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1、著者:范守义、郭立秋、贾令仪著者:范守义、郭立秋、贾令仪20112011年年年年6-96-9月月月月玖投异诛搭哼握挟驼学若窗秩仇勾修骡您表弃坛赤菌镜帐朱隧宋缸菏态泅著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月Text A: JText A: JText A: Jazz Up Your English azz Up Your English azz Up Your English with Fresh and Lively Idiomswith Fresh and Lively Idiomswith Fresh and Lively IdiomsPassage

2、 1:Passage 1: 译文讲评:译文讲评:译文讲评:译文讲评:Text A (PPT v 2.0)Text A (PPT v 2.0)粟坛怯望宵醇糯马送冤演钟凑犬畸腔蹬似序匈肺替潭穆菏贩臭单刹菠载祟著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月第1段第1句话n两个that结构,语法意义不一样,前面的一个that引导出一个定语从句,它也是从句的主语;后一个that实际上是so that结构的组成部分。 English language is loaded with non-standard phrases that are rooted so deeply

3、 in its vocabulary that at times they cannot be distinguished from the accepted Standard English terms.款诞磨绊士粤斩阳焙语瘟饭很污详速萧倔趁殉聊氰诅辞静踪损菠婶芋慌绑著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月第1段第1句naccepted Standard English,认可的标准英语,英国英语中称 Received Standard English,即公认的标准英语,亦称RP,即 Received Pronunciation (公认的标准发音的英语)

4、。 山扭淫朽玲琅紊惶穆黑膝赠丫钩名豫锯掂龚徘烤贰吝旱热绝辞池抠刚腾肺著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月nReceived Pronunciation (RP), also called the Queens (or Kings) English, Oxford English, or BBC English, is the accent of Standard English in England, with a relationship to regional accents similar to the relationship in othe

5、r European languages between their standard varieties and their regional forms. Although there is nothing intrinsic about RP that marks it as superior to any other variety, sociolinguistic factors give Received Pronunciation particular prestige in England and Wales. However, since World War II, a gr

6、eater permissiveness towards allowing regional English varieties has taken hold in education and in the media in England. 下抱毁干旭竿姻帽保铅驱赠扔惠狱涕翠供却寓给垂粉拖常泥碑与联妈甲起著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月第1段第2句nJazz up: “Enliven, make more interesting” ne.g. “They jazzed up the living room with a new rug.”n “

7、They decided to include a comedy act to jazz up the program.”They jazz up the language of native speakers, making it very lively, natural, and authentic. 端井饲棚凑疫肄吸嘘硼拢忘焉室童僳竟存贺嗅冕仆坏躁较沼便凯膛挤危锄著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月第1段第2句n其中authentic在语境中是什么意思呢?nAuthentic这个词的定义取自Merriam-Websters online dic

8、tionary,如下: making it very lively, natural, and authentic.叶悔泞痰竹鹃潞僳捏犯腐沁尹斌蛔仗勤颧越估襄潜杰耸提汪佯弯绍椭钻张著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月nauthentic Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English autentik, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin authenticus, from Greek authentikos, from authents perpetrator, mast

9、er, from aut- + -hents (akin to Greek anyein to accomplish, Sanskrit sanoti he gains)Date: 14th centuryn1 obsolete : authoritativen2 a : worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to or based on fact b : conforming to an original so as to reproduce essential features c : made or done the same way

10、as an original n3 : not false or imitation : real, actual n4 a of a church mode : ranging upward from the keynote compare plagal 1 b of a cadence : progressing from the dominant chord to the tonic compare plagal 2n5 : true to ones own personality, spirit, or character睁娥授檀绅挛侨挤回顿绚如阴粱妻晋喜故嘛溪紫哈亢荡夹号世鹏蝗族啡升

11、著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月synonyms authentic, genuine, bona fide mean being actually and exactly what is claimed. nauthentic implies being fully trustworthy as according with fact ; it can also stress painstaking or faithful imitation of an original . ngenuine implies actual character

12、not counterfeited, imitated, or adulterated ; it also connotes definite origin from a source . nbona fide implies good faith and sincerity of intention . 醚伺敷咸效壤雄矩味枝窥凰陕担尧哉腋民晴笔挽秦痛尺才苞仑怯狗皖顽入著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月第2段前半句n有时候查一查中国百科网,也可以解决应与词义理解问题However, on the other hand, non-standard p

13、hrases make a pile of understanding hassles to English learners:单略笛啊芬阶锯躺何资包椿竖闪按厅冯拎卧庞尽矽孩队木聘苇媳詹颖余坐著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月新恐攻隋帐础赴拜烯砚仕甫盎椭拭梳伴傣少煌娠祭标株陡侩呀矫犊泣极仓著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月第2段后半句nintricate words and phrases: “intricate” 的意思是 “hard to follow or understand because f

14、ull of puzzling parts, details, or relationships”如 “an intricate problem”n因此,将“intricate”翻译成“难以理解”是正确的,而不能将其翻译成“复杂的”。 who helplessly try to gain an understanding of all intricate words and phrases, invented by the language speakers impromptu.锨咨豹安新差凋狈晋壳醉砚羚尉本堆捂袍闲艇勾滋寡够痪擅踢区萍敖结滴著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭

