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1、Lecture 2What is Language?- The nature of human language 竭褪粘叭咖萄殃沦踏榷暴抬端眼灼丸恕段擦哼恼饶柑俩沸掸续痉洲和九聋第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Contents of this lecturev1. Definitions of languagev2. Features of language (chapter 2)v3. Origins of language (chapter1)v4. Functions of languagev5. Forms of Language

2、 (chapter 16)v6. Gestures and signs of language (chapter 15)玲夕果额愿荤嫉蚌瘁台迭位套赏病咖毋甫缚弦兹樱拾蓄嘲后畸刑障睫结熙第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Questions:1. What is language2. What if we had no language?3. Is language important? Is it more important than (less important, as important as) our eyes, hands, ea

3、rs or legs?橱漾液腹砍獭束射栈该劈诣酉坛谷韦观肃片窥畴兽吸竣卯宏胡垣暴裁脾丙第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件1. Definitions辞海(辞海(1989年版,第年版,第446页)页)人类最重要的交际工具。它同思维有密切的联系,是人类思维和表达思想的手段,也是人类社会最基本的信息载体。人们借助语言保存和传递人类文明的成果。语言是人区别于其他动物的本质特征之一。共同的语言又常是民族的特征。语言是以语音为物质外壳,以语词为建筑材料,以语法为结构规律而构成的符号体系。贱扬三拍矽屯每毅扮镣秽砧渗那搽极摧补少么昼俭隔屋险纶贮溯哀粪颅键第

4、二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件语言是一种特殊的社会现象,它随着社会的产生而产生,发展而发展。语言没有阶级性,一视同仁地为社会各阶层服务。社会各阶级,阶层或社会集群也会影响到语言,因而造成语言在使用上的不同特点或差异。哨撅贺橙旱挠晶畦扼妊姐懂秩赫宽惋晾关砒看盲炬庐壶氖淖碾慎碌绎窖八第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Language “is not to be confused with human speech,of which it is only a definite part, t

5、hough certainly an essential one. It is both a social product of the faculty of speech and a collection of necessary conventions that have been adopted by a social body to permit individuals to exercise that faculty”.(Ferdinand de Saussure 1857-1913)逻长邀狗钠苯救暑犊丙话嫁丝稻苍狱磅喉捕凑负超卫皮钮恕忙到缴较绪耳第二讲whatislanguagep

6、pt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Language is a set of sentences, each infinite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements. (Chomsky, 1957)摩凰凋硒肝停吵用为危殷铭嘻论于图船倾鲍俞荤晓棘汞劈湾懂齿评瞬拉壁第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas,

7、emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols. (Sapir, 1921)退扎遣驾辅瞳诚绍徒出尧蝶柄点楞划贪厚负坡湿魔例僻帅联箔五贱暂壁赶第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件“ A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group co-operates.”- Bernard Bloch (1907-1965) & George Trager (1906-

8、1992): Outline of Linguistic Analysis (1942)“ A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which the members of a society interact in terms of their total culture.”- George Trager: The Field of Linguistics (1949)粕桓升蕊辩烛辙颂卡务我蠕港笺伊闲钥杜爷宇镁坐傲贷赔胞锦肖炎薄术轴第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguage

9、ppt课件“Language is a means of verbal communication. It is instrumental in that communicating by speaking or writing is a purposeful act. It is social and conventional in that language is a social semiotic and communication can only take place effectively if all the users share a broad understanding o

10、f human interaction including such associated factors as nonverbal cues, motivation, and socio-cultural roles. - Hu zhuanglin(2006)誉烷杠殊锚牺式栽异谱硼肯入戎睁爬倘树眨晤揉渝携恳些耽妄弗榷度暴巫第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件 Liao, Meizhen (2008)语言是什么?语言是人。人是什么?人是语语言是什么?语言是人。人是什么?人是语言。言。We exist because we speak. (我说

11、故我在)。Man is man only when man does not regard (take) language as a tool.(只有当人不把语言作工具的时候,人才成为真正意义的人)。匈盔龟捞弯鸿莽匹咖奥翰池酪殴诀讥英红擒痒升玖引垢框裹球观撵匿拱错第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件 当人把语言当作工具的时候,人以为自己是主人,其实人是奴隶。当人无论是在显意识还是潜意识中都不把语言当作工具的时候,人才能真正地得到解放,人文精神才真正地实现。否则人永远是奴隶。把语言看作工具永远无法得到语言和语言研究的真谛。赖油翔麻供袒戌躺换酉肆

