广东省高中英语总复习 Module7 Unit21 Human Biology(1)课件 北师大版

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1、Part 1 Of 2 以 下 为 某 心 理 专 家 对 国 内 青 少 年 网 瘾 (Net addiction)的调查研究结果,请根据他的研究写一篇英语小短文,以便向学校的英语小报投稿。 【写作内容写作内容】 网瘾定义:每天上网4个小时以上。 网瘾状况:中国网络用户2亿,其中有1140万人过于依赖网络。 网瘾危害:严重影响青少年的健康和学习,对社会也造成不良影响。 专家建议:应阻止青少年上网成瘾;政府应采取措施禁止18岁以下的青少年进入网吧;父母、朋友及老师用爱心和耐心去帮助青少年。 【写作要求写作要求】 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。 When young people spend o

2、ver four hours a day on the Net, then theyre suffering from “Net addiction”. At present, about 11.4 million among 200 million Net users in China are depending too much on the Internet. That situation is doing great harm to teenagers health and studies and it is also affecting the society seriously.

3、Therefore, it is time for us to take actions to stop Net addiction. To solve this problem, the government should take measures to stop the teenagers under 18 from going to the Internet cafes and parents, friends and teachers should help those young people with love and patience.1. 循环 vi. _2. 消化vt. _

4、3. 矿物 n. _4. 听觉 n. _5. 脉搏 n. _6. 用泵抽出(注入)vi. _7. 滥用 vt. _8. 容忍 vt. _circulatedigestmineralhearingpulsepumpabusetolerate9. 根本的 adj. _10. 最高的 adj. _11. 寻找 vt. _12. 年度的 adj. _13. 强制性的 adj. _14. 荣幸的 adj. _15. 反对 vt. _16. 与相矛盾 vt. _fundamentalsupremeseekannualcompulsoryprivilegedopposecontradict17. 违反 vt

5、. _18. 物质 n. _19. 充足的 adj. _20. 暂停,停顿 n. _21. 联合;团结 vt. _22. 满足 vt. _23. 进入 n. _24. 扫描 n. _violatematteramplepauseunitecaterentryscan25. 款待 vt. _26. 推迟 vt. _27. 癌症 n. _28. 城市的 adj. _29. 重建 vt. _30. 禁止 vt. _31. 症状 n. _32. 常规 n. _treatpostponecancerurbanrebuildprohibitsymptomroutine33. 新闻界 n. _34. 变种

6、n. _35. 预见 vt. _36. 处方 n. _37. 强调 vt. _38. 协作 n. _39. 信心 n. _40. 每周一次的 adj. _pressadaptationforeseeprescriptionunderlineteamworkfaithweekly41. 临时的 adj. _42. 下降 vi. _43. 最小 n. _44. 商行;公司 n. _45. 大笔钱财 n. _46. 比率 n. _47. 截止日期 n. _48. 延期 n. _49. 怀疑的 n. _50. 荒谬的 adj. _temporarydeclineminimumfirmfortunera

7、tedeadlineextensionscepticalabsurd1. 由组成 _2. 上气不接下气 _3. 徒然,白费力气 _4. 随意地 _5. 不管多大代价 _6. 立刻;马上 _7. 彻底毁灭 _consist of out of breath in vain at random at all costs straight away wipe out8. 终止;消灭 _9. 无论如何 _10. 增进 _11. 坚持 _12. 开始认真考虑 _13. 推迟 _14. 提出,养育 _stop sth. in its tracks at any rate build up stick to

8、 get down to put offbring up15. 永远,长久 _16. 赞同,支持 _17. 指出 _18. 绝望 _19. 恢复正常 _20. 太,过于 _for good in favor point out in despair return to too much1. 一般认为,病人康复的机会随着昏迷时间的 增长而减少。 Its generally agreed that a patients chances of recovery decline the longer they stay in a coma. 2. 房子正在粉刷,我们现在不能搬进去。 With the

9、house being painted, we cannot move into it.3. 他拿了那笔钱,这是确实无疑的。 There is no doubt that he has taken the money.4. 如果你5分钟之后还会把它弄脏,你洗它就没 意义。 Theres no point in washing it if you are to make it dirty again in five minutes.5. 这看起来是最好的解决办法。 This seems to be the best solution.1. seek vt. (sought, sought) 寻找

10、;探索;追求 seek to do sth. 试图做某事 seek out 找出,挑出 seek sth. from sb. 向某人征求某事 seek ones fortune 寻找财富 We sought long and hard but found no answer. 我们费力多时也未找到答案。He understands nothing, nor does he seek to understand.他什么也不懂,也不想弄懂。Most men seek wealth; all men seek happiness.大多数人寻求财富;每个人都追求幸福。( )1. I have neve

11、r sought _ my views. A. hiding B. to hide C. hidden D. to be hidden2. 这件事情你应该请教你的律师。 _ _3. 他们正设法达到世界最先进的技术水平。 _ _BYou should seek advice from your lawyer on this matter. They are seeking to attain the most advanced technological levels in the world. 2. in vain 自负地;徒劳地 I tried to persuade him to chan

12、ge his mind, but all my efforts came in vain. 我试图说服他改变主意,但是我所有的努力 都是徒劳的。 Police searched in vain for the missing criminal. 警察没有找到失踪的罪犯。 Everything was in vain. 一切徒劳无功。1. 他的一切尝试全归无效。 _2. 我怎么也睡不着。 _3. 不要设法打开那个盒子,根本没用。 _All his attempts were in vain.I tried in vain to sleep.Dont try to open the box. It

