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1、大学英大学英语精精读1Unit2The-Boy-and-the-Bank-OfficerPart TwoPart TwoI. I.Author Author PhilipRossPhilipRoss(1939)isanAmericanwriterbasedinNewYork.Afterworkingasanewspaperreporterforfouryears,heturnedtofreelance(自由职业作家自由职业作家)writing.ManyofhisarticleshaveappearedintheNew Yorker(纽纽约人约人),Readers Digest (读者文摘读者文

2、摘)andNew York Times (纽约时报纽约时报).ThistextistakenfromStrategies for Successful Writing: A Rhetoric and Reader,3rdeditionpublishedbyPrenticeHall,Inc.in1993inEnglewoodCliffs,NewJersey. Functions performed by banks today have been carried out by individuals, families, or state officials for at least 4,000

3、 years. Banks first emerged in the Middle Ages when people grew tired of carrying around all their gold and began leaving their money with the goldsmith. ItalianBankinginItalianBankinginthe14thCenturythe14thCenturyII. History of BanksII. History of Banks During the early Renaissance(欧洲14至16世纪文艺复兴),

4、as international trade revived, Italian money changers once again appeared. They did business in the streets from a bench (banca in Italian; hence the word bank). Florence, Italy, became a great banking center, dominated by the Medici (梅第奇)family. The Medici family, one of the most prominent banking

5、 families in Europe during this time, became quite wealthy from its banking and money lending practices. With the growth of commerce and trade in Northern Europe, the Netherlands(荷兰)became an international financial center. The Bank of Amsterdam(阿姆斯特丹/荷兰首都) was organized in 1609. A chartered public

6、bank(特许银行)was opened in Sweden(瑞典)in 1656. Bank notes were probably first issued in the 1660s by the Bank of Stockholm(斯德哥尔摩/瑞典首都) in Sweden. It was probably the first financial institution in the world to issue standard-size payable-on-demand(见票即付的)bank bills, which eliminated the handling of coppe

7、r coins. Until the founding of the Bank of England in 1694, Englands goldsmiths were its first bankers. They kept money and other valuables in safe custody for their customers. They also dealt in gold bullion and foreign exchange. They profited from acquiring and sorting coins of all kinds. To attra

8、ct coins, the smiths were willing to pay interest. The goldsmiths noticed that deposits remained at a fairly steady level over long periods of time. Deposits and withdrawals tended to balance each other because customers only wanted enough money on hand to meet everyday needs. This allowed the smith

9、s to loan out at interest cash that would otherwise be idle. From this practice emerged the modern facets of banking: keeping deposits, making loans, and maintaining reserves. Another practice of the goldsmiths, by which a customer could arrange to transfer part of his balance to another party by a

10、written order, was the start of the modern check-writing system. The Bank of France was founded in 1800. For most of the 19th century the money markets of Europe were dominated by the House of Rothschild. The house was operated by Rothschild and his oldest son, Amschel Mayer, until its dissolution i

11、n 1901. The four other Rothschild sons opened bank branches in Vienna, Austria; Naples(那不勒斯), Italy; London, England; and Paris, France. The London and Paris branches are still in operation.FrankfurtHouseofFrankfurtHouseofRothschildRothschild Modern societies cannot do without banks. Banks keep, len

12、d and issue money as well as offer many other financial services. They also help to regulate the economy with changes in interest rate and in money supply. Type of writingType of writingnQuestion: What kind of writing is this text?What kind of writing is this text? Answer: a narrativea narrative Thi

13、s is basically an interesting anecdote (short, interesting or amusing story about a real person or event 逸事)with an unexpected ending. Part ThreePart Three a man embarrasses himself by blindly a man embarrasses himself by blindly interfering with a bank officers “unfair” interfering with a bank offi

14、cers “unfair” rejection when a boy requests to withdraw rejection when a boy requests to withdraw moneymoney in a bank in New York at noon one in a bank in New York at noon one dayday the narrator, a boy, and a the narrator, a boy, and a fortyish bank officerfortyish bank officer what do you think?

