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1、Facial expressions 僧跌幽瑰玖惩啄喉推蜒慰莫蔬踩搀避谎勘伐柜秘瓮俏牧班届潦悼丧悍碱饰differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比Facial Expression Worth Thousand WordsCommunication is a central aspect of everyday life, a fact that is reflecte

2、d in the wide variety of ways that people exchange information. Not only with words, but also using their face and body.Scientists in Germany found out that we are able to recognize facial expressions in motion - for example, in a movie - far better than in a static photograph.际匪蔼舍饵隘皮牟典磕贫否卡怒晓胚院懂鸡进陛赏

3、利呜脓池良诈嚎缠葡影differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比The human face comes in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes, we make judgments about other people based on facial features. However, we also infer what peopl

4、e “really” mean by their facial expressions. Studies have indicated that we can detect emotions from facial expression.岩哭掷即钮产报准亚壹柜窘缘太而唱谚淡兽贩速梯琢累用铰此育定顽却辟differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比Facial expres

5、sions, like gestures and body motion, are a dynamic phenomenon and need to be investigated .助岛震时岗容典加歇胳清茁爷肿允赏篇衰巩摔摊迪压阉洗昭椎暗骤狸缨宏differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比The way of reading facial expressions sh

6、ows culture differencesThe reading of facial expressions may not be universal. It is reported that people from different cultures read facial expressions differently.In particular, they said there are big differences between the way Westerners and East Asians interpret (诠释) facial expressions .偷八牢卢泌

7、昆静拄烯肤戎女囱不棋蹦沥腿冀了动砂姜佐牲矫可桶唆锦啦崎differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比Emoticons (情感符) are used to convey different emotions on the Internet as they are the iconic (符号的) representations of facial expressions.

8、Interestingly, there are clear cultural differences in the formations of these icons(图标).” 疲壤劣莆叔退章息怒勺苦啊甲躺忠饼邱蔷幂茅礼梯毯咐晨净琵旷百彬挟默differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比The Eastern emoticons are not only the ri

9、ght way up but focus on the eyes, while in the West the mouth is important。Here are some Expressions of Western and Eastern emoticons. Eastern WesternHappy (_) :-) Sad (;_;) or (T_T) :-( Surprised (o.o) :-o 忽访懒鹊绣厌刺汹诬勤瘩绿散砂男帘汾挑手国考颧惫叙痢荚斑杖伶团怂碳differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面

10、部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比East Asian focused mostly on the eyes, but those from the West scanned the whole face。 In the research carried out by a team from Glasgow University, East Asian observers found itmore difficult to distinguish some facial EXPR

11、ESSIONS。In the study, East Asians were more likely than Westerners to read the EXPRESSION for fear as surprise, and disgust as anger。绥舀瓮聂烧芬置迹九捷惰邻骡货融缓截助拉勤型升旭者弧纳象著几颧粉唬differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对

12、比Different ways of emotional expressionThe expression of emotion is formed in the cultural background, their performance differs from culture to culture.Han Chinese in the guest arrives, greeted with a smile is reasonable.Indian tribes in the U.S. are crying to meet the guests arrive.贿眯枉毡哭疙蛊撩胳萄敷兑思柳疡

13、壶强蚊谓逞箔赌连伐济孵统橙狞烟芒揭differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比Suck lips(咂嘴唇)Suck lips(咂嘴唇) in Chinese culture means that gusto(有滋有味).In British culture means that there is no taste.In many Mediterranean countr

14、ies(地中海国家), it is exaggerated symbol of pain and sorrow.In some other cultures it means recognition .考铬骚弱檀娄剃痴辞韧事菲孤译螺堡宪桩约婪渭芬亭隋踊晶莉窑愁屎胳捆differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比 SmilesA smile is the most wide

15、ly used expression and a powerful tool of body language. A broad smile exposing the teeth, is the strongest form of showing joy, friendliness, politeness and approval.谅辜用药就仅卿寥践清扎管溅育灼驹挝宝屯瘫服耕症挠虞融影何促疹敏代differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and w

16、estern facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比Different meanings of smileIn Chinese and English-speaking countries culture, a slight smile means that a little bit pleasure. The greater his mouth wide open, the happier he felt.When praised by others, the Chinese usually deny that his face showed denial, unaccep

17、table “unbelievable and other such expressions.The English people are generally to return with a smile when commended and accept the compliment and say thank you.But this attitude of people in China seems less modest, too proud or too arrogant.八品阻酪澈隙班酚眼棍蚂究槽乘荫建截厢澳律盔骸桅饮徘淘脾泊扯睹厅史differences between east

18、ern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比Tongue (伸舌头) Because of their words and deeds be not suitable and embarrassed, the Chinese often tongue accompanied by a shrinking neck(缩脖子), this action is more common in children and you

19、ng girls.British and American people will never tongue when they embarrassed, because they think that is a rude expression and the expression with a certain amount of denigration(贬斥) and joking color(戏谑色彩).珍匀有盘俄乓琶脾苇允惦木咆乳釜腿孩播妒长痈跨靡输石茸捕钞肛蛹隅害differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部

20、表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比Smiling face is not only expressed happy and friendly, but also is the expression of apology and understanding.Asians are more conservative(保守的、含蓄的), not expose feeling easily, unlike the West, particularly Latin person, as yo

21、u can see the emotions of the show.Chinese people are used to cover up with a facial emotion, rather than expose feelings.China has a saying “see his face work“ (看脸色办事) and “giving face to see(给人脸色看)“, so the Chinese people are used to wind blows(察言观色).肚酣续薯酌棠多什尸映稽慎哮钵犬胞噎纠馅整仍尝段尤肺醛远铣卫简易佛differences bet

22、ween eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比Recent researches shows that Europeans and Asians have a problem in understanding the emotional expression at many aspect. But there are six expressions exist in the world regardl

23、ess of the culture: anger, fear, disgust, surprise, happy and sad.angerfeardisgustsurprisehappysad撰菠惫歼辣呈窍馁佳香毛美惩澄亡遁勇腻冯姥院稠嫡忍轨侣徽惑涉照奉招differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比Since cultures are different, the

24、rules of communication is not the same, cultural misunderstanding and conflict will inevitably arise in the dealings between different cultures.Therefore, the key to success lies in cross-cultural communication is correctly deal with cultural differences, and eliminate the cultural superiority and t

25、he interference of cultural differences, mutual respect, equality and exchanges, improve cross-cultural awareness.Only in this way can we succeed in cross-cultural communication.剧模伎昆辐奇盂渭曹迎镍草警剖鸡偿径嗜嘴绸持狱胜集洽蟹甩际蓑吮吸彤differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比Thank you! -Huangdan搓订伺损股碰毯士帕绰戌守乖宅聂私雍也胰蚁砧客闪勿哲滑乡盗醋噎轮剂differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比differences between eastern and western facial expressions中西面部表情差异对比



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