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1、学术英语学术英语 医学医学Academic English for MedicineUnit 4Alternative MedicineWhen you are ill but failed by conventional treatments or suffering chronic conditions, you may try some traditional or alternative therapies as the last resort. What are the merits of such practices? How are they viewed by research

2、ers in the West? This unit reviews the use of these therapies in the U.S., and discusses the development of integrative medicine in the future.ListeningNote-taking symbolsTask 2Listening Note-taking Symbolsbecausetherefore, thus, sonumberNO/#unlikely, uncertain, not sure?importantN.B.governmentgovt.

3、for parecf.Unit 4 Alternative medicineListening Task 2 Watch the video and then take notesaccording to the following points. You may use thesymbols and abbreviations listed above.1. what the hospital encourages its patients to do -Let loose on their regular basis. -Have a weekly exercise of an hour

4、of laughter to fight depression2. physiological changes produced by laughing -Blood vessels expand. -Sugar levels drop. -Producing an abundance of hormones linked with happiness and pleasure.Note-taking SymbolsUnit 4 Alternative medicineListening Note-taking Symbols3. laughing in Korean tradition -L

5、aughing is not such a natural thing as the social behavior is dominated by Confucius tradition.- Korean men are taught not to cry more than thrice in their lifetime. -The sound of Korean womens laughter should not be heard outside the fence of their home.4. singing as a therapy in Republic of Korea

6、-It is more natural to Koreans. -It is an easier way to express inner feelings, especially for Korean women brought up in a conservative background.Unit 4 Alternative medicineListening Note-taking Symbols5. the lady transformed by singing class-She came out of severe depression.-She was presented a

7、new career. Unit 4 Alternative medicineDiscussion1. How much do you know about traditional Chinese medicine?2. How is TCM different from western medicine?Unit 4 Alternative medicineUnit ContentsLead-inText AText BText CListeningSpeakingWritingGet reading for Unit 5Lead-inIssues to be coveredSuggeste

8、d answers Unit 4 Alternative medicineLead-inIssues to be covered 1. Complementary and alternative medicine2. What traditional or alternative therapies can and cannot do 3. The status quo of traditional medicine practices in Western countriesUnit 4 Alternative medicineLead-inSuggested answers1.massag

9、e2.acupuncture3.hypnosis4.auscultation5.interrogation6.pulse-taking7.meditation8.qigong9.dietetic therapy10.yogaA.听诊法B.气功C.推拿D.食疗E.瑜伽术F.问诊G.冥想H.催眠术I.针灸J.切脉Task work in pairs and match the English terms for some unconventional medical practices in column A with their Chinese equivalents in Column B.

10、Then choose one of these practices, and explain to your partner how it works(or does not work) according to your knowledge and experience.Column AColumn BCHIFAGEDBJUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Critical reading and thinking Topics for presentation Useful expressions Difficult sentencesLanguage b

11、uilding-up Signpost language Vocabulary testSuggested answersUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Critical reading and thinkingTopics for presentation1 How is the traditional and complementary medicine attracting attention in the US? Health care industryGovernmental agenciesMediaThe publicUnit 4 Altern

12、ative medicine2 Why are traditional and modern medical paradigms merging?Topics for presentationText A Critical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Difficult SentencesOngoing research around the world on acupuncture, herbs, massage and Tai Chi have shed light on some of the theorie

13、s and practices of TCM. 全世界有关针灸、草药、按摩和太极拳的持续研究已阐明了中医的有些理论和实践。Critical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Topics for presentation3 What are the clinical uses of acupuncture?Critical reading and thinkingAn adjunct treatment, an alternative, or part of a comprehensive management prog

14、ram forpost-operative and chemotherapy induced nausea and vomitingpost-operative dental painaddictionstroke rehabilitationheadachemenstrual crampstennis elbowfibromyalgiamyofascial painosteoarthritislow back paincarpal tunnel syndromeand asthmaUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Useful expressions Pan

