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1、How much are these pants?Period Section A 1a-1c学生分析v授课对象虽是七年级,但对于乡村学生来说依然是初学者。词汇量只需200左右。也正是由于是初学者,学习的英语积极性比较高。这对于我授课是有利的。教材分析v本单元的主要知识点是:v1、学会运用How much 问某物的价钱。v2、学会能用英语进展简单买卖东西。v3、能给本人的服装店写广告。v4、学会运用基数词。v5、本节课是本单元的第一课。一、教学预备:教师:录音机和录音磁带,多媒体课件,麦克风。二、教学目的1、调动学生学习英语和说英语的积极性。2、使学生了解一些服装的称号。3、学习本课的知识点。

2、词汇: socks T-shirt shorts bag hat pants shoes skirt dollar how much句型:How much are these pants? They are How much is the T-shirt ? Its 三、教学重点词汇: socks T-shirt shorts bag hat pants shoes skirt sale dollar how much句型:How much are these pants? They are How much is the T-shirt ? Its四、教学难点: 让学生运用所学言语工程“Ho

3、w much are? They are How much is ? Its来与其他人交流。五、教学课时:一课时教学步骤vStep 1 Warming upv 教师向学生呈现一本书,问“Whats this in English? “What color is it?。经过这个热身过程调动学生学习英语的积极性,并复习以前学过的句型。Step 2: Present the new words经过图片来呈现新单词,教师运用多媒体向学生呈现学习的服装名词。首先让学生看图片,问:Whats this in English? 有的学生会用英语回答,有的用汉语回答。其次教师用英语呈现答案,由教师领读。 $

4、8T:Look at the picture.What color is it?S: Its yellowWhats this in English?S: Its a bag. T: Read after me, B-A-G, bag.How much is it?Its eight dollars.Whats this in English?$5vS: Its a hat.vT: Read after me, H-A-T, hat.vS: H-A-T, hat.vT: how much is it?vS: its five dollars.vT: What are these?vS: The

5、y are pants.v裤子只需复数方式。vT: What color are they?vS: They are black.vHow much are they?vThey are nine dollars.9$What are they?vThey are shoes.vHow much are they?vThey are 10 dollars.$10What are they?vThey are shoes.vHow much are they?vThey are 3 dollars.$3Whats this?vIts a skirt.vHow much is it?vIts 10

6、 dollars.$10What are they?vThere are shoes.vHow much are they?vThey are 5 yuan.¥5Whats this?vIts a sweater.vWhat color is it?vIts red.vHow much is it?vIts nine dollars.9Whats this?vIts a T-shirt.vWhat color is it?vIts green.vHow much is it?vIts $5.v$5.Step 3: practice the new wordsv经过让学生完成1a部分的义务来进一

7、步让学生掌握新单词。vFor example; vT: please open your books and do 1a as quickly as you can. (After the students finish them, I check the answers.)vT: Have you finished them? S: Yes.vT: Who can tell me? vS: The answers are 1. b 2.g 3.a 4.d 5.c 6.f 7.e 8.h 9.iStep 4: Present the new drillsv教师经过课本图片挂图来呈现新言语工程“

8、How much is /are?v for example:vT: How much is this T-shirt?vS: Its seven dollars.vT: how much are these socks?vS: Theyre two dollars.vT: Please ask and answer in pairs according to the picture.v(Ask the students to prepare for two minutes.)Step:5 Practece the new drillsv1、经过听1b部分的内容来操练句型:“How much

9、be?。第一遍让学生装听并在1a中圈出所听到的单词,第二遍让学生跟读,在跟读完后,让学生分角色操练。v2、操练1c部分。Step 6: Taskv再次呈现新单词幻灯片,并参与“how much be? 言语工程及价钱标签,要求英语程度较弱的学生来操练。Step7: Summary v本节课我们学习了sock T-shirt shorts sweater bag hat pants shoes skirt 等表示地点的名词,同时学习了how much be?问价钱的特殊疑问句,希望同窗们利用本课所学内容进言语交际。Step8: Homeworkv1、复习本课时所学的新言语工程。v2、把以下句子译英语。v1-这件白色的毛衣多少钱?-8美圆。v2-这黑色裤子多少钱?-9美圆。v3-这些红袜子多少钱?-2元。v4-这蓝色的包多少钱?-5美圆。板书设计Unit 7 : How much are these pants?(Section A 1a-1c)vNew wordsvsock T-shirt short hatvsweater bag pantsvshoe skirt dollarvSentencesv- How much is this T-shirt?v- Its seven dollars.Thank you very much! 姓名:石玲玲 单位:农一师三团中学



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