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1、教师资格证面试总结教师资格证面试总结阅读教学: objectives: Knowledge: To grasp some useful words and expreions in this paage,such as(词汇、短语、语法) Ability: To develop the students reading ability, learn to use somereading strategies such as gueing, key sentences, skimming and so on; Totalk about.describe Emotion: To get the s

2、tudents to realize the importance of friendsand friendship, and to tell true friends from false friends;(根据课文内容修改) love our country, love the whole world and love important anddifficult points: Teaching method: Task-based teaching and learning Cooperative learning Discuion Teaching procedure: Step -

3、reading Ask students a lot of questions about the text. Good morning, we are going to talk about an interesting topic -we know, music is a kind of art of making pleasing binations of soundsin rhythm, harmony and can produce a lively and happy atmosphere andbring people relaxation after hard work, wh

4、ich can reduce the to musicalso makes people feel happy and many do you know about music? Can youtell about different kinds of music? 设计开放性话题,让学生自由回答。或者提出话题让学生自由提问。 Step to gue what the paage is about by reading the title and having a quick at the pictures in this paage without reading it. the first

5、 and the last two paragraphs to confirm your out keysentence of each paragraph or summarize the main point for each paragraphin your own words.:locate particular information 5个“w” underline the answers tothe following you are to read and underline all the useful expreions. Step -reading what imprees

6、 you most? Why? what do you learn from sucha disaster? As you have read the text times, you can surely tell which sentencesare difficult to put your questions concerning the difficult points tome. to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation work:针对短文,引申出相关问题供学生讨论,如预测结局(What do you think the e

7、nd of the story would be ?) 、表明立场(What is youropinion about ?) focus Step :语法教学 1Teaching objectives Learn to use direct speech and indirect speech important point Summarize the rules of difficult point Learn about the special cases in which the tenses(时态) shouldnt be .Teaching methods Discuing, sum

8、marizing and practicing. procedures Step 1Lead in (By asking Ss some Qs about Elias, then lead in some attributiveclauses in the reading Ss to learn the grammar from their book.) T: In Eliass story, Nelson Mandela acted an important role in hislife, and a lot of things greatly changed because of the

9、re are manyunforgettable experiences in Eliass you are Elias, can you tell ussome of your impreive experiences? Ss: Yes T: Q1: When did you first meet Nelson Mandela? S1: I met Nelson Mandela in a very difficult period of my you firstmet Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of your life.(Copy

10、thesentence on the blackboard) Q2: Where was the school you studied?I studied only two years wasthree kilometers away. Q3: When was the day Nelson Mandela told you what to do and helpedyou? when Nelson Mandela told me what to do and helped me was one of thehappiest days of my life. Q4: Where were th

11、e parts you blacks lived? where we lived were theplaces decided by white people. Step 2Discu in group Step 3Grammar Step 4Practice Step 5Correcting mistakes Step 6A game Step 7Homework另一种模板:从文章中找出带有现在完成时被动语态的句子 2Thinking What is the structure of the present perfect paive voice? up The structure of t

12、he present perfect paive voice is “have+ been+ .”.It is a bination of the present perfect tense (have + done) and thepaive voice (be + .). practice听力教学 Ability:To predict what the material is about according to the existinformation. Teaching important points To tell the Ss how to catch the key point

13、s when they do listening. Step 1 Lead-in 根据所要听的内容设置师生对话 Step 2 Pre-listening 讨论要听到的主题,预测大意,处理关键词汇 Step 3 Listeningaccording to the exercises in the text book Step 4 Post-listening 讨论听到的内容、口头转述或者写文段,延伸到口语教学和写作教学 Step 5 Homework写作教学 Teaching aims: students to learn how to write news; students the abil

14、ity to cooperate with each other and to search forinformation; Teaching difficulties: to make students learn writing in a more practical and effectiveway; to help students understand the tips for writing. -writing Getting started can be difficult, so students divided into groupsquickly produce words

15、 and ideas about the writing. and debating The teacher helps students with topics, helping them develop ideasin a positive and encouraging way. ideas writing The students write quickly on a topic for five to ten minutes withoutworrying about correct language or as quickly as poible, if they cannotth

16、ink of a word they leave a space or write it in their own importantthing is to keep this text is revised. positionsWorking together in groups, sharingcollaborative writing isespecially valuable as it involves other skills (speaking in particular). and editing -editing A good writer must learn how to

17、 evaluate their own la nguage toimprove through checking their own text, looking for errors,waystudents will bee better writers. Editing and proofreading Here, the texts are interchanged and the evaluation is done by otherthe real world, it is mon for writers to ask friends and colleagues tocheck te

18、xts for spelling, could also ask the students to reduce the texts,to edit them, concentrating on the most important information. importance of feedback your position well developed? your ideas well organized to the point? you have a good choice of words and idioms in your writing? you get a good mas

19、tery of plex structures of language? kind of mistakes have you made in your writing? 4 .Tips for writing - an outline Preparation: Choose a topic; decide what you want to say about thetopic; Organize your ideas and write clearly. Outline: A headline; a list of main ideas; A list of important details

20、 Tips-clear; objective; brief; accurate; written English口语教学 -speaking Say: From what we have learned, we should admit thatputers and theweb have a great influence on the school education as well as peoples has e into peoples everyday life and many families hold puters intheir there is a task for yo

21、u. -speaking 1) Situation: You have been asked by your parents to help chooseputers for your and your friend have looked at several about the specialthings each puter can a decision about which kind of puter to buy andexplain why. Information input: Show students some pictures of different puters(de

22、sktop puter & laptop puter & ) (Pair work )Use the expreions to support your opinion or challengingothers opinions. 2) Oral report: (individual work ) Do an oral report to your father and start your report like this:I looked at many different is suitable for found that -speaking ConclusionWhat useful expreion do we use to make a decision andreason? (In this way, they can review and use the wordsand phrases again.)



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