15、what do you think? Plot: Plot: Setting:Setting:Characters:Theme of the story: Theme of the StoryBanks are not necessarily “evil”.Prejudice makes people embarrass themselves.Unkind deeds may come from a heart that is too eager to be kind.Lying is not always an “evil”.Children shouldnt be allowed to d

16、eal with money. Part1(para. ):Part2(para. ):Part3(para. ):Structureofthetext2232432The attitude of the authors friend toward bank. The failure of the boys attempt to withdraw money from the bank and the authors fruitless interference The bank officers clarification of the situation11. Theonlydiffere

17、nceisthatabanksgoodshappentobemoney,whichisyoursinthefirstplace.(para1) tohappentodo/tobetohappentodo/tobe: : to do/to be sth. by chancee.g. e.g. 发生火灾时,我刚好路过。发生火灾时,我刚好路过。发生火灾时,我刚好路过。发生火灾时,我刚好路过。Ihappenedtobepassingby,whenthefirebrokeout.Ihappenedtobepassingby,whenthefirebrokeout.inthefirstplaceinthe

18、firstplace: : used to introduce a series of points in an argument or to talk about what should have been done, placed in or at the beginning of a series events. e.g. e.g. 如果你不喜欢这条裙子,一开始你就不该买。如果你不喜欢这条裙子,一开始你就不该买。如果你不喜欢这条裙子,一开始你就不该买。如果你不喜欢这条裙子,一开始你就不该买。1.Ifyoudontlikethedress,youshouldnthaveboughtitin

19、1.Ifyoudontlikethedress,youshouldnthaveboughtitinthefirstplace.thefirstplace.2.Politicalrealitywasnotquitethatsimpleinthefirst2.Politicalrealitywasnotquitethatsimpleinthefirstplace,divisionsexistedwithintheparties.place,divisionsexistedwithintheparties.Part FourPart FourQuestion:Question:Whydoesthea

20、uthorsayWhydoestheauthorsaythatthemoney“isyoursinthefirstthatthemoney“isyoursinthefirstplace”?place”?Because at the beginning the money belongs Because at the beginning the money belongs to you, and then you deposit the money in to you, and then you deposit the money in a bank, the tangible money be

21、coming a a bank, the tangible money becoming a intangible figure on the bankbook.intangible figure on the bankbook.2.Para:Ifbankswererequiredtosellwalletsandmoneybelts,theymightactlesslikechurches.(para.1)Theword“church”hascertainassociations.Theword“church”hascertainassociations.Peopleusuallythinko


23、aphrasing: Even though banks sell financial service Even though banks sell financial service instead of common goods, they are still business instead of common goods, they are still business organizations instead of churches. Thus it is ridiculous organizations instead of churches. Thus it is ridicu

24、lous for them to act like churches by acting authoritatively for them to act like churches by acting authoritatively and interfering in other peoples lives instead of focusing and interfering in other peoples lives instead of focusing on their function and position as a business organization.on thei

25、r function and position as a business organization.UnrealconditionandUnrealconditionandsubjunctivemoodsubjunctivemood3.account3.account1.takeaccountofsth./takesth.intoaccount:1.takeaccountofsth./takesth.intoaccount:to consider to consider or include particular facts or details when making a decision

26、 or or include particular facts or details when making a decision or judgment about sth.judgment about sth.Example:Thesefiguresdonottakeaccountofchangesintherateofinflation.n.n. a.a. an arrangement that you have with a bank to pay in or an arrangement that you have with a bank to pay in or take out

27、moneytake out money b.b. a report or description of an event or experience a report or description of an event or experienceExample:1.Mysalaryispaiddirectlyintomybankaccount.1.Mysalaryispaiddirectlyintomybankaccount.2.Thewitnessprovidedadetailedaccountoftheaccident.2.Thewitnessprovidedadetailedaccou

28、ntoftheaccident.2.onaccountof:2.onaccountof:because of sth. else, especially because of a because of sth. else, especially because of a problem or difficultiesproblem or difficultiesExample:Hecantrunveryfastonaccountofhisinjuredleg.Hecantrunveryfastonaccountofhisinjuredleg.3.onnoaccount:3.onnoaccoun

