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1、高三英语第二轮复习考点精讲精炼第 16讲 短 文 改 错一致关系的错误 冠词使用的错误连接手段的错误 非谓语动词形式上的错误词语搭配的错误 多词少词的错误行文逻辑上的错误 母语影响的错误经典易错题会诊一致关系的错误1. (典型例题精选) There are advantage for students to work76._while studying at school. One of them was that77._they can earn money. 考场错解 76题 There be结构的主语advantage为单数,考生易将are改为is; 77题易判为正确。 专家把脉 此二题

2、均为考查一致性错误,根据文章意思:advantage应为复数,而下一句中的was与行文的主要时态不一致应该为is。 对症下药 76 题 advantage 改为 advantages 77 题 was 改为 is。2. ( 典型例题精选 I looked at the orange drink and deelde I couldnt facethem. 考场错解 去掉the导致错解的原因是许多考生认为drink为物质名词,殊不知在此处为特指的orange drinko 专家把脉 drink为物质名词, 应用单数代词it指代, them指代可数名词复数。 对症下药 them改为it专家会诊短文

3、改错题所涉及的一致性错误主要包括:主谓一致错误,时态一致错误, 代词指代错误, 名词和单复数错误等。 做好这类题目应注意像:witll. without, as well as, together with,including等词跟在主语以后的情况;同时还应注意:but, and, each等词出现在主语中的情况;另外,全文所谈论的事,所用的主要时态及具体内容相结合的情况也应全面考虑。考场思维训练1 Every child has their own dream. Every child hope to be an adult. 2 I had always wanted to return

4、to the village after moving away and it is reallygreat to see most of my friends again.3 In our country men, woman, boys and girls all look for-ward to spending theSpring Festival.1 . their改为his; hope改为hopes解析:当主语被each, every修饰时谓语动词用单数第三人称形式,相应的物主代词可用单数形式。2. is 改为W as解析:根据叙述内容和上下文,应用过去时态。3. woman改为w

5、omen解析:本句中名词表类别属泛指,应用复数形式。冠词使用的错误1. (典型例题精选) I hope youve had pleasant journey homeand will e to China again some times in the future. 84. sometime 考场错解 本句判对 专家把脉 冠词的使用是中国学生感觉较难的一点,而 journey一词根据汉意应为不可数名词,但本句中意指“ 一次愉快的旅行” 故应加不定冠词。 对症下药 在 pleasant前加a2. ( 典型例题精选) Although we have been members for a sho

6、rt78. _ Jperiod of time, we have made a great progress. That is.79. 考场错解 w e前加but 专家把脉 不能把两句之间的关系搞清,以及不把握although, thoughbut等词在英语表达中的意义和用法. 是错解的根本原因。 对于短语make progress中 progress为不可数名词的把握是解好本题的关键。 对症下药 去掉a3. ( 典型例题精选) . . . Having fun with their friends make themhappy. 83.makesMany people enjoy sport

7、s by watching the others play.8 4 ._ 考场错解 改 play为 playing 专家把脉 本句实际上是考查冠词与代词others) 用法的问题,others指“ 另外的人其他的人/ 物” . 而 the others指“ 其他所有的人/ 物” ,根据句意应去掉the。 对症下药 去掉the。专家会诊由于汉语中没有冠词, 考生对它的用法感到难以掌握, 而高考英语短文改错对冠词的考查几乎年年都有。因此牢固掌握其基本用法是做好此类试题的前提。常见的设错类型有:不可数名词泛指时前面多冠词; 单数可数名词前少冠词; 特指时定冠词与不定冠词的混用或错用;抽象名词具体化后

8、使用冠词的情况;固定搭配中的冠词错误等。考场思维训练1 Please tell the good news to the rest of family.2 Then a small man came up,with gun in the hand.3 It is a time when people get together and have a fun.4 Finishing the task is great success for the little boy in such short time.1 . family前加the解析:此处the family指全体家庭成员。2 . 去掉t

9、he解析:with gun in hand为独立结构,名词前不用冠词。3 . 去掉a 解析:fun为不可数名词,不用冠词。4 . great前加a 解析:完成这项工作是一次巨大成功,此处SUCcess为抽象名词具体化的用法。连接手段的错误1. (典型例题精选 I ) Earning their own money allow them80. allowsto spend on anything as if they please. 81. 考场错解 去掉as 专家把脉 as作为关系代词引导定语从句, 修饰anythingo as if引导方式状语从句,在此不符合题意,而 if引导条件状语从句与

10、文意不符。 对症下药 去掉if2. ( 典型例题精选)When I was four years old I got ill. I took medicine twice aday. The medicine had so a bitter taste that I took it mixed in76._orange juice. The problem was that I can still tast the medicine.77. could 考场错解 去掉a 专家把脉 s。作为副词直接修饰形容词是没理解好题, 而导致错误的直接原因。在“ 如此以至于” 这个结构中,修饰可数名词单数时

