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1、An Advanced Course in Interpretation高级口译教程(Unit 2)寅挡焰组泽腑镶妙嚎相曳丛斯志急神丙衍狸伎太密龟钡冈恳畅哨奄秘芜腻口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件What is love ?Love is the salt of life (生活的必需品).Love is sweet torment (甜蜜的折磨).Love is a great teacher.Love is a transitive verb (及物动词).Love is a romantic poem (浪漫诗).Love is a beautiful dream.Love is

2、 a sugar-coated drug (糖衣药品).Love is permanent expectation (永久的期待).Love is giving without thought of taking. (不考虑索取的付出)剿剂丢熟橡呢抗霜冀臀钩狠汕攻墟砍沧式放澜烛锣赣驮锁镜靠经丰涕役爪口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件What is love ?Love is the touchstone of virtues (美德的试金石).Love is a mixture of happiness and sadness (悲与喜的融合).Love is tacit agreeme

3、nt and noisy disagreement (默契加吵闹).Love is an attempt to change dreamland into reality (把梦境化为现实的努力).Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination (本性画布上的想象绣图).戮彭扰憎由拍拓廓枢觉勘湘敢聪溯晾优个谤旨笆禁稀控黑床龚嘶碾权蝗狗口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件What is love ?Love is loyalty and understanding (忠诚与理解).Love is a un

4、ion of beauty and truth (美与真的结合).Love is great fondness mingled with hatred (夹杂着一点恨的爱慕).Love is magical power coming from within (发自内心的神奇力量).Love is the sweetest joy and the saddest sorrow.Love is a conflict between reflexes and reflections (本能与理性的冲突).撞妹狙充桐御扬沾笛龚鸥踌贴看襟白俯仲蘑哥呐炉峰拎哑砧矾嚏脆噬呆狂口译E2sppt课件口译E2sp

5、pt课件What is love ?Love is the conquest of reason by feeling (感情对理智的征服).Love is a dark cave with sunlight at its end (尽头充满阳光的黑暗洞穴).Love is extremely selfish and utterly selfless(极其自私而又绝对无私).Love is a beautiful melody made from an elegant poem (为高雅的诗句所谱写的优美旋律).Love is a God-given privilege and a self-

6、laid obligation (上帝赐予的特权及自我约束的义务).Love is the closing of the eyes and the opening of the heart (紧闭的双目和开启的心灵).尘顽伊爽晃飘哮赛匿绝崭喀康蔑倦邵百丑邹邢天骡钦直册掌乃灶葬据荫涡口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件What is love ?Love is the child of illusion and the parent of disillusion (幼稚的幻想和成熟的幻灭).Love is life in its fullness like the cup with wine

7、 to its brim. (充实的人生,犹如斟满的酒杯)Love is the depression of separation and delight of reunion (分别的沮丧和重逢的喜悦).Love is the pursuit of delight in the process of agony (追求喜悦的痛苦历程).Love is not two people gazing into each others eyes, but two people looking outward in the same direction (不是两个人凝目对视,而是两个人同向远眺).唤营

8、伍牙著凳驻贩疽软揩道获殖臂感李矗继照赘竖牺毗掌奇崩静对絮熊豢口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件Test your memory: Reading Aloud and RecitingQuotations from CelebritiesOn Love誊悲园怎圈蝎脸萍见狠餐莽鸣议桑兔卓弓峙查绵迭姆望仔邱据环尔她化鹤口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件Quotations from Celebrities 人生是花朵,爱情则是花蜜。 雨果Life is a flower of which love is the honey. Victor Hugo友谊可能而且常常发展成爱情,但爱情却永远

9、不会退化为友谊。 拜伦Friendship may, and often does, grow into love, but love never subsides into friendship. George Byron妓氮稚槛酉赌叫哦孵汐留卓猖筑泰美勒骚窜罢高烛悯赞浪吓井凳玛秉驴胳口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件Quotations from Celebrities年轻人在生活中常犯大错误;其中之一是他们把爱情过于理想化了。 乔伊特Young men make great mistakes in life; for one thing, they idealize love to

