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1、singI can sing .Can you sing?Yes, I can. No, I cant.danceCan you dance ?Yes, I can. No, I cant.I can dance.swimCan you swim ?Yes, I can. No, I cant.I cant swim.drawCan you draw?Yes, I can. No, I cant.I cant draw.I can sing .I cant dance.I can swim.I cant draw.Can you ?Yes, I can. No, I cant.我能打篮球。我能

2、打篮球。我不会踢足球。我不会踢足球。I can play basketball.I cant play soccer.chessCan you play chess?Yes, I can. No, I cant. play chess.I can speak说(某种语言)说(某种语言)说英语说英语speak English说汉语说汉语speak Chinese我会说英语。我会说英语。你会说英语吗?你会说英语吗?I can speak English.Can you speak English?Whats this?guitarIts a guitar.play the guitarCan yo

3、u play the guitar ?Yes , I can ./ No , I cant.I can play the guitar.play的用法的用法:play+球、棋、牌球、棋、牌playthe乐器乐器 play the piano the drums the guitar the violin弹钢琴弹钢琴打鼓打鼓弹吉他弹吉他拉小提琴拉小提琴 play football basketball volleyball chess cards踢足球踢足球打篮球打篮球打排球打排球下棋下棋打牌打牌Canyouplaytheguitar?Yes,Ican.Icanplaytheguitar.No,

4、Icant.Icantplaytheguitar.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)PairworkCan you ?Yes, I can. No, I cant.IcansingandIcanspeakEnglish.ButIcantplaybasketball.What can he do?He can dance.Can he dance?Yes, he can.What can Mary do?She can play basketball.Can Mary play soccer?No, she cant.Shecantwalk(走走),butshe_. canplay

5、tennisS:Canshe?T:Yes,shecan./No,shecant.Hedoesnthavearms,buthe_. canplayping-pongS:Canhe?T:Yes,hecan./No,hecant.Hedoesnthavearms,buthe_. canswimS:Canhe?T:Yes,hecan./No,hecant.He_hear(听见听见).Buthe_.They_.Butthey_.They_standup(站立站立).Butthey_. cant cancan cant can playbasketballBeethovenplaythepiano贝多芬贝

6、多芬cantspeakdancev一、Can的用法v(1)它是辅助动词帮助说明能力、意愿等的词,can后跟后跟动词原形动词原形,并且它不随主语人称的变化而变化 。vEg. I can sing.v He can swim.v(2) 变否定句直接在can后加“not”。vEg. I can not dancev(3)变一般疑问句直接把变一般疑问句直接把can提前。提前。vEg. Can you dance ? Can的肯定句及否定句形式:的肯定句及否定句形式: IWeYouSheHeItThey can/ cant play the guitar.Can 的一般疑问句形式:的一般疑问句形式: C

7、anIweyousheheittheyplay the guitar?Can的肯定及否定回答:的肯定及否定回答: Yes, IWeYouShecan.HeItTheyNo,cant.IweyousheheittheyI can speak English. So I want to join the English club. I can draw. So I want to join the art club. I can play chess. I want to join the chess club. 2d Role-play the conversation. (One)Jane:H


9、ne:OK,letsjoinnow!want to do sth 想做某事想做某事 be good at doing sth 擅长做某事擅长做某事like to do sth 喜欢做某事喜欢做某事KeyphraseswanttodoIwanttojointhemusicclub.我想弹吉他。我想弹吉他。Iwanttoplaytheguitar.Mybrotherwantstojointhechessclub.我弟弟想参加国际象棋俱乐部。我弟弟想参加国际象棋俱乐部。我想加入音乐俱乐部。我想加入音乐俱乐部。KeyphrasesbegoodatdoingsthIamgoodattellingstor

10、ies.我最擅长游泳。我最擅长游泳。Iamverygoodatswimming.Lilyisverygoodatplayingchess.Lily最擅长下象棋了。最擅长下象棋了。我善于讲故事。我善于讲故事。. 俱乐部名称的写法俱乐部名称的写法: the swimming club the dancing club the singing club the music club the art club the English club the chess club the sports club the basketball/tennis/golf club join补全句子和对话。补全句子和


12、ndanceshecanA:_heplay_?B:No,_,_hecanplaytheguitar.Canthedrumshecant butA:_sheplay_?B:_,butshe_.CancandanceNo,shecantthe pianovalso:用于肯定句的句中,放在情态放在情态动词动词 can 后后vtoo:用于肯定句的句末,用,与主句隔开。in the school music club 在学校的音乐俱乐部里在学校的音乐俱乐部里with + 人人 和某人在一起和某人在一起Read and matchA.Help for Old PeopleB.Music Teacher W

13、antedC.Help with Sports in English帮助老人帮助老人招聘音乐教师招聘音乐教师帮助帮助 need + 名词名词 需要某物需要某物 be good with 善于应付善于应付的的talk to sb 给某人交谈给某人交谈 tell sb stories 给某人讲故事给某人讲故事AWeneedhelpattheoldpeopleshome.AreyoufreeinJuly?Areyougoodwitholdpeople?Canyoutalktothemandplaygameswiththem?Theycantellyoustories,andyoucanmakefri

14、ends.Itisinterestingandfun!Pleasecallusat689-7729today!BCanyouplaythepianoortheviolin?Doyouhavetimeontheweekend?Theschoolneedshelptoteachmusic.Itisnotdifficult!PleasecallMrs.Millerat555-3721.or : 或者,也不,用于否定句和疑问句中help (sb) with sth 在某方面在某方面帮助帮助(某某人人)某事某事 Areyoubusyafterschool?No?CanyouspeakEnglish?Ye

15、s?ThenweneedyoutohelpwithsportsforEnglish-speakingstudents.Itisrelaxingandeasy!PleasecometothestudentsSportsCenter.CallMr.Brownat293-7742.C need sb. to do sth. (情态动词情态动词)需要某人做某事需要某人做某事那么我们需要你帮助学英那么我们需要你帮助学英语的学生开展体育活动。语的学生开展体育活动。与与good 有关的短语有关的短语1、be good at 擅长擅长2、be good for 对对有益处有益处,有好处有好处Milk is g

16、ood for our health.3、be good with 对对有办法有办法 善于应付善于应付She is good with her friends.她跟朋友们相处的很好。她跟朋友们相处的很好。4、be good to sb.对某人好对某人好Is your brother good to you ?Match each person in 2a with an ad in 2b.Write A, B and C. 2cBPeter Alan Ma HuanCA1.Letsgoandplay_ping-pong.Idontwanttoplay_violin.A.a,theB.the,a


18、TV.A.andB.butC.orD.soCCCAADC1. I can play chess .(1. I can play chess .(改为一般疑问句)改为一般疑问句)2. She can speak Chinese .2. She can speak Chinese .(改为否定句)(改为否定句)3. Can your brother play basketball ?3. Can your brother play basketball ?(作肯定回答)(作肯定回答)4. We want to 4. We want to join the English clubjoin the English club . .(划线提问)(划线提问)5. Can Tom and Amy paint ?5. Can Tom and Amy paint ?(作否定回答)(作否定回答)No , they cant .Can you play chess ?She cant speak Chinese .Yes , he can .What club do you want to join ?



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