15、el conservatively recommended that acupuncture may be used as an adjunct treatmentThe panel ascertained that acupuncture can be used to treat It was also recommended as an adjunct treatment orCritical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Topics for presentation4 How should the acupu

16、ncture efficacy be assessed?Critical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Topics for presentationResearch: TCM framework VS Biomedical Modality Future clinical trials that test acupuncture within the framework of traditional Chinese medicine are likely to provide a more appropriate

17、and clinically meaningful assessment of acupuncture efficacy than the current generation of clinical trials which use a diagnosis framed primarily in biomedical termsCritical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Research: The right track to follow Unlike drugs, acupuncture is more a

18、kin to surgery and physical therapy in terms of therapeutic modalities.Akin to:有密切关系的;类似于 听他的人生故事犹如阅读一本精彩的冒险小说Listening to his life story is akin to reading a good adventure novel. Unit 4 Alternative medicineFor the time being, evidence based on large case series should be considered in determining

19、recommendations for clinical practice while evidence derived from more vigorous research designs is being carried out. (Para. 4)尽管来自更严格研究设计的证据源源不断,目前,在确定推荐何种临床操作时,应该考虑基于大规模病例系列研究所取得的证据。Text A Topics for presentation5 What are the more intense techniques listed here and what effect will they bring ab

20、out?Critical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Topics for presentationAdoption / Use -Proven useful in additional areas -Used not only for treatment but also for prevention and promotion of wellness -Exploration and perfection to be continuedCritical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Al

21、ternative medicineText A Topics for presentation6 What will be the prospect of acupuncture?Critical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Alternative medicine7How can Chinese herbs be properly evaluated?Text A Critical reading and thinking -Proper TCM diagnosis of the zheng of the patient -Correct selection of

22、 the corresponding therapeutic strategies and principles that guide the choice of herbs and herbal formulasUnit 4 Alternative medicine8 How should the research be designed to evaluate the herbal efficacy? Which one does the author seem to prefer?Text A Topics for presentationCritical reading and thi

23、nking1.randomized controlled trials2.quasi-experiments3.cohort studies4.case-control studies5.“N=1” trialsUnit 4 Alternative medicineConstructA construct is a complex idea. 复杂的构想复杂的构想(或或思想思想);观念观念 .the underlying constructs which influence action and behaviour. 影响行动和行为的根本思想Text A Useful expressionsR

24、esearch designs such as randomized controlled trials have advantages and disadvantages in determining the efficacy of any therapeutic intervention, and can be carried out for botanicals, as seen by a study on herbal formulas for irritable bowel syndrome.Critical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Alternativ

25、e medicine9. Why does the author say that “evaluating evidence is both difficult and subjective”? What is the possible way out?Text A Topics for presentationCritical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Difficult SentencesThe synthesis of evidence is completely dependent on the comp

26、leteness of the literature search, which is often not available for foreign studies, as well as the accuracy of evaluation. (Para. 10)综合证据除了取决于评估的准确性之外,则完全取决于对综合证据除了取决于评估的准确性之外,则完全取决于对文献进行彻底检索,而文献进行彻底检索,而国外研究的相关文献通常无法获取国外研究的相关文献通常无法获取。Critical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Di

27、fficult Sentences Consensus in the real world of health care often requires using information that is less stringent than so-called hard data. (Para.10)现实中,卫生保健界的共识是利用的信息与所谓的硬指标相比需要降低标准。Critical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Alternative medicine8. How can traditional medicine and modern medicine be ble

28、nded?Text A Topics for presentationCritical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Difficult SentencesOn the clinical level, blending involves the integration of the concepts and techniques of the two systems - modern medicines analytical, quantitative, mechanistic approach with the s

29、ystemic, holistic, individualistic approach of TCM. (Para. 12) 从临床的层面讲,融合就是把两个体系的概念和技术相互结合,即把现代医学所采用的分析、定量及机械的方法和中医所用的系统、整体及个体化的方法相结合。Critical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Alternative medicineGraying society: aging societyFall victim to:成为的牺牲品,受害于 I hate to see you fall victim to vanity. 我不想见到你被虚荣心所害。

