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1、初中动词不定式和动名词的用法初中动词不定式和动名词的用法初中动词不定式和动名词的用法初中动词不定式和动名词的用法授课人授课人 张杰张杰1动词不定式的用法动词不定式的用法动词不定式的用法动词不定式的用法2动词不定式的基本形式及其否定形式动词不定式的基本形式及其否定形式1.1.1.1.基本形式为基本形式为基本形式为基本形式为to+to+to+to+动词原形(动词原形(动词原形(动词原形( egegegeg:to workto workto workto work),),),), 有时省略符号有时省略符号有时省略符号有时省略符号totototo( egegegeg:workworkworkwork)

2、否定形式为否定形式为否定形式为否定形式为 not/never+not/never+not/never+not/never+动词不定式动词不定式动词不定式动词不定式 3动词不定式的功用动词不定式的功用动词不定式的功用动词不定式的功用n n1.1.作主语作主语作主语作主语n n2.2.作表语作表语作表语作表语n n3.3.作宾语作宾语作宾语作宾语n n4.4.作定语作定语作定语作定语n n5.5.作状语作状语作状语作状语n n6.6.作补语作补语作补语作补语n n7.7.作独立成分作独立成分作独立成分作独立成分4 4作主语作主语v1.To learn a foreign langu

3、age is not easy.v2.To see is to believe.v3.Its not easy to learn a foreign language.v4.Its your turn to clean the room.v5.It took them four days to arrive there. 5作表语作表语v1.The best way to improve your English is to join an English club.v2.My wish is to be a singer.v3.The first thing is to greet the

4、teacher. 6作宾语作宾语(1)v1.Ann wants to get her ears pierced.v 2. He prefers to eat white bread and rice.v 3. Id love to visit Mexico. 7只能带动词不定式不能带动名词只能带动词不定式不能带动名词作宾语的动词作宾语的动词aim旨在 agree 同意 offer 提出 plan打算 ask 要求 promise 答应help帮忙 prepare 准备 decide 决定refuse拒绝 dare 敢于 choose 选择 wish想要 hope希望 expect期望预计 fa

5、il没有 pretend 假装 seem似乎 learn学会 manage 设法做成 afford担负得起 would like/love想要 8作宾语(作宾语(2)v1. I find it difficult to remember everything. v2.He feels it frustrating to watch English-language TV.v3.We think it a good idea to go hiking.v注:动词feel, find, make, think等后面,可以用it作形式宾语,真正的宾语动词不定式放在形容词或名词后面,句子结构是:v主语

6、+feel / find / make / think +it+ adj. / n.+ to do.。 9作宾语(作宾语(3)v1.We are very glad to see you.v 2.Im sorry to hear that. v3.They are sure to come.v注:有些表示思想感情的形容词(包括已变成形容词的分词)后面可接动词不定式,这种不定式也可叫做宾语。如:excited,able, afraid, anxious, careful, free, lucky,vready, willing等。10作定语作定语v1.He was the first one t

7、o arrive.v2.I dont have a partner to practice English with.v3.Do you have anything to say ?11作状语作状语v1.We stayed there to see what would happen.表目的v2.I feel very lucky to have Lucky。表原因v3.Im too tired to do well.表结果v4.He is old enough to look after himself.表结果v 12作补语(宾补)作补语(宾补)(1)l1. Who told you to

8、do that ? l2. Id invite her to have dinner at my house. l3.The drivers carelessness caused the accident to happen.13带带to的动词不定式作宾补的动词的动词不定式作宾补的动词ask请求 force强迫 invite邀请 train训练 order命令 want想要 direct指导get使beg恳求drive驱使cause导致warn警告lead引导encourage鼓励allow允许hate讨厌like喜欢leave听任need需要teach教require需要prefer更喜欢

9、advise建show演示tell吩咐urge强烈要求wish希望14宾补(宾补(2)l3.Who made the little girl cry ?l4.Did you hear someone enter the house?l注:用不带to的动词不定式作宾补的动词主要是感官动词和使役动词 see, watch,hear, feel,notice ,have, let, make。15注意注意lhelp的宾补,不定式也可带的宾补,不定式也可带to也可不带。也可不带。lhelp sb (to) do16作补语(主补)作补语(主补)l1.Teenagers should be allowed

10、 to choose their own clothes. l2.The bird was let to fly.l3.He is made to work ten hours a day.l注:(1)省略to的动词不定式作宾补 ,在变为被动语态的句子后成为主补时,符号to要加上。17作独立成分作独立成分v1.Id like to stay healthy, but to be honest, I only eat food that tastes good.v2.To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldnt understand ev

11、ery word. v3.To tell the truth, I dont think so.18动词不定式的复合结构动词不定式的复合结构v1.Its necessary for us to learn English well.作主语作主语v2.Its very nice of you to say so.作主语作主语v3.Its time for us to set off.作定语作定语v4.This is for you to decide.作表语作表语19用用of还是还是forvof前的形容词是honest,bad,cruel,rude,careful, clever, foolis

12、h, good, kind, nice, wise等,说明人的特性。vfor前的形容词是dangerous, difficult, hard, important, interesting, easy,necessary等,说明不定式动作的特性。20疑问词疑问词+不定式不定式v1.Where to go is not decided yet.作主语作主语v2.The question is which to choose.作表语作表语v3.I dont know what to try next. 作宾语作宾语21不定式的时态和语态不定式的时态和语态vThey seem to have fin

