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1、香港僱員自信心、任务滿意度香港僱員自信心、任务滿意度及勞資關係調查及勞資關係調查Employee Confidence, Job Satisfaction and Industrial Relations Survey香港城市大學管理學系應用研讨梁覺博士、葉景明博士Applied Research Conducted by Prof. Kwok LEUNG and Dr. Olivia IP Department of Management, City University of Hong KongPress Release on 02 May 2006背景資料 Background Info

2、rmation調查旨在了解香港僱員對目前任务的自信心指數,及任务滿意度和勞資關係。調查以電話訪問進行,於2006年3月24日至4月8日期間胜利訪問本港925位18歲或以上,現正全職任务的僱員。調查的結果可幫助上司了解僱員的心態及需求,從而知道如何提升僱員的任务滿意度及競爭才干,亦可以協助僱員對這方面加深了解,促進勞資之間溝通,及對本人的職業規劃作出妥善安排。The survey aims at understanding the confidence of Hong Kong employees towards their jobs, their job satisfaction and th

3、eir perception of industrial relations.It was conducted during March 24 April 8, 2006. A total of 925 Hong Kong citizens aged 18 or above, currently holding a full time job, were interviewed. 樣本概況樣本概況 Sample Overview樣本總數:925性別:男(56%) / 女(44%)年齡:30以下(25%) / 30 39 (29.4%) / 40或以上(45.5%)婚姻狀況:未婚(36.8%)

4、/ 已婚(61.7%)職級:低層(40.5%) / 中層(51.9%) / 高層(7.6%)教育程度:小學及中學(60.3%) / 大專或以上(39.7%)在公司任务平均年數:七年Total sample: 925Sex: Male (56%) / Female (44%)Age: Below 30 (25%) / 30 39 (29.4%) / 49 or above (45.5%)Marriage status: Single (36.8%) / Married (61.7%)Job position: Lower level (40.5%) / Middle level (51.9%)

5、/ Upper level (7.6%)Education level: Primary and Secondary (60.3%) / Tertiary or above (39.7%)Average year of working with the current company: 7 years香港僱員自信心指數香港僱員自信心指數 Hong Kong Employee Confidence Index (HKECI)香港僱員自信心指數 (HKECI 簡稱ECI ) 量度僱員對任务上不同層面的樂觀及滿意程度。ECI 內的10題問題包括3個方面:任务滿意度、任务平安感,及任务前景。Hong

6、Kong Employee Confidence Index (HKECI shortened to ECI ) aims to measure employees views and satisfaction towards various aspects of their jobs.The 10 questions in ECI fall into 3 categories: Well-Being, Job Security, and Job Prospect. ECI 是以 0-10分來評分,分數越高便表示僱員的自信心越高。 此外,受訪者也被問及對目前香港的就業市場的看法。 ECI is

7、 measured on a scale of 0-10. A higher score represents a higher overall confidence of the employee.In addition, respondents were also asked about their views on the overall job market in Hong Kong.僱員自信心指數僱員自信心指數 分層分析及與分層分析及與2005年比較年比較ECI Analyses by Sectors and Comparison with 2005Employee Confiden

8、ce Index (ECI) 僱員自信心指數11-point scale: 0 lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高Employee Confidence Index (ECI) 僱員自信心指數11-point scale: 0 lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高Employee Confidence Index (ECI) 僱員自信心指數11-point scale: 0 lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高主要研讨結果 (I) Major Findings (I)ECI的任务滿意度

9、及平安感比2005年進步,但在任务前景方面變化不大,只需在加薪機會比去年為好(由3.6上升3.83),這亦與整體薪酬趨勢調查一致。Well-being and Job Security of ECI are better than the results in 2005 but Job Prospect remains unchanged, except that opportunity for salary raise is better than that of 2005, which is consistent with recent pay trends.Employee Confid

10、ence Index (ECI) 僱員自信心指數11-point scale: 0 lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高Employee Confidence Index (ECI) 僱員自信心指數5.485.72Mean平均值平均值11-point scale: 0-4.9 low; 5-7.9 medium; 8-10 high十一分制 : 0-4.9 低; 5-7.9 中 ; 8-10 高ECI Subindexes 僱員自信心指數分層分析6.963.96Mean平均值平均值11-point scale: 0-4 low; 5-8 medium; 9-

11、10 high十一分制 : 0-4 低; 5-8 中 ; 9-10 高6.772006 20056.556.513.903.874.22Mean平均值平均值11-point scale: 0-4 low; 5-8 medium; 9-10 high十一分制 : 0-4 低; 5-8 中 ; 9-10 高主要研讨結果 (II) Major Findings (II)本調查顯示香港僱員的就業自信心只屬普通,平均有5.72分,但較05年略微上升大約百份之四。約有七成的受訪者的就業自信心指數是屬於中等。This survey shows that the employment confidence l