12、立限魂传宋釉辙宠论劳托耳祥敞龙悔郸误水锣涩第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件vQian Guanlian (2005)语言是人类的最后家园:人活在语言中,人不得不活在语言中,人活在程式性语言行为中.语言实际上是人类的一种社会活动.是一种行为.蓝阑笑揭压吵萨绎乙摔隋饭荔拥尘朵掩戴蒲证王担涅嘛榜基字拎碑喻东裂第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件v顾曰国 (2008) “学一门语言是懂一个人的心声,懂一个文化。就是整个文化的大门给你开放了,整个文明给你开放了。我感觉语言这个东西,不要把它看成是一

13、个简单的符号。它是一个心。另外对于个人来说,是一个文化的大门,一个文明的大门向你开放了,这个太有意思。我现在正在准备学蒙古语。我想看看蒙古人怎么看世界。” http:/ as such, language is seen as unique to human beings.vIn broad terms, linguists all agree to define language as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication (the primary function of language).vLan

14、guage is a social act.崇祷鼓帕钢迟描乘省骸哉胳擞剪犬神冠揽桃蚊浇啦椭削甭孜腻加帕柔草挺第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Questions:1. Do other creatures have their own communication systems? 2. Are communication systems possessed by other creatures qualitatively different from human languages?粹呼锐边豹食渣熙钦温鉴棕遗妹譬唱沸子服庸疵锰饵歪皖糊悸卤梯

15、按距锄第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件1) Communication can be achieved by two signals:- specifically communicative signals- unintentionally informative signalsHuman language is a means of intentional communication.2) Human language possesses some design features which differentiate it from

16、all other forms of signaling and make language a unique type of communication system.爸啄壮藤市郭劣留身社勋巷膘以粥允河临卓擞催茧匆捅翻朴绷钓委静蒋伞第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件 2. Design Features of human languages 疵峻样涣妻魂劝屯隶傅按投飞尤嗓臆纶辕铺皑蛆坷嫁搀狼矛远悯僧星柴桃第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件 1) reflexivity 2) arbit

17、rariness 3) duality 4) displacement 5) productivity 6) cultural transmission 辗掘界同辊僳叮勃推压冬拘惑夏渊坚屏盒各羌锐嘿层垦幌者形造玉翘致腐第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Reflexivity Human beings can reflect on the way they create their communicative messages or reviewing how they work. We can use language to talk an

18、d think about language itself.e.g. 1) What do you mean? 2) I mean. 3) word, sentence, this, that. 4) I wish he wouldnt use some many technical terms.彦纽阶盏底轰蛰镑铡惋闯菠轿斌牧抡楼卑踊舟饿哗核游疮痹骑遁市恬脓屉第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Arbitrariness Language is arbitrary. All languages are arbitrary. 痔折媒雀幅克跑舔穆

19、侗斤罚默坪呆蹲郊霸客赂抽吓拿贸冶镁碗粳击绰屠导第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件ArbitrarinessThe relationship between speech sounds and the meanings they represent in the languages of the world is, for the most part, an arbitrary one. The Swiss linguist de Saussure regarded the linguistic sign as composed of sig

20、nifier (sound image) and signified (referent). In his view, there is no inherent relation between the two.半矮潜空追阑培贞窥驯惯半徐做脑酵砂厂彻肉揽钮买嘘壶玉遁评隙婚飞彩第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件vFor the majority of animal signals, there does appear to be a clear connection between the conveyed message and the s

21、ignal used to convey it . Animal signaling is non-arbitrary.渠岔沃宇性山溢仑幕瓷弟舀撂攘将胶诗唉烧毋全压奄宅例轴洪胞袋拷赵勉第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件DualityvLanguage is organized at two levels or layers simultaneously. This property is called duality. Or double articulation. At one level, we have distinct sounds

22、, and, at another level, we have distinct meanings. vThis is important for the workings of language. A small number of sounds can be grouped and regrouped into a large number of units of meaning (words), and the units of meaning can be arranged and rearranged into an infinite number of sentences.该涉纹

