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1、商务英语口语 60 句Unit FiveUnit Five 询盘询盘Part One.Part One.101.Please quote us for the goods listed I enclosed inquiry sheet giving yourprices CIFJakarta.请把附件中询价单上的货物价格(雅加达,CIF)报给我们。102.Please quote us your lowest price CIF Hamburg for ten MT of walnut meat.请把 10 吨胡桃肉(CIF,汉堡)的最低价格报给我们。103.Please quote us F

2、OB London for 100 reams of good quality white poster paper.请把 10 令白色海报纸(FOB,伦敦)的最低价格报给我们。104.Please quote us your most competitive prices in order to consummatebusiness.为了我们合作圆满,请把最具竞争力的价格报给我们。105.Please quote us your lowest price for fertilizers .请把肥料的最低价格报给我们。106.Please quote us your best price an

3、d let us know the minimum quantity foreach order.请把最好的价格报给我们并注明每种产品最小起订量。107.Please make us a offer on CIF Hongkong bases for handmade leather gloves.请报给我们手工制作的皮手套价格(CIF,香港)108.Please make us a offer giving your price FOB New York.请报给我们价格(FOB,纽约)109.We have already made an enquire for your articles

4、please make a offer beforethe end ofthis month.我们已对你们的项目做了一个询价,请在这个月底以前报价。110.I would like to make a enquiry about this type of leather bag.我想询问一下这种包的价格。111.We shall be pleased if you finished us with your quotation for this product.如果你们能对这种产品进行报价,我们将无比高兴。112.Many of customers are interested in your

5、“Seagull” brand household scissorsand we wish to have your CNF Shanghai quotations.许多客户对你们“海鸥”牌的家用剪刀很感兴趣,期待您的报价(CNF 上海)113. We want to know the price CIF Tokyo for your printed shirting.我们想知道已经印好的衣服布料的价格(CIF 东京)114.We are anxious to get a offer for your products.我们热切地想得到你们的产品。115. We shall be very g

6、lad to receive a offer from you on this brand of radios.如果能得到你们这种牌子的收音机,我们将很高兴。Part Two116.We shall like to know the offer for the rice of this kind.我们想知道关于这种米的价格。117.Wed like to know the minimum order quality per color and per design.我们想知道每种颜色,每种款式的最小起订量。118.What price could you quote us on two doz

7、en sets?你们给我们报的 2 打的价格是多少?119.Would you please quote us a price one your 71 * 81 reversible wool blankets15% wooland 85% cotton, bound with rayon satin?请报给我们以下产品价格:71*81 的羊毛毯子,成份 15%羊毛,85%棉,人造丝绑定的?120.How much you asking for this brand of ties?你们想订多少这种牌子的领带?121.If we order 10,000 units what would be

8、 your offer?如果我们订 10,000 套,你们会提供什么优惠?122.Whats the price for 1000 Kg of white sugar.请问 1000KG 的白糖的价格是多少?123. Can you supply this quality at approximately 50% cents per meter?请问你们是否能够提供这种质量的,大约每米50%分?124.If our order is a substantial one how much will you bring your price down?如果我们的采购量是固定的,你们能降价多少?12

9、5.How much discount could you offer on a order of this size ?请问一个这种尺寸的定单,能得到多少折扣?126.Please inform us what special offer you can make us ?请告知我方,你们会给我们什么特殊的优惠?127.Here is a list of my requirements Id to have your lowest quotations CIFNew York.这张单子是我们的要求,我想知道到纽约的最低CIF 价格。128.Please inform us of your l

10、owest price CIF London.请把伦敦 CIF 的最低价格报给我们。129.Wed appreciate it very much if you let us know what discount you can grantus if we giveyou a large order of your products.如果我方采购量很大,你方会给我方多少折扣,请告知,我方将非常感激。130.Please let us have your best quotation by tomorrow together with theappropriate timeof shipment

11、.请于明天告知我方:最好的价格和装船期。Unite SixUnite Six 报盘报盘Part onePart one131.This offer is subject to your reply reaching here on or before 29,June.我方接受以你方答复为准的报盘,但需在6 月 29 日前到达。132.If we can receive your order within the next 10 days, we will make you afirm offer at the prices quoted.如果我方能在 10 天内能接到你方订单,我方将按所报价格

