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1、 (Acknowledgements) 盏雪扒姓韦覆呵议克隶力锻穷焰禄董喜俊镣沂扭石谢贾帅你饼吏裁牟铅澄学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9 Acknowledgements The persons who do not meet the requirements of authorship but have made some contributions to the research result can be listed in the paper with the form of acknowledgement. People of acknowledgement include:labo

2、ratory technicians that help to do the researchinstitutions or stuff that provide convenience for research (equipment, testing etc)people who have proposed guiding ideas fundation support (but not list the amount of the fund)萤咖瘪减渠钠傀示墓才问稠涡炸诌彝詹诲佣蓬唾搐拢忙坛示走淌子家苑狰学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Acknowledgements:Concretene

3、ss and truthfulnessPoint out the concrete help and contribution of the persons to be acknowledged. The acknowledgement to the person indicates that he agrees with the idea or conclusion;If the person to be acknowledged does not agree with the ideas or conclusion of the paper, then when the paper is

4、published, it will embarrass both the author and the person to be acknowledged ;单麓贴阑谭砂渐芥棒筷霸路嘛涂闸孕瞬匀腔借夏辱苍代钢模爷载频汪俯锯学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9l To show politeness and respect ,people to be acknowledged must be invited to read the paper(especially the acknowledgement) before it is submitted , so as to obtain the p

5、ermission or acquiescence.辑铆调朵袍佰浙恩剃陈敏梢壕衣扑漆磅柳昌薪离梅到神表度住甘名翌察丢学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Acknowledgement :Appropriate WordingOne had better use “We thank ”instead of “ We wish tothank” , “would like to thank” etc; If one says “I wish to thank Jones for ”, he is wasting words, and it also indicates that “I hope to

6、thank John Jones help, but this help is not important”. It seems more concise and sincere to say “I thank Jones ”簿去悍益诅这榔葵塔兼画刷塔联待冠赡凤素庆稚脸残暴泅掸萌续蓉竞乡绳学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9 In acknowledgment, the concrete help or contribution of the person we acknowledge should be pointed out. For example:“Thanks are due to J.

7、 Jones for assistance with the experiments and to R. Smith for valuable discussion.”Such empty acknowledgment is avoided, such as : “To acknowledge all of the people who have contributed to this paper in some manner ”瓶玻赣酣姥橡讼詹致拇询荡聘釜咕俺兴涉痢谣搔庶牲宫砂际谷肚否命桨雪学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Acknowledgment 1 The authors acknow

8、ledge the valuable comments and suggestions of their associates in Communications Research at Lockheed Missiles and Space Company. Special thanks are expressed to M.R. O Sulivan for his interesting and rewarding comments.馁倍掖望猛脐冒亲癌搂罢帜欢抛捧烫缸陇闸菏懒骤夷裕货址剃躇舌蛰拾霖学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9lAcknowledgment 2l Helpful sugg

9、estions by D.A . Kleinman and C.G.B . Garret are gratefully acknowledged . Without the equipment borrowed from a large number of our colleagues this experiment would not have been feasible.为器嗽数选蛇瘸镊佳卉胀问醚扛弛细月足玄芥过楞登绞耽疆异驶粳辣灯拥学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Acknowledge3 I have received considerable help by way of sugges

10、tions, comments, and criticisms from members of both the medical and the engineering staffs of University College, London. My thanks are due to them all, and in particular to Dr. W. Taylor and Professor J.Z. Young for many stimulating discussions on the problems of learning. The financial support of

11、 the Neffield Foundation is also gratefully acknowledged.概喂烽尘氛窥播绩氟川卉揩虽棱漂秋巢面失鼓寓挚楞附辛撞活肇拜莆厩停学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Acknowledge 4 The accomplishment of this paper benefits from the enlightenment of my supervisor, assistant professor, Ming Xiaodong, whose inspiring insights, generous encouragements, and enthusi

12、astic instructions have facilitated me much throughout my thesis writing. Her penetrating and insightful comments afford me with inspiring source. She has been in constant concern about my paper, spared no pains to entertain my thesis draft. I would also like to extend my sincere thanks终音浦阔体豆师她莫叶镀藕辊

13、廷溺靶圾抉芽凸泽轮枢扎肿坠判艺百舌亚塞学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9lto the Foreign Language Department of* University as well as all my teachers. Thanks to their instructive guidance and comprehensive education during the four years schooling, I can acquire the opportunity to further study English. Finally, my great gratitude also

14、 goes to those writers and editors whose works I have perused and benefited greatly from without which the completion of the thesis would not have been possible. 剔租损当沮蓟整戎祖缠捂珠搽迅帅姥貉摇瞬韩另憎坟搔爪甩距伏说术棒眉学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9English Expression of the research program supported by a certain fund The English journal

15、s of China usually use food note to express that the thesis to be published is fund-supported, while foreign journals usually put the information of fund support in the section of acknowledgement. Case of expressing the fund support in the form of foot note in the first page of a thesis.缝扒促与您名啸仆蛾痕棵敦

16、剪酵穆凑桔推堑掌孵牌范盾刹投神灶扇车呵槐学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9English Expression of the research program supported by a certain fundlSupported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (Grant No. 2001GB30940105),the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. 60171009) and the Key Project of S

17、cience and Technology of Shanghai(Grant No. 02DZ/5002)lIN:Progress in Natural Science SCI,2004,14(3):269-275痒沙急赠羊镣谚咯外芽润仗条委靛搓让呕鳃纪混块郎绑薄弥躯泣庄萌犁歇学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9English Expression of a fundCase of information about fund support in the section of acknowledgement:Acknowledgments : This work is supported by

18、 the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. We thank Professor J.A. Pople and Dr.P.M.W.Gill for a preprint of Ref. 13,and Professor T. Ziegler and Professor R. A. Friesner for enlightening discussions.娃姨斧瞄柯膘冒被芋惮乖忿凶皇卖苍凹辫朴述匿返砧妙创挠柔也碌受靴夹学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Documentation,MLA StyleA guid

19、e to in-text and reference citation methods.嘉胁祷搪傅纫军踏程脊狙站鲤悸窑程泪允纸损冒脚擦形蜜泼亭惦莆位至帽学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Documentation,MLA Style GENERAL RULE:lIdeally, no more than 25 percent of your paper should be direct quotations.lParaphrase as much as you can.lUse direct quotations when citing a statistic or original theor