15、立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月第3段后半句类似的用法有很多,e.g.nInbooks represents an extensive number of international publishers, ranging from prestigious university presses to library science, scholarly, .nextensive number of diseases.nWonderful and extensive number of woodworking supply. but an extensive number of non-standa

16、rd phrases.刚财计骂缚堕衣瞒耐板孰溪囤参蒙驮残秽嘛拄翌杜妙驳血向是星晰广近疥著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月第5段第1句ntons of idioms: 是tons of something的一种具体用法, 即lots of something。是口语夸张的说法。nE.g. We got tons of fried chicken, so help yourself. nYou are in tons of trouble. The best advice to the English learners is not to make m

17、any efforts, trying to remember tons of idioms at one sitting.勤嗣碴箩默荫善壤起膳沈舆梭孕枪朋妹象粹单瑟驹披蚊仅缎靳靛亭顺寅掣著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月第5段第2句n其中native一词作为形容词的意思是什么呢?你从下面的各个义项中,能够判断哪个义项的定义符合上文的语境呢? or lively communication with native speakers,渠竞儒格速斡睦靛丛多触庞恭旦苞夺蔼衷窍乌探绣坟钙扎晨先涤令庇谦宴著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立

18、秋贾令仪2011年6-9月nnative adj. n1. Existing in or belonging to one by nature; innate: native ability.n2. Being such by birth or origin: a native Scot.n3. Being ones own because of the place or circumstances of ones birth: our native land.n4. Originating, growing, or produced in a certain place or region;

19、 indigenous: a plant native to Asia.n5. a. Being a member of the original inhabitants of a particular place. b. Of, belonging to, or characteristic of such inhabitants: native dress; the native diet of Polynesia.n6. Occurring in nature pure or uncombined with other substances: native copper.n7. Natu

20、ral; unaffected: native beauty.璃湃咀蒂显朱诡据溢阀茵迂稚撮碌必娄滑搽笨邢鸥铝价缕孙臻迂幅蛮妹抵著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月Synonyms: native, indigenous, endemic, autochthonous, aboriginalnThese adjectives mean of, belonging to, or connected with a specific place or country by virtue of birth or origin. nNative implies

21、birth or origin in the specified place: a native New Yorker; the native North American sugar maple.nIndigenous specifies that something or someone is native rather than coming or being brought in from elsewhere: an indigenous crop; the Ainu, a people indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan.n

22、Something endemic is prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality or people: endemic disease.nAutochthonous applies to what is native and unchanged by outside sources: autochthonous folk melodies.nAboriginal describes what has existed from the beginning; it is often applied to the earliest know

23、n inhabitants of a place: the aboriginal population; aboriginal nature. See Also Synonyms at crude.哪奖哦铅恬姑架蒂滴沪懦梳躲宅僵阉禁艇艾撤雄揣囊涸向玄波本剔绊惶哇著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月第6段第3句n phraseological units:n1. the manner in which words or phrases are used (这个定义讲的是词语的用法,特别的风格); n2. a set of phrases used by

24、 a particular group of people(这个定义是前一个定义引申出来,特指某个人群专门使用的词语)。我们不妨将其译成“专用语单位”。半傲缨恰骏棍池遁僚继获抗丈韭椿章酉插镍叔红娶勋宫寐况岛蒋黎捞谭营著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月第6段第4句nSimply 可以有以下几个义项:n1. in a simple manner; with simplicity (简单、俭朴、朴素) e.g. dresses simply. n2. merely; only; just (仅仅、只是)e.g. simply trying to help

25、. n3. absolutely; completely(绝对地、完全地)e.g. I was simply furious.n根据上下文的逻辑意义,义项2符合要求,其相应的中文确定为“只是”。 we simply put together already existing words.呆必氖敌拓肺孤理范诣预岗饿肩牟埃孕扎齿去蛤氛绸驭节和粳抚噬鳞蹬霸著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月第6段第4句n其中的“a new sense”应该是词典学概念,所以要译成“一个新义项一个新义项”。n如果是译成了“新义”或者“新的意义”,则是普通的意义。nAcqui

26、re的用法见后: which acquire a new sense in the combination,瓢奇镣驼深牛疫沤追栗栽熟硷惠庚燥役昨徊闰鱼言票浮原审转散蔫邻珐捷著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月第6段第4句nacquire transitive verbn1: to get as ones own: a : to come into possession or control of often by unspecified means b : to come to have as a new or added characteristi

27、c, trait, or ability (as by sustained effort or natural selection) n2: to locate and hold (a desired object) in a detector 糟抖授办稍按爽宫群通茎溢作酪汀孰敬沈褒郊达股成寂沤昨焦获胰光赶草著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月nExamples of ACQUIREnThe two ships were acquired by the navy after the war. nThe team acquired three new

28、players this year. nThe old word has acquired a new meaning. nThis apparently minor event has acquired increasing significance in recent weeks. nHe is studying the way that language is acquired by children. 佣严妹窜账盅腥收盛兹扮联躁柏洼驰县乞穷园妨尊婚笔梧辈泌拳湘氢疽蛹著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月版权所有 欢迎改编2011年6-9月百抚瘪戴罪酒兴小柴造哈州挨退片棺缺疏徒法饯许禄书胃狂胳盛烧病缔抉著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月著者范守义郭立秋贾令仪2011年6-9月



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