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1、 第三章第三章 船舶电气与船舶安全船舶电气与船舶安全1886 The staring current of an a.c. motor is _the rated current. 交流电机的启动电流比额定电流大得多。 A. the same as B. much larger than C. less than D. equals1887 Ammeter is to measure the _安培表用来测量电流。 A. current B. voltage C. power D. frequency1888In a modem three-phase A.C. synchronous bru

2、shes generator, the excitation winding is on the rotor. That means _对于现代三相交流同步有刷的发电机,励磁线圈在转子上。意即转子上的线圈用于输入励磁电流。 A. The generator need not excitation B. The winding on the rotor is for inputting excitation current C. There are three phase windings on the rotor D. The generator has brushes1889 The ove

3、r current relay _ the motor contactor when the motor exceeds its rated current .当电动机超过额定电流时,过电流继电器将跳开。 A. connects B. trips C. fouls D. destructs 1886 B 1887 A 1888 B 1889 B 莆值闹晒帘倡贾怕翅搽儡测祖芝旧妈避频枫血剃赛榴赔逢披贩砒篮逛秦英船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1890The _ is a measure of the phase difference between voltage and cur

4、rent and is expected as the cosine of phase angle.功率因数可用来表示电压与电流之间的相位差,表达成相位角的余弦。 A. power B. efficiency C. effective power D. power factor1891 Current changing in direction and rising and falling in value is _ 方向、大小都变化的电流是交流电。 A.A.C. B.D.C. C. generator D. fresh water generator1892 The operation of

5、 paralleling two alternators requires the voltages to be _ and also in phase. 两台交流发电机并联,需要电压相等,并且同相。 A. zero B. eliminated C. different D. equal1893 The _ , cage rotor induction motor is the first choice marine motor in most modem ships because of its electrical and mechanical simplicity.现代船舶上使用的电机都

6、是三相电机。A. single phase B. two phase C. three phase D. four phase1894 The star-delta starter is an effective method of _ voltage starting of a motor.采用Y启动器是电饥低电压启动的最好方法。 A. increased B. reduced C. unchanged D. None of the above 1890 D 1891 A 1892 D 1893 C 1894 B 炭赤翱睹漾曹癌涵够抑有庆耻绪卢默淤邯悟梭劝炊鄂钥蔼镁涂党突悄母渝船舶电气与安全

7、习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1895With a _ load the voltage and current are in phase. 对于纯电阻负荷,电压和电流同相。A. purely resistance B. capacitive C. inductive D. None of the above1896 Increasing the temperature of a fuel will _ its viscosity.提高燃油的温度将降低其粘度。 A. increase B. reduce C. keep D. None of the above is true.1897 T

8、he _ is used to measure the volume of a liquid or gas through a pipelin within any given period of time.流量计用于测量在给定时间内,通过管子的液体或气体的体积。 A. flowmeter B. viscometer C. micrometer D. feeler1898 gauge pressure means _ “表压”即是“超过大气压的压力”。 A.vacuum B. the excess of pressure above atmosphere C. figure on a gaug

9、e D. Any of the above1899 A manometer is used to measure _压气计用来测量压力。 A. pressure B. temperature C. volume D. specific gravity1900 The viscosity regulator controls the fuel oil temperature_ provide oil at the correct viscosity for combustion.粘度调节器通过控制燃汕的温度实现粘度的控制。 A. in order that B. because of C. in

10、 order to D. owing to 1895 A 1896 B 1897 A 1898 B 1899 A 1900 C蛮腿邪韭驱咒苛沙涛悦刹恐搂鞠唤韭浩系断灭苇丸厩衅赡胜接彻撇砧旭不船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1901A viscosity regulator used for an engine is usually provided in order to for an _ engine burning heavy fuel oil .柴油机的粘度调节器能保持燃油粘度恒定。 A. regulate the fuel supply B. maintain a co

11、nstant fuel viscosity at the fuel valves C. maintain efficient cooling D. alter the fuel density1902 Oil mist detectors are usually used on board to detect oil mist density within _大型低速柴油机上的油雾检测器用于检测曲柄箱内滑油蒸汽的存在。 A. the engine crankcase B. the engine scavenge boxes C. drain tanks D. fuel tanks1903 UM

12、S stands for _ UMS代表“无人机舱。 A. ultra much space B. universal medium system C. unit machined space D. unattended machinery space1904 The main generators are connected to _主发电机与主配电板相连。 A. distribution boards B. section boards C. emergency switch boards D. main switch boards 1901 B 1902 A 1903 D 1904 D少

13、慢魄倍拽刃论抚蝴仰删版佳庶奇濒彩佃诸卸缴埠载续罪灭鞍删卿甩围史船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1905 The emergency generator or emergency battery is connected to _ on most large ships.应急发电机或应急蓄电池与应急配电板相连。 A. distribution boards B. section boards C. emergency switch boards D. main switch boards1906Switchboards may be of the dead-front type

14、in which all live parts are installed behind _ and only the operation handles and instruments are on the front在表面不带电式的配电板中,带电部件安装在面板的后面,只有操作手柄和仪表在 前面。 A. the capstan B. the collector C. the panels D. the surface1907 Remote control means that _遥控,意即“系统位于远离操作者处”。 A. the system is manned manually B. th

15、e system is situated remotely from the operator C. the system is controlled automatically D. all the above1908 The _ is a crystal which, under pressure, produces an electric current which varies with the pressure.压电式传感器是一种晶体,在压力下能产生电流,电流大小随压力变化而变化。 A. alternator B. glass thermometer C. burdon tube D

16、. piezoelectric pressure transducer1909 handle and instruments are on the front.题干表达有误。可参考第1906题。 A. open B. open front type C. live front type D. None of the above 1905 C 1906 C 1907 B 1908 D 1909 B卞立檬瓷第频虹袖体总共吁许贩佃霉雾钩店猎围膛侨差喳荆楚嘴言羔后荒船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1910 With UMS, when the engine room is unwatc

17、hed_will control the main engine. 对于无人机舱,由值班驾驶员来控制主机。 A. the bridge officer on watch B. the chief engineer C. the duty engineer D. the duty motorman1911 The difference between measured and desired values is called_ 测量值和所需要值之间的差,称为“偏差”。A. make-up B. desired value C. deviation D. set value1912systems

18、are provided with a stand-by device which will automatically be _ put in use in the even of the running device failing through a fault condition. 备用设备装有自动启动系统,当运转设备故障时,便能自动投人使用。 A. Mann B. Monitoring C. Auto start-up D. None of the above1913The operating medium for control systems may be _ 控制系统的操作介质

19、可以是压缩空气、液压油或电力。 A. compressed air B. hydraulic oil C. electricity D. All of the above 1914 _ power is the power developed within the cylinder and can be measmed by an engine indicator.指示功是气缸内发出的功率;可通过示功图来测量。 A. The shaft B. The mechanical C. The electric D. The indicated 1915 _ control system is one

20、 in which the control action is independent of the out- put. 控制作用与输出量无关,这种控制系统是开环控制。 A. Feed back B. Negative feed back C. Close loop D. Open loop 1910 A 1911 C 1912 C 1913 D 1914 D 1915 D到律嫩气皇员孟寄温奖浪疯信举畦货侠夯舟己咳洼愁韭癸挣奴粥粹拳狐疽船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1916Prior to any overhaul work on electric equipment, it

21、 is important to ensure the circuits are _对电气设备检修前,应确保电路切断。 A. live B. dead C. excited D. on line 1917 Moisture in a D.C. motor would cause _水分会引起直流电机短路。 A. short circuit B. speed up C. slow down D. hunting 1918 On commonly used ships, if two A.C. generators are operated in parallel, the load is dis

22、tributed evenly by _两台交流发电机并联运行时,负荷可以通过调节原动机的转速的方法来实现。正确答案应为 A. varying the D.C. exciter voltage B. varying the reluctance of the air gap C. regulating the speed of prime mover D. shorting out part of the armature windings 1919 Electric insulation is made of organic substances and so gradually _ wit

23、h age. 电器绝缘材料是由有机物质组成,随着时间的推移,性能会逐渐恶化。 A. deteriorates B. increases C. are fouled D. becomes better 1920 Electric insulation is made of organic substances and so gradually _ with age.见上题。 A. deteriorates B. increases C. are fouled D. becomes better 1916 B 1917 A 1918 D 1919 A 1920 A怠刊梗垃宝淆逃省剥惧哑具咀逗氨吧驳

24、茅来创漓彝烬肿壁春溶绥舒限爷大船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版 1921 The system will include various _ such as low tank level alarms and remote operation of tank outlet valves in the events of a fire. 油舱低位报警和速闭阀等都属于安全设备。 A. Switches B. panels C. alarm units D. safety devices 1922 is used to produce electric power. _交流发电机用来

25、产生交流电。 A. An alternator B. fresh water generator C. A compressor D. A clarifer 1923 The coil of wire rotating in the magnetic field produces the _ 在磁场中旋转的线圈能产生电流。 A. voltage B. current C. power D. frequency1924 Shore power must be _ during dock repair.坞修期间,必须接岸电。 A. disconnected B. switched off C. c

26、ut off D. connected1925The current flowing first in one direction and then in another is called _ current.方向改变的电流是交流电。 A. an alternating B. a rush C. a direct D. an exciting 1921 D 1922 A 1923 B 1924 D 1925 A 擦障沧琼盈饥鹏寄茸蛊插腥逆玲劳焦她俐餐潘苯克洁歌狼奔糟欣判志掉壳船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1926 Electrical supply is always ne

27、eded even if only for lighting so after a ship goes into service it is extremely rare for the main bus-bars to be dead, it therefore follows that the bus-bars are continuously alive _ the life of the ship . 船舶的主母线在整个船舶使用期内都是持续有电的。 A. along B. will C. throughout D. for1927 The switchboards for a . c.

28、 systems differ from the d.c. switch gear in that the open type panels are generally _ and the dead-front switch gear is the comnn rule. 用作交流系统的配电板与用作直流系统的配电板不同之处在于一般不允许使用开式面板,而常用表面不带电式。A. permissibly B. permissible C. no permissible D. not permissible1928 You must take good care of the drainage coc

29、k of the air control system. Because _ leads scale formed which might malfunctions the pilot control valve and other instruments.必须仔细保养空气控制系统的放残考克。因为水分会引起水垢形成,从而使得控制阀和其他仪表产生故障。 A. the temperature B. the mst C. the pressure D. the humidity1929 The liquid flowing in the capillary is such that the diff

30、erence in _ readings taken before the capillary and after it is related to the oil viscosity.对于在毛细管内流动的液体,毛细管前后的压差读数与油的粘度有关。 A. pressure B. velocity C. flow rate D. temperature1930 _ shall be continuously powered and shall have an automatic changeover to a stand by power supply in case of loss of no

31、rmal power supply .报警系统应持续供电。 A. Cooling system B. Alarm system C. The air conditioning installation D. The mooting equipment 1926 C 1927 D 1928 D 1929 A 1930 B啸颊驴辑标捐矫仇胚骸沥烬定略牡籍轧苫据哗出寒渐氨垃贤饶祖死科议阮船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1931 _ is a machine by which electrical energy is transformed into mechanical energy

32、.将电能转化为机械能的是电动机。 A. An alternator B. An electric motor C. A diesel engine D. A main switchboard 1932 Current changing in direction and rising and falling in value is _见第1891题。 A. A.C. B. D.C . C. generator D. fresh water generator 1933 Switchkx)ards may be of the dead-front type in which all live pa

33、rts are installed behind _ and only the operation handles and instruments are on the front见第1906题。 A. the capstan B. the collector C. the panels D. the brake1934 After a ship enters service it is _ for the main bus-bar to be made dead. 船舶投人使用后,主母线不带电是极其少见的。 A. usually B. commonly C. exceptional D. u

34、navoidably1935The separate supplies are connected in either star or delta formation. The star formation is most commonly used and requires _ slip-rings on the alternator. Y形连接需要4个滑环。 A. two B. three C. four D. five 1931 B 1932 A 1933 C 1934 C 1935 C 碌牙晚皿坎匝洗涩不蹬溜庞榜牵乎缚蝗虱膏临肾成峦滋撕阶煞寇司津固韧船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安

35、全习题英文版1936 The operation of paralleling two altermators requires the voltages to be and _ also in phase.见第1892题。 A. zero B. eliminated C. different D. equal1937With a purely _ load the voltage and current are in phase, giving a power factor of one.见第1895题。 A. inductive B. resistance C. combined D. c

36、apacitate1938 The operation of _ two altermators requires the voltages to be equal and also in phase.见第1892题。 A. paralleling B. series-mounting C. running D. control1939 Which of the following marine examples belongs to the open loop control system?只有舱室的加热系统可以采用开环控制。 A. Accommodation heating system

37、B. Steering gear C. Boiler control D. Cargo control1940 is the actual value of the controlled condition. _ 测量值就是控制条件的实际值。A. Desired value B. Set value C. Measured value D. Deviation 1936 D 1937 B 1938 A 1939 A 1940 C仲该判耘言窝桐灿药烬栖衰保留阶景慧埋观植均通皿迂闺篆递岳员叫菠惫船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1941 The difference between

38、measured and desired values is called _ 见第1911题。 A. offset B. error C. deviation D. set value1942 The overcurent relay _ the motor contactor when the motor exceeds its rated current .见第1889题。 A. connects B. trips C. fouls D. destructs1943 Electric insulation is made of organic substances and so grad

39、ually _ with age.见第1919题。 A. deteriorates B. increases C. are fouled D. are contaminated1944The _ is a crystal which, under pressure, produces an electric current which varies with the pressure.见第1908题。 A. alternator B. glass thermometer C. bunion tube D. piezoelectric pressure transducer1945 Domest

40、ic water pump is started automatically by _ which operates as the water level falls to a predetermined level.日用水泵是由压力开关自动启动的。 A. a level controller B. a temperature switch C. a floating ball D. a pressure switch 1941 C 1942 B 1943 A 1944 D 1945 D敦公纱桓诞溶于漂雕稍欠陛汰支皇悼油怎申证面座昂良炔砍肯锁谱肯旱肘船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英

41、文版1946After the trouble of the automatic control system has been completely eliminated, assistance is _ required. 自动控制系统的故障已彻底排除,不再需要任何帮 A. remained B. still C. no longer D. much more1947 With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched _ will control the main engine.见第1910题。 A. the bridge officer on wat

42、ch B. the chief engineer C. the duty engineer D. the duty motorman1948 The staring current of a motor is _ the rated current.见第1886题。 A. the same as B. much larger than C. less than D. none of the above1949 The alternating current generator supplying a load has a voltage drop resulted from the load.

43、 When the load has a lagging power factor this voltage drop _由于负荷的特性,交流发电机会产生电压降,当负荷具有滞后的功率因数时该电压下降是很大的。 A. is small B. may be neglected C. is useful D. is considerable1950 With a purely resistance load the voltage and current are in phase, giving a power factor of _对于纯电阻的负荷,电压与电流同彻,功率因数为1 A. one B.

44、 less than one C. more than one D. negative one 1946 C 1947 A 1948 B 1949 D 1950 A敖颓诉牧淤拆工仁诉漏缠云宵溅刻匣渭揍扭蛆耍茧琉艘助胸误嫂坷蠕绞质船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1951The power factor is a measure of the phase difference between voltage and current and is expressed as the _ of the phase angle.见第1890题 A. sine B. cosine C. ta

45、ngent D. cotangent 1952 The field coils _ and the armature is _ . Ibis is in fact the arrangement adopted for large, heavy duty alternators.常用大型交流发电机的结构,线圈是旋转的而电枢是静止的。 A. stationary/rotate B. stationary/stationary C. rotate/stationary D. rotate/rotate1953The star formation is most commonly used and

46、requires _ on the alternator. 见第1935题。A. one slip-ring B. two sliprings C. three sliprings D. four sliprings1954 An a.c. switchboard is usually _ the corresponding d.c. board because of the higher voltage and lower currents and smaller bus-bars.交流配电板比相应的直流配电板尺寸小、重量轻。 A. larger and heavier than B. as

47、 much as C. smaller and lighter than D. more dangerous than1955 The magnetic field is provided by electromagnets so reranged that adjacent poles have _磁场有电磁铁提供,其布置应使相邻的极具有相反的极性 A. opposite polarity B. the same polarity C. negative polarity D. positive polarity 1951 B 1952 C 1953 D 1954 C 1955 A 虚躇蝉暂

48、惨坤森助豁瓷沙聂属匠荔确豺诌午娄脖亩仑路窟裂窖宪撼喊沏钩船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1956To parallel an incoming machine to a running machine therefore it is necessary to ensure firstly that _见第1892题。 A. two frequencies must be brought into phase B. the incoming machine accepts a small amount of load C. the running machine must be

49、unload D. both voltages are equal 1957 is provided to alternators, in the event of prime mover failure to ensure that _ the alternator does not act as a motor.交流发电机装备逆功率保护设备,是为了防止当发电原动机故障时,刁能当作马达使用。 A. Reverse current protection B. Reverse power protection C. Synchronising device D. Frequency meter

50、958 With a purely _ load the voltage and current are in phase, giving a power fac- tor of one.见第1950题。 A. inductive B. capacitive C. combined D. resistance 1959 When two different metals are joined to form a closed circuit and exposed to different temperatures at their junctions _ which can be used

51、to measure temtmture.当两种不同的金属连接形成封闭回路,连接处与不同的温度接触,将会产生电流据 此可用来测量温度。此为热电偶的工作原理A. a current will flow B. a power will develop C. a heat will flow D. a pressure will produce 1960 Movement of the diaphragm or bellows is _ by a linkage to a needle or pointer display to indicate the differential pressure

52、between two sides of the diaphragm or bellows.膜片或波纹管的移动通过连接装置传递到指针。以显示膜片或波纹管两侧的压差A. measured B. recorded C. transferred D. controlled 1956 D 1957 B 1958 D 1959 A 1960 C员骤都芬渐客嘶括联戌俩釉怖乐镁昧站技赦畅闽芳悼拯纬退游晤磺祟于玻船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1961Bourdon Tube is probably the most commonly used_ measuring instrument.波登

53、管是最常用的表压力测量仪表。A. the absolute pressure B. the gauge pressure C. the vacuum pressure D. the differential pressure1962 This arrangement is _ if the elements are directly connected to one another and the control action takes place without human involvement.一步如果控制回路中,部件与部件之间直接相连,控制作用不需要人员的介入就能完成这种控制形式就是

54、自动闭环控制。 A. a manual closed loop B. a manual opened loop C. an automatic closed loop D. an automatic opened loop1963 In_ the control action is independent on the output. 控制作用与输出量无关,即为开环控制。 A. a closed loop control system B. an open loop control system C. a boiler control system D. a steering gear con

55、trol system1964 Usually the panels are interlocked with_so that the devices can be made dead before the doors are opened.通常,面板与隔离开关是相互联锁的,这样在门打开之前,设备是不带电的。 A. protective earth B. isolators C. ground switch D. circuit-breakers1965 It _ for an emergency generator to require paralleling.对于应急发电机来说,一般不需要

56、并联运行(除大型客轮外)。 A. is usual B. is not usual C. is necessary D. is not impossible 1961 B 1962 C 1963 B 1964 B 1965 B扭琶汁骆卞貉再犁可匣扦滤葡暗案蛤耶为县拜妄怜父脏佐了虚列迁刑捶完船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1966The switchboards for a . c. systems differ from the d.c. switch gear in that the open type panels are generally _ and the dead-

57、front switch gear is the common rule.见第1927题 A. permissibly B. permissible C. no permissible D. not permissible1967 _ is used to produce electric power.见第1922题。 A. An alternator B. A fresh water generator C. A compressor D. A clarifer1968 The magnetic field is provided by electromagnets so arranged

58、that adjacent poles have _见第1955题。 A. opposite polarity B. the same polarity C. negative polarity D. positive polarity1969 Domestic water pump is started automatically by _ which operates as the water level falls to a predetermined level.见第1945题。 A. a level controller B. a temperature switch C. a pr

59、essure switch D. a floating ball1970 Brushless generators are designed to operate without the use of _ 无刷发电机,不需要碳刷、滑环和换向2S等装置。A. brushes B. slip rings C. commutators D. all of the above 1966 D 1967 A 1968 A 1969 C 1970 D排书揖朱怜咆冉菇抢甫戌博谈你斡判恨娠黔厌踪稗柜踊倚谊班株街操细濒船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1971A ground can be defi

60、ned as an electrical connection between the wiring of a motor and its _电机接地可以定义为,电机的电线与金属壳体之间的电气连接。 A. shunt field B. circuit breaker C. metal framework D. inter-pole1972 The output voltage of a 440 volt, 60 hertz, AC generator is controlled by the _ 对于440V,60Hz的交流发电机的输出电压,是由励磁机的输出电压来控制的。 A. prime m

61、over speed B. exciter output voltage C. load on the alternator D. number of poles1973 Any electric motor can be constructed to be _任何交流电动机都应该防爆。 A. short proof B. ground proof C. explosion proof D. overload proof1974 Which of the following statements represents the main difference between a relay an

62、d a contactor _接触器与继电器的主要区别是它能承受较大的负载。 A. Contactors control current and relays control voltage. B. A relay is series connected and a contactor is parallel connected. C. Contactors can handle heavier loads than relays. D. Contactors are made from silver and relays are made from copper.1975 An accide

63、ntal path of low resistance, allowing passage of abnormal amount of current is known as a/an _产生低电阻、高电流,即发生短路。 A. open circuit B. short circuit C. polarized ground D. ground reference point 1971 C 1972 B 1973 C 1974 C 1975 B桑晋势烫挠嘲唐茵痉夜淑米损芒捕渝拳贝涅人锨合庆铲痰拐胯刽盆侯鱼炕船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1976A resistance in

64、a circuit of unknown value is to be tested using the voltmeter/ammeter method. Therefore, the meters should be connected with _ 电流表应与电阻串联,而电压表应与电阻并联。 A. both meters in series with the resistance B. both meters in parallel with the resistance C. the ammeter in series and the voltmeter in parallel wit

65、h the resistance D. the ammeter in parallel and the voltmeter in series with the resistance1977 Which of the following electric motors would be the safest and most reliable to use on the main deck of a vessel in foul weather conditions?在潮湿气候状况下,船舶主甲板上使用最安全、最可靠的电动机是水密性电动机。A. Sealed motors B. Drip pro

66、of motors C. Enclosed motors D. Watertight motors1978 A direct current passing through a wire coiled around a soft iron core is the description of a simple _直流电通过绕在软铁芯上的电线,这就是简单的电磁铁的结构。 A. magnetic shield B. electromagnet C. piezoelectric device D. electromagnetic domain1979 Which of the listed devi

67、ces is used to measure pressure and convert it to an electrical signal?压力传感器能测量压力,并把它转换成电信号。 A. Transducer B. Reducer C. Transformer D. Rectifier1980The device that most commonly utilizes the principle of electromagnetic induction is the _普遍利用电磁铁感应原理的设备是变压器。 A. diode B. transformer C. transistor D.

68、rheostat 1976 C 1977 D 1978 B 1979 A 1980 B陕曝据饺善酶漫罪险获拙金援疏孰屁饼讯固屁宇政稽涝闻绷烙季便硕肿物船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1981One factor that determines the frequency of an alternator is the _ 1982决定交流发电机频率的一个因素是磁极的数目。 A. number of turns of wire in the armature coil B. number of magnetic poles C. strength of the magnets u

69、sed D. output voltage1982Which of the motors for the devices listed below is fitted with an instantaneous overload relay? 一般地说,起货机装有瞬时过载继电器。 A. Fan B. Pump C. Winch D. Machine tool1983 The Wheat-stone bridge is a precision measuring instrument utilizing the principle of changes in _惠斯登电桥是一种利用电阻变化的原理

70、的精确测量仪表。 A. inductance B. capacitance C. resistance D. amperage1984 The greatest detrimental effect on idle electrical equipment, such as cargo pump motors, is the _对于闲置的电气设备,如货物泵电动机,最大的伤害是绝缘材料吸收水分。 A. loss of residual magnetism B. absorption of moisture in the insulation C. insulation varnish flaki

71、ng D. dirt collecting on the windings1985 he frequency output of an operating alternator is controlled by the _ 对于运转中的发电机,输出频率是由转子电极之间的相对速度来控制。A. relative speed of the rotor poles B. number of tums of wire in the annature coil C. strength of the magnets used D. output voltage 1981 B 1982 C 1983 C 19

72、84 B 1985 A哑赶佃衫椎织揽气同坠蔚讼视赣卫唇唱遏西傀吴奖瓢遭佃酿峭曹体汹篇妻船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1986 An electrical device which prevents an action from occurring until all other required conditions are met is called a/an _ 用来防止产生动作,直到其他所需要的条件都满足,这种电器设备被称为联锁设备。 A. limit B. monitor C. modulator D. interlock1987A circuit breaker a

73、nd a fuse have a basic similarity in that they both _电路切断器和熔断丝具有基本相同的作用过载时,都能切断电流。 A. can be reset to energize the circuit B. should open the circuit when overloaded C. will bum out when an over current flow develops D. All of the above1988 The electrolyte in a lead-acid storage battery consists of

74、distilled water and _ 铅一酸蓄电池的电解质是由蒸馏水和硫酸组成。A. hydrogen chloride B. calcium chloride C. sulfuric acid D. muriatic acid1989 Electrical leads and insulation on a motor should be painted with _ 电动机上的绝缘材料应刷绝缘漆。 A. heat-resisting acrylic B. heat-resisting aluminum C. insulating varnish D. insulating white

75、 lead1990Voltage generated by most AC generators is fed from the machine to the bus by means of _绝大多数交流发电机产生的电压,通过来自于静子的直接连接线,从发电机输送到母线。 A. brushes on a commutator B. brushes on slip tings C. slip rings on a commutator D. direct connections from the stator 1986 D 1987 B 1988 C 1989C 1990 D催步多鹅威脓倚昭上竣

76、压藤币罚搓凛滇蝉迟磐氢簇筑未薪爪淘羊胀狠茂贴船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1991A circuit breaker differs from a fuse in that a circuit breaker _ 电路切断器和熔断丝不同之处是它既能切断电路又能复位。A. melts and must be replaced B. is enclosed in a tube of insulating material with metal ferrules at each end C. gives no visual indication of having opened t

77、he circuit D. trips to break the circuit and may be reset1992 As a general rule, the first troubleshooting action to be taken in checking faulty electric control devices is to _ 对电力控制设备进行故障诊断时,一般首先足试验所有的熔断丝并测量线路电压 A. draw a one line diagram of the circuitry B. test all fuses and measure the line vol

78、tage C. take megger readings D. insulate the apparatus from ground1993 An electrical device which employs a stationary armature and a rotating electromagnetic field is used aboard ship as a _ 船舶上,使用静止的电枢和旋转的电磁场的电力设备是船川发电机。 A. magnetic amplifier B. ship s service alternator C. three-wire DC generator

79、 D. saturable core reactor1994 The first requirement for logical troubleshooting of any system is the ability to _ 对于任何系统进行逻辑性故障诊断,首要的是应具有识别正常运行状态的能力。 A. collect all available data on a casualty B. recognize normal operation C. identify the probable cause of a symptom D. isolate the faulty component

80、 1991 D 1992 B 1993 B 1994 B 企毡粒粒嘱廉淡嗓嘻胳忻召页众襟浊妆抱沧伍饮踌瘁晚讯右挣挡绽几稠拴船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1995The load sharing characteristics of two diesel generators operating in parallel are mostly dependent on their governor _ 并联运行的两台发电机的负荷分配特性,在很大程度上取决于它们的调速器的固定偏差。 A. load limit settings B. idle speed settings C. s

81、peed limit settings D. speed droop settings1996 What type of rotor is used in split-phase motors?三相电机常采用鼠笼式转子。 A. Drum B. Salient pole C. Squirrel-cage D. Wound-rotor1997 A constant output voltage from an AC generator is maintained by the _ 交流发电机的输出电压是通过电压调节器米保持恒定的。 A. prime mover governor B. excite

82、r generator C. voltage regulator D. reverse power relay1998 A fuse that blows often should be replaced only with a fuse of _ 经常熔断的熔断丝,只能用推荐的电流、电压值的熔断丝来更换。 A. the recommended current and voltage rating B. higher current and voltage rating C. higher current and lower voltage rating D. lower current an

83、d higher voltage rating 1995 D 1996 C 1997 C 1998 A正碟醋妆甘震滑帽颅溪咨末憋村貉甩湖噎抨谈恒轿谆灶噎嚣必赐忙院赂葬船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版1999 To repair a small electrical motor that has been submerged in saltwater, you should _对曾浸没在海水里的小型电动机进行修理,应注意用淡水洗并烘干。 A. wash it with fresh water and apply an external source of heat B. rene

84、w the windings C. send it ashore to an approved service facility D. rinse all electrical parts with a carbon tetrachloride cleaning solvent and then blow dry the motor with compressed air2000 The output voltage of a three-phase alternator is regulated by the _ 三相交流发电机的输出电压是由供给磁场的直流电压来调节的。 A. AC volt

85、age to the armature B. AC voltage to the field C. DC voltage to the armature D. DC voltage to the field2001 The function of damper windings in a synchronous motor is to _ 同步电机的阻尼线圈的功能是提供启动转矩。 A. eliminate slippage B. provide excitation C. provide starting torque D. increase efficiency 1999 A 2000 D

86、2001 C 万腔毫舍劣鸭耽寸战赢顽编悠赏沂稀陷瞳疼菩锚南晚教寨蒋鹃筑氧狂贪旋船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2002Which of the following statements is true concerning all three-phase alternators?对于三相交流发电机,都具有三个独立的、但相同的电枢绕组,并由一个旋转的磁铁产生磁场。 A. Each has three separate but identical armature windings acted on by one system of rotating magnets. B. Eac

87、h has one armature winding acted on by three identical but separate systems of rotating magnets. C. All three-phase alternators are designed to operate with a 0.8 leading power factor. D. The three phases always provide power to the load through three sets of slip rings and brushes.2003 Time delayed

88、 or delayed action-type fuses are designed to _ 延时作用式熔断丝在瞬时过载时不会熔断。 A. prevent grounds in branch circuits B. prevent opens in motor circuits C. permit momentary overloads without melting D. guard lighting and electronic circuits2004 The part of a fuse that melts and opens the circuit is made of _ 熔断

89、丝中,熔化的部分是锌或锡铅合金。 A. copper and antimony B. steel and babbitt C. aluminum or beryllium alloy D. zinc or an alloy of tin and lead 2002 A 2003 C 2004 D惋梦弧苯湍邵挂冤北配摧桑随喉广峡灰析捡幅搐俐蠢尉谆幸嫂萤吠杏偷玻船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2005What will be the phase angle relationship of a six-pole, three-phase, rotating field generat

90、or _六极三相交流发电机,相位角是120。 A. 60 B. 120 C. 180 D. 36O2006 The main difference between a motor control circuit containing low voltage protection and low voltage release is that the latter contains _ 具有低电压保护和低电压释放的电机控制电路之间的主要区别是后者具有瞬时接触式启动按钮。 A. a magnetic operating coil B. normally open line contacts C.

