新人教版高一英语必修1-Unit 5 Period1Listening and Speaking教案

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1、新人教版(新人教版(20192019)英语必修一)英语必修一Unit 5Unit 5Period 1 Listening and ThinkingPeriod 1 Listening and Thinking 教学设计教学设计课题课题Period 1 Listening and Thinking单元单元Unit 5 Languages Around theWorld学科学科English教材教材分析分析During this period, the class will focus on listening and thinking.Students are expected to get i

2、nsight into languagesThe teachers would inspire students to listen for accent.Knowledge objectives: Enable the students focus on listening and thinking.Skill objectives: Help the students get insight into languages.Emotional objectives: Improve students sense of languages.Thinking quality objectives

3、: Inspire the students to care about reference.1. Master the usage of key words and phrases.2. Improve the students listening and speaking ability.1. Let students pay attention to the pronunciation of different accents.2. Make the students know about listening for reference.教教学学过过程程学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图教

4、学目教学目标与核标与核心素养心素养重点重点难点难点教学环节教学环节Daily routineDaily routineStep 1教师活动教师活动Warm upWarm upTeacher greets the whole class as usual.- Activatestudentsand remind them toconcentrate.Step 2Lead-inLead-inStep 3Preview checkPreview checkStudentsanswer- Check the teachingTeacher asks students the meaning of wo

5、rds,thequestionssituationoflastphrases and knowledge points learnt lastloudly together.lesson quickly.lesson.- Helpstudentsconsolidatetheknowledge points.SayingSayingTeacher shows the pictures to lead the topic.1.Do you know where the photo was taken?2.Whichlanguagesdoyouthinkareofficially used here

6、?keys:1.The photo was taken at a United NationsGeneral Assembly meeting.- Use pictures to catchstudents attention.- Expandtheirhorizons and sparktheir interest.Afteracknowledging theinformationandthe meaning of thenewwords,answerthequestions.2.English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Arabic,and Russian ar

7、e officially used here.Step 4New wordsNew wordsTeacher explains the meaning of the newwords, and asks students to translate themeaning of the whole sentence.There are one billion people learning Englishnow.billionaire n.Staying with a native speaker is better forchildren than simply sitting in a cla

8、ssroom.natively adv.Your attitude would be improved when you fixyour attention on good things.positive attitudenegative attitudePlease refer to the dictionary if you dontknow the word.reference n.L Lets pets playlayTeacherchosesstudentstoanswerthequestions.1.Tom, a _ Californian, received hisdoctors

9、 degree at the University of California.2.If you want to go into the car industry, youdbetter have a few _ dollars.3.From the experience I learnt a lot about howthe _ of the leader can affect themembers of a team.4.You can _ online articles tocomplete your education.keys:1.native 2. billion 3. attit

10、ude 4.refer toPair workPair workDiscuss the questions in groups.BeforeBefore youyou listen,listen, matchmatch eacheach photophoto withwiththe correct country name.the correct country name.- Teach the meaningof new words.Step 5- Familiarize the newwords- Clear the tackle oflistening practice.Step 6Di

11、scuss with their- Familiarize Studentspatternerandwith key words.voicetheir- Make students useopinionscorewordsandphrases.keys:342615DiscussDiscuss whichwhich languageslanguages areare spokenspoken ininthese countries.these countries.France:France:FrenchFrenchRussia:Russia:RussianRussianGermany:Germ

12、any:GermanGermanSpain:Spain:SpanishSpanish(Castilian);(Castilian);therethereareareseveralseveralregionalregional languages,languages, suchsuch asas CatalanCatalan andandBasqueBasqueCanada:Canada:English, FrenchEnglish, FrenchIndia:India:Hindi,Hindi,English,English,therethereareare2222majormajorlangu

13、ageslanguagesListening & SpeakingListening & SpeakingStep 7Listening practiceListening practiceTeacher shows the questions. Then teacherplays the listening material and asks studentsto answer.ListenListentotoa aspeechspeechandandticktickthethetwotwolanguageslanguages withwith thethe mostmost nativen

