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1、研究生英语听说教程(第三版)研究生英语听说教程(第三版) 主编主编 任林静任林静 罗立胜罗立胜 中国人民大学出版社中国人民大学出版社Unit 1First MeetingsSection AExercise 11.Informal2.Formal3.Formal4.Informal5.FormalSection AExercise 21.This is Hi2.Id like you to meet Its nice to meet you.3.Hello, Its good to meet you.4.Hi, Yeah, Im 5.I dont think weve met. Im Its

2、a pleasure to meet you.Section BExercise 11.the weather 2.work 3.school 4.the moviesSection BExercise 21.It looks like rain.2.So what do you do?3.Are you a student?4.Are you going to see City of Angels?Section CKey Wordsice breaker an ice breaker is what you say to get a conversation started. You ne

3、ed ice breakers to start conversations with people you dont know or dont know well. elaborate describe or explain sth. in detailentice to attract discreet showing prudence and wise self-restraint in speech and behaviorrecap to recapitulate; to make a summaryhypocritical showing beliefs, feelings, or

4、 virtues that one does not hold or possessSection CExercise 11. Becoming a good conversationalist requires knowing three things: 1) how to start a conversation 2) how to keep a conversation going 3) how to end a conversation2. Examples of good ice breakers: 1) compliments 2) news events3. Use elabor

5、ation technique to ask questions about: 1) who 2) what 3) when 4) where 5) why 6) how4. Use signals to end a conversation: 1) break eye contact 2) use transition words 3) a good, firm handshakeSection CExercise 21. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Part IIIListening Comprehension Test 1. B 6. D2. C 7. C3. A 8. C

6、4. B 9. A5. D10.AUnit 2Building FriendshipsSection AKey Wordsdeserve to be worthy or deservingraffle a lottery in which a number of persons buy chances to win a prizeSection AExercise 11.happy; got A on science test2.happy; her sister had a baby girl.3.happy; won 10 dollars4.not happy; dog hit by a

7、car5.not happy; havent heard from family for a long timeSection AExercise 21.Congratulations! Thats great!2.How wonderful!3.Boy, are you lucky!4.Thats terrible! Is he okay?5.How often do they usually write?Section BExercise 11.serious 2.not serious3.not serious4.seriousSection BExercise 21.dinner, a

8、t 7:00 next Friday night 2.game or something; someday3.get together sometimes4.go to a movie; tomorrow nightSection CKey Wordsetiquette practices and forms prescribed by social convention or by authorityanniversary the annually recurring date of a past event; a celebration commemorating such a datea

9、bbreviation a shortened formmourner a person who mourns, esp. one who attends a funeral as a friend or relative of the dead personSection CExercise 11. B2. C3. CSection CExercise 21.Congratulations!2.Im sorry.3.Excuse me or Pardon me. Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. B 6. D 2. A 7. B 3. D 8.

10、B4. D 9. C5. D 10. BUnit 3Marriage MattersSection AKey Wordsquadruple multiplied by four; fourfoldinstitution a custom, practice, relationship, or behavioral pattern of importance in the life of a community or societyspouse a marriage partner; a husband or wifemedian relating to or constituting the

11、middle value in a distributionSection AExercise 11. C2. D3. BSection AExercise 21.By middle age, about 92% of Americans have been married at least once.2.Today only 56% American adults are married and living with their spouse.3.Today there are about 77 million unmarried adults in the U.S.4. In 1970,

12、 the median age of a first-time bride was 20.6, and the median age of a groom was 22.5.5. Today the median ages for the bride and the groom are 25 and 27 respectively.6. About 35% of younger adults between ages 25 to 34 have never been married.7. Of the countrys 58 million married couples, marriages

13、 between blacks and whites are less than 0.3%.Section BKey WordsMama mia an Italian expression used as an exclamation for the same purpose as My God! or My Goodness!matchmaker one who arranges or tries to arrange marriagesSection BExercise 11.A2.B3.C4.CSection BExercise 2First Story1. One Friday nig

