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1、 非谓语动词非谓语动词 -动名词动名词动名词的构成动名词的构成:时态时态语态语态一般时一般时完成时完成时主动式主动式(not)v+ing(not)having+done被动式被动式(not)being+done(not)having+been+done 1.动名词作主语:动名词作主语: a.可用可用it作主语,将作主语,将-ing放后放后。 Reading by dim light will do harm to your eyes. It is no use crying over spilt milk. It is a pleasure doing business with Harry.

2、 It is fun/nice working with you .Its a waste of time wandering through high school. b.在在“Thereisnodoing”结构中用结构中用-ing形式作主形式作主语,表示语,表示“没法没法”。Theres no telling/knowing that-clauseTherewasnotellingwhetheritwouldrainagain.There is no point/sense (in) doing sth.做某事没有作用或没有意义 There is (no) hope/chance /pos

3、sibility of doing. There is (no) difficulty/trouble/delay (in) doing Is there any chance of us/ our winning the match?There is no point/sense (in) discussing the problem again.c.动名词做主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动名词做主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作动作 Its rather tiring walking around in a city. 2.动名词作表语:动名词作表语:其用法等同不定式,起形容词作用,讲述主语的

4、特征、内容和含义。One of my bad habits is eating too many sweets.My job is teaching you how to learn.Her refusal to attend the party was disappointing.3.动名词作宾语:动名词作宾语: a.只接只接-ing形式,不接不定式的动词形式,不接不定式的动词有admit,avoid, consider, delay, dislike,escape, enjoy,miss,excuse, fancy, finish, imagine, include, keep (on),

5、 mind, practise, resist, risk, stop, suggest, advise,appreciate, permit等.如: It is not hard to stop smoking. Do you mind answering the question? b.既可接不定式又可接既可接不定式又可接-ing形式作宾语的词形式作宾语的词有:like, love, hate, prefer, propose,begin, start, continue 等,一般情况下,不定式表示具体的动作而动名词表示习惯性的动作。 I prefer waiting(to wait) h

6、ere. c.下列动词下列动词forget,remember,regret,try,mean,canthelp,goon,stop,beusedto,可用不定式又可可用不定式又可用用-ing形式形式,但意义完全不同。但意义完全不同。 remember to do记住要去做 remember doing 记得已做了 forget to do 忘记 要去做 forget doing 忘记已做了 regret to do 抱歉要去做 regret doing 后悔已做了 try to do 尽力去做; try doing 试着做 mean to do打算去做; mean doing 意味着,就是 s

7、top to do 停下来去做别的事; stop doing 停止做 go on to do 继续(去做另外一件事情) go on doing 继续(原先没有做完的事情)be used to doing习惯于做某事 be used to do 被用来做某事cant help doing 禁不住做某事cant help to do 不能帮助做某事 d.表示表示“值得、需要值得、需要”的动词的动词deserve,beworth,want,need,require后接后接-ing形式时,有被动意义。形式时,有被动意义。其意义相当于不定式的被动结构。其意义相当于不定式的被动结构。 These desk

8、s need repairing.=These desks need to be repaired. The patient required examining.=The patient required to be examined. e.下列词组接动名词下列词组接动名词:leave for, put off, give up, look forward to, feel like, devote to, contributeto have trouble/difficulty(in) doing sth, get used to , pay attention to be fond of

9、 等 f.介词后要接动名词:介词后要接动名词: what about, how about, without, be fond of ,be good at 等。注意 on/upon doing sth.=as soon as (when)引导的句子。 e.在在allow,advise,forbid,permit后直接跟动名词后直接跟动名词作宾语,如果有名词或代词作宾语,则构成作宾语,如果有名词或代词作宾语,则构成“allow/advise/forbid/permit名词名词/代词不代词不定式定式(宾语补足语宾语补足语)”之形式。之形式。如:We dont allow smoking here