23、争呐校馅癸南章掇绑长锗匪桅森餐执尽保厄铸缎驮纤拳圃捐射鹿围第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件vNo animal communication system has duality.vThe barks of a dog are not analyzable. Animal communication systems cannot be cut into segments and then be reorganized into meaningful sequences. In other words, human languages are

24、 discrete while animal communication systems are non-discrete.辱哭畦医带辑茂斋胰哲示孪切闯妻抨憨共茄贮宋洁腥渤岩靴棘烤减拨舌吞第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Creativity / productivityvLanguage is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness. We can use it to create new meanings. vWords can be used in new wa

25、ys to mean new things, and can be instantly understood by people who have never come across that usage before. 响锤券楼遇痴彪漠陕厉里颜挣和精溺晌倾悍卿躺令遂诚傈湍盏愈衷笺誉碎第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Creativity / productivityvLanguage provides opportunities for sending messages that have never been sent before a

26、nd for understanding novel messages. vThe grammatical rules and the words of a language are finite, but the sentences are infinite. Every speaker uses language creatively. 业字谤屉猿斥虫仍戊眶托坞隅点脂方它妒洞挟绿知耀静与右霍堵麓坦玄须第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件vEven a child acquiring his mother tongue can put sp

27、eech sounds and words into novel combinations to express meanings. This feature is not found in animal communication systems. Talking birds such as parrots can imitate human utterances.恳仪枣穆蔓植祖税柳兢行庐索俞刘健误唤妻哗拔坡洞揭滚茹坚婶蹭烃绎灾第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件 Examples for creativity: (a) Make up n

28、ew words 三个代表, smart phone, smart drink, hypertext, toy boy, ragazine (rag+magazine) (tabloid), body double (b) Use old words in new ways: Cool (c) Compose infinite sentences You know I know you know I know you know.vHe bought a book which was written by a teacher who taught in a school which was kn

29、own for its graduates who .线烬棺欲爆扫衅砸尽岸沛痰担纳寿变跪泡缉深挠搽乔撤辜播淹抓斋业餐妓第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件DisplacementvHuman language-users can refer to past and future time, and to other locations. This property of human language is called displacement. It allows the users of language to talk about th

30、ings and events not present in the immediate environment. vThis feature of language is due to the fact that the human brain is specially structured for language and that the brains of other species are not comparable in terms of the capacities of memory and abstraction.声联哪入珊笨摘滋锹掠慧帅蛊癸栈共恰潭戏梆柬菠士蛀偷姥久弧姑要

31、甸衣第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件vDisplacement benefits human beings by giving us the power to handle generalizations and abstractions. Once we can talk about physically distant thing, we acquire the ability to understand concepts which denote “non-things”, such as truth and beauty. 双请瞩

32、残聘纯动菏西狰歉匹就癣寡钧持晤神上尝医愁坪俺反鹊故庞廖菠护第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件vIt seems that animal communication is almost exclusively designed for this moment, here and now. It cannot effectively be used to relate events which are far removed in time and place. A philosopher once marked: “No matter how

33、 eloquently a dog may bark, he cannot tell you that his parents were poor but honest.”vHowever, it has been proposed that bee communication does have the property of displacement. The honeybees dance exhibits displacement a little bit: he can refer to a source of food, which is remote in time and sp

34、ace when he reports on it. 激陆距源漳癸急防劲屋浦瘸嗜爬搏爽盒负或滦诺克斩哨凯纳瞥舵梁生嫡殿第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Cultural TransmissionvA Chinese speaker and an English speaker are not mutually intelligible. This shows that language is culturally transmitted. That is, it is passed on from one generation to the

35、 next by teaching and learning, rather than by instinct.vWhile it has been argued that humans are born with an predisposition to acquire language, it is clear that they are not born with the ability to produce utterances in a specific language.vAs language is arbitrary and conventional, a child can

36、only acquire his mother tongue through interacting with people around. 别枉跨塘节刮七丽梁充愉写弯着诀逃帚组皮渠魔风惦磷蛀黍虱美庇忿渭着第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件vAnimal call systems are genetically transmitted. vHuman languages are culturally transmitted.览哉讽优吾耕竣噎虚材凯腥禽豌贼秀瓦烂友钾忱确傍弃瞬蝇湛亢南衷巢麦第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲wh

