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1、-A:比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒:My friends this petition isbeginning,pleaseswitchoffyourcellphones,thanksforyourcooperationB:亲爱的观众朋友们,比赛即将开场,为了保证比赛的顺利进展,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,合作! A: Good evening, distinguished guests, dear teachers and fellow studentsB:尊敬的各位来宾,亲爱的教师们,同学们,大家晚上好A:Wele to the English Speech petition. of puter

2、 College in China WestNormal UniversityB:欢送来到西华师大学计算机学院英语演讲比赛现场A:I am *B;Im*A:We are glad to stand here to host the feast.B:我们很快乐能在这里为大家主持这场盛宴A:So, today, a very e*citing day, it is thela st stage of this years petition.You know, during the past few weeks the petition has undergone a fierceselection

3、 throughout the college. the contestants tonight are here toprove to us, they are the best English speakers among our college.B:,今天,一个非常令人兴奋的一天,这是本次英语演讲的决赛。你知道,在过去的几周比赛在整个学院经历了剧烈的竞争与选择。今晚的参赛选手在这里向我们证明,最好的英语在这里。A:As we all know, everyone has a lot of dreams, Tonight please put your.z.-dreams linking

4、to our countrys prosperity and peoples happiess toe*press your own wishes .That is our “Chinese Dream.Yes, this is ourthemeoftonight: “MyChineseDreamB:每个人心中都有很多的梦想,大家把自己的梦想和祖国的强盛、人民的幸福联系在一起表达了各自不同的愿望, 那便是我们的“中国梦。是的,这就是我们今晚的主题:我的中国梦A: I believe we are all familiar with Martin Luther Kings speechI Hav

5、e aDream , what are your dreamsAnd how about yourChinesedream.B:相信大家都很熟悉马丁路德金的“我有一个梦想的演讲,则,你的梦想又是什么呢?你的中国梦又是什么呢?A :Before the petition, lets meet the important people who are the chargetonight,B:在比赛之前,让我们为大家介绍莅临本次活动的嘉宾A:they areThe president of puter science college *,weleB:他们是:计算机学院党总支副书记:*,欢送A:Our

6、 beloved teacher *,weleB:计算机学院团总支书记:*,欢送A:Judge unit e from thecollegeofforeignlanguages,they areB:来自外国语学院的评委团, 他们是 A: and the studentrepresentativesof puter science college,they are.z.-B:计算机学院团总支学生分会代表:A:Letsonce againwele their being presented with warmly applauseB:让我们再次用热烈地掌声欢送他们的到来A:At first,let

7、s wele Mr chen make an opening speech for our activityB:首先,有请*为我们活动致开幕辞A:thanks for Mr chens wonderful speech,OK, now lets go over therules of the contest.B:再次感书记的讲话,则现在让我们来看看我们的比赛规则吧A:一、具体要求:1、演讲主题明确,立题新颖,容积极向上;2、演讲应紧扣“Chinese dream这一主题,题材不限,适于演讲,富有感染力;3、选手自我介绍时间为 1 分钟,主题演讲时间为 4 分钟,分组表演每组按抽签5 人一组选手

8、合作表演自选容英语情节剧,时间3-5 分钟;4、参赛选手一律脱稿演讲,语言流畅,感情充分,表达完整。5、选手在准备比赛的同时也要互动观众以确保“微博上墙“活动的顺利开展。二、奖项设置:一等奖:一名二等奖:二名三等奖:三名.z.-优胜奖:四名最正确口才奖、最正确形象奖、最正确人气奖各1 名。B:三、评分方法1、主题演讲阶段在完毕前 30 秒工作人员将提醒选手,到时演讲终止;分组表演阶段规定同上;2、评委在每组最后一位选手演讲完成后开场打分。 所有评委的打分去掉一个最高分和一个最低分后取平均分,即为选手最后得分,分数保存到小数点后三位。四、评分细则:1、发音准确,根本无地方口音。 1.5 分2、根

