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1、 第一章第一章 商务谈判商务谈判Chapter 1 Business Negotiation 第一章第一章 商务谈判(商务谈判(Business Negotiation)Business Negotiation in international trade is the process in which the seller and the buyer negotiate about the trade terms to reach agreement on the sales of goods. four stages: inquiry, offer, counter-offer and a

2、cceptancefive items: 1. the subject matter of the contract; 2. the price of the goods; 3. the liabilities of the seller; 4. the liabilities of the buyer; 5. the methods a. to prevent the occurrence of disputes ; b. to settle dispute in case theres any; 第一章第一章 商务谈判(商务谈判(Business Negotiation)Cultural

3、factors are very important. cultural differencesInterpreter: 1. to develop a knowledge of business English and trade terminology; 2. to understand the culture;Vocabulary Workterms of payment: 支付条款;specimen contract: 合同样本; draft sight: 见票即付; pay a margin: 支付保证金; Vocabulary Workcredit status: 信用状况;int

4、ernational practices: 国际惯例;make delivery: 交货;L/C payment: 信用证付款;an irrecoverable L/C: 不可撤销信用证;countermand our order: 取消我们的订单;remain valid: 依然有效;arrange an earlier shipment: 安排提前装运 ;partial shipment and transshipment: 分批装运和转运; Vocabulary Work交货期:the time of delivery; 分批装运:partial shipment;遵守合同:observ

5、e the contract;终止合同:cancel the contract;商业信誉:commercial integrity;守信用:maintain commercial integrity;约束力:binding;; Vocabulary Work中国商品检验局:the China Commodity Inspection Bureau;提出索赔:lodge a claim; 现金投标保证金:a cash deposit;开标:open the bid;Sight Interpretation (Dialogue 1)the last consignment: 上一批货;a numb

6、er identical with the bill of lading: 这一数字和提单的数字相吻合;sound and intact : 完好无损;the short weight: 短重;the provisions of the contract: 合同条款;evaporation of the goods en route: 途中货物蒸发 建议:注意货物贸易中的一些惯用的表达方式,与日常表达是不一样的。Sight Interpretation (Dialogue 2)季节性的商品:a seasonal product;货物投放市场:put the goods on the marke

7、t;适时交货:a timely delivery;早点交货:make an earlier delivery;分批装运:partial shipment 建议:注意按照国际惯例,货物装运后卖方须将装运情况及时通知买方。Note-taking (1)import from other exporters: 从其他出口商进口;an advance payment: 一笔预付款;the interest rate: 利率;make concessions: 做出让步;retract the order: 撤回订单; 建议:注意付款方式应该尽量掌控主动权,可以适当的妥协,但是一定要坚持必要的底线,避免

8、后期收不回货款的风险。 Note-taking (2)报价:selling offer;还价:counter-offer;平等互利的基础:the basis of equality and mutual benefit;破例减价10% :10 percent as a special accommodation;再加一点:Put it up a bit;没有什么讨价还价的余地了:no room for bargaining; 建议:有一些说法需要理解其内涵,而不是从字面上去理解和翻译,比如“破例减价10%”的翻译,没有表示出破例,而用了“accommodation”一词。Sentences i

9、n Focus (E-C)lose out: 输给别人了;be in time for the seasonal period: 赶上销售旺季;in conformity with the agreed specifications: 与双方所商定的规格相符;commercial reputation:商业信誉;建议:翻译的时候就要一定注意,可以破句重组,化繁杂的英语长句为多个意义紧密相连的汉语短句,而不必拘泥于原文的层次结构。Sentences in Focus (C-E)保持有效:remain valid;质量和重量证明书:a certificate of quality and a ce

10、rtificate of weight; 开始招标的时间:the time of your invitation for bid;出具保证书:hand in a letter of guarantee;建议:英语多被动,汉语多主动。如The goods will be inspected by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau. 译为“货物由中国商品检验局进行检验”,而不是译为“被检验”。 Text Interpreting (E-C Interpretation) conclude the first transaction : 达成第一笔交易;re

11、quire payment by confirmed: 要求货款以保兑的; tie up my money: 限制我的资金; reduce the margin to a minimum: 把保证金减到最低;favorable terms: 优惠条件; have no alternative: 没有选择余地;have the L/C opened by fax: 用传真开信用证; E-C Interpretation As youve seen from specimen contract,we require payment by confirmed, irrevocable L/C all

12、owing partial shipment and transshipment, available by draft sight. 从我们的合同样本中,你可以知道,我们要求货款以保兑的、不可撤销的、允许分装和转船、见票即付的信用证支付。 建议:句中的专业术语比较多,这些都是商业谈判中的常用语,所以需要记忆。E-C InterpretationnYou can draw on me just as if there were a letter of credit.ndraw on在这句话里可理解为相信或信任,翻译时要注意句中出现的虚拟语气there were , 全句的意思是: “你可以相信

