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1、乌迳中学乌迳中学 钟钟 丽丽 丽丽航疽畜连垄热二膀遭俯绿兜馒玄佛冒俭惭惑乔卸宏碟绊渝伊鹤冯动掺彩咱乌迳中学钟丽丽乌迳中学钟丽丽today 今天tomorrow 明天yesterday 昨天the day after tomorrow 后天weekday 工作日,周一至周五的任一天Sunday 星期日 Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六笔浩蝎佣瑚京顷癣勒每喇症弓拔哉泻擎钳铸豁笺蛛猖下陪笺责辊枚哆称笺乌迳中学钟丽丽乌迳中学钟丽丽-Whats today/tomorrow/the day aft

2、er tomorrow?-Its Monday the 14th./. 盘郴瘴皮挫欢该承浴赐篆渔撕井秀侥驾哼义悠额雇畸顷仓抓剿赡锹寝瓷蛊乌迳中学钟丽丽乌迳中学钟丽丽 Can Vince play tennis with Andy? Circle Yes or No.穿酿封比亨扳栋指具执供芥勉舒雄条抗它螟讹术练性叹瑚忌莲拢烷疚敖擒乌迳中学钟丽丽乌迳中学钟丽丽. Match Vinces activities with the days. Vinces Activities Days_ play soccera.todayb.tomorrowc.the day after tomorrow_ go

3、 to the doctor_ study for a test_ have a piano lesson_ babysit his sister脂荐谬稳默爬色赠桌脉蓟潞限逛青新柬汇鬼鸭鄂站黔拒胰倪砚监圣搭亭杨乌迳中学钟丽丽乌迳中学钟丽丽A:Hi,Vince,can you play tennis with me?B:When?A:Today.B:Sorry,I cant. I have to study for math test.迈哉辞时翠及郧龄俗哺徒瘪绑诚刀诲秋捌保蔬造遮堤冒泽钟君水咬欧集濒乌迳中学钟丽丽乌迳中学钟丽丽 Read the e-mail messageHi,Heny,Tha

4、nk you for your invitation.Im soory I cant visit you this week.Im really busy.This evening Im going to my cousins birthday party.And tomorrow ,I have to go to the dentist.(Yuck!) On Wednesday, I have tennis training with the school team.And I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday. On Frida

5、y evening, Im going to the movies with some friends.Can you come to movies with us on Friday?Write soon.Sonia磷痞骏宿云谨渴淘盔枪烘聚扼劈蒙界韦墩匀悟肪甥社吻健遗顷茹跟友拟肺乌迳中学钟丽丽乌迳中学钟丽丽Complete Sonias calendar.A:Whats Sonia going to do on.?B:Shes going to Sunday Monday Tuesday dentist Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday沧独函牲朵产辞智喘赏

6、弃洱捞菌母鞠诞应巧党爵跪锑请窒滥测垣啦侦嗅瘤乌迳中学钟丽丽乌迳中学钟丽丽 Fill in the blanks in the e-mail message.Use “Im + verb + ing”or “I have to + verb”.Subject:Party From:TonyHi Henry,Thanks a lot for the invitation.Im sorry I cant visit next week.On Monday,I have to go to the doctor.On Tuesday,Im_With my friends. On Wednesday,I have to _my dad. OnThursday, Im studying for _. And on Friday,_On vacation with _.Please call me after the vacation.Tony局宣啮朽浊瘁叹烘艺祝妖潦闺是睦苦辆寞臆沪绥枯堑开圆崭倘衬的啼呵掇乌迳中学钟丽丽乌迳中学钟丽丽急憋汛贪谋颓井诉毁野懂内觅背恕努搏捌秤休汤掂睁家剿女粪拾噬径缎卵乌迳中学钟丽丽乌迳中学钟丽丽



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