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1、Lesson Three-Goods Move. People Move. Ideas -Goods Move. People Move. Ideas Move. And Cultures Change.Move. And Cultures Change.Question: What is the height of globalization?Answer: Princess Dianas deathQuestion: How come?Answer: An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tun

2、nel, driving a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was high on Scottish whiskey, followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles, treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines! And this is sent to you by a Malaysian, using Bill Gates technology which he

3、stole from the Japanese. And you are probably reading this on one of the IBM compatible PCs that use Taiwanese-made chips, and Korean made monitors, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by lorries driven by Indians, hijacked by Indonesians and finally sold to you.Warm-u

4、p Questions:1.1.Do you find anything different in your life that has been triggered off by globalization? 2.2.Whats your view towards globalization?3.3.Whats the authors attitude towards globalization? Do you agree with her? Why or Why not?Text Analysis1.1.This is a piece of argumentation. The autho

5、r approaches the issue of “globalization” from a historical perspective instead of a political or economic one.2.2.Effective writing skill: the rhetorical device of contrastDetailed Study of the Text: Part In nPart I (Paras. 1-3): Globalization is a reality but it is not something completely new. Wh

6、at is new is the speed and scope of changes.n nHow does the author begin the article? Why does she quote The Communist Manifesto?Language Points in Part I1.1.Be in the throes of: struggling with the task of sth/of doing sth2.2.A tectonic shift of habits and dreams: a profound change of habits and dr

7、eams 经受一种习俗与追求的巨大变化3.3.A wild assortment of changes: a great variety of changesLanguage Points in Part I4. Weaving commercial and cultural 4. Weaving commercial and cultural connections: making contracts in connections: making contracts in trade and culture trade and culture 开展商业和文化交流开展商业和文化交流5. Ven

8、tured 5. Ventured afieldafield: undertook the risk of : undertook the risk of getting away from homegetting away from home6. Wrought fundamental changes: 6. Wrought fundamental changes: brought about essential changesbrought about essential changes7. Tied tighter and more intricate knots 7. Tied tig

9、hter and more intricate knots between individuals and the wider between individuals and the wider world world 把个人与广阔的世界更紧密也把个人与广阔的世界更紧密也更复杂地连接在一起更复杂地连接在一起Detailed Study of the Text: Part IIn nPart II (Paras 4-6): different views on globalizationn nHow do some of Western social scientists and politic

10、ians view on globalization? Language Points in Part II1.1.Flatten every cultural crease: Flatten every cultural crease: 抹去抹去所有的文化差异所有的文化差异2.2.Popular factions sprout to exploit Popular factions sprout to exploit nationalist anxieties: Political nationalist anxieties: Political groups with broad supp

11、ort have groups with broad support have come into being to take advantage come into being to take advantage of existing worries and uneasiness of existing worries and uneasiness among the people about foreign among the people about foreign “cultural assault”.“cultural assault”.得到公众支持的派得到公众支持的派别开始利用民

12、族主义者的忧虑。别开始利用民族主义者的忧虑。3.3.Struggle for the upper hand:Struggle for the upper hand:争取有争取有利地位利地位Detailed Study of the Text: Part IIIn nPart III (Paras 7-9): the authors attitude towards cultural changes coming with globalization.n nWhat are the three points made by the author concerning cultural chang

13、es ? Language Points in Part III1.1.A phenomenon shot through with A phenomenon shot through with inconsistencies: a concept full of inconsistencies: a concept full of self-contradictionself-contradiction一种充满矛盾的现象一种充满矛盾的现象2.2.Point to: emphasizePoint to: emphasize3.3.Westernization is not a straight

14、 Westernization is not a straight road to hell, or to paradise either: road to hell, or to paradise either: Westernization is neither terribly Westernization is neither terribly bad nor extremely good.bad nor extremely good.4.4.The ostensible fountainhead of The ostensible fountainhead of world cult

15、ural degradation: world cultural degradation: 世界文世界文化堕落的明显的源头化堕落的明显的源头Language Points in Part III5. Hang out: often visit a place6. Rap music: 说唱音乐7. Cool hunters: 猎酷者8. Take me in hand: to control me as to show me how to behave 向我示范Detailed Study of the Text: Part IVn nPart IV (Paras 10-13): the au

16、thors experience with Amanda Freemann nWho is Amanda Freeman? Whats the authors experience with her? Language Points in Part IV1.1.Shoulder-length brown hair: Shoulder-length brown hair: 棕色的披肩发棕色的披肩发2.2.You dont have to be cool to do it; you You dont have to be cool to do it; you just have to have t

17、he eye: In trying to find just have to have the eye: In trying to find out what will be the future trend, you out what will be the future trend, you dont need to be fashionable yourself. All dont need to be fashionable yourself. All you need is awareness, that is to say, you need is awareness, that

18、is to say, you need to be observant.you need to be observant.3.3.A smallish 50s-style diner in a slight A smallish 50s-style diner in a slight seedy pocket east of Hollywood: a small seedy pocket east of Hollywood: a small restaurant built in the style of the 1950s restaurant built in the style of t

19、he 1950s in a somewhat run-down area in the east in a somewhat run-down area in the east of Hollywoodof Hollywood4.4.The thrift shops: The thrift shops: 旧货店旧货店Detailed Study of the Text: Part Vn nPart V (Paras 14-19): the author set Tom Sloper as an example to prove that fusion has become the trend.