11、s o 与 such的语序不同:so+形+a/an+名词;such a/an+形+ 名词。 对症下药 so 改成such3. ( 典型例题精选) . He told me that I* d probally had a heart77. haveattack while I started eating less. When you re on a diet you78.have to stop east too much even though you are always hun gry.79. eating 考场错解 改 while为 if 专家把脉 不能正确理解文意是造成错解的原因。

12、从下文的语义看while应表示“ 除非” 之意,而 while是“ 既然、而,当时” 之意。 对症下药 while改为unless专家会诊考场思维训练1 We liked the dishes you had cooked but we were happy to learn theEnglish songs you taught us.2 So I will stay on a health farm for a month I won* t be able to eat muchand so I 11 have to stick to my diet.3 I also enjoyed th

13、e evening when we spent together.1. but改为a n d 解析:上文句没有转折之意,只是并列的两件事。2. month后加where或 when解析:限定性定语从句中,关系词 作状语不可省略。3. when改为that或去掉 解析:限定性定语从句中关系词作从句的宾语可以省略。非谓语动词形式上的错误1. ( 典型例题精选) We re busy prepare for own trips.84._ 考场错解 prepare前加I to 或 with 专家把脉 be busy doing“ 忙于做某事” 为固定用法,其后用其他形式不对。 对症下药 prepare

14、改为preparing2. ( 典型例题精选) Seeing his strong interest in this81. qgame of 22 men run after a ball. I decided to sit down82.to watch the game. I found the game excited, and my83.dad explained for the rules. 8 4 .去掉 for 考场错解 82题 a 改为the或 to in 前加to; 83题去掉to 专家把脉 因球场仅一只球误以为特指,而 see sb. d。是习惯表达,故此造成错解。 在 r

15、un前加to 是没理解好题意及不定式与分词作定语的区别, 语句中run after aball 应作 men 的后置定语,应改成 running after a balk to watch the game 作 sit down 的目地状语,正确;第 83题 中 excited作 game的定语不恰当,应改为exciting意为“ 令人激动的,令人感到兴奋的” 。 对症下药 82 题 run 改为 running; 83 题 excited 改为 exciting3. ( 典型例题精选)He would also catch the food throwing to him form82._t

16、he other side of the room and sing happily. 考场错解 正确 专家把脉 catch sb doing之结构,直接造成考生错解,要注意分析throw与 the food之间的被动关系。由此看来,死记硬背是不可取的,应活学活用。 对症下药 throwing改为thrown专家会诊高考英语对非谓语动词的考查,主要从以下几个方面入手:1. 不定式符号to 的多余或遗漏;2. to 是介词还是小品词的区分,f 后跟动词原形还是动名词) ;3. 现在分词与过去分词的区别( 主要看与相关名词之间的主、被动关系) 。考场思维训练1I never knew a ride

17、 down a river could be so excited.2 He happened to see thick smoke coming out of the win dow,which madehim frightening.3 The strong wind blows up the dust.made the air very dirty.1. excited改为exiting解析:excited表示“ 激动的” ,指人;exciting表示“ 令人激动,振奋的” ,指物。2. frightening改为frightened解析: frightened作为过去分词在此补充说明h

18、im害怕。3. made改为making解析:注意原句中的made前的标点符号为“ ,二 说明后面不是句子making the air very dirty作结果状语。词语搭配的错误1. ( 典型例题精选)One may not agree to examination system, but atpresent it is basically the only 83. themeasure that the teacher and the rest of the world can de pend to84._decide if or not each of us meets the req

19、uirement.85._ 考场错解 84d; 85去掉or 专家把脉 84行中that引导定语从句,depend on与 measure之间形成动宾搭配关系,故须加on; 85题 中 if可与not构成if not这是引起学生错解的原因,而根据需要,本句中or not不可分割,故应改if为 whether,因为if不能与or not直接连用. 专家把脉 84题 depend后加on; 85题 if改为whether2. ( 典型例题精选) We* re leaving from our hometowns to spend the wintervacation. 考场错解 hometowns

20、 改为 hometown 专家把脉 改成hometown忽略了主语we( 复数) 因而错解。 leave for意为“ 动身去” 为固定搭配。 对症下药 from改为for专家会诊高考英语对固定搭配的考查也是一个重要方面, 尤其在短文改错中的考查更应值得重视。1. 介词与动词、名词、形容词的固定搭配;2. 副词与动词的固定搭配;3. 及物动词后多介词或副词的情况;4. 不及物动词后少介词或副词的情况;5. 固定句型。考场思维训练1 Seeing the smoke coming out of his house, he thought he had to put offthe fire at

