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1、教材版本教材版本:Oxford English Shenzhen Edition课题名称:课题名称:动词不定式与动名词的用法(九年级 全一册第三、四课的语法点,2007年 7月第2版)授课课时:授课课时:1课时 Infinitive & Gerund动词不定式及动名词动词不定式及动名词Warming up exercises: 完成下列句子完成下列句子1.If you are busy , it is easy for you _ ( 照顾照顾) short hairstyle.2.Hairbrushes and combs should be soft enough not _ (损伤损伤)

2、 your hair. 3.It is wise of you _ (洗洗) your hair often.4.4. _ (建造建造) the Great Wall took a long time.5.5. _ (步行和骑自行车步行和骑自行车) in Guilin is great fun. to look afterto damageto washBuildingWalking and cycling动词不定式动词不定式 Infinitive 动名词动名词 Gerund 非谓语动词非谓语动词一一. 动词不定式动词不定式 ( Infinitive)to do to learn Englis

3、h well学好英语学好英语形式形式例词例词学好英语是非常重要的学好英语是非常重要的.To learn English well is very important. 主语主语(subject)It is very important to learn English well.形式主语形式主语真正主语真正主语同义句同义句Exercises: ( Complete the sentences.)1.遵守校规是非常重要的遵守校规是非常重要的.2. _ is very important.3.= It is very important _.4.2. 回答这个问题不容易回答这个问题不容易.5. _

4、 is not easy.6.= It is not easy _ . To obey the school rulesto obey the school rulesTo answer the questionto answer the question我的目标是学好英语我的目标是学好英语.My ambition is to learn English well. 表语表语(predicative)常带不定式做表语的名词常带不定式做表语的名词:dream, wish, idea, plan, job, work, task , duty.1.我的愿望是成为一名医生我的愿望是成为一名医生.My

5、 wish is _.2. 我的任务是帮助你学习英语我的任务是帮助你学习英语My task is _ . = to be a doctor. to help you with your English. to help you (to) learn English.My dream is to My dream is to bebe. .我想学好英语我想学好英语.I want to learn English well. 宾语宾语(object)带不定式做宾语的及物动词带不定式做宾语的及物动词(transitive verb):want, hope, wish, try , need, agr

6、ee, offer decide, promise, fail, refuse, manage, prepare , expect 及物动词及物动词1. 他不知道下一步该怎么办他不知道下一步该怎么办 He didnt know _ . = 2. 我认为学好英语很难我认为学好英语很难I think . = I think (that)what to do nextWhat he should do nextit difficult to learn English well. it is difficult to learn English well. 形式宾语形式宾语形式主语形式主语妈妈期待我

7、学好英语妈妈期待我学好英语.Mum expects me to learn English well. 宾语补足语宾语补足语(object complement)常见的带不定式做宾补的动词常见的带不定式做宾补的动词:want, ask, tell, advise, allow, order, expect, invite, remind , beg, persuade, encourage. 1.老师叫他保持安静老师叫他保持安静2.The teacher told him _.3.2. 我经常听到她弹钢琴我经常听到她弹钢琴4. I often hear her _ .5. She is oft

8、en heardto keep quietplay the piano感觉动词感觉动词(feel, hear, listen to, watch, look at, notice )或)或使役动词使役动词( let, have, make) 之后的动词不定式省去之后的动词不定式省去to, 但但在被动在被动语态中不可省语态中不可省to play the piano. 被动被动他决定学好英语他决定学好英语.He made the _decision to learn English well. 定语定语(attribute)她正在找一个住的房间她正在找一个住的房间.She is looking f

9、or a room _ to live in.介词不能省介词不能省1. 他们有放多事情要谈他们有放多事情要谈.They have a lot of things _.2. 你有什么趣事要说吗你有什么趣事要说吗? Have you got _ ?3. 他总是第一个到学校他总是第一个到学校.to talk aboutanything interesting to sayHe is always the first (one ) to come to /get to /arrive at the school.不定式作定语常跟在不定式作定语常跟在名词名词,不定代词不定代词, 序数词序数词之后之后.

10、昨晚汤姆来看我昨晚汤姆来看我.He came _ .to see me last night 状语状语(adverbial), 表目的表目的这类的动词或词组有这类的动词或词组有: ( intransitive verbs)go, run, walk, stand, work hard, get up try ones best .不及物动词不及物动词很抱歉给你添麻烦很抱歉给你添麻烦. I am sorry _to trouble you .状语状语(adverbial), 表原表原因因这类带不定式做状语的形容词有这类带不定式做状语的形容词有:glad, happy, sad, sorry, s

11、urprised, worried, stupid, .表示感情的形容词表示感情的形容词1. 妈妈今天早上早起赶第一班车妈妈今天早上早起赶第一班车. (表目的表目的) Mum got up early _ this morning.2. 我很高兴收到你的信我很高兴收到你的信. (表原因表原因)to catch the first busI am very glad to hear from you.receive a letter form 收到收到.的信的信二二. 动名词动名词 ( Gerund)doinglearning English well学好英语学好英语形式形式例词例词学好英语是不

12、容易的学好英语是不容易的.Learning English well is not very easy. 主语主语(subject)It is not very easy to learn English well. 同义句同义句有时动词不定式与动名词可以互相转换有时动词不定式与动名词可以互相转换Building the wall took a long time. = It took a long time to build the wall. It took two hours to clean the house. =Cleaning the house took two hours.