29、t: under no circumstancesunder no circumstancesExample:Ifyoumeetabearinthewoods,trynottopanicorscream;Ifyoumeetabearinthewoods,trynottopanicorscream;onnoaccountshouldyouturnyourbackandrun.onnoaccountshouldyouturnyourbackandrun.4.accountfor:4.accountfor:provide or serve as a satisfactory explanation

30、or provide or serve as a satisfactory explanation or reason forreason forExample:Hisillnessaccountedforhisabsencefromschool.Hisillnessaccountedforhisabsencefromschool. 4.Itwaslunchtimeandtheonlyofficerondutywasafortyishblackmanwithshort,pressedhair,apencilmustache,andaneatlypressedbrownsuit.(para.3)


32、approximately(reddish,yellowish,(reddish,yellowish,grayish,darkish,grayish,darkish,bookish,feverish,bookish,feverish,selfish),selfish),2)inthemanner2)inthemannerof,like(foolish,childish,of,like(foolish,childish,girlish,boyish,girlish,boyish,womanish,snobbish),womanish,snobbish), 3)3)ofacountry(Irish


34、 Everything about himhis clothes, manner, Everything about himhis clothes, manner, etc. indicated/gives people the impression that he etc. indicated/gives people the impression that he was carefully dressed to exhibit an air of decisive was carefully dressed to exhibit an air of decisive importance

35、and power.importance and power. morethanmorethan(colloq.)(colloq.)beyond;beyond;very, extremely; very, extremely; Example:HisinsolenceismorethanIcanstand.Theyweremorethanwillingtohelp.Itismorethanprobablethathewillfail.morethanmorethanused to emphasize that one thing is truer, more important, etc.us

36、ed to emphasize that one thing is truer, more important, etc.than sth.than sth.Examples:Thechildwasmorefrightenedthanhurt.Healwaysseemedoldtome,morelikeagrandfatherthanafather.Itismoreapoemthanapicture. 6.morethan&morethan6.morethan&morethannomorethannomorethana. only; justonly; justExample:Itcostme

37、nomorethan$5tobuythebook.Eachclasshasnomorethan8students.Eachclasshasnotmorethan8students.Eachclasshasnotmorethan8students.b. the same asthe same as Example:HesnomoreabletoreadSpanishthanIam.Awhaleisnomoreafishthanahorseis.Sheisnotmorecleverthanheis.Sheisnotmorecleverthanheis.7.wearanexpressionof7.w

38、earanexpressionof v.v. withwithExample:PetralookedatherplatewearinganexpressionPetralookedatherplatewearinganexpressionofdisgust.ofdisgust.wearwear:to have a particular expressionto have a particular expressionExample:1.Allstudents1.Allstudentswornwornapuzzleonhearingthequestion.apuzzleonhearingtheq


40、ofwearandtearwearandtearwhenwhenthechildrenareathome.thechildrenareathome.8.withdraw8.withdraw v. Example:1.Liz1.Lizwithdrewwithdrew$100fromheraccount.$100fromheraccount.2.Slowly,Robert2.Slowly,RobertwithdrewwithdrewhishandfromKristens.hishandfromKristens.3.Thepartythreatenedto3.Thepartythreatenedto



43、owithdrawwithdrawwithoutwithoutmedication.medication.9.“Butthatdoesntseefair,”theboysaid,hisvoicebreaking.(para.8)Hisvoicebecomesunnaturalbecauseofnervousness,astonishment,excitement,oranger.The absolute construction: (with) logical subject(with) logical subject + present participle / past participl

44、e (indicating passivity) / infinitive (indicating futurity or aim) / prepositional phrase (indicating a state) / adj. (indicating a state), used as adverbialsused as adverbialsAbsoluteconstruction:moreexamples1.His work done,Davidsatdownforacupoftea.2.There being no taxis,theyhadtowalkhome.3.Helenra

45、nbacktothedining-room,her little son following.4.An important lecture to be given tomorrow,theprofessorhastostayuplateintothenight.5.Heputonhissweater,wrong side out.6.So many people absent,themeetinghadtobecalledoff.7.Thegardenisprettywith all the flowers coming out.10.Nowifyoullexcuseme.(para.9)10