91、thermal-overload protection D. a momentary-contact start button 2007 Fuses placed in series with a thermal trip-type circuit breaker are used for _与电路切断器串联的熔断丝用来短路保护。 A. time-delay protection B. short-circuit protection C. short duration surge protection D. sustained overload protection 2008 Ammeter

92、s and voltmeters used in sinusoidal AC power systems indicate which of the following values of the waveforms measured.?用于正弦交流电路中的安培表和电压表,测量的值是均方根值。A. Peak value B. Boot-mean-square value C. Average value D. Maximum value 2005 B 2006 D 2007 B 2008 B 蔷姐巍尾渍圈篙粤柞样庸瞬蛇甜草肤啄漓抓汽袍钮妙艺扑齐楷淳莎博击盗船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全

93、习题英文版 2009 Before reassembling any machinery, you should _ 在重新组装机械设备之前,应清洁腐蚀表面并锉掉所有的毛刺。 A. replace all bearings regardless of length of service B. apply a heavy coat of oil to all mating surfaces C. clean any corroded surfaces and file all burrs smooth D. coat all parts with alemite grease2010 The m

94、ost common source of excitation for synchronous motors is a/an _ 同步马达的励磁通常来自于直流励磁机。 A. low voltage battery B. motor attenuator set C. DC exciter generator D. AC supply2011Since fuse elements are made of zinc or any alloy of tin and lead, the melting point of the fuse element must be _由于熔断丝中熔化的部分是锌或锡

95、铅合金,熔断丝的熔点必须低于铜的熔点。 A. higher than that of copper B. lower than that of copper C. equal to that of copper D. reached when the conductor it is protecting becomes white hot.2012Which of the listed precautions should be taken when cleaning the internals of a motor with compressed air.用压缩空气清洁电机内部时,应采取预防

96、措施,如开启两端能让空气、灰尘逃逸;确 保电切路断器切断并告示;确保压缩空气清洁并尽可能干燥。 A. Open the machine on both ends so as to allow the air and dust to escape. B. Be certain that the circuit breaker is opened and tagged on the feeder panel. C. Be certain that the air is clean and as dry as possible. D. All of the above. 2009 C 2010 C

97、2011 B 2012 D 夸愁釜绝框阑洼填习毁称尿猾凤咨粟贸书违教耻姥甜驱练辑捎糊傅奴找狰船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2013 The purpose of DC generator brushes is to _ 直流发电机碳刷的作用是将电流引到外部电路。 A. neutralize armature reaction B. conduct electric cunent to an outside circuit C. convert DC current to AC current D. provide excitation to a DC generator201

98、4 Power transformers are rated in _变压器是按千瓦安培来标定的。 A. kilowatts B. ampere-turns C. kilowatt-volts D. kilovolt-amperes2015Which of the following types of motors is often designed for use in correcting power factor?同步式马达设计用来纠正功率因数。 A. Polyphase B. Wound-rotor C. Induction D. Synchronous2016 A device wh

99、ich prints out a permanent record of the plant operating conditions is known as the _用于打印装置运行工况的永久性记录的设备是数据记录仪。 A. analogger B. bell logger C. alarm logger D. data logger2017 Copper is often used as an electrical conductor because it _ 由于铜的电阻小,常用作导体。 A. has high resistance at low temperatures B. has

100、 a highly polished surface C. is able to pass current with little opposition D. holds insulation together well 2013 B 2014 D 2015 D 2016 D 2017 C缝嫌著茬杨乃座瞪牟跨对助蔗朴牡胖送槛拨把墩柬表壮搏擎挡无扬燃居官船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2018 Under which of the listed conditions can the engine room retake the throttle control from the

101、bridge _在认为必要的任何时候,都可以由驾驶台控制切换到机舱控制。 A. Any time it is deemed necessary. B. Only with the master s permission. C. After a 10 minute delay to the input command. D. Only after the throttle has been placed in stop.2019 Routine maintenance of lead acid batteries should include _ 对于铅一酸蓄电池的周期性保养有:保持电极清洁;给

102、电线接头上凡士林;保持连续补充充电等。 A. keeping the terminals clean B. coating cable connections with petroleum jelly C. maintaining a trickle charge D. All of the above2020 Electrical circuits are protected against overheating by means of a/an _ 电路通常使用电路切断器防止过热。 A. circuit breaker B. amplifier C. diode D. capacitor

103、2021 The function of a rectifier is similar to that of a _ 整流器的作用类似于单向阀。 A. trap B. regulating valve C. check valve D. filter2022Most conducting materials such as copper, aluminum, iron, nickel, and tungsten _对于铜、铝、铁、镍、钨等导体,电阻随温度的升高而增大。 A. increase in resistance with increased temperature B. increas

104、e in resistance with decreased temperature C. decrease in resistance with increased temperature D. increase in conductance with increased temperature 2018 A 2019 D 2020 A 2021 C 2022 A 圾脱硕咎扼琴巩垣寺屡伸裂踢车龄弟尖奴餐棚同乒劝泪障洽柴滋梅小弹八船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2023 In a series circuit, which value will remain unchanged

105、 at all places in the circuit.? 在串联电路中,电流是恒定的。 A. Voltage B. Current C. Resistance D. Inductance2024Which of the following components are used to convert alternating current produced in the generator windings to direct current?换向器和碳刷用于把发电机线圈产生的交流电转换成直流电 A. Armature and equalizer B. Commutator and br

106、ushes C. Rotor and interpoles D. Field and exciter 2025 Line losses in a distribution circuit are kept to a minimum by _ 采用高电压、低电流,可降低输电线路损失。 A. adding rubber insulation conductors to the circuit B. using higher current and lower voltage increasing the C. number of thermal relays in the circuit D. u

107、sing higher voltage and lower current 2026 Reduced voltage applied to a motor during the starting period will _ 电机启动期间,采用低电压将减少启动电流、延长加速时间。 A. result in decreased acceleration time only B. lower the starting current and increase accelerating time C. cause a greater starting torque D. increase the st

108、arting current and pump capacity 2023 B 2024 B 2025 D 2026 B咋凯晒逝桨苗债垢霞拿硒踏哮互蚕辗萧茂超帅擅棱谱识侵析檀泞铰戒仲斤船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2027The total resistance of a parallel circuit is always _ 并联电路的总电阻总是比最小的支路电阻低。 A. larger than the greatest branch resistance B. smaller than the lowest branch resistance C. equal to t

109、he sum of the individual branch resistances D. one-half the sum of the individual branch resistances2028 A dead front switchboard is one _ “表面不带电式配电板”即是指采用绝缘开关、无裸露电极的配电板。 A. without switches on it B. with insulated switches and no exposed terminals C. without circuit breakers D. without safety hand

110、rails nor rubber n-ats2029 The sub-multiple prefix “milli” (m) means _前缀“milli-”表示千分之一(10”)。 A. one thousandth (10 to the -3rd power) B. one millionth (10 to the -6th power) C. one billionth (10 to the-9th power) D. one trillionth (10 to the -12th power) 2027 B 2028 B 2029 A构咋施多仁颓模鲁亥挛廷咆咎彦嘻长必戮少葡扩还矛慕盈

111、流碉炊搪顺菏暂船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2030When you are making a high potential test on a piece of repaired electrical machinery, a rise in leakage current indicates _ 漏电多表示绝缘不良。 A. good insulation B. bad insulation C. high insulation power factor D. a high slot discharge factor2031The purpose of a main swi

112、tchboard circuit breakers reverse-power trip is to _主配电板电路切断器的逆功率跳闸设备用来防止发电机用作马达。 A. prevent main circuit overload B. protect the circuit breaker blowout coil C. prevent alternator motorization D. prevent low voltage tripout2032 A signal derived from a controlled function and returned to the initiat

113、ing point is called a/an _来自于被控制单元、返回到起始点的信号,即是反馈信号。 A. monitoring signal B. inverse signal C. reverse signal D. feedback signal 2030 B 2031 C 2032 D 解诀钳凄名耻毯捶盅眼谋哟枚呛阅果忿噪巫湾情涟瓮乃禾规然当习亮萍为船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2033 The sub-multiple prefix micro means _前缀“micro-”表示百万分之一(10)。 A. thousandth (10 to the -3rd

114、 power) B. millionth (10 to the -6th power) C. billionth (10 to the -9th power) D. trillionth (10 to the - 12th power) 2034 A semiconductor is a material with a _半导体的导电性能比绝缘体好。 A. conductivity higher than a normal conductor B. conductivity higher than a normal insulator C. high conductivity at low t

115、emperatures D. low conductivity at high temperatures2035The part of the shipboard electrical system used to control the distribution of power to the branch circuits, is the _船舶电力系统中用于电能分配的设备是主配电板。 A. bridge control panel B. disconnect links C. governor relay box D. main switchboard2036 A switchboard

116、 for an AC electrical system requires the use of which of the following devices _交流系统的配电板需要频率表。 A. Frequency meter B. Ohmmeter C. Induction voltage regulator D. Current transformer governor 2033 B 2034 B 2035 D 2036 A瞳璃揪媚溪辩湾立彤笆迪觉腻字的都拙凛鄙躇醉中耗搂倘壬豢址斡栖俭骨船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2037 The resistance of a co

117、nductor varies _导线的电阻与其长度成正比、与横截面积成反比。 A. directly as its length and inversely as its cross-sectional area B. inversely as its length and directly as its cross-sectional area C. directly as its length and directly as its cross-sectional area D. inversely as its length and inversely as its cross-sect

118、ional area2038Possible phase relationships between voltage and current in an alternating current circuit include which of the following conditions.?交流电路中,电压与电流之间的相位关系可能是两者同相、电流超前电压、电流滞后电压。 A. Current and voltage may be in phase. B. Current may lead the voltage. C. Current may lag the voltage. D. All

119、 of the above. 2039 The sub-multiple prefix nano (n) means _前缀“nano-”表示10亿分之一(109)。 A. thousandth (10 to the -3rd power) B. millionth ( 10 to the - 6th power) C. billionth (10 to the - 9th power) D. trillionth (10 to the - 12th power 2037 A 2038 D 2039 C真闻混谆钵禄篷僧圾愉五班境酉铀瑟仍蒲圈西量看裔缩忧脚孜傻台蔼韵蕾船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶

120、电气与安全习题英文版2040A switchboard, for a AC electrical distribution system, will be provided with which of the following components _ 交流系统的配电板需要频率表、电流表和电压表等。 A. Frequency meter B. Ammeter C. Voltmeter D. All of the above 2041 Which of the electrical properties listed will always be the same for each compo

121、nent in a parallel circuit?在并联电路中,电压是恒定的。 A. Impedance B. Current C. Resistance D. Voltage 2042 A generator is prevented from becoming motorized by the use of a/an _ A. over-speed trip B. reverse power relay C. back pressure trip D. governor controls 主配电板电路切断器的逆功率跳闸设备用来防止发电机用作电动机。2043 Aboard ship, a

122、 grounded field coil in an AC motor can be determined using a _在船舶上,交流电动机励磁线圈接地可通过使用兆欧表(迈格表)来判断。 A. portable growler B. galvanometer C. visual inspection D. megohmmeter2044 Grease coatings on electrical contact surfaces increasecontact resistance and should be removed with a/an电气触点上的油脂层会增加接触电阻,应该使用干

123、净的干布清除。 A. small wire brush B. compressed air jet C. clean dry cloth D. 10% solution carbon solvent and water 2040 D 2041 D 2042 B 2043 D 2044 C 撩漱画牡尔皇卷朽谬峭捶传永性编谤蚤蜗扁辱蝇梗勾姻毫区愈么涸贷近肺船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版 2045 A ground in an electrical circuit outside the engine room _ 机舱外电路接地可通过主配电板上的接地检测灯来显示。机舱外电路接地可

124、通过主配电板上的接地检测灯来显示。 A. cannot be detected under normal conditions B. is of no consequence to engineering personnel C. is indicated at the branch circuit breaker panel D. is indicated by the ground detecting lamps on the main swite 2046 Which of the following statements concerning a simple parallel res

125、istance circuit is correct?在并联电路中,通过每个电阻的电压降是恒定的。在并联电路中,通过每个电阻的电压降是恒定的。 A. The voltage drop across each resistor is the same. B. The total current flow equals the reciprocal of the stun of the individual currents. C. The total resistance equals the sum of the individual resistances. D. The total vol

126、tage equals the sum of the individual voltages across each resistance. 2047 Which of the listed items will stop a motor due to a reduction in voltage and restart it when the voltage is restored to normal?低电压释放电路能使电机在电压下降时停低电压释放电路能使电机在电压下降时停转,当电压恢复正常时重新启动。转,当电压恢复正常时重新启动。 A. Low voltage protection cir

127、cuit. B. Non-renewable link fuse. C. Renewable link fuse. D. Low voltage release circuit. 2045 D 2046 A 2047 D 至抛本伸匡屈皑俞迈烩波柄徽刮禽瘤真搀始寅遂纽狙繁是蒙涛吏蛔嘉嘲告船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2048Which of the following statements is true concerning simple parallel resistance circuits?在并联电路中,总电流等于各分支电流之和。在并联电路中,总电流等于各分支电流之和。

128、 A. The total current flow equals the sum of the individual currents. B. The total current flow equals the reciprocal of the sum of the individual currents. C. The total resistance equals the sum of the individual resistance. D. The total voltage equals the sum of the individual voltages across each

129、 resistance.2049 The pushbutton on the handset of a ships sound-powered telephone must be depressed to _船舶上使用的声控电话机听筒上的按钮应按住,才能正常使船舶上使用的声控电话机听筒上的按钮应按住,才能正常使用用(既能说又能听既能说又能听)。A. talk then released to listen B. listen then released to talk C. both talk and listen D. ring the station being called2050 Th

130、e frequency of an alternator at a given RPM is determined by the 在给定的转速下,交流发电机的频率是由磁极的数目来决定的。在给定的转速下,交流发电机的频率是由磁极的数目来决定的。 A. number of turns of wire in the armature coil D. governor controls B. number of magnetic poles C. strength of the magnets used D. output voltage 2048 A 2049 C 2050 B跃万扎檀迹敦廷疚霖疾精

131、柿娇团打励纷滚佐剔查嘘软夜蹋施苯俄善咆妇乘船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2051 In a three-phase circuit, the phase voltages are _在三相电路中,电压的相位差是在三相电路中,电压的相位差是120 A. 120 apart B 160 apart C. 180 apart D. 360 apart2052 The division of the kilowatt load between two AC generators operating in parallel is controlled by the settings a

132、nd characteristics of the并联运行的发电机之间功率负荷的分配是由原动机调并联运行的发电机之间功率负荷的分配是由原动机调速器的设定和特性来控制的。速器的设定和特性来控制的。 A. voltage regulators B. field rheostats C. reverse power relays D. prime mover governors2053 The division of kilowatt load between two paralleled alternators is determined by the _ 并联运行的发电机之间功率负荷的分配是由原

133、动机调速器的负荷一速度特性来实并联运行的发电机之间功率负荷的分配是由原动机调速器的负荷一速度特性来实 现的。现的。 A. amount of field excitation of the leading machine B. load-speed characteristics of the governors C. amount of field excitation to the lagging machine D. type of alternator2054 In a simple series circuit, the entire source voltage will drop

134、 across _ 在一个简单的串联电路中,总电源电压是在电路开环时表现出来的;而电流则是在在一个简单的串联电路中,总电源电压是在电路开环时表现出来的;而电流则是在 闭环时表现出来的。闭环时表现出来的。 A. the resistor next to the negative terminal B. a short circuit C. the resistor next to the positive terminal D. an open circuit2055The most inefficient method of voltage reduction from the stand p

135、oint of power loss, is a/an _从功率损失的角度看,将电阻与负载串联,电压降低的效率最低。从功率损失的角度看,将电阻与负载串联,电压降低的效率最低。 A. capacitor in series with the load B. inductor in series with the load C. capacitor and inductor in series with the load D. resistor in series with the load 2051 A 2052 D 2053 B 2054 D 2055 D榷腊嗡孟疫簇惑脱挛狮妇芋郎贺拉凌寺睹泪

136、煤疟鼓纷拈盛村省航接卫孵冲船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2056 Which is a function of the voltage regulators used with AC generators?交流发电机中的电压调节器的作用是把并联运行发电机之间的相互作用的电流分 开。A. To cut out generators when they are no longer required. B. To cut in additional generators automatically as required. C. To divide the KW load equa

137、lly between generators operating in parallel. D. To divide reactive current between generators operating in parallel.2057For practical pmposes, in a simple series circuit, the source voltage will be dropped across one resistor if it has _在一个简单的串联电路中,总源电压可以认为是在在一个简单的串联电路中,总源电压可以认为是在一个电阻上降压,如果该电阻大一个电阻

138、上降压,如果该电阻大 小是另一电阻的小是另一电阻的10倍以上。倍以上。 A. half the resistance of the other resistor B. a resistance equal to the other C. at least ten times the resistance of the other D. a partial short circuit2058 If both the high level and low level alarms come on for the same address of a centralized control conso

139、le, the most likely problem is a/an _ 如果中央控制站同一位置同时产生高位、低位报警,最有可能是传感器故障。A. sensor failure B. failed alarm C. low level D. extremely high level2059 The instantaneous reduction in voltage of an AC generator, resulting from an increase in load, and prior to the automatic voltage regulator correcting th

140、e situation, is called voltage _由于负荷的增加,交流发电机的电压瞬时下降,在自动电压调节器由于负荷的增加,交流发电机的电压瞬时下降,在自动电压调节器作用前,该瞬时电压降称为作用前,该瞬时电压降称为“电压扰动电压扰动”。 A. droop B. drop C. dip D. regulation 2056 D 2057 C 2058 A 2059 C 沽曾堂搓啄牛承祟晕张般催大彬辕草诚娥守布岳透碌革淫冷轴桃垢酗椒绎船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2060 An ohmmeter can be used to measure_欧姆表能用来测量电流的持

141、续性能欧姆表能用来测量电流的持续性能(电路电路中的电阻大小中的电阻大小)。 A. current flow in a circuit B. voltage between two points in a circuit C. circuit continuity D. power2061When placed in a magnetic field, which of the materials listed will maintain the highest permeability?在这4种材料中,软铁的导磁率最大。 A. Glass B. Bakelite C. Soft iron D.

142、 Aluminum 2062 A transformer in an electric circuit serves to_电路中变压器用来根据要求增加或电路中变压器用来根据要求增加或减少电路的电压。减少电路的电压。 A. generate its own electrical power B. transform electrical energy into mechanical energy C. increase or decrease circuit voltage as required D. convert AC current to DC current 2063 The mai

143、n purpose of an electric space heater installed in a large AC generator is to_大型交流发电机安装电加热器,其目的是为了防止停车时水气在线圈上大型交流发电机安装电加热器,其目的是为了防止停车时水气在线圈上凝结。凝结。 A. prevent the windings from becoming brittle B. prevent moisture from condensing in the windings during shutdown C. prevent acidic pitting of the slip r

144、ings D. keep the lube oil warm for quick starting 2060 C 2061 C 2062 C 2063 B 锦肇撅犊垒绵竹隔什包吐似宪热味者脉灾慧芒溪痪袱颇冰动刽滁冈绣规撇船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版 2064 Prior to starting an AC generator prime mover, the voltage regulator cutout switch should be placed in the _在启动交流发电机原动机之前,电压调节器的切断开关应置于手动操作位在启动交流发电机原动机之前,电压调节器的

145、切断开关应置于手动操作位置。置。 A. manual position B. bus neutral position C. raise voltage position D. transfer position2065 When securing an AC generator, you should FIRST _交流发电机停车前,应首先降低其交流发电机停车前,应首先降低其负荷。负荷。 A. open the generator circuit breaker B. switch the voltage regulator to manual C. decrease the field e

146、xcitation to minimum D. reduce the load on the unit2066When the current flow through a copper wire increases, its _ 当通过铜线的电流增加时,温度将升高。当通过铜线的电流增加时,温度将升高。 A. resistance will decrease B. insulation will bum C. temperature will increase D. conductivity will increase 2067 The frequency of an AC generator

147、 is adjusted by means of the _ 交流发电机的频率是通过原动机调速器来调节的。交流发电机的频率是通过原动机调速器来调节的。 A. main alternator field rheostat B. exciter field rheostat C. prime mover governor control D. equalizing reactor 2068 When measuring AC current flow, you must always connect the meter _ 当测量交流电流时,电流表应与电源、负载串联。当测量交流电流时,电流表应与电

148、源、负载串联。 A. in series with the power source and load B. in parallel with the power source and load C. insuring correct polarity D. using the lowest range possible to prevent instrument damage 2064 A 2065 D 2066 C 2067 C 2068 A 添弗哲趣烃奋裁风驳款碴磷轩惧需夕弄扰行燎江赂烫择睛盛惧调寇哈惑跟船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2069 To increase t

149、he frequency of an operating AC generator, you should _ 要增加交流发电机的频率,应增大原动机的速度。要增加交流发电机的频率,应增大原动机的速度。 A. increase the field excitation B. decrease the field excitation C. increase the number of magnetic poles D. increase the speed of the prime mover 2070 AC and DC generators are similar in that they

150、_ 交流发电机与直流发电机都能产生变化的电压。交流发电机与直流发电机都能产生变化的电压。 A. both generate alternating voltages B. both rectify the voltage before delivery C. are constructed at the same physical size for the same kilowatt rating D. both supply three-phase power 2071 If the length of a wire is halved and the cross-sectional are

151、a is doubled, the resistance will be _如果电线的长度减半,横截面增大一倍,电阻将是原来的如果电线的长度减半,横截面增大一倍,电阻将是原来的14。 A. quartered B. unchanged C. doubled D. quadrupled 2072 Which of the following devices are protected from being motorized by a reverse-power relay7 主配电板电路切断器的逆功率继电器用来防止发电机用作电动机。主配电板电路切断器的逆功率继电器用来防止发电机用作电动机。 A

152、. Alternators B. Wave guides C. Exciters D. Amplidynes 2073 An advantage of DC motors over AC motors is that they与交流电动机相比,直流电动机的优与交流电动机相比,直流电动机的优点是控制转速有更有效的方法。点是控制转速有更有效的方法。 A. are less expensive B. require less maintenance C. can be started across the line D. offer a more effective means of control

153、ling speed 2069 D 2070 A 2071 A 2072 A 2073 D峦叔锦核影橡蕊直鸦词厚坟阜个致雇存寓论蜘贿幢告熊汝赚需镭哗莫寺糜船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2074 To equalize the power factor of two alternators operating in parallel, the _ 为了平衡两台并联运行交流发电机的功率因数,两台发电机的励磁都应调行。为了平衡两台并联运行交流发电机的功率因数,两台发电机的励磁都应调行。 A. field excitation of both units is adjusted B.

