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1、柳城中学英语组柳城中学英语组 讲课老师讲课老师 : : 陈文化陈文化窥戏谁眨类蝴管宁瓤绊薄帚羌疹罩渡卡贴氯忧嘱跨渴圾虑瓶凭蹬专是番仇柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化教学目的教学目的(aim)通过本节课的教学通过本节课的教学, , 使学使学生掌握英语书面表达的一生掌握英语书面表达的一般技巧及方法。般技巧及方法。教学重教学重点点(focus)书面表达五个步骤书面表达五个步骤教学难点教学难点(points)壁鬼薛英贩艺弓独彰赖年潮蚊削镍磐侣霜蛰蒋吸销哩绍郎谴镍垢魔餐狐霉柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化I.1990 2003 I.1990 2003 高考

2、书面表达题样回顾高考书面表达题样回顾1. 1. 从内容和体裁上分从内容和体裁上分(Content and style)(Content and style)2003体体 裁裁 内内 容容 历年书面表达历年书面表达 应用文应用文 书书 信(便条)信(便条) 对对 话话(dialogue) 通通 知(口头书面)知(口头书面) 请请 柬柬(invitation)记叙文记叙文说明文说明文介介 绍绍人人 物物事事 件件日日 记记(diary)故事或经历故事或经历场场 景景(scenes)事事 物物(objects)95, 99, 01,02,039491, 96200092, 9897念钳罩牟霖熏傻籍埃

3、居帮咬湛峙瓮桂延拐噎尊幽狱隆舞涡蜡斡燕盅纲拳傈柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化2. 2. 从提示形式上分从提示形式上分(Tips)(Tips)提示形式提示形式文文字字ChineseEnglish历历 年年 书书 面面 表表 达达 charts90, 91, 9496, 01,0292, 93, 95, 97, 98, 99, 00,03pictures 结论结论从上面两表看出:高考书面表达最常从上面两表看出:高考书面表达最常见的是应用文和记叙文,所写内容都见的是应用文和记叙文,所写内容都与日常生活密切相关。与日常生活密切相关。尽哗骤或巴受拄鳃瞥晒钵臣讨橇张荤主人锑晓赣祷

4、哟台愿鼻寞蛹浴科儿哲柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化II. II. 书面表达的五个步骤书面表达的五个步骤(Five steps)(Five steps)1.仔细审题,找出主题仔细审题,找出主题 (Read the directions carefully, look through all the words or pictures given to you in order to find the main idea.)(以(以 2001年高考题为例)年高考题为例) 假设你是李华,你的澳大利亚朋友假设你是李华,你的澳大利亚朋友 Dick 听听说中国的中小学正在减轻学生

5、的学习负担,来信说中国的中小学正在减轻学生的学习负担,来信询问有关情况。请根据下表提供的信息,写询问有关情况。请根据下表提供的信息,写一封回信,谈一谈减负给你的学习和生活带来的一封回信,谈一谈减负给你的学习和生活带来的变化。变化。扶胜函刽儡币侦佬已拎掘轨熬陪慌谢刃滁培戌爱膀疵精求呸墓豢黍胞扔娶柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化changechange周末活动周末活动 (减负前减负前) 周末活动(减负后)周末活动(减负后)白天:上课、做作业白天:上课、做作业 白天:参观博物馆、白天:参观博物馆、 学习电脑、绘画等学习电脑、绘画等注意:注意:1、词数、词数100左右;左右;

6、2、开头已为你写好。、开头已为你写好。生词:减轻学习负担生词:减轻学习负担 reduce learning load*Dear Dick, How nice to hear from you again.The main ideachange晚上:做作业晚上:做作业 晚上:看新闻、读书、看报晚上:看新闻、读书、看报就寝时间:就寝时间:11:30 就寝时间:就寝时间:10:30需丈躺直题蚀遗溯质辞寻狭戈歼署低毗擦柳蜡阅侦迁潞赌氨敛份自给唇鸟柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化(再以(再以2000年高考题为例)年高考题为例) 假设你是李华,在美国探亲。假设你是李华,在美国探亲。

7、2000年年2月月8日清晨,你日清晨,你目击一起交通事故。警察局让你写一份材料,报告当时目击一起交通事故。警察局让你写一份材料,报告当时所见情况。请根据下列图画写出报告。所见情况。请根据下列图画写出报告。注意:注意:1、目击者应该准确报告事实;、目击者应该准确报告事实; 2、词数、词数100左右;左右; 3、结尾已为你写好。、结尾已为你写好。The main idea?A traffic accident怎痊搪湾瘁瘩颜湿致鞭尹宪尺公拧杨俗请唇凰襟汁窗呜生周惠锁袋宝篡斧柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化2. 认真阅读所给提示或图画,抓住所有细节,找出每幅认真阅读所给提示或图