13、ished the work.vHe pretended to be doing hisvhomework when I entered his room.vThe shoes need to be repaired.v=The shoes need repairing.22省去动词原形的不定式省去动词原形的不定式v-Would you like to join us? v-Id love to.vDont go till I tell you to.23一些固定的动词不定式用法一些固定的动词不定式用法nwould rather do than do宁愿做而不愿做nprefer to do r

14、ather than do宁愿做而不愿做ntry ones best to do尽力去做nbe supposed to do应该做nhad better do最好做ncant wait to do等不及要做ndo nothing but do除了做什么都做不了nhave no choice but to do除了做别无选择24动名词的用法动名词的用法25动名词的形式和否定形式动名词的形式和否定形式动词原形 + ing ( eg: studying) not/never +动名词 ( eg: not reading)26动名词的功用动名词的功用动名词的功用动名词的功用n n作主语作主语作主语作主

15、语n n作宾语作宾语作宾语作宾语n n作表语作表语作表语作表语n n作定语作定语作定语作定语2727作主语作主语lListening can help.lSmoking is not allowed here.lIts so nice talking to you.lIts a waste of time explaining it to her. 28作宾语作宾语lI suggest doing it in a different way.lWe often got excited about something and end up speaking in Chinese.lHave yo

16、u finished reading the book?29只接动名词不能接动词不定式只接动名词不能接动词不定式作宾语的动词作宾语的动词avoid避免suggest建议consider考虑imagine 想象 Include包括mind介意keep一直stop阻止advise建议practice练习risk冒危险miss错过机会enjoy喜欢finish完成30只接动名词不接动词不定式只接动名词不接动词不定式作宾语的短语动词作宾语的短语动词nput off 推迟推迟 nbe worth值得值得 ngive up放弃;戒除放弃;戒除 nhold on to坚持坚持 nbe busy忙于忙于 nf

17、eel like想要想要nend up以以结束结束 lkeep on一直一直;反复不断反复不断lpay attention to注意注意llook forward to期待期待lbe/get used to习惯习惯lcant help忍不住忍不住linsist on坚持坚持31作介词宾语用于一些固定结构作介词宾语用于一些固定结构nspend.(in) doingnstop/prevent/keep sb from doingnhave fun/trouble/problems/difficultyn/confidence (in) doing32作表语作表语lReading is learni

18、ng.lHer hobby is collecting stamps.lThe main thing is getting there on time.33作定语作定语He walks with a walking stick. There is a swimming pool near my house.You cant talk loudly in the reading room.34动名词的复合结构动名词的复合结构lWould you mind my closing the door?lDo you mind me sitting beside you?35既可接动词不定式也可接动名词

19、意义区别不大的词lbegin hate like l love start prefer 36接动词不定式和动名词接动词不定式和动名词意义不同的词意义不同的词l1.I remember telling you that.l Please remember to bring it here.l2.Hell never forget hearing her singing.l Dont forget to post the letter for me. 37l3.He stopped smoking last week.l He stopped to smoke.(状语)l4.They went

20、on discussing.l They went on to discuss other problems.(状语)38Exercises1I dont allow _ in my drawing room. I dont allow my family _ at all. A. smoking;to smoke B. to smoke;smoking C. to smoke;to smoke D. smoking;smoking 2Your clothes need _. A. washed B. to be washed C. to wash D. being washing 3This

21、 bike is not worth _. A. to be repaired B. of repairing C. to repair D. repairing A AB BD D394_ is better to love than _. A. That, to be loved B. That; be love C. It; be loved D. It; to be loved 5-What do you think about English? -Its a difficult language _. A. speaking B. to be spoken C. to speak D

22、. spoken 6He would rather stay at home than _ out with you.A. go B. to goC. going D. goes D DC CA A407Im considering _ your offer.A. to have accepted B. being acceptedC. accepting D. to accept 8-Whats made Rose so upset?-_ three tickets to Jay Chous concert.A. Lost B. LosingC. Because of losing D. S

23、ince she lost 9We are both looking forward to _ next week.A. going on vacation B. go on vacationC. be going on vacation D. have gone on vacation C CB BA A4110The story was so funny that we _.A. couldnt help laugh B. cant but laughC. couldnt help laughing D. couldnt help but to laugh 11Dont forget _

24、this book to John when you see him.A. to return B. returningC. return D. to returning 12-Its getting very late. Maybe we shouldnt go.- No, lets go. Getting there late is better than _ at all.A. we dont arrive B. to arrive notC. not to arrive D. not arriving C CA AD D4213Remember _ the newspaper when

25、 you have finished it.A. putting back B. having put backC. to put back D. will put back 14He had no difficulty _ the problems.A. working out B. having worked outC. to have worked outD. to work out 15Our monitor suggested _ a discussion of the subject.A. to have B. should haveC. have D. having C CA A

26、D D4316-What do you think of this school?-It is a very good _.A. studying school B. school for children to studyC. school to study in D. school to study 17He loves parties. He is always the first _ and the last _.A. of coming; of leaving B. comes; leavesC. to come; to leave D. coming; leaving 18Youd better _ her the bad news now.A. dont tell B. not tellC. wont tell D. not to tell C CC CB B44Thanks for watching!45



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