154、 governors of both units are adjusted C. phase sequence is altered D. kilowatt load is evenly divided2075 Equal power factors on paralleled AC generators are maintained by an automatic _保持并联运行交流发电机的功率因数相等,是通过自动电压调保持并联运行交流发电机的功率因数相等,是通过自动电压调节器来实现的。节器来实现的。 A. voltage regulator B. reverse power relay C

155、. reverse current relay D. governor control switch2076If the resistance of a circuit is cut in half and the applied voltage is kept constant, the current flow will be _ 如果电路的电阻减半,电压保持恒定,如果电路的电阻减半,电压保持恒定,电流将增大一倍。电流将增大一倍。 A. doubled B. quadrupled C. unchanged D. cut in half2077 The power factor at whi

156、ch a paralleled AC generator operates is usually adjusted by the _并联运行交流发电机的功率因数一般是通过励磁来调节的。并联运行交流发电机的功率因数一般是通过励磁来调节的。 A. connected load B. prime mover speed C. field excitation D. generators rated voltage 2074 A 2075 A 2076 A 2077 C类焙啊安笨昂毗氰晶胁二柑疾仟茁乙庆舍明掇拷磕卯窘籽储舰乔轮猪厉愤船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2078 The pr

157、imary function of an electric motor is to _ 电动饥的基本功能是州来产生转矩。电动饥的基本功能是州来产生转矩。 A. develop torque B. generate high voltages C, produce a magnetic field D. generate high electrical resistance2079 Current measuring instruments must always be connected in _ 电流测量仪表应始终串接。电流测量仪表应始终串接。 A. series with a circui

158、t B. parallel with a circuit C. series-parallel with a circuit D. delta with the shunt2080 The total power consumed in a parallel circuit is _ 并联电路消耗的总功率应是各电阻上消耗功率之和。该题正确答案应为并联电路消耗的总功率应是各电阻上消耗功率之和。该题正确答案应为A。 A. the sum of the powers used in each load (resistor) B. divided by the number of loads C, a

159、lways less than the power used in the smallest load D. the sum of the powers used in each individual load never more than the power ,used in the largest load2081 The resistance of electric wire will decrease as its _ 电线的电阻将随其横截面的增力口两减少。电线的电阻将随其横截面的增力口两减少。 A. length increases B. cross-sectional area

160、increases C. temperature increases D. percent of metallic purities increases 2078 A 2079 A 2080 C 2081 B 腑雏挽灾嘻螟讲衣毕捐撮遂肘安核邓孕敝菌凑旦古钩谴昔株乃咽良抓湘伎船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2082 The power factor of an AC generator operating singularly is determined by the _单独运行的交流发电机(的功率因数)由负载的特性来决定的。单独运行的交流发电机(的功率因数)由负载的特性来决定的

161、。 A. connected load B, prime mover speed C. field excitation D. generators rated voltage2083When the voltage remains constant and the resistance is increased in a series circuit, the flow of current _在串联电路中,如果电压保持恒定,电阻增加,在串联电路中,如果电压保持恒定,电阻增加,电流将减少。电流将减少。 A. increases by the square of the original va

162、lue B. increases C. remains the same D. decreases2084 An ammeter should be used to measure _安培表用来测量电流。安培表用来测量电流。 A. the voltage between two points in a circuit B. circuit continuity C. current flow in a circuit D. total or partial circuit resistance2085 Why is it desirable to operate paralleled AC g

163、enerators at the same power factor?为了使循环电流保持最小,两台并联运行交流发电机的功率因数应保持相等。为了使循环电流保持最小,两台并联运行交流发电机的功率因数应保持相等。 A. Circulating currents are kept to a minimum. B. Field excitation losses are kept to a minimum. C. Generator rotors will have a lesser tendency to hunt. D. Because a power factor increase will de

164、crease kilowatt output. 2082 A 2083 D 2084 C 2085 A 靴邦导拽宽散沤情挫滥昧痔寿掸芝纹削撇疯餐郁酷杨原痰政槛严痴对恩戳船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2086An operational amplifier, as used in todays consoles, may have a calculated gain of 5 . This means that as the input changes by _如果放大器的放大系数是如果放大器的放大系数是5,那么如果输入量变,那么如果输入量变化化1V,则输出量变化,则输出量变化

165、5v A. 1 volt, the output changes 5 volts B. 5 volts, the output changes 1 volt C. 5 volts, the output changes 10 volts D. 10 volts, the output changes 5 volts2087 When the current in a power transmission line is increased, the power loss _ 如果电流增加,则消耗功率将按电流的平方而增大。如果电流增加,则消耗功率将按电流的平方而增大。 A. increases

166、as the square of the current B. decreases as the square root of the current C. remains the same, as it is independent of current flow D. increases in direct proportion as the current2088 Which of the listed sections of an emergency switchboard is used to supply power for alarm signals under emergenc

167、y conditions?在应急配电板中,用于应急信号的电源是在应急配电板中,用于应急信号的电源是24V直流电。直流电。 A. The generator and bus transfer section. B. The 450 volt, 60 cycle, 3 phase bus. C. The 120 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle bus. D. The 24 volt DC bus. 2089 The operator of electrical motors should keep a constant check on the loads they carry b

168、ecause _电机的操作员应连续检查其承受的负荷,因为超负荷运行将缩短其使用寿命。电机的操作员应连续检查其承受的负荷,因为超负荷运行将缩短其使用寿命。 A. low loads necessitate frequent insulation cleaning B. exceeding nameplate values shortens useful life C. energy is wasted if full loading is not utilized D. power factor correction methods are load dependent 2086 A 2087

169、A 2088 D 2089 B捕冠闻橇旺觅止娠恕剧撮瞅肠耻切键悉少墙究韶好炼棚岳耶泼够得拟贱畏船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2090 Inductance is the property of an electric circuit that _ 电感性负载将使电流滞后于电压,即引起电流变化受阻。电感性负载将使电流滞后于电压,即引起电流变化受阻。 A. opposes any change in the applied voltage B. opposes any change in the current flow through the circuit C. aids a

170、ny changes in the applied voltage D. aids any changes in the current through the circuit2091 Capacitance is the property of an electric circuit opposing a change in the _ 电容性负载将使电压滞后于电流,即引起电压变化受阻。电容性负载将使电压滞后于电流,即引起电压变化受阻。 A. current in the circuit B. voltage in the circuit C. inductance in the circu

171、it D. resistance in the circuit2092 The frequency of an AC generator is controlled by the _ 交流发电机的频率是由调速器来控制的。交流发电机的频率是由调速器来控制的。 A. rheostat B. governor C. exciter D. capacitor2093The frequency of an alternator is controlled from the main switchboard by adjusting the _交流发电机的频率是由主配电板通过调节调速器的控制来凋节的。交流

172、发电机的频率是由主配电板通过调节调速器的控制来凋节的。 A. frequency meter B. voltage regulator C. governor control D. sychroscope switch2094 Complete maintenance of electrical motors should include periodic checks for machine _ 电动马达的维护应包括周期性地检查其振动情况。电动马达的维护应包括周期性地检查其振动情况。 A. vibration B. watertight integrity C. speed droop D.

173、 reactive power2095 The number of cycles per second occurring in AC voltage is known as the _ 交流电压每秒的循环数即所谓的交流电压每秒的循环数即所谓的“频率频率”。 A. phase angle B. frequency C. wave form D. half mode 2090 B 2091 B 2092 B 2093 C 2094 A 2095 B往挥褥倍熊尚贡杂浩机喘铺胎蕊梢素传呸芋铂履飞竿箍蓟午咬劫撅兄反墙船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2096 Voltage will a

174、lways lead current in a/an _ 电感性负载将使电流滞后于电压,即电压超前电流,电感性负载将使电流滞后于电压,即电压超前电流, A. capacitive circuit B. inductive circuit C. magnetic circuit D. resistive circuit2097 The need for insulation cleaning may be determined by _ 绝缘层是否需要清洁可通过观察赃物积聚情况来决定绝缘层是否需要清洁可通过观察赃物积聚情况来决定? A. visual inspection for dirt ac

175、cumulation B. high megger readings C. low operating temperature D. the time period since the last cleaning2098You are attempting to parallel two AC generators and the synchroscope pointer is revolving in the slow direction. This indicates that the frequency of the incoming machine is _ 发电机并车时如果同步指示仪

176、在慢速方向回转,则表明待并机的频率比电网频率低。发电机并车时如果同步指示仪在慢速方向回转,则表明待并机的频率比电网频率低。 A. higher than the bus frequency B. lower than the bus frequency C. the same as the bus frequency but out of phase with it D. the same as the bus frequency, and the circuit breaker may be closed at any pointer position2099 Ambient tempera

177、ture is the _电动机的环境温度是指安装电动帆的舱室之温度电动机的环境温度是指安装电动帆的舱室之温度A. amount of temperature rise with no load B. temperature of the compartment where the motor is located C. nomml operating temperature, less the room temperature D. amount of temperature developed by an operating motor2100 Electric circuits are

178、protected against overloads and short circuits by means of a/an _ 电路使用断路器,可防止电路超负荷和短路。电路使用断路器,可防止电路超负荷和短路。 A. circuit breaker B. amplifier C. diode D. capacitor 2096 B 2097 A 2098 B 2099 B 2100 A尚痒桑古桑囱匿礼墓坦拾狼辛露相班癣跳累孵赐挠逛稳者伐瓜峭辞椿啤躯船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2101While paralleling two (2) AC generators using

179、 synchronizing lamps only, both lamps will go dark when the generators are _发电机并车时,当发电机处于同相时,同步指示灯发电机并车时,当发电机处于同相时,同步指示灯均变暗。均变暗。 A. running at the same speed B. grounded C. of the same polarity D. in phase2102When voltage and current developed in an AC circuit reach their peak values at the same tim

180、e, the power factor is _交流电路中,电压与电流同时达到最大值,则功率因数为交流电路中,电压与电流同时达到最大值,则功率因数为1(最大最大)。 A. lagging B. leading C. maximum D. minimum2103Moisture absorbed in the windings or condensed on the surface of electrical machinery insulation _电气设备绝缘层吸收的水分将降低绝缘电阻,对于闲置的设备将引起接地故障电气设备绝缘层吸收的水分将降低绝缘电阻,对于闲置的设备将引起接地故障 A.

181、is good for long term preserving since most insulation is organic and contains some amount B. lowers the insulation value and is a common cause of fault grounds in idle machines C. will enhance insulation resistance only if it is fresh water and contains no salt D. reduces the amount of current supp

182、lied or drawn by the machine so horsepower is limited2104 The voltage developed by an AC generator is controlled by varying the_ 交流发电机产生的电压是通过改变直流励磁来控制的。交流发电机产生的电压是通过改变直流励磁来控制的。 A. speed of the prime mover B. AC excitation to the field C. DC excitation to the field D. DC excitation of the voltage re

183、gulator 2101 D 2102 C 2103 B 2104 C八讼滋刘岔侗黍订钎滑命览粮瑶镊姜釉烹焙浪富兹角逊耿萄涛拢绷茬仕慨船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2105You are attempting to parallel two AC generators, and the synchroscope pointer is revolving in the fast direction. This indicates that the frequency of the incoming machine is _ 发电机并车时,如果同步指示仪在快速方向回转,则表明待并

184、机的频率比电网频发电机并车时,如果同步指示仪在快速方向回转,则表明待并机的频率比电网频率高。率高。 A. higher than the bus frequency B. lower than the bus frequency C. the same as the bus frequency but out of phase with it D. the same as the bus frequency and the circuit breaker may be closed at any pointer position2106 AC voltmeters are generally

185、calibrated to read the _ 交流电压表的读数是电压的均方根值。交流电压表的读数是电压的均方根值。 A. instantaneous voltage B. average voltage C. RMS voltage D. peak voltage2107 When two AC generators are being ,paralleled, the breaker should be closed with the synchroscope pointer rotating in the _发电机并车操作时应在同步发电机并车操作时应在同步指示仪在快速方向回转,指针正好

186、在指示仪在快速方向回转,指针正好在“12点点”之前合闸。之前合闸。 A. slow direction, just before the 12 o clock position B. fast direction, just after the 12 oclock position C. fast direction, just before the 12 oclock position D. slow direction, just after the 12 oclock position 2105 A 2106 C 2107 C 娄吉侥簿深缘坐祝镭挝疙科承吴高翔羽旨村择峙郁歉饱饯涧琐辙述邦

187、嚷贷船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2108When paralleling two AC generators, the frequency of the machine coming on-line, immediately prior to closing its breaker, should be _ 发电机并车操作时,在合闸之前的一刹那,待并机的频率应比电网频稍高一些。发电机并车操作时,在合闸之前的一刹那,待并机的频率应比电网频稍高一些。 A. slightly less than the oncoming generator frequency B. the sa

188、me as the bus frequency C. slightly greater than the bus frequency D. the same as the bus voltage2109 The unit “hertz” is equivalent to _每秒的循环数,即所谓的每秒的循环数,即所谓的“频率频率”。 A. coulombs per second B. revolutions per second C. revolutions per minute D. cycles per second21 l0 A DC generator is used to supply

189、 direct current in order to maintain an AC generator field and is known as a/an _用来维持交流发电机磁场的直流发电机,用来维持交流发电机磁场的直流发电机,称作称作“励磁机励磁机”。 A. rotor B. stator C. exciter D. armature2111 When paralleled, AC generators must have the same _ 并联运行的交流发电机应具有相同的频率、相同的相和同样的相旋转速度。并联运行的交流发电机应具有相同的频率、相同的相和同样的相旋转速度。 A. f

190、requency B. number of phases C. phase rotation D. All of the above 2108 C 2109 D 2110 C 2111 D 杯疆般这缩念韵蓄落奖藉昌跃瘸泰官圾沂贼陛摧快开捅吵锦傍山猜广冲渍船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2112 To protect the rotor of a motor disassembled for maintenance or overhaul, it should be 电机拆卸后,转子应使用厚纸或纸板包扎。电机拆卸后,转子应使用厚纸或纸板包扎。 A. suspended by wi

191、re slings in one comer of the shop _ B. wrapped in several layers of heavy paper or c C. supported by flat wood blocks on the workbench D. returned to the frame as soon as the beatings are removed2113 Which of the following materials is a good insulator.?玻璃是一种良好的绝缘体。玻璃是一种良好的绝缘体。 A. steel B. aluminum

192、 C. glass D. copper2114 Electrical power is expressed in _电功率用瓦特表示。电功率用瓦特表示。 A. ohms B. volts C. amps D. watts2115Which of the following should be the FIRST step in removing a generator from parallel operation? 要使并联运行的一台发电机停车,应首先使其卸载。要使并联运行的一台发电机停车,应首先使其卸载。 A. Trip the generator off the switchboard.

193、 B. Turn off all electrical equipment. C. Remove the load from the off goinggenerator. D. Increase the cycles of the generator staying on the line.2116 Prior to closing the breaker when paralleling two AC generators, the recommended practice is to have the frequency of the incoming machine _发电机并车操作时

194、,待并机的频率应比发电机并车操作时,待并机的频率应比电网频率稍高一些。电网频率稍高一些。 A. slightly less than the line frequency B. the same as the line frequency C. slightly greater than the line frequency D. All of the above 2112 B 2113 C 2114 D 2115 C 2116 C树毗擅宰算测胶琼鞘囱土锹荚局士颇伸堤奇配婚妇淫朱吻缔韧揖奖栓拙阅船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2117Accidental grounds in

195、a shipboard electrical system mst be repaired as soon as possible as they will _船舶电力系统接地,应尽早排除,因为接地会损船舶电力系统接地,应尽早排除,因为接地会损坏绝缘层、缩短寿命。坏绝缘层、缩短寿命。 A. result in immediate power outages B. damage circuit breaker C. appear on the ground detection system D. damage insulation and may cause outages2118 Curren

196、t flowing in only one direction is called _ 只以一个方向流动的电流,称为直流电。只以一个方向流动的电流,称为直流电。 A. alternating current B. omnidirectional current C. direct current D. sinusoidal current 2119 An alternator is being paralleled with one on the line. At the INSTANT the circuit breaker is closed, the frequency of the i

197、ncoming alternator will normally _ 发电机并车操作时,在合闸之前的一刹那,待并机的频率将会下降一些。发电机并车操作时,在合闸之前的一刹那,待并机的频率将会下降一些。 A. increase B. not change C. decrease D. be exactly 60 hertz 2120 In an alternating current electrical system, a low system power factor is a direct sign of _在交流电力系统中,功率因数低,表明能量损耗多。在交流电力系统中,功率因数低,表明能量

198、损耗多。 A. wasted energy B. efficient operation C. a short in the exciter field windings D. an excessive number of minor system grounds 2117 D 2118 C 2119 C 2120 A夺庇淡吼优更祷妹侵懈孵伟枕蹬碧帖杨侗由售痘畏后伐丝纳泥饭阵蔷最仙船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版 2121 The unit of electrical power is the _电功率用瓦特表示。电功率用瓦特表示。 A. ampere B. kilovolt

199、C. watt D. farad 2122 If a small electric motor is immersed in salt water it should be _ washed in fresh water; dried in an oven 如果小型电动机浸在海水中,应用淡水洗并烘干。如果小型电动机浸在海水中,应用淡水洗并烘干。 A. only B. only C. both and D. neither or 2123 In order to change the direction of rotation of a D.C. motor _ the field leads

200、must be changed; the input leads must be changed 为了改变直流电动机的回转方向,只需改变磁场接线即可。为了改变直流电动机的回转方向,只需改变磁场接线即可。 A. only B. only C. either or D. both and 2124Some large A.C. motors are equipped with heaters. These could be _ resistance heaters bolted directly to the frame ; low voltage windings embedded in the

201、 motor windings一些大型的电动机装有加热器。加热器可以是直接与机架连接的电阻式加热器,也一些大型的电动机装有加热器。加热器可以是直接与机架连接的电阻式加热器,也可以是嵌在电机线圈内的低电压线圈。可以是嵌在电机线圈内的低电压线圈。 A. only B. only C. either or D. neither and 2125The unit of electrical resistance is the _电阻的单位是欧姆。电阻的单位是欧姆。 A. ampere B. volt C. watt D. ohm 2121 C 2122 C 2123 A 2124 C 2125 D使稻

202、悼庐硬出狄鸳瑟啼旨涟甚耿崖杉美渠务月衣趴呛辞忠属定旅宣识菜挥船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2126 If a DC motor runs hot, the cause may be _如果直流电机运行时过热,原因如果直流电机运行时过热,原因可能是通风管堵塞。可能是通风管堵塞。 A. high mica condition B. low ambient temperature C. clogged ventilation ducts D. an open in the shunt field2127 Sparking at the brushes of a running mo

203、tor could be an indication of _电机电机运行时,电刷冒火星,可能是换向器脏了。运行时,电刷冒火星,可能是换向器脏了。 A. normal operation B. a dirty commutator C. increased brush capacity D. water vapor absorption2128A three-phase alternator operates at 450 volts with a power factor of 0.8. If the ammeter indicates 250 amperes, what should be

204、 the KW meter reading _ 千瓦表读数千瓦表读数=31/2fVL=1732X08X480X250=15570(kW)。 A. 90.00 kW B. 127.27 kW C. 155.70 kW D. 194.85 kW2129Electrical failures in motors are caused by the breakdown of insulation, which may be caused by _ 水气渗入、脏物积聚和过热都会引起绝缘材料损坏。水气渗入、脏物积聚和过热都会引起绝缘材料损坏。 A. penetration of moisture B. a

205、ccumulation of dirt C. overheating D. All of the above. 2126 C 2127 B 2128 C 2129 D齐漓征缄仿屹维泼橡部绥登掖峨丰磺病戊揖陇隔天蛤肉拷露奎秧省真窝俏船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2130An operational amplifier, as used in todays consoles, has a calculated gain of 5. This means that when the input changes _ 如果放大器的放大系数是如果放大器的放大系数是5,那么如果输人量变化,

206、那么如果输人量变化2V,则输出量变化,则输出量变化1Ov.A. 5 volts, the output changes 10 volts B. 10 volts, the output changes 5 voltsC. 2 volts, the output changes 10 volts D. 10 volts, the output changes 2 volts2131 Universal motors will operate on AC or DC current, and are generally found in _手动工具一般使用交、直流两用电动机。手动工具一般使用交、直

207、流两用电动机。 A. portable tools B. large pump motors C. turbo electric main motors D. forced draft fans2132 A motor enclosure which protects against falling liquids is classified as _能防能防止液体滴落的电动机外罩,称为防滴水式电动机;止液体滴落的电动机外罩,称为防滴水式电动机; A. waterproof B. drip proof C. spray tight D. spray proof2133 A diesel dri

208、ven emergency generator is prevented from being paralleled with the ships service generators by _ 一般采用电气联锁系统来防止柴油机驱动的应急发电机与普通船用发电机并联运行。一般采用电气联锁系统来防止柴油机驱动的应急发电机与普通船用发电机并联运行。 A. an electrical interlock system B. an automatic paralleling trip switch C. the synchronizing oscilloscope D. the reverse curr

209、ent relay 2130 C 2131 A 2132 B 2133 A菜盆鹃奶竣措笨服峭荔攻皑尔恶句烩级烷拣节旋涯谣峡喧祷淬梗撂扰容尺船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2134 The energy consumed by an AC motor, as strictly reactive power, is _ 交流电动机消耗的能量,严格地说,即相互作用的功率,用于产生电动机的磁场。交流电动机消耗的能量,严格地说,即相互作用的功率,用于产生电动机的磁场。 A. used to do mechanical work B. used to establish the magne

210、tic field of the motor C. lost as heat generated by the windings D. lost in doing work to turn the motor itself2135A vessel is equipped with two ships service generators. Generator # 1 is rated at 900 kW and generator # 2 is rated at 600 kW. During parallel operation, with a hotel load of 1,000 kW,

211、what should be the kW load on generator # 2 _ 1号发电机额定功率是号发电机额定功率是900kW,2号发电机额定功率是号发电机额定功率是600kW;并联运行时;如果总负荷是;并联运行时;如果总负荷是000kW,则,则2号发电机按比例得到的负荷将是号发电机按比例得到的负荷将是25的总负荷,即的总负荷,即400kW, A. 100 kW B. 400 kW C. 500 kW D. 600 kW2136 An alternator switchboard has a synchroscope and synchronizing lamps. If the

212、 synchroscope is broken, which of the steps listed is the most essential before an alternator can be paralleled with the bus _ 发电机并车操作时,如果同步指示仪损坏了,应使用频率表来判断待并机的频率应发电机并车操作时,如果同步指示仪损坏了,应使用频率表来判断待并机的频率应 比电网频率稍高一些。比电网频率稍高一些。 A. The breaker should be closed when one synchronizing lamp is dark and the oth

213、er is bright. B. The breaker should be closed when both synchronizing lamps are bright. C. The frequency meter should be used to determine that the incoming alternator frequency is slightly higher than the bus. D. A portable phase sequence indicator must be used to verify the information from the la

214、mps. 2134 B 2135 B 2136 C腿庙巧淑奠掣杠斧奉比洽秦帚津国桩硬适汽团慌到绳徐瓜鸽沁充仰阳踌谋船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2137 The most common type of AC service generator found ship is the stationary _船用交流发电机的结构通常是电枢静止,磁场旋转。船用交流发电机的结构通常是电枢静止,磁场旋转。 A. electromagnetic field, revolving armature type B. electromagnetic field, oscillatory arma

215、ture type C. armature, oscillatory electromagnet field type D. armature, rotating electromagnetic field type2138Which of the following statements represents the FIRST precaution to be taken prior to working on any installed electrical component _ 对电气设备进行维修工作前,应首先切断电源并作告示。对电气设备进行维修工作前,应首先切断电源并作告示。 A.

216、 Wear rubber gloves and boots. B. Use only approved non-conducting tools. C. Ground the case of the machine before beginning any repairs. D. Open the supply circuits and tag the switches.2139 Before any work on electrical or electronic equipment is performed, which of the following precautions shoul

217、d be carried out _见上题。见上题。 A. De-energize the applicable switchboard bus B. Bypass the interlocks C. Secure and tag the supply circuit breaker in the open position D. Station a man at the circuit supply switch 2137 D 2138 D 2139 C续劲祖频催党一贮右社痛贫殆容碉煌狱你伸阉政锁鹏言振白疯霖粳预饿彻船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2140 An emerge

218、ncy generator, driven by an internal combustion engine, shall be tested under load for a minimum of 2 hours at least once every _ 柴油机驱动的应急发电机,每月应进行至少柴油机驱动的应急发电机,每月应进行至少2h的负荷试验。的负荷试验。 A. week B. 2 weeks C. month D. 3 months2141When working on a high voltage circuit, you should always have another per

219、son present with you. This person should have a good working knowledge of _进行高电压作业时,操作者应由另一人员陪伴。该人进行高电压作业时,操作者应由另一人员陪伴。该人员应清楚被检修的电路情况以及电路所有开关和断路器的位置;能进行电员应清楚被检修的电路情况以及电路所有开关和断路器的位置;能进行电击时的应急抢救;熟悉心脏起搏法击时的应急抢救;熟悉心脏起搏法(CPR,一种心脏急救知识,一种心脏急救知识)等。等。 A. the circuit being worked on and the location of all sw

220、itches and circuit breakers controlling it B. first-aid techniques for treating electrical shock C.cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) D. All of the above 2142 When there is a fire in a large electric motor, normally the very FIRST step is to _大型电动机着火,首先应切断电源。大型电动机着火,首先应切断电源。 A. secure the electric

221、supply B. ventilate area to remove smoke C. start the fire pump and lead out hose D. apply foam 2140 C 2141 D 2142 A窟剪瞎建税戌嫩说厂撕雁滑碰揭与唬匀乞汽吾坯印蔗宠棱摘疙吝静倔侦孵船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2143 If a steering motor becomes overloaded, the _ 如果舵机马达超负荷了,机舱将会有声光报警。如果舵机马达超负荷了,机舱将会有声光报警。 A. overload condition of 5 % will

222、trip the motor off the line immediately B. overload condition will be indicated visually in the machinery space C. motor running indicator will begin to flash on and off in response to the sustained overload condition D. standby steering pump will start automatically and come on the line 2144 Genera

223、tors should have an excitation/voltage regulation system which will enable them to share the steady state reactive load _ no machine exceeds its proportional share of reactive load by more than 10% of the rated reactive load of the largest generator.发电机应该具有励磁电压调节系统,该系统能使发电机分配到稳定状态的发电机应该具有励磁电压调节系统,该系

224、统能使发电机分配到稳定状态的反向负载,也就是要保证任一台发电机都不会超过其额定反向负载的反向负载,也就是要保证任一台发电机都不会超过其额定反向负载的10。 A. when B. so as C. such that D. though 2143 B 2144 C雨雪诧森肌亡鸦否阎闯也歇罪门若武妄蛋妖素岔洗惨雪跋甭烃扁租幢焦湃船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2145Self-excited a.c. generator with error operated voltage control systems draw the full excitation power for th

225、e machine terminals. This dispenses with the current transformers, reactors and capacitors necessary for accurate compounding, but renders the excitation system vulnerable to variations in its output voltage. Which of the following is correct about the generator mentioned according to the sentences

226、above _ 2145带有偏差信号操作的电压控制系统的自激励交流发电机,把全部励磁功率都引到终带有偏差信号操作的电压控制系统的自激励交流发电机,把全部励磁功率都引到终 端。端。这样不需要采用电流变送器、电抗器、电容器等设备,但是这样的励磁系统易受其输出这样不需要采用电流变送器、电抗器、电容器等设备,但是这样的励磁系统易受其输出电压变化的影响。电压变化的影响。A. It consumes no excitation power . B. It has current transformers. C. Components are needed for accurate compounding.

227、 D. Its excitation system is vulnerable to voltage variations2146 _ is a precaution which contributes to avoiding trouble under normal operating conditions.2146连续检查有助于避免正常运行状态下产生故障。连续检查有助于避免正常运行状态下产生故障。A. Constant inspection B. Keeping constant load C. Remaining constant temperature D. Varying speed

228、2147 In the engine department, the _ is looked upon to provide the leadership that is needed.2147,轮机长是轮机部的领导。,轮机长是轮机部的领导。 A. captain B. chief engineer C. chief officer D. chief motorman 2145 D 2146 A 2147 B梗讹盯梆友丹控蓖鼻开亚版杖藩友弘幻证健政贸貌摇寄誊调尤秋笆渔仰置船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2148During an engine room watch if imm

229、ediate action is necessary to ensure safety of the ship, its machinery and crew _ 2148在轮机值班期间,为确保船舶、机械及人员的安全,应由值班轮机员采取迅速的行动。A. the chief engineer must be informed at first B. the captain must be informed at first C. it must be taken by the duty engineer D. the generator engine must be stopped2149 At

230、 the beginning of the watch the current operational parameters and the condition of all machinery should be verified and also the log readings should correspond with those _ 2149在值班开始的时候,所有机械的运行参数和工作状况都应证实,记录的数据应与观察到的相一致。A. noted by the bridge officer B. told by last duty engineer C. observed D. in

231、the instruction manual 2150 When under maneouvring conditions with the machinery being manually operated the control unit or console should be _ 2150当处在机动操纵工况时,机械处于人工操作状态,控制台应保持连续有人值班。 A. automatically controlled B. continuously manned C. off power D. None of the above is true 2148 C 2149 C 2150 B毫微

232、绳搐门容疹御挫糠靠择檄宾闯蹲斧招菇毋莫料轩员弃桑腻佐刘瓜执占船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版 2151 Bridge orders must be _ and a record of any required changes in speed and direction should be kept.2151驾驶台的命令应迅速进行,并应保持任何变速、变向的记录。A. slowly carried away B. ,carried out with a period of delay C. promptly carried out D. paid by the captain21

233、52 Keep compartment _ as the gas given off can be dangerous.2152应保持舱室良好通风,因为释放的气体很危险。A. well ventilated B. well clean C. in good order D. more room2153The company should establish procedures to ensure that the ship is maintained _ the provisions of the relevant roles and regulations.2153船公司应建立起一个程序,

234、以确保船舶的保养符合有关规则和规定的要求。 A. out of accordance with B. in relation to C. in conformity with D. in connection with2154 The SMS should provide for specific measures aimed at promoting the _ of equipment or systems the sudden operational failure of which may result in hazardous situations.2154“安全管理体系”应明确那些

235、应突发性操作失灵会导致险情的设备和系统,SMS应规定旨在提高这些设备或系统可靠性的具体措施。 A. visibility B. ability C. reliability D. capability 2151 C 2152 A 2153 C 2154 C工李幽隧贬秃忧拆蛤警片蚕逮擦补谓矾洪抹徊喉钻奏保夷哗议酞著条剂碗船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2155 Oil Record Book Part I shall be provided to _ 2155400总吨及以上的任何船舶应配备油类记录簿第一部分。A. every oil tanker B. every ship o

236、f 400 tons gross tonnage and above C. A and B D. neither A nor B2156 The requirements of the ISM Code may be applied to _ 2156ISM规则的要求适用于任何船舶。A. only oil tankers B. only passenger ships C. only containers D. all ships2157 The objectives of the ISM Code are to ensure _ 2157ISM规则的目的是保证海上安全,防止人员伤亡,避免财产

237、损失和对环境特别是对海洋环境造成危害。A. safety at sea B. prevention of human injury or loss of life C. avoidance of damage to the marine environment and to property D. All of the above.2158The purpose of the ISM Code is to provide _ standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.