14、ht2. forty yearsSecond Story1. Christmas day2. a yearThird Story1. in a restaurant2. hopes and dreamsFourth Story1. goals and values 2. six yearsSection CKey Wordsbreadwinner one whose earnings are the primary source of support for ones dependentshomemaker one who manages a householddiscard to throw

15、 away; rejectchore daily or routine domestic tasksself-sufficient able to provide for oneself without the help of others; independentsubmissive inclined or willing to submit; obedient Section CExercise 11.Husband is the breadwinner and wife is the homemaker.2.Womens Liberation Movement in the 1960s3

16、.Individual goals/their own identity4.Financial/money-making and domestic/housekeeping responsibilities5.Marriage is based on a relationship of equality and shared decision making.Section CExercise III Listening Comprehension Test1. A 6. A 2. A 7. B 3. A 8. D 4. C 9. C 5. A 10.

17、C Unit 4Holiday CelebrationsSection AExercise 11.New Years Day: January 1st.2.Lincolns Birthday: February 12th. 3.Valentines Day: February 14th.4.Washingtons Birthday: February 22nd.5.St. Patricks Day: March 17th.6.April Fools Day: April 1st.7.Easter: March or April. 8.Mothers Day: the second Sunday

18、 in May. 9.Memorial Day: May 30th.10.Flag Day: June 14th.11.Fathers Day: the third Sunday in June.12.Independence Day: July 4th.13.Labor Day: the first Monday in September14. Columbus Day: October 12th15. Halloween: October 31st16. Veterans Day: November 11th17. Thanksgiving Day: the fourth Thursday

19、 in November18. Christmas: December 25thSection AExercise 21.June 14th2.Valentines Day3.Thanksgiving4.Independence DaySection BKey Wordsfestivity the proceedings or events of a festivalTimes Square an intersection in New York City formed by the juncture of Broadway, Seventh Avenue, and 42nd Street i

20、n midtown Manhattan. Long noted as a center of the citys entertainment district, it is the site of annual New Years Eve celebrationscrystal a high-quality clear, colorless glassdescent a lowering or decline, as in status or level flagpole a pole on which a flag is raisedconfetti small pieces or stre

21、amers of colored paper that are scattered around during the course of festive occasionsresolution determinationSection BExercise 11. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. 11. Section BExercise 21. B2. B3. C4. A5. BSection CKey Wordscostume an outfit or a disguise worn on Mardi Gras, Halloween, or similar occa

22、sionsprank a mischievous trick or practical jokecrayon a stick of colored wax, charcoal, or chalk, used for drawingmasquerade a costume party at which masks are worncarve to cut into a desired shapejack-o-lanterns pumpkin with holes cut in it so that it looks like a face, used as a lantern for funsc

23、arecrow a crude image or effigy of a person set up in a field to scare birds away from growing cropsdisguise to modify the manner or appearance of in order to prevent recognitionSection CExercise 6.Section CExercise 21.Mrs. Brown put the safety chain on her door before she opened it.2.Ty

24、pical Halloween pranks include soaping windows, writing on doors with crayons, overturning garbage cans, sticking pins into doorbells, throwing raw eggs, and spraying shaving cream on cars and friends.3. College students may attend masquerade parties or Halloween parades.4.Families carve pumpkins an

25、d decorate homes with traditional Halloween symbols.5.Store windows display jack-o-lanterns, scarecrows and witches.6.Restaurant servers and sales people often dress up in costume.7.Nightclubs and bars offer customers prizes for the best disguises.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1.C6.A2.B7.C3.C

26、8.B4.B9.A5.B 10.A Unit 5VacationingSection AKey Wordscottage a small home or retreat in the countryside or in a natural studyhouseboat a barge designed and equipped for use as a dwelling or cruisercruise the act or an instance of cruising, especially a sea voyage for pleasuredude ranch a resort patt

27、erned after a Western ranch, featuring camping, horseback riding, and other outdoor activitiesresort a place frequented by people for relaxation or recreationword of mouth spoken communicationthe Mississippi 密西西比河密西西比河(发源于发源于美国中北部湖沼区美国中北部湖沼区,南注墨西哥湾南注墨西哥湾,是世界上是世界上最大的河流之一最大的河流之一)Section AExercise 11.A