21、once.2 The doctors told me the operation was successful,but be cause_the mans old age, he had to stay in hospital for other two weeks. _1 . ofr改为out解 析 : put off推迟 ,put out熄灭, 扑灭 。2 .because后加o f解析:because为连词引导句子,becauseof为介词短语,后接名词或名词性短语直接作宾语。Yother改为another表示 另外的 。综合问题6多词少词的错误1. ( 典型例题精选) As she g

22、ave it to me, when the phone rangand she went toanswer 79it. I looked at the orange drink and decided I couldn t face them,80._it_so I hid the glass behind a pile magazines. Of cause,when81.my mother was asked, Have you already taken your medicine?82. 考场错解 79题去掉as; 8I题 a 改为the; 82题 al ready改为yet 专家把

23、脉 79题错解的原因是没有理清she gave句与the phone句之间的主从关系,81题错解是因为找错了点,误以为冠词后的“ 杂志” 应为特指,而忽略了 a pile of之固定用法,8 2 题 中 的 already亦可用于疑问句。此题主要是主、被动语态的错误,是mothe广问” 的, 而不是“ 被问” 的。 对症下药 79去掉when; 81 pile后加of; 82去掉was2. ( 典型例题精选) Although we have been members for a short78. _period of time, we have made a great progress.

24、That is79.because we are all very much active and the activities arenot 80.only enjoyable and also helpful. 81. but 考场错解 79. w e前加but 80. very去掉 专家把脉 不能把两句之间的关系搞清,以及不把握although, though, but等词在英语表达中的意义和用法,是错解的根本原因。make progress是固定用法。verymuch表示程度,much不可直接修饰active,应去掉much。 对症下药 79. a 去掉80. much去掉专家会诊多词

25、,少词是高考英语短文改错的一项必考内容,只是每年考查的重点不同,重点应注意以下几个方面:1. 抽象名词,物质名词泛指时是否多了冠词,普通名词前是否少了冠词。2. 及物动词后是否多介词,不及物动词后有宾语时是否少了介词。3. 习惯用语中是否多或少词。4. 不定式符号to 的多或少。考场思维训练1 still remember clearly the first day which I entered the university.2 They tell their readers at once what was happened. _3 I decide walk around a littl

26、e before accepting.1. which前加on解析:表示时间具体到某天时应用介词o n ,本句中on which=when引导定语从句。2. w as去掉解析:happen为不及物动词,不可用于被动语态。3 . 在 decide后加to解析:decide后应跟带to 的不定式。探究开放题解答综合问题I行文逻辑上的错误1. ( 典型例题精选 I ) They would have to ask their parents for82._money or for permission to do thing by the money.83. with_ 解答 would后加not。

27、根据原文:上句为:“ 自己赚钱能使他们把钱花在他们愿意做的事情上。” 本句意义为:“ 他们不必再向父母要钱” 所以本句应为否定意义。规律总结解决好这类试题的关键在于要瞻前顾后, 把握全文整体含义, 注意语义上的连惯性和行文逻辑上的一致性。综合问题2母语影响的错误2. ( 典 型 例 题 精 选)It is good manners for them to help eachother78. usif we have the same desire and the teacher allows to it.79._ 解答 to 去掉,该句中allow为及物动词,其后直接跟宾语而不借助于介词,其结

28、构有:allow sb. to do sth; allow( sbs) doing sth.规律总结受母语影响而出错是学英语者中最不易解决的问题,其原因就是:做的是英语,用的是汉语思维模式,要解决好这个问题,最好的方法就是平时多读、多听漠语努力学会并养成用英语思考的习惯,另外,还要多积累英语的习惯表达,多了解英语的文化背景。考场思维训练1 We liked the dishes you had cooked but we were happy to learn theEnglish songs you tought us.2 Therefore, my father loves footbal

29、l.3 Can you tell me about what I should do.?1. but改为and解析:本句中liked与 were happy均表示褒义,所以二者之间不应该是转折关系,而应是并列关系,故将but改为and。2. Therefore改为However解析:由上文的叙述可知,我并不喜欢足球。而本句意义为我父亲喜欢足球,所以上下之间应为转折关系。3 . 去掉a b o u t解析:tell的基本句型为tell sb. sth/thatclause.原文中about多余。考点高分解题综合训练Passage 1 (典型例题精选 There is a public libra

30、ry in every town in Britain.Any- one1._can borrow books if he or she wish. In some please you2._may borrow as more books as you need, but in others3._you are limited in a certain number of books. You may4._keep the books for several weeks so as you can have5._enough time to finish it. If the book yo

31、u want is out6._you may ask it to be kept for you. Most public libraries7._also have a reading- room, that you can sit at the desk8._and read the daily newspapers, magazines and the other9._books, but you are not permit to take them out.10._1 . 正确。2. wish改为wishes解析:与单数第三人称she 一致。3. more改为many解析:同级比较