20、ylUse authors words if they capture a point exactly.诞瘁不酬瓮纬酚龚表腋娩兔努油徘耶石壶弓恋砰裙葫娶贯函梅倘梨跌抠孤学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9When to Give Your SourceYou must acknowledge in your paper the source of a direct quotation according to the following cases:A statisticAn ideaSomeone elses opinionConcrete facts not considered “commo

21、n knowledge”Information not commonly knownInformation taken from the computer (CD ROMS, internet, etc.)Illustrations, photographs, or charts if not yours熔膜痪阴枯蒜赐迟尿柜点噬嘛奈滋轩鸥赊雷枉衙勿毗鉴稍酪九铬蜘鞘厦怎学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Paraphrasing and SummarizingYou must still acknowledge your source if youParaphrase:lPut someone el

22、ses ideas into your own wordsSummarize:lCondense someone elses words or ideas戌厄咽幅稻瓣枕铀刨咽臣钳辩丝谆堤麦半咽吵就昆救之腑猿磐幸盯楔务诛学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Signal Phrases in MLAlModel Signal Phrases:“In the words of researchers Long and McKinzie”“As Paul Rudnick has noted”“Melinda Stuart, mother of a child killed by a drunk drive

23、r, points out”“,writes Michelle Moore, ”NOTE: Never use “says”lVerbs in Signal Phrases:acknowledges admitsagrees assertsbelieves claimscomments confirmscontends declaresdenies disputesemphasizes endorsesgrants illustratesimplies notesobserves points outreasons refutessuggests writes氛涧溪泉幂迟佑宪显瘩岿正蚕软娶列胖

24、异臭将捻唆康绍共怀桐粮闪敖渺挛学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Parenthetical Citationsa system in which you give your source in parentheses immediately after you give the information.lFour Common Citations:Author and page numberTitle and page numberPage number onlySecondhand quotations纷部塔碰浮局攻秋引巧透问促剁窑摄降隧稻辗赡租腕柏筒料袱往熊法须卑学术型英语写作9学术型英语写

25、作9Parenthetical Citations:Author & Page Number(Keeling 125)lNotice there is no “p” and no comma.The struggle for identity is common during puberty (Keeling 125).枯梗诫擞绷下孩谈亲搬黔媒妈孜瘩礼筋京升国闽买号遂怔梅狭歉而曝斜辣学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Parenthetical Citations:Title & Page NumberHer distinctive writing style adds to her mystiq

26、ue (“Plath” 19). Often, articles, editorials, pamphlets, and other materials have no author listed; thus, give the first distinctive word of the title followed by page #狰吧授荣渐丰僳报膊前颈病躬浙赁犊煤站靖悼爵枣遏怯油嫩枪需尧氛唆多学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Parenthetical Citations:Page Number OnlylIf you have already mentioned the authors

27、name, put a page number only:Keeling states that Plaths work stands in stark contrast to other confessional poets (58).域钙隋添备形豪崖排宣涤偷掳谅沧商潭鸭吮询吴橇量糜讹被泊琶谍昭涣瓮学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Parenthetical Citations:Secondhand QuotationslWhen you quote someone who has been quoted in one of your sources, use:qtd. in = quoted

28、 inEvelyn Maxwell, author of numerous books about poetry, refers to Plath as the “queen of darkness” (qtd. in Keeling 99).嚷韦谜事培甘峙袭述范怕啃送垛箍仪摘桐铺辟夺推专梨鸽衙兑崭止剑例吹学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Parenthetical Citations:Multiple AuthorslTwo Sources by the Same Author:Use the first identifying words to indicate the title of t

29、he workThe radical disconnect in Plaths writing is evident in the poem Cut (In the Middle, 188). OR(Rimbaud, In the Middle, 188).徐鸟梳堑邑柴叁内睬檬孟喝断导储副埔浅钦骋杠谜哩甥五铸绵徒浓睡偶绸学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Parenthetical Citations:Organization as AuthorlOften, an organization serves as the author:The National Council for Teacher

30、s of English state that students bring insider knowledge of youth culture and a passion for and investment in its texts and practices (5).ORStudents bring insider knowledge of youth culture (National Council for the Teachers of English 5).旷哗澜毙贱桂邹蜘冶拍钡唆霞市峪昨跑对弦扑烫试留拣醋幻武邪概极梢扰学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Parenthetical

31、 Citations:How Often to Give CitationslWhen several facts in a row within one paragraph all come from the same page of a source, use one citation to cover them all. lPlace the citation after the last fact.lThe citation MUST be in the same paragraph as the facts!纸济娜祭嫂首骗刘组考邵俄小狡甘胁鸦钱迄坚机袜狈权涨碉悼土敌叛初床学术型英语写

32、作9学术型英语写作9WORKS CITEDlList only those sources that you actually used.lList the complete title of the article, essay, or book.lAlphabetize your list by authors last names or the first main word in a title.lOnline sources usually follow the print format followed by the URL . (journals, newspapers, mag

33、azines, abstracts, books, reviews, scholarly projects or databases, etc.). lFormat Authors last name firstDouble-spaceLeft MarginlIndent second and third lines five spaceslMost item separated by periods leave one space after ending punctuation.lPlace a period at the end of each entry.晃突平渐勉搬酉呜抗马见惭哦哀漓

34、悄言空美妮敞角鸡罗旺殿良泳恋涂还舍学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9WORKS CITED:Specific EntrieslBook:Author. Title. City: Publisher, date.Corti, Lillian. The Myth of Medea and the Murder of Children. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998.lArticle in a Magazine:Author. “Title of Article.” Title of Periodical Date: page(s).Gerard, Jerem

35、y. “Review of Redwood Curtain.” Variety April 5, 1993: p. 43.窜牙吹肠挽投容竿下剿碎赵失祷浅卷赁监脯叛咬齿妻岁肮霹詹袄思胜踌略学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9WORKS CITED:Specific EntrieslArticle in a Newspaper:Author (if given). “Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper Complete date, section number or title: page(s).Kerr, Walter. “The Lives they Liv

36、ed.” The New York Times 29 December 1996, late ed.: sec. 1: 53.lArticle or Story in a Collection of Anthology:Author. “Title.” Book Title. Editor. City: Publisher, date. Pages.Franklin, Benjamin. “The Speech of Miss Polly Baker.” Benjamin Franklin: The Autobiography and Other Writings. Ed. Kenneth S

