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1、根据括号内的提示填写单词,注意形式。根据括号内的提示填写单词,注意形式。1.He wanted to help me with my work, but I _ (拒绝拒绝).2.I am sure that you will be _ (欢迎欢迎) in that village.3.Many people are _ (聚集聚集) in the park.4.Dont _ (喊叫喊叫)at that boy again.5.There are a large _(人群人群)of people in the street.6.He began to _ (笑笑) when he heard

2、the interesting story.7.The big minute _(指针指针)of the clock has stopped at five to ten.8._ (突然突然) it began to rain and I got all wet in a few minutes.refusedwelcomedgatheringshoutcrowdlaughhandSuddenlyChoose1.OK,I _ back in three minutes.A.will come B.come C.came D.will came2.The clock is_ 12 oclock.

3、A.striking B.beating C.hitting D.ringing3.The enemy troop suddenly took the small village by surprise _ a rainy morning.A.on B.at C.in D.during4.There _some tea in the cup.A.is B.are C.isnt D.arent5.We had some troubles _last Sunday.A.in B.at C.on D./6.You are prompt ,you always arrive _8:30.A.at B.

4、on C.in D./7.He has born _the moring_June 20.A.at;of B.on;of C.at;on D.in;/8.You will hear from us _two days time.A.for B.in C.by D.on用用at / on / in填空填空Henry is 63. Hell be retiring from his job _ two years time.Mary and Henry always go out for a meal _ their wedding anniversary.The course begins _

5、January and ends sometime _ April.We traveled overnight to Paris and arrived _ 5 oclock _ the morning.Hes out of work _ the moment.6. It took me a long time to find a job. _ the end I got a job in a hotel.atoninininatIninInstrument PianoGuitar Tuba Clavichord Recorder Violin Lesson 10 Not for jazzLi

6、sten and answer:What kind of instrument do they have?It is called clavichord.Who bought the instrument?His grandfather.Instrument Pipa Erhu Gu ZhengDrumWe have an old musical instrument. It iscalled a clavichord.instrument (n.) U a piece of instrumentan instrument for writing ment是名词后缀是名词后缀 movement

7、 judgementcall + nameWe call it a clavichord. (active voice)It is called a clavichord. (passive voice)书写工具书写工具It is called a clavichord.be called (passive voice) : be + v.pp我们叫他我们叫他“山姆大叔山姆大叔”。We call him Uncle Sam=He is called Uncle Sam by us.Lesson 10 Not for jazzWe have an old musical instrument.

8、It iscalled a clavichord.musical (adj.) music (n.) musician musical instrument musical performancea musical child 乐器乐器演奏演奏有音乐天赋的孩子有音乐天赋的孩子music 可放在名词前充当定语,表可放在名词前充当定语,表“有音乐的有音乐的”a music teacher a music lesson a music loverIt was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living room. 1.b

9、e made in + place / time 这辆电动车产于中国。这辆电动车产于中国。This electric is made in China.2. be made of + material 3. be made from + material 这所房子是用木头做的。这所房子是用木头做的。This house is made of wood.奶酪是用牛奶制成的。奶酪是用牛奶制成的。Cheese is made from milk.4. be made into5. be made by + sb.这张纸被做成了垃圾袋。这张纸被做成了垃圾袋。This paper is made int

10、o rubbish bag.这条裙子是我妈妈做的。这条裙子是我妈妈做的。The dress is made by my mother.1.大多数纸是用木头制造的。大多数纸是用木头制造的。 Most paper is made from wood. 2.这种面包是由小麦做的。这种面包是由小麦做的。 The bread is made from wheat. 3.这台机器是金属制造的。这台机器是金属制造的。 The machine is made of metal. 4.这些自动取款机是法国制造的。这些自动取款机是法国制造的。These ATMs are made in France.5.这块木头

11、将要被制成一个小凳。这块木头将要被制成一个小凳。 This piece of wood will be made into a small bench. 6.这个玩具小汽车是他做的。这个玩具小汽车是他做的。The model car was made by him. It has belonged to our family for a long time.belong vi. 注意注意: belong不用于被动语态。表示状态的动词不用于被动语态。表示状态的动词,不不用于进行时。用于进行时。常用于一般现在时和一般过去时常用于一般现在时和一般过去时.belong to曾经这里的一切都是属于我的曾

12、经这里的一切都是属于我的.Once upon a time, everything here belonged to me.请照看好你所有的东西。请照看好你所有的东西。 (belonging n. )Please look after all your belongings.Time notes:just, already, never, ever , yet, before, so far, up till now, up to the present day, since 2 weeks ago, since 2008, forThe instrument was bought by my

13、 grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged by a visitor.damage v. (break) be damaged在这次事故中,这辆车受到了严重的损害。在这次事故中,这辆车受到了严重的损害。The car was badly damaged in the accident.地震使一些建筑受到了破坏。地震使一些建筑受到了破坏。(earthquake)The earthquake damaged several buildings.大雨毁坏了许多房子。大雨毁坏了许多房子。The heavy rain damaged many

14、 houses.n. 损害,损失,伤害损害,损失,伤害do/ cause damage to.吸烟可能会损害你的肺。吸烟可能会损害你的肺。(lung)Smoking can cause great damage to your lungs.recently最近,新近(常用于现在完成时、过去时)最近,新近(常用于现在完成时、过去时)这家公司最近买了一套新的办公楼。这家公司最近买了一套新的办公楼。This company has recently bought a new office.他最近学习英语。他最近学习英语。 He has recently learned English. 最近怎么样?