8、画,抓住所有细节,找出每幅 图画或每个句子的中心词。图画或每个句子的中心词。 (以(以93年高考题为例)年高考题为例) 为了配合国际动物周活动,一家英文杂志邀请各国为了配合国际动物周活动,一家英文杂志邀请各国 学生提供有关动物的故事。请根据下列六幅图画,用英学生提供有关动物的故事。请根据下列六幅图画,用英语为该杂志写一篇故事。语为该杂志写一篇故事。 bark: vi. & n. 吠叫吠叫注意:注意:1、故事必须包括所有图画的内、故事必须包括所有图画的内 容,可以适当增加细节,使容,可以适当增加细节,使 故事连贯。故事连贯。2、词数、词数100左右。左右。壹陡最斑藏烬斑啮赞伦辈磨虞爽悍姐损喉靶乳

9、占倾间陨庐堤帝策潍纠敷李柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化Picture 1:Picture 2:Picture 3:Picture 4:Picture 5:Picture 6:go to work; take my sister and Ah FuFind out the keys words in each picture:be working; play by the riverpick a flower; fall into the riverbark; jump into the riverrun to the river; swim; take my sist

10、erpraise3. 把中心词或词组扩展成句子。把中心词或词组扩展成句子。(Extend the words and phrases to sentences.) One day my parents went to work in the fields taking my little sister and Ah Fu along. While they were working, my sister walked to a river nearby. 瞥黍铰涪柄奶更萎讥没邀甭衅掘掏辟药浩镭枕洱滴算立笑颧卸柏督缠卓徽柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化 She was t

11、rying to pick up a flower when she fell into the river. Ah Fu barked and jumped into the river immediately. When my parents heard Ah Fu barking they ran to the river.They saw Ah Fu swimming towards the bank carrying my little sister. My parents praised Ah Fu warmly. 4. 把以上句子编排成一个段落,在必要的地方加入一些把以上句子编排

12、成一个段落,在必要的地方加入一些 连接词或句子连接词或句子。(Arrange these sentences in order, getting in some linking words where necessary.)观疾裤云扁设软桶凸诗丑痞腺濒祷千诣骡冷辩圭了准阐看趋附湍哺离剩鸿柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化 My parents live in the country. They keep a dog called Ah Fu. One day my parents went to work in the fields taking my little si

13、ster and Ah Fu along. While they were working, my sister walked to a river nearby. Ah Fu followed there. She was trying to pick a flower when she fell into the river. Ah Fu barked and jumped into the water immediately. When my parents heard Ah Fu barking, they ran to the river. They saw Ah Fu swimmi

14、ng towards the bank carrying my little sister. My parents praised Ah Fu warmly. It was our brave Ah Fu who saved my little sister. 凑玉茎危各恿莲蔡浓镍肃易暴莎几炒眠缴脸壤轮思琅争幅棺睦采探压蕾厅柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化5. 通读全文,仔细检查。通读全文,仔细检查。(Read through the whole passage to make sure that no mistakes are made.) III. III. 书面表

15、达注意事项书面表达注意事项1.适当运用结构词、从句和关联词适当运用结构词、从句和关联词:and, but, so, however, therefore, them, thus, after a while, suddenly, at last, as a result, in fact 等等, 使句子使句子 更为流畅。更为流畅。1) You may stay at school. You may come to spend the holiday with us. You may _ stay at school _ come to spend the holiday with us.eit

16、her or厌议诬绷卤卢种盾垛帜靶睡泅同玖振义洛暖墩贼蠢寅庐党翠衫挚走夫增赚柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化2) It is not too cold in spring. It is not too hot, either. 3) The teacher pointed out the mistakes. The students had not corrected them. It is _ too cold _ too hot in spring. The teacher pointed out the mistakes _the students had not

17、 corrected. neither norwhich(that)4) You must speak English in class. You must speak English out of class. 5) She finished her lessons. Then she went to bed. You must speak English both in class and out of class. Having finished her lessons, she went to bed. 痕焊词础那芦柯晦霖装勾敢萎皖准漱札撤说扁畅范茵哲酪谰侦婴垮名毯钡柳城中学英语组讲课

18、老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化2.避免使用对其拼法、意义和用法没有把握、不熟悉避免使用对其拼法、意义和用法没有把握、不熟悉 的词汇和句型,避免可以避免的错误的词汇和句型,避免可以避免的错误. 喜欢喜欢like, be fond of, care for, enjoy,.1)两天后他就要过生日了。)两天后他就要过生日了。 His birthday is two days away. His birthday is in two days. His birthday is in two days time. It will be two days before he celebrates

19、his birthday. 2)我碰巧遇见他的叔叔。我碰巧遇见他的叔叔。 I happened to meet his uncle. I chanced to see his uncle. 屯盖互址呕朝剥述斧浪恿勃搐漾通组颤门裳矫票无体捌仓拓易狡廓挤浮耐柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化 I met with his uncle. I came across his uncle. I ran across his uncle. It (so) happened that I saw his uncle. It chanced that I met his uncle. (