32、形容词用原形。4. in 改为t o 解 析 : be lim让 ed to 是固定说法。5. a s改为that解析:SO that表示“ 以便” 其后跟从句;so a s后跟动词不定式。6. it 改为them解析:指代前文的books应用复数。7. ask后加for解析:ask for表示“ 请求” 。8. that改为where解析:引导非限定性定语从句表示地点用where。9. 去掉第二个the解析: the other表示两个中的另一个, 而 other作定语表示“ 另外的” 。10. permit改为perm计 ted解析:被动语态应用过去分词表示。Passage 2 (典型例题

33、精选Dear John,Last summer I take a part - time job in the International1._Camp for children. I have been told one more worker2._will be needed this year and 1 think you are fit it. How3._about join us.? The camp is at the foot of a small hill4._close to a river. It is so a beautiful place! We can hear

34、5._birds singing happy all around. Everybody sleeps in6._tents, that is very exciting. We usually work only five7._hours a day, so we will have plenty of spare time visit the8._area and have a fun, I am sure it will be an unforgettable9._experience. If you have interests in it, reply to me soon.10._

35、Yours,Li Ping1. take改为took 解析:last summer为过去时间,故应用过去时。2 . 正确。3. fit后加for解析:be fit fo r为固定短语。4. join改为joining解析:介词后的动词应用一 ing形式。5. s o 改为such解析:修饰名词应用such; so修饰形容词或副词。6. happy改为happily解析:修饰singing应用副词。7. that改为which解析: 引导非限定性定语从句, 且在从句中作主语表示物只能用which。8. tim e后加to 解析:动词不定式作后置定语。9. a 去掉解析:fun为不可数名词,不用冠

36、词。10. interests改为interest解 析 : interest此处为不可数名词,不用复数。Passage 3 (典型例题精选)Dear Rick,After a careful study of all the informations about the three1._cities,! suggest you chose to live in City A. First,City A2._is the safest of three. As violence and crimes are on3._the rise all over the world, that is o

37、nly wise to choose a place4._which you and your family are going to be safe. Second, the5._job opportunities,though not the best,is quite good. You6._dont need to worry about whether you can find a job or not.7._Third,entertainment in City A was not bad. Last,though the8._climate is the worst of the

38、 three,but it is not a major concern9._because you stay indoors mostly of the time and you will findall the rooms air- conditioned. 10.Your friend,Li Hua1. informations 改为 information 解析:information 是抽象名词,不可数。2. chose改为choose解析:suggest表建议后的宾语从句应用虚拟语气(should)+动词原形。3. three前加the解析:此处表示特指。4. that改为it解析

39、:替代不定式,句子等用it。5. which前加in 或改为where解析:定语从句中作状语表示地点用where。6. is 改为are解析:句中主语opportunities为复数,其谓语动词应与之保持一致。7 . 正确。8. W as改为is 解析:与文中时态应保持一致。9. but去掉解析:此处无转折意思。10. mostly改为most解析:此处应用代词表示“ 大部分的” 。Passage 4 ( 典型例题精选 My hometown is a pretty city, so people thereare1._kind and polite. With coming of sprin

40、g, grass and2._trees turn green,and flowers grew in many colors.3._In summer, the sea under the blue skies is even more4._beautiful. After autumn arrives, the city looks as an5._old man with leaves fallen from the trees. In winter,6._a lot of white birds come to my city for food. I can7._wait more p

41、atiently above the sea for quite a long8._time. While they find fish come to the surface, they9._fly down immediate and catch them without delay.10._That is my city, and I love it so much.1. s o 改为a n d 解析:根据上下句的关系应用and表示顺承。2. W ith后加T h e 解析:此处特指即将到来的春天。3. grew改为grow解析:根据行文需要,此处应用一般现在时。4. skies改为sk

42、y解析:sky无复数形式。5. a s改为like解析:表示“ 看上去像. . . ” 应用look like。6. fallen改为falling解析:表示“ 正在落下的 应用falling。7. I 改为They解析:指代前文的birds用复数。8. more改为much解析:此处没有比较的意思,不用more。9. While改为When解析:表示“ 当. . .时” 用 when。10. immediate改为immediately解析:修饰动词短语ny down应用副词。Passage 5 ( 典型例题精选)Dear Steven,How are you? I havent heard

43、 you for long.1._Were all fine. Im sitting by the fire, write you a2._letter. Sam and Elizabeth are in beds. This 3.morning, they took the dog out of for a walk but4._unfortunately the dog doesnt come back. Im5._not going to work tomorrow. So I can go and look6._for him. I hope hes OK.Grandfather is

44、 staying with us in the moment,7._He is fast sleeping in the armchair,snoring loudly.8._Anyway, I have to go now and watch ten o* clock9._TV news and its going to start after five minutes. Write and tell us how you are.10._1. heard后加from解析:hearfrom为固定短语。2. write 改为 writing 解析:writing you a letter 作伴