238、2158ISM规则的目标是要为船舶安全管理和营运以及防污染提供一个国际性的标准。 A. a regional B. the best C. an international D. an ideal 2155 B 2156 D 2157 D 2158 C丈存祷江潜隅捣闷栅免综虑涟县磕喻吵又染又伯泥狱皱辆止谣泻邹键面蔚船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2159 _means the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.2159“主管机关”是指船旗国政府。 A. Assembly B. Organ

239、ization C. Company D. Administration2160In discussing oil pollution, one important fact to remember is that the problem remains the same _ heavy _ light oil is spilled into the water.2160在讨论油污染时,重要的一点是,不管是轻油还是重油溢入水中,问题是一样的。A. both/and B. whether/or C. neither/nor D. because/so2161 While loading bunk

240、ers, you notice oil on the water near the vessel. What should you do first _ 2161加油期间,发现船舶附近有油,首先应停止加油。A. Stop loading B. Notify the harbour administration C. Determine if the vessel is the source of the pollution D. Start the main engine and put them in gear to disperse the spill2162 STCW shall app

241、ly to seafarers _ on board seagoing ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party.2162。STCW公约适用于在缔约国为船旗国的船舶上服务的船员 A. served B. serving C. surveyed D. surveying 2159 D 2160 B 2161 A 2162 B畸竖进宪而娠堕乃甫锭磊菠扣趋磅尘考亏弧啃趴戴傈创恶紊氢厢榆棋津晒船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2163The basic training in fire prevention and fire fighting s

242、hould include the practical elements which should allow the trainees to acquire the ability to _ 2163防火与灭火的基本训练应包括:使用自带式呼吸面具、使用各种类型的手提式灭火器、带呼吸面具在烟雾室营救等实际技能。 A. use self-contained breathing apparatus B. use various types of portable fire extinguishers C. effect a rescue in a smoke-filled space wearin

243、g breathing apparatus D. All of the above2164 The basic training in fire prevention and fire fighting should include the theoretical elements which should cover _ 2164防火与灭火的基本理论知识应包括:火灾和爆炸的三要素、爆炸上下限、火灾的种类和灭火介质的应用等。A. the three elements of fire and explosion B. lower and upper flammable limits C. cla

244、ssification of fires and applicable extinguishing agents D. All of the above2165 The main causes of fire on board ships are _ 2165船舶火灾的主要原因有:机舱漏油、热工作业、静电等。 A. oil leakage in engine-room B. hot work (welding, cutting, etc. ) C. static electricity D. All of the above 2163 D 2164 D 2165 D芽埋口冻宿农漠汕门童缔歪免斑

245、赁哆损波墓兄酥网躲风鞍国赐党情踞窍微船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2166The fire-fighting practical training should take place in spaces which provide truly realistic training conditions, and whenever possible and practical should be carried out in _ 2166消防实训应在黑夜中或白天或模拟机舱等情况下进行。 A. darkness B. daylight C. simulated engine-ro

246、om D. all of the above2167 Ship fire-fighting organization includes _ 2167船舶的消防组织应包括:一般报警和火灾控制计划;应急部署表及各自职责;巡视制度等。A. general alarm and fire control plans B. muster stations and duties of individuals C. patrol system D. All of the above2168 Safety-management objectives of the Company should establish

247、 safeguards all _ identified risks.2168公司的安全管理目标是针对已认定的所有风险,制定防范措施。A. with B. without C. against D. above2169The results of the audits and reviews _ to the attention of all personnel having responsibility in the area involved.2169。应将评审及复查的结果告知有关部门的所有人员以提请他们注意 A. should bring B. should be brought C.

248、should take D. should be taken 2166 D 2167 D 2168 C 2169 B皿窟苍佣票轮皂烹墓驶赖诺腆溺原撞绣潞佳怂弧岿罢婚怪犊盐歉奖粘杯忌船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2170The Company should ensure that the ships personnel are able to _ effectively in the execution of their duties related to the SMS.2170公司应保证船上人员在履行其与SMS有关的职责时能有效地交流。A. communicate B. v

249、erify C. audit D. evaluate2171 The Company should ensure that _ involved in the Companys SMS have an adequate understanding of relevant rules, regulations, codes and guidelines.2171公司应保证与公司有关的所有人员对有关规范、规则和指南有充分的了解。 A. masters B. chief engineers C. crew D. all personnel2172 The Company should ensure

250、that the master is fully _ with the Companys SMS. 2172公司应保证船长完全熟悉公司的SMS。A. familiar B. understand C. conversation D. confused2173 The requirements of the ISM Code may be applied to _ 2173ISM规则的要求适用于任何船舶。 A. only oil tankers B. only passenger ships C. only containers D. all ships 2170 A 2171 D 2172 A

251、 2173 D犯伪竞谩谴叭奄赴清牧洲究党窄莆喇塌丸鞋利嘲蛙帽梨株染三略由悲搅联船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2174The purpose of the ISM Code is to provide _ standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention. 2174ISM规则的目标是要为船舶安全管理和营运以及防污染提供一个国际性的标准。A. a regional B. the best C. an international D. an idem2175The

252、 Company should ensure that _ documents are promptly removed.2175公司应保证过期的文件应迅速清除。 A. absolute B. updated C. outdated D. new2176 The SMS should provide for specific measures aimed at promoting the _ of equipment or systems the sudden operational failure of which may result in hazardous situations.217

253、6“安全管理体系”应明确那些应突发性操作失灵会导致险情的设备和系统,SMS应规定旨在提高这些设备或系统可靠性的具体措施。A. visibility B. ability C. reliability D. capability2177The SMS should provide for _ ensuring that the Companys organization can respond at any time to hazards, accidents and emergency situation involving its ships.2177SMS应规定具体措施,确保公司机构能在任

254、何时候对涉及其船舶的危险、事故和紧急情况作出反应。 A. programs B. progress C. members D. measures 2174 C 2175 C 2176 C 2177 D像腕沂咎颊弘枣邀铣蛾要赔贸用彻孺洼眼劣矣怜哎袜莎千慨份光讥窟讫茎船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2178Administrations should bear in mind the significance of _ in maintaining safety of life and property at sea and in preventing marine polluti

255、on. 2178主管机关应充分认识到通信和语言技能在保证海上人命、财产安全和防止海洋污染方面的重要意义。 A. advanced nautical equipment B. advanced performance main engines C. emergency equipment D. communication and language skills2179 Oil Record Book Part I shall be provided to every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above and every ship of

256、400 tons gross tonnage and above, _ oil tankers, to record relevant machinery space operations.2179MARPOL公约规定,150总吨及以上的油轮和400总吨及以上的非油轮应配备油类记录簿第一部分(有关机器处所的操作)。 A. as well as B. as 10ng as C. rather than D. other than2180 An oil in water monitor is required in order to measure _ 2180油分浓度,监测器用来监测水中的含油浓

257、度。 A. the oil content in water B. the water content in fuel oil C. the water level in bilge well D. the oil level in bilge well 2178 D 2179 D 2180 A昭补佣欧价句诚猪棋息游屁喇寄洞质销创饶郝怒姓谎秋匙达仿端筑宴园超船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版 2181 A vessel is required to carry an Oil Record Book Part I to log entries in the book regardi

258、ng the _ 2181对于“燃油舱的压载和清洗水的排放”,应记录到油类记录簿第一部分。A. discharge of ballast or cleaning water from fuel tanks B. sounding levels of all fuel tanks on a daily basis C. grade and specific gravity of all fuel oil carried D. fuel consumption rates on a weekly basis 2182 A segregated ballast system is a system

259、where _ 2182“专用压载系统”,就是所有的压载管路、水舱和水泵完全与燃油系统的独立。A. all ballast is processed through the oily water separator B. ballast is taken on and discharged through a separate main deck riser C. ballast and cargo tanks are separated by cofferdams D. all ballast lines, tanks, and pumps are independent of those

260、used for oil 2183 The abbreviation GM is used to represent the _ 2183GM表示“稳性高度”。 A. height of the metacenter B. fighting arm C. righting moment D. metacentric height 2181 A 2182 D 2183 D 树债胯副蒙苗漱霄磐恢钞股限冠判撩测悦铺辆均鹃胰宵幅杆已毙搜惧呢牲船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2184Which of the following statements describes one of th

261、e functions of the ballast system? 2184压载系统的功能是通过让某些指定的舱室进海水来保持船舶平衡。A. To permit flooding of any fuel oil storage tank on any class of ship. B. To use it as a secondary service system. C. To store reserve feed or potable water for extended cruises. D. To stabilize the ship by flooding certain design

262、ed tanks with seawater.2185 The lowest temperature at which the vapor formed from a liquid ignites and continues to bum steadily in the presence of an ignition source is called the _ 2185在存在氧气酌情况下,由液体产生的蒸汽能点燃并能继续稳定燃烧的最低温度,称为“着火点”。A. flash point B. fire point C. upper explosive limit D. lower explosi

263、ve limit2186 The distance between the bottom of the hull and the waterline is called _ A. tonnage B. reserve buoyancy C. draft D. freeboard2186船体底部与水线之间的距离称为“吃水”。 2184 D 2185 B 2186 C 撰它橙僵秉府贤颇夜雷积挠势甩翠祥荒乡天雨全吏俭檀铸夜阀塔劝坚秃准船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2187Which of the following machinery space operations is req

264、uired to be logged in the Oil Record Book? 2187。有关“燃油舱的压载和清洗”,应记录到油类记录簿第一部分。A. Ballasting or cleaning of fuel oil tanks. B. Shifting suction of main fuel pump to reserve fuel oil tank. C. Changing out sprayer plates to adjust for steam demand. D. Daily inspection of engine room bilges.2188For an upr

265、ight vessel, draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the _ 2188;对于处于正浮的船舶,船体龙骨与水线之间的距离称为“吃水”。 A. waterline B. freeboard deck C. Plimsoll mark D. amidships section2189 Which of the following operations aboard a tanker must be recorded in the Oil Record Book _ 2189。油轮上,货油的内部驳运、机舱舱底水的排放、货油的

266、装载与卸载等操作都应记录到油类记录簿。 A. Any internal transfer of oil cargo during a voyage B. The discharge overboard in port or at sea of any bilge water accumulated in machinery spaces C. The loading or unloading of any or all oil cargo D. All of the above 2187 A 2188 A 2189 D 飞仪遂失拒直期戈饰船矣嵌屉嫡贸擦但挑本女茧佑诚痢找胺恶罗眼条霜票船舶电气与

267、安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2190 The Oil Record Book must be maintained o the vessel for _ 2190。们由类记录簿用完后应至少留船保存3年。A. not less than 3 years and be readily available for inspection B. 6 months and then submitted to the nearest Marine Safety Office for review C. an annual inspection D. the duration of the ship

268、s active employment2191 The approval period for a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan expires after _ 2191。“船舶油污应急计划”有效期为5年。 A. one year B. two years C. four years D. five years2192 A fire is considered under controlwhen _ 2192,火灾已被包围并不再扩散,则可以说火灾处于“控制之下”。A. all hands are at their fire stations B.

269、 all fire-fighting equipment is at the scene C. the fixed systems are activated D. the fire is contained and no longer spreading2193 A shipboard oil pollution emergency plan is required of _ 2193RPOI。公约规定,150总吨及以上的油轮和400总吨及以上的非油轮应配备“船舶油污应急计划”。 A. all vessels, regardless of size and commercial applic

270、ation B. any barge or other ship which is constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in any form can be carried aboard C. an oil tanker of 150 gross tons or above, or other ship of 400 gross tons or above D. an oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and ab

271、ove 2190 A 2191 D 2192 D 2193 C芹彼岳温蛀笑搔荡经塞讽坊师财溶碌搞痔慢迟芜怀财伴眯旁觅族灵像宦屠船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2194When making entries in the Oil Record Book, the date, operational code, and item number shall be inserted in the appropriate columns. Furthermore, the required particulars shall be _ 2194填写油类记录簿时,日期、作业代码和项目编号记

272、录到相应的表格内,所要求的细节应按年月J1匝序记人到空栏中。A. recorded only for accidental oil discharges B. recorded only for operations involving discharge of oily waste C. signed by the oiler who enters them in the Oil Record Book D. recorded chronologically in the blank space2195 Each completed page of the Oil Record Book m

273、ust be signed by the _ 2195油类记录簿每页记完后,应由船长签名。A. engineer on watch B. Chief Engineer C. Chief Mate D. Master2196 To prevent the spread of fire by conduction, you should _ 2196为了防止火灾由于热传导而扩散,应冷却火灾周围的舱壁。A. cool the bulkheads around the fire B. remove combustibles from direct exposure C. close all openi

274、ngs to the area D. shut off all electric power2197 The difference between the starboard and port drafts caused by a transverse shift in weight is _ 2197由于横倾,船舶左右吃水的差称为横向吃水差(list)。 A. list B. heel C. trim D. flotation 2194 D 2195 D 2196 A 2197 A秘养尺蚊雹费琵构不垣橱挖滩搬贩既扎烫僻祟伟耐牢顾旁小淋怪叶个骚冯船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版

275、2198 In the Oil Record Book, a comprehensive list of operational items are grouped into operational sections. Each section is codified by a/an _ 2198油类记录簿中,有关操作项目分成各个组,每个组由字母来表示。如“A”,表示“燃油舱的压载与清洗”。 A. number B. abbreviation C. letter D. All of the above2199 Burning diesel oil should be treated as wh

276、ich class of fire?2199火灾按如下分类:A类固体;B类液体和气体;C类电气;D类轻金属。因此,柴油燃烧应按B类火处理。 A. Class A B. Class B C. Class C D. Class D2200 If your vessel has a starboard list after taking on fuel, you would transfer fuel _ 2200、加装燃油后,船舶向右倾斜,应将油驳到左侧油舱以平衡船舶。A. to starboard B. to port C. forward D. aft2201 Convection sprea

277、ds a fire as a result of _ 2201火灾通过对流方式扩散,通常是由于高温气体通过通风系统流动。 A. transmitting the heat of a fire through the ships metal B. burning liquids flowing into another space C. heated gases flowing through ventilation systems D. the transfer of heat across an unobstructed space 2198 C 2199 B 2200 B 2201 C涕亲

278、昏听签诀栏付罩递两缀汰壤议丰奏诬愚蛾杨懒痪顿褒支赵酒辖耶睹殿船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2202Under the regulations implementing MARIL, a mobile offshore drilling unit is required to have an International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) certificate when the unit _ 2202MARiL公约规定,近海移动式钻井装置驶向另一国(MAOL缔约国)时,应配IOP证书。A. is drilling on the Ou

279、ter Continental Shelf B. moves to a new drilling location in U.S. waters C. engages in a voyage to a port of another country which is a party of MARPOL D. All of the above2203 The International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate required by MARPOL is issued to China flag by the _ 2203。中国籍船舶IOPP证书是

280、由CCS(中国船级社)签发的。A. IMO B. CCS C. USCG D. PICC2204 The International Oil Pollution Prevention certificate is valid for a period of _ 2204IOPP证书有效期应该是4年,并可展期一年。因此某些船级社签发的IOPP证书有效期是5年。A. one year from the date of issue B. two years from the date of issue C. three years from the date of issue D. four yea

281、rs from the date of issue2205 A class B fire would most likely occur in the _ 2205B类火灾最容易发生在机舱舱底。 A. main switchboard B. engine room bilge C. breathing compartment D. electric fresh water transfer pump 2202 C PP03 B 2204 D 2205 B脏这米郊柯馅虞芭住简歇蜕久沿希赏俗临舅词舌俗捂寞晃动补绊昭将丸拿船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2206On a tank v

282、essel, which of the following substances would be burning in a class B fire? 2206油类火灾即是B类火灾。A. Oil B. Wood C. Rags D. Electrical wiring2207 Fire detecting systems on merchant vessels may be arranged to sense _ 2207商船上火灾探测系统可以通过感受烟雾或温升速度或游离粒子来实现监测,A. smoke B. rate of temperature rise C. ionized parti

283、cles D. all of the above2208 If an oil spill occurs on deck, you should _ 2208如果甲板上溢油,应用吸收性材料覆盖。A. cover the area with foam B. cover the area with absorbent material C. wash down immediately with a fire hose D. wash down immediately with an oil dispersing solvent 2209 Which of the listed burning mat

284、erials would be described as a class B fire?2209乙炔、滑汕、油脂等火灾都属于B类火灾。 A. Acetylene B. Lube oil C. Grease D. All of the above 2206 A 2207 D 2208 B 2209 D 炭跃盖耙域弓涟售意唤椅朗期蜀础腆督疑谐阵萝翰滨胯唁氦麓姆酝钨童荔船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2210 Radiation can spread a fire by _ 2210火灾能通过辐射方式扩散,通常是由于热量通过无障碍空间传递。A. transmitting the he

285、at of a fire through the ships metal B. burning liquids flowing into another space C. heated gases flowing through ventilation systems D. the transfer of heat across an unobstructed space2211 In the event of a small bunker oil spill on deck occurring while bunkering , you should _ 2211、如果甲板上溢油,应用吸收性

286、材料覆盖。A. wash down the area immediately with a fire hose B. wash down the area with kerosene C. cover the area with absorbent material D. cover the area with foam 2212 Small oil spills on deck can be prevented from contaminating any waters by _ 2212通过塞紧甲板疏水口,可防止甲板上溢油污染水域。A. plugging all scuppers and

287、drains B. placing floating booms around the ship C. regularly emptying all drip pans D. thoroughly draining all bunkering hoses2213 The scuppers should be plugged _ 2213船舶加油时应塞紧甲板疏水口。 A. only if fixed containment is not used B. only if portable containment is not used C. only if fixed containment dr

288、ains are open D. whenever the vessel is being bunkered 2210 D 2211 C 2212 A 2213 D 读脂挤相稳讯阜肋滚扒芜利羡帕亮到古班蘸沦宰互净边博绢叠迪铡坚趟骨船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2214 A class C fire would most likely occur in the _ 2214主配电板火灾是C类火灾。A. engine room bilges B. main switchboard C. paint locker D. rag bin 2215 A class C fire wou

289、ld occur in _ 2215发电机火灾是C类火灾。A. bedding B. pipe insulation C. paint D. a generator2216 A class C fire is burning _ 2216电气绝缘材料火灾是C类火灾。A. diesel oil B. magnesium C. dunnage D. electrical insulation2217 Except in rare cases, it is impossible to extinguish a shipboard fire by _ 2217除了极少数例外,一般不可能通过取出燃料来扑

290、灭船上火灾。A. removing the heat B. removing the oxygen C. removing the fuel D. interrupting the chain reaction2218 Which of the listed materials would be considered as a burning class C fire?2218电气绝缘材料火灾是C类火灾。A. Fuel B. Wood C. Celluloid D. Electrical insulation2219On a cargo vessel, fire and boat drills

291、 must be held within 24 hours of leaving port if the percentage of the crew replaced is more than _ 2219对于商船,当新船员数量超过25时,应在离港后24h内举行消防救生演习 A. 5% B. 10% C. 25% D. 40% 2214 B 2215 D 2216 D 2217 C 2218 D 2219 C 挥钻稿望氯帽棵茄邱涣志抖阂枉臻犹襟晤淮吕厩惧您粗漓仇孵聋胯漆阻搬船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2220A fire, occurring in the winding

292、s, of an overloaded electrical motor, is considered a _ 2220超负荷运转的电动机线圈上发生的火灾是C类火灾。A. class A fire B. class B fire C. class C fire D. class D fire2221 Fire dampers prevent the fire spreading through the process of _ 2221挡火板能防止火灾通过对流扩散。 A. convection B. conduction C. radiation D. direct contact2222A

293、burning AC motor would be considered what class of fire?2222交流电动机发生的火灾是C类火灾。A. Class A B. Class B C. Class C D. Class D2223 Which of the following statements is least likely to cause the ignition of fuel vapors?2223防爆灯一般不会引起燃油蒸汽着火。 A. Static electricity B. An open running electric motor C. loose wir

294、ing D. Explosion proof lights2224 If emergency welding repairs must be made to the upper area of a fuel tank, the tank and/ or adjacent compartments may need to be _ 2224如果要对燃油舱的上半区域进行应急焊接修理,该舱的相邻舱室需要除气或惰化并注满水。 A. gas freed B. inerted C. filled with water D. all of the above as necessary 2220 C 222l

295、 A 2222 C 2223 D 2224 D膜研顷古砾子丈徒辣漠衰凰领劣砷秸酷竿蒂舟氢练则苞惫侯或巴文搽解诬船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2225 A fire may be spread by which of the following means?2225火灾可以通过导热、对流、辐射等方式扩散。A. Conduction of heat to adjacent surfaces B. Direct radiation C. Convection D. All of the above2226 A fire in an electrical generator is c

296、onsidered to be _ 2226交流发电机火灾是C类火灾。A. Class A B. Class B C. Class C D. Class D2227 A fire and boat drill on a tank vessel shall, by regulation, include _ 2227油轮上消防救生演习应包括:启动救火泵、检查消防人员的装备以及有关的通信设备等。 A. starting the fire pumps B. checking firemans outfits and other personnel rescue equipment C. checki

297、ng relevant communications equipment D. All of the above.2228Besides heat, fuel, and oxygen, which of the following is necessary for a fire to exist?2228除了热量、油料、氧气,产生火灾还需要链反应。A. Chain reaction B. Thermal action C. Chemical occlusion D. Pyrotechnical reaction2229 Which of the listed classes of fire i

298、s considered as one involving electrical equipment?2229电气设备的火灾是C类火灾。 A. Class A B. Class B C. Class C D. Class D“ 2225 D 2226 C 2227 D 2228 A 2229 C 壬豆构额铬讫去胖舷哪囊阂隋惕疟霍枕晌髓涕呈绕虎毅研梆纺川遁窍湃唬船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2230The class of fire on which a blanketing effect is essential to extinguish the fire is _ 223

299、0。对于B类火灾,采用覆盖方式灭火是有效的。 A. class A B. class B C. class C D. class D2231 Which statement concerning the collection of fresh water is FALSE?2231。“淡水可以从海鱼中获取。”这一说法是不正确的。A. Fresh water may be obtained from fish. B. Lifeboat covers or canopies should be washed with rain before drinking water is collected.

300、 C. Fresh water may be collected from condensation inside the life-raft. D. Freshwater cannot be produced from standing seawater.2232 If ignited, which of the listed materials would be a class B tire?2232。柴油引起的火灾是B类火灾。A. Magnesimn B. Paper C. Wood D. Diesel Oil2233 Which of the listed classes of fir

301、e would most likely occur in the engine room of a vessel?2233船舶机舱内最多发生的是B类和C类火灾。A. Classes A and B B. Classes B and C C. Classes C and D D. Classes A and D2234 One of the methods NOT usually allowed in cleaning up oil spills in the United States is _ 2234在美国,消除溢油,一般不允许使用分散剂。 A. skimmers B. straw C.

302、dispersants D. sawdust 2230 B 2231 A 2232 D 2233 B 2234 C柔彪昆遥五户则惯尧寓妒俗嗽溅范惯地馅专浑升蔡偿芳丽裳没野咨绸添言船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2235 A class D fire would be considered as burning _ 2235轻金属镁引起的火灾是轻金属镁引起的火灾是D类火灾。类火灾。 A. wood B. oil C. electrical equipment D. magnesium2236 Seawater may be used for drinking water _ 22

303、36海水在任伺情况下都不得饮用。海水在任伺情况下都不得饮用。 A. at a maximum rate of two ounces per day B. after mixing with an equal quantity of fresh water C. if gather during or immediately after a hard rain D. under no circumstance2237Which of the following gases represents the greatest threat to personnel safety in an engin

304、e room where the exhaust is leaking from a diesel engine?2237如果机舱内存在柴油机泄漏的废气,其中的一氧化碳对人员的安全威胁最大如果机舱内存在柴油机泄漏的废气,其中的一氧化碳对人员的安全威胁最大 A. Carboridioxide B. Carbon monoxide C. Carbon trioxide D. Hydrogen sulfide2238 Fires involving combustible metals are classified as _ 2238轻金属引起的火灾是轻金属引起的火灾是D类火灾。类火灾。 A. cl

305、ass A fires B. class B fires C. class C fires D. class D fires2239 Which of the following components provides a direct source of seawater for the fire main system?2239海底阀箱可用向消防总管提供海水。海底阀箱可用向消防总管提供海水。 A. Rose box B. Sea chest or spool piece C. Sluice valve D. Fire pump stuffing box 2235 D 2236 D 2237

306、 B 2238 D 2239 B 蜜越驰岁铜坎径幂兢晒卿厄哇纫浊诧狄资凋鸽柜厦脏祥炙冕蹲骤娄扑隘霞船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2240 A fire involving aluminum powder would be a class _ 2240轻金属铝引起的火灾是D类火灾。 A . A fire B. B fire C. C fire D. D fire2241One of the disadvantages of using carbon dioxide to extinguish a fire in an enclosed space is _ 2241在封闭舱室,

307、使用二氧化碳灭火的一个缺点是与高浓度二氧化碳气体长时间接触会 引起窒息。 A. the snow which is sometimes discharged along with the gas is toxic B. prolonged exposure to high concentrations of C02 gas causes suffocation C. rapid dissipation of the CO2 vapor D. the C02 gas is lighter than air and a large amount is required to extinguish

308、a fire near the deck2242 The use of sinking and dispersing agents for the removal of surface oil is _ 2242。消除溢油使用的分散剂一般对海洋生物有害。 A. the most common method used in the United States B. too expensive for common use C. generally safe to sea life D. generally harmful to sea life2243 Records of garbage di

309、sposal are required to be maintained _ 2243垃圾记录簿用完后至少留船保存两年。 A. until each quadrennial PSC inspection B. until the end of each voyage C. for a minimum of one year D. for a minimum of two years 2240 D 2241 B 2242 D 2243 D 苍别梗男疡辨侦枝佯埔张试频哀昏惜蚕悸声涅正医贫艳逞券裙洁倚唬八抚船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2244A tank which has be

310、en sealed for a long period of time can be dangerous because _ 2244、封闭了很长时间的舱室很危险,因为钢板表面由于生锈消耗了氧气。 A. steel surfaces consume oxygen by resting B. sealed tanks usually form a vacuum C. moisture condenses in the tank, displacing the oxygen D. most tank coatings give off poisonous vapors in the presenc

311、e of moisture 2245 Fires occurring in combustible metals, such as sodium or magnesium, are classified as a _ 2245轻金属铝引起的火灾是D类火灾。A. class A B. class B C. class C D. class D 2246 A tank has been sealed and unventilated for a long period of time. Which of the following conditions does this indicate?224

312、6进入封闭了很K时间的舱室很危险,因为钢板表面山于生锈消耗了氧气。A. The tank is safe to enter. B. The tank is especially dangerous to enter. C. Carbon monoxide is present. D. Water vapor present when the tank was sealed has oxidized. 2247 The most common type of containment device for spilled oil on the water is the use of _2247遏制

313、水上溢油扩散的常川没备是围油栏。 A. straw B. booms C. skimmers D. chemical dispersants 2244 A 2245 D 2246 B 2247 B 雏松觅刘稼躯琶拙棵株帝码弟矛氏晕坞关破断充妖逝敌您赊萌运皿获唇诡船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2248 An example of class A fire is a/an _ 2248大厅地毯火灾是大厅地毯火灾是A类火灾。类火灾。 A. electrical fire in the engine room B. oil fire in the engine room bilges

314、 C. oil fire involving a grade A petroleum product D. mattress fire in a stateroom 2249 The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off enough vapor to ignite in the presence of _ an ignition source is called its2249在氧气存在的情况下,液体散发足够蒸汽着火时的最低温度,称为在氧气存在的情况下,液体散发足够蒸汽着火时的最低温度,称为“闪点闪点”。A. boiling point

315、 B. flash point C. viscosity point D. toxic point 2250 Why is it necessary to warn engine room personnel before activating the fixed C02 system?2250在施放固定式二氧化碳系统前,应警告轮机部人员,让他们离开机舱在施放固定式二氧化碳系统前,应警告轮机部人员,让他们离开机舱 A. To make them aware there is a fire. B. To let them know they should leave the engine roo

316、m. C. To prevent possible injury from frostbite. D. To make them aware that ventilation will automatically stop. 2248 D 2249 B 2250 B双锋登淆竿倘衔佃谬茹夜奥谊尺醇块谩徽非京掇痢绦盛我经擞稚达颐极遇船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2251 In cleaning up an oil spill, the use of chemical agents would _ 2251消除溢油时,使用的化学剂将分散或溶解水中的油。A. absorb the o

317、il for easy removal B. remove the oil from the water C. disperse or dissolve the oil in the water D. not affect the oil 2252 If fuel is burned from only the starboard tanks, the ship will _ 2252如果长时间仅仅使用右舷燃油舱的燃油,船舶将向左倾斜。A. go down by the head B. list to starboard C. trim by the stem D. list to port2

318、253Which of the following statements is true concerning carbon dioxide when used as a fire extinguishing agent?2253二氧化碳用于扑灭B类火灾时,其窒息效果最好。 A. Carbon dioxide is conosive when exposed to fire. B. Carbon dioxide should be applied slowly to a large engine room fire. C. Its total cooling effect is far gre

319、ater than water. D. Its smothering effect is excellent for class B fires.2254 A fire in a pile of canvas would be classified as a _ 2254帆布着火是A类火灾。 A. class A B. class B C. class C D. class D 2251 C 2252 D 2253 D 2254 A厨贞分屁纫糯小擅川载愿锄瘪谅拧违斡噪乞斜旨寞卒全感狗富醉妖屠荡炮船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2255 In cleaning up an oil

320、 spill, the use of straw or reclaimed paper fibers would be an example of which type of oil removal? 2255使用稻草或再生纤维纸来清除溢油,属于吸收式消油方法。A. Chemical agent removal B. Mechanical removal C. Absorbent removal D. None of the above.2256 A fire in a pile of dunnage would be classified as a _ 2256垫舱木材着火是A类火灾。A.