46、.Nowifyoullexcuseme.(para.9)Paraphrasing: Now Im sorry but I cant talk Now Im sorry but I cant talk with you anymore. This expression is used when with you anymore. This expression is used when one wants to go back to work, or to attend to one wants to go back to work, or to attend to other customer

47、s, or just to end the other customers, or just to end the conversation.conversation.10.Ididntthinktwice.(para.11)10.Ididntthinktwice.(para.11)Tothinkaboutsth.carefully.Also:togivesomethingasecondthoughtlookbeforeyouleap11.Excuseme?(para.12)Paraphrasing: But why? I dont understand.But why? I dont und

48、erstand.This expression is used when you disagree with somebody but still want to be polite about it.12.Andsincetheredoesntseemtobeanyquestionastowhetheritshismoney,thebanksso-calledpolicyisridiculous.(para.13)concerning,concerning,about(quiteabout(quiteformal)formal)usedwhenyouthinkthenamegivenused




52、nanannoyedmannerSimilarphrasestoSimilarphrasestoindicateanemotionalindicateanemotionalstate:tocryinhappiness,state:tocryinhappiness,tolaughinjoy,tosingintolaughinjoy,tosinginsorrow,toreplyinsorrow,toreplyinsurprise,towatchinsurprise,towatchinamazementamazementParaphrasing:Paraphrasing: he replied in

53、 a louder voice he replied in a louder voice which showed that the man was a little annoyed which showed that the man was a little annoyed and impatientand impatient14.Ihadmyopening.(para.16)14.Ihadmyopening.(para.16)anopportunityorchance,especiallyanopportunityorchance,especiallyforemploymentorprom

54、otioninaforemploymentorpromotioninabusinessconcernbusinessconcernParaphrasing: I found a good chance to do or say I found a good chance to do or say something favorable or get the upper hand. something favorable or get the upper hand. Also: I had Also: I had my windowmy window. .15.Imovedinforthekil

55、l.(para.19)15.Imovedinforthekill.(para.19)Paraphrasing:Paraphrasing: I began to prepare to kill, destroy or I began to prepare to kill, destroy or defeat my enemy.defeat my enemy.I thought now I had a strong argument to silence and I thought now I had a strong argument to silence and embarrass the b

56、ank officer by convincing him that he embarrass the bank officer by convincing him that he was wrong and being unfair to the boy. So I used the was wrong and being unfair to the boy. So I used the argument.argument.16.Izeroedinontheofficer.(para.20)16.Izeroedinontheofficer.(para.20)Ilaunchedanattack


58、keyissuesfordiscussion.(The author was using these exaggerated expressions (The author was using these exaggerated expressions for a humorous effect.)for a humorous effect.)17.Yourereallygettingcheated.(para.22)“To “To get get cheated” cheated” is is another another way way of of saying saying “to “

59、to be be cheated” cheated” with with emphasis emphasis on on the the action action rather rather than than the the state. state. It It is is common common in in informal informal English. English. Notice Notice that that the the sentence sentence is is in in the the present present continuous passiv

60、econtinuous passive.Example:JoegotarrestedfordrunkJoegotarrestedfordrunkenendrivinglastSaturdayevening.drivinglastSaturdayevening.Thepoorboysnevergotinvitedanywhere.Thepoorboysnevergotinvitedanywhere.Pleasegivemefiveminutes:Imustgetchanged.Pleasegivemefiveminutes:Imustgetchanged. 18.youreallyshouldn


62、causedorsomethingwas(not)done.done.(本(本(本(本 不不不不 该该该该) Moreexamples:Moreexamples:Youshouldnthavemarriedhiminthefirstplace.HowYoushouldnthavemarriedhiminthefirstplace.Howmiserableyouarenow.miserableyouarenow.Youshouldnthavestayeduplastnight,oryouYoushouldnthavestayeduplastnight,oryouwouldntbesosleepy

63、inclassnow.wouldntbesosleepyinclassnow.Heshouldhavevisitedhisfatherinhospitallastnight,Heshouldhavevisitedhisfatherinhospitallastnight,butforthisreasonorthat,hedidntgo.butforthisreasonorthat,hedidntgo.interfereinterfere v. v. to deliberately get involved in a situation to deliberately get involved i