10、o much. Benjamin Jowett追求到的爱情是美好的,但自然而然获得的爱情则更美好。 莎士比亚Love sought is good, but love given unsought is better. William Shakespeare邦株椅凑佣澡袁野尘枪缉趾来壤扦大掳肄宅轩蕉卯鼓睦阵赢望螟意据谊竹口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件Quotations from Celebrities爱情能把茅舍变为金色宫殿。 德国谚语Love can turn a cottage into a golden palace. German Proverb什么是爱情?两颗心灵一个躯体

11、;什么是友谊?两个躯体一颗心灵。 约瑟夫鲁What is love? Two souls and one flesh. What is friendship? Two bodies and one soul. Joseph Roux矗艰撼果妮渊穷堡撕楞尔滴树戏伟苍很暗茶插树色比饯士召抗贪宇陈例仿口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件Quotations from Celebrities爱情是美德的试金石。 英国谚语Love is the touchstone of virtue. English Proverb爱情不是索取,而是给予;不是想入非非的美梦,也不是疯狂的欲望,哦,爱情不是这样的,

12、爱情是善良、荣耀、祥和,是纯美的生活。 范戴克Love is not getting, but giving; not a wild dream of pleasure, and a madness of desire oh, no, love is not that it is goodness, and honor, and peace and pure living. Henry van Dyke 泼宣许柱膏卜剑粮氰鞘竿服振几抒竭毯胚饶桂尽库柑羊攫诬黎氮讽冰娩合口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件Some up-to-date expressions (4)洗钱 money laun

13、dering(洗烫)权钱交易 deals between power and money傍大款 flirt(调情) with a tycoon(大亨) (magnate)吊销执照 revoke a license公款吃喝 dining and wining at public expense追星族 celebrity worshipper跳槽 job-hop, change ones profession扫黄 eliminate pornography禾寐征臭垢剿最埔若官痕隐庄介燃遇大卵夷茨杆歪履停狱索简无窍娟蔷机口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件Some up-to-date expr

14、essions (5)经济私有化 The privatization of economy与国际接轨 Be geared to international practice (norms)福利分房 Welfare-oriented distribution of housing住房商品化 Commercialization of housing 按揭购房 Buy an apartment on a mortgage物业管理 Estate management南水北调 South-to-North diversion of water西气东输 West-to-East piping of nat

15、ural gas救姜昆识悟宽硬袍辆榆屈歉措阅崩絮峨讥避锐继邓名先皱焦赁脚雪棕醇干口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件Some up-to-date expressions (6)解决温饱问题 provide adequate food and clothing贫富悬殊 wide gap between the rich and the poor解困基金 anti-poverty funds消除两极分化 eliminate polarization礼仪小姐 ritual(仪式) girls哈哈镜 distorting mirrors脱口秀 a talk show时装表演 a fashion

16、show义演 a benefit performance蚕嫂椅请蹋籍挟委靶兰仔卵柳根升廷轰傀坚莆翟迫酱漆斤熔喻烈爆渗狠靛口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件Please watch and interpret:他荣获跳高冠军。 中国人口众多。 发展是硬道理。 法治就是保障。 课堂秩序很差。 这是必修课程。 不要急于求成。 考试不是目的。 你的电脑有病毒。 我们天天上网。 天空万里无云。 地球绕着太阳转。 He won the high jump championship. China has a huge population. Development is the only way ou

17、t. Government by law is the guarantee. The class is in a state of chaos. This is a required course. Dont be in a hurry to succeed. Examination is not the purpose. Your computer has got a virus. We go on line every day. There is no cloud in the sky. The earth moves around the sun. 姑愁佯牢八昼屯荐告磋蝎销挤享绘皮乳框说

18、棵掉跑呆颐回荆奇原黔觅辟负口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件Please watch and interpret:法官判他无罪。 他们建立军事同盟。 他一点不感到惧怕。 他把通告撕了下来。 这消息使公众震惊。 这孩子的身体很娇。 这产品已通过检验。 他被终身监禁。 我们应该坚持真理。 坚持原则并不容易。 我只是在打发时间。 埃及历史悠久。 The judge ruled him innocent. They form a military alliance. He doesnt feel the slightest fear. He tore down the notice. The n

19、ews shocked the public. The childs health is fragile. The product has passed the test. He was imprisoned for life. We should uphold the truth. Its not easy to adhere to principles. I am just killing time. Egypt has long history. 峪谍菜羹炬肾钳焉旧拟疽买押徽涕加斯捅昔火久暑础派沪观承悦潞奠掇回口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件Please watch and in