45、随状语。3. beds改为bed解析:be in bed在床上” , 固定用法。4. o f去掉解析:take out表示“ 出来” ,后有for短语作目的状语,故 o f多余。5. doesnt改为didnt解析:与行文的主句时态保持一致。6 . 正确。7. in 改为a t解析:at the moment意为“ 在那时, 在这时” 。8. sleeping改为a s le e p 解析:在系表结构中用形容词asleep作表语表示“ 入睡” ,be sleeping表示“ 正在睡” ;besleepy表示困乏的,想睡的。9. ten前加the解析:此处特指“ 十点钟的新闻” 。10. aft

46、er改为in 解析:将来时态中用in 表示“ 在之后” 。Passage 6 (典型例题精选Dear Anish,Here are the information about Manchester University.1._It is about 200 miles far away from London, and it2._has a very big schoolyard. You can live in the school3._or near the school. They have all sorts of course.4._I* m sure you will find o

47、ne you like it. I know you5._are particular interested in Human Rights. So I will6._see that there is anything on their website( 网址) .7._I II send my friend Charlie meet you at the airport8._when you arrived. You met him a few years ago, but he9._has changed a lot since then. Both your aunt or I loo

48、k10._forward to seeing you again. See you soon.Pat1. are改为is 解析:句子主语information为单数,谓语也应用单数形式。2 . 去掉far解析:It is+一段距离+away from somewhere.为固定句型。3 . 正确。4. course改为co u rse s解析:根据句意此处应为复数。5 . 去掉it解析:定语从句中省略了关系词,it 多余。6. particular改为particularly解析:修饰动词应用副词。7. that改为计/whether解析:宾语从句中表示“ 是否” 应用if或 whether。

49、8. meet前加to 解析:动词send的句型为send sb. to do sth.。9. arrived改为arrive解析:主句为一般将来时其时间状语从句用一般现在时表示将来O10. o r改为and 解析:bothand为固定说法。Passage 7 (典型例题精选Dear Ming,It was very nice to hear from you for such a long time. Im 1.glad to learn that youve been settled down in Boston and are2._getting used to the local wa

50、ys of life.As you know, Im still buried in books at school you areso familiar with. What may surprise you are that Im going tothe US this July in a summer camp! Surely Im expecting lotsof sightseeing tours, parties and another exciting things. We mustdefinitely meet when Im over. As is planning, Im

51、coming3.4._5._6.7._8._to Boston around the 15th, and I wonder if you 11 free thenso9._we could chat about the good older days. 10.Hope to see you soon. YoursXiao Lei1 . fo r改为after解析:此处表示很长时间后用after。2 . 去掉been解析:此处应用主动语态表示定居。3. ways改为way解析:表示生活方式way应用单数。4. a t后加the解析:此处表示特指。5. are改为is 解析:句子当主语其谓语动词按

52、单数第三人称对待。6. in 改为on解析:表示活动或状态应用on。7. another改为other解 析 : other表示“ 其他的 ,another表示“ 另一个为8. planning改为planned解析:as指代被计划的,故 planning应改为planned.9. free前加be解析:此处谓语不完整,free为形容词,故其前应加系动词be。10. older改为old解析:表示“ 以前的” 直接用old。Passage 8 (典型例题精选 Growing Up is not easy. Sometime/all that isneed1._is someone to rel

53、y on. For many years, she was Mum2._My mother was a career woman and had her own3._problems to take care, but when I needed her, she4._was always there. Her strength came frond anywhere5._I dont quite know, somewhere very deep. She was so strong that she would never breakdown, even while I6._went to

54、 her with all my little - boy problems and shout7._at her. Her strength made me stronger and gave to me8._courage to try things other thought were impossible. A9._helping hand is always stronger enough to lift you up.10._1. need改为needed解析:此处that指代a ll,而 a ll与 need系被动关系。2. she改为it解析:作主语、宾语或表语的先行代词应用i

55、t。3 . 正确。4. care后加o f解析:take care o f为固定短语。5. anywhere 改为 somewhere 解析:somewhere 表示“ 某处” 。6. while改为when/thougMf解析:此处表示“ 当. . . 时” 或表示“ 让步” 均可。7. shout改为shouted解析:与行文时态保持一致。8 . 去掉to 解析:gave是及物动词,其后无需加to。9. other改为others解析: 表示其他的人应用others。10. stronger改为strong解析: 此处没有比较的对象,Passage 9 (典型例题精选)不用比较级。We h

56、ad guests last night who have not stayedin a B&B hotel ago. They did not want breakfastbecause that they were going out early in themorning. They came back lately and had sometea. I came into the living room and saw one ofthem just go through the kitchen door but turnon the light. He was looking for