64、n a situation that does not concern you and in a way that annoys that does not concern you and in a way that annoys peoplepeople Example:Iwishyoustopinterferingyouvecausedenoughproblemsalready.theinterferingoldbusybodyinterferewith:interferewith:to prevent sth. from succeeding or from to prevent sth

65、. from succeeding or from happening in the way that was planned happening in the way that was planned Example:Anxietycaninterferewithchildrensperformanceatschool.Whointerferedwithmycamera?Compareinterveneintervenev. to do sth. to stop a quarrel, or a war, or to deal with a to do sth. to stop a quarr

66、el, or a war, or to deal with a problem, especially one that you are not directly involved inproblem, especially one that you are not directly involved inExample:Thepolicedontusuallyliketointerveneindisputesbetweenhusbandandwife.TheFederalReserveBankhadtointervenetoprotectthevalueofthedollar. 词义辨析:词


68、词,指介入争端,进行调停,也指干涉他人之事。meddlemeddle指干预与自己毫不相关的事或不属于自己职责范围的事,隐含未经指干预与自己毫不相关的事或不属于自己职责范围的事,隐含未经指干预与自己毫不相关的事或不属于自己职责范围的事,隐含未经指干预与自己毫不相关的事或不属于自己职责范围的事,隐含未经许可或授权。可与许可或授权。可与许可或授权。可与许可或授权。可与interfereinterfere换用。换用。换用。换用。interfereinterfereprefixinter- (enter-/intel-): between orbetween or involving two or mo

69、re different involving two or more different things, places, or people things, places, or peopleinterceptinterceptinterchangeinterchangeinterfuseinterfuseinterludeinterludeinteriorinteriorinternationalinternationalinterpretinterpretinterruptinterruptentertainentertain中途拦截;截获中途拦截;截获中途拦截;截获中途拦截;截获交换;轮

70、替交换;轮替交换;轮替交换;轮替使混合;弥漫使混合;弥漫使混合;弥漫使混合;弥漫间奏(曲)间奏(曲)间奏(曲)间奏(曲)内陆的;内部的内陆的;内部的内陆的;内部的内陆的;内部的国际的;国际性的国际的;国际性的国际的;国际性的国际的;国际性的解释;阐明解释;阐明解释;阐明解释;阐明中断;妨碍中断;妨碍中断;妨碍中断;妨碍款待;使娱乐款待;使娱乐款待;使娱乐款待;使娱乐19.Well,itdamnwellseemedtomethat(para.25)19.Well,itdamnwellseemedtomethat(para.25)used here to emphasize how sure or

71、 used here to emphasize how sure or determined one is about something. It is determined one is about something. It is slang (very informal) and is not expected slang (very informal) and is not expected to be heard in polite society.to be heard in polite society.20.Andwhomightthatbe?(para.27)20.Andwh

72、omightthatbe?(para.27)The modal verb The modal verb mightmight is often used to suggest is often used to suggest politenesspoliteness or or low possibilitylow possibility. This question . This question implies that the narrator didnt believe implies that the narrator didnt believe anybody (on the ba

73、nks side) was representing anybody (on the banks side) was representing the boy interests. Here it is meant to be the boy interests. Here it is meant to be sarcastic.sarcastic.21.someneighborhoodbullyhasbeenshakingthisboy21.someneighborhoodbullyhasbeenshakingthisboydownformorethanamonth.(para.30)dow



76、y,scary,scarcity,scarcity,scarcelyscarcelyOnetipwhenusingthe“tooto”Onetipwhenusingthe“tooto”pattern:pattern:The infinitive verb in this pattern is The infinitive verb in this pattern is always transitive, so when an always transitive, so when an intransitive verb has to be used, make it intransitive

77、 verb has to be used, make it transitive by adding an appropriate transitive by adding an appropriate preposition.preposition.E.g.E.g.ThedooristoonarrowforanThedooristoonarrowforanelephanttogothrough.elephanttogothrough.TheapartmentistoosmallforaTheapartmentistoosmallforafamilyoftentolivein.familyof