13、s in vain.3. at random 随便地 The people for the experiment were chosen completely at random. 用来做实验的人完全是随意挑选的。 The librarian took a book at random from the bookshelf. 图书管理员从书架上随便拿了一本书。 random adj. 随意的,任意的 a few random words 随意的几句话 a random sample 随机的样品1. 她随意写了几个号码。 _2. 我们随意在城里的街道上游荡。 _ _She wrote some

14、numbers at random.We wandered through the streets in the city at random.4. oppose vt. 反对(计划,政策等),抵制,阻挠 They opposed the governments new policies. 他们反对政府的新政策。 Dont oppose your will against mine. 不要把你的意志同我的对立起来。 It was courageous of him to oppose his chief. 他敢反对他的上司,真是勇敢。opposing adj. 对立的;对抗的opposed a

15、dj. 强烈反对的The opposing armies are preparing for war.反动军队正在积极备战。Who is opposing you in the match?你和谁比赛?What they said is totally opposed to facts.他们说的完全不符合事实。Night is opposed to day.黑夜和白昼是相对的。1. 我们俩都强烈反对你在战争期间去伊拉克。 _ _2. 他是个诚实的人,尽管我曾反对过他。 _ _We both strongly oppose your going to Iraq during the war. H

16、e is an honest man, even though I have opposed him.用oppose的适当形式填空3. The teams attempt to win the game was frustrated by the _ goalkeeper.4. Im _ to destroying the forest.opposingopposed5. at all costs 不管多大代价,无论如何 We must at all costs prevent them from finding out about the plan. 我们无论如何不能让他们探知这个计划。 T

17、he stamp collector decided to get that rare stamp at all costs. 这个集邮迷决心无论代价如何都要搞到那 枚稀有的邮票。 He is the man who implements his promise at all costs. 他是一个无论如何都会实现诺言的人。at cost 按成本价at the cost of sth. 以牺牲某物为代价1. 要不惜一切代价在3天内把桥修好。 _ _2. 他牺牲了自己的生命,把女儿从大火中救出来。 _ _3. 你如果想要,我可按成本价让给你一些。 _The bridge must be repa

18、ired within three days at all costs.He saved his daughter from the big fire at the cost of his own life.I can spare you some, if you want, at cost.6. mattern. 事情;问题;材料;物质等 We have more important matter to be considered. 我们还有更重要的事情待考虑。 He is very honest in money matter. 他在财务方面非常诚实可信。 The entire unive

19、rse is made up of different kinds of matters. 整个宇宙是由各种物质构成的。v. 有关系,重要,要紧 它有时和what连用,表示“有什么关系”;有 时和about连用,表示“对有关系”。 He said it didnt matter whether we stayed or went. 他说,我们去不去都可以。 What does it matter? 这有什么关系?1. 我不和我的老板谈私事。 _ _2. 你做什么都跟我毫无关系。 _3. 弗兰克今天怎么了? _I dont talk with my boss about my private m

20、atters.It doesnt matter to me what you do.Whats the matter with Frank today?7. entry n. 进入U&C进入(某地)(指行为、权利等); U参加(指权利、机会等) The army made a triumphant entry into the city. 军队凯旋入城。 I was told the news of Japans entry into the UN. 有人告诉我日本加入联合国的消息。 No entry.禁止入内。C 大门;门厅;(字典等所收入的)字 You may leave your umb

21、rella in the entry. 你可以把伞放在门口。 This dictionary has sixty thousand entries. 这本字典有60,000字。 entry与entranceentry 和entrance均含有进入房间或建筑物 之意,均可表示进入某地的权利。 She looked up at the sound of my entry / entrance. 她听见我进来的声音,便抬起头来望。 We were refused entry / entrance. 我们被拒之门外。entry一般指“进入(组织)”。 What do you think of Chin

22、as entry into the WTO? 你怎样看待中国加入WTO?entrance表示“(俱乐部、社团、大学等的) 准许加入”。 I will take the college entrance exam this June. 我将在今年6月参加高考。8. stick to 坚持某事;忠于(注意to是介词) If you stick to the truth, youve nothing to fear. 你要是坚持真理就可以无所畏惧。 We must stick to our task till it is finished. 我们必须继续工作, 直至做好为止。 He will sti

23、ck to her whatever happens. 不管发生什么事,他都将忠于她。类似的词组:insist on sth. / doing sth. 坚决主张,一定要;坚持做某事I must insist on completing this project on time.我必须强调准时完成这个项目。I still insist on my viewpoint.我仍坚持我的观点。 I always insist on wholemeal bread.我一贯主张要吃全麦面包。get down to (doing) sth. 开始做某事lead to (doing) sth. 导致某事(发生

24、)be / get used to (doing) sth. 习惯(做)某事look forward to (doing) sth. 期待(做)某事refer to sth. 参考/提及某事prefer sth. to sth. 更喜欢而不喜欢 必须掌握的带to且容易被误认为是动词不定式符号to的词组:1. 我们不想听你的意见。请实事求是! _ _2. 她的翻译非常忠于原文。 _ _We dont want to hear your opinions. Please stick to the facts!Her translation sticks closely to the original.3. 你今年要好好学习。 _ _4. 请不要再提这件事了。 _ _You must get down to your studies this year.Dont refer to this matter again, please.



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