57、 a glass thecupboard. He had no ideas that the kitchen wasnot for guests. I just smiled to me and thought,What can I do? We are guests after all.1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._1. have改为had解析:根据上下文此处应用过去完成时。2. ago改为before解析:与过去完成时连用不可用ago。3 . 去掉t h a t 解析:由because引导原因状语从句that是多余的,去掉。4. la tely改为late

58、解析: 注意late与 lately的区别: late adj.迟的, 晚的; lately adv.近来,不久前。5 . 正确。6. but改为and 解析:g o 与ttLrn是接连的两个动作,用 and表示顺承。7. glass后加in 解析:表示在the cupboard里不可没有介词。8. ideas改为idea解析:have no idea”不知道” 为固定短语。9. m e改为myself解析:与主语保持一致应用反身代词。10. W e改为They解析:“guests”属于第三人称。Passage 10 ( 典型例题精选 I am very excited to have acc

59、epted an e-mail from1._you. Im glad you have made such a great progress2._that you can write your e-mail good Chinese. I read3._your e - mail to my parents and show them the photo you4._sent it to me. How time flies! Our friendship has lasted5._for several months. We have got to know but learned a6.

60、lot from each other. Yes, it is clearly that your life in7._your country is quite different from me. Thanks again8._for writing to me. I* m looking forward to hear from9._you soon. Best wishes to you and your family. 10.1. accepted 改为 received/got 解析:accept”接受二 receive/get 表示“ 收到” 。2 . 去掉a 解析:make p

61、rogress中progress为不可数名词,不用加冠词。3. good前加in 解析:表示使用某种语言用in。4. show改为showed解析:应与行文时态保持一致。5 . 去掉it解析:定语从句中省略了关系词,it 多余。6. but改为and解析:此处不是转折关系,应改为and。7. clearly改为clear解析:表示“ 清楚的” 作表语应用形容词clear。8. m e改为mine解析:mine是形容词性物主代词,m y只可作定语。9. hear改为hearing解析: 短语look forward to 中的to 系介词, 其后的动词应加ing。1 0 . 正确。Passage

62、 11 (典型例题精选 Many students feel it that a popular teachermust be kind1._and easy -going. He and she should make the class very2._active for joking with the students. However, the popular3._teacher is at same the one who should be strict with4._students. Last year, my English teacher proved to the mor

63、e5._popular in our school. She was usual patient with her students6._and never made them disappointed. She always stays in full7._control of the situations. She always made sure that our8._homework was finished on time, but she marked strictly9._on students actual performance. 10.1 . 去掉it解析:feel后的宾语

64、从句直接用that引导,it 多余。2. and改为o r解析:表示“ 或者” 用 or。3. fo r改为by解析:表示方式应用by。4. a t后加the解析:at the. llne tim e为固定短语“ 同时” 。5. more改为most解析:表示“ 最受欢迎” 应用最高级。6. usual改为usually/unusually解析:修饰动词应用副词。7. stays改为stayed解析:叙述过去的事应用过去时。8 . 正确。9. but改为and解析:根据上下文此处并非转折关系,而是顺承关系。10. students改为students Your解析:名词students的所有格

65、是students1,此处亦可改为our。Passage 12( 典型例题精选When out six children were young, suppertime is always1._being imterrupted by neighborhood children ring the bell.2._They wanted one child or another to come out and played.3._Finally we had good idea. We hung a sign on the front4._door that was read : HWe re h

66、aving dinner. Come back5._later. That night, we sat down to what they thought would6._be a pleasant, uninterrupted meals. But as soon as we7._began dinner, the doorbell rang. On the front door stood a8._five-year-old boy from across the street. He looked up9._at us and said, nl just want to know wha

67、t the sign say.n10._1. is 改为Was解析:此处whenclause表示的时间为过去时,故 is 应改为Was。2. nng改为ringing解析:此处是一 ing短语作后置定语。3. played改为play解析:play应与前面的come out并列。4. had后 力 口 a 解析:have a good idea为固定说法。5 . 去掉Was解析:表示“ 上写着 直接用read或 say。故应去掉Was。6. they改为w e解析:此处they与行文不符,应改为we。7. meals改为meal解析:表示“ 一顿饭” 应用单数meal。8. o n 改为A t

68、解析:a t此处表示“ 在附近” 。9 . 正确。10. say改为says解析:参见第5 题。Passage 13My sister found a bird on the roadside. We named himJack and keep him for about three years. He would greet us1._in a tree outside our bedroom, calling Hello as we lay in2._bed in a morning. He also passed Hello to the cats when3._they came i

69、nto the room. We often played a trick on himself4._Wed throw a coin as far as possibly. Jack would fly away5._and bring it back for us throw again. He would also catch6._the food throwing to him from the other side of the room and7._sing happily. But for the most wonderful thing about Jack8._were hi