14、ative speakers.speakers.CircleCircle thethe officialofficial languageslanguages ofof thethe UnitedUnitedNations (UN).Nations (UN).Keys:1.Chinese2.Spanish3.Arabic; Chinese; English; French; French;Russian; Spanish- Exercisestudentsexpressionandspeaking skills.Listentothe- Familiarize studentsmaterial

15、s carefullywith key words.anddothe- Exercisestudentslistening exercises.speaking skills.Listen to the speech again and answer theListen to the speech again and answer thequestions.questions.1.What is the main topic of this speech?2.How many languages are there in the world?3.How many billion people

16、speak the UNsofficial languages as their native or secondlanguage?4.What is the attitude of the speaker towardsforeign language learning?Keys:1.Learning a foreign language.2.Nearly 7,000.3.Around 2.8 billion.4.It is very useful to learn one or moreforeign languages.Listen to the speech again.Listen

17、to the speech again.What do the italicized words refer to in theWhat do the italicized words refer to in thesentences?sentences?They think it means better job chances in thefuture.Theyarespokenbyaround2.8billionpeople .Keys:1.They: students who choose to study a UNlanguage2.it: studying a UN languag

18、e3.They: the six official UN languagesStep 8ReferenceReferenceStudents listen to- Help students learnthe tips.tipsinlisteningPronouns (it, they, she, etc.) refer to somethingpractice.or somebody mentioned earlier. Pay attention- Makestudentsto the context of words to help you understandmaster the li

19、steningwhat the pronouns refer to.skill better.- Betterfinishthetesting task.DiscussionDiscussionTeacher shows the topic and gives studentsexamples to discuss.Work in pairs or groups. Discuss which otherlanguage(s) you want to learn and why.Usewhatthey- Voice their opinions.have learnt from- Practic

20、e their teamtheinterviewtospirit.helpyouand- Practicetheirdiscuss in groups.thinkingskillandimagination.Step 9My father is doing business with Russians.Id like to learn Russian so 1 can help him inthe future.I like watching Japanese cartoons, so Id liketo learn Japanese.Perhaps 1 should study French

21、. 1 think itsounds beautiful, and 1 know its used inmany countries.EXAMPLE:EXAMPLE:A:What language do you want to study?B:I really want to study French. I thinkthat the French language sounds beautiful.A:Why? Do you want to go to Francesome day?B:Yes, Id love to. Also, French is used bymany internat

22、ional organisations around theworld. Do you know that FIFAs full name isin French?A: Oh, I remember that. But I dont know howto pronounce it.British accent (woman)American accent (man)Step 10- Practicespeakinglistening.theirandPronunciationPronunciationStudentsdothe- Improvetheexercises.studentsWork

23、Work inin pairs.pairs. ReadRead thethe wordswords toto eacheachpronunciation skill.otherother andand seesee if if youyou pronouncepronounce themthemdifferently.differently.ListenListenandandpaypayattentionattentiontotohowhowthethespeakers pronounce them.speakers pronounce them.ListenListen tototheth

24、e paragraphparagraph readread byby twotwodifferentdifferent speakers.speakers. WhichWhich speakerspeaker hashas a aBritishBritish accentaccent and which hasand which has an Americanan Americanaccent?accent?English is a crazy language. There is no egg ineggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither applenor

25、 pine in pineapple. English muffins werentinvented in England or French fries in France.Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads,which arent sweet, are meat. . We find thatquicksand can work slowly, boxing rings aresquare, and a guinea pig is neither fromGuinea nor is it a pig. And why is it thatwri

26、ters write but . hammers dont ham?(Richard Lederer)British accent (woman)American accent (man)Step 11Pronunciation tipsPronunciation tipsLearn the related- Helpstudentsknowledge point.understandandmasterrelatedknowledge points.video: British English vs. American Englishvideo: British English vs. Ame