13、我,就跟开了信用证一样。”n建议:翻译时注意虚拟语气的翻译。E-C Interpretation If we make an exception here, we dont know where to stop. 如果我们在这儿开了先例,就不知道在哪儿刹车。 建议:注意“ exception”和“ stop”的翻译,要符合汉语习惯表达。 E-C Interpretation That will not only tie up my money but also increase my cost. 这会限制了我的资金并提高成本。 建议:注意“tie up”的翻译,原意为“捆住”,此处引申翻译为“

14、限制了资金”。E-C Interpretation As this is our first transaction concluded at a time when the world competition is rather keen,I would suggest that you give me more favorable terms so as to promote trade between our two parties. 由于这是我们的第一笔交易,加上当前国际竞争相当由于这是我们的第一笔交易,加上当前国际竞争相当激烈,为了促进我们之间的贸易,我建议你方给我一些优激烈,为了促

15、进我们之间的贸易,我建议你方给我一些优惠条件。惠条件。n建议:拆分成四个部分翻译,建议:拆分成四个部分翻译,翻译词序调整。在翻译时,翻译词序调整。在翻译时,对于长句的处理要灵活。对于长句的处理要灵活。Alternative Interpretation terms of shipment: 装运条款;the time of delivery: 交货日期;effect shipment: 装船;advance the time of shipment to : 将装运提前到;sell at profitable prices: 以盈利的价格销售;be fully/heavily committe

16、d: 订货过多;be compelled to: 不得不;work three shifts: 三班倒地工作;the balance: 余货;背景补充:分批装运(背景补充:分批装运(Partial Shipment)n分批装运分批装运是一个合同项下的货物先后分若干期或若干次装运。在国际贸易中,凡数量较大,或受货源、运输条件、市场销售或资金的条件所限,有必要分期分批装运、到货者,均应在买卖合同中规定分批装运条款。如为减少提货手续,节省费用,在进口业务中要求国外出口人一次装运货物的,则应在进口合同中规定不准分批装运(partial shipment,not allowed)条款。 n允许分批装运的

17、方法主要有两种:一为只原则规定允许分批装运,对于分批的时间、批次和数量均不作规定;二是在规定分批装运条款时具体列名分批的期限和数量。前者对卖方比较主动,可根据客观条件和业务需要灵活掌握;后者对卖方的约束较大。Alternative InterpretationI shall be compelled to purchase elsewhere and may have to countermand our order.这里的be compelled to表示“不得不”,countermand意为“取消,撤回”,在谈判中通常表示“取消生意”的意思。I would prefer to have t

18、he goods shipped in one lotlot表示(商品)一批。Alternative Interpretation If we place our goods on the market at a time when all other importers have already sold theirs at profitable prices, we shall lose out.句式:条件状语从句 时间状语从句place翻译成“投放”;建议:翻译要流畅,不必拘泥于单词的具体意思。 C-E Interpretation (Dialogue 1)过目:go through;统

19、一的认识:unanimous agreement; 加上这句:insert this sentence;为了交朋友:for the sake of friendship;商业信誉:the commercial integrity;有口皆碑:speak highly of ;商检局:the Inspection Bureau;向保险公司索赔:lodge a claim with the insurance company有道理:stand to reason;合同执行过程:the execution of the contract;C-E Interpretation (Passage 1)n我

20、向你们保证不会发生这种情况。我们的货物只有在符合标准后,商检局才会放行。nI assure you that this is not likely to happen. Our goods must be up to export standards before the Inspection Bureau allows them to pass.C-E Interpretation (Dialogue 1)n我们应该对所有的条款有个统一的认识。n这里不便用主动语态表示“对有一个统一的认识”,可以用被动语态be met with表达,即all the terms should be met w

21、ith unanimous agreement,这样表达更得体。n万一发生缺重或质量不合格怎么办?what if是what will or would happen if的简略表达方式。这里可用该句型表达,即What if this were to happen?C-E Interpretation (Dialogue 1)n那就应该向保险公司提出索赔。 这是商务谈判中的常用句型。 可用lodge with 表达,即A main claim would then be lodged with the insurance company.n建议:有一短语有固定的表达,要注意记忆。如lodge a

22、 complaint(提出申诉),lodge an appeal(提出上诉)。C-E Interpretation (Dialogue 2)轻轨:light railway;招标:call for a bid;投标:submit the bids;交纳保证金:make a cash deposit; 国际惯例:international practice;监督开标:supervise the opening;投资环境:investment climate;在价格和质量上很有竞争力:be competitive in price and in quality;C-E Interpretation

23、 (Dialogue 2)n我们是美国最大的机械设备制造商之一。我今天来的目的是想咨询一下有关贵公司购买轻轨设备的事情。最大的:leading一词代替;增词技巧:here;n建议:有一些经常用到的词或词组要作为重点来记忆,比如这句话中的“轻轨设备”等。C-E Interpretation (Dialogue 2)n你的消息真灵通。确实我们正准备为上海轻轨项目进行招标。nOh,youre very well informed. Its true that we are prepared to call for a bid for a railroad project in Shanghai.n建