83、alizedthat(10)_canshefoolthemanylonger,soshetriestothat(10)_canshefoolthemanylonger,soshetriestoavoidbeingseenbythem.avoidbeingseenbythem.List: scar, scare, scarce, scarred, scared, scaring, scar, scare, scarce, scarred, scared, scaring, scary, scarcity, scarcelyscary, scarcity, scarcely23.Anyway,th

84、epoliceareonthecase(para.30)23.Anyway,thepoliceareonthecase(para.30)Anyway, the police are working on the caseAnyway, the police are working on the case“Anyway” is often used in spoken English when you “Anyway” is often used in spoken English when you want to change the subject or return to the want

85、 to change the subject or return to the previous subject, to give additional information, to previous subject, to give additional information, to finish saying something, or to continue without all finish saying something, or to continue without all the details.the details.1.Itoldyou,itsallright,and

86、1.Itoldyou,itsallright,andanywayanyway,itwasmyfault.,itwasmyfault. 用于肯定或支持刚提及的观点或想法用于肯定或支持刚提及的观点或想法用于肯定或支持刚提及的观点或想法用于肯定或支持刚提及的观点或想法 况且,而且,再说况且,而且,再说况且,而且,再说况且,而且,再说2.Whatareyoudoinghere,2.Whatareyoudoinghere,anywayanyway?.?. 用于疑问句,强调说话者想知道事实的愿望用于疑问句,强调说话者想知道事实的愿望用于疑问句,强调说话者想知道事实的愿望用于疑问句,强调说话者想知道事实的愿

87、望 究竟,到底究竟,到底究竟,到底究竟,到底3.Howsheliveswithhimisbeyondme.3.Howsheliveswithhimisbeyondme.AnywayAnywayIIreallylikeher.reallylikeher. 用于在交谈时改变话题或间断后继续话题用于在交谈时改变话题或间断后继续话题用于在交谈时改变话题或间断后继续话题用于在交谈时改变话题或间断后继续话题 不过,然而不过,然而不过,然而不过,然而4.4.AnywayAnyway,Dot,Imustdash.,Dot,Imustdash. 用于表明说话者想结束谈话用于表明说话者想结束谈话用于表明说话者想结

88、束谈话用于表明说话者想结束谈话 好了好了好了好了5.PoorJohnalwaysenjoyedadrink.5.PoorJohnalwaysenjoyedadrink.AnywayAnyway,hedied,hediedlastyear.lastyear. 用于表明说话者想跳过次要方面而集中关注重要方面用于表明说话者想跳过次要方面而集中关注重要方面用于表明说话者想跳过次要方面而集中关注重要方面用于表明说话者想跳过次要方面而集中关注重要方面 可是可是可是可是6.NobodyinvitedMissHoneytositdownbutshesat6.NobodyinvitedMissHoneytosi

89、tdownbutshesatdowndownanywayanyway. . 用于表示尽管如何如何,但某事已发生了或将要发生用于表示尽管如何如何,但某事已发生了或将要发生用于表示尽管如何如何,但某事已发生了或将要发生用于表示尽管如何如何,但某事已发生了或将要发生 还是还是还是还是22.NotthatIeverheardof.(para.32)22.NotthatIeverheardof.(para.32)Paraphrasing: Ive never heard of such a rule. / Even if there were such a rule, Ive never heard o

90、f it.Similar to: Not that I know of.Both expressions are used when answering a Both expressions are used when answering a question to mean that, judging from the question to mean that, judging from the information you have, the answer is no.information you have, the answer is no.ReinforcementRetelli

91、ngRetellingWritingWritingPart FivePart FiveRetellingRetellingWork in pairs and retell the story to each other. One in the pair tells the story in the boys voice and the other the bank officers. 1. Bring to surface what you were thinking and how 1. Bring to surface what you were thinking and how you

92、were feeling during the incident.you were feeling during the incident. 2. Tell your audience what you think the other two 2. Tell your audience what you think the other two people were thinking and how you think they were people were thinking and how you think they were feeling during the incident. feeling during the incident. 谢谢观赏谢谢观赏



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