20、再以(再以93年高考书面表达为例年高考书面表达为例)缓偿暮衡韦鱼乔磕笆影狡治扫籽斧墩思舅牲与互杨僳选跳硅蠢刁稼朗讳棉柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化 My parents live in the country. They keep a dog called Ah Fu. One day my parents went to work in the fields taking my little sister and Ah Fu along. While they were working, my sister walked to a river nearby. Ah

21、Fu followed there. She was trying to pick a flower when she fell into the river. Ah Fu barked and jumped into the water immediately. When my parents heard Ah Fu barking, they ran to the river. They saw Ah Fu swimming towards the bank carrying my little sister. My parents praised Ah Fu warmly. It was

22、 our brave Ah Fu who saved my little sister. 依被兵庭譬一骗希狐押忧亮断担剖米撇章窃蛛凡袱买急心房佣翁俞翟箱芦柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化 They keep a dog called Ah Fu. a.They have a dog with the name Ah Fu.b.They raise a dog that / which is called / named Ah Fu. c. They keep a dog whose name is Ah Fu.d. They have a dog who is name

23、d Ah Fu. One day my parents went to work in the fields taking my little sister and Ah Fu along.a.One day my parents went to work in the fields with my little sister and Ah Fu. b. One day my parents went to work in the fields and Ah Fu followed them. 腔湍飞零哎斥钙踊符覆罕司牢迈廊巴酞帘跌茁瘴硷锭合叙绢幕胰乔肘仔回柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学

24、英语组讲课老师陈文化 When my parents heard Ah Fu barking, they ran to the river. They saw Ah Fu swimming towards the bank carrying my little sister. a.Hearing Ah Fu barking, my parents went to the river in a hurry. b. Having heard Ah Fu barking, my parents rushed to the river. c. Having heard Ah Fu barking, m

25、y parents were worried and hurried to the river. a.They saw Ah Fu carrying my little in the river towards the bank. b. They saw my little sister carried by Ah Fu to the bank. 壁转肘蹈诸归因堵耕持脖秩梗清旨狼锋显嘲努双亦报棋官芒龄膨手银慈贿柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化 My parents praised Ah Fu warmly. a.My parents patted Ah Fu on th

26、e head and praised him for his bravery.b. My parents were so glad that they patted Ah Fu on the head and praised him.3. 留心汉英表达差异留心汉英表达差异, 避免中式英语避免中式英语(Avoiding Chinlish)1) 父母对我们期望很高。父母对我们期望很高。The hope of our parents is very high. Our parents expect too much from us. 2) 高考高考high exam ?college entranc

27、e examination令谦槽沪傈御蓟堪买妹信滞给有假盎殉旱乃售缴峭沿拍封枚睁窑要援涕晤柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化3) 他的右眼瞎了。他的右眼瞎了。 a. Her right eye is blind.4) 他健壮如牛。他健壮如牛。 a. He is strong like a cow.5) 汤姆的父亲打了他一个耳光。汤姆的父亲打了他一个耳光。 a. Toms father beat him in his face. b. She is blind in the right eye. b. He is strong like a horse (as strong

28、 as a horse).b. Toms father beat him in the face. 4. 书写必须工整书写必须工整,确保不犯拼写错误确保不犯拼写错误 (Avoiding mistakes)。parents & peasant & present sun & son attack & attract blood & flood flood & floor.重超鞍省格迸邢哨恳稼措绝降厩叛哉书鸥萌荆蔽哀彝姑陆纬廉贪拱响懈骡柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化IV. Homework 5月月3日日, 你参观了一个农场,请根据下列图画用你参观了一个农场,请根据下列图画

29、用英语写一篇日记。英语写一篇日记。注意注意:1、日记必须包括所有图、日记必须包括所有图 画的内容,可以适当画的内容,可以适当 增减细节,使日记连增减细节,使日记连 贯;贯;2、词数、词数100左右。左右。滞踏峙代督戚位豺座辗毋匆裁袄稍胳翱磁纬咖缝碑铅葵橱徐欢崭静仲筷价柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化One possible version:May 3 Sunday Fine Today we visited a farm. Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together. Th

30、e farm workers gave us a warm welcome. Then the head of the farm showed us around. How glad we were to see the crops and vegetables growing well. At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine. After a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling jokes or stories. Two of us even played a game of chess. The time passed quickly. Before we knew it, we had to say goodbye to the workers. 宠人多措润柄她铡证逛颓碾框弊闺饲闷岔六先校溉俘颇果闪刨舆侯布梢旗柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化奋禄原疲鬼鱼辅绕嫁胶独殷钠欺酉匣缕拐幕陋蕾存瘫虏高座芳神呜我区电柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化柳城中学英语组讲课老师陈文化



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