and thirst, in fact,injure their palate.injure their palate. 味觉分清主从,整合全句分清主从,整合全句译成带从句的英语句子译成带从句的英语句子a. 那是一些什么人,我只是依稀记得。I get a glimmering ofwho they are.b. 他俩相恋多年,避谈婚嫁。Though they have been going around for years now

13、, they still keep silent about marriage.c. 她们妯娌吵嘴,不巧被我撞见了。I chanced to be present when the sisters-in-law were having a quarrel.译成带介词短语的英语句子a. 两件衣服她试试这件不好,试试那件也不行。She hesitated over the choicebetween the two dresses.b. 好不容易才说服她,照我的想法办。WithWith some difficulty I brought her round to my way of thinkin

14、g.c. 你也不要错把他无心的疏忽,看成有心的怠慢。Dont mistake his fortuitous oversightforfor deliberate illtreatment.译成分词或不定式结构的英语句子a. 只见那个理发师俯下身,听小姑娘说,她要什么发式。LeaningLeaning down to the little girl, the barber listened to her about the style she wanted.b.开支虽经一再压缩,仍大大超支。PinchedPinched again and again, the expenditure still

15、 stayed far out of the budget.c. 对人太苛求,没有什么道理,自己也容易失望。You have little causeto maketo make excessive demands from others andmakemake yourselfdisappointed in return.(三)汉语叠式结构的英译(三)汉语叠式结构的英译汉语语言文字体系的特征比较容易构成汉语语言文字体系的特征比较容易构成“ “复迭复迭” ”(叠式结构)(叠式结构) 。这类结构有时是一种修辞。这类结构有时是一种修辞手段,但也易于造成叠床架屋,英译时最好加以整合:手段,但也易于造

16、成叠床架屋,英译时最好加以整合:1. 我当时的心情很复杂,既是悲喜交集,又是羞悔交集,还有爱怨交集。I had mixed feelings at the moment, grief and joy, shame and remorse, love and animosity.2. 你进我退,我进你退,犹如潮涨潮落,潮落潮涨,是永无止境的。Its like the flood and ebb 退潮 tides that endlessly alternate with each other.3 她活得太容忍,她活得太踌躇;她活得太辛苦,她活得太悲切。In her life, there wer

17、e abundant patience and pauses, pains and pathos.pei s请试译请试译: :4. 4. 我们冬天需要阳光,春天需要阳光,秋天需要阳光,夏天需要阳光。我们冬天需要阳光,春天需要阳光,秋天需要阳光,夏天需要阳光。5. 5. 都这么你干你的,他干他的,爱来不来,爱干不干,那怎么行呢?都这么你干你的,他干他的,爱来不来,爱干不干,那怎么行呢?比较:比较:4. 4. 我们冬天需要阳光,春天需要阳光,秋天需要阳光,夏天需要阳光。我们冬天需要阳光,春天需要阳光,秋天需要阳光,夏天需要阳光。We can never dispenseWe can never d

18、ispense免除 with sunlight all the year round.with sunlight all the year round.5. 5. 都这么你干你的,他干他的,爱来不来,爱干不干,那怎么行呢?都这么你干你的,他干他的,爱来不来,爱干不干,那怎么行呢?How can we get it done if you people all muddle along like this?How can we get it done if you people all muddle along like this?句子整合的重要性:句子整合的重要性:汉语“形散神聚”,以意念为主轴,取流洒铺排式;英语基本上 “以形驭意”,语法范畴严谨,句子长而环扣分明。因此汉译英时必须顺应英语的特点,这就要求语句整合。练习:1.那时,曾子住在乡下,一边种地,一边读书,日子过得很清贫。2.严志和一见了土地,土地上的河流,河流两岸的涯田,涯田上青枝绿叶的芦苇,心里就漾着喜气。3.因为距离远, 又缺乏交通工具,农村社会是与外界隔绝的。这种隔绝状态,由于通讯工具不足,就变得更加严重了。4.学院请来一位洋教师,长得挺怪,红脸,金发,连鬓大胡须,有几根胡子一直逾过面颊,挨近鼻子。5.荷塘四面长着许多树,蓊蓊郁郁的。



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