江苏省宜兴市屺亭中学九年级英语上册 9A《Unit 2 Colour》Vocabulary课件 牛津版

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《江苏省宜兴市屺亭中学九年级英语上册 9A《Unit 2 Colour》Vocabulary课件 牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省宜兴市屺亭中学九年级英语上册 9A《Unit 2 Colour》Vocabulary课件 牛津版(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、VocabularyOPPOSITES:ANTONYMS (OPPOSITES)fast- black-good- true-happy- safe-high- weak-hot- new-right- right-long- cheap-same- easy-slowbadsadlowcold wrong short different whitefalsedangerouspowerfuloldleft expensivedifficultlike- honest-correct-Complete-polite-possible-lucky- kind-common-ANTONYMS (O

2、PPOSITES)dislikedishonestincorrectincompleteimpoliteimpossibleunluckyunkinduncommonSynonymPRACTICE1.The coloue red represent strong feelings. It can make you feel _ A calm B powerful C sadness2.Blue and white are calm colour . They can make you feel_ A joy B stressed C relaxed BC3.Energetic colour l

3、ike green will make you look _. A hopeful B sad C lively 4. Paul has a _ personality and likes to be the leader.A weak B strong C nervousCBPRACTICESYNONYMbig- small-fast- happy-seldom- smart-journey- calm-wrong-cheap-largelittlequick cheerfulrarelycleverrelaxedinexpensiveincorrecttrip1. Your persona

4、l information is required when you buy an air ticket.2. His history teacher greatly influenced him.3. Wisdom is sometimes gained through experience.4. Eating certain foods can affect your emotions.PRACTICEneededaffectedknowledgemoodsPRACTICE5. She seemed unhappy after hearing the news.6. After his t

5、eam lost the game, he was the saddest in the room7. We all have different characteristics.8. We then realized we had done something wrong. sadmost unhappyqualitiescame to knowLANGUAGE POINTS:1.require vt. require sth. require sb. to do sth. require doing=require to be done (need doing=need to be don

6、e)【Try】我我们需要需要额外的帮助外的帮助. 这个工作需要个工作需要头脑清醒清醒. 运运动员们需要需要观众保持安静众保持安静. 教室需要打教室需要打扫一下一下. 这窗窗户需要修理一下需要修理一下. We require extra help.This job requires a clear head.The athlete require audients to keep quiet. The classroom needs cleaning/to be cleaned.This window requires mending/to be mended.LANGUAGE POINTS2.

7、 influence n.& v. The changes in climate may influence our health.气候的气候的变化会影响我化会影响我们的健康的健康A teacher has great influence over his pupils.老老师对学生有很大的影响学生有很大的影响3. happy v. unhappy happiness n.unhappiness反反DISCUSSIONWhich kinds of words have synonyms? Are they the same? If not, what are they? v. n. adj. adv.



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