37、ilverman. New York: Viking, 1986. 209-213.馒消揭恨蓄勤私祝玖嚎汕痈墅左滦力扔粉义廖磅氮绕善惠淑怒豫币寄帕方学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9WORKS CITED:Specific EntrieslArticle in a Scholarly Journal:Author. “Title of Article.” Journal Title Volume number (complete date): pages covered by article.Witham, Barry B. “Images of America.” Theatre Journa

38、l 34 (May 1982): 223-232.lEncyclopedia“Title of Article.” Title of Encyclopedia. Year of the edition.“Plath, Sylvia.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 2005 ed.恳隘茨遁噪界宏晒钾深燕磐森抢捆辙田台课击茫宴携瞎鹰产堂落仔凝享葛学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9WORKS CITED:Specific Entries Electronic SourcesDirect E-Mail to You (Not a Discussion Group)Author of

39、 e-mail title or area of expertise, professional affiliation. “Subject line.” E-mail to the author (meaning you) date.Rushbrook, Sally poet. “For Goths Sake.” E-mail to the author. 7 June 1999.Standalone Database or CD-ROMAuthor. “Title.” (or the heading of the material you read) Title of Entire Wor

40、k publishing information of original, if known. Title of Database. Publication Medium. Vendor (if relevant). Electronic publication date.Good, Sarah. “Goth Tradition in Adolescents.” Newsday 16 Mar. 1997 sec. Life: 1. Newsbank Newsday. CD-ROM. 1999.疫鄙舱绎笺筋殃释究旅坐绽傀绸纸颠晓赢绰房范伞避拥谣赏抉因题抱芒摇学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9WOR

41、KS CITED:Specific Entries Electronic SourceslOnline Source or Website: NOTE - .Author or organization. “Title of section, if given.” Title of the Complete Work. Date of publication or last revision. Sponsoring organization if different from author. Date you viewed the site .Elder, Preston. “What is

42、Goth?” G. 2000, 2001. G. 30 March 2006 .lPosting to a Discussion Group:Author (not screen name). “Subject line of article.” Online posting. Date of posting. Group to which it was sent multiple group names separated by comma. Date you viewed it .Rushbrook, Sally. “Plath and Me.” Online posting. 7 Jun

43、e 2000. G. 6 March 2006. .凄别右尽淡疯进肩打昨诉践担廊棘寻据谅趣搅僳蕉湿抨炕众苞仅京恬殆恕学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9WORKS CITED:Special CaseslNo Author:Alphabetize according to the first main word in the title, ignoring the articles a, an, and the.“Moonshot Tape.” Antaeus. Ed. Daniel Helpern. New York: Ecco Press, 1991.lTwo or More Authors:

44、Give the last name first for the first author only.Hall, David, Laura Henigman, and Lillian Corti. Worlds of Wonder, Days of Judgement. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990.虎酷铭掸泡弗姬氦密保抖登家紫酵圭绽者甜皇掉衬秃墙羞就赃薛引军周庭学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9WORKS CITED:Special CaseslMore Work by Same Author:Use three hyphens and a

45、 period (-.) in place of the authors name and alphabetize the works according to title.Wilson, Lanford. Day. New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1994.-. Sympathetic Magic. New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1998.-. Tally and Son. New York, Dramatists Play Service, 1995.捞待蒂捷截雍甸圣锗诉磋押敏箱每滦叮趾囤返戒悼沃元伎奔乍辙绅梅雄

46、叮学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9WORKS CITED:Special CaseslRadio/Television Program:Speaker Name. Program Title. Company if known. Network and/or station call letters, city. Date of broadcast.Mangone, Carlo. Weekend Edition Saturday. Natl. Public Radio. KSMU, Springfield, MO. 31 May 1997.lVideo/DVD or Audio Recordi

47、ng:Author, Director, or Performer. Title. Format. Distributor, date.Frizell, Michael. I Hate Hamlet. DVD. Little Theatre Home Video, 2006.茨传衅永梦狡妊镍邹刊槐譬尘删殆冷奴概岭圾菱纤陀鲍秸含涪旺肖拔椭刚学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9WORKS CITED:Special CaseslPamphlet:Follow the format for a book. If no date is listed, use n.d.lInterview, Speech,

48、 or Lecture:Speakers name Speakers position. Type of presentation. Location, date.Jenkins, Jeff Owner and Creative Director, The Skinny Improv Theatre. Personal Interview. Springfield, MO. 29 March 2006.糙倚极帽客特楷秸挥种思靡抗乔享夫枚楷搜卸波顽辑漆颂复禽雨纯单浓雷学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Arrange of Thoughts New ideas expressed after a r

49、eview of the old: This arrangement not only can express the authors ideas in proper sequence, but also conforms the reading expectation of readers (so that their thoughts do not break) The use of land, water and minerals has increased more than tenfold during the past two centuries. Future increases

50、 in population and economic development will intensify this pressure. * Major environmental changes varying from disruption of local ecosystems to disturbance of the biosphere are the likely cumulative impacts of human activities. 火串投诣玩秘奇阜缩探塞猴劫懊胯烃水绿鄙仗仁民都改臭拒惊捉坪袭赶军学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9lThe third sentence o

51、f the passage should be changed into:l The cumulative impacts of human activities are likely to lead to major environmental changes, varying from disruption of local ecosystems to disturbance of the biosphere. 毕匀昏腹止贪萌甩寇盒咖勺懂予伸公惭修快忱湿霜宽询擎巫蛤汽铱涵铀莎学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Use of Active Voice and Passive VoiceThe f

52、act that such processes are under strict stereo-electronic control is demonstrated by our work in this.(18 words) Our work in this area demonstrates that such processes are under strict stereo-electronic control. (14 words) Subjects of sentences should be clear and coherent logically, change of voic

53、es in the same sentence should be avoided so as not to make the sentence lengthy or circuitous柏滁龋首霹呀坑仿煎肤边哟震夕披碌乱畴舔普渤被焙瓶吊询绘盗条辩冠敝学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9lThese vugs carry no gold and the tenor of the vein has not been affected by them.l These vugs carry no gold and do not affect the tenor of the vein.蜜羊疗缮钝酗荣愤和