10、We dont allow anybody to smoke here4.动名词做定语:动名词做定语:a swimming pool; a walking stick;可于名词之前构成合成词,大多表示该名词的用途或目的。The young cook stood at the stove holding a frying pan in his hand. 动名词用法口诀:动名词用法口诀:避免错过弃延期,建议完成值练习;乐想冒避免错过弃延期,建议完成值练习;乐想冒险禁不住,抵抗否忍厌宽恕;反逃避,注坚险禁不住,抵抗否忍厌宽恕;反逃避,注坚持;盼着手,成持;盼着手,成/承良习。突费劲承良习。突费劲,

11、哭笑都无哭笑都无益,需忙碌益,需忙碌,奉献皆感激。奉献皆感激。avoid; miss; give up; delay, postpone, put off; suggest, advise; finish, deserve/be worth, practise/practice; fancy, enjoy; imagine, feel like, consider; risk; cant help; resist; deny; bear/stand/endure; hate/dislike; pardon/forgive; object to; escape; pay attention to

12、; keep (on), insist on, stick to; look forward to; get down to, set about, take up; succeed in, be successful in; admit (to); get/be used/accustomed to; burst out, have difficulty/trouble (in); Its/There is nouse/good; There is no; want/require/need; be busy/engaged (in); devoteto, contributeto; inc

13、lude; appreciate5.动名词的复合结构动名词的复合结构1、动名词带上自己的逻辑主语,这便构成了动名词的复合结构。2、其逻辑主语一般由物主代词、名词所有格、其逻辑主语一般由物主代词、名词所有格、人称代词的宾格和名词的通格来充当。人称代词的宾格和名词的通格来充当。在口语中,物主代词和名词所有格可分别由人称代词的宾格和名词的通格代替。eg:Do you mind my / me opening the door?I cant imagine Marys / Mary marrying such a young man.3、在下列情况下二者不能相互替代:1)当动名词的复合结构作主语时,其

14、逻辑主语只用所有格或物主代词表示。His being late made the teacher angry. (正确)Him being late made the teacher angry.(错误)2)如动名词的逻辑主语表示的是无生命的东西,或是虽表有生命的东西但表示的是泛指意义,或是两个以上表示有生命意义的名词并列,这时必须用人称代词的宾格或名词的通格作该动名词的逻辑主语。The boy was frightened by the door (not the doors) shutting.We were a little worried about Sams jealousy and

15、 how he would handle his territory being invaded.Is there any hope of our team winning the match?Have you heard of women playing with fire?The father insisted on John and Mary walking to school.3)当逻辑主语是this, that, somebody, someone, nobody, none, anybody anyone时用其通格形式。He disapproved of that being sa

16、id about John.The teacher dislikes anyone being late.He insisted on this being true.应试技巧:应试技巧:1)重视句子分析,摆脱思维定势重视句子分析,摆脱思维定势1.Does the way you thought of _ rid of bad mood make any sense? (get)2.The moment weve been looking forward to_(draw) near towards us.2)若用动名词,要关注其主动、被动和时态形式;若用动名词,要关注其主动、被动和时态形式;

17、以及动名词的否定、加逻辑主语等问题。以及动名词的否定、加逻辑主语等问题。to getdraws1.WhatdoyouthinkmadeMarysoupset?_hernewbicycleA.AsshelostB.LostC.LosingD.Becauseoflosing2.Shelooksforwardeveryspringto_theflower-linedgardenA.visitB.payingavisitC.walkinD.walkingin【考例】 1.Ittooktheworkmenonlytwohourstofinish_mycar.A.repairingB.repairC.to








25、lk D.walking25.Havingbeenillinbedfornearlyamonth,hehadahardtime_theexam.(福建福建2004)A.pass B.topassC.passedD.passing26.CanIsmokehere?Sorry.Wedontallow_here.(江苏江苏2007)A.peoplesmokingB.peoplesmokeC.tosmokeD.smoking27.Itisdifficulttoimaginehis_thedecisionwithoutanyconsideration.(陕西陕西2006)A.acceptB.acceptingB.C.toacceptD.accepted



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