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1、八年级下册 M1-M4 检测题一、单项选择(20 分)1. Our teachers always tell us more English in and out of class.A. speak B. spoken C. to speak D. speaking2. Mrs Jnny gave us on how to learn English well.A. some advices B. many advices C. some advice D. an advice3. -How much does this DVD?-298 yuan.A.take B. costC.spend

2、D.pay4. -Did you enjoy the trip to Sanya?-Yes, very much. There is to see and do.A. a lots of B. a little C. a lot D. a few5. I have often dreamed of in the sky.A. flying B. fly C. flies D. flew6.“What a beautiful sweater ! ”“ How much did you for it? ”A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend7. I have heard

3、the story . It very interesting.A. looks B. feels C. sounds D. tastes8. Scientists have found many galaxies in universe.A. a B. an C. the D. /9. It is hard his words.A. to catch B. catch C. catching D. catches10. Look at these telephone numbers, please in your notebook.A. write it down B. write down

4、 it C. write them down D. write down them11. Have you finished the novels?A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading12. They have tried water on the Sun.A. to find B. find C. found D. finds13. - Our teacher is a woman.A. 22-years-old B. 22 years old C. 22-year-old D. 22-year old14. Could you show you ph

5、oto of your family ?A. for him B. to see C. to me D. on her15. - going shopping with me this evening?- Ok.A. Why not B. Why don t youC. What aboutD. Can you16. -Have you arrived in Shanghai ?-Yes, I have arrived here.A. already; yet B. yet; already C. just; yet D. already;just17. -What are you ?-I a

6、m listening to musicA. doB. up toC. on toD. down18.It took me five hours this book.A. write B. to readC. buyD. to selling19. Lily hasn t seen movie.A. newB. newestC. late20. In the school, there are 2,000 students.A. more B. overC. thanD. the latestD. much二、完型填空。(10 分)Have you ever 1 a fantastic exp

7、erience? Hello, My name is Mary. I have beenall over China 2 . My father is a captain, so we often go to different places for ourholiday. My favourite place is Hainan. I like the beaches there. My friend Tom 3 SanFrancisco in the USA. His grandparents live there and he visits them every SpringFestiv

8、al. He often says “ I like San Francisco very much because there s a lot4and do there.I m at home in Chinatown!My anther friend Lily has been to a Jay Chou concert in Beijing with more than2,000 people. She told us that Jay Chou has given 5 all over China and the ticketshave always 6. Fang Wenshan h

9、as written many songs forhim.My brother went to a Beijing cinema to see The House of the Flying Daggersbecause he has always liked Andy Liu. And he has always wanted to meet him. Atthe end he 7, and Andy Liu was 8 the seat beside him.My brother was very happy, because his dream 9.My friend, what abo

10、ut you? 10 sending a email to me?()1.A. havingB. hasC. haveD. had()2.A. by ship()3.A. has gone to()4.A. see()5.A. concerts()6.A. sell out()7.A. sat down()8.A. down()9.A. come true()10. A. Why not、阅读理解(30 分)B. by a shipC. take ship D. by the shipB. has been to C. has goneD. has beenB. sawC. to seeD.

11、to sawB. concertC. a partyD. partiesB. sold outC. selling outD. selled outB. got upB.ofC. went awayC. upD. criedD. inB. came trueC. coming trueD. come to trueB. Why dont you C. How about D. Can youAEnglish is the most useful language in the world. If you want to learnEnglish well, you must try your

12、best. Here are some ways that may help you.1. Learn the letters. This can help you pronounce well, and it s the most importantstep(步骤)for English learners.2. Use the words. If you learn a new word, try to make some sentences with it, and thenyou won t forget it.3. Watch some English TV programs. TV

13、is the best and cheapest teacherto learn English. You can learn many new words and improve your listening.4. Make some pen friends and write to them in English. The best way to improve yourwriting is to practise writing as much as you can.5. Use an English English dictionary. If you find some words