30、A candidate is a person or thing that is regarded as being suitable for a particular purpose 适合适合的人的人(或物或物);可能有可能有结局的人结局的人(或物或物)体重偏高或口味偏咸者体重偏高或口味偏咸者易患易患高血压。高血压。 Those who are overweight or indulge in high-salt diets are candidates for hypertension. Text A Suggested answersTask 1 complete the followi

31、ng diagram that shows the outline of the text.Critical reading and thinkingIntroduction (Paras.1-2)Heightened patient demand of and growing interest in alternative medicineIntegrating various factors and different styles of medical systemEnding (Paras.11-12)Examples (Paras.3-10)AcupunctureHarmonizin

32、g TCM and Modern Western MedicineHerbsBackground information (P8)Appropriate research designs (P9)Pointers for clinical practice (P10) Recommended uses (P3) Need for more appropriate assessments (P4)Current research efforts and potential benefits (P5)Future development in the US (P6-P7)Unit 4 Altern

33、ative medicineText A Topics for presentationCritical reading and thinkinganalyticalquantitativemechanisticmodern medicinesystemicholisticindividualisticTCMTwo Approaches in Contrast Unit 4 Alternative medicineText A Difficult SentencesAs our graying society falls victim to an increasing number of ch

34、ronic illnesses (Para. 12) 当我们的老龄化社会日益遭受慢性病侵扰之时 Critical reading and thinkingUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Task 1/ Medical terminology Match each definition with its corresponding English term and Chinese equivalent.EnglishChinese Definition1of or relating to the stomach and intestine2after oper

35、ation3a disease which causes pain and stiffness in the joints4a disease primarily indicated by noticeable, extensive pain in muscles, tendons, joints, and soft tissues.5of, relating to, or for the teethgastrointestinal胃肠道的手术后的post-operative骨关节炎osteoarthritisfibromyalgia纤维肌痛dental牙的Suggested answersL

36、anguage building-up2Unit 4 Alternative medicineText A EnglishChinese Definition6absence of sensibility to pain7sectional imaging8the oriental art of inserting fine needles into various parts of the body to treat certain types of disorders9of, relating to, or involving the heart and blood vessels10th

37、e study of the effects of time and rhythmical phenomena on life processescardiovascular心血管的analgesia止痛tomographyX线断层摄影(术)acupuncture针刺疗法chronobiology生物钟学Task1 / Medical terminologyMatch each definition with its corresponding English term and Chinese equivalent.Suggested answers2Language building-upU

38、nit 4 Alternative medicineText A Language Building-up Signpost Language Comparison Contrastsimilarlylikewisebothsameand alsoresembleparallelsnor comparablesimilar toin the same mannerin the same wayon the other handin/by contrasthoweverwhilewhereasalthoughneverthelessdifferentunlikeinstead (of)conve

39、rselyrather thanas opposed tosomewhile othersIn comparison and contrast essays, some special words and expressions are often used to signal comparisons and contrasts. Here are some signals and clue words. Unit 4 Alternative medicineText A Task 2 / Signpost language The following sentences are taken

40、from the first four units in this book. All the signpost languages indicating comparison and contrast have been removed. Complete the sentences and then compare your answers with the original sentences in the texts. 1 _drugs, acupuncture is more _ to surgery and physical therapy in terms of therapeu

41、tic modalities. (Text A, Unit 4)2 Hence, the evaluation of evidence for efficacy in acupuncture ought to be _ to these therapeutic interventions. (Text A, Unit 4)3 Lists may help public authorities focus their attention, _their value is limited. (Text A, Unit 2)4 Flu _changes its coat and in turn it

42、s level of virulence. (Text A, Unit 2)5 Amazingly, conditions in some American cities have deteriorated to _ levels. (Text A, Unit 2)Language building-upSuggested answersUnlikeakinsimilarbutlikewisecomparableUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Task 2 / Signpost language The following sentences are tak