15、最近怎么样? How are you recently? Recently it was damaged by a visitor.She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken.strike : v. n. (struck, struck) hit, knockstrike a match and make a fire.划根火柴,生起火。划根火柴,生起火。A good idea strikes me suddenly.我的灵感突现。我的灵感突现。Les

16、son 10 Not for jazzMy father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. shock (vt.) 使使震惊震惊他的歌声让我大为震惊。(他的歌声让我大为震惊。(by)I am shocked by his singing.You almost shocked me to death.你差点没把我吓死。(你差点没把我吓死。(death)当听到你出事的事后我很震惊。当听到你出事的事后我很震惊。I was shocked when I heard about your accident.allow sb. to do s

17、th. 允许某人干某事允许某人干某事我爸爸不许我和你一起去野营。我爸爸不许我和你一起去野营。My dad doesnt allow me to go camping with you.老师,请允许我发表意见。老师,请允许我发表意见。Teacher,Please allow me to speak.请允许我介绍一下请允许我介绍一下Mary小姐。小姐。Please allow me to introduce Miss Mary.be allowed to do sth.孩子们是不被允许碰这些名画的。孩子们是不被允许碰这些名画的。The kids are not allowed to touch t

18、he precious paintings.It is being repaired by a friend of myfathers.A friend of my fathers is repairing the instrument.父亲的一个朋友正在修理这件乐器。父亲的一个朋友正在修理这件乐器。The structure of passive voice :be (is/am/are/was/ were)+ v. pp.The present continuous tense: be + being+ v. pp电影电影2012正在上映。(正在上映。(show)The movie “20

19、12” is being shown now.The present continuous tense: be (is/am/are/was/ were)+ v. pp.a friend of my fathers = one of my fathers friends.n.+ of +pron. = one of +n. 1. Tom lent me one of his books.Tom lent me a book of his.2. He is one of my friends.He is a friend of mine.It is being repaired by a fri

20、end of myfathers.双重所有格双重所有格1.Miss Alice is a friend of _. A.Marys mothers B Marys mother C.Mothers Mary D.Mary mothers2.I will give you _ to finish it.A.two weeks time B.two weeks time C.two weeks time D.two-weeks time3.Jane went to the _ to buy a pair of shoes.A.shoe store B.shoes store C.shoes sto

21、re D.shoes store4.Jim and Jack are _.A.my father and mother friends B.my father and mothers friendsC.my fathers and mothers friend D.friends of mine father and mother Passive voice:be (am, is, are, was, were) + v. pp.I open the door. The door is opened by me.Is the door opened by you?Yes, it is. No,

22、 it isnt.I opened the door.The door was opened by me.I will open the door.The door will be opened by me.She is cleaning the floor. (is)The floor is being cleaned by her.She was cleaning the floor. (were)The floor was being cleaned by her.She has cleaned the floor. (have)The floor has been cleaned by

23、 her.She had cleaned the floor.The floor had been cleaned by her. tense主动(主动(active)被动(被动(passive)一般现在一般现在do一般过去一般过去did现在进行现在进行am/is/are+doing过去进行过去进行was/were+doing一般将来一般将来will / shall dobe going to do现在完成现在完成has/have done情态动词情态动词must/should beam/is are + donewas/were + doneam/is/are +being donewas/

24、were +being donewill +be donehas/have + been donebe going to +be donemust/should be + done变主动为被动变主动为被动1.They are building a new bridge over the river.2.The postman delivered a newspaper this morning.3.My mother gave me a present yesterday.4.The police have caught the thief.5.He was typing a letter.A

25、 new bridge is being built over the building.A newspaper was delivered this morning.I was given a present yesterday.The thief has been caught.A letter was being typed.1Do you know what_?A.it calls B.does it call C.it is called D.is it called2Where _ the trousers _?A.are made in B.are made C.is made

26、in D.is made 3Can you tell me whom the play _ in 1998.A. was written by B. was written C. is written D. is written by 4.Music _ by us a moment ago. A. was listened to B. was listenedC. were listened to D. were listened 5.Do you know _?A.where are the desks made B.when the desks madeC.what the desks

27、are made of D.where the desks made 真题链接(被动语态)真题链接(被动语态)1桥是桥是1942年建的。年建的。The bridge was built in 1942.2这块蛋糕是我姐姐做的。这块蛋糕是我姐姐做的。This cake was made by my sister.3它产自德国。它产自德国。It is made in Germany.4.照相机正在被我的一个朋友修。照相机正在被我的一个朋友修。The camera is being repaired by a friend of mine.1.His mother told him not to w

28、aste time on fishing. 2 Father gave me a toy at Christmas.3 This factory produces machine tools. 4 They should do it at once. 5 They named the child Tom. He was told not to waste time on fishing.I was given a toy at Christmas (by my father). Machine tools are produced in this factory. It should be done at once (by them). The child was named Tom.



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