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1、Vowels 元音元音是一种有声音,发音时用舌头和嘴唇使口腔定形,声带震元音是一种有声音,发音时用舌头和嘴唇使口腔定形,声带震动。同时气流从咽腔和口腔不断流出,不受阻碍,也没有变狭动。同时气流从咽腔和口腔不断流出,不受阻碍,也没有变狭窄,因而听不出摩擦。窄,因而听不出摩擦。元音分类精讲元音分类精讲元音分类元音分类A根据发音时舌头在口腔中抬起的部位不同,我们把单素元音分根据发音时舌头在口腔中抬起的部位不同,我们把单素元音分为前元音、中元音和后元音。为前元音、中元音和后元音。 单素元音是有一个音素构成的元音单素元音是有一个音素构成的元音双双元音是由两个音素构成的元音元音是由两个音素构成的元音12个

2、单元音:前元音 / i :/ / i / / e / / / 中元音 : :后元音 : u u: 8个双元音:eiaiiuauiu元音20个根据构成元音的音素的不同,我们把元音分为1212个单元音和8 8个双元音baybuyboyboatoutbeerairsure辅音分类辅音分类 2 28 8个个辅音主要可以分为清辅音(voicelessconsonants)和浊辅音(voicedconsonants)。发清辅音时声带不用振动,发浊辅音时声带振动。清辅音:p t k f s r tpietimekeyfanthinksoredshoechoose浊辅音:bdgv z hd buydimego

3、vanthemzoohowusuallyjuice其他辅音:鼻辅音:鼻辅音:m n 舌侧音:舌侧音: l 半元音:半元音: w j mynosingerledweyou咬舌音:tr tscontrolrobotsdr dz dropends爆破音(6个)摩擦音(8个)破擦音(8个)爆破音爆破音在相当时间内,气流通道完全阻塞,气流(一般由于肺部的动作)受压,然后突然放开阻塞,发出爆破的声音。英语中的爆破音有六个,它们是:p b t d k gp:piepigpissb:buybaybaset:timetodaytomorrowd:datedaydimek:keycameclockg:gogame

4、glassu特例清音浊化现象清辅音 ptk 在S后面时要发成浊辅音sportstoreskin舌边音舌边音气流通道中央阻塞,在阻塞处的两边或一边留下通道让气流自由通过时发出的音。英语中舌边音只有一个,就是:lClearL舌尖抵在上齿根部,再自然落下,发出类似汉语“了”的音 lightletliplocallakelampalovelyboyletheralonetotellalielateatnightdidheleave?littlebylittletolivewelltotalkloudDarkL舌尖抵在上齿根部,但不落下,气流从舌边涌出,声带震动 allbillkillfeelhellp

5、illBillhadabillboard,Billalsohadaboardbill.TheboardbillboredBill.SoBillsoldthebillboardtopayhisboardbill,andtheboardbillnolongerboredBill.中国学生的发音难点th字母组合:和“th”字母组合相应的一组清浊辅音是,它们的共同特点是把舌尖含在上下齿之间。而汉语中几乎没有这样的发音方式,因此在发音习惯上给中国学生带来了难度。 :thinkthoughtpaththumb:othersmoothbatheclothe1.Thereare3,333featuresont

6、hatthrushsthroat.2.Theythinkthatthesethingsarebetterthanthoseasthethickerthingsarebetterthanthinthings.舌边音舌边音气流通道中央阻塞,在阻塞处的两边或一边留下通道让气流自由通过时发出的音。英语中舌边音只有一个,就是:lClearL舌尖抵在上齿根部,再自然落下,发出类似汉语“了”的音 lightletliplocallakelampalovelyboyletheralonetotellalielateatnightdidheleave?littlebylittletolivewelltotalk

7、loudDarkL舌尖抵在上齿根部,但不落下,气流从舌边涌出,声带震动 allbillkillfeelhellpillBillhadabillboard,Billalsohadaboardbill.TheboardbillboredBill.SoBillsoldthebillboardtopayhisboardbill,andtheboardbillnolongerboredBill.字母 r r 在句首的发音:因为发音习惯的不同,中国人在很多情况下把它发为类似汉语的“日”,而在英语中字母 r 是不会这样发音的。 “小,圆,紧张小,圆,紧张” 像吹口哨的感觉像吹口哨的感觉roseroadriv