24、议:注意选择适当的英语句式来表达。C-E Interpretation (Dialogue 2)n按照国际惯例,投标人要交纳保证金或商业银行出具的保证书。如果没有中标,那么在宣布中标结果后一周内,我们将把保证金或保证书退回给投标人。 增词:decision; on award;n建议:在翻译过程中,可以增词或者是减词,只要保证表达了原意即可。C-E Interpretation (Dialogue 2)n如果你们的投标条件是最合适的,我们当然很愿意接受你们的投标。nIf the conditions of your bid turn out to be the most suitable, o

25、f course well accept your bid.Vocabulary Development (1)商品目录: catalog; 运费: freight;保险费: premium; 折扣: discount,allowance;含佣价: price including commission; 零售价:retail price; 批发价: wholesale price; 现货价格: spot price;期货价格: forward price; 信用证: (L/C)letter of credit;付款交单: (D/P) document against payment;即期付款交

26、单:document against payment at sight;承兑交单: (D/A) document against acceptance;离岸价(船上交货价):(FOB)free on board;成本加运费价(离岸加运费价): (C&F)cost and freight到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价): (CIF)cost,insurance and freightVocabulary Development (2)time of delivery:交货时间; remittance:汇付;demand draft:票汇; telegraphic transfer:电汇;Advan

27、ce payment:预先付款; Shipping documents:装运单据;Counter offer:还盘; Inquiry,enquiry:询盘(询价);Cash settlement:现金结算; time of validity:有效期限;Irrevocable L/C payable against draft at sight:见票即付的不可撤销信用证;transferable L/C and divisible L/C:可转让与可分割的信用证;Extend shipment :延期装运;Partial shipment :分批装运Effect/make shipment :装

28、运tenderer :投标者口译技巧口译技巧数字口译数字口译口译中,数字的翻译是一项较难的技巧。英语和汉语在数字的表达方式上有所不同,这就更容易造成数字翻译的错误。一、英汉基数数字的不同表达方法。二、提高数字口译的准确性和速度的方法。1.利用阿拉伯数字和汉字结合。2.利用阿拉伯数字、小数点和英文单词缩写记录。3.预制表单,填空记数。4.不用表格,用脑熟记“关键点”。5.分节号记录法。三、需要注意的几类数字翻译。1.笼统的数字2.倍数的翻译 1)增加倍。 2)翻番。 Interpretation Skills Practice total import and export volume: 进出

29、口总额;absorb foreign funds: 吸收外资;handling capacity of Chinese ports: 港口吞吐量;households with high and medium income: 中高收入家庭;Household savings have exceeded : 居民储蓄已超过;Supplementary Exercise 1 (E-C)come straight to the point: 开门见山;understand your position: 理解你们的处境;encourage more future business: 促进未来的生意;e

30、xchange quota: 兑换定额;Could you give us more favorable terms of payment as a gesture encouraging more future business.你能给我们提供更优惠的付款条件吗?以便促进我们未来的生意往来。Supplementary Exercise 1 (E-C)You know,the financial market is fluctuating, and the economic situation is going down. So it is necessary for us to do bus

31、iness on L/C basis so as to get the bankers guarantee.你知道金融市场波动很大,经济形势不景气,所以我们必须以开立信用证的方式付款,以便能得到银行的担保。As you just said, the market is fluctuate, and our exchange quota is insufficient. To open an L/C will slow down our turnover.正如你所说,市场不稳定,我们的兑换定额不充分。开立信用证只会减缓我们的营业额。Supplementary Exercise 2 (C-E)上一

32、批T恤衫:the last shipment of the T-shirts;对货物进行商检:have the goods inspected;严重褪色:be seriously discolored;包装不当:improper packing;找某人索赔:turn to somebody for ones claim;订舱位:book the shipping space;Supplementary Exercise 3 (Dialogue)进出口商品交易会: Import and Export Commodities Fair;汽车零部件: the auto parts;涨幅很大: go

33、up tremendously;机床产品的目录: brochure for the machine tools;佣金: commission;底线价:rock-bottom price;说服我:talk me into something;价格以我们最后确认的为准。All the price on the lists are subjected to our confirmation.Supplementary Exercise 3 (Dialogue)您知道近几年劳动力和原材料成本增加了很多。我们的报价是以成本和合理的利润为依据,不是漫天要价。You know that the cost o

34、f labor and material has risen a great deal in recent years. Our offer is based on the cost and a reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.我们在妥协一半就能弥补这个差距,我们的交易就能达成。Let us meet each other half way once more, then the gap will be Closed and business will be done.本章小结本章小结一、商务谈判的背景知识;(合同条款和信用证)二、交易磋商;(注意英语的专有词汇)三、数字口译的处理;(实践是训练数字互译的根本途径)



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