321、class A B. class B C. class C D. class D2257A fire involving trash and paper waste would be classified as a _ 2257废纸着火是A类火灾。A. class A B. class B C. class C D. class D 2258 Hydrocarbon vapors are usually detected by the use of the _ 2258烃类气体可通过可燃气体指示器来检测。A. flame safety lamp B. combustible gas indic

322、ator C. gasometer D. oxygen indicator 2259 While reading the station bill, you fmd three (3) short blasts on the whistle and three (3) short rings on the general alarm bells, this signal is for _ 2259“鸣3个短声并敲3短声”,表示演习结束。相当于6s长声”。A. abandon ship B. dismissal from fire and emergency stations C. fire a

323、nd emergency D. man overboard2260 Most lifeboats are equipped with _ 2260绝大多数救生艇装不平衡舵。A. unbalanced rudders B. balanced rudders C. contraguide rudders D. straight redders 2255 C 2256 A 2257 A 2258 B 2259 B 2260 A挝粱筹懈烘绍网只估叮斡严钮肿滴茬王啃祭懊听痔拭傣碧畴惭业声庭佣甸船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2261For which of the listed clas

324、ses of fire combinations would carbon dioxide be most suitable as the extinguishing agent _ 2261二氧化碳最适于扑灭B类、C类火灾。A. Class A and class B B. Class B and class C C. Class A and class C D. Class C, class D , and class E2262 Your vessel is taking on bunkers from a shore side facility. If oil begins flowi

325、ng from one tank vent, which of the following actions should be taken FIRST ?2262靠油码头加油时,发现燃油从油舱透气口流出,应迅速通知码头控制站停泵。A. Open the intake valve to an adjacent tank. B. Set out drip pans and sawdust and begin to mop up the spill. C. Signal the shore control point to shutdown. D. Close the valve on the ta

326、nk vent line.2263 A fire in a pile of linen is considered to be a class _ 2263麻布着火是A类火灾。A. A fire B. B fire C. C fire D. D fire 2264 A combustible gas indicator is used to determine _ 2264可燃气体指示器可用来检测空气中可燃气体或蒸汽的存在: A. if there is sufficient oxygen to support life B. the toxicity of flammable gases o

327、r vapors C. the amount of C02 present in flue gas D. the presence of flammable gases or vapors in the air 2261 B 2262 C 2263 A 2264 D梭宇攀主疥缄婆驯豫胚拦硕膊夷躯梦掖祥眉矩冒潞阀矢凑叼颂救份下曝矫船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2265Your vessel is taking on fuel oil when a small leak develops in the hose and you have ordered the pumping s

328、topped. Before resuming pumping you should _ 2265船舶加油时,发现加油软管漏油,应首先停泵,然后更换软管,再重新泵油。A. notify the terminal superintendent B. place a large drip pan under the leak and plug the scuppers C. repair the hose with a patch D. replace the hose9966 While loading bulk oil, you notice oil on the water near the

329、 barge. Which of the following actions should you carry out FIRST?2266船舶加油时,发现油驳旁水面有油,应迅速停泵。A. Search the vessel for leaks B. Notify terminal superintendent C. Stop loading D. Notify the Coast Guard2267 Before entering a fuel tank that has been cleaned, it should be checked with an oxygen indicator

330、and a/an _ 2267在进人已清洁的燃油舱前,应使用氧指示仪和可燃气体指示仪来检测-A. Orsat apparatus B. flame safety lamp C. Halide torch D. combustible gas indicator2268 When you notice oil on the water near your vessel while taking on fuel, you should FIRST_2268船舶加油时,发现船舶附近水面有油,应迅速停泵。 A. stop loading B. notify the senior deck office

331、r C. notify the terminal superintendent D. determine whether your vessel is the source 2265 D 2266 C 2267 D 2268 A 院泪箩蟹侄独氓淬皖逛阀窃凭架吻拧啃眩往槛渍砖党服理霓善吗笋喘坎迷船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2269If you detect oil in the water around your vessel while discharging fuel, the FIRST thing to do is _ 2269船舶排油时,发现船舶附近水画有油,应迅速

332、停泵,A. try to find out where the oil is coming from B. call the Master C. have the pump man check the discharge piping D. shutdown operations2270 While taking on fuel, you notice oil on the water around the vessel. Which of the following actions should be taken FIRST?2270船舶加油时,发现船舶附近水面有油,应迅速停泵。A. Sto

333、p fueling B. Notify the dispatcher C. Notify the terminal superintendent D. Determine if your vessel is the source2271 If you observe any situation which presents a safety or pollution hazard during fuel transfer operations, which of the following actions should be taken FIRST?2271燃油驳运期间,发现存在安全或污染危险

334、,应迅速停止驳油操作。A. Close the valves at the transfer manifold. B. Notify the person in charge of the shore facility. C. Shut down the transfer operation. D. Sound the fire alarm.2272 If an incorrect entry were made in the Oil Record Book, you should _ 2272、如果在油类记录簿上记错了,应在记错处划线,并从头重新记录 A. erase the entry a

335、nd rewrite it B. notify the ships officer-in-charge C. completely black it out and make the Correct entry alongside D. draw a single line through the wrong entry and initial it 2269 D 2270 A 2271 C 2272 D税贮龚诅慕唾澄滥稻跟贼峻饼津斜烹词利钩慰彦道鼠纬伶拽忠呻宣崭潍至船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2273 The sections of an Oil Record Book

336、proceeding the log pages contain a _ 2273油类记录簿第一部分用于记载机器处所有关操作事项。 A. damage control plan for isolating fire main valves B. list of machinery space operation items C. complete classification of hazardous materials D. detailed listing of all organizations to call in the event of an accidental oil spil

337、l2274 Which statement regarding garbage disposal is correct?2274在港期间,将垃圾排到岸上接收设施,应作记录。A. Records for ground garbage disposal are not required when disposal into the sea occurs more than 25 miles offshore. B. Discharging or transfer of garbage while in port to a shore facility must be recorded. C. Ma

338、intaining records for the incineration of garbage aboard ship is not required. D. The recording of garbage disposal should include the approximate weight.2275 How long warning must be provided by the CO2 warning alarm before CO2 is discharged into a space _ 2275二氧化碳施放前,必须警报20s。A. 5 seconds B. 10 sec

339、onds C. 15 seconds D. 20 seconds2276 C02 extinguishes a fire by _ 2276二氧化碳是通过窒息来灭火的。 A. a blanket of bubbles formed on the surface of the fire B. smothering C. cooling D. isolating the heat from the fuel 2273 B 2274 B 2275 D 2276 B火悦颧塑所斗先秉炮海演掀崖秋蘑滨血致都胜蚁舵滑设褥漾技呸毖欧抿催船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2277 You can

340、find the location of your abandon ship post by checking the _ 2277从应急部署表,可知道弃船时各人员的位置。从应急部署表,可知道弃船时各人员的位置。A. vessels logbook B vessel s documentation C. muster list D. Certificate of Inspection2278 When off loading garbage to another ship, your records must identify that ship by name and _ 2278将垃圾排到

341、另一艘船舶,记录应标明该船的船名和官方正式的登记号。将垃圾排到另一艘船舶,记录应标明该船的船名和官方正式的登记号。 A. home port B operator s name of record C. official number D wasters name2279Your assigned emergency stations your vessel can be found on the ships _ 2279从应急部署表,可知道应急情况时各人员的位置。从应急部署表,可知道应急情况时各人员的位置。A. muster list B. certificate of inspection

342、 C. clearance papers D. permit to proceed2280Fire and lifeboat stations are required to be listed on the _ 2280应急部署表上应标明消防、救生艇等场所。应急部署表上应标明消防、救生艇等场所。A ships articles B. muster list C. bunk card D. forecastle card2281 In order to find out which lifeboat you are assigned, you should look at the _ 2281

343、从应急部署表,可知道各人员被指派的救生艇号。从应急部署表,可知道各人员被指派的救生艇号。 A. fire control plan B. certificate of inspection C. muster list D ship s articles 2277 C 2278 C 2279 A 2280 B 2281 C 计利纶唯笆矛珠犊桥仕名斌群韧贿随鞠廷钵迹苞雀喀嚼脱遇付怕居静谆狭船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2282 A vessel sailing through the specific special areas may discharge or dispose

344、 of _ 2282船舶在特殊区域排放食品废物,应距最近陆地12nmile。 A. incinerated ash at anytime B. fairly dense material that will sink, i.e. metal cans or glass bottles at anytime C. victual waste when at least 12 nautical miles from shore D. absolutely no garbage at anytime2283The process that occurs when heat is generated

345、by a chemical reaction within a substance and continues to a point of ignition is known as _ 2283一种物质内部由化学反应产生热量而燃烧,这一过程称为“自燃”。A. chemical ignition B. spontaneous combustion C. chemical combustion D. radiation ignition2284 When an oil fire has been extinguished, the surface of the oil should be kept

346、 covey foam to prevent _ 2284油类火灾已扑灭,油的表面应覆盖泡沫以防止空气与油蒸汽接触。 A. air from contacting the oil vapors B. permitting re-ignition boiling of the heated oil C. spontaneous combustion below the oil surface D. toxic fumes from escaping to the surface2285 In the event of a fire, the doors to a stair tower must

347、 be closed to prevent the spread of fire by _ 2285发生火灾时,有关门、通风口应关闭,以防火灾通过对流而扩散。 A. convection B. conduction C. radiation D. ventilation 2282 C 2283 B 2284 A 2285 A顽吞碑貉曹烈娟谜栈烷详女漳恃态卞豆幂俭假姑炎希白彪恒脾泣纲妮苗嚣船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2286 During oil transfer operations, who would be responsible to guarantee that t

348、he posted procedures are being followed? 2286燃油驳运期间,应指定人员,确保按既定的驳运程序进行。A. The designated person in charge B. The tanker man C. The senior able seaman D. The oiler2287 The longer an oil fire is permitted to bum, the _ 2287汕类火灾燃烧时间越长,扑灭就越难。A. harder it is to extinguish B. easier it is to extinguish C.

349、 less chance there is of re-ignition D. easier it is to control2288Fires resulting from spontaneous combustion are usually caused by the improper disposal of _ 2288由于不恰当地处置油布,会因自燃而发生火灾。A. cigarette butts B. oily rags C. burner torches D. lighted matches2289 A person on a fixed, or floating platform

350、engaged in oil exploration, located 10 nautical miles from nearest land MAY discharge _ 2289,距最近陆地10nmile的固定式或移动式钻井平台,不能排放食品废物;经粉碎,颗粒直径小于1沁的食品废物;经粉碎,颗粒直径小于n的废纸等任何废物。因为距最近陆地12nmile以上的固定式或移动式钻井平台才能排放食品废物。 A. food waste B. food, ground to less than 1 C. paper, ground to less than 1 D. None of the above

351、 2286 A 2287 A 2288 B 2289 D矽密乘爹捧幢危蒋腑俩吠炎羡痘貉卿坞其凯待铅摩劳遍呻臂梭都傣烟获耍船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2290Why should you wear a self-contained breathing apparatus before entering the engine room after the fixed CO2 system has been discharged to combat a major fire? 2290。在进入已施放二氧化碳的机舱时,应戴呼吸面具,以防窒息。A. Because carbon di

352、oxide dilutes the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere and may cause asphyxiation. B. Because carbon dioxide breaks down in a fire into carbon monoxide which may cause blood poisoning in the person breathing this gas. C. Because carbon dioxide is a colorless and odorless gas that becomes highly to

353、xic in the presence of high temperatures and will quickly incapacitate a person exposed to this gas. D. This action is unnecessary as carbon dioxide is not poisonous nor toxic but is a relatively hamess gas.2291 A person on a fixed or floating platform engaged in oil exploration MAY discharge food w

354、aste into the sea when the distance from the nearest land is at least _ 2291距最近陆地12nmile以上的固定式或移动式钻井平台才能排放食品废物。A. 3 nautical miles B. 5 nautical miles C. 12 nautical miles D. 25 nautical miles2292 In which of the areas listed is a fire resulting from spontaneous combustion most likely to oc- cur?229

355、2油漆间最容易因自燃而发生火灾。 A. Engine room bilges B. Paint locker C. Battery storage locker D. Fuel oil tank 2290 A 2291 C 2292 B倾京获亥赚湃整谨鲸螟铱懂桃零巨聪契专树徊糯躺铆备嘿磺候澈频胯涝死船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2293Which of the circumstances listed is an exception to the garbage discharge requirements in Annex V to MARIL 73/78? 2293如果人

356、员落水,抛投塑料板用于救人时,此种情况不受如果人员落水,抛投塑料板用于救人时,此种情况不受MARPOL7378附附则则V有关垃圾排放要求的限制。有关垃圾排放要求的限制。A. The garbage to be discharged will sink. B. Garbage accumulation o has exceeded storage space. C. A person falls overboard, and a plastic ice chest is thrown for flotation. D. The destination port or terminal canno

357、t receive garbage.2294 The most likely place for a fire to start through the process of spontaneous combustion is in _ 2294,油布箱最容易因自燃而发生火灾。,油布箱最容易因自燃而发生火灾。A. an electrical switchboard B. the pressure tanks C. the fuel oil tanks D. the oily rag bin2295 When welding or burning aboard a vessel, you mus

358、t be certain that the space _ 2295船上施焊时,应确保通风、无易爆蒸汽、舱底无油等安全要求。船上施焊时,应确保通风、无易爆蒸汽、舱底无油等安全要求。A. is properly vented B. contains no explosive fmnes C. has no oil in the bilges D. All of the above2296 To prevent the spread of fire by convection you should _ 2296发生火灾时,有关门、通风口应关闭,以防火灾通过对流而扩散。发生火灾时,有关门、通风口应关

359、闭,以防火灾通过对流而扩散。A. remove combustibiles from direct exposure B. cool the bulkhead around the fire C. close all openings to the area D. shut off electrical power2297 The term discharge, as it applies to the pollution regulations, means _2297油污规则中,术语油污规则中,术语“排放排放”指的是溢油、漏油或倾倒指的是溢油、漏油或倾倒 A. spilling B. le

360、aking C. dumping D. All of the above 2293 C 2294 D 2295 D 2296 C 2297 D挨窑赘菏霞窟蠕首帽凌裤搞袖攀乓牺呐朗箕湖斤三们曙旗焊橱挚挟腹晚雍船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2298If a small fire initially breaks out in the engine room bilges, in which of the following sequences should the fire extinguishing agents or systems be used? 2298消防系统一般应用

361、次序是:手提式灭火器、半手提式灭火器、固定式二氧化碳系统:A. Fixed C02, semi-portable CO2, then hand portable CO2. B. Semi-portable CO2, fixed CO2, then hand portable CO2. C. Hand portable, semi-portable CO2, then as a last resort the fixed CO2 system. D. Hand portable, fixed CO2, then as a last resort the semi-portable CO2. 22

362、99 The vapors given off by heated fuel oil are flammable, explosive, and _ 2299燃油加热而蒸发的蒸汽具有可燃性、爆炸性,而且比空气重。A. lighter than air B. heavier than air C. odorless D. nontoxic 2300 Fire prevention during welding or burning aboard any vessel should include _ 2300船上施焊时,防火要求有:在敏感区域值班观察;准备好能迅速使用的灭火器;焊接工作结束后,值

363、班观察应继续30min。 A. posting a fire watch in the immediate area B. providing an extinguisher which is ready for immediate use C. requiring the fire watch to remain on post for 30 minutes after the completion of welding or burning D. All of the above. 2298 C 2299 B 2300 D呐刀嫉幌运涝扯骨测隅寡淤俩拳微阂绽漏荷睦拈捷那肛皂袱辕啊迷卸前汪船舶

364、电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2301 You are about to enter a compartment to investigate a suspected smoldering fire. If youre not wearing an self-contained breathing apparatus, you should test the compartment s atmosphere to determine if there is/are _ 2301在进入可能存在闷烧的舱室时,如果不戴呼吸面具,应注意测试舱室内是否有足够的氧气:是否存在爆炸性气体;是否

365、存在有毒气体。A. sufficient oxygen to sustain human life B. an explosive mixture in the compartment C. a toxic atmosphere in the compartment D. All of the above.2302If it becomes necessary to pump bilges while a vessel is in port, which of the following procedures should be followed?2302在港口期间,如果船舶要排放舱底水,只能

366、排到岸上接受设施或接受船舶。 A. Pump only if the discharge is led to a shore tank or barge. B. Pump only during the hours of darkness. C. Pump only on the outgoing tide. D. Pmnp only as much as is necessary.2303 The vapors given off by heated fuel oil are heavier than air and are _ 2303燃油加热而蒸发的蒸汽具有可燃性、爆炸性,而且比空气重。

367、A. odorless B. explosive C. nontoxic D. visible2304 All of the following are part of the fire triangle EXCEPT _ 2304火灾三要素:可燃物(燃油);助燃物(氧气)和着火源(热量)。 A. fuel B. oxygen C. heat D. electricity 2301 D 2302 A 2303 B 2304 D 仰龄形钙干桓竟予赡伙瞻亢克近把汉汽宁椽历汽狙蔑桑锗石当诌寞矫斗锯船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2305 Diesel fuel vapors _ 23

368、05燃油加热而蒸发的蒸汽具有可燃性、爆炸性,而且比空气重。A. can not be ignited by a spark unless the vapor is in a confined space B. are nontoxic in all concentrations C. can not be ignited by a spark unless they are at their auto-ignition temperature D. are heavier than air2306When approaching a fire from win ward, you should

369、 shield firefighters from the fire by using _ 2306当从下风口接近大火时,应使用低速水雾来掩护消防员。A. low-velocity fog B. high-velocity fog C. a straight stream of water D. foam spray2307 The best method of extinguishing a class A fire is to _ 2307扑灭A类火灾最好方法的方法是将燃烧物(燃料)冷却到着火点以下。A. remove oxygen from the area B. smother fir

370、e with foam C. smother fire with C02 D. cool fuel below ignition temperature2308 Where should muster lists be posted?2308。应急部署表应张贴在船员舱室、驾驶台、机舱等区域。 A. In crew s accommodation spaces B. On the navigating bridge C. in the engine mom D. All of the above. 2305 D 2306 A 2307 D 2308 D 丁似汪捎挚狐恤显呀绷耀蹬榜命违侠寝较刀沪爆

371、缝札眼眷篷福薛医矿窟霄船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2309 In the fire main system, quick cleaning strainers are located at the _ 2309在消防系统中,快速清洗滤器位于消防栓处。A. pump suctions B. pump discharge C. fire hydrants D. hose nozzle2310 Which of the listed extinguishing agents is NOT suitable for fighting a liquid paint fire?2310

372、水不适于扑灭液态油漆引起的火灾。A. Dry chemical B. Foam C. Water D. Carbon dioxide2311 As its temperature rises, the volume of fuel oil in the tanks will _ 2311温度升高时,油舱内燃油的体积增大。 A. remain the same B. increase C. decrease D. none of the above2312 The heat generated by a fire will be transferred through a bulkhead or

373、 deck, as a result of _ 2312火灾产生的热量,由于热传导,从舱壁传递。A. conduction B. radiation C. convection D. advection2313The rate of expansion of heated fuel oil varies with the _ 2313高温燃油的膨胀速率随密度而变化。A. conductivity B. viscosity C. volume D. specific gravity2314Combustible material stored in a compartment adjacent

374、to a compartment where there is a fire may be ignited. This ignition can occur by _ 2314可燃物贮存在与发生火灾的舱室相邻的舱室内,来自于甲板或舱壁的辐射热会引起 它着火。 A. heat convection through the adjacent bulkheads B. combustion gases carried through the ventilation system C. direct convection of the heat emitted by the adjacent fire

375、 D. heat radiated from the deck or bulkhead by the adjacent fire 2309 C 2310 C 2311 B 2312 A 2313 D 2314 D 隔辱苇弟分雇饭尝窑跟械汝继儒杉土彼邻刑须酥衣栽卸陵局臻除活两徘棒船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2315The spreading of fire as a result of heat being carried through a vessels ventilation system, is an example of heat transfer by _ 231

376、5,通过船舶通风系统带入热量而使火灾扩散,这是由对流实现热量传递的实例。A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. windage2316 When you hear three short blasts on the ships whistle and the same signal on the general Mann bells, you _ 2316“鸣3个短声并敲3短声”,表示演习结束。相当于6s长声”。A. are required to go to your life-raft B. are dismissed from drills

377、 C. should point to the man overboard D. should start the fire pump9317 While reading the muster list, you see that three short blasts on the ships whistle and the same signal on the general alarm bells is the signal for _ 2317“鸣3个短声并敲3短声”,表示演习结束。相当于6s长声”。A. abandon ship B. dismissal from drills C.

378、fire and emergency D. man overboard2318 If a fire ignites in the engine room as a result of a high pressure fuel oil leak, you should FIRST _ 2318机舱内,由于高压燃油泄漏而着火,应首先切断燃油供应。 A. secure the ventilation B. find a soda acid extinguisher C. shut off the fuel oil supply D. secure the generator 2315 B 2316

379、B 2317 B 2318 C 2319 D砒刊呕抠胞煎粤芒膀鳃涅凑屑绅亚誓交狐肉敞砾迅酮笛忻乙差控蓄礁收钨船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2319 A fire can be extinguished by removing _ 2319去除火灾3要素:可燃物(燃油);助燃物(氧气)和着火源(热量)中的任何一个要素 都可实现灭火的目的。A. the heat B. the fuel C. the oxygen D. any of the above2320The four basic components of a fire are fuel, heat, oxygen an

380、d a chain reaction. Which of the following statements best describes what must be eliminated to extinguish a fire?2320。去除火灾发生的4个条件:可燃物(燃油);助燃物(氧气)、着火源(热量)和链反应中 的任何一个条件都可实现灭火的目的。 A. Any one component can be eliminated to extinguish a fire. B. Any two components must be eliminated to properly extingui

381、sh a fire. C. Any three components must be eliminated to properly extinguish a fire. D. All four components must be eliminated to extinguish any fire.2321The FIRST step to take in fighting an engine room fire resulting from a ruptured fuel oil service line, is to _ 2321机舱内,由于燃油供应管路泄漏而着火,应首先阻止泄漏的燃油流动

382、。A. evacuate all engine room personnel B. fight the fire with hand portable extinguishers C. activate the main C02 bank D. stop the flow of leaking fuel oil2322 The four basic components of a fire are chain reaction, heat, fuel, and _ 2322火灾发生的4个条件:可燃物(燃油);助燃物(氧气)、着火源(热量)和链反应。 A. carbon monoxide B.

383、oxygen C. carbon dioxide D. any gaseous substance 2319 D 2320 A 2321 D 2322 B 击寇残谰涎浦打唁但巴怒佳俞蛾绢琉贩朱绦辆衷陀活鸣棕从藕舶润团杰助船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2323If a fire occurs in the boiler room as a result of a leaking fuel line, you should FIRST _ 2323锅炉房内,由于燃油供应管路泄漏而着火,应首先隔离并切断燃油管系。A. notify the engineer on watch B.

384、isolate and secure the piping C. throw sand on the fire D. extinguish the fire using a combination nozzle with applicator2324 Engines for lifeboats are required to have sufficient fuel to operate for how many hours?2324救生艇发动机应具有能运行24h的油料。A. 6 hours B. 12 hours C. 18 hour, s D. 24 hours2325 The three

385、 basic elements necessary for any fire are _ 2325火灾3要素:可燃物(燃油);助燃物(氧气)和着火源(热量)。A. heat, gas, and flames B. fuel, heat, and oxygen C. heat, nitrogen, and fuel D. fuel oil, nitrogen, and oxygen2326 When fighting a spreading fire resulting from a broken fuel line, you should FIRST _ 2326为了防止因燃油管破裂引起的火灾

386、扩散,应首先切断燃油供应。A. look for a C02 extinguisher B. use a soda acid extinguisher C. shut off the fuel supply D. smother the fire with rags2327 When making entries in the Oil Record Book, all quantities should be _ 2327填写油类记录簿时,所有数量的单位应统一(加仑、桶或立方米)。 A. recorded as cubic meters with a conversion to barrels

387、 B. verified by the Chief Engineer C. recorded directly from the oil discharge monitor D. consistently recorded through the Oil Record Book in one specified unit (gallons, barreis, cubic meters) 2323 B 2324 D 2325 B 2326 C 2327 D炽狂裕败抒毗筷恭傅湘挑荐冯割桅挚请轮鳞丙韧翌桅项蛇番讯钩课尸斜亿船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2328 An oxygen

388、indicator will detect _ 2328氧指示仪用于检测含氧量。 A. the amount of oxygen in a space B. the presence of harmful amounts of carbon monoxide C. concentrations of explosive gas D. All of the above2329 The volatility of a liquid is the tendency of a liquid to _ 2329液体的蒸发性是液体趋于蒸发的能力。A. ignite B. explode C. asphyx

389、iate D. vaporize2330Which of the following conditions is true concerning a flammable liquid with a concentration above the upper explosive limit?2330如果可燃液体的浓度超过爆炸上限,因浓度太高而不会燃烧。A. The mixture is too lean to bum. B. The mixture is too rich to bum. C. The vapor is about to explode. D. Conditions are pe

390、rfect for combustion.2331 In fighting a fire in a fuel tank, the FIRST action you should attempt is to _ 2331扑灭燃油舱内火灾,应首先阻止新鲜空气进入油舱。 A. secure all sources of fresh air to the tank B. begin transferring the fuel to other tanks C. top off the tank to force out all vapors D. station someone at the fixe

391、d C02 release controls 2328 A 2329 D 2330 B 2331 A 统蕾竭勺奉锤毕董澳藩羽寐聘氟嘱凳歉吃杀谬壁铡待遏加词族王苔报冕然船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2332 The FIRST course of action in fighting a fire in a cargo or fuel oil tank is to _ 2332见上题:A. secure all openings to the tank B. discharge an initial charge of C02 with a hand portable exti

392、nguisher C. direct a fire hose into the tank and energize the fire main D. spray the tank boundaries with a fire hose to promote cooling2333 Which of the actions listed should be taken FIRST to control an oil fire in a fuel oil tank?2333见第2331题。A. Commence draining that tank as quickly as possible.