43、en from the first four units in this book. All the signpost languages indicating comparison and contrast have been removed. Complete the sentences and then compare your answers with the original sentences in the texts. 6 A slightly warmer climate combined with deteriorating cities could also enable

44、various diseases that seem exotic today to come back. Dengue fever could _become familiar. (Text A, Unit 2)7These rates are _to high-incidence countries in North Africa and Asia. (Text B, Unit 2)8The medical literature didnt have that information, _ did the registered dietitians with whom I consulte

45、d, _ did I see in the food science literature. (Text B, Unit 2)9When her husband held her hand, she not only felt calm,_ her brain circuitry quieted, revealing the biology of emotional rescue. (Text B, Unit 2)10Some studies suggest that the soy isoflavone supplements may reduce hot flashes in women

46、after menopause, _, the results have been inconsistent.Language building-upSuggested answerslikewisecomparablenornorbuthoweverUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Task 3 / Formal EnglishThe following sentences are selected from Text. Replace the underlined formal words with less formal ones.1 To facili

47、tate research on the effectiveness of alternative therapies, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) received a budget of $50 million in 1999.(Para. 1)2Many patients are using traditional and modern medical paradigms concurrently, creating a need for the appropriate an

48、d smooth merger of the two medicines.( Para. 2)3The panel ascertained that acupuncture can be used to treat post-operative and chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting, as well as post-operative dental pain. .( Para. 3)Language building-upSuggested answersmakeeasier/ helpmodel/patternfound outUnit 4

49、 Alternative medicineText A Task 3 / Formal EnglishThe following sentences are selected from Text. Replace the underlined formal words with less formal ones.4Hence, the evaluation of evidence for efficacy in acupuncture ought to be similar to these therapeutic interventions. .( Para. 4)5In elucidati

50、ng the mechanisms of acupuncture and exploring its role in a variety of situations, innovative techniques such as FMRI,PET, SPECT, and MEG are beginning to be utilized. .( Para. 5)6 In time, those who do not embrace acupuncture will be at a disadvantage. .( Para. 6)Language building-upSuggested answ

51、ersexplaining eagerly accept effectivenessUnit 4 Alternative medicineText A Language Building-up Vocabulary Test_medicine(补充医学)_medicine (替代医学)a medical _(医疗模式)_and herbs(针灸和草药)_treatment(辅助治疗)_and vomiting(恶心,呕吐)_dental pain (术后牙痛)_trails(临床试验)_therapy(物理疗法,理疗)_modalities(治疗方法)a therapeutic_(治疗干预)U

52、nit 4 Alternative medicinecomplementaryalternativeparadigmacupunctureadjunctnauseapost-operativeclinicalphysical therapeuticinterventionText A Language Building-up Vocabulary Testresearch_(研究设计)magnetic _(磁共振)positron _tomography(正电子发射型计算机断层成像)_effect (止痛效果)biomedical _(生物医学界)_unit(康复中心)_acupuncturi

53、st(持照针灸师)therapeutic_(治疗策略)herbal_(草药配方)a wide _ of complications(各式各样的并发症)_East-West medicine(中西医结合)Unit 4 Alternative medicinedesignstrategiesformulasarrayintegrativeresonanceanalgesiaestablishmentrehabilitationlicensed emissionGroup presentation Acupuncture anesthesia has been a useful working me

54、thod for local or regional anesthesia in China. Work in small groups and explore the media and literature for information about this subject in the following aspects:1. history 2. clinical uses3. efficacy4. advantages 5. procedure Text A Additional activityUnit 4 Alternative medicineText CLanguage b

55、uilding-upTask: Write a summaryText C Language Building-up Vocabulary Test_therapies(推拿治疗)_medicine(顺势疗法)_(自然疗法)_and yoga(冥想与瑜伽)Unit 4 Alternative medicinemanipulativehomeopathicnaturopathicmeditationText C Task: Write a summary of the text with the helpprovided. Alternative medicine refers to heali