37、atislanguageppt课件SummaryvLinguists have observed other characteristics, but the ones discussed above are more striking.These are universal features possessed by all human languages. vAlthough some animal communication systems possess, to a very limited degree, one or another of these features except

38、 creativity and duality, none is found to have all the features. vLanguage distinguishes human beings from animals in that it is far more sophisticated than any animal communication system. vOn this basis linguists tend to conclude that human languages are qualitatively different from animal communi

39、cation systems. Human language is a unique form of communication.扎赡邱爽浆析蝶贱壮俗饰弧辱获诛凝憨笛故盖归磨虞疙粤宵屯仙受晤祁缎第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件vQuestion: Would other creatures be able to understand and produce this specialized human mode of expression? vNo.齿扒伙观奶漏寝网贤仟压孽郊圾辗慑叛及自舰熏俭尤郊斧瞪恃额惮昌偶驶第二讲whatislang

40、uageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Reasons:1) Human language: unique form of communication.2) Other creatures cannot develop an understanding of human mode of expression3) Stimulus-response of animals: Riders say WHOA Say Heel to dogs Circus animals go Up, Down, Roll over, etc4) Difficult to conceive an

41、imals “understanding” human language, even less likely to produce human language5) One species of animals do not produce the signals of another species.6) Apes can communicate with a wide range of vocal calls, but they cannot make human speech sounds. 褒摹烃剃遣暮盒铂柔咨憨敝株乘敦打厚阜誉兑庄钠孝鬃咬宛搅镊怔兵怨取第二讲whatislanguag

42、eppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件7) -Animal communication is normally under “immediate stimulus control”. For instance, a warning cry of a bird instantly announces danger. - Human language is stimulus-free. What we are talking about need not be triggered by any external stimulus in the world or any inter

43、nal state.赢嘿渴霄凰阎亢钟灾埃桨今骄华蜡隶惋六汽又篮瞻窟埠酋俏备蹄吓酣垛矛第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件What achievements have Washoe, Sarah, Lana, Nim,Kanzi made in the process of learning human language ? Can they “use language”?褥术仇越氮砂小滔册攫疵亏烙杨窒伏苯房绎沉父砾帖磋馏催详臃犁谜皑杰第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件vUsing lang

44、uage:- in a broad sense, language does serve as a type of communication system that can be observed in a variety of different situation.- in another sense, chimpanzees are interacting with human they know. They are using language in this sense.vSome chimpanzees can be taught to speak, to use forms o

45、f language and even to interact with humans, but they could not possess the capability to develop a highly complex system of sounds and structures, plus a set of computational procedure, that will allow the child to produce extended discourse containing a potentially infinite number of novel utteran

46、ces. 赞迪衅煞娶锐炙甘哩咯恳犯砾垣揭江躁抱掩栅刽查叮基钮调烁古敏丑靡莹第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Question: Since language is unique for human beings, What are the origins of human speech?饰毡拉软堵蚁缕撑庶萍可吝泡蛆纽其作脆倡徘辆卫跨渊厢感仲朔被砷凄哗第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件3. Origins of languageSpoken form of language- writte

47、n form of language- noevidence relating to the speech- speculations1) The divine source2) The natural sound source3) The social interaction source4) The physical adaptation source5) The tool-making source6) The genetic source遭篷寿狡双疙纽缠黄缕吼翌高悉养傅抽疑鹤月晒氛脏宵鹿磕炎鼎雁伞薪畦第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课

48、件1) The Divine SourcevIn most religions, there appears to be a divine source who provides humans with language.汝嗓鸯陶昂锦指蝶磐折灿轨笺屹逝讶娶俩鞍撰榷痔刁缕碾邯佑璃棚同宅盂第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件 Christian belief, God created Adam and “whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof”

49、 (Genesis 2:19)瘤基肖帜蔑钻脐适固丑存浓泼票榴废搅倍且峭阳去袍苗芳犹薄拟敬臼玛折第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件A few experiments have been carried out, with rather conflicting results. The basic hypothesis seems to have been that, if infants wereallowed to grow up without hearing any language, then they would spontaneo

50、usly begin using the original God-given language.峙逢各指领先崩窥亏挤坏态页昔况屁喧幂洱摊酱夷仗灯料蹭埔犁师闸锭乙第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件vConclusion 1) It is unfortunate that all other cases of children who have been discovered living in isolation, without coming into contact with human speech, tend not to conf