13、他的工作是开公共汽车他的工作是开公共汽车.His job is driving a bus.表语表语(predicative)My job is My job is 我家附近有一个游泳池我家附近有一个游泳池.There is a swimming pool near my home.定语定语(attribute)drinking water, writing desk, reading room, walking stick, dancing teacher动名词作定语的有动名词作定语的有:我喜欢听音乐我喜欢听音乐.I enjoy/like listening to music.动词宾语动词宾

14、语(verbal object)只用动名词作宾语的动词有只用动名词作宾语的动词有:enjoy, finish, practise, mind, suggest, keep, appreciate, miss , consider, imagine, put off, give up, cant help .我对跳舞感兴趣我对跳舞感兴趣.I am interested in dancing.介词宾语介词宾语(prepositional object)介词之后跟动名词介词之后跟动名词, 作宾语作宾语动名词常跟在一些固定词组后作宾语动名词常跟在一些固定词组后作宾语think oflook forwa

15、rd to be (get) used to be proud ofbe succeed independ on想起想起盼望盼望习惯于习惯于 以以为骄傲为骄傲在在.成功成功依靠依靠, 依赖依赖feel likespend inbe busy (in) doingbe afraid of be tired of prevent/keep/stopfrom 想要做什么想要做什么在在花费花费忙于做某事忙于做某事为为而害怕而害怕厌烦厌烦 避免避免, 阻止阻止做某做某事事有时动词不定式与动名词通用有时动词不定式与动名词通用To see is to believe.=百闻不如一见百闻不如一见/ 眼见为实眼

16、见为实Its dangerous playing with fire. =It is dangerous to play with fire. Seeing is believing.玩火危险玩火危险 有时动名词和不定式都可以作宾语有时动名词和不定式都可以作宾语, 但但意义有很大区别意义有很大区别.1. forget to do 2. forget doing3.2. remember to do 4. remember doing5.3. stop to do 6. stop doing忘记去做某事忘记去做某事忘记做过某事忘记做过某事记得去做某事记得去做某事记得做过某事记得做过某事停下来去做

17、某事停下来去做某事停止做某事停止做某事4. regret to do regret doing5. try to do try doing6. mean to do7. mean doing 8.7. go on to do9. go on doing遗憾要去做某事遗憾要去做某事后悔做了某事后悔做了某事 设法去做某事设法去做某事试一试做某事试一试做某事企图企图,打算去做某事打算去做某事意味做某事意味做某事接着做某事接着做某事继续做某事继续做某事Feedback exercises(反馈练习反馈练习): 用不定式或动名词填空用不定式或动名词填空1.It is difficult for us _

18、 (finish) the work in a day.2. _ ( listen) music makes me relaxed.3. My dream is _ ( be ) a film star.4. He managed _ (catch ) up with his classmates in study. 5. I suggested _ ( put) the meeting off. 6. His hobby is _ ( play) chess.to finishListeningto beto catchputtingplaying7. There is a _ ( teac

19、h) table in the front of the classroom.8. She couldnt help _ ( laugh) at the words. 9. I have a lot of work _ ( do) today.10. He told me where _ ( park) the car.11*. I dont know whether _ ( invite) him to my party.teachinglaughingto doto park to invite12. I am sorry _ ( have) kept you _ ( wait ) so

20、long.13. They will send their son _ ( study) abroad. 14. He is always the first one _ ( arrive) at the school every day. 15. My mother often makes me _ ( do) 16. much housework. 17.16*. I am made _ ( do ) much housework . to havewaitingto studyto arrive doto do17*. My TV set needs _ ( repair).18. Yo

21、u had better _ (not eat) junk food. 19*. After _ ( cook), mom continued _ (wash) the cookers. 20. Many people feel like _ (watch) Olympics in London. They are looking forward to _ ( get) the tickets. repairingnot eatcookingto wash/washing watchinggetting几种重点句型的同义句转换几种重点句型的同义句转换:1. It is easy for me

22、to look after a short hair style.2. 3.2. It is kind of him to send me home._is easy for me.He is kind to send me home.To look after a short hair style几种重点句型的同义句转换几种重点句型的同义句转换:1. He is so strong that he can carry the box.2. 2. The question was so easy that we could answer it. He is strong _ _ carry t

23、he box.The question was easy _ _ answer.enough tofor us to enough几种重点句型的同义句转换几种重点句型的同义句转换:1. He was so excited that he couldnt carry the box.2. 2. The words are so small that I cant see them.He was _excited _carry the box.The words are _ small _ see. toototoofor me to 主主语语宾宾语语表表语语补补语语定定语语状状语语动动名名词词不

24、不定定式式非谓语非谓语动词动词功能功能Summary: 1. 动词不定式与动名词的功能比较动词不定式与动名词的功能比较2. 只只跟跟不定式作宾语的动词不定式作宾语的动词:want, hope, wish, try , need, agree, offer refuse, arrange, decide, fail, manage, prepare ,pretend, expect , promise.3. 只只跟动跟动名词作宾语的动词名词作宾语的动词: enjoy, finish, practise, mind, miss, keep, consider, appreciate, imagine, suggest.4. 介词之后跟动名词介词之后跟动名词. 5. 重点句型重点句型: 1) It be + 形容词形容词+ of sb. + 不定式不定式 2) It be + 形容词形容词+ for sb. + 不定式不定式 3) sothat cant /couldnt = too.to. 4) sothat can / could = enough to. Homework 作业作业1.Try to recite the key points with star.2.2. Finish the exercise paper.



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