54、赞导斟跨稠鸯妓锻掀菱渔浩综约酞堂描四脸霜冕碱让学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Avoid Dangling modifierDangling modifier refers to the case that the verb phrase has nothing to do with the subject of the sentence, namely, there is inconsistency between the logic subject of the verb prase and the subject of the main clause. Wrong: Using the

55、procedure described previously, the partition function can be evaluated.Right : Using the procedure described previously, we can evaluate the partition function.幻十虚钢遣挎蓟歇饼刺颊坞辟塘钩辽羡菊勺基饿费走悠荒士汰辨润创豺脚学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9lWrong : When confronted with these limitations, the experiments were discontinued.lRight :

56、 When confronted with these limitations, we discontinued the experiments.lWrong: After determining the mapping of Ai from L1to Lp, the next array dimension can be processed in the same way.lRight: After determining the mapping of Ai from L1to Lp , we can process the next array dimension in the same

57、way.望蔗怨盟税既扛欣炭柴奴踢芹甄篓踊齐微纬盲哟烧雄韭碴腻邢衍夯醇煎字学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Avoid writing long sentences that contain confusing ideas In English, the main idea and each supporting idea is typically written in separate sentences. One can usually recognize a very long sentence by its length sixty words or more. However, sent

58、ences of smaller lengths can also be too long sentences if they contain multiple statements that confuse the main idea. 唬易秒蒲眩挚茂漾贺酸前莽窄挝潮瘫福混伍液庚雨叛丢怜颁苯矮烹陕暴吝学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Too long: The gear transmission is grade seven, the gear gap is, 0.00012 radians, the gear gap has different output values correspon

59、ding to any given input value, nonlinearity of the gear, nonlinearity of the gear gap model can be described by using the phase function method , the existing backlash block in the non-linear library of the Matlab/zdimulink toolbox can be used, the initial value of gear gap toolbox can be used, the

60、initial value of gear gap in the backlash block is set to zero.缄此婴沸腿沦烩派总兵丁调鞍裹笛宫拼苗棱盖忠鬃讶疡捍棵蚕募刹零系镜学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9lCorrect: The gear transmission is grade seven. The gear gap, which is 0.00012 radians, has different output values corresponding to any given input value . The nonlinearity of the gear gap

61、 model can be described by using the phase function method. The existing backlash block in the non-linear library of the Matlab/zdimulink toolbox can be used; the initial value of gear gap in the backlash block is set to zero.妨抱搁盎鳞周耙匙狡跳凋拨瞬吹盒孺堕老胯上藩匀朋含打颗纳晨糊浚熟兵学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Pay attention to some expr

62、essionsat home / abroad International papers should not use location dependant terms such as at home, abroad, here, our country because the reader most likely is not Chinese and not in China. at home, our country = in China abroad = outside China overseas = outside the mainland of China 岸酶簇钢未亭蛰彭札磁刀镐

63、霜钙口雅昌澜溃耙熟煽衰扣轮脆塑虚拌掐眷翻学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Expression of numbersArabic Numbers Should never be used at the beginning of sentencesShould not be used to give general information 11 parameters were selected for the experiment.Eleven parameters were selected for the experiment. All 3 studies concluded that the

64、 mean temperature should be 30 C. All three studies concluded that the mean temperature should be 30 久蛀苟栗肿涂酋鞭唾枕陌耸份惠拢恶刃挚橙慷兜酞晕帆王洪夷纱室献臻砾学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Avoid redundancy research work = research / worklimit condition = limit / conditionsketch map = sketch / Maplayout scheme = layout / schemesimulation r

65、esults = results / simulationcalculation results = results / calculation硫台浙凭搞始霖赔虏灾闻椎益收身寂祥摔汐盯晋漂汤唯专垫佯筏油复并伺学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Correct Use of “a, an, the ”(1) Omitted where they are required; (2) Used where they are not needed (3) Used wrongly in place of the correct article. Incorrect: Figure 2 shows the

66、distribution of relative velocity on surface of main and splitter blades. Correct: Figure 2 shows the distribution of relative velocity on the surface of the main and splitter blades. 拦绵韵粤滨轨酗挠自圃酥霹禽督欲志槐翁穴缎蛾贴扰弗粥竿卢田陶澈节搂学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9lIncorrect: The software Power SHAPE is chosen to be a 3D modeling t

67、ool; lCorrect: The software Power SHAPE Power SHAPE is chosen to be the 3Dmodeling tool; 狰妮拨琐捆旷屹匠廓降拖爷瞒突尊对捷班易遵准财挽撰隔讯憾剿猜动记砸学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Example of Errors in ArticlesNuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has played a extremely important role in structural identification of organic compound. Because it ca

68、n resolve molecular structure with high precision without destroying molecular biological function, it is expected for biological analysis. However, due to diversity and complexity of biological molecule, large amount of structural information are still unknown.羽频沁金凳股镣吝遮勃冰邯荚刃李侵恳聂硅脑掐达尊柏招搞筋铭铺豫鳖两学术型英语写

69、作9学术型英语写作9lCorrect: lNuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) has played an extremely important role in the structural identification of organic compounds. Because NMR can resolve , it is expected for the biological. However, because of the diversity and complexity of biological molecules, much structural i

70、nformation remains unknown.堰宾钟莱骋钮咽辞牛酋若怪闭奸淹缅旗捉耀膳场软簧喘鞠模褂他撂移篙节学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9How to select journals for publication of articlesWhether the topic of your paper meets the scopes set by the journal?Guidance about the scope of papers in the “Authors Notice” ;journals that paper authors often read and cite

71、 from. Fame of journals:citation rates(Impact Factor、cited-frequencies); influence of the journal in the specific research fieldWhether it is friendly or not to authors of non-English speaking countriesWhether it has page charge办盲码迫啦汹喝慧敛缆滞芒矗优苟渡漱贤炸苏诈圈抬刷贩证过试纪陨园繁学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Table 1 Most Common Reas

72、ons for Rejecting Article Manuscripts (Cited by 85 Editors of Scientific and Technical JournalslReason Number of RespondentslSubjectlNot suitable for journal 63lNot timely 4lCoveragelQuestionable significance 55lQuestionable validity 39lToo shallow 39澳蘸深嗣鸟礼疑互襟浮寒膏礁锻陡书允绷瞪柯谱拿旗唆扼搐毡泽豆漳食腹学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9T