10、earconcernsomethinganythingthreefoursisterpoorsouthnorththeirthousandthembarntruthwarmtherereturnworkwonderhoweveranymorenorneithernoreitherthingsthoughtauthorthenboysandgirlshurtdeathstormhearworseovercarbothalthoughwhethermorningthanksthankyou前元音的听辨与跟读舌前部向硬颚抬起时发出的元音叫前元音前元音(FrontVowels)主要有 / i :/ /

11、 i / / e / / /A.NowpracticethesefoursoundsinphrasesB. / i :/ / i /eat the meat make a wishkeep the seat sit downA.say cheese a small fisha piece of cake bit by bit / e / / /very well a mad manget ready a jazz bandbest friend a black bagwet with sweat a happy marriageB.Nowpracticethesesoundsinsentenc

12、es(1) Please speak English Dick gives Lily a big kiss The book sells well , I guess Dont let the cat out of the bag(2) Seeing is believing They stayed together through thick and thin Lets get everything ready They ran hand in hand(3) Please keep this seat for me Mary is fifty now, but she is still f

13、it as a fiddle Better late than never Pat sat on the grass with a glass in his hand中元音听辨与跟读舌中部向硬颚抬起时发出的元音叫中元音中元音(CentralVowels)主要有 : :A.Nowpracticethesesoundsinphrases : the first termlearn the wordsa firm girlan early bird never forget a drop of water a kind doctor my beautiful daughter some moneyo

14、nce in a montha tough sona sudden jump(1)The early bird catches the worm My younger brother is a doctor Enough is enough I want a bar of chocolate:at the barwe are togethergood marksa kind father (2) First come, first served Peter can use the computer pretty well I wonder who is coming to lunch I go

15、t good marks in the examB.Nowpracticethesesoundsinsentences后元音听辨与跟读发音时舌后部需要向软颚抬起的元音叫作后元音后元音(BackVowels)主要有 : u u:A.Nowpracticethesesoundsinphrasespop musica stopwatchclocks and socksdrop by drop:law and order walk the talkalong corridora long story upush and pullgood looksbook a roomtook some sugar

16、u:a new dressa group of studentstoo good to be true the blue skyB.Nowpracticethesesoundsinsentences(1)Waste not , want not My daughter-in-law is a lawyer Who took away my book Paul is forty-four(2) Norman has lost his wallet Learn to crawl before you can walk You look pretty cool As a rule, the sky

17、is blue in June前元音的听辨与跟读舌前部向硬颚抬起时发出的元音叫前元音前元音(FrontVowels)主要有 / i :/ / i / / e / / /A.NowpracticethesefoursoundsinphrasesB. / i :/ / i /eat the meat make a wishkeep the seat sit downA.say cheese a small fisha piece of cake bit by bit / e / / /very well a mad manget ready a jazz bandbest friend a bla

18、ck bagwet with sweat a happy marriageB.Nowpracticethesesoundsinsentences(1) Please speak English Dick gives Lily a big kiss The book sells well , I guess Dont let the cat out of the bag(2) Seeing is believing They stayed together through thick and thin Lets get everything ready They ran hand in hand

19、(3) Please keep this seat for me Mary is fifty now, but she is still fit as a fiddle Better late than never Pat sat on the grass with a glass in his hand中元音听辨与跟读舌中部向硬颚抬起时发出的元音叫中元音中元音(CentralVowels)主要有 : :A.Nowpracticethesesoundsinphrases : the first termlearn the wordsa firm girlan early bird never

20、forget a drop of water a kind doctor my beautiful daughter some moneyonce in a montha tough sona sudden jump(1)The early bird catches the worm My younger brother is a doctor Enough is enough I want a bar of chocolate:at the barwe are togethergood marksa kind father (2) First come, first served Peter

21、 can use the computer pretty well I wonder who is coming to lunch I got good marks in the examB.Nowpracticethesesoundsinsentences后元音听辨与跟读发音时舌后部需要向软颚抬起的元音叫作后元音后元音(BackVowels)主要有 : u u:A.Nowpracticethesesoundsinphrasespop musica stopwatchclocks and socksdrop by drop:law and order walk the talkalong co