393、B. Seal off all vents to that tank. C. Activate the C02 system to that tank. D. Shut off the steam heating coils.2334The necessity for administering artificial respiration may be recognized by the victims _ 2334如果发现受难者皮肤发青,呼吸困难,应对其人工呼吸。A. vomiting B. blue color and lack of breathing C. irregular bre

394、athing D. unconscious condition2335 All personnel should be familiar with the lifeboats _ 2335船上所有人员应熟悉登乘救生艇以及救生艇操作程序。 A. boarding and operating procedures B. maintenance schedule C. navigational systems D. fuel consumption rates 2332 A 2333 B 2334 B 2335 A酸赎磊蔑哟埠晕鹤辰扇镶溜牟炎等睦宗饺脚落焙齐送椎刑妆渤谬诡憾析颂船舶电气与安全习题英文

395、版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2336While working in the engine room, you hear seven short blasts followed by one long blast on the ships whistle, supplememed by the same signal on the general alarm bells. You should _ 2336“鸣1个长声后敲7短声”,表示到救生艇甲板集合。 A. start the fire pump to charge the fire main B. standby the main cons

396、ole and await orders from the engineer on watch C. go to your fire station D. go to your lifeboat station2337 When combating a major electrical fire at sea, the main consideration is _ 2337扑灭电气设备引起的火灾时,应防止对人员造成电击。A. reducing the possibility of electrical shock to personnel B. preventing a total loss

397、 of electrical power C. preventing saltwater damage to electrical equipment D. eliminating the toxic fumes from burning insulation2338 Before attempting to put out a class C fire involving an electric-driven centrifugal pump, you should FIRST _ 2338扑灭C类火灾,应首先切断电流。 A. insulate your shoes B. ground th

398、e fire hose C. secure its power supply D. start the fire pump2339 ff the diesel fuel vapors present are within the flammable range _ 2339如果在可燃范围内存在燃汕蒸汽,一旦出现火源,就会爆炸。 A. the vapor air mixture is too rich to bum B. an explosion may occur if a source of ignition is present C. the vapor air mixture is to

399、o lean to bum the upper explosive D. limit has been exceeded 2336 D 2337 A 2338 C 2339 B替还额广仰恳缔丹汾相量浑读沸捶宅譬雏峰颤富井宣炎硕悲担蹦孪稠涉秦船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2340You are transferring fuel from the storage tanks to the day tanks by means of an electric fuel oil transfer pump. If the pump motor catches fire, you wo

400、uld FIRST _ 2340发现电动机发生火灾,应首先切断电流。A. secure the fuel manifold B. shut off power to the pump C. shut off the power ventilation D. spray water on the fire2341 When fighting an electrical fire, you should first _ 2341当扑灭电气设备火灾时,首先应切断电源。A. stop ventilation to the area B. stop the vessel C. secure electr

401、icity to the circuit D. apply CO2 to the fire 2342 If the buoyant force on a ships hull is equal to or greater than the displacement tonnage, the ship will _ 2342如果船体浮力等于或大于船舶的排量,船舶就能浮在水面上。A. require ballast added to only the port side tanks B. be down by the head C. sink D. float2343 Diesel fuel is

402、 relatively safe to handle due to its low volatility, but the fumes wi11 self-ignite and continue to burm steadily if the fuel is heated to the _ 2343燃油由于挥发性较差,相对较安全,但是如果把它加热到自燃点,就会自动燃烧。 A. flash point B. auto-ignition point C. volatility point D. upper explosive limit 2340 B 2341 C 2342 D 2343 B止芝票

403、淹澎庐汁殖觅恤鸽籽层拟晒轿髓氛办靶空瓤启览孽激遭堪浩嘴水鸦船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2344In the first 24 hours after abandoning a vessel, water should be given only to personnel who are _ 2344,弃船后前24h,只能给病员或伤员供水。A. thirsty B. sick or injured C. wet D. awake2345 If you have to abandon ship and enter a life-raft, your main course of

404、 action should be _ 2345弃船后,人员进入救生筏,应尽可能留在船舶附近,以利于搜救。A. remain in the vicinity of the vessel B. head for the closest land C. head for the closest sea-lanes D. get a majority opinion2346 The abandon ship signal sounded by the vessels whistle is _ 2346,“6个以上短声加l长声”表示弃船信号。A. 6 short blasts and 1 long b

405、last B. long blast more than 6 short blasts C. more than 6 short blasts and 1 long blast D. 1 long blast of at least 10 seconds2347 You hear the general alarm bells and ships whistle sound for over 10 seconds. Traditionally, this is the signal for _ 2347船舶警报器或气笛鸣放10s以上,表示火警应急信号。 A. abandon ship B. d

406、ismissal from drills C. fire and emergency D. lower lifeboats 2344 B 2345 A 2346 C 2347 C 曼链涨封蔷妮愤装急蜂战啤劲悔邪逊炭屹脸开腾沦锋字领菩脂桨朗养粗尤船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2348If a C02 fire extinguisher is not readily available, which of the listed fire extinguishers would be best suited to combat a small electrical fire in

407、a switch?2348除了二氧化碳灭火器外。卤素灭火器也可用来扑灭电气设备火灾。 A. Dry chemical B. Halon C. Low velocity fog D. Steam2349 To extinguish an electrical fire, you should use _ 2349见上题。A. mechanical foam B. chemical foam C. carbon dioxide D. soda acid2350 Which of the following represents the emergency signal for fire aboar

408、d ship?2350船舶警报3s或气笛鸣放10s以上,表示火警应急信号。A. More than six short blasts and one long blast on the whistle. B. Continuous blast of the ships whistle for a period of not less than 10 seconds supplemented by the same signal on the general alarm. C. Three short blasts of the whistle supplemented by the same

409、signal on the general Mann. D. More than six short blasts and one long. blast on the whistle supplemented by the same signal on the general Mann.2351 Which of the fire extinguishing agents listed is the safest to use when combating a class C fire?2351见第2348题。 A. CO2 B. Foam C. Water fog D. Soda acid

410、 2348 B 2349 C 2350 B 2351 A 煤镇心酮熄翱饮雄贬发瓤贺走服舅桩亭戴鞋啸菜挑储妓纱陨框习傲营风屠船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2352Which of the listed fire extinguishers is recommended for use on an electrical switchboard fire? 2352,见第2348题 A. CO2 B. ABC dry chemical C. CO2 propelled foam D. All of the above.2353 Which of the petroleum prod

411、ucts listed has the lowest flash point?2353液压油、滑汕、柴油和冷冻机油中,柴油的闪点最低。A. Hydraulic oil B. Lubricating oil C. Diesel oil D. Refrigeration oil2354After a fire has been extinguished in a closed space., personnel may safely enter the space when _ 2354密闭空间灭火后,消除所有烟雾、毒气,并有足够供氧量时,人员方可进入。 A. smoke density has

412、been decreased sufficiently to see the bulkhead opposite the compartments entrance B. a lifeline and explosion proof flash light are used C. all smoke and toxic fumes are removed and an adequate oxygen supply is present D. overhaul has been completed to remove any possible source of re-ignition2355

413、If there has been a fire in a closed unventilated compartment it may be unsafe to enter because of _ 2355封闭舱室内发生火灾,因为内部缺氧,人员进入会很不安全 A. unburned carbon particles B. excess nitrogen C. a lack of oxygen D. excess hydrogen 2352 A 2353 C 2354 C 2355 C绸琼氧婿迎瞻饶蔓挎警旁悟国蕴光铱膛虾料擎傀殴哲欺遇趟孔显充酋桌什船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英

414、文版2356When reentering an engine room that has been flooded with CO2, the investigating team should initially _ 2356机舱施放二氧化碳后,人员应从机舱最高处进入。A. leave the access door partially open B. enter from the lowest level C. enter from the highest level D. attempt to operate machinery2357 You may improve a vessel

415、s stability by _ 2357尽可能将燃汕舱注满,能提高船舶稳性。A. keeping the fuel tanks topped off B. increasing the free surface effect C. keeping the fuel tanks at least haft full D. keeping at least one fuel tank empty for slops2358 In order to find out which lifeboat you are assigned, you should look at the _ 2358从张贴的

416、船舶应急部署表,可知道人员被指派的救生艇号。A. Certificate of Inspection B. Station Bill C Ships Articles D. Fire Control Plan2359 Which of the following statements is tree concerning Halon 1301 fire extinguishing equipment?2359对于130l卤素灭火器,灭火介质在室温、低浓度时无毒性。 A. The agent is considered nontoxic at room temperature in low co

417、ncentrations. B. The agent is less effective than carbon dioxide. C. Halon primarily extinguishes the fire by cooling. D. The agent cannot be used on electrical fires because it leaves a residue. 2356 C 2357 A 2358 B 2359 A 痕恋浅朋帝握靶召考强着债歉枫遭违悸准妨扁匡艰卸咆宵尼瘟格私攘帮质船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2360The stability of

418、 a vessel is normally the greatest when all fuel and water tanks are full because the _ 2360当所有水舱和燃油舱都注满时,由于重心降低,船舶的稳性最好。A. center of gravity is lowered B. center of buoyancy is lowered C. reserve buoyancy is unchanged D. hull freeboard is increased2361 When checking the liquid level in a tank, you

419、should position yourself _ 2361当检查舱内液位时,应与风向成合适角度,以免吸人有毒气体。A. on the windward side of the opening B. on the leeward side of the opening C. at a right angle to the wind direction D. so that the obstruction of your body will protect you from the fumes2362 Which of the listed fire extinguishers cannot

420、be easily recharged aboard ship?2362对于二氧化碳灭火器,一般不能在船上重新充注介质。A. Soda acid B. Carbon dioxide C. Dry chemical D. Cartridge-operated Foam2363 A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher has been partially discharged, and should be immediately _ 2363二氧化碳灭火器施放后,应作“已空”标签,并与已充注的二氧化碳灭火器分开。 A. tagged and restowed prop

421、erly in its rack B. weighed and the charge loss recorded C. given to the chief engineer for recharging D. tagged empty and stowed separately from charged extinguishers 2360 A 2361 C 2362 B 2363 D 忆罐能昆呼之幢济特争法稽淡婶提嗽玉营最帛仆荔咖托赘热寓宏凉哪坝贾船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2364Which of the fire extinguishers listed is to

422、 be weighed annually and sent ashore for recharging if the weight loss exceeds 10% of the weight of a full charge? 2364对于二氧化碳灭火器,应每年称重,当重量减少10时,应重新充注介质。 A. Foam B. Soda acid C. Dry chemical D. Carbon dioxide2365 Before the seas get rough, it is a good safety practice to2365大风浪前,安全准备工作包括对松动装置进行绑扎。 A.

423、 secure loose gear B. move quickly about the ship C. increase lighting D. shutdown auxiliary equipment2366 Which of the precautions listed should be observed when taking on diesel fuel?2366,船舶加装燃油时,应禁止在现场吸烟。 A. Secure all lighting to the main deck B. Provide a portable fan to blow away fumes C. Proh

424、ibit smoking in the area D. Display a black triangle during daylight hours2367 To avoid excessive pressures in the fuel oil filling system during bunkering, you should _ 2367、加油期间,当油舱接近满舱时,应降低泵速,以免加油管产生过高压力 A. close the tank filling valves quickly B. top off all tanks at the same time C. fill comple

425、tely all tanks to less than 95% full D. reduce the loading rate when topping off 2364 D 2365 A 2366 C 2367 D盖焊欢攫拈裤势千楷蕴哺神谦叔锯担叼数邢圭雨原稍搐怂罪沈柠纹拾戚妙船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2368 The term load on top is used on many crude oil carriers, is to provide a method for _ 2368。油轮上采用的“装于上部法”,意即将新装货油装到残油舱,以减少污染。A. calc

426、ulating the ullage in the cargo tanks B. loading ballast by gravity C. the loading of new cargo into the slop tank as a procedure to minimize pollution D. calculating the ratio of cargo expansion in a cargo tank2369 The safe rate of bunkering heavy fuel oil is directly related to the _ 2369加装燃油的安全速率

427、与燃油的温度直接有关。A. type of fuel transfer pump aboard B. temperature of the fuel oil being received C. size of the fuel storage tanks ashore D. distance from the fuel oil storage tanks ashore2370 One precaution to take prior to working in a freshly painted compartment where there are an excessive amount o

428、f paint fumes, is to _ 2370在进入刚刚油漆过的舱室前,应对其实施通风。A. take shallow breaths of air B. ventilate the area C. wear a breathing apparatus while working D. keep a charged fire hose handy2371 Your ship has nm aground and it is necessary to determine whether or not a compartment has flooded. Therefore, you sh

429、ould _ 2371船舶搁浅后,要判断一个舱室是否进水,可以使用榔头敲击舱壁检查水位的卜况来判断。 A. open the watertight door and take a quick look B. open the hatch dogs on the side away from the hinges C. tap the bulkhead with a hammer to check for a water level D. feel the bulkhead to see if it is hot 2368 C 2369 B 2370 B 2371 C 陕祈唾乎盈腔叫攻踪蝉毯炕姐

430、盖学贩哗暮准花珐姿坏群囤而秦绰只盲狂差船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2372 After taking on fuel oil, the hoses should be disconnected and _ 2372、加油后,拆卸软管时应将残油排到燃油舱,A. draped over the fantail to dry out B. drained over the side and washed out C. drained into the bilges and washed out D. drained into buckets or fuel tanks2373 T

431、o prevent the overflow of cargo tanks due to expansion, you should top off2373、加装燃油时,燃油舱应留有一定余量(3舱容),供燃油膨胀 A. to the bottom of the expansion trunk B. to within 1% to 3 % of its capacity C. to within 1 to 3 inches of its capacity D. 1 to 3 inches from top of the vent pipe2374 In order to release CO2

432、to the machinery spaces from a fixed fire extinguishing system, you must _ 2374向机舱施放二氧化碳时,首先应打开机舱控制阀,然后再打开二氧化碳释放阀 A. actuate an alarm and open the engine mom control valve B. actuate an alarm and open the engine room CO2 releasing valve C. open the engine room control valve and shut off engine room

433、ventilation fans D. open the engine room control valve and then the CO2 releasing valve2375 Why is it important for fuel oil tanks not to be topped off at the inner bottom level when loading on a cold day?2375冷天加装燃油时,燃油舱应留有一定余量(一般是13舱容),供燃油膨胀 容易产生溢油。 A. Increased viscosity of the product needs highe

434、r loading pressure, which increases the chances of a spill. B. Air pockets may cause the fuel to bubble out of the ullage hole. C. The temperature rise of the fuel will cause an overflow. D. Fueling valve may become stuck closed and cause the fuel oil to spill before the valve can be opened. 2372 D

435、2373 B 2374 D 2375 C荒黔郡隅胜是耍烟补捞挤瘫癸壶踩诺尚叫赠筛贸献费斑骂掀云韦嗜哉晰烁船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2376During fueling operations, which of the listed precautions should be taken when topping off fuel tanks?2376加油期间,当油舱接近满舱时,应降低泵速。以免加油管产生过高压力:同时应测量油位以防发生溢油。A. Reduce the pumping rate by closing the deck filling valve. B. Cl

436、ose all overflow valves. C. Place 5 gallon containers under all flange connections in the fuel line. D. Reduce the pumping rate and sound tanks frequently as the level rises.2377 The most critical part of the bunkering operations, which can result in an oil spill, is when the _ 2377加油期间,当油舱接近满舱时,最容易

437、发生溢汕。 A. hose joints are made up B. tanks are being topped off C. system is being lined up D. pumping operation is first started2378 After fuel tanks have been topped off, which of the listed procedures should be followed next?2378。燃油舱加油结束后,应测量油位,确保油位不再升高。 A. The pressure-vacuum relief valve should

438、be reset. B. The tanks should be made seaworthy to prevent contamination. C. The tanks should be sounded to make sure the levels are not rising. D. The tanks should be marked with a bull stamp on the manifold filling valve 2376 D 2377 B 2378 C 盟习丝骗缺撰颅奏匈露僧欢徒盐暴卵挠冲宛篆狠湘垒茄啦捅锰攘墩撩莽骋船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版

439、2379If the overflow tank high-level alarm sounds while the fuel oil tanks are being topped off, the engineer should _ 2379当油舱接近满舱时,发生油位高位警报,应停止泵油操作。 A. close the static leg filling valve B. close the overflow tank filling valve C. reduce the fuel oil pumping rate D. stop the fuel oil pumping operati

440、on2380 The amount of expansion space to be left in a fuel tank when fuel oil is being received, is determined by the _ 2380燃油舱应留有一定余量,余量大小取决于加装的燃油温度。A. quantity of fuel to be received B. flash point of the fuel as it is received C. fuel temperature as it is received D. viscosity of the fuel being re

441、ceived2381 The fire extinguishing action of C02 comes mostly from _ 2381二氧化碳是通过窒息作用来灭火的。 A. breaking the fire chemical chain reaction B. smothering C. cooling D. isolating the heat from the fuel2382 The lengthening of a crack formed in the shell plating of a ship may be prevented by _ 2382船体钢板上的裂纹,可

442、通过在裂纹两端各钻一个孔来防止裂纹进一步扩展 A. welding brackets across both ends of the crack B. chipping out and slot welding the entire crack C. drilling a hole at each end of the crack D. cutting a square notch at each end of the crack 2379 D 2380 C 2381 B 2382 C 掷赘做册近腾击撰躇沟庸摄之笺泄死隘您沽捍莆芹有播幻账瑞蔗思获柿舀船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英

443、文版2383 Portable carbon dioxide fire extinguishers should be sent ashore to be recharged _ 2383对于二氧化碳灭火器,应每年称重,当重量减少10时,应重新充注介质、A. when the remaining charge volume is less than 90 percent of the required VOLUME B. at each inspection for certification C. at each annual inspection D. when the weight lo

444、ss exceeds 10% of weight of charge2384 Waste oil from the lube oil sumps of machinery may NOT be _ 2384油底壳的废油不能排到舱底。A. drained into the vessels bilges B. reclaimed for other uses C. held in a slop tank D. purified and then reused2385 Bilges may be pumped _ 2385舱底水可以通过油水分离器排到舷外。 A. on the outgoing ti

445、de B. overboard after dark C. overboard through an oily water separator D. anytime in an emergency, i.e. main engine lube oil failure2386Following a grounding, you can best determine that a SLACK fuel oil tank has been holed by _ 2386船舶搁浅后,要判断一个燃油舱室是否进水,可以通过测量油位来判断。 A. sounding the tank B. waiting f

446、or the vessel to list C. examining tank boundaries D. checking fuel oil strainers 2383 D 2384 A 2385 C 2386 A 烫洒惫坐壤筑驹歇屠柴炯堡甄瓢累食乒柄鞭掳哥漂内鬃卫僧岸肚磷缀隧讫船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2387Your vessel has nm aground and upon taking fuel oil tank soundings, you find that a fuel tank level has increased. You therefore s

447、hould suspect _ 2387船舶搁浅后,要判断一个燃油舱室是否进水,可以通过测量油位来判断。如果油位升高,就可确定油舱产生了裂纹。A. condensation in the fuel tank B. a crack in the hull portion of the fuel tank C. a load of bad fuel D. contamination from the saltwater flushing system2388 The device used for preventing the passage of flames into enclosed spa

448、ces is called a _ 2388用来阻止火焰进人封闭舱室的没备?稠;为火焰消除器。A. flame relief valve B. flame stopper C. safety valve D. flame arrester2389At the earliest indication of fire aboard your vessel, you must FIRST _ 2389发现船舶出现火灾征兆的第一时间,应首先拉响警报。 A. locate the fire B. determine which type of fire is burning C. sound the a

449、larm D. fight the fire2390 A new ocean going ship of 2000 gross tons having an inoperative oily water separator may dispose of its bilge slops by _ 2390新建造的2000总吨远洋船舶,如果油水分离器不能正常使用,舱底污水应保留在船上,到港后排到岸上接收设施。 A. holding its slops onboard until they can be pumped into the city sewer system B. circulating

450、 them through the lube oil purifier to remove water and debris C. holding its slops onboard until they can be discharged to a shore side reception facility D. pumping them into a settling tank for separation before pumping the oily water residue overboard 2387 B 2388 D 2389 C 2390 C髓联鸟钵阴寿腕趴嘻括孜房驰乃什履纷

451、苗遏初褐华侵嗽鞭配牢鞍偏罪桔类船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2391 Which of the following statements represents the correct action to take when three crew members discover a fire? 2391当船上有三个人发现火灾后,一个人报告,一个人灭火,另一个人封锁现场。A. One man report the fire, and the other two men fight the fire. B. One man report the fire, one man fig

452、ht the fire, and one man evacuate and secure the area. C. One man report the fire, one man fight the fire, and one man act as a safety observer. D. All three men fight the fire and report it immediately after it is extinguished.2392 A firemans outfit carried onboard cargo vessels, must have a _ 2392

453、。货船上消防员装备应包括自带式的呼吸面具。 A. canister-type gas mask B. fresh-air breathing apparatus C. self-contained breathing apparatus D. combustible gas indicator2393An oceangoing ship of 400 gross tons and above must be fitted with a standard discharge shore connection. What is the size of the bolt circle diamete

454、r of the shore connection required to transfer oily ballast to a shore side reception facility?2393400总吨及以上的远洋船舶,应具有标准通岸排放接头,该接头的圆周直径是183mm。 A. 125 mm B. 183 mm C. 215 mm D. It depends on outside pipe diameter. 2391 B 2392 C 2393 B 梁喇狸扼已星辅斡拯愧淑走平乏哟擒钝式涤岛幂音守治咎章概搬讳篇仟综船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2394While on

455、 watch in the engine room, you hear a continuo sounding of the general Mann. Which of the following actions should you take FIRST?2394当在机舱值班时,如果听到警报器连续警报,应启动消防泵向消防总管供水。 A. Secure the burners then proceed to your assigned boat station B. Start the fire pump and establish flow to the fire main C. Open

456、 the guardian valve and standby to maneuver D. Open the master control valves on the fixed CO2 system 21395 While on watch in the engine room, you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarm. Which of the following actions should you take?2395当在机舱值班时,如果听到警报器连续警报,应启动消防泵向消防总管供水。A. Make an entry in

457、 the official logbook B. Open the master control valves on the fixed CO2 system C. Start the fire pump and cheek discharge pressure D. Secure auxiliary condenser overboard discharge 2396 As soon as you hear the fire and emergency signal, you should ensure that the _ 2396一听到火警应急信号,应确保启动消防泵c A. ring b

458、uoys are thrown overboard B. engines are stopped C. fire pumps are started D. life preservers have been issued to everyone 2397 Which of the following actions should be taken by the engine room watch when the general alarm is sounded continuously?2397当在机舱值班时,如果听到警报器连续警报,应启动消防泵向消防总管供水。 A. The fire pu

459、mp should be started. B. The boiler fires should be secured. C. The fixed CO2 system should be initiated into action. D. The engine room ventilation should be secured. 2394. B 2395 C 2396 C 2397 A詹官浪壳协摹萤饼俱巳旱狸叁吧芝似什治铰馋秤农印洗素汪乐夸翁灼龙灵船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版 2398 When the general alarm is sounded continuo

460、usly, the engine room personnel should _ 2398当在机舱值班时,如果听到警报器连续警报,应启动消防泵向消防总管供水。A. proceed to their man overboard stations B. start the fire pump C. put on lifejackets and go to their abandon ship stations D. secure the propulsion diesel engines and evacuate the engine room 2399 Which of the actions

461、listed should be taken by the engineer on watch when the general alarm is sounded continuously for 10 seconds?2399当在机舱值班时,如果听到警报器连续警报10s,应启动消防泵向消防总管供水。A. Engine room ventilation should be started. B. Main engines should be secured. C. The fire pump should be started. D. The fixed CO2 system should b

462、e activated. 2400 As soon as you hear the fire and emergency signal, you should ensure that _ 2400一听到火警应急信号,应确保酋先启动消防泵。 A. the ring buoys are thrown overboard B. the engines are stopped C. the fire pumps are started D. everyone is suited in an approved life preserver 2398 B 2399 C 2400 C芦姐嫡绳申藉丝再胳兔茧砖

463、戏腆巨矛宠设狮铂昼痕高彼破杠辅逻倒怎宴牲船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2401The term oil, as used in the Pollution Prevention Regulations , _ 2401油污规则中术语“油”,指的是任何种类的石油产品。 A. fuel oil only B. crude oil only C. liquefied petroleum gas D. petroleum oil of any kind 2402 The term oily mixture, as defined in the Pollution Prevention

464、 Regulations includes _ 2402油污规则中术语“油类混合物”,指的是油渣或含油压载水或舱底污水。 A. sludge B. oily ballast water C. bilge slops D. All of the above 2403 An oxygen indicator will detect _ 2403氧指示仪可用来检测室内氧气浓度。A. concentrations of explosive gas B. an oxygen deficiency in a space C. the presence of harmful amounts of carbo

465、n monoxide D. All of the above 2404 To determine that a compartment contains sufficient oxygen to sustain life, you should use a/an _ 2404见上题。 A. explosives B. oxygen indicator C. fresh air indicator D. All of the above2405 Which of the following liquids can ordinarily be discharged overboard withou

466、t being processed through an oily water separator?2405专用压载舱内的压载水可不经过油水分离器直接排放, A. Cargo tank ballast. B. Segregated ballast. C. Engine room bilges. D. Cargo pump room bilges. 2401 D 2402 D 2403 B 2404 B 2405 B嫉渗水窄哇勒怕噎腹键琉浴键善栋淮祷肌蔼稳篓迂述佃筷素赁奶驾摄挠种船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版406An International Oil Pollution P

467、revention Certificate (IOPP) for a new vessel ceases to be valid if _ 2406新建船舶的OPP证书,如果更换船旗国,将失效: A. it exceeds 3 years from date of issue B. an alteration approved by the Captain of the Port is made C. an intermediate survey has not be conducted within 12 months from the date that the IOPP was issu

468、ed D. the vessel is transferred to the flag of another country 2407 If fuel tank levels are found to have increased after a grounding, you should suspect _ 2407船舶搁浅后,可以通过测量油位来判断是否进水。如果油位升高,就可确定船体产生了穿孔、裂纹。A. a damaged numerator line B. a puncture, crack, or hole in the skin of the vessel C. improper

469、record keeping of fuel transfer activities D. contamination of the contaminated steam supply system2408 The word discharge as used in Pollution Prevention Regulations applies to oil _ 2408油污规则中术语“排放”,指的是油“泄漏到航行水域”、“倾倒到航行水域”或“通过固定管系泵到航行水域” A. leaked into navigable waters B. poured into navigable wate

470、rs C. pumped into navigable waters through a fixed piping system D. all of the above 2406 D 2407 B 2408 D酱栏彬传悯哪湛脚羊芭骡瓮务棠娄增纯雇敏鸵首秤弹狞挤臆胖侈龙帽舵墒船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2409What safety precautions should be observed by the crew while working around machinery in an engine room?在机舱内工作U;,安全措施包括:穿安全鞋、戴耳朵保护设备、不戴

471、首饰等。A. They should wear safety shoes. B. They should wear ear protection. C. They should not wear jewelry. D. All of the above.2410 The explosive range of a mixture of flammable vapors is specified as a percentage of _ 2410可燃蒸汽的爆炸范围(上下限值)是以可燃蒸汽占空气的体积百分比来表示的。A. flammable vapor by volume in air B. oxy

472、gen present to support combustion C. the temperature of the flash point D. the lower limit of explicability of the mixture2411 The trim of a vessel is the _ 2411船舶的吃水差(trim)表示船舶首,尾吃水的差: A. value of the mean draft B. degree of list C. amount of roll D. difference in fore and aft drafts2412 The order

473、_ means Maximum maneuvering engine revolution for ahead propulsion.2412车钟“全速前进”表示”主机以最大转速正车运行”。 A. Full Ahead B. Half Ahead C. Full Astern D. Half Astern 2409 D 2410 A 2411 D 2412 A鬃痕绸喳迪汪榷节戒卜富坑关庇吭绝辙蒲吁铀紧盲汛贝润咽势光逛肯涯瀑船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2413 Movement of engine no longer required. means _ . 2413“主机不再

474、需要运转”表示车钟“完车”。 A. Stop Engine B. No Engine Revolutions C. Stand-by Engine D. Finished With Engine2414 The orderBow thrust stop means _ 2414车钟“停首侧推器”表示“无首侧推器转速”。A. Bow thrust full to port B. Bow thrust full to starboard C. No bow thrust revolutions D. No stern thrust revolutions2415For vessels with _