56、ng treatments or practices that are not part of conventional medical training like acupuncture, massage therapy, or herbal medicine. If alternative treatments are used together with conventional therapies, it is known as complementary medicine. The field of complementary and alternative medicine is

57、called CAM for short. The difference between alternative medicine and complementary medicine lies in whether such treatments are used with or without conventional medical techniques.Suggested answersUnit 4 Alternative medicineText C Task: Write a summary of the text with the helpprovided. Convention

58、al medicine differs from complementary medicine in their bases: the former is based on scientific knowledge of the body and uses treatments that have been proven effective through scientific research, while the latter on the belief that a medical care provider has to treat the whole personbody, mind

59、, and spirit. People often seek help from CAM when conventional medicine fails to cure their diseases. People may also use CAM to prevent illness or to ensure a healthier lifestyleUnit 4 Alternative medicineText C Task: Write a summary of the text with the helpprovided. CAM can be grouped into four

60、areas: biologically based practices, manipulative and body-based therapies, mind-body interventions, and energy therapies. In addition, CAM includes several whole medical systems such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, homeopathic medicine, and naturopathic medicine. Those systems incorporat

61、e many of the different practices into their treatments.Suggested answersUnit 4 Alternative medicineSpeaking Seminar / PresentationUnit 4 Alternative medicineSpeaking Making a counterargumentA counterargument is an argument offered in oppositionto another argument.An opinion or a fact that challenge

62、s the reasoningbehind somebodys proposal, showing that there are grounds for taking an opposite view. Unit 4 Alternative medicineSpeaking Making a counterargumentThis approach is not likely to work.Well, I dont quite go along with (sb.) on that.Im not really sure if I would go along with (sb.) there

63、.I doubt / wonder whether the argument bears close examination.To assume that is to miss the point. seem to overlook / ignore an important / fundamental fact.It is true that, but it doesnt follow thatYou claim that Unfortunately,Unit 4 Alternative medicineSpeaking Making a counterargumentTask: Work

64、in pairs to practice these language patterns.One of you is going to make an assertion and the other expresses a counterargument about the following points. 1 traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)2 conventional therapies3 alternative therapies4 western medicine5 herbal therapies6 clinical trials7 acupun

65、cture8 meditationUnit 4 Alternative medicineSpeaking Additional activityGroup Presentation Acupuncture anesthesia has been a useful working method for local or regional anesthesia in China. Work in a small group and explore the media and literature for information about this subject in the following

66、 aspects:1. history 2. clinical uses3. efficacy4. advantages 5. procedureUnit 4 Alternative medicineWriting Materials and Methods TaskUnit 4 Alternative medicineWriting Research Paper Project Materials and Methods Subheadings Eligibility Study oversight Study population Randomization and blinding St

67、udy design Study end points Statistical analysis Quality control Laboratory analysis/studies Collection and Analysis of TissuesUnit 4 Alternative medicineWriting Research Paper Project Task: Search for a research paper with a well-written methods section. Find out what subheadings it contains.Unit 4

68、 Alternative medicineGet ready for Unit 5PresentationsforUnit5Get ready for Unit 5 Presentations for Unit 51.Clarify the differences between disease and disease. 2.Your personal understanding about the claim that Health is a multidimensional experience of body, mind and spirit. 3.Illustrate the rela

69、tionship between life automatic pilot and wellness.4.Describe the time of great confusion we live in. 5.We are much influenced by a culture that values thinking more than feeling and emphasizes reason over intuitive awareness and knowing. What are the influences? Unit 4 Alternative medicineGet ready for Unit 5 Presentations for Unit 56.Explain the process where we change from one with natural self-confidence to one beginning to play it safe, or play not to lose.7.How can wellness be established?8.List the tips on how to become a fully integrated human being.Unit 4 Alternative medicine



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