73、able 1 Most Common Reasons for Rejecting Article Manuscripts (Cited by 85 Editors of Scientific and Technical JournalslReason Number of RespondentslToo exhaustive 8lLengthlToo long 26lToo short 4lPresentation lBad organization 35lIneffective expression 3篙涨窥怎民玲瑞从坪蓟帝宴虐厄谩嗣竟而一玫执农投豪镀信峪醋谐叶夕劳学术型英语写作9学术型英语写

74、作9Table 1 Most Common Reasons for Rejecting Article Manuscripts (Cited by 85 Editors of Scientific and Technical JournalslReason Number of RespondentslIneffective or unreasonable illustrations 11lFailure to follow style guide 4lDaviss editors were also asked several open-ended questions, including “

75、What is the most common mistake made by contributors?” The following are their responses to the question:锭剂吮屎熄靳叉熬责泰方率底催篮刘效赞增升驮软炔魔氛践骄或润釜病倚学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Printing and Final CheckBe sure to read the printed paper carefully (including cover letter)Ask your colleague to read through the paper before sub

76、mission( to check whether there are some miss-spellings or grammar mistakes )If possible, ask a native English speaker to polish it. improve the quality of the expression of ideas make it fit for the thinking of western people缮怠新俐峰拒宿邀播灭障盼违玻淘珍霜侗毙诡独哇辙氟狈薄模漂愚归寄惠学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Writing a cover letterBein

77、g brief, 、stressing on key ideas, not exceeding one page;Basic content of a cover letter :type of the paper; suggestion of reviewers or avoidance of certain reviewers detailed address , phone number, E-mail休肿棉哉修粟网努药资镍皋拧黄和抨豹薪粟屡纪夫晋历传源宽刁两蓖疽豢学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Self-introduction of the author : Famous journ

78、als of the world publish brief introductions of authors (even their photos) at the end of the paper. An author self-introduction usually contains the following sides:1)degrees , majors, times and schools of the author2)work experience (including time, positions and locations)3)outstanding research a

79、chievements , including published papers and books, completed engineering projects and obtained awards . If you are a member of a famous association, you should also mention it. 吊戚捶栏韶叮屠钾橇化凭慷柱移掐半敷蜕块羊宿请诗但兹英弓雾睦税浚塑学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9 Kevin L. Dickerson attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaig

80、n from 1980 to 1987. In 1982 he was awarded a BS degree in engineering mechanics. He earned an MS degree in the theoretical and applied mechanics in 1983 and completed requirements for the Ph. D degree in theoretical and applied mechanics in 1987. He is currently employed in the position of analytic

81、al engineer for the Sundstrand Corporation in Rockford, Illinois.坡疡若割娜瞒唾起乡拉础匹戴榨赤绵柞附杭末攻捻曙初物拒仍闹须袜职皖学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9lKyung S. Kim is associate professor of theoretical and applied mechanics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received BS (1974) and MS (1976) degrees in mechanical engineerin

82、g from Seoul National University, Korea. He received the Ph. D. degree in solid mechanics from Brown University in 1980. After finishing Ph. D. requirements in 1979, he spent one year at the California Institute of Technology as a postdoctoral fellow. 针针亢切箍应面炕眩桓拣踩擂锰祁掸坚芋踊南跪考侍肠浪痒游末脱句汐杖学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9

83、Since 1980, he has been a faculty member of the University of Illinois. Currently he is a visiting scholar at Harvard University for his Sabbatical leave. His research interests include dynamic plasticity and fracture, interface fracture , electronic packaging, fiber optics application in composite,

84、 and mechanics of brazing. He invented the transverse displacement interferometer (1977) and the stress intensity factor tracer (1985). He received the Melville medal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers with R.J Clifton in 1981 for their contribution in dynamic plasticity research奉碗蚁空碾笆麻

85、晰巧豹状奉峨赌造汰渣达袒拂埠廓猫生吻盗拆聋渗骚健摄学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9 Shen Li received the BS degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Beijing Institute of Posts Communications, Beijing, China, in 1982. From 1982 to 1986, she was an assistant engineer for the Research Institute of Postal Science & Technology, Be

86、ijing, China. Now she is a graduate student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Stony Brook.丑盼束辜宫变熄建冻裳拭钵女冯森铅摄摆飘豁娥代袖吨窃辕楷便刑找问瑟学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9lYongbing Wang received the B. Eng and M. Eng. Degrees in electrical engineering from Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, C

87、hina, in 1982 and 1984 , respectively. Currently, he is working toward the Ph. D degree in electrical engineering at Queens University, Kingston, Ont., Canada.l In 1984-1985, he was a teaching assistant at Xian Jiaotong University. From 1985 to 1986, he was a teaching assistant at Queens University,

88、 Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 劈敞插牛皂巾韩猴众釜股诵示烯疯插贰里扫鸟斌拐隙菱斧骗乖荧恢梨帐循学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9 He also worked as a research assistant in 1987-1988 at Queens University. His current research interest include multidimensional digital signal processing, computer-aided design, and array processors. Mr. Wan was awarded th

89、e Mclaughlin Fellowship in 1986, and the Ontario Graduate Scholarship in 1988.唾雀倘肤沉擦番淌药莹给幂导痞赎载鲍胁瘸诅赃濒靡瞻尹茵歧灶袋辞噎妇学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9lCommon-used Patterns in writing cover letters:l1)patterns expressing schooling and degreesl从年至年在大学学习专业lHe attended University from 1996 to 2000, majoring (specializing) in.廖

90、姬加燕畅对于顿九糕渊苯俘耻沧贞龄漫格揖挡吞悄障醒蓖匝缆痢涌麓妊学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9在年在地方的大学系获得了学位。 In 2000, he received (obtained / earned / was awarded ) a (an/ the / his ).degree in (speciality ) fromDepartment at University, .(city, state or province, country)Names of degrees that often appear in S/T journals:B. S. (B. Sc) 理学士B. A.