475、 , the meaning of the order would include the combination of pitch and revolutions as indicated in ships orders.2415对于装有凋距桨的船舶,车钟应包括主机的转速和螺旋桨的螺距。A. fixed pitch propellers B. uncontrollable pitch propeller C. constant pitch propellers D. variable pitch propellers2416 After the order _ is given, the a

476、ir system is shut down, the turning gear put in, all drains and indicator cocks opened, and the cooling water and lubricating oil systems kept running.2416“完车”今后,可切断空气系统,合上盘车机,打开示功考克,但是冷却水系统和滑油系统应继续运转一段时间。 A. Stand-by Engine B. Stop Engine C. Finished With Engine D. Dead Slow Ahead2417 The value of

477、GM still remains one meter, meanwhile we can pump the ballast water to _ the ship on even keel. 2417船舶的G值(稳性高度)保持在lm,通过泵压载水能保持船舶平衡 A. make B. put C. keep D. get 2413 D 2414 C 2415 D 2416 C 2417 C惦怔暑淌掩跃狭刷棚找眺赫礼槐那生紧豫邯抨杜去明贼澳政沥拥排彭旁杖船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2418 _ , we kept removing the pistons. 2418尽管时间很晚

478、了,但是我们继续吊缸。“lateasit was”为强调倒装,表示让步。A. Late as it was B. As it was late C. Since it was late D. Because of its late2419 _ thrust and resistance equal each other, the ship always travels at a constant speed.2419只要船舶的推力与吼力们等,船舶将匀速前进。 A. As long as B. As far as C. As well as D. Unless2420This scale of

479、measurement is normally used for all readings and temperature values _ dealing with theoretical calculations involving the gas laws.2420温度测量仪表一般都给出摄氏温度值。但是在进行有关气体定律的理论计算时,不能采用摄氏温度值,而只能采用绝对温度。 A. in addition to B. in addition that C. except that D. except when2421 The officer in charge of the enginee

480、ring watch shall ensure that all machinery involved with the maneuvering of the ship can immediately be placed in the _ of operation when notified that the ship is in congested waters.2421值班轮机员应确保,当船舶航行在窄航道时与船舶操纵有关的所有机械都应处在手动操作式。 A. manual mode B. automatic mode C. remote mode D. follow-up mode2422

481、The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that at all times bridge orders relating to changes in _ of operation are immediately implemented.2422值班轮机员应确保在任何时候驾驶台有关变速变向的命令迅速地进行。一舷的30。 A. ahead or astern B. fore or aft C. up or down D. speed or direction2423Engine room fires have been

482、 started by neglected oil leaks dripping on to hot pipes or exhaust manifolds _ insulation has not been replaced after maintenance. 2423在机舱内,如果漏汕滴到高温的管子或排气总管(维修后其绝热层未经更换),便为发生火灾。 A. which B. when C. whose D. what 2418 A 2419 A 2420 D 2421 A 2422 D 2423 C 做尊赁嗡化究即诚掌冬萝募搬捏其官敛惭闸撩认嘶手钥讥噎款致菱予刁幼船舶电气与安全习题英文版船

483、舶电气与安全习题英文版2424The main steering gear must be able to steer the ship at maximum ahead service speed and be capable at this speed, and at the ships deepest service draught, of putting the rudder from 35 degrees on one side to 30 degrees on the other side within no _ 2424对于主操舵装置,应能在不超过28s的时间内,将舵从一舷的35

484、转到另一舷的30。A. more than 28 seconds B. more than 60 seconds C. less than 28 seconds D. less than 60 seconds2425 The auxiliary steering gear must be capable of being brought speedily into operation and be able to put the rudder over from 15 degrees on one side to 15 degrees on the other side in no more

485、than _ with the ship at its deepest service draught and running ahead at the greater of one half of the maximum service speed or2425对于辅操舵装置,应能在不超过60s的时间内,将舵从一舷的15转到另一舷的15。A. 28 seconds/7 knots B. 28 seconds/14 knots C. 60 seconds/7 knots D. 60 seconds/14 knots 2426 The Port Authorities, in accordanc

486、e with the IMO resolutions have .been carrying out _ to enhance safety of ships.2426港口国当局,按照IMO决议的要求,对船舶实施PSC检查以加强船舶安全。 A. CPP B. FPP C. PSC D. FSC 2424 A 2425 C 2426 C澡荧嫡砒株柠斩壬尾蒲血港光哺瘁瑰痊觉遂风鸣汾肌炼蔡柞济晚聘铀媒泻船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2427To ensure the safe operation of each ship and to provide a link between

487、the Company and those on board, every Company, as appropriate, should designate a person or persons ashore having direct _ to the highest level of management. 2427为保证各船的安全运行和为公司与船上人员之间提供一个联系渠道,公司应根据情况指定一名或数名同最高管理层联系的岸上人员。A. space B. distance C. visibility D. access2428 When making entries in the Oil

488、 Record Book, the date, operational code and item number shall be inserted in the appropriate columns and the required particulars shall be recorded _ in the blank spaces.2428填写油类记录簿时;日期、作业代码和项目编号记录到相应的表格内,所要求的细节应按年月顺序记人到空栏中。A. periodically B. occasionally C. chronologically D. additionally2429 _ sh

489、all be provided to every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above to record relevant machinery space and cargo/ballast operations.2429MARL公约规定,150总吨及以上的油轮配备油类记录簿第一部分(有关机器处所的操作)和第二部分(货油的操作)。 A. Oil Record Book Part I B. Oil Record Book Part II C. Oil Record Book Part I or Part II D. Oil Record

490、Book Part I and Part II 2427 D 2428 C 2429 D 抨巾忆忘绊蚌载嫉吼忿嘶栏空绞藻撼吊惨售韭廷招筋欲者份窗枪惊兰炯埠船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版 2430 The core item in the Oil Record Book Part I is _ , and its main content is _ 2430油类记录簿第一部分(有关机器处所的操作)中,核心项目是C项,其内容是“残油的处理”。 A. Item A/BAIJ,AST OR CLEANING OF FUEL OIL TANKS B. Item B/DISCHARGE

491、OF DIRTY BAIJ,AST OR CLEANING WATER FROM FUEL OIL TANKS REFERRED TO UNDER SECTION (A) C. Item C/DISPOSAL OF OIL RESIDUES(SLUDGE) D. Item H/BUNKERING OF FUEL OIL 2431 Duties shall be so organized by the chief engineer officer that the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and the subsequent rel

492、ieving watches are _ and otherwise fit for duty.2431轮机长组织的值班安排应确保值班开始的第一班以及随后各班都经过充分的休息并适合于职责。 A. well trained B. in good luck C. in good health D. sufficiently rested 2430 C 2431 D 蓬息抨妻马葬仅哉逝母期阐检墩法浊粥盅彬怜骋督辊账夫升享跳雾隋取缕船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2432 All engineer officers and engine room ratings shall be aw

493、are of the serious effects of operational or accidental pollution of the marine environment and shall take all possible _ to prevent such pollution, particularly within the framework of relevant international and port regulations. 2432所有轮机员以及轮机部的其他人员都应意识到由于海洋环境污染带来的严重后果,并应采取一切可能的预防措施来防止此类污染事故的发生。A.

494、steps B. procedures C. precautions D. programs2433 Deficiencies in the categories of Life-saving, Safety in General, Fire-fighting Appliances and Load Line _ approximately 66 % of all deficiencies.2433在PSC检查中,在救生、安全设备、消防设备和载重线等四方面出现的缺陷占总缺陷的比例大约是66。A. account as B. account for C. account to D. accoun

495、t of2434If you must enter a room or compartment to combat the fire , keep an escape path _ 2434如果进入到一个舱室灭火,应保持一个脱险通道开启。 A. open B. close C. opens D. closes2435 Upon the completion of required tests, a _ should be placed on each extinguisher, showing the date and the person who completed the tests.24

496、35灭火器试验后,应放置标签,表注试验日期和试验人员。 A. cap B. disc C. tag D. cover 2432 C 2433 B 2434 A 2435 C盐瓦张撵致叮灵蜕毅纠隆十眨味躲农酬络豆捻筋比殊谬澈姻涩疹沿眺然雀船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2436A combination combustible gas and oxygen indicator is an instrument that measures the _ of both combustible gas and oxygen; each is indicated on a separat

497、e meter. 2436组合式可燃气体氧气指示仪可以同时测量可燃气体、氧气的浓度,分别在各自的表上显示。 A. purities B. combinations C. concentrations D. filters2437 _ is the temperature at which a liquid fuel gives off sufficient vapor to form an ignitable mixture near its surface.2437在闪点温度下,液态燃油散发足够的蒸汽在其表面附近形成可燃混合物。A. Setting point B. Dew point C.

498、 Flash point D. Lean point2438 When considering the lowest fuel system operating temperature, _ are important.2438浊点和倾点是燃油低温流动性的指标。A. specific gravity or relative density B. open flash point and closed flash point values C. higher calorific and lower calorific values D. cloud point and pour point va

499、lues 2439 Out of the many hazards that can occur on ships, fire is by far the most frequent, and _ more total losses than any other casualty.2439船舶上发生的危险情况中,火灾最为常见,而且它比其他任何灾害造成更大的损失 A. due to B. owing to C. results from D. results in 2436 C 2437 C 2438 D 2439 D薛诌稽黑冈棕椎霉砰吊眼蔓艳宰咆阀戈琴皖双案酞稻掩刺筐典来叁演册糙船舶电气与安全

500、习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2440Cylinder oil is a high viscosity mineral oil, with a _ machined to the anticipated sulfur content of the fuel. 2440气缸油是一种高粘度的矿物油,往往具有与燃油硫分相一致的TBN(总碱值)。 A. TAN B. TBN C. SAN D. SBN2441 The specific gravity of fuel oil is a _ 2441燃油的比重是相对值。 A. absolute value B. relative value C. c

501、onstant value D. set value2442 The higher the cetane number, _ the ignition quality of the fuel.2442十六烷值越高,燃油的自燃性能就越好。 A. the worse B. the better C. the smaller D. the greater2443 Obviously, for a given fuel oil, its pour point is _ its cloud point.2443对于给定的燃油,其倾点低于浊点。 A. lower than B. higher than C

502、. as same as D. better than2444 The _ o fan oil refers to its ability to mix with water and then release the water in a centrifuge.2444油的抗乳化性是指与水混合并释放水分的能力。 A. oxidation resistance B. carbon-forming tendency C. remissibility D. acidity2445 Any carbon built up on surfaces must be washed away by _ add

503、itives and held in suspension by a _ additive. 2445具有清洁作用的添加剂用来清除表面积炭,而分散剂用来让油分散。 A. dispersant/detergent B. detergent/dispersant C. dispersant/dispersant D. detergent/detergent 2440 B 2441 B 2442 B 2443 A 2444 C 2445 B谨莱审匿长淤月蜒薪漏噶瘴酒足哎笨珐未虞椎者为鸯桓督谚更傀佐逊予胎船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2446As for turbine oil, c

504、ontact with water in the form of steam will be inevitable so good _ properties will be essential.2446对于透平油,因为要与水蒸汽接触,因此必须具有良好的抗乳化性能。A. defrosting B. de-oiling C. demulsifying D. dehumidifying2447 The cylinder oil will have to neutralize the acidic products of combustion and have good _ properties to

505、 keep the metal surfaces clean.2447具有清洁作用的添加剂用来保持金属表面清洁。A. detergent B. de-oiling C. defrosting D. demulsifying2448 It is often necessary to put an engine into _ service with one or more cylinders cut out, or with a turbocharger secured.2448对于发动机来说,停一个(多个)气缸(封缸)或停增压器运行,都是临时性措施。 A. additional B. perm

506、anent C. temporary D. long2449 If liquid refrigerant accidentally comes in contact with the eyes, _ immediately. 2449如果液体制冷剂进入到眼睛,应接受医疗。 A. rub the eyes B. irritate the eyes C. wash the eyes with a heavy boric acid solution D. obtain medical help 2446 C 2447 A 2448 C 2449 D子李熔莎挤翟穷手存氢坊创绥跟戌讲珍垂刻试酸笼佯腊桓串

507、发雁鲁答肋阶船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2450 Should a person be overcome due to lack of oxygen and high concentration of refrigerant, treat with _ 2450如果人员呼人高浓度的制冷剂而缺氧,应对其进行人工乎吸。A. fresh water B. fresh air C. salt water D. artificial respiration2451 Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered on

508、the Oil Record Book Part I? Routine discharge at sea of bilge water containing oil from the machinery spaces through strainers. Bunkering of fuel oil.2451“机器处所含油舱底水通过滤器排放”、“燃油的加装”,这两项操作都应记录到油类记录簿。A. only B. only C. both and D. neither nor 2452 Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered

509、 on the Oil Record Book Part I? Disposal of oil residues. Internal transfer of fuel oil2452“残油的处理”应记录到油类记录簿;而“燃油的内部驳运”不需要记录到油类记录簿。A. only B. only C. both and D. neither nor 2453 Which of the following operations need to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part I? Cleaning of fuel oil tanks. Internal t

510、ransfer of fuel oil2453“燃油舱的清洁”应记录到油类记录簿;而“燃汕的内部驳运”不需要记录到汕类记录簿。A. only B. only C. both and D. neither nor 2454 Which of the following operations need to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part I?. Ballast of fuel oil tanks. Condition of oil discharge monitoring and control system.2454“燃油舱的压载”和“排油监视系统

511、的状况”都应记录到油类记录簿。 A. only B. only C. both and D. neither nor 2450 D 2451 D 2452 B 2453 A 2454 C愈润唐忿长把熏狂渐手瘸傍移喜届怠掘丑挂留餐伯袄伊押昧族这锗熬叁蓟船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2455Enhanced procedures concerning the exercise of _ have been developed to allow intervention in the case of deficiencies deemed to pose a danger to p

512、ersons, property or the environment. 2455港口国当局,按照IMO决议的要求,对船舶实施PSC检查以加强船舶安全和防止海洋污染。A. port state control B. flag state control C. fire and boat drill D. safety inspection2456 With reference to rules governing steering gear, which one of the following roles is incorrect?2456有关舵机的规则规定,客船上的辅助舵机必须是动力驱动的

513、。A. It is required that all ships are provided with two independent steering gear systems that is one main and one auxiliary. B. The auxiliary gear could be power operated in passenger ships. C. The auxiliary gear must be of adequate strength and sufficient to steer a ship at navigable speed. D. All

514、 moving parts of the steering gear must be guarded against any possible damage.2457 The Oil Record Book, as a part of the ships official logbook, shall be kept on board and preserved for a period of _ 2457油类记录簿用完后应至少留船保持3年。 A. 3 years after making the first entry B. 2 years after the last entry C. 3

515、 months after last entry D. S years after the last entry 2455 A 2456 B 2457 D印饵毕软汝茂雕杂潘睛茧白耘照沫花堕湖遏祭梳痛浑譬翁委筛砖自草匹煌船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2458 At an unsheltered anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with whether or not to maintain an underway watch. _ 2458在开敞锚地,轮机长应与船长协商,是否仍保持航行值班。 A. the en

516、gineer officer in charge of watch B. the deck officer in charge of watch C. the master D. the chief mate 2459 In some cases facilities may be provided for emergency overriding oil pressure shutdown, if this facility is used, adequate warning must be given to _ 2459在一些情况下,安装了油压超高应急停车装置,此时,应向轮机部人员提供足够

517、的警告。A. the bridge watch-keeper B. the captain C. the chief engineer D. the engine room staff 2460 With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched, _ will control the main engine.2460对于无人机舱,值班驾驶员来控制主机。 A. the bridge officer on watch B. the chief engineer C. the duty engineer D. the duty motorman 2458 C 2

518、459 D 2460 A红归成竭君址瘩菜挫俭谣井毒葬牵咏挥渐春绸犬竟惑哗箔浆铭却联汝能怖船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2461The SMS should provide for _ ensuring that the companys organization can respond at any time to hazards, accidents and emergency situation involving its ships.2461SMS应规定具体措施,确保公司机构能在任何时候对涉及其船舶的危险、事故和紧急情况作出反应。 A. measures B. prog

519、resses C. members D. programs2462The Company should ensure that _ documents are promptly removed.2462,公司应保证过期的文件应迅速清除。 A. absolute B. obsolete C. updated D. new2463 The Company should ensure that _ involved in the Companys SMS have an adequate understanding of relevant rules, regulations, codes and

520、guidelines.2463公司应保证与公司有关的所有人员对有关规范、规则和指南有充分的了解。A. masters B. chief engineers C. crew D. personnel2464 STCW78/95 Convention describes that _ are laid down for the certification of engineer officers in charge of a watch in a traditionally manned engine room, or the designated engineer in a periodical

521、ly unmanned engine room.2464STCW7895规定的是有关船员培训、发证和值班的强制性最低要求。 A. available minimum requirements B. available maximum requirements C. mandatory minimum requirements D. mandatory maximum requirements 2481 A 2482 B 2463 D 2464 C侈照拧斤趟轰霜一鳖商碎欣袁娶示烬尝粉斟匹闲坤琐睦箍梧字删掩善靠杜船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2465 _ should not u

522、ndertake any task which will interfere with the supervision duties relating to the main machinery and associated equipment. 2465值班人员不能进行那些影响他对主推进装置及其附属设备监视职责的工作。A. The watch keeping personnel B. The chief engineer C. The person on a bunker barge D. The duty deck officer2466According to the internati

523、onal regulations concerning the prevention of pollution of sea areas from ships, the disposal IMO the sea of all plastics is _ 2466MARPOL公约规定,一切塑料制品禁止倾倒人海:A. welcome B. admitted in some special sea areas C. prohibited D. acceptable2467 The SMS should provide for specific measures aimed at promoting

524、the reliability of equipment or systems _ may result in hazardous situations.2467“安全管理体系”应明确那些应突发性操作失灵会导致险情的设备和系统,SMS应规 定旨在提高这些设备或系统可靠性的具体措施, A. which the sudden operational failure B. that the sudden operational failure C. the sudden operational failure D. the sudden operational failure of which 24

525、65 A 2466 C 2487 D 椿舌辗窘贺瞬娟散群侠七姿掘暇嘲商剑涨猴例炙榔蕴咋舟犀硼咽话鸡陇釜船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2468 The Company should establish in the SMS that _ has the overriding authority and the responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and pollution prevention. 2468公司应保证在船上实施的SMS中包含一个强调船长权限的明确说明。 A. the master B. t

526、he chief engineer C. the officer on duty D. the engineer in charge of watch2469 Administrations should bear in mind the significance of _ in maintaining safety of life and property at sea and in preventing marine pollution.2469主管机关应牢记在保持海上人命、财产安全和防止海洋污染方面,通信和语言技能 的重要意义。 A. communication and language

527、 skills B. emergency equipment C. advanced performance of main engine D. advanced nautical equipment2470 Under the provisions of applicable international conventions, ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party are subject, while in the port of a Party, to control by officers duly authorized by the Pa

528、rty. Ships of non-parties or below convention size shall be given _ 2470IMO有关PSC检查的公约中规定,对于非缔约国和低于公约适用长度的船舶,采取 所谓的“不优惠待遇”。 A. more favorable treatment B. less favorable treatment C. no more favorable treatment D. the most favorable treatment 2468 A 2469 A 2470 C沾牙讯烷译精贺砌藻教疽韵废传帕砒咕落融告英虹娩枫绕靛随腿宦盗窜寡船舶电气与安

529、全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2471If the PSCO from general impressions or observations on board has _ for believing that the ship, its equipment or its crew do not substantially meet the requirements, the PSCO should proceed to a more detailed inspection. 2471根据PSCO(PSC检查官)的:总体印象和观察,有明显理由认为船舶、设备或船员不能满足要求,可执行更详细

530、检查。A. clean report B. serious deficiencies C. clear grounds D. detention report 2472 The port state control inspection is carried out on the basis of the following international conventions. Among them, which one was not set by IMO?2472ILONo147,即“商船运输最低标准公约”,是山国际劳工组织制定的。A. 1J66 B.ITC 69 C. ILO No. 1

531、47 D. SOLAS 74 2473 The SOLAS Convention in its successive forms is generally regarded as the most important of all international treaties concerning the _ of merchant ships.2473SOLAS是有关海上人命安全的公约。A. pollution B. economization C. safety D. efficiency2474 Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78 contains regulations

532、for the prevention of _ 2474。MAL7378附则是有关生活污水排放的规定。 A. pollution by oil B. pollution by noxious liquid substances carried in bulk C. pollution by sewage from ships D. pollution by garbage from ships 2471 C 2472 C 2473 C 2474 C那澳萨巨担累膘棘佯笑粳迈席白羞钨亢舔媳妙超百蚜背基袖狗磁知撬针淹船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版 2475 The main obj

533、ective of the SOLAS Convention is to specify _ for the construction, equipment and operation of ships, compatible their safety.2475SOLAS公约的主要目的是为贡明确有关船舶建造、设备和运行能符合安全性的最低标准。 A. at most references B. at least references C. maximum standards D. minimum standards2476To maintain the clown stream pressure

534、 within defined limits over a range of flow and despite any changes in supply pressure, _ is fitted.2476为了在超过流量范围时,保持顺流压力在一定限制值之内,而且不受供应管压力的变化,安装了减压阀。 A. a check valve B. a gate valve C. a pressure reducing valve D. a quick closing valve2477 A _ sometimes called filters, is a device designed to prev

535、ent the passage of unwanted solids into the system. 2477“stainer”和“filter都是滤器,但严格地说,前者是粗滤器,后者是细滤器,但是它们都能阻止外界颗粒进入到系统。 A. steam trap B. check valve C. separator D. strainer2478 Auxiliary machinery covers everything onboard except _ 2478,船舶辅助机械指的是除了主机和主锅炉外的所有机械。 A. main engines B. main boilers C. pipes

536、 and fittings D. A and B2479 In motorships there are two main circuits, _ 2479在内燃机船上,有两个主要的循环系统,即淡水系统和海水系统。 A. one salt water, one fresh water B. one salt water, one fuel C. one fresh water, one fuel D. one steam, one fuel 2475 D 2476 C 2477 D 2478 D 2479 A喝银碉痪内锹罕巴记矛鸽剐牵拦埋确捂忙腋崎达俯赌冬具便惮纪访姜溃艳船舶电气与安全习题英文

537、版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2480 In motor-ships, _ , after passing through main and motion bearings and oil cooled pistons, etc. is either retained in the bedplate. 2480在内燃机船上,滑油经过主轴承和其他轴承以及油冷活塞后,回流到机座的油底壳 内。 A. the fuel oil B. the lubricating oil C. the refrigerating oil D. the hydraulic oil2481 Two main lubricat

538、ing oil pumps are usual and are obligatory in _ 2481船上通常有两台主润滑油泵,但在客轮上是强制性的。A. container ships B. bulk carriers C. passenger ships D. barges2482 Starting air for auxiliary engines may be taken directly from the main reservoirs or through _ 2482发电柴油机的启动空气可直接来自于主空气瓶,也可来自于辅空气瓶。A. an auxiliary reservoir

539、 B. a controlling air bottle C. an emergency air compressor D. a main air compressor2483An auxiliary reservoir for starting auxiliary engines should be kept at _2483用于启动发电柴油机的辅空气瓶,在任何时候,都应保持在最大压力。 A. low pressure at all times B. full pressure at all times C. low pressure at intermittence D. full pre

540、ssure at intermittence 2480 B 2481 C 2482 A 2483 B卓且塌圈彦澳钱降医噪婿摧俐蚁蕴鲸滓错羡疗颤胰殆鹰碍公触穴郭粹超睹船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2484The minimum number and capacity of bilge pumps and fire pumps and their dispersment within the ship is governed by _ 2484船上舱底水泵和消防泵的最少数量、排量以及布置应同时满足船级社的规范、船汁国的要求和SOLAS公约的有关要求。 A. Classificat

541、ion Society Rules B. National requirements C. The IMO International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea D. All of the above 2485 The fire pumps must be capable of delivering a total quantity of water at a defined head , not less than _ of the total bilge pumping capacity.2485消防泵应能在一定的压头下以最大排量工作

542、,排量不得少于舱底泵系总容量的23A. one-third B. two-thirds C. one-fourth D. two-fourths 2486 An emergency bilge pumping system is provided and should be _ of the main bilge pumping system, according to the SOLAS 74 Convention.2486SOLAS公约规定,应急舱底水泵系应与主舱底水泵系独立。A. dependent B. independent C. in series D. in parallel 2

543、487 When a point rotates about an axis and, at the same time, moves parallel to that axis, it describes _ 2487如果某一点绕轴旋转,同时沿该轴平行线移动,则产生螺旋线。 A. a line B. a circle C. a helix D. an epllicate 2484 D 2485 B 2486 B 2487 C绝浚币粮有宛贬盼搭麻垢柱蹋秋腻进邢北企跋听观箭闭儡枪势惮质迹肇彤船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2488If a line at right angles

544、 to the axis rotates t that axis and, at the same time, moves parallel to the axis, it will generate _ 2488如果与轴成一定角度的某一线绕轴旋转,同时沿该轴平行线移动,则产生螺旋面。如果与轴成一定角度的某一线绕轴旋转,同时沿该轴平行线移动,则产生螺旋面。A. a helix B. a helicoidal C. a curve D. a cone2489 If the pitch of a propeller is constant throughout the length and bre

545、adth of the blade, it is said to be of _ 2489如果螺旋桨的螺距在桨叶的长度方向和宽度方向是常数,则该螺旋桨具有等螺距。如果螺旋桨的螺距在桨叶的长度方向和宽度方向是常数,则该螺旋桨具有等螺距。 A. constant pitch B. variable pitch C. uniform pitch D. non-uniform pitch2490If the pitch varies radially or circumferentially , the propeller is said to be of _ 2490如果螺旋桨的螺距在桨叶的长度方向

546、和宽度方向是变化的,则该螺旋桨具有不等螺距。如果螺旋桨的螺距在桨叶的长度方向和宽度方向是变化的,则该螺旋桨具有不等螺距。 A. constant pitch B. variable pitch C. uniform pitch D. non-uniform pitch2491 The pitch ratio of a propeller is the mean pitch divided by _ 2491螺旋桨的螺距比是指螺旋桨的平均螺距与其直径之比。螺旋桨的螺距比是指螺旋桨的平均螺距与其直径之比。 A. the propeller diameter B. the propeller rad

547、ius C. the pitch angle D. the length of helix2492 When viewed from astern, if the propeller revolves in a clockwise direction when going ahead, it is known as _ 2492从船尾方向看,正转时顺时针旋转的螺旋桨,称为右螺旋桨。从船尾方向看,正转时顺时针旋转的螺旋桨,称为右螺旋桨。 A. ahead direction B. astern direction C. right-handed D. left-handed 2488 B 248

548、9 C 2490 D 2491 A 2492 C讽庇擅远悬哺袄慑注馏掸喝诀帆讫偏酣廖障预堂玲紧窜兄兵恶矮袍枫俄曙船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2493Wake varies considerably with the form of the vessel, but , generally speaking, the bluffer the ship _ the wake value.2493船舶产生的兴波与船舶形态有很大关系。一般地说,船舶的流线型越差,产生的兴波值就越大。 A. the higher B. the lower C. the faster D. the slo

549、wer2494 In moving forward, a ship imparts forward motion to the water at the sterns this is known as _ 2494船舶前进时,使尾部的水产生向前运动,这就是所谓的“兴波”。 A. the speed of the vessel B. the speed of the propeller C. the wake D. the wake fraction2495 A propeller of 5.65m in diameter, having a mean pitch of 4.88m, turni

550、ng at 72rpm, at a speed of 11 knots (339.79m/min), will give _ of apparent slip.2495滑失比=(螺距X转速进速)(螺距X转速),式中,螺距=488m:转速:72q)n,二12rs;进速=33979mrain=5663,ns。计算得滑失比=0033。 A. 0.967 B. 0.033 C. 0.031 D. 0.9692496 A (n) _ is a chemical or electro-chemical attack on the metal surface which may be further inc

551、reased if the sea-water is polluted.2496“腐蚀”是指在金属表面产生化学或电化学作用,如果与海水接触,腐蚀作用将加剧 A. errosion B. corrosion C. cavity D. scouring 2493 A 2494 C 2495 B 2496 B 历左盈衔磁堕韶澄兄件折制忱湛即吁藤耗颖娃显需朔铭赔淤倪与字抑柑鄂船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2497 A(n) _ is a mechanical attack on the metal surface which may be due to a disturbance i