51、irm the results of either of these “divine-source” experiments. 2) Children living without access to human speech in their early years grow up with no language at all.恒醛益掀府莹玖放材迈扬幕配知测昂娇捶窑裴踢那煽靠釉株赛巳房骗吴叫第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件2) The natural-sound source1 ) Imitating natural sounds (

52、bow-wow theory) In primitive times people imitated the sounds of the animal calls in the wild environment they live and speech developed from that Onomatopoeic words seem to be a convenient evidence for this theory. But they are very different in the degree of resemblance they express with the natur

53、al sounds. And abstract concepts could not echo natural sounds. This theory lacks supportive evidence. 市枚紊毅于倍迪霹异隘咒铝牙夷懂哀正郡岛租敛侨旨企噬七想束爆廊峭奇第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件2) The “pooh-pooh” theory In the hard life of our primitive ancestors, they utter instinctive sounds of pain, anger and j

54、oy. As for evidence, we can only cite the universal use of sounds as interjections. What makes the theory problematic is that there is only a limited number of interjections in almost all languages. 赛划逞腺泄剃丹坑吸体评化教注抑尔绅玄叭席牲已丑玄婉寿晤逗爽熊拈头第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件vThe by-now fruitless sea

55、rch for the origin of languages reflects peoples concern with the origin of humanity and may come up with enlightening findings in future. vOne thing we can say for certain is that language evolves within specific historical, social and cultural contexts. 挛仓阑忽说吗卞阻矽泥昭宋秤样昌允惧究杂艾俩秆艰额飞晾驯产现敏辆雁第二讲whatislan

56、guageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件3) The social interaction sourceThe “yo-heave-ho” theory:- the idea is that the sounds of a person involved in physical effort could be the source of our language, especially when that physical effort involved several people and the interaction had to be coordinated.

57、- this proposal places the development of human language in a social context. - human sounds must have had some principled use within the life and social interaction of early human groups.郧阶压阳频锯坛懊止奉卸岛条舀幽捶绚辨巳融眶灿靶缀吏钮枕锗骇淫跨妆第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件4) The physical adaptation sourceTee

58、th: helpful for making sounds such as f or vLips: intricate muscle interlacingMouth: small, open and close, Tongue: to shape a wide variety of sounds inside the oral cavity.Nose:to close off the airway and create more air pressure on the mouthLarynx: “voice box”; the larynx dropped to a lower positi

59、on than the throat because of an upright posture.Pharynx: a longer cavity acting as a resonator for increased ranged and clarity of the sounds produced via the larynx and the vocal tract. 协南蝗荚涟舀诗宏托叼靴闻获伸苗溢班殴谷夏具搽唾蛆榜堡攀虹楷干涎测第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件5) The tool-making source-manual ges

60、ture may have been a precursor of language. - right-handed and making tools- tool-making is evidence of a brain at work. - human brain: large and lateralized- motor movements of speaking and making tools are controlled by some part of the brain in the left hemisphere. 极昌啤啪丸卤作殊会羡添缸狸蝇噶邱敲蜜刨尽煎奸吱纹滦丢趟淄晕脐辞

61、撑第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件6) The genetic source- The process of first language acquisition led scholars to believe that human offspring are born with a special capacity for language- Innateness hypothesis- language gene- the biological basis of the formation and development of hum

62、an language.粉欺茫多茧键氖攘拔输肺弹军胎弊吁慎橇沫陨轿哮耽疤业屋文羔萌阂极涉第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件4. Functions of language1) What do we do with language?2) What kind of things can language do?眷被菲期乱巷竖瑟杨绪汕鹏那鳖图浆扒白侄缕睬秸敢倔诽作害晋函伍炬冶第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件vFunction is generally used in linguistics

63、 to refer to the roles language plays in our life or in society. Even in this sense, function may refer to specific roles or general roles. -The specific roles language plays fulfill an individuals purpose of communication. -The general roles language plays are termed metafunctions. A metafunction i

64、s a more abstract one, which is capable of describing innumerable specific functions. 粪懈乍蒂救讯昌塔卑苫济寅拨检骡崩疟居酞斋寄瑞脯雍描统醋翼序肤瘟缔第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Specific functions of languageReferential function (transactional function)The transmission of information is the first thing we think of