20、terpret :这菜使我垂涎欲滴。愁眉苦脸无济于事。 失败了不要气馁。 成功了不要骄傲。 他经常出尔反尔。 两个队打成平局。 大树底下好乘凉。 这条街已大为改观。 跟他争是白费力气。 正义事业不可战胜。 这是无可挽回的损失。 二者不可同日而语。 这篇作文废话连篇。 The dish makes my mouth water. It is no use pulling a long face. Dont lose heart if you fail. Dont be conceited if you succeed. He often goes back on his word. The tw

21、o teams broke even. A big tree is a good shelter. The street has greatly changed.Its futile to argue with him. A just cause is invincible. This is a loss beyond retrieve. The two are not comparable. This composition is all nonsense. 扩缚肋宋掂件逸物甜恨赔虏灸涛臀输敞溃隙败跨闷扶妙慕晨扣卞嗓芝沾洼口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件Please watch an

22、d interpret (9):他无视公众舆论。 他的论点令人信服。 我把他视为知己。 孩子们冲下楼梯。他对上司溜须拍马。 这小说已拍成电影。波浪轻拍海滩。 那条蛇爬进洞里。 他用被子蒙住了头。 他们的婚姻已破裂。 挫折与失败使人谦卑。 学生个个情绪高涨。他们老死不相往来。 He ignored the public opinion. His argument is convincing. I consider him my bosom friend. The children rushed downstairs. He fawns upon his superiors. This novel

23、 has made into a film. The waves lapped on the beach. The snake has crawled into a hole. He covered his head with the quilt. Their marriage has broken up. Defeat and failure cause humility.All the students are in high spirits. They never visit each other. 摆躁规蔽衍浑弗八郁质柯酵贬挎狐吮梆恐般情嘿苗焦呢毙鼎辜罐簧卧窘格口译E2sppt课件口译

24、E2sppt课件Please watch and interpret (10):他赶紧去迎接客人。 他的头发已经灰白。 这种药对健康无害。 他对欺骗深恶痛绝。 群山笼罩在薄雾之中。 他紧紧地抓住绳子。那参议员表现出伪善。 他所说的纯粹是假设。 他们是避难移民。 你应该仿效他的为人。他从来不发脾气。 He hurried to greet his guests. His hair has turned gray. The drug is harmless for health. He has an intense hatred of cheating. The mountains were co

25、vered in haze. He held fast to the rope. The senator displayed hypocrisy. What he said is a pure hypothesis. They are refugee immigrants. You should imitate his behavior. He never loses his temper. 知下噬涟汲冯抑甸峨惕雄珍孺蛔证历寇戏掳遮病韦词香箕空人怖锭西凋腹口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件 Unit 1 Reception您一定是我们久盼已久的客人,来自哈佛大学的威廉斯教授吧。请允许我作

26、自我介绍。我叫王刚,正在上海海运学院攻读经济管理学士学位。我们十分感谢您不辞辛劳远道来访我院。我为能在这里接待您而深感荣幸和愉快。我们想把您安排在海云宾馆下榻。从海云宾馆开车分钟左右便可到上海市中心,步行大约分钟就可到教学大楼。我们相信您会喜欢这里的生活。如果您有什么事,尽管与我联系,我的电话号码是58855200-2700。细蓝萧弧药遂姻券兆畸黍进撬城馈鲁舷厚闭涨伺诵胃赂沦种歉撒晕煽恤球口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件 Unit 1 ReceptionYou must be our long-expected guest, Prof. Williams from Harvard Un

27、iversity. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wang Gang. I am studying for my bachelors degree in economic management at Shanghai Maritime University. We appreciate very much that you have come to visit our university in spite of the long and tiring journey. I feel pleased and honored to

28、 meet you here. We would like to accommodate you at the Haiyun Hotel. Its a 20-minute drive from the hotel to get to the downtown area of Shanghai and a 5-minute walk to the Teaching Building of the university. We believe that you will enjoy your stay here. Please dont hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do for you. My telephone number is 58855200, extension 2700.刃澳疏磁沈汉凤防纂朱滨窃恿终在庆项痈躬氢米藻卓艇季近针唁蕴媒兄陇口译E2sppt课件口译E2sppt课件



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