12、确定订单。133.This offer is firm for 5 days.该盘的有效期为 5 天134.The price wequoted is on FOBShanghai bases instead of CIF Hongkong basesand our offer will be valid until August 31.我方的报价以 FOB 上海,而不是 CIF 香港。我方报盘的有效期至8 月 31 日。135.We make you the offer subject to your apply reaching us not later than noonDecember

13、 23.我方接受以你方答复为准的报盘,但需不迟于12 月 23 日中午到达。136.We have the offer ready for you.我们已准备好给你方的报盘。137.Id to remind you that we have to withdraw our offer is we dont hear youby next Monday.我方要提醒你方,若我们不能在下个星期一前收到答复,该报盘将会被撤销。138.This offer will remain effective for another 10 days from June 1.该报盘从 6 月 1 日起 10 天内有

14、效。139.The quality of our product is good and the prices is reasonable so we areconfident that you will accept our offer dated 4th May.我方产品物美价廉,因此我们对你方能接受我方报盘很有信心,但需在5 月 4 日前。140.Sincerly the market is advancing rapidly the price we offered you is thebest I belive.自市场的飞速发展,我相信我方所报的价格是最合理的。141.Here ar

15、e our latest price sheet. You will see that our prices is mostcompetitive.这是我方最近的价格单。你能发现我方的价格是最具竞争力的。142.We believe that the price we offer you can compete well with those of otherfirms.我们相信我们所报的价格与其他公司相比更具竞争力。143.We hope you will accept our offer and give us order soon.我方希望你方能尽快接受报盘并下订单。144.We fee

16、l better offer will give you full satisfaction .I hope to receive afavorable reply from you soon.我方感到好的报盘能令你方满意。希望能尽快收到你方令人欣喜的答复145.If you think our proposal acceptable please let us have your order at earlydate.如果你方认为可以接受我们的提议,请早日订单。146.We have the pleasure in offering you our product.我们很荣幸将我方产品报盘给

17、你方。147.We are interested in making you a offer on our hand-make carpets which iswell received in the overseas market.我方很荣幸为你方就手工制地毯报盘,这种地毯在海外广受好评。148.Our price for 200 dozens pairs of plastic shower curtains with matchingdrapes would be 45 USD shall we hold them for your order?就 200 打塑料窗帘以 45 美元。我方还

18、为你方保留订单吗?149.We give you price of 1440$ FOB Chicago.我方给你方的价格是1440 美元,FOB 芝加哥。150.We are pleased to quote you for 1500 dozen man shirts as for the sample yousend before at price 5/piece CIF New York for promote shipment.我们很高兴就 1500 打男式衬衫给你方报价,每件5 元,CIF 纽约,即时装运。按之前你方寄来的样品。151.In compliance with your r

19、equest we are now offering you 2000 dozensmagnifiers at 30$ per dozen CIF San Francisco September shipment.根据你方要求,我方提供你方2000 打放大镜,每打 30 美元,CIF 旧金山,九月装运。152.You will note that we are in the position to offer you 50 long tons of tenfor sheet at the attractive price of 135 per long tons CNF Shanghai.我方

20、会给你方提供 50 长吨,每单 10 长吨,以非常优惠的价格,每长吨135,CIF 上海。153.We offer your 1500 tons of Canada oats at the price of 500 pounds /ton.我们为你方提供 1500 吨加拿大燕麦片,每吨 500 英磅。154. We can quote you the price of 75$ / typewriter and 10% discount on shipping.我方的报价是 75 美元一台打字机,如果海运的话,有10%的折扣。155.Our average whole sell price is

21、 180$ / unit.我们的平均售价是每个180 美元。156.We offer you firm 2,000 tons of chemical fertilizer at 150 per long tonCIF Vietnam deliver in April.我方为你公司提供 2000 吨化学肥料,每长吨 150,CIF 越南,4 月起运。157. We can offer a quality discount of up to 15% but we are prepare to give20% discount for a offer to buy the complete stuf

22、f.我方可提供 15%的质量折扣,但我们准备给20%的折扣,如若你方将全部买下。158.I have here our price sheet on a FAS vessel basis ,the price are given withoutengagement.我这里有我们的 FAS 船边交货的价格单,这个价格是不容商议的。159.As prices is steady raising, we d advise you to place your order withoutdelay.因为价格正在稳步上升,我方建议你方早日下订单。160.Our product is in great demand and supplies is limited so we would recommendthat you accept this offer as soon as possible.我方产品需求量大,供应有限。因此我方建议你方尽早接受此报盘。



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