28、 change of scene2.Get close to nature3.Guidebooks and travel magazinesSection AExercise 2(1) visit the vast national parks.(2) rent summer cottages near swimming and boating facilities.(3) camp out in tents.(4) rent a houseboat and cruise down the Mississippi.(5) learn horse-riding on dude ranches.(

29、6) go to resorts for comfort, great food and wide open spaces. (1) state tourist bureaus (2) travel agencies (3) people who have been thereSection BKey Wordssave up keep (money) for future usesplit up separateSection BExercise 11.B2.C3.CSection BExercise 2The husband: a, d, e, gThe wife: b, c, fTrav

30、el agent: h Agents wife: i Section CKey Wordssurpass to be or go beyond, as in degree or quality; exceedexpressway a major divided highway designed for high-speed travelPablo Picasso Spanish artist; One of the most prolific and influential artists of the 20th centuryPicasso excelled in painting, scu

31、lpture, etching, stage design, and ceramics. With Georges Braque he launched cubism (1906-1925), and he introduced the technique of collage. Among Picassos masterpieces are Les Demoiselles dAvignon (1907) and Guernica (1937). 毕加索,帕布罗:毕加索,帕布罗:(1881-1973) 西班牙画家,是西班牙画家,是20世纪最世纪最多产和最有影响的画家之一。毕加索擅长绘画、雕刻、

32、多产和最有影响的画家之一。毕加索擅长绘画、雕刻、蚀刻、舞台设计和制陶艺术。与乔治蚀刻、舞台设计和制陶艺术。与乔治布拉克开创了立布拉克开创了立体主义画派体主义画派(1906-1925年),并引入了拼贴艺术,毕加年),并引入了拼贴艺术,毕加索的杰作有阿维尼翁的小姐索的杰作有阿维尼翁的小姐 (1907年)年) 和和 格尔尼卡格尔尼卡 (1937年)年) Alexander Calder American sculptor who created the mobile in Paris in the early 1930s and also produced immobile abstract scu

33、lptures known as stabiles考尔德,亚历山大:考尔德,亚历山大:(1898-1976) 美国雕塑家,美国雕塑家,三十年代早期在巴黎创造了活动雕塑,并且创三十年代早期在巴黎创造了活动雕塑,并且创立了固定的抽象雕塑,即众所周知的稳定风格立了固定的抽象雕塑,即众所周知的稳定风格Eero Saarinen Finnish-born American architect whose designs include the General Motors Technical Center in Warren, Michigan (1951-1955) and the Trans Wor

34、ld Airlines terminal at Kennedy Airport in New York City (1962). 萨里南,艾罗:萨里南,艾罗:(1910-1961) 芬兰裔美国建筑芬兰裔美国建筑师,他曾设计了密西根州沃伦市的通用汽车技术师,他曾设计了密西根州沃伦市的通用汽车技术中心中心(1951-1955年)和纽约市肯尼迪国际机场年)和纽约市肯尼迪国际机场候机楼候机楼(1962年)年)gateway an opening or a structure framing an opening, such as an arch; Something that serves as an

35、 entrance or a means of accessskyline the outline of a group of buildings or a mountain range seen against the sky; the horizonthe Great Plains 美国的大平原美国的大平原Mount Rushmore 拉什莫尔山拉什莫尔山Chicago the largest city of Illinois, in the northeast part of the state on Lake Michigan 芝加哥芝加哥Los Angeles a city of s

36、outhern California on the Pacific Ocean in a widespread metropolitan area 洛杉矶洛杉矶Missouri a state of the central United States 密苏里州密苏里州South Dakota a state of the north-central United States 南达科他州南达科他州the Midwest A region of the north-central United States around the Great Lakes and the upper Mississ

37、ippi Valley. It is generally considered to include Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska. The area is known for its rich farmlands and highly industrialized centers.美国中西部:美国中北部五大湖区及密西西比河上美国中西部:美国中北部五大湖区及密西西比河上游河谷周围的地区。通常认为包括俄亥俄州、印游河谷周围的地区。通常认为包