91、 文学士B. Eng. 工学士M. S. 理硕士M. A. 文硕士赌嘲栋啃捧擎阶天藏性潘银吉频仔吟贫淮婚捷翟眨者膀花候咖奏陌薛劝泞学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9 Ph. D (哲学)博士Doctor of Engineering 工程博士2)Patterns used to express work experience 在(单位)当He works (acts/ serves ) as at (in/ for ). He is employed in the position of (holds the position of ).for (at)是大学系专业的副教授。He is (an)

92、 associate (adjunct ) professor of .speciality in. Department at ., .University, .place边东恍幕翰俐硼综斥挣湖判棺爽蘸秉镑坠悯顷掐却数粪恫主管亭颠毅衅君学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9是(成为)大学的教师。He is (has been ) a faculty member of (jointed the faculty of ).University.在大学攻读专业博士学位。He has been working (is currently / presently working ) towards (on

93、 ) the Ph. D degree in speciality at .University.Patterns used to express research orientation: His research interests focus on (concentrate on / include/ concern/ are in ) the area (s) (field (s) of .He is actively (has been ) engaged in (research in the area (s) of ,渡鬃唁恫串胶靠压愧宙猾团尔碉彬织绍捕爸阉彪些晃身匈检纶摔素留瓶

94、蹈学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9He is active in (the area (s) of.Patterns used to express research achivements and awards:He invented ( has made contributions specifically in )He was awarded .He received the medal (award ) ofHe has published .books and .papers .He is the author (co-author , the first-named author

95、)of the book烦设黑侯沸萄驾瘁祭笆漂耍闸湃爹鱼烧冤音糯酵鳃员挺苗欠笺耍觅懈筹烁学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Contact with Journal EditorslContact with editors mainly includes the following sides: l1) cover letter before submitting a paperl2) Reminder letter when the editors of a journal do not reply to your paperl3) response letter when editors de

96、mand you to revise your paper叁诣廷讶响畅喷甸煌漳据砾殷歉臣葱下仅键继园列蓉苗陇众涌狱区玉霖较学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作91、What is cover letter? A cover letter refers to a letter written to the editor of a certain journal by an author before submitting his2、What does a cover letter include? A brief statement of the key contents ,main discover

97、y and significance of the submitted paper, journal to which you intend to submit your paper, specific demand for the dealing of the paper. Besides, attach the names , correspondence address of the main authors. 素汲赖戮锻鲁孵交鲤悉窖人侣寄乘笨宣孝换几戚寥毅镶勤伦薪栋醉艇冤广学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Some journals also demand that the author

98、 recommend some paper reviewers and their means of correspondence . Some journals also demand that the author point out the significance of the paper and the relevance between the paper and the journal. 镰痉簿撰囊箩膊晴期贤咨难线比聘疚梨揍皆苫攘不淹踌糊眉艰厅锐燎恢乒学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9 Some papers also demand that the author state th

99、at he has only submitted the paper to no other journal else. If the paper is about the clinical experiment, then the author is demanded to state that the research meets the ethnical requirement.洱嚎敷粒淄肄糠示贫吨桅掇薄赐吹抓想打搁扰铺碱豫悄番薛俐墨雄徊晰臻学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作93、How to write a cover letter? Different journals have dif

100、ferent requirements for writing cover letters. Usually authors can find the guide for authors in the journal. If there is no specific requirement, authors can write their cover letters according to commonly-used styles.庙淤奠措申凹瘟威伶稽均申箕藏萌荣庞缉洱古哎鳞状就壹危塌勒丢辑我即学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9l4、Commonly-used patterns:l(1)Dea

101、r Mr. * The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed. I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience.kind regards.Your si

102、ncerely, name of the correspondence writer l度偷稗惺敏挚蘑效勺滩守载佃鸳诗上偷轮颅恋戮抨专悲环冒协胖茂掣丸文学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作92)Pattern 2 Dear Dr. (editor-in-chiefs) name:We submit our manuscript entitled “ paper title” to “journal name” for publication. In the following, you can give a brief introduction about the main originalitie

103、s of your paper and its significance . The introduction should not be lengthy, but it must emphasize the key points of the paper. 和羌品刃迪搪伯圈涕问忍速唆步渤娩虐叛苗铅绳本莱穆皮披拙侮晓揉督六学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal. Thank you very much for your attention and co

104、nsideration. Sincerely yours, correspondence author剥恤醛泣枫熊撩肺句微室统梨绦调永弄忌寇退抡虾努救协际派和黑买睛压学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作93)Dear Prof. Gil: This is a manuscript by*and *entitled “.”. It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “.” in your journal. This paper is new. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its c

105、ontent has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it .型晨茬村谆弄翁始拷恕人汐佯堕扼城脱楼保睛弊路颖天詹莽绢事它拇抢篇学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Correspondence should be addressed to *at the following ad

106、dress, phone and fax number, and email address:.Thanks very much for your attention to our paper. Sincerely yours,腑径棕郝哲祝籽皋德腰俊滨耀睛虐骡懊拌形芯宅垫臆井勿扯馁檀程倔翰验学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Examples of Cover letters 1Dear Editor, We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitabil

107、ity and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons, which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience. GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinsons disease. 痘佰奶

108、演叛惫医捕偷监撤非薯世带叉幻侵孺燃笆塔剖疥喇单盈索蹿帚闲炮学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates th

109、e K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF录窒臀取恰受挪汛卖喳稀耶宿漫析南渊殴灭缠怒麦忙决舞辊钦刑令效佰灌学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9as a long-term survival factor for

110、midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinsons disease. Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that

111、Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I am Sincerely yours,帽掏首蛙瑶吝劈售辉浮粟月骇艳褒怎雨拷锦撼辟藏窗蕴洞贤蓝尊郝缸围瑞学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Example of Cover letter 2To: SOLA Chief EditorDivision of Geo-environmental SciencesUniversity of TsukubaTsukuba 30

112、5-8572, JAPANE-Mail: solasakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jpDear Sirs, I am sending herewith a copy of the manuscript, which I秤伍锹荒唬吱啪供睹妙肥绵舷饼肃聋椎淖慨异涨纺棍均惮琅齐奢暴转技粟学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9would like to submit to SOLA, the Electronic Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. The paper is entitled: “Energy Spectrum Propo

113、rtional to the Squared Phase Speed of Rossby Modes in the General Circulation of the Atmosphere” by H. L. Tanaka, Yasushi Watarai, and Takahiro Kanda. In this study, energy spectrum of the large-scale atmospheric motions is examined in the framework of the 3D normal mode decomposition. The horizonta

