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1、Module 1People and placesUnit 1 Were having a great time!我们现在正玩得很开心。我们现在正玩得很开心。读单词,把单词变成现在分词的形式buy_ lie_ stand _ read _talk_ walk_ sing_ dance_have_ take_ write_ shop_eat _ drive_ call_ enjoy_ tell_ swim_ wait_ drink_ buying lying standing reading talking walking singing dancing having taking writin

2、g shopping eating driving calling enjoying telling swimming waiting drinking 小结:现在分词的变化形式有多少种呢?singingrunning更多资源更多资源 swimmingplayingTeachingAimandDemandsv.Remembernewwords:buy,call,drive,enjoy,lie,shop,take,takephotos,tell,wait,for,waitfor,postcard,theGreatWall,really,agoodtime,alot,anyway,vKeystru

3、cture: sb. is/are doing sth.(重点重点).写出下列动词的现在分词写出下列动词的现在分词Eg: do- doing go- call read- write take- come sing- play open- close- shop- going callingreadingwritingtakingcomingsingingplayingopeningclosingshoppingVocabulary:dress,puton,wear,in和with都可以用来表示“穿”,但你知道它们有什么区别吗?1.dress用作不及物动词时,表示“穿好衣服”;用作及物动词时,




7、个男孩是汤姆。表达正在发生的动作,需用现在进行时该怎么用呢?这里有三步骤,具体如下:第一步骤时态标志牌如果句中出现表示现在的时间状语,就用现在进行时,其标志牌有now, at thismoment或look,listen等提示词。如:Werelisteningtotheteachernow.我们现在正在听老师讲课。Listen!Sheissinging.听!她在唱歌。Grammar:现在进行时现在进行时第二步骤时态构成骨架现在进行时的肯定句的构成为“主语be(am,is,are)+v-ing”。注意:不要漏掉be或v-ing, 牢记“鼻子(be)上挂着-ing”。另外,还要记住动词的构成方法:


9、现在不在看书。Newwords:vbuy buyingv call callingvdrive drivingv enjoy enjoyingvlie lyingv shop shoppingv take takingv take photosv tell tellingv 买买打电话打电话开车开车享受享受躺下躺下购物购物获得获得, 拿拿,抓抓拍照拍照讲讲, 告诉告诉Newwords:vwait waitingv forvwait forv postcardvthe Great Wallv reallyva good timev a lot= very muchv anyway等等为为,为了为

10、了等候等候明信片明信片长城长城真的吗真的吗美好时光美好时光非常非常无论如何无论如何1 Match the words with the pictures. buy call drink drive eat enjoy have lie shop stand take talk tell wait for walk writeeg: Betty is talking.2Listen and match these words with3 the words in Activity 1.4 bus ice cream juice lunch photo postcard presents scho

11、ol trip5wait for a bus eat an ice cream drink juice have lunch take a photo/ some photos write a postcard buy presents enjoy the school trip3 Listen and read.Betty: Hi Mum, can you hear me?Bettys mum: Yes, I can. Where are you?Betty: Im _ on the Great Wall of China and _ to you.Bettys mum: Really?Be

12、tty: Were _ a school trip and were _ a good time.Bettys mum: Thats great ,Betty. What are the others _?standingtalkingonhavingdoingBetty: Well,Tony is _ an ice cream, WangHui is _ lots of pictures and LingLing is _ some presents and postcards. And Daming is _ lunch and _ in the sun.Bettys mum: Can y

13、ou send me a _ too?Betty: Yes. Lingling and I are _ postcards. Were _ the school trip a _. _, were _ home now. Bye!Bettys mum: Bye-bye,Betty!eatingtakingbuyingeatinglyingpostcardwritingenjoyinglotAnywaygoing4Workinpairs.1 2 3 45 6 7 b d a e f g c5 Write full sentences for your answers in Activity 4.

14、 Use names.1 Betty is talking to her mother.2 Lingling is shopping for presents.3 Daming is lying in the sun .4 Tony is eating an ice cream.5 Lingling and Betty are writing postcards.6 Wang Hui is taking photos.7 The children are enjoying the school trip.6 Say what the people are doing in the pictur

15、es in Activity 1.Eg: Betty is talking to her mother.Choosetherightanswer:v1.Li Lei _ doing his homework. v A. am B. is C. arev2.Are you _ photos ? v A. take B. taking v C. takeing v3. Is Miss Gao _ on the bed? v A. lie B. lies C. lyingv4Lingling and Daming _ writing.v A. are B. am C. isv5.”What are

16、you _?”v A. do B. does v C. doingBBCACLanguagePoints1.Wereonaschooltripandwerehavingagoodtime.我们在参加学校的郊游,玩得可高兴啦。agoodtime意思是“美好时光”。例如:Thisisagoodtimeinherlife.这是她一生中的美好时光。haveagood/great/nicetime意思是“玩得很高兴”。例如:Weallhaveagoodtimeinthewinterholiday.我们寒假都过得非常愉快。2.AndDamingiseatinglunchandlyinginthesun.大

17、明躺在阳光下吃午饭。当我们用lie表示“躺在某处”时,须根据具体情况而定其后面的介词。例如:lieinthesun躺在阳光下lieonthebed 躺在床上lieonthefloor躺在地板上lieinatree躺在树下3.Somearehavingafternoonteaorwalkingtopubsandhavingadrink.一些人在家里面吃茶点,或是在去酒馆的路上,或正在喝酒。afternoon tea意思是“下午茶,午后茶休”。英国人自十八世纪以来有了两餐三茶的传统。他们工作或学习一段时间后,就会停下来休息一刻钟左右,喝杯茶或吃点甜点。英国人把这段时间叫做teabreak(茶休)。

18、茶休一般为一天两次:morningtea(上午茶)和afternoontea(下午茶)。上午茶一般在早上10点半左右,下午茶一般在下午4点到5点之间。4. Atthis moment, in different places of the worldpeoplearedoingdifferentthings.此时此刻,世界不同地方的人们正在做着不同的事情。atthismoment意思是“现在,此刻”,常与一般现在时连用,也可写作atthemoment。近义词为now。例如:Mymotheriscookingatthe/thismoment.我妈妈此刻正在做饭。foramoment意思是“片刻,

19、一会儿”,表示一小段持续的时间。例如:Couldyoucomeoutforamoment,please?请你出来一会儿好吗?Pleasewaitforamoment,andhellbeback.请您稍等,他就回来。5.Theyre waiting for buses and running fortrains.他们有的在等公共汽车,有的正跑去乘火车。wait意思是“等待,等候”,是不及物动词。例如:Hurryup!Everyoneiswaiting!快点儿!大家都等着呢!当其后面跟宾语时,一定要加介词for。waitfor后面可直接加名词作宾语:waitforsb/sth,意思为“等某人/物”;也可跟复合宾语:waitforsbtodosth,意思是“等某人做某事”。例如:Imwaitingforyourletter.我正等你的信呢。Maryiswaitingforhersisterattheschoolgate.玛丽正在学校门口等她的姐姐。Tomiswaitingforhissistertobringhimsomemilk.汤姆正在等姐姐给他拿些牛奶。Homework:vRetell the text as fluently as possible更多资源更多资源



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