38、括俄亥俄州、印第安那州、伊里诺斯州、密歇根州、威斯康星州、第安那州、伊里诺斯州、密歇根州、威斯康星州、明尼苏达州、爱荷华州、密苏里州、堪萨斯州及明尼苏达州、爱荷华州、密苏里州、堪萨斯州及内布拉斯加州。该地区以肥沃的耕地及高度工业内布拉斯加州。该地区以肥沃的耕地及高度工业化的工业中心而闻名。化的工业中心而闻名。Section CExercise 11. C2. C3. D4. DSection CExercise 6. 7. 8. Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. C6. C2. C7. A3. D8. A4. C9. C5.

39、 A10. DUnit 6TravelSection AKey Wordsinvoice a detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs; an itemized billMombasa a city of southeast Kenya mainly on Mombasa Island, in the Indian Ocean north of Zanzibar 蒙巴萨岛蒙巴萨岛supplement something added brochure a small book

40、let or pamphlet, often containing promotional material or product informationcompartment a separate room, section, or chamberSection AExercise 1Type of TransportDestination1.BusSuperstore2.TrainYork3.TaxiNearest pharmacy4.PlaneParis5.ShipMombasa6.Underground/tube PiccadillySection AExercise

41、.5.6.Section BKey Wordsproceed to go forward or onwardrefreshment a snack or light meal and drinkssteward an attendant on a ship or an airplaneformality an established form or rule to be followed block visa fortnight a period of 14 days; two weeks buffet car dining car 餐车餐车 lager a type of beer, ori

42、ginally brewed in GermanySection BExercise 11. New York, BA710, 10.30, Delayed till 12.002. BA 989, 0437L, 14 days 3. York, 19.00, platform 4, cancelledYork, 20.00, platform 6, departure time:21.004. Buffet open from 22.00 to 23.30Tea Coffee Beer Lager Other alcoholic drinks Cold sandwiches Section

43、BExercise 21. Passengers with boarding cards can get light refreshments from the restaurant.2. They are now cruising at an altitude of 36,000 feet. On take-off the captain was informed that the radar equipment developed technical problems. Passengers will experience a short delay in landing. They wi

44、ll be on the ground by 19.30. The chief steward will tell the passengers about landing-card formalities.3. This is an announcement for passengers traveling to York. Some of the trains have been cancelled or delayed this evening. 4. This is your chief steward speaking. We are pleased to announce that

45、 the buffet car will be open after leaving Peterborough. However, due to staff shortages, it will close after leaving Doncaster. Because of industrial action some items of food and drink were not delivered to the train. Section CKey Wordsclaim a demand for something as rightful or due; a demand for

46、payment in accordance with an insurance policy or other formal arrangement Geneva a city of southwest Switzerland located on Lake Geneva and bisected by the Rhone River日内瓦日内瓦Section CExercise 1Passengers name: John FrancksArriving from: GenevaFlight number: SA429Passengers contact address: 32 Grosve

47、nor Terrace, London, W2Y 4AP Contact telephone number: 017 437-8210Description of luggage: 1 black suitcase, 1 black travel bagPassengers signature: John FrancksPart III Listening Comprehension Test1. C6. B2. B7. D3. D8. B4. C9. B5. C10. DUnit 7Hotel StaySection AKey Wordslodging sleeping accommodat

48、ionsaccessible easily approached or enteredencompass to constitute or includeinterior of, relating to, or located on the insidespa a resort having mineral springs; providing therapeutic bathsboutique small but exquisite; a small retail shop that specializes in gifts, fashionable clothes, accessories

49、, or foodshowcase to display prominently, especially to advantageacreage area of land measured in acrescommunally for the use of all; shared byimpoverished poorbackpacker hikers carrying a backpackSection AExercise 11.Rooms run from basic to five-star (Hotel)2.Rooms open to the parking lot (Motel)3.