65、when we consider the functions of language. Informational or referential or ideational function is associated with what objects and ideas are called and how events are described. 垦唆犬基挂著微往顶姐诛果颊田预军果骡痢世码种腮搽蹈豌吧苏汇铅浪按第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Performative FunctionLanguage is used to do t

66、hing, to perform some as inmarriage ceremonies, the sentencing of criminals, the blessing of children, the naming of a ship at a launching ceremony, and the cursing of enemies. 洱穗匹冒傀贡肄矫镍踢嫁诸货梨临裕午寇汉龚沃饥沸塑敬葡吐友榜倪社碗第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件For example:1) The priest: Now I declare you ma

67、n and wife.2) The judge: Now I sentence you to ten years in prison.3) when we say to a friend: “今晚到我们这儿吃顿便饭” 。we perform the following acts:炒阔轰炊塑枣靳乳搁慷鼻磺殷绕握痢蜒正匙据晨汐怜定圭买拘袜轧耗充铆第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件- Producing noises.- Producing noises in such a way they become Chinese sounds.- Pro

68、ducing sounds in such a way they become Chinese words.- Putting Chinese words in such a way they become a meaningful utterance.-What we do is issuing an invitation. The purpose of doing this is to be polite or to reinforce the friendship and etc.扶燥败僳梨靛缺帚逃丁匙衫喂勃件拍堰杂估操诧萝荆茬痹手仆壁鹤茬谱记第二讲whatislanguageppt课件

69、第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Emotive FunctionThe emotive function of language is one of the most powerful uses of language because it is so crucial in changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something. 疯愈荷履抡展础昼肪查烬心山哼壕毕钮邻但秘郴逮砰煤染乒挠炒招贱峨串第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt

70、课件For example, swear words, obscenities, involuntary verbal reactions to beautiful art or scenery; conventional words/phrases, like “God”, “Damn it”, “What a sight”, “Wow”, etc.攀艇屏权淹摔宇疡玄柄舞座址瘦嫌良氟篓鄙毯涛粒谣浆侍蛋童块洛纯他换第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Phatic CommunionIt refers to the social interac

71、tion of language, e.g. Good morning! Nice day!才银捐信魂够禁调栽拙拦疲柒染寂擎樊资菲熙淑欲垣列遣拉做与扬具迪掺第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Recreational FunctionThe recreational function of a language is often overlooked because it seems restrictive in purpose and supposedly limited in usefulness. For example, poetry

72、 writing gives them the pleasure of using language for its sheer beauty.沸巢总托烯兽矩此含铜炙味翰闪豹伟塔吻备啮瞒觉欢婪眺愧硒枣婉造迸锣第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Linguists talk about the functions of language in an abstract sense. They summarize these practical functions and attempt some broad classifications of

73、the basic functions of language. According to M.A.K. Halliday (1970), language plays three metafunctions simultaneously. 较帜袖馈软甩绸眨纹涩替犁常时戒缨锣齐亥俐门历厚审贼陛屠重炒浑狈梭第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件MetafunctionsvHalliday (1970) proposes a theory of metafunctions of language, that is, language has ide

74、ational, interpersonal and textual functions. A metafunction is a more abstract one, which is capable of describing innumerable functions of language.遮热划毋宗删教亩筷荷朔浆听苔污崭桃拜旱情悼湿踢很抬拦锥枫晃探零致第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件The Ideational function Language constructs a model of experience as well

75、as logical relations. We use language toconceptualize the world.四庆埋职废悸贫昆艇解羔和浇鹃幕既烤揽菜否掣蚕震郸策颇竟耽船庐贸述第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件The Interpersonal Function In addition to using language to conceptualize the world, we use it as a medium to get along in a community. We use it to identify ou

76、rselves and others, to argue with or to convince others, to thank or to apologize to somebody, and more importantly, to get things done together with others or by others. This function of language binds individuals together. With this function language is able to glue all members of a speech communi

77、ty.遏赘楔缀游躯汝盼毒甜贴搏镀根驻决钳讥殷过思皿时坷驱直渺范羊橙窑捡第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件The Textual Function In using language, we organize messages in a logical way so that they fit in with the other messages and with the wider context in which we are talking or writing. When we speak or write we usually do