27、rican EnglishStep 12Language pointsLanguage pointsTeacher explains the language points andmakes some exercise.1. native adj. 出生地的;本地的;土著的n. 本地人native languagebe native to母语原产于The British forced the _(native) toleave their land by burning their villages.The kind of horses is not native _Listen to the

28、 key- Help students knowknowledge pointsaboutthecarefully and takeknowledgepointsexercise.deeper.- Let students knowhow to use thesewords and phrases.America it was introduced by the Spanish.keys: natives; toPandas are native _ China.AwithBtoCforDinkey: BA native English speaker _ limitedEnglish spe

29、akers finds it hard to talk withAfricanpeople eventhoughtheyspeakEnglish too.A. is used to deal withB. used to deal withC. is used to dealing withD. used to dealing withkey: D2. attitude n. 态度;看法attitude to/towardspositive attitudenegative attitude对待的态度积极的态度消极的态度In my opinion, my best friend changed

30、 myattitude _ life.Its generally believed that people act the waythey do because of their personalities and_(attitude).keys: towards/to; attitudesWhatisyourattitude_thisproblem?A. afterB. underC. beyondD. towardskey: DMy _ in teaching is different fromyours. AattitudeBappearC.approachapprovalkey: C3

31、. refer vi. 提到;参考;查阅vt. 查询referencerefer torefer toasrefertorefer to a book/dictionaryin/with reference ton. 指称关系;参考指的是;描述;提到;查阅把称作把提交给查阅书/字典关于;至于Yournotesareexcellentmaterials_(refer) to when you are studying for atest.People who work in offices are usuallyreferred to _ “white collar workers”.Jim i

32、nsisted that the book Mr. Black referred_ was worth reading.I have nothing to say in _ (refer) tothat incident.keys: to refer; as; to; referenceI _ my success to my familys support.AdevoteBcontributeCreferDowekey: DDevote to “致力于”contribute to“贡献” refer to“参考” oweto “归功于”根据句意 “他把成功归于家人的支持” 答案选 D。If

33、you dont know the meaning of the word,you can _the dictionary.Arefer toBlook intoClook upDcheckkey: AStep 13ExerciseTeacher asks students to fill the gap together.FillFill inin thethe blanksblanks withwith thethe correctcorrect formsforms ofofthe phrases below.the phrases below.1.Money and fame are

34、not_happiness. True happiness lies in beingsatisfied with your life and being gratefulfor all the things you have received.2._ how much money you canearn and how successful you become inthe future, you should always rememberwhere you are from and keep your familyand friends close to your heart3.Life

35、 is always full of _.Bebrave and do not complain when youexperience hard times. Just be strong andmake the best of things. You will get overtough times sooner than you think.4.Studying is not easy for me at all.However,Ifullyunderstanditissomething worth putting effort into. I amnot _ good scores in

36、 exams,but rather, a chance for a better future.5.Be comfortable with who you are. Behappyandlaugheveryday. Dance_ nobody is watching. Sing_ no one is listening.keys:1.relate to2.no matter3.ups and downs4.struggling for5.as if; as ifSummary and HomeworkSummary and HomeworkStep 14SummarySummaryTeache

37、r leads students to have a summary ofthis lesson.Language pointsLanguage pointsbillion, native, attitude, reference, refer,refer toOthers:Others:Explore languages around the worldFollowthe- Consolidateteachers thinkingstudentsflow and read theknowledge.words and phrases- Formknowledgeloudly.system.R

38、eferenceBritish accent and American accentStep 15HomeworkHomeworkTake notes.Write an essay about “the language I want tolearn”.Unit 5 Languages Around the WorldUnit 5 Languages Around the WorldPeriod 1 Listening and speakingPeriod 1 Listening and speaking板板书书Language pointsLanguage pointsbillion, native, attitude, reference, refer, refer toOthers:Others:Explore languages around the worldReferenceBritish accent and American accent- Consolidatestudents knowledgeand prepare for thefollowing lesson.



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