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1、介词 (prep.)之地点介词之地点介词1 1地点介词(一)n地点介词地点介词:n n表示物体所在的位置,表示物体所在的位置,表示物体所在的位置,表示物体所在的位置,n n常用的地点介词有:常用的地点介词有:常用的地点介词有:常用的地点介词有:n nIn, on, under, between, near, In, on, under, between, near, next to, in front of, behind.next to, in front of, behind.2 2n方位介词Enjoy a song3 3in的用法n nIn:在里面例如:The cat is _ the

2、box。 in 点击鼠标填空继续4 4on的用法on: 在上例如: The doll is_ the box。on点击鼠标填空继续5 5under的用法under: 在下面The cat is _the box.under点击鼠标填空继续6 6between 的用法between: 在中间例如: The book is _ the two boxes.between点击鼠标填空返回7 7 next to 的用法The doll is next to the box.8 8-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its _ the box.in front of-Its _ the b

3、ox.behind-Wheres the soccer ball?9 9The man is in front of the bus.1010The driver is in the front of the bus.1111Summaryin在里面OnAboveover在表面在上方在正上方belowunder在下面在正下面in front of before在前面behind在后面Betweenamong在两者之间在三者或者三者以上之间beside / bynear next to在旁边在附近紧靠的旁边1212时间介词(一)n nin/on/atin/on/atn n口诀巧记:口诀巧记: i

4、n on at in on at 三兄弟三兄弟三兄弟三兄弟 表示时间互不替表示时间互不替表示时间互不替表示时间互不替 年月季节前用年月季节前用年月季节前用年月季节前用inin 上下午晚也涉及上下午晚也涉及上下午晚也涉及上下午晚也涉及 onon要用来表两期要用来表两期要用来表两期要用来表两期 上下午晚要具体上下午晚要具体上下午晚要具体上下午晚要具体 黎夜、中午和年龄黎夜、中午和年龄黎夜、中午和年龄黎夜、中午和年龄 atat上岗争朝夕上岗争朝夕上岗争朝夕上岗争朝夕1313时间介词举例n nin 1988in 1988,in March, in springin March, in springn

5、nin the morning/afternoon/eveningin the morning/afternoon/eveningn non Monday on June 1ston Monday on June 1stn non Christmas Eve on that dayon Christmas Eve on that dayn non Friday morningon Friday morningn non the morning of June 1ston the morning of June 1stn non a cold winter eveningon a cold wi

6、nter eveningn nat night/ at noon/ at dawnat night/ at noon/ at dawnn nat seven o clock/ at the momentat seven o clock/ at the momentn nat the age of at the age of 1414介词练习:1515Jerry is the plate.介词大考验介词大考验on1616Look! Jerry is the bottle.介词大考验介词大考验in1717nJerry is the cheese.介词大考验介词大考验under1818Tom is

7、lying(躺) Jerry.介词大考验介词大考验behind1919Millie sits _ me.Amy sits _ Millie _Simon.Kitty sits _ Sandy.Sandy sits _ Kitty _ me.Kitty sits _ Simon.in front ofbetweenandnext to/besidebetweenandbehind2020Simon sits _ Kitty.Amy sits _ Millie _ Simon.The chalk is _ the teachers desk.Amy sits _ Sandy.in front ofin front ofbetweenandon2121Thank you2222



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