22、rridora long story upush and pullgood looksbook a roomtook some sugar u:a new dressa group of studentstoo good to be true the blue skyB.Nowpracticethesesoundsinsentences(1)Waste not , want not My daughter-in-law is a lawyer Who took away my book Paul is forty-four(2) Norman has lost his wallet Learn

23、 to crawl before you can walk You look pretty cool As a rule, the sky is blue in Juneei lakemakelaterHelivesbythelakeIwillmakecoffeeforyouIllbebacklater注意注意ei 后面接辅音后面接辅音n 中国人极易念成中国人极易念成 n 的错误发音,不可不慎的错误发音,不可不慎plane pleinmain meintrain treinailifechildideaTheyledahappylifeThechildneverstudiesThatsound

24、slikeagoodideaiboytoysoilTheboyisangryHeboughtmeatoyThesoilisrich u coatsoapopenPutonyourcoatUsesoaptowashyourhandsOpenthedoor au downhowhouseWalkdownthestreetHowareyouThehouseismadeofwood i beerhearIlikedrinkingbeerCanyouhearme? bearhairThereisabigbearHerhairisred u touryourWelltourthecitytodayHows


26、eforBetty.ei lakemakelaterHelivesbythelakeIwillmakecoffeeforyouIllbebacklater注意注意ei 后面接辅音后面接辅音n 中国人极易念成中国人极易念成 n 的错误发音,不可不慎的错误发音,不可不慎plane pleinmain meintrain treinConsonants Consonants 辅音辅音(在正常言语中)除元音外所有的其他音都叫辅音。一部分辅音发音时,气流不通过口腔,如m;另一部分辅音发音时,气流在通过口腔时,受到这样或那样的阻碍,或在口腔中的某个点受到摩擦。辅音难点精讲爆破音的发音方法舌边音的发音方法中



29、格开朗,不期而遇。美国人性格开朗,善于结交朋友,说了几句客套善于结交朋友,说了几句客套话后就问:话后就问:“Whats your job?”。英国人回答说。英国人回答说“Im a clerk. ”美国人听了十分惊美国人听了十分惊讶:讶:“ Clock? Your job is to tick tick all day long? ” 英式英语和美式英语的发音区别美式英语的出现背景美式英语的出现背景美国英语是英国英语的一种区域语言变体美国英语是英国英语的一种区域语言变体,它起源于它起源于1718世纪的英国英语世纪的英国英语 英国在北英国在北美地区曾先后建立了美地区曾先后建立了13个殖民地个殖民地

30、,同时英国同时英国殖民者也把莎士比亚殖民者也把莎士比亚(Shakespeare)和弥尔和弥尔顿顿(Milton)的英语带到了美洲的英语带到了美洲 诺亚诺亚韦伯斯特(韦伯斯特(Noah Webster)首创首创“American English ”1828年年,出版出版美语词美语词典典(American Dictionary of english Language )从而开启了韦氏词典从而开启了韦氏词典的的历史,进而开启了历史,进而开启了美式英语的历史美式英语的历史英语和美语的发音虽不像汉语那样自2001年起已有法定标准,但两者均有占据统治地位的相对标准,分别以BBC和VOA为代表,而这两个标准

31、又分别被称为Received Pronunciation(英语公认标准)和 General American(美语普通话),在专业著述中常使用其缩写RP和GA。 典型字母典型字母字母字母a英国人将字母英国人将字母a 读读a:而而美国人则读作美国人则读作 ask, cant, dance, fast, half, path 字母字母o英国人将字母英国人将字母o读作读作,而美国人则将而美国人则将o读读作近似作近似a:音的音的a box, crop, hot, ironic, polish, spot U和ue英国人发ju:,而美国人则发u:RPGAreduceridju:sridu:sduedju

32、:du:tubetju:btu:b典型单词典型单词not/nt/nt/top/tp/tp/cant/k:nt/knt/ask/:sk/sk/chance/t:ns/tns/tomato/tm:tu/tmeitu/missile/misail/misil/epoch/i:pk/epk/clerk/cla:k/klrk/辅音辅音RP清晰,清晰,GA含混含混. d和和t 在美音中在美音中/t/发音与发音与/d/相相近近。美音中。美音中/t/ 出现在两个元音之间且处于非重读位置的时候,出现在两个元音之间且处于非重读位置的时候,发音近似发音近似/d/重音重音RP习惯把单词的主重音放在诸音节靠后的音节上,




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