12、evel of Hong Kong employees is moderate, with an ECI mean of 5.72. However, it is a bit 4% higher than year of 2005.About 70% of the respondents have an average level of ECI.另外,香港僱員對香港的整體就業市場的自信心中等偏下平均4.22分,五成被訪者認為普通,這表示他們認為目前在香港搵工尚算可以。相比起05年的平均3.87分,被訪者認為整體就業市場明顯改善了平均4.22分。There is relatively moder

13、ate optimism amongst employees in Hong Kong towards the overall job market (average score 4.22). About 50% of them think that it is moderate. For them, finding a job is not relatively difficult.Compared to ECI of 2005 (average score 3.87), respondents think that the overall job market has improved (

14、average score 4.22).任务滿意度(平均值6.96)及任务平安感(平均值6.77) 都比任务前景(平均值3.96)為高,顯示出被訪者認為任务上及市場的環境比去年為好,但對於找到一份理想的任务還是自信心不大。The mean scores of Well-being (6.96) and Job security (6.77) are higher than those of Job prospect (3.96), which shows that respondents regarded their well-being and the market as better th

15、an before, but they didnt have enough confidence for finding a better job.大部份受訪者對任务都有中等(79.03%)的滿意度;任务平安感方面,約有百分之六十一的受訪者表示感到中等的平安感,及超過兩成半受訪者感到有高的平安感;任务前景方面,超過一半受訪者(52.31%)感到前景比較差,及約四成半只感到中等的任务前景。Most of the respondents (79.03%) reported a medium level of well-being. Regarding job security, about 61%

16、 of the respondents expressed a medium level, while over 25% reported a high level. For job prospect, over half of the respondents (52.31%) expressed a low level and about 45% expressed a medium level.僱員自信心指數僱員自信心指數 不同行業分析不同行業分析 (分層分層)ECI Analyses by Industry (by Sector)ECI Analyses by Industries 不同

17、行業的自信心指數(N = no. of respondents)(N=77)(N=97)(N=84)(N=102)(N=61)(N=84)(N=148)(N=200)Mean ECI = 5.72製造業建造業批發零售進出口貿易飲食及酒店業運輸、倉庫及通訊金融、保險地產社區、社會及個人服務11-point scale: 0 lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高Employee Confidence Index (ECI) 僱員自信心指數Manufacturing 製造業Well-Being任务滿意度任务滿意度11-point scale: 0-4 low; 5

18、-8 medium; 9-10 high十一分制 : 0-4 低; 5-8 中 ; 9-10 高Job Security任务平安感任务平安感Job Prospect任务前景任务前景Employee Confidence Index (ECI) 僱員自信心指數Construction 建造業Well-Being任务滿意度任务滿意度11-point scale: 0-4 low; 5-8 medium; 9-10 high十一分制 : 0-4 低; 5-8 中 ; 9-10 高Job Security任务平安感任务平安感Job Prospect任务前景任务前景Employee Confidence

19、 Index (ECI) 僱員自信心指數Restaurants & hotels 飲食及酒店業Well-Being任务滿意度任务滿意度11-point scale: 0-4 low; 5-8 medium; 9-10 high十一分制 : 0-4 低; 5-8 中 ; 9-10 高Job Security任务平安感任务平安感Job Prospect任务前景任务前景從行業方面,飲食及酒店業(平均值5.19)、建造業(平均值5.21)及製造業(平均值5.49)從業員的自信心指數比其他行業為低。Regarding industries, restaurants and hotels (average

20、 score 5.19), construction (average score 5.21) and manufacturing (average score 5.49) are worse than others.主要研讨結果 (III) Major Findings (III)ECI Subindexes 製造業、建造業、飲食及酒店業僱員自信心指數6.7Mean平均值平均值11-point scale: 0-4 low; 5-8 medium; 9-10 high十一分制 : 0-4 低; 5-8 中 ; 9-10 高6.86.5(Overall mean: 6.96)ECI Subin

21、dexes 製造業、建造業、飲食及酒店業僱員自信心指數6.7Mean平均值平均值11-point scale: 0-4 low; 5-8 medium; 9-10 high十一分制 : 0-4 低; 5-8 中 ; 9-10 高6.86.5(Overall mean: 6.77)ECI Subindexes 製造業、建造業、飲食及酒店業僱員自信心指數3.7Mean平均值平均值11-point scale: 0-4 low; 5-8 medium; 9-10 high十一分制 : 0-4 低; 5-8 中 ; 9-10 高3.33.3(Overall mean: 3.96)主要研讨結果 (IV)