14、you don t know, lookthem up in your dictionary.6. Think in English. It is easier to use English all the time than to think about it in Chinese.阅读上面的材料,判断句子的正(T)误(F)( )1. Learning the letters is not very important.( )2. You can remember a new word by using it to make sentences.( )3. Watching TV can h

15、elp you learn many new words.( )4. If you don t know the meaning of a word, you can look it up in a dictionary.( )5. To use English is more difficult than to think about it in English.BIt was a cold Christmas Eve (圣诞夜).A girl was selling flowers in the street. She cameto a beautiful house and knocke

16、d at the door. A man came out. The girl asked him to buysome flowers. But he said he didnt want any. The girl left the house, sat down at the comer ofthe house, felt cold, tired and hungry.Suddenly she felt she was becoming light. And slowly she began to fly into the sky. Sheflew higher and higher,

17、at last she found herself above the clouds. Many people came to meether. At the head of them was her granny. The girl told her that she had to get money becauseher parents were badly ill. Granny told the girl not to worry and gave her many beautifulclothes and delicious food. The girl smiled happily

18、.It was snowing heavily. The next morning someone found the girl sitting there with asmile on her face. . But she couldnt stand up any more.()1. The story happened.A. on a Christmas EveB. on Christmas DayC. in the morningD. in the afternoon()2. The girl was in the street.A. walking with a warm coatB

19、. cryingC. selling flowersD. eating something()3. The man didnt buy any flowers because he .A. didnt like themB. didnt want anyC. didnt like herD. didnt know her()4. From this story, we know the girl was from.A. a rich familyB. a big family C. a poor family D. the sky()5. The. sentence She couldnt s

20、tand up any more means .A. she always sat there.B. she wanted to sit thereC. she didnt want to stand upD. she diedCLast week I took a train to Vienna (维也仑内).I had to arrive in Vienna at67:15. But t he train was already half an hour late. I told the conductor,to catch the 7:25 train to Paris. What ca

21、n I do?” The conductor advised meget off two stops before Vienna station and take a taxi. When the time came, he even helpedme with my bags. He wished me good luck when I jumped off.And a few minutes later, I was taking a taxi to the centre of the city. It was almost (几乎)7:25 when we stopped outside

22、 the station. I gave the money to the driver quickly, took mybags quickly and hurried inside.“Train to Paiwas all I had time to say to the official( 官员).You can guess how I felt when he pointed to(指着)a train that was just going out of the station.()6. The writer had to arrive at Vienna at.A. 7: 15 B

23、. 7: 25C. 7:45D. 7:55)7. Why did the writer get off the train two stops before Vienna station?A. He wanted to have a rest B. He wanted to go to Paris bytaxiC. He wanted to meet the official D. He wanted to catch the train to Paris)8. Where did the writer want to go?A. Vienna B. London C. Pairs D. Ne

24、w York)9. How did the writer feel at Vienna station?A. He felt happy B. He felt excited. C. He felt sad. D. He felt relaxed)10. What does conductor ” mean in Chinese?A.消防员 B.销售员 C.售票员 D.列车员DLingling is a middle school student. She likes English a lot and she is good at it.She often tells her parents

25、 about her English study. Now she is talking with her father abouther English study again.Lingling says, Look, Dad, this is our new English bookThere are lots of interestingstories and nice pictures in it.“That not bad. Do you speak English only in class, or does your teacher translateeverything int

26、o Chinese?”“ Our teacher Mr Shi speaks to us in English all the time. Sometimes it not easy for usto understand. But if we don t understand, he will repeat thesentence and ask us to guess the meaning. He says the more we listen, the better we will be(at English. ”“Ithink your teacher is right. Do yo

27、u enjoy yourselves in the English class? ”“Yes, we do have a lot of fun. Our teacher always gives us some adviceon how to learn the language well, and it helps us a lot. What s more, welot of games and also sing some songs in the class.”“That sounds great! Interest must come first.”阅读短文,回答下列各题。46. W