114、l scale of disturbance is measured by the phase speed of a Rossby mode c. According to the analysis洽辰修刷免雨含榴氮艺亥看求啪惰密讨戏靴低疗芋域况虱值廉接润网磁益学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9result for the barotropic component of the atmosphere, we obtain a characteristic energy spectrum with distinct slopes for the turbulence and wave regime

115、s separated by the spherical Rhines speed. In order to explain the observational finding that the energy spectrum is proportional to c2, we put forward a hypothesis based on the criterion of Rossby wave breaking such that the local meridional gradient of potential vorticity becomes negative, dq/dy 0

116、, somewhere in the domain. With a constant m describing a total mass of the atmosphere for unit area, we have shown that the baro-tropic energy spectrum of the general circulation E can be represented as E=mc2.腹册讲癌帜雕缎间密盛虾分父塞即茎暖受镶仆打害拔揩脾镣宛狰蚕漏痞乡学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Corresponding Author:Dr. Hiroshi L. Tanaka

117、Division of Geo-environmental SciencesUniversity of TsukubaTsukuba 305-8572, JAPANTel: +81-29-853-4502Fax: +81-29-853-6879E-Mail: tanakasakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp皑健厌躁脖曾碍奇倚拷熙坚告萍刮豫逞缠睹惑侈涝闸赠珍抚释转诬溪弟抛学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9l I hereby certify that this paper consists of original, unpublished work which is not under

118、consideration for publication elsewhere.获研耻切挂斧描未汹狙猴扣批兑票翁达花啡医典循候取迂谎海际麓脂娄榨学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Correspondance with editorslIf there is no reply three months after the submission of the paper, you can e-mail to the editors inquiring whether your paper will be accepted or has been dropped. l You can use the

119、following pattern to inquire about the submission result. 舞综绵捌庭吭追具蒋升苑珐娘赛骆雪想鞠饮拇企蔚砷链呀峡砾狄砌缔菠铡学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9lDear Editors, We dispatched our manuscript to your journal on 3 August 2006 but have not, as yet, receive acknowledgement of their safe arrival. We fear that may have been lost and should be gr

120、ateful if you would let us know whether or not you have received them. If not, we will send our manuscript again. Thank you in advance for your help.讣未芋夏扇溃命羚壳弹盅署娠整羊兑砧桌胺见那塔努操履狠噪层撒匹诸喷学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9 If it has been two months since the submission of the paper, and you can not inquire about the state o

121、f the paper through on-line submission system, you can e-mail to the editor-in-chief or vice editor-in-chief to inquire the state of the paper.Dear Editors, It is more than 12 weeks since I submitted our manuscript (No: ) for possible publication in your journal. I have not yet received a reply and

122、am wondering whether you have reached a decision. I should appreciated your letting me know what you have decided as soon as possible.呼充蜘彤巢稍朽家峡乃妊僧碳酮撕搬淫洼崩擅涩其敌御龋痕缉电葫班据骂学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Or:Dear ,I write this email to ask whether my paper has been accepted. And if it is still being reviewed, when can I g

123、et the information of the final result? How long, in ordinary condition, can you finish reviewing a paper ? I would very much appreciate you if you could afford a little time toanswer these question. Thanks a lot!Best regards!sincerely yours尔梭者檬水盐嘱俺侩眠芭鹃宵咯贱褒舒疟癣佐蓬瞻哼狭枕恢蛾须撒滁浩寸学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Common sent

124、ences of the editors reply lettersl1. This is a carefully done study and the findings are of considerable interest. A few minor revision are list below.l2. This is a well-written paper containing interesting results which merit publication. For the benefit of the reader, however, a number of points

125、need clarifying and certain statements require further justification. There are given below.l叼械撅灸显挡鲁沫顶缎适洋早趋闸尸瞬比炎砖刘钨绍狡窥械冠斥傍稼核陵学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9l3. Although these observation are interesting, they are rather limited and do not advance our knowledge of the subject sufficiently to warrant publication in

126、PNAS. We suggest that the authors try submitting their findings to specialist journal such as l4. Although this paper is good, it would be ever better if some extra data were added.英煤订回钵茶硕够辣琵杆萤蠢丽幻瑶慢誊鼎菇蚀侗啪半刷法运粕蹬讹四笺学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作95. This manuscript is not suitable for publication in the journal of be

127、cause the main observation it describe was reported 3 years ago in a reputable journal of - . 6. Please ask someone familiar with English language to help you rewrite this paper. As you will see, I have made some correction at the beginning of the paper where some syntax is not satisfactory. 抚坚内德盏肌讳

128、烹稼腹惰并兰蔫悠燃铀滞袄哗语碘抵登遗抹鼎潘凹捍疵乱学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作97. We feel that this potentially interesting study has been marred by an inability to communicate the finding correctly in English and should like to suggest that the authors seek the advice of someone with a good knowledge of English, preferable native speak

129、er.8. The wording and style of some section, particularly those concerning HPLC, need careful editing. Attention should be paid to the wording of those parts of the Discussion of and Summary which have been underlined.龋答围淆棘究让羽订孕佑碉韵洛波孜沮唱录赎扔违舜衍廊并蔓骚踊展钎苑学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Example of Editors Reply:Dear Dr.

130、*, Thank you for your message below. I understand your concern. I was most troubled by the incorrect listings in Table I of all four components from Reference 21. Your letter says that the error was only in one of the four, but they all look different to me and apparently to the referee. There were

131、also a number of other features which seemed to be easily found errors that gave me great concern not by the importance of any single error but rather by their frequency and the fact that they should really have been caught by the authors before submission.Sincerely,雕帧魂狂镰恿烯碘曙架包财症副酒氛纫灶猴沮背抢步豁捣氰突赴姓惫堑膜学

132、术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Example of Editors Reply 2Dear Dr. We have now received reviewers comments on the above submission. I am pleased to tell you that the work is found to be of interest and is likely to be suitable for publication in Materials Science and Technology, subject to your consideration of some

133、 points which have been raised. These are detailed in the comments below. 樟谈犊令勉阮夸竭膛爆先牙肩扳歇表嗽垮钎伸祥虎伺烯该懦赌挂呐杖肩芭学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9 We look forward to receiving a revised version of your paper, prepared in the light of these comments, by 23/03/2008. When resubmitting, please indicate briefly your response to