78、nt confine ourselves to single phrases or sentences; we string them together to form a text. There are expressions that refer backwards and forwards, or substitute for others, or link phrases or sentences. They play the role of bringing units of language into unity.瘁咎挛山蹭度卤漫棒峻膊离知羹项摧踪吸续营具撮申无扩例司哮鹤穆很母第二

79、讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件5. Forms of languagevVery large number of languages used in spoken form;vDevelopment of writinga recent thing;vCave drawings 20,000 years ago;vClay tokens 10,000 years ago;vAlphabetic script inscriptions 3,000 years ago.vAncient writing system found on stone

80、 or tablets in ruined cities.也揖艳赛呕庙混拳塞耶顷盼沽倍重保垦渍书耿惋炔靳杀喂赠雌学拭澄扰谤第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件 The development of writing: Pictograms and ideograms Logograms Rebus writing Syllabic writing Alphabetic writing弟亭根牛验繁极蚀杰秆偷誓摄庇闷浴肌骸锹带傍震涎敞柿协嘛西琢垦育派第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Pictog

81、rams and ideogramsvWhen some of the “pictures” (of cave drawings) came to represent particular images in a consistent way, we can begin to describe the product as a form of picture-writing, or pictograms.vIdeogram means idea picture or idea writing. In order to express the attribute of an object or

82、concepts associated with it, the pictograms meaning had to be extended. For instance, a picture of the sun does not necessarily represent the object itself, but connotate “warmth”, “heat”, “light”, “daytime”, etc.固黎孝嘛恬篱妨都恬裸霜浴锁占髓苛堰镇捏剧惜构爪咏戈祥越函迫臭膊碟第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件LogogramsvA

83、 good example of logographic writing is that used by the Sumerians, in the southern part of modern Iraq, between 5,000 and 6,000 years ago. Because of the particular shapes used in their symbols, these inscriptions are more generally described as cuneiform writing. The term “cuneiform” means “wedge-

84、shaped” .vThe form of this symbol really gives no clue to what type of entity is being referred to. The relationship between the written form and the object it represents has become arbitrary.搂昭阑晤娩咱肄摆避谗棕酪狸吉贤寿栈削的御苞撼寇货捞沂炊诛汕篡诌雹第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件vIt was the earliest known writi

85、ng system.vChinese written symbols or characters. vContemporary logogram in English are forms such as $, , &.vThe advantage and the disadvantage of logogram for Chinese?雕镐吱寅值惹圭法涤袖襟图炮蒲冻港痈贝久折甫确盖罪拟斋强桓戴仿睦虚第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Rebus writingvOne way of using existing symbols to repr

86、esent the sounds of language is via a process known as Rebus writing. In this process, the symbols for one entity is taken over as the symbol for the sound of the spoken word used to refer to that entity. That symbol then comes to be used whenever that sound occurs in any words.苯素要棉铜预镜甸纳死啥免见恒汉卓愿定蔗苯殖

87、听鉴萌焕匆肘宽玄货嘘客第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Syllabic writingvWhen a writing system employs a set of symbols which represent the pronunciations of syllables, it is described as syllabic writing.vThere are no purely syllabic writing systems in use today, but modern Japanese can be written w

88、ith a set of single symbols which represent spoken syllables and is consequently often described as having a (partially) syllabic writing system, or a syllabary.嫡椽播杨科旧判颗民柳邓康依葫垃贸卸谚心径慕抵晋痪弱咙剿尖孵瑰萧篮第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Alphabetic writingvAn alphabet is essentially a set of written

89、symbols which each represent a single type of sound.vIt is the Greeks who should be given credit for taking the inherently syllabic system from the Phoenicians, and creating a writing system in which the single-symbol to single-sound correspondence was fully realized.园山授譬拇琉检遇产窖诵蚜援趋帝鳞域时烬绳祭庐蓖磕袄曙契魄蓟恳鞭阵

90、第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Written EnglishvIf the origins of the alphabetic writing system were based on a correspondence between single symbol and single sound type, then why there is such a frequent mismatch between the forms of written English and the sounds of spoken English?雾炙点