70、s musical ability. Leaving him at home all day, we9._would return at night to hear that he* d picked up from theradio in the day. 10.1. keep改为kept解析:要与行文的时态保持一致。2 . 正确。3. a 改为the解析:in the morning在上午为习惯用语。4. himself改为him (Jack)解析:此处的him应指鸟Jack.5. possibly 改为 possible 解析;asas possible 为固定短语。6 . 在 thro

71、w前加to 解析:不定式短语作目的状语。7. throwing改为thrown解析:food与 throw应是被动关系,应用过去分词短语作后置定语。8 . 去掉for解析:此处应用连词but表示转折关系,而 butfor是介词短语,不可引导句子。9. were改为was解析:本句主语thing是单数。10. that改为what解析:what在本句中引导宾语从句且作picked up 的宾语。Passage 14I was a high school student then, from low - income1._family. So I have to work to support m

72、y family. My2._first one job was to clean the tables in a small restaurant.3._I still remember going there early and felt anxious about4._the new world. I worked harder because I was afraid of5._losing the job. At night, I was sometimes very tired to do6._my homework. And I came to understand that w

73、as not7._easy to earn money, and that knowledges could change8._my life. So what I learned from the job, in a hard9._way, was much more important as what I earned.10._1. from后加a 解析:此处family是普通家庭中的一个。2. have改成had解析:与行文保持时态一致。3 . 去掉one解析:有 first修饰work, one多余。4. felt改成feeling解析:feel应与前文的going并列。5. hard

74、er改成hard解析:文中没体现出比较内容,无需用比较级。6. very改成too解析:too.to 是固定短语。7. that后加it解析:it作形式主语替代后面的不定式短语。8. knowledges改成knowledge解析:knowledge为不可数名词,没有复数形式。9 . 正确。10. a s改成than解析:比较状语从句用than引导。Passage 15Dear Helen,Thank you so much for your party at Christmas Eve. All1._of them enjoyed it very much. We liked the dis

75、hes you had2._cooked but we were happy to learn the English songs you taught3._us. We hope you II teach us a lot many songs in the future.4._We re leaving from our hometowns to spend the winter5._vacations. It seems that many of us are homesick after6._being away form home for such a long time. What

76、 are your7._plans? Will you join in the tourist group organized by our school?8._We* re busy prepare for our trips. Please excuse us9._for not able to say goodbye to you. 10.We hope youll have a good time.Yours,Xiao Hua1. a t改为on解析:表示时间时,具体到某天或某天的某时应用on。2. them改为us解析:行文逻辑错误。根据需要应是“ 我们都 很喜欢工3. but改为a

77、nd解析:表示顺承并列关系应用and。4. many改为more解析:表示“ 更多的” 应用more。5. from 改为for析:leave for表示“ 动身去. . .6. vacations 改为 vacation 解析:the winter vacation“ 寒假” 。7 . 正确。8 . 去掉in 解析:join为及物动词,可直接跟宾语。9. prepare 改为 preparing 解析:be busy doing 为固定用法。10. not后 力 口 being解析:be able to d o 为固定短语,其分词的否定形式为not beingable to dOoPassa

78、gedWhen I was four years old I got ill. I took medicine twiceaday. The medicine had so a bitter taste that I took it mixed in1._orange juice. The problem was that I can still taste the medicine.2._In a particular afternoon my mother brought the drink in. As3._she gave it to me, when the phone rang a

79、nd she went to an swer4._it. I looked at the orange drink and decided I couldn* t face them,5._so I hid the glass behind a pile magazines. Of course, when6._my mother was asked, Have you already taken your medi- cine?,7._I said, HYes. I felt very pleased with me. The next day, my8._mother found drin

80、k when she was doing the housework. She9._looked at me serious and said, Its bad to tell lies!,10._1. s o 改为such解析:在“ 如此. . . 以致. . . . ” 结构中such修饰名词,so修饰形容词或副词。2. can改为could解析:与行文的中心时态保持一致。3. In 改为on解析:表示时间时,具体到某天或某天的某时应用on。4 . 去掉when解析:the phone应为主句,a s引导的为从句。5. them改为it解析:指代前文的drink应为单数上6. pile后加

81、o f解析:a pile o f是固定短语。7 . 去掉was解析:本句意思为是妈妈问,而不是妈妈被问。8. m e改为myself解析:强调“ 我自己” 。9. drink前加the解析:drink在此句中是特指。10. serious改为seriously解析:修饰动词应用副词。Passage 17At first I was not quite willing to sit down and watched the 90 - minute football match.Usually I just1._checked the results because I thought that

82、was dull2._to watch a game in which players kicked a ball each3.other. Therefore, my father loves football. During the4._World Cup in , my dad stays up late just to watch5._has favorite sport. Seeing his strong interest in this6._game of 22 men run after a ball, I decided to sit down7._to watch the