22、 Major Findings (IV)三個行業都有中等的任务滿意度及平安感,但是在任务前景方面,他們的平均值都屬於低。建造業、飲食及酒店業有超過六成受訪者感到較差的任务前景;而製造業的受訪者亦有超過五成感到較差的任务前景。The three industries reported moderate well-being and job security, but the mean score is low for job prospect. No respondent from the construction industry and restaurants and hotels indu

23、stry expressed a high level of job prospect, but over 60% of the respondents reported a low level. Over 50% from the manufacturing industry also reported a low level of job prospect.僱員自信心指數僱員自信心指數 分層分析分層分析ECI Analyses by DemographicsEmployee Confidence Index by Gender僱員自信心指數分層分析 性別11-point scale: 0

24、lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高Employee Confidence Index by Gender僱員自信心指數分層分析 性別11-point scale: 0 lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高Employee Confidence Index by Age Group僱員自信心指數分層分析 年齡11-point scale: 0 lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高Employee Confidence Index by Age Group僱員自信心指數分層分析 年齡11-

25、point scale: 0 lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高Employee Confidence Index by Education Level僱員自信心指數分層分析 學歷11-point scale: 0 lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高Employee Confidence Index by Education Level僱員自信心指數分層分析 學歷11-point scale: 0 lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高Employee Confidence Index

26、 by Job Position僱員自信心指數分層分析 職位11-point scale: 0 lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高Employee Confidence Index by Job Position僱員自信心指數分層分析 職位11-point scale: 0 lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高主要研讨結果 (V) Major Findings (V)女性的自信心指數較男性高。40歲以上和學歷較低人士,自信心指數最低。低職位人士相對於中級和高級職位人士,自信心指數較低。ECI of females is

27、higher than that of males.Employees aged above 40, and with less education tend to have lower ECI.Compared with people holding middle or senior positions, people in low-level positions tend to have lower ECI.Employee Confidence Index by Occupations僱員自信心指數分層分析 職業界別Mean ECI = 5.72(N=no. of respondents

28、)(N=150)(N=119)(N=109)(N=223)(N=111)(N=38)(N=62)(N=46)(N=38)11-point scale: 0 lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高Employee Confidence Index by Occupations僱員自信心指數分層分析 職業界別11-point scale: 0 lowest; 10 highest十一分制 : 0 最低, 10 最高主要研讨結果 (VI) Major Findings (VI)經理及行政人員及專業人員的自信心指數最高,而工藝及有關人員及非技術工人的自信心指數最低。M

29、anagers and administrators and professionals tend to have higher ECI, while craft and related workers in elementary occupations have lower ECI.Employees Well-being Indexes僱員任僱員任务务滿意度指標滿意度指標僱員任务滿意度指標量度僱員對任务上不同方面的滿意程度。這個指標共有11條問題,包括對薪酬、福利及任务時數等的滿意程度。這個指標是以1 7分來評分,分數越高便表示僱員的滿意度越高。Employees Well-being I

30、ndex aims to measure employees satisfaction towards various aspects of their work.There are 11 questions in this index, including satisfaction about salary, fringe benefits and work hour, etc.The index is based on a scale of 1 7, and a higher score represents a higher overall satisfaction of the emp

31、loyees.Employees Job Satisfaction 僱員任务滿意度指標7-point scale: 1 Extremely dissatisfied ; 7 Extremely satisfied七分制 : 1 極之不滿意, 7 極之滿意Employees Job Satisfaction 僱員任务滿意度指標7-point scale: 1 Extremely dissatisfied ; 7 Extremely satisfied七分制 : 1 極之不滿意, 7 極之滿意Job Satisfaction Ranking 任务滿意度排名5.5Mean平均值平均值7-point

32、scale: 1-3 low; 4 medium; 5-7 high七分制 : 1-3 低; 4 中 ; 5-7 高4.主要研讨結果 (I) Major Findings (I)本調查顯示香港僱員對整體任务滿意度較高,平均有5.03分。僱員在任务上最滿意是與同事的關係,其次是與上司的關係及運用個人才干的機會。至於最不滿意的是晉升機會及提供的培訓。Employees are most satisfied with their relationships with colleagues; the next is re

33、lationship with superiors, and opportunity to use personal abilities.They are least satisfied with promotion and training.Employees Job Satisfaction by Industry 僱員任务滿意度指標 行業7-point scale: 1 Extremely dissatisfied ; 7 Extremely satisfied七分制 : 1 極之不滿意, 7 極之滿意Mean JS = 5.03Employees Job Satisfaction Ma