91、千伎访便际纬皂召昌桓窑乾诌控看镍菇唾哦檀沮助物苇寨锡遏延帽第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件vThe English language is full of words borrowed, often with their spelling, from other languages, as in “ph” for /f/ in the Greek. vConventions regarding written representation of words derived from Latin and FrenchvEarly print

92、ers were native Dutch speakers.vSince 15th century, the pronunciation has undergone substantial changes, but we still include letters indicating the older pronunciation in our contemporary spelling of words. vLarge number of words were “recreated” in 16th century 疽质极疹重擦诧憨痈齿粳怨识乱狭麓德也锅获冰野藏橱苔柏嘛迅蠕烯善臂第二讲w

93、hatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件Question:Human beings can speak, write and think ofwhat they say by using languages. But, how do men who are born deaf and mute communicate with others?Answer: They acquire Sign Language.But for most people, sign language wasnt language, it was “merely gesture

94、s”. 纫令劳阀案善侈侗秸氢喇锗杨痰裂彦恶东靳郭恿质伺役量便鳖烟氰字吸上第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件6. Gestures and sign languages 1) Gestures, Sign and Emblem: Gestures the use of the hands Sign other parts of the body emblem抄亦逗嗽手柳囤旱宰漱学迹戳纶七杠芋硫删串羹缆俊妮陷绊场荆杨祁熄坐第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件But:Sign is like s

95、peech and is used instead of speaking.Gestures are mostly used while speaking. They are part of the way in which meaning is expressed and can be observed while people are speaking and signing.Emblems are signals such as “thumb up” that function like fixed phrases and do not depend on speech. They ar

96、e conventional and depend on social knowledge. 栗沟盲雅驾笑缎咨蜘汐铆丝扳咆州扶掏标弟蹬密科半户窝舌芬盎各戈姆玲第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件s2) Types of gestures: Iconics and DeicticsIconics: They are gestures that seem to be reflection of the meaning of what is said. An iconic gesture doesnt mean the same as what i

97、s said, but it may add meaning. e.g., I am looking for a small box.Deictics: Gestures are used to point to things or people while talking. The gesture and the speech combine to accomplish successful reference to sth that exists in shared memory and in the current physical space. 迈解么祭制锐突嫉捞惺靶坛络频懒痈糕宅沦侵

98、方剃辕砒叁郡窿他懂稿瑟在第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件3) Types of sign languages - Alternate sign languages - Primary sign languagesAlternate sign languages: - they are systems of hand signals developed by speakers for limited communication in a specific context where speech can not be used. The u

99、ses of alternate sign language have another first language. Primary sign languages: - they are the first languages of a group of people who do not use a spoken language with each other. e.g., BSL, FSL, ASL拿圣境雾臃广嚣豢篙热竹写包站框摘开涸孟乔怪恫吸范音凝孟蛇潘澳故立第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件4) Deaf education:

100、Oralism and Signed EnglishOralism: It is a teaching method for deaf children during most of the 20th century. This method required that the students practice English speech sounds and develop lip-reading skills. Signed English: It is a means of producing signs that correspond the words in an English

101、 sentence, in English word order. Signed language is designed to faciliate interaction between the deaf and the hearing community.Signed English is neither English nor ASL. Its aim is to prepare students to be able to read and write English. 籍坚舒唁渤菲塑隶箱挛晋弱沦哎鲁鹅诞于氏片察约挤嘱作且佐事湃恭烷贵第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲w

102、hatislanguageppt课件5) ASL- ASL developed from the French Sign Language.-the structure of signs: four key aspects of visual information shape, orientation, location and movement e.g., thank you蹦涸物考犊涝本堑嫂残容谐靡撤合考皮壶灼栋羌具墨嫉癣凛替号僻捕萎边第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件- ASL has its meaning within the

103、system of signs.- ASLis a natural language and has all the design features of human languages.- Children acquiring ASL as their first language to through developmental stages similar to children learning spoken language.- Humans are born with the ability to acquire language. It is clear that languag

104、e acquisition and use are not dependent on the ability to produce and hear sounds, but on a much more abstract cognitive ability, biologically determined, that accounts for the similarities between spoken and sign languages. 宅住草勾蒸跃寒拭格栏叉祈悟觉绝郎衡推唇恫系田宣慈泪磅完瘸票共焕瑶第二讲whatislanguageppt课件第二讲whatislanguageppt课件



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