83、game. I found the game excited, and my8._dad explained for the rules. We shared our joy. Football9._is not too badly as long as I watch it with my dad!10._1. watched改为watch解析: 此处应与前文的s it一致。2. that改为it解析:替代不定式应用it。3. ball后加to 解 析 : kick to 踢向。4. Therefore改为However解析:此处应为转折关系。5. stays改为stayed解析:在,应用过

84、去时态。6 . 正确。7. 1an改为running解析:running在此处是现在分词作后置定语。8. excited改为exciting解析:表示“ 令人. . . ” 应用现在分词结构。9 . 去掉for解析:explain是及物动词,其后无需加介词。10. badly改为bad解析:badly为副词不可作表语Passage 18It is bad manners in the classroom to look for what about1._neighbor had written, or try to see what mark he has received2._without

85、 being permitted. It is good manners for them to help3._each other if we have the same desire and the teacher allows to it.4._In examinations and in certain kinds of written work, it is dishonest5._and foolishly to help or to ask help from others. When one student6._does so, much larger values are d

86、estroying. One may not agree7._to examination system, but at present it is basically the only8._measure that the teacher and the rest of the world can depend to9._decide if or not each of us meets the requirement.10._1 . fo r改为a t解析:look for*寻找 ,此处与题意不符look at “ 看2. had改为has解析:表示“ 过去的过去” 应用过去完成时态。3.

87、 them改为us解析:根据行文的需要them在此不符合逻辑。4 . 去掉to 解析:allow是及物动词,其后无需加介词。5 . 正确。6. foolishly改为foolish解析:foolishly为副词不可作表语。7. destroying改为destroyed 解析:destroyed在此处为过去分词,与动词are构成被动语态。8. to 后加the解析:此处表示特指。9. depend后加on或 upon解析:depend on/upon是固定短语。1 0 .if 改为whether解析:if 不与or not连用。Passage 19In recent years, dust s

88、torm have happened more and1._more often in north of China. They have brought2._quite a lot of trouble to people* s life. The strong3._wind blows up the dust, make the air very dirty.4._It also keeps many people go out. 5.In the past, people raise a large number of sheep, which ate6._off a great dea

89、l of grass and the land became sandy.7._Now the government has begun to pay an attention to8._the problem. Each year, a large sum of money are9._spent in the improvement of the environment. 10.1. storm改为storms解析:普通名词泛指时应用复数形式。2. north前加the解析:此处特指中国的北方。3 . 正确。4. make改为making解析:making the air very dir

90、ty属于分词短语作结果状语。5. g o 改为going解析:keep sb. doing为固定短语。6. raise改为raised解析:表示过去用过去时态。7. off改为up解析:eat up意为“ 吃光” 。8 . 去掉an解析:attention为抽象名词,其前不用冠词,且 pay attention to 是固定短语。9. are改为is 解析:money没有复数形式,谓语动词应用单数形式。10. in 改为on解析:spend on 为固定短语。Passage 20The British have always been famous of their readiness to

91、queue.1._Not anymore. For 20 pounds a hour, they can now hire someone2._from London company Q 4U to stand in line for him. The3._Company get the idea after television presenter John Fashanu.4._A former footballer, paid poor man 300 pounds to queue5._for application to buy a 1 - million - pounds apar

92、tment. The6._Company already has about 80 queuers on their books are7._aged from 20 to 50. If s a job that doesnt require a lot of8._skill or experience. All you need it is plenty of patience.H The9._Company spokesman Patrick Young tells Daily Telegraph newspaper.10._1. o f改为for解析:be famous for是固定短语

93、。2. a 改为an解析:名词hour是元音开头,应用不定冠词an。3. him 改为them解析:them与句子的主语they保持一致。4. get改为got解析:根据行文的需要应用一般过去时。5. poor前加a 解析” man在本文中第一次提到,应用a。6. 1 - million- pounds改为1 - millionpound解析:根据构词法,该合成词中各词均用原形。7. are前加who解析:who在此引导一个间隔性定语从句。8 . 正确。9 . 去掉i t 解析:you need为省略关系词的定语从句,故 it 多余。10. tells改为told解析:用过去时杰与行文要求相符

94、和。考点小资料短文改错题中常涉及的高频词汇a 与 an, a/an 与 the, or 与 but, or 与 and, and 与 but, but 与 so, to 与 in, in 与 on,of 与 for, what 与 which, what 与 that, when 与 that, little 与 a little, him 与 he, himself与 him, us 与 them, have 与 has, have 与 do, rise 与 raise, many 与 more, them 与their, m e与 myself, therefore与 however。现在分词与过去分词例如:exc让 ed与 exiting等。形容词与对应副词例如:real与 really等。



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