50、Rooms individually decorated (Boutique)4.Free breakfast (Motel; B&B)5.Share bathroom (B&B; Hostel)6.Feel like at a friends house (B&B)7. Popular in Europe and Australia (Hostel)8. Very cheap (Hostel) 9. Very expensive (Boutique)10. Easy access (Motel)11. Do the shopping (Resort)12. For students and

51、backpackers (Hostel)13. For families, honeymooners, gamblers (Resort)14. Conference rooms (Hotel)15. Lots of personal attention (Boutique, B&B)16. Noisy and less private (Hostel)17. Lots of parking (Motel)18. Fun place to meet people (Hostel)19. Pools and spas (Resort)20. High-quality service (Bouti

52、que)21. Great food (Resort)22. Theme-based (Boutique)Section BKey Wordsoui yes Frenchmonsieur a form of polite address for a man in a French-speaking areametro subwaySection BExercise 11.C2.B3.ASection BExercise CKey Wordscontinental breakfast breakfast consisting usually of coffe

53、e or tea and a roll 欧式早餐欧式早餐panel a board having switches or buttons to control an electric deviceinstall to set in position and connect or adjust for useFinnish of or relating to FinlandSection CExercise 11. breakfast in the room2. dress cleaned3. early call4. rent a TV5. find a maidSection CExerci

54、se III Listening Comprehension Test1. A 6. D2. D 7. A3. B 8. B4. D 9. C5. A 10. BUnit 8WeatherSection AKey Wordsthe Mediterranean the region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea 地中海沿岸地区地中海沿岸地区the Alps groups of high mountains mostly in Switzerland, France and Italy阿尔卑斯山脉阿尔卑斯山脉the Britis

55、h Isles a group of islands off the northwest coast of Europe comprising Great Britain, Ireland, and adjacent smaller islands不列颠群岛不列颠群岛Scandinavia a region of northern Europe consisting of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Finland, Iceland, and the Faeroe Islands are often included in the region 斯堪的纳维亚斯堪的

56、纳维亚centigrade Celsius; a temperature scale that registers the freezing point of water as 0 and the boiling point as 100 under normal atmospheric pressuregust a strong, abrupt rush of windSection AExercise 1Sunny:The British IslesFair: Southern ScandinaviaCloudy:Central and Northern FranceRain:Southe

57、rn EuropeSnow:The AlpsCold and clear: Eastern EuropeWindy:Northern GermanySection AExercise BKey WordsBritish Columbia a province of western Canada bordering on the Pacific Ocean 不不列颠哥伦比亚省列颠哥伦比亚省Seattle a city of west-central Washington 西雅图西雅图San Diego a city of southern Calif

58、ornia 圣地亚哥圣地亚哥Oklahoma City capital city of Oklahoma, a state of the south-central United States俄克拉何马城俄克拉何马城Houston a city of southeast Texas 休斯顿休斯顿Miami a city of southeast Florida 迈阿密迈阿密Toronto the capital and largest city of Ontario, Canada, in the southern part of the province on Lake Ontario 多伦

59、多多伦多Montreal a city of southern Quebec, Canada, on Montreal Island in the St. Lawrence River 蒙特利尔蒙特利尔thermometer an instrument for measuring temperatureflurry a brief, light snowfallupdate information that updatesFahrenheit of or relating to a temperature scale that registers the freezing point of w

60、ater as 32=F and the boiling point as 212=F at one atmosphere of pressure 华氏温标华氏温标Section BExercise 1British Columbia down to northern California: rainingSeattle: 50 degreesSouthern California: sunny, warmer temperatureSan Diego: 78 degreesMidwest: clear but windyOklahoma City: sunny with strong win

61、ds, 65 degreesHouston: cloudy, 69 degreesMiami: cloudy, windy, 64 degreesNew York City: heavy rains and high winds, 35 degreesMontreal: snow flurries, 28 degreesToronto: sunny, 30 degreesSection CKey Wordsequator the imaginary great circle around the earths surface, dividing the earth into the North

62、ern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphereelevation the height of a thing above a reference level; altitudebreeze a light windgale a very strong windhail precipitation in the form of pellets of ice and hard snowSection CExercise 11.A2.C3.ASection CExercise III Listening Comprehensi