34、nufacturing Industry 僱員任务滿意度指標 製造業7-point scale: 1 Extremely dissatisfied ; 7 Extremely satisfied七分制 : 1 極之不滿意, 7 極之滿意Higher than the respective mean 比對應平均值高Lower than the respective mean 比對應平均值低Employees Job Satisfaction Construction Industry 僱員任务滿意度指標 建造業7-point scale: 1 Extremely dissatisfied ; 7

35、 Extremely satisfied七分制 : 1 極之不滿意, 7 極之滿意Higher than the respective mean 比對應平均值高Lower than the respective mean 比對應平均值低Employees Job Satisfaction Restaurants & Hotels Industry 僱員任务滿意度指標 飲食及酒店業7-point scale: 1 Extremely dissatisfied ; 7 Extremely satisfied七分制 : 1 極之不滿意, 7 極之滿意Higher than the respectiv

36、e mean 比對應平均值高Lower than the respective mean 比對應平均值低Employees Job Satisfaction by Occupation 僱員任务滿意度指標 職業界別7-point scale: 1 Extremely dissatisfied ; 7 Extremely satisfied七分制 : 1 極之不滿意, 7 極之滿意Mean JS = 5.03Employees Job Satisfaction by Job Position僱員任务滿意度指標 職位7-point scale: 1 Extremely dissatisfied ;

37、 7 Extremely satisfied七分制 : 1 極之不滿意, 7 極之滿意Employees Job Satisfaction by Gender 僱員任务滿意度指標 性別7-point scale: 1 Extremely dissatisfied ; 7 Extremely satisfied七分制 : 1 極之不滿意, 7 極之滿意Employees Job Satisfaction by Age Group 僱員任务滿意度指標 年齡7-point scale: 1 Extremely dissatisfied ; 7 Extremely satisfied七分制 : 1 極

38、之不滿意, 7 極之滿意主要研讨結果 (II) Major Findings (II)調查顯示屬於經理及行政人員的受訪者有最高的任务滿意指數。而屬於工藝及有關人員和機台及機器操作員及裝配員的受訪者則有較低的任务滿意指數。職位越高,女性和年紀越大的受訪者有較高的任务滿意度。This survey shows that respondents working as managers and administrators tend to have higher job satisfaction.Respondents working as craft and related workers, and

39、 plant and machine operators and assemblers have lower job satisfaction.Respondents who hold senior positions, or are female or older, tend to have higher job satisfaction.Industrial Relations Index (IRI)勞資關係指數勞資關係指數勞資關係指數(IRI)是一個量度勞方及資方關係的指標。IRI內的五條問題以1 5分來評分,分數越高表示僱員對勞資關係的看法比較正面。Industrial Relatio

40、ns Index (IRI) aims to measure the relation between labour and employers.The 5 questions in the IRI are based on a scale of 1 5, and a higher score represents a more positive view of labour relations.Industrial Relations Index (IRI) 勞資關係指數5-point scale: 1 Extremely disagree; 5 Extremely agree五分制 : 1

41、 極之不赞同, 5 極之赞同Mean IRI = 3.38*Lower score represents better relation.低分表示良好關係低分表示良好關係Industrial Relations Index (IRI) Industry勞資關係指數 行業5-point scale: 1 Extremely disagree; 5 Extremely agree五分制 : 1 極之不赞同, 5 極之赞同Mean IRI = 3.38Industrial Relations Index (IRI) Job Position勞資關係指數 職位5-point scale: 1 Extr

42、emely disagree; 5 Extremely agree五分制 : 1 極之不赞同, 5 極之赞同Industrial Relations Index (IRI) Gender勞資關係指數 性別5-point scale: 1 Extremely disagree; 5 Extremely agree五分制 : 1 極之不赞同, 5 極之赞同Industrial Relations Index (IRI) by Occupation 勞資關係指數 職業界別5-point scale: 1 Extremely disagree; 5 Extremely agree五分制 : 1 極之不

43、赞同, 5 極之赞同Mean IRI = 3.38主要研讨結果 (I) Major Findings (I)受訪者的評分為中間偏好,反映出勞資關係尚算協調。建造業的勞資關係指數較低。職位越高,勞資關係指數亦會越高,即是勞資關係越好。This survey shows that the industrial relations of Hong Kong employees is moderate, with an IRI mean of 3.38.Respondents from the construction industry have a lower IRI.The higher the

44、position, the higher the IRI, which indicates a better relation between the employers and employees.女性的勞資關係指數較男性高。經理及行政人員及商店銷售員的勞資關係指數較高;而非技術工人及工藝及有關人員的勞資關係指數較差。Female respondents reported a higher IRI than male respondents.Respondents working as managers and administrators and shop sales workers reported a higher IRI, while craft and related workers and respondents working in elementary occupations indicated a lower IRI.



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