20、n nIn what way is Tom Sloper typical?Language Points in Part V1.1.A computer geek:A computer geek:电脑怪人;电脑痴电脑怪人;电脑痴2.2. mah-jongg fanatic: mah-jongg fanatic: 麻将迷麻将迷3.3.This being America, he has found a way This being America, he has found a way to marry these two passions and sell the to marry these

21、 two passions and sell the result: Since America is an open and result: Since America is an open and technologically advanced country with a technologically advanced country with a large market for unusual things, Tom large market for unusual things, Tom found the necessary conditions to design foun

22、d the necessary conditions to design a software program combining computer a software program combining computer technology with the rules of mah-jongg, technology with the rules of mah-jongg, and he was able to sell his product.and he was able to sell his product.Language Points in Part V4. Habitua

23、l partners: 老搭档5. A real night owl: 真正的夜猫子6. Be up in the cybersphere far above the level of time zones: 在网络世界活动,这种活动超越时区。Detailed Study of the Text: Part VIn nPart VI ( Paras 20-24): the cultural trends in Shanghain nThe author makes a contrast between old Shanghai and Shanghai in the 1990s. Which

24、one does she prefer? How do you know?Language Points in Part VI1.1.A fast-forward blur: moving so fast A fast-forward blur: moving so fast into the future that outlines are into the future that outlines are blurred as if images on a video blurred as if images on a video tape being played on fast for

25、wardtape being played on fast forward2.2.Buick sales outlet: Buick sales outlet: 别克轿车的销售点别克轿车的销售点3.3.Elegant villas and imposing office Elegant villas and imposing office building: building: 优雅的别墅和雄伟的办公大楼优雅的别墅和雄伟的办公大楼4.4.Traffic crawls: Traffic crawls: 车辆缓慢爬行车辆缓慢爬行5.5.The cultural dislocation: The c

26、ultural dislocation: 文化混乱文化混乱Detailed Study of the Text: Part VIIn nPart VII (Paras 25-28): the change is at the level of ideasn nWhat example does the author give to illustrate the point that the change is at the level of ideas?Language Points in Part VII1.1.The truly great leap forward her is at t

27、he level of ideas: the real progress lies in the change of ideas.2.2.The lighting was heavy on shadows, with frequent flashes.灯光集中在鬼影上,常常夹有灯光集中在鬼影上,常常夹有闪电。闪电。3.3.It strained imagination that 难以想象Detailed Study of the Text: Part VIIIn nPart VIII (Paras 29-34): Tofflers view on conflict, change and wo

28、rld ordern nWhat did Toffler mean when he said “ order grows out of chaos”?n nHow does Toffler define “wave”?Language Points in Part VIII1.1.Early on I realized that I was going to need some type of compass to guide me through the wilds of global culture: From the very beginning I knew I need some g

29、uideline to help me in my study of global culture, to guide me through such a great variety of cultural phenomena.Language Points in Part VIII2. Smokestack countries: 重工业国家3. knowledge-based economies: 知识经济4. Fijian TV: 斐济电视台Detailed Study of the Text: Part IXn nPart IX (Para 35): the meaning of glo

30、bal culturen nAccording to the author, whats the meaning of global culture?Detailed Study of the Text: Part Xn nPart X (Para 36): the driving force of globalizationn nAccording to the author, what is the driving force of globalization?Language Points in Part Xn nIts a reality, not a choice: it is no

31、t something that you can accept or reject, it is already a matter of life which you will encounter and have to respond to every day.n nAspire to: have strong desire to achieve sth.Detailed Study of the Text: Part XIn nPart XI (Paras 37-39): another example in Shanghai to illustrate the transformatio

32、n of culturesn nWhen the author mentions her experience at a Jewish gathering in Shanghai, what does she want to prove?Language Points in Part XI1.1.Yom Kippur: 犹太教赎罪日2.2.Preside over: be in control of3.3.Kept their own identity: 保持他们的本色4.4.Penitence for something: sorrow or regret for having done s

33、omething wrongDetailed Study of the Text: Part XIIn nPart XII (Para 40): globalization is inevitable.n nDoes the author think that in the future there would be one “Mcworld”? What is her attitude?Language Points in Part XIIn nLinking is humanitys natural Linking is humanitys natural impulse, its com

34、mon destiny. impulse, its common destiny. 相互联相互联系是人类的自然欲望,是其共同的命系是人类的自然欲望,是其共同的命运。运。n nThe ties that bind people around the The ties that bind people around the world are not merely technological or world are not merely technological or commercial. They are the powerful commercial. They are the powerful cords of the heart.cords of the heart.把全世界人民联系把全世界人民联系起来的不是技术进步或商业往来,而起来的不是技术进步或商业往来,而是强有力的心灵的纽带。是强有力的心灵的纽带。



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