63、on Test1. D 6. D2. D 7. C3. B 8. D4. B 9. B5. B 10. CUnit 9Leisure-time ActivitiesSection AKey Wordsthrift shop a shop that sells used articles, especially clothinggo broke go bankruptneat (slang) wonderful; terrificSection AExercise 1Person 1: shoppingPerson 2: workPerson 3: jogging tennis gardenin

64、gPerson 4: hiking camping sailing skydivingPerson 5: plays ballet concerts opera moviesPerson 6: books dancing animals restaurants sleepSection AExercise 21. At thrift shops because its cheap.2. Because he sits at a computer all day3. Neat / wonderful4. Classic foreign filmsSection BKey Wordscowpoke

65、 cowboyshoot-out gunfightpan to wash (gravel, for example) in a pan for gold or other precious metalprospector one who explores an area for mineral deposits or oilsirree sir; used for emphasis after yes or nomatinee an entertainment, such as a dramatic or musical performance, given in the daytime, u

66、sually in the afternoonSection BExercise 1Opening days: seven days a weekOpening times: Monday to Friday: 9 6 Saturday: 9 8 Sunday: 9 5 Tickets cost: 5 adults 2.50 students, children under 16 and old age pensionersMonday freeAdditional information: two hours to go round Credit cards acceptedOpening

67、months: April through SeptemberOpening days: seven days a weekOpening times: 10 a.m. to sundown_Wide West Show takes place: Saturday and SundayPerformances start: 10 a.m.Performances last: 2 hoursPrice of admission: Adults: 12 Children:_$6 Family ticket: $24 (Wild West show: $2 extra per adult )Addi

68、tional information: free buses to the park throughout the day every Saturday and Sunday from Cactus City CentrePerformance days: Monday to Saturday Matinee days: Wednesday and SaturdayPerformance starts: 8 p.m. Matinee starts: 2 p.m.Performance finishes: 10.45 p.m. Matinee finishes: 4.45p.m.Tickets

69、cost: 10, 12.50 and 15Additional information: some tickets may be available at half price half an hour before the performance starts.Section CKey Wordsspectator audienceaquarium a place for the public exhibition of live aquatic animals and plantscircus a public entertainment consisting typically of

70、a variety of performances by acrobats, clowns, and trained animals; a traveling company that performs such entertainmentsrodeo a public competition or exhibition in which skills such as riding broncos or roping calves are displayedNevada a state of the western United States 内华达州内华达州casino a public r

71、oom or building for gambling and other entertainmentlottery way of raising money by selling numbered tickets and giving prizes to the holders of numbers selected at randomreservation a tract of land set apart by the federal government for a special purpose, especially one for the use of a Native Ame

72、rican peoplebet something valuable risked on an uncertain outcome; put money on somethingSection CExercise 11.D2.C3.ASection CExercise 21. Many Americans are not satisfied to be merely spectators and listeners.2. Many high-quality amateur performances can be found all over the U.S.3. Theater groups,

73、 orchestras, and bands can easily get volunteers to perform at reasonable prices.4. Most bigger cities have zoos and aquariums for people to enjoy animals.5. Rodeos are a form of entertainment popular in the American Southwest, Latin America and Australia.6. Americans put different animals on the ra

74、cetrack, for example, horses, dogs, pigeons, and pigs.7. Today 37 states have lottery games and 22 states have gambling casinos on Native American reservations. Many states have riverboat gambling casinos.8. Informal gambling among friends and coworkers includes bets on major sporting events or Frid

75、ay evening poker games.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. C 6. D2. C 7. D3. B 8. C4. A 9. D5. B 10.AUnit 10SportsSection AExercise AExercise 21. At 9.15 at Sues place2. Because its out of his way.3. Phil StoneSection BKey Wordsappeal attractpastime an activity that occupies o

76、nes spare time pleasantlypitcher the player who throws the ball from the mound to the batterbatter the player who hits the ballball park place where baseball is playedpadding a soft material used to make pads or a padgear equipment, such as tools or clothing, used for a particular activityshot an at

77、tempt to score in a gameSection BExercise 1Baseball: called the national pastime; hitting the ball is quite a challenge; professional baseball season ends with the World SeriesFootball: injuries are fairly common; both college football (Bowl games) and professional football (the Super