134、 the reviewers comments. These should appear in a document uploaded separately with the revised manuscript. Thank you for submitting your work to this journal.With kind regards岁碉劫侧畏舰奠束著蒙骑士捡复吹磨昔锦葫乌获流捕裤廷聊贺扬奠盼框埔学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9lCommon sentences in replying editorsl In reply to the referees main critici

135、sm of paper, it is possible to say that one minor point raised by the referee concerns of the extra composition of the reaction mixture in Figure 1. This has now been corrected. Further minor changes had been made on page 3, paragraph 1 (line 3-8) and 2 (line 6-11). These do not affect our interpret

136、ation of the result.突汗络剩恶点垮酣滦漏维伟残嗡阑干祸疯汁裹饺盖卢疗潘绑劳污莫氟状若学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作91.I have read the referees comments very carefully and conclude that the paper has been rejected on the sole grounds that it lacks toxicity data. I admit that I did not include a toxicity table in my article although perhaps I shoul

137、d have done. This was for the sake of brevity rather than an error or omission.2. Thank you for your letter of and for the referees comments concerning our manuscript entitled “ ”. We have studied their comments carefully and have made correction which we hope will meet with their approval.摄牢菩蠢合瘟月跳裁

138、喳毫膘嫡厚占赚锌乡帖绚洁撒颓摊抗盂嫁燃粟浸汗傈学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9l3. I enclosed a revised manuscript which includes a report of additional experiments done at the referees suggestion. You will see that our original findings are confirmed.l4. We are sending the revised manuscript according to the comments of the reviewers. Re

139、vised portion are underlined in red.嫩咆屈躬捏少太虫血绵烂携涛勃神惜恨廓椰魄标瓷保浦刨弹襄骗信营原棉学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作95. Thank you for your letter. I am very pleased to learn that our manuscript is acceptable for publication in Cancer Research with minor revision.6. We have therefore completed a further series of experiments, the re

140、sult of which are summarized in Table 5. From this we conclude that intrinsic factor is not account.痴涧厅忆脓邵浩脆韵疲誊挥郴晃固孽际酵诵艺腿蠕躇仪捍非扑仗弘灼伺忙学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作97. I feel that the reviewers comments concerning Figures 1 and 2 result from a misinterpretation of the data.8. We prefer to retain the use of Table 4 f

141、or reasons that it should be clear from the new paragraph inserted at the end of the Results section.奇碱草啄散患白怜吏福邯今尿个氖恿照堵趣桔闺卧遁箩斤瓣匪咸捞汲璃映学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作99. The concentration of HAT media (page12 paragraph 2) was incorrectly stated in the original manuscript. This has been rectified. The authors are grat

142、eful to the referees for pointing out their error.10. We should like to thank the referees for their helpful comments and hope that we have now produced a more balance and better account of our work. We trust that the revised manuscript is acceptable for publication.碟舅扩拍咆衔缄舔姥柒俩段吴织彤钒宰莱箕焊卉关式第问削牟违象隋的善学

143、术型英语写作9学术型英语写作911. I greatly appreciate both your help and that of the referees concerning improvement to this paper. I hope that the revised manuscript is now suitable for publication.12. I apologize for the delay in revising the manuscript. This was due to our doing an additional experiment, as su

144、ggested by referees. 累晴拘侨航快炎刑评炕竟输心狼加戴嘴筏团汗颐蚀宵烦捕鹅琢碑竹政潮翠学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9lArguing with the Editor-in-chiefl If you have received a rotten rejection from editors, and if you the editors have a great misunderstanding of your paper which makes your article not published in the journal, you can write to the

145、 editors or even the editor-in-chief to argue with them.吠小筷桶抄俐撬震返京揪折啸搀鹿夺胡熬冻虾摸甜栅叛冤旭癣襟懦仿恬填学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9 A little earlier, I received an email message from your office rejecting themanuscript I submitted as SUSC_edwardsacher_20020322/1, editorial referencenumber SS 02192. Needless to say, I was surp

146、rised at not being given the opportunity to rebut. Now that I have read the referees comments, I am doublysurprised. Consider Referee A. His sole disagreement, without offering reasons to the contrary, is that the phenomena we find are attributed to several different free radicals formed on bond bre

147、aking. He argues that stable free radicals宙娃鳞她括敲迁赎脑致戮曳拳晰笆戚货哟霍步李羚咙惶徘野勇巨酉簿义坐学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9ingraphite exist only in vacancies and at surfaces. We agree. Where we appearto disagree is whether or not the breaking of a C-C bond creates a vacancy:his point of view, as stated in his comment, is that such

148、free radicals rejoin to reform bonds. Unfortunately, literature data going back many decades prove him wrong. I presume that Referee A is from the group that wrote reference 21 in the manuscript since they note that one of their four attributions is given incorrectly in the manuscript. 批斥诽泌棉周要雄鸭临桥网亩

149、检谚拎烟竿淤骇愿朔挎详松谜寄慨赴尔滇武学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9I thank him for catching it; it will be corrected in the next version.lNow, consider Referee B. Of his list of major points, the first asks for clearer referencing, the next four ask that residuals and error bars be included in several plots, the sixth (erroneously

150、 numbered 5) asks for a clarification in a figure and the last questions the applicability of a reference. While Referee A may not like our free radical formation mechanism, neither he nor Referee B (who doesnt mention it at all) has refuted it or offered evidence as to why it may not富先永头泵肆诵抨略辞霍咎钵轰澜

151、斩命鲍置恿朔砒衰骡膳呢坡晾钥巾并袖学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9be so. It is interesting to note that we, the authors, have, in fact done so in the middle of p. 12 of our manuscript, wherewe offer several interesting opposing views. Furthermore, our evidence for the presence of free radicals is not questioned, nor is our N hybrid

152、ization scheme ( which has never appeared in previous papers on the subject). Also not discussed are the supporting results of theRaman and TOF-SIMS studies. Based on all this, and more I will not spend time discussing, we find it difficult to understand how you could possibly reject the manuscript without the opportunity to revise it. 了毅萌穴书庭臼危戎长侠尸赔粉皑贿理梅舵傅粕针膳姿瓶废贞垣乡蛾复仓学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9Could you explain your decision? I look forward to hearing from you.*忙捎找殷津妹矿冒啼测与洼优寥鞘傲灸恢问牛戮郸徽眺骸蚕得蒜箭烧成祸学术型英语写作9学术型英语写作9



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