9、本无语法语序方面错误。 1.0 分3、词汇和用词方面准确并能达意。 1.5 分4、语言流畅,语调优美。 1.5 分5、体态自然得体。 1.0 分6、演讲稿问题规,语言优美且有号召力。 1.07、主题鲜明,积极向上,符合时代特点。 1.0 分8、情景剧表演大方,投入,有感染力。 1.5 分A: Now no more words can meet ourfeeling,Tonight who will get thering.,lets just wait and see. Now -the petition-startB:现在再多的语言也不能表达我们的心情,今晚鹿死谁手,让我们.z.-拭目以待

10、,现在比赛开场。A:now,lets e to the first part ,wele all the speekers in order ,they are*A:ladies and gentlemen, lets wait no more and put our hands together towele our contestant No.1* his speech title is Chinese dream.B: Thanks for*s e*cellent speech,let wele the no.2 contestant *herspeech title is Chines

11、e dream my dreamA:Good job,now lets wele the third petitor*her speech title isClose to dreamB:thank you, lets wele the ne*t speeker ,he is the No.4 *, and his speechtitle is My Chinese dreamA: Thanks for *s wonderful speech,now the No.5*,her speech title isMy.Chinese heartB:Well done ,thanks for *,n

12、ow it es to the part “microblog on the wallA:非常感*,现在到了我们的“微博上墙活动B:A:A: Lets back to our speech now the No.6 contestant *,please.Herspeech title is Keep Your Dream.B:Thanks for*s e*cellent performance,now lets wele the No.7contestant *.Her speech title isThe Chinese Dream.z.-A: Thanks for*s e*cellent

13、 performance,now lets wele the No.8contestant *. Her speech title isGreen dream Green lifeB: thank you,lets wele the ne*t speeker ,She is the No.9 *,and herspeech title is My Chinese dreamA:Ok,now lets wele the last speeker ,his number is 10, he is jiangke ,andhis speech title is my Chinese dream an

14、d the history missionA:Ladies and Gentlemen ,our activity es to the contestantsSecond performance “situation opera.Lets wele the groupone ,their “B:观众朋友们,现在是我们的选手第二次展示自己的时候,情景剧表演,首先有请第一组选手,他们带来的表演是A:*,do you know B:A:ok,lets welethe group two ,what they will take for us just see andenjoy yourselves.

15、B: 有请第二组选手,他们带来的表演是什么呢?敬请欣赏:A:oh,microblog on the walles again.put out your phone and give thecontestants you are supporting a cherish vote.B:哇,现在又到了微波上墙活动,请大家拿出你的手机,为你支持的选手投上珍贵的一票吧,并且向本次活动发表你们心中的看法。A:念几段微博.z.-B:A:And now, lets have a short breath and wait for the final results. Forthis period, lets

16、 wele our judger miss to give us a ment on thispetition and all the petitorsB:现在让我们短暂的休息一下,等待最终的结果,在这段时间让我们有请我们的评委?对我们这次活动和选手们的表现做一个简单的评论。欢送。A:thanks for s ment.now wele back to the English Speaking Contestfor。 。 。. After our judges discussion, the e*citing moment is ing.B:感?珍贵的评论,现在让我们回到比赛,经过剧烈的讨论,

17、冲动人心的时刻到了,评委们一致认为的选手分述如下:A:B: A:Let me announce the third prize, the winner is-congratulations!Lets wele Mr.-to present the award.Thank you Mr.-B : Ne*t,letme announcethesecond prize,thewinner is-congratulations!Andlets wele Mr.-to present the award.Thankyou.A:Right now, what I am going to announce

18、is the first winner. Ladies andgentlemen, the first winner of the petition is contestant No.-Congratulations!B:让我们以热烈的掌声祝贺他们.z.-A: Everyone has their own dreams, everyone has their own dreams in China.We set sail with a dream, work hard and move forward.B:每个人都有自己的梦想,每个人都有自己的中国梦。愿我们伴着梦想起航,努力奋斗,勇往直前A :Till now, our contest has e to an end. Thank you for your ing! See youne*t timeB:现在,我宣布,本次英语演讲比赛正式完毕,感大家的参与,再见。A:有请嘉宾选手上台合影留念。.z.



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