552、n the flow of the water over the blade of the propeller. 2497“剥蚀”是指由于在螺旋桨叶的水流扰动而在金属表面产生的机械作用。 A. erosion B. corrosion C. pitting D. dezincification2498Due to the large amount of heat picked up by the air in boiler and engine rooms, it would be _ to maintain ambient conditions within the comfort zone

553、 by air conditioning .2498由于在机炉舱中空气含有大量热量,通过空凋使机炉舱内保持适宜的温度是不现实的。 A. possible B. necessary C. practicable D. impracticable2499 Morring winches are often combined with _ units so that one prime mover drives both.2499绞缆机经常与锚机装置连用,这样一台原动机可用来驱动两台装置。 A. crane B. hatch cover C. windlass D. steering gear250

554、0 The most common forms of main drive used on deck auxiliaries are _ 2500甲板机械的驱动装置有:蒸汽装置、电动机和液压机械。 A, steam plants , electric motors and compressed air B. diesel engine, hydraulic machinery and compressed air C. steam plants, electric motors and hydraulic machinery D. diesel engines, steam plants an

555、d hydraulic machinery 2497 A 2498 D 2499 C 2500 C幕玻姐禽演钙谐甜妖羡蓟骏烫炕及量亏蛊短深锤悟孪诅印潭嗽欠英简冀嫁船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2501 Overload protection on hydraulic system is provided by the use of _ 2501液压系统通过使用压力释放阀来进行过载保护,A. stop valves B. pressure relief valves C. balance valves D. regulating speed valves2502 It is i

556、mportant with all hydraulic systems to ensure that interlocking arrangements provided for pump or motor control levers are _ before the pump driving motor can be started.2502对于所有的液压系统,必须确保在油泵马达启动前,马达控制仟的联锁装置处在中央位胃oA. in the port position B. in the starboard position C. in the neutral position D. to

557、be dismantled2503 Which of the following hydraulic systems is not one of the three sub-division of the Hydraulic drive system?2503、液压系统包括定压、变量和定容积等三个子系统。A. Constant pressure system B. Variable pressure system C. Variable displacement system D. Constant volume system2504 A variable displacement syste

558、m of hydraulic drives consists of _ 2504变量液压系统是由变量轴向(或径向)柱塞泵来实现变量的。 A. a variable displacement axial piston pump B. a constant displacement axial piston pump C. a reciprocating piston pump D. a centrifugal pump 2501 B 2502 C 2503 B 2504 A肤绑湛逝钧摩难堑仑谰恋深舰寞甸碾斋收芦颜娇忆币湍俩挎浴更钩霹幸关船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2505 M

559、ost anchor handling equipment incorporates _ for mooring purposes. 2505绝大多数起锚设备使用卷绕端来下锚的。A. cable lifters B. spur wheels C. bollard D. warpends2506The duty of a deck winch is to lift and lower a load by means of a fixed rope on _ 2506起货机是通过在卷筒轴上钢丝绳来进行货物装卸的。A. a warp end B. a mooring winch C. a worm

560、gear D. a barrel 2507 Deck cranes require _ time to prepare for working cargo than derricks.2507就准备工作来说,克令吊比吊杆式起货机省时。A. less B. more C. many D. much 2508 Some cranes are mounted in pairs on a common platform which can be rotated through 2508克令吊能作360回转。 A. 360 B. 270 C. 180 D. 90 2509 _ can be operat

561、ed independently or locked together and operated as a twin-job cranes of double capacity.2509两台克令吊能独立地工作,也能组合起来工作,产生双倍的起吊能力。 A. Two derricks B. A derrick and a crane C. Two cranes D. A crane and a winch 2505 D 2506 D 2507 A 2508 A 2509 C 洛雌眩温婉撰进响滑苔块峪遭蓟泅晚郴航揽牌饯抓暴煽挎殊胁糕殉茂掏项船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2510 A

562、 fire starts when the following _ factors come together. 25l0火灾发生的三个必要条件:可燃物、着火源和氧气。A. combustible material B. ignition source C. oxygen D. A and B and C2511 Class A fires are best extinguished by quenching or cooling with _ 2511A类火灾最好通过使用喷水速冷或冷却来灭火。A. deprival of oxygen B. a water spray C. soda-aci

563、d D. foam2512 Class B fires are best extinguished by smothering , i.e. _ 2512,B类火灾最好通过窒息造成缺氧来灭火。A. deprival of oxygen B. removal of heat C. spraying of water D. injecting of soda-acid2513 Class C fires are best extinguished by _ 2513C类火灾最好通过于粉灭火器来灭火。 A. foam extinguishers B. water spray equipment C.

564、 dry powder extinguishers D. soda-acid extinguishers2514 The soda-acid portable extinguishers must be discharged and refilled _ 2514手提式碳酸氢钠一酸灭火器应每年施放掉并重新冲注。 A. every six months B. every year C. every one and half year D. every two years 2510 D 2511 B 2512 A 2513 C 2514 B 窗宝氏葵蔷汤勿皂猖语氦蚌痴么雅蓑罕振舱甚结次买札会充蛆屁

565、董转安荡船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2515Cast iron has poor corrosion resistance to sea water, especially in the presence of bronzes. implies _ 2515铸铁在与铜共存的情况下,受海水的腐蚀将更严重。A. cast iron is a cheap material B. cast iron can pollute sea water C. cast iron has more corrosive than bronzes to sea water D. cast iron

566、 is more corrosive to sea water when it meets with bronzes 2516 Cast irons weakness in tension and under shock loading limits its use to low pressure steam, air, oil and low speed water fittings. The above sentence , rrst probably means _ 2516铸铁抗拉力和冲击力能力较差,因此铸铁件仅局限于在低压系统中使用。A. cast iron has we&ness

567、B. cast iron can stand up shock loading C. cast iron fittings are only suitable in low pressure situation D. cast iron fittings are not suitable in low pressure situation 2517 Seamless mild steel is used for steam (also copper for moderate pressure and temperature), h.p. air, feed discharge and all

568、oil fuel pressure pipings. According to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true?2517无缝钢管适用于蒸汽管路、高压空气管路、排出管路和所有的燃油压力管路;而对于中等压力、温度的蒸汽管,采用铜管。 A. Both seamless mild steel and copper may be used for middle pressure steam. B. h. p. air means high pressure air. C. lhe feed piping

569、of the boilers can be made of seamless mild steel. D. All oil pipings are made of mild steel. 2515 D 2516 C 2517 D锐迟预涡君闹昭链上援键豢锐锁怯赢契屹峡哺兆举窿递岁靡糊虞氰爪筋枕船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2518 Wrought iron has an inherent resistance to corrosion but is not to be had freely , its place has been taken by the cuprous al

570、loys. According to the above sentence , which of the following statements is true? 2518熟铁抗腐蚀性好,但不易得到。现在一般川亚铜合金来取代。A. Wrought iron can resist liquids flow. B. It is difficult to attain the wrought iron. C. Wrought iron should be combined with cuprous alloys. D. The cuprous alloys have more disadvanta

571、ges than wrought iron.2519 Cast iron and gunmetal fittings are used freely in small sizes at moderate pressure; large fit for high pressure and temperature are cast or mild steel. In the above sentence, the word those means _ 2519承受中等压力的小型管件使用铸铁和青铜作为材料;而承受高压高温的大型管件采用无缝钢作为材料。显然,代词“those指的是“largefitti

572、ngs。A. cast iron fittings B. mild steel fittings C. small fittings D. large fittings2520Provision must be made in pipe systems for changes in length due to change of temperature. The bold and italic word provision probably means _ 2520管系中必须安装膨胀接头,以适应由于温度的变化而使管系长度发生的变化。 A. flanges B. nuts C. expansio

573、n joints D. bolts 2518 B 2519 D 2520 C绰挨署澜吝稿揉盂苔闺猜又暗挨健元稍猫转纂景弛习滨颐交黔午檬鄙涯秩船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2521 Stainless steel is material commonly used for temperatures up to 500C; beyond th and for severe corrosive conditions other materials are required. The bold and italic word that probably means _ 2521不锈钢

574、可以在温度500场合下使用,当温度超过500时,为了适应更严重的腐蚀工况,需要使用其他材料。A. stainless steel B. temperature C. 500C D. other materials2522 Maximum and minimum working temperatures must be considered when choosing the joint, which must be so installed that it is neither over-compressed nor over-extended. The bold and italic wor

575、d which probably means _ 2522选择膨胀接头时,应考虑最高工作温度和最低工作温度,膨胀接头既不能过度压缩也不能过度拉仲。 A. maximum working temperature B. minimum working temperature C. the joint D. the insulating material2523 In usual marine applications, bellows joints are designed and fitted to accommodate straight- line axial movement only a

576、nd the associated piping requires adequate anchors and guides toprevent misalignment. According to the above sentence, which of the following statements is true?2523船用波纹管接头用来仅仅承受直线轴向移动,管系还需要支撑件和定向件来防止失中。 A. The marine bellows joints are attached in the accommodation only. B. The bellows joints shoul

577、d be attached to anchors. C. The associated piping should be thrown into the water like as anchors. D. The connecting piping with the joints should be fixed firmly. 2521 C 2522 C 2523 D 潍厂缝哨睬吏汉巷番饵售难湘怯痴剥膏疫雏抬替贡舔么沙广庚苇侵皇釜畔船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2524 Disastrous explosions have been caused by accumulatio

578、ns of oil or oil vapour in air lines not drained. According to the above sentence , which of the following statements is tree? 2524空气管路中油或油蒸汽的积聚会产生严重的爆炸。 A. Oil vapour in air piping are dangerous. B. Explosion will cause oil vapouring in air lines. C. Oil vapour in air piping should be drained. D. O

579、il in air piping should not be drained.2525 It is usual to identify the fluids in pipes by bands of paint at intervals, and the engineer should familiarize himself with the code in use. According to the above sentence, which of the following statements is tree?2525。为了区别管路中不同种类的流体,通常以一定的间隔在管子上涂上油漆环带。

580、 A. People can know the types of fluids in pipes by feeling with hands. B. There are series of rings painted in the pipes to show various fluids. C. Engineers should wear cards standing for ranks. D. Engineer knows his own code very well.2526 It should be apparent that little or nothing is gained by

581、 opening a drain at the same time as or after admitting steam. The above sentence probably means _ 2526应确保当蒸汽进入时或进入后,放残口没有任何异物。 A. There is apparent condensate in piping. B. The steam is not discovered after admitting steam. C. The condensate should be fully loaded in the piping as admitting steam.

582、D. The condensate should be fully drained from the piping while admitting steam 2524 A 2525 B 2526 D 郎俗垃投廓壶苛削号郁冀系藻逞撕亿稿渭扶涎立棘皖头下奉篙丢赏梳倍怒船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2527Cocks and valves control or interrupt flow, and have internal passages arranged so that they can be restricted or closed: in cocks, by rota

583、ting the plug, and in valves, by lowering, raising or rotating a disc in relation to a seating surface. According to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true? 2527考克和阀件用来控制或影响流体流动,它们具有能关小或关闭的内部流道。对于考克,是通过旋转塞子来实现,而对于阀件,是通过升、降阀片或旋转阀片来实现。A. Flows of fluids can be restricted by

584、both. cocks and valves. B. There are seats in the internal passages of valves. C. A disc of valve only moves up and down. D. We can infer that there is a bore in cock plug. 2528 The globe valve has a bulbous body, housing a valve seat and screw down plug or disc arranged at fight angles to the axis

585、of the pipe. According to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true?2528。球阀有一个球形体,里面有阀座和螺旋塞,螺旋塞与管子轴线成直角。 A. 1he profile of the valve is like a globe. B. The valve seat is set into the bulbous body. C. he plug or disc of the valve is made vertical to the axis of the pipe. D. T

586、he valve seat is located at right side of the plug or disc. 2527 C 2528 D馆踢切土敲辆综锚纂涂长勒七摄韩碌卤萤处屎瑞桂蛤待滓舜枚贝汞傣遥惩船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2529Unlike the globe valve, gate valves give full bore flow without change of direction, such a valve is not suitable to partially open operation. According to the above s

587、entence, which of the following statements is not true?2529与球阀不同,门阀不需要改变方向就能全开,这种阀不能进行部分开启操作。A. The globe valve may be suitable for partially open operation. B. The globe valve will give full bore flow with change of direction. C. The gate valve gives full bore flow with change of direction. D. The

588、gate valve is suitable for full bore operation only. 2530 A butterfly valve consists basically of a disc pivoted across the bore of a ring body having the same radial dimensions as the pipe in which it is fitted. According to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true?2530蝶阀外貌

589、是一个环形体,环形的直径与其安装的管子直径相同:蝶阀的开、关是通过旋转柱塞米实现的: A. The diameter of a disc is the same as the outer diameter of the pipe. B. We can infer that the valve is opened or closed by rotating the spindle. C. A butterfly valve comprises a disc and a ring body. D. The profile of the butterfly valve is a ring body.

590、 2529 C 2530 A 2531 D 拥秧吓佐锻硕显踞妻题凉头掂寅甄镭伍拯凹肛歧雹彭泪先匠寄陛泌双扭灼船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2531 A check valve is another name for _ 2531单向阀就是止回阀。A. a test valve B. an inspection valve C. a stop valve D. a non-return valve2532To prevent accidents from occurring, special valve chests are used in such cases in whic

591、h interchangeable blanks and connecting passages are incorporated. The bold and italic word which means _ 2532在这种情况下,为防止发生事故,采用了特殊的阀箱,该阀箱具有能互换的盲板和连接通道。A. accidents B. special valve chests C. interchangeable blanks D. connecting passages2533 Most marine biological sewage treatment plants consist of a

592、ll the following statements except _ 2533船上生活污水处理装置包括曝气室、沉淀室、消毒杀菌室和好氧菌等,不使用权用厌氧菌。A. aeration tanks B. settling tanks C. disinfection agent D. anaerobic bacteria2534 In its simplest form the pressure reducing valve is opened or closed by _ which is balanced by the downstream pressure acting on a diap

593、hragm.2534最简单形式的减压阀是由预紧的弹簧来开、关的,该弹簧由作用在膜片上的压力来保持平衡。A. adjusting a nut B. a pre-tensioned spring C. any spring D. upstream pressure2535 A more sophisticated pressure reducing valve incorporates a pilot valve which controls the fluid above the valve operating piston in response to downstream pressure.

594、 The bold and italic word which means _ 2535较复杂的减压阀采用了一个导阀,该导阀根据膜片上的压力来控制柱塞上方的流体: A. a pressure reducing valve B. a pilot valve C. an operating piston D. downstream pressure勃拢饶使卢掂镐叹喊狄赖慌叹们醛惨污稚灸橙唯筒姑黎悦颐油帮效技雍拭船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2536 Fuel oil tanks must be fitted with _ that can be closed rapidly an

595、d remotely in the event of an emergency such as a fire. 2536燃油舱必须安装能进行遥控操作的速闭阀。A. stop valves B. non-return valves C. quick closing valves D. relief valves2537 A(n) _ is a special type of valve which prevents the passage of steam but allows condensate to pass.2537阻汽器是一种特殊殊类型的阀,它能阻止蒸汽流动,但允许凝结液流过。 A.

596、check valve B. non-return valve C. steam trap D. quick closing trap2538 Strainers, sometimes called _ , are devices designed to prevent the passage of unwanted solids into or further along a system.2538“strainer和filter都是滤器,但严格地说,前者是粗滤器,后者是细滤器,但是它们都 能阻止外界颗粒进入到系统。A. dampers B. filters C. stopper circu

597、its D. separators2539In many installations basket strainers consist of a cylindrical container in which a perforated metal or wire basket is suspended. The bold and italic word which means _ 2539笼式滤器是由一个圆柱形容器组成,在该容器内悬挂了有孔的金属笼。 A. installations B. basket strainers C. a cylindrical container D. a meta

598、l or wire basket 2536 C 2537 C 2538 B 2539 C操再位煮冲慰锚德渝梅贯杉痊然搽盼聊摧马棕傈话蒜句怔腊稳的舟稗肃屑船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2540Lubricating oil systems are fitted with a wide variety of strainers some of which can be cleaned in situ while others have replaceable cartridges. The bold and italic word which means _ 2540滑油系统中安

599、装了各利,形式的滤器,其中一些滤器可现场清洗,其他滤器具有可更换的芯件。 A. lubricating oil B. lubricating oil systems C. strainers D. cartridges2541 A(n) _ is a device which adds to the energy of a liquid or gas causing an increase in its pressure and a movement of the fluid.2541增加液体或气体的能量,引起压力升高,并让流体移动的设备,是泵。 A. pump B. engine C. tu

600、rbine D. boiler2542 A simple pumping system consists of a suction branch, a pump and _ 2542简单的泵系有吸人支管、泵和排出支管组成。 A. a priming device B. a discharge branch C. a filter D. a suction valve2543 Every liquid has a pressure at which it will vaporize and this pressure varies with temperature The word which

601、means _ .2543在一定的压力下,每一种液体都能蒸发,该压力随温度而变化。 A. a liquid B. a pressure C. a temperature D. none of the above 2540 C 2541 A 2542 B 2543 B讣营淄渊万押劳泅误粳棵挞规暑辛皱洱智瞎蜕笨刘邱窒暴与结责企腋穴耗船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2744 Some of the energy fed into the pump will be dissipated as _ due to mechanical inefficiencies, the remaind

602、er will be converted into pressure rise and fluid velocity. 2544输人到泵的一些热量,由于机械损失,以热能的形式散发了,剩余的能量转变为流体的压力能和动能。A. hydraulic head B. static head C. heat energy D. steam2545Generally speaking, suction heads require to be _ for high speed or large capacities than for low speed or small capacities.2545。一般

603、地说,高速或大排量时,泵的吸人压头比低速或小排量时要大。A. greater B. smaller C. better D. worse2546Before liquid can flow into a pump, the air in the suction line must be _ sufficiently to cause the liquid to flow into the suction chamber.2546。为了确保流体能进入到泵的吸人腔室,吸人管路中的空气应排除。A. filled B. evacuated C. compressed D. charged2547 Th

604、e air reservoirs must have _ fitted to prevent rupture in the event of fire.2547空气瓶必须安装易熔塞,以防发生火灾时爆炸。 A. high pressure alarm B. fire Mann C. extinguishers D. fusible plugs2548 Air reservoirs are designed, built and tested similarly to _ 2548空气瓶的设计、建造和试验类似于锅炉筒(都是压力容器)。 A. boiler drums B. hot wells C.

605、 condensers D. evaporators 2544 C 2545 A 2546 B 2547 D 2548 A冤慈牟聪调拨疹琅伪箱炉劳超痒牢屈拨淄握纂啄是瑞早峦棉挥澡塑狡境侈船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2549Explosions do occur _ caused by the ignition of oil or vapour gaining access from compressors or defective engine starting valves.2549在启动空气管路中,确实会发生由于油蒸汽被引燃而发生爆炸。A. in boiler drum

606、s B. in refrigerating plants C. in starting air pipes D. in air coolers2550 A number of biological sewage treatment plants are in use at sea but nearly all work on what is called the extended aeration process. Basically th/s consists of oxygenating the liquor by bubbling air through it. According to

607、 the above two sentences, the word this _ 2550船上使用的生活污水处理装置有几种,但是都是以连续曝气过程来工作的。A. a sewage treatment plant B. the extended aeration process C. the liquor D. the bubbling air2551 l_ow pressure air is usually taken through _ or pressure regulators to a low pressure reservoir supplying a ring main thro

608、ugh driers.2551低压空气通常来自于减压阀或压力调节器,然后贮存在低压空气瓶。A. globe valves B. butterfly valves C. gate valves D. reducing valves2552 Compressed air is used on board ship for all the following purposes except _ 2552船上压缩空气不用作增压空气。 A. starting diesel engines B. pneumatic control systems C. pneumatic tools D. superch

609、arging air 2549 C 2550 B 2551 D 2552 D 姜最养纱跟庭宁曳辅蛮柞艘荡鞋缸藐件逞谣杂鸦晾序横溪坊童誓劳蛙葱棕船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2553By far the greatest use is for diesel engine starting using air pressure of 25 bar or more provided by _ 2553用作柴油机启动的压缩空气,由往复式压缩机提供,压力在25bar及以上。A. rotary compressors B. reciprocating compressors C. cen

610、trifugal compressors D. screw compressors2554 Compressors must always be started _ since pressures otherwise build up rapidly producing very high starting torques.2554空气压缩机总是在卸载状态下启动的。A. in the unloaded condition B. in the loaded condition C. in the pre-cooled condition D. in the preheated condition

611、2555 During compressor s running the accumulated moisture in the separators must be _ 2555空气压缩机运转期间,分离器中积聚的水分必须排干。A. drained off B. collected C. sent to the crankcases D. separated with oil2556 Some _ lying in the starting air lines will give rise to corrosion and can cause water hammer.2556启动空气管路中的

612、水分会加剧腐蚀。 A. air B. moisture C. cooling water D. lubricant 2553 B 2554 A 2555 A 2556 B 满脱岳刊恩炽昧坦脂浆看卑解衬己览碱茵垫问胎错产莹屯塔厄构灾返埂氧船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2557A compressor should never be stopped _ 2557空气压缩机在卸载后才能停车。A. without first cooling it B. without first heating it C. without first unloading it D. without

613、first loading it 2558 By far the greatest item of maintenance of the reciprocating air compressors concerns _ 2558对于往复式空气压缩机,主要是对气阀装置进行维护保养。A. the lubrication B. the cooling C. the moisture separation D. the valves2559Bad valves operation of the reciprocating air compressors can be detected by obser

614、vation of _ 2559对于往复式空气压缩机,如果注意到排温过高,则表明气阀运行不良。 A. the discharge temperature low B. the discharge temperature high C. the discharge pressure rise D. the inter-stage pressure low2560 Adequate attention must be given to the water cooling system of the air compressors, for _ can cause condensation on t

615、he cylinder walls.2560对空压机的冷却水系统应予以足够的注意,过度冷却会在气缸壁上产生凝结液。 A. overcooling B. poor cooling C. overloading D. unloading 2557 C 2558 D 2559 B 2560 A拈类麦档觉坷扯疵孝绅侨渡琴罩圃镐复蓟糯闰教晒脉多马赖峻哗赛瞅照熟船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2561 A _ in the air delivery line near to each compressor is essential. 2561空气排出管路中的单向阀很重要。 A. butte

616、rfly valve B. globe valve C. gate valve D. non-return valve2562 A non-return valve in the air delivery line near to the compressor must be _ type similar to the compressor discharge valve.2562空气排出管路中的单向阀类似于压缩机的排出阀,都属于低惯性式。A. the low inertia B. the high inertia C. the low velocity D. the high velocit

617、y2563 To avoid impingement attack, care must be taken with the water _ through the tubes of the heat exchangers.2563为避免冲击造成损坏,应注意控制通过热交换器管子内的水流速度。 A. temperature B. velocity C. density D. viscosity2564 In more recent years, _ heat exchangers have frequently been employed for jacket water and oil coo

618、ling.2564,近年来,板式热交换器已广泛用于船舶冷却水系统中。A. shell and tube type B. plate type C. coil type D. conical disc type2565 A condenser is a vessel in which _ is deprived of its latent heat of vaporization and so changed to its liquid state.2565冷凝器是这样一种容器,它能使蒸汽释放潜热并转变为液态。 A. sea water B. fresh water C. vapour D. g

619、as 2561D 2562 A 2563 B 2564 B 2565 C肃掉燥匈篱沫熙诌梁存谍镜缘俗存贞酗齐匣哇阻胸冒尖吧赁馒输槛帚捣绵船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2566 The abbreviation TDS about the potable water probably means _ 2566饮用水的TDS”值是指“总溶解固体量”。A. total dissolved solids B. temperature of distillation of sea water C. total dissolved sodium D. total delivery sys

620、tem2567In general, domestic fresh water tank kept under pressure by an external supply of _ 2567日用淡水柜由压缩空气来保持压力。A. forced circulating pump B. compressed air C. gravity tank D. head tank2568 The domestic fresh water pump starters are controlled by pressure switches which operate when the pressure in

621、the tank varies within predetermined limits as water is drawn off. The word which means _ 2568日用淡水泵的启动器是由压力开关来控制,当柜内压力在预先设定的范围内改变时,该压力开关就能产生作用。A. starters B. pressure switches C. pressure D. water2569 Distilled water is now largely used on board, this may be corrosive (due to presence of dissolves C

622、02) and _ to the taste.2569船上广泛使用造水机产生的淡水,这种水具有腐蚀作用,而且食而无味。 A. flat B. slat C. sweet D. acid 2566A 2567B 2568B彦进奖盈奈屠惰顽育漆蓟俭娥埋激苗辑舞雅撅呕迭防普返邪熟驹浪蜗踏盐船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2570 In a domestic fresh water system, the pump starters are controlled by switches which operate when the pressure in the tank varies

623、 within predetermined limits as water is _ drawn off.2570日用淡水泵的启动器是由压力开关来控制,当柜内压力在预先设定的范围内改变时,该压力开关就能产生作用。 A. water level B. water flow C. temperature D. pressure2571 The principle of separation by which all commercially available oily water separators function is _ differential between oil and wate

624、r.2571常用油水分离器的分离原理是基于油、水的比重差。A. the temperature B. the viscosity C. the gravity D. the size2572 The resistance to the movement of the globule in oily water mixture depends on its size and the _ of the fluid.2572汕水混合物中油滴运动的阻力取决于其尺寸大小和流体的粘度。 A. pressure B. velocity C. gravity D. viscosity2573 Placing

625、a filter on the _ of an oily water separator will polish the discharge but overloading must be avoided. 2573在油水分离器的排出侧安装一个滤器,将使排出的水更“纯净”。A. suction side B. discharge side C. by-pass pipe D. sampling pipe 2570 D2571C 2572D 2573B褒堡作孕孺叮盗孙祸施妇承未灸润聪凛执谎贫冀气柿捆西鸽跨衡砸弘仍渔船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版2574The most suit

626、able pump for oily water separator feed duties is _ 2574最适宜于用作油水分离器的供液泵是三螺杆泵(输液平稳,减轻油的乳化)。 A. a .reciprocating pump B. a vane pump C. a centrifugal pump D. a triple screw pump2575 To assist separation of low viscosity oils steam coils or electric heaters are fitted _ of the oily water separator.2575

627、为了提高油水分离器的分离效果,往往在油水分离器的上半部分安装蒸汽加热盘管或电加热器,用来对污水进行预热。 A. in entrance B. in exit C. in the upper part D. on the outside2576 Sacrificial zinc anodes are used on the saltwater side of diesel engine heat exchangers to _ 2576在柴油机热交换器海水侧中,使用锌作为牺牲阳极,以减轻对热交换然金属产生的电化学腐蚀。 A. reduce electrolytic action on heat

628、exchanger metals B. keep heat transfer surfaces shiny and clean C. prevent rapid accumulation of marine growth D. provide a protective coating on heat exchanger surfaces 2574 d2575 C2576A绒窍疚砰缴削委亚屑肉士瘁炕奸归辱另件析思可六至甄蓑捉毡布碰穿烽抛船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版Passage 1 Valve drive mechanism The valve drive mechanism

629、 commands the inlet and exhaust valves at the required timing. The valve drive mechanism consists of an inlet and exhaust cam follower (8) each suspended in a plunger of the tappet assembly (7), two tubular push rods (4) with ball joints, two nodular cast iron rocker anna (2) suspended in a rocker a

630、nn bearing bracket, two yokes (5) and a yoke guide pins. SeeFig. 4-1. The tappet rollers follow the cam profiles and transfer the movements through push rods to the rocker arms. The rocker aims operate the inlet and exhaust valves through yokes (5). lubrication for the rocker arms comes from the eng

631、ines secondary oil supply manifold throughdrillings in the cylinder head and rocker ann bracket. The tappet assembly receives lubricating oil via channels in the engine block from the main supplymanifold. For the roller and shaft, the oil is supplied through the guiding plunger. To compensate for heat expansion a clearance must exist between the rocker ann and yoke. All adjustments have to be done on a cold engine only.1: According to the passage, the best time to adjust the valve clearance is A. before the engine is started校鸣佯术染挤颖胎皆衬霞懈停吗腺蹿域带摇燥辅疼翌缆阀诬睡弦父讽快础船舶电气与安全习题英文版船舶电气与安全习题英文版



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