28、hat does Lingling do?47. What is she doing now?48. What language does Mr. Shi speak in class?49. Translate the sentence “themore we listen, the better we will be at English. ” intoChinese.50. What do Mr, Shi s students do in English classes?四、任务型阅读CountryIndiaCanadaRussiaEgyptCapitalNew DelhiOttawaM

29、oscowCairoLanguagesHindi and EnglishEnglish and FrenchRussianArabicSingaporeSingapore CityMalay, Chinese, Tamil and English根据上面的表格用一个或两个词完成下面的句子:1. If you go to, maybe some people can understand you.2.Egyptians speak.3.If you go to, you must learn Russian well.4. The capital of Singapore is.5. From

30、the form(表格),we can see that is the most important language.五、词汇.(共 10 分)A. 根据汉语提示,填入合适的单词。(10 分)1. The girl has (卖)out all the tickets for the concert.2. The experts have already(探测)every part of Wenchan and the other seismical regions(震区).3. I m afraid your(翻译)is not correct.4. I m going to study

31、hard thi(学期).5. She doesn t want to go(任何地方)today. She just wants to stay at home.B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5 分)6. Look! The children (see) an English film in the room.7. This is a good way(practise) your English.8. The twins (双胞胎) just(have) dinner at home.9. -I haven t been to Hainan. What about you?-I(go)

32、 there in 2006.10. Your listening is bad, so you should(improve) your listening.六、句型转换。(10 分)1. She has travelled in Australia.(划线部分提问)has she?2. Astronauts have been to the moon several times.(戈 U 线部分提问)times have astronauts been to the moon?3. Has Lingling been to the USA?(做否定回答)No,.4. What about

33、seeing some English films?( 改同义句) seeing some films?5. We have already passed the exam.筏否定句)We passed the exam.6. Tom bought this book two weeks ago.(同义句改写)Tom this book for two weeks.7. You should take the medicine three times a day.(戈。线提问)should we take the medicine?8.I also like dance music.(同义句改

34、写)I like dance music.9. He did his homework yesterday evening.( 变为否定句)He his homework yesterday evening.10. When did you get to the airport?(同义句改写) When did you the airport?七、 选择方框内的句子完成对话。(5 分)Mary:1?Helen: Yes, I have.Mary: Is it an interesting book?Helen:2.Mary: I ve got good news for you.Lucy ha

35、s passed the maths exam.Helen:3.Mary: Will you have an exam soon?Helen: Yes,4.Mary: It will be an easy one.Helen:5.八、翻译句子。1.2.from )A. Well done!B. I don t think so.C.We don t have an examrecently.D. Have you read the book?E. Sure, it is.F. I lh ave an English exam thisThursday.收到你的来信真是太好了。(hear fro

36、m )这门语言与英语有许多不同的地方。(be different3.开罗(Cairo )是非洲最大,最繁忙的城市之一。(one of)4. 我还没完成作业。(yet)5. 自从去年我得到我的电脑,我就没有做过运动。(since)6. 你像这个样子多长时间了?(like this)7.也许我太虚弱了而无法做任何运动。(tooto)8. 难以想象。(Its + adj. + to do)9.宇航员们去过月球。(already)10. 它闻起来不新鲜。(smell) 九、书面表达(10 分)你刚从伦敦旅游回来,旅途很愉快,在伦敦你参观了很多名胜古迹,还拍 了很多照片。请发一份电子邮件给你的网友Tin

37、a,告诉她你的伦敦之行,并希望下次能和她一起再去伦敦玩。(开头和结尾已给出,字数不少于70 词)参考词汇:visit; see; go; eat; take photos; Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge,Hyde Park, Fried steak( 炸牛勤 E); do some shopping; listen to a concert;delicious; interesting;Dear Tina,I had a wonderful time in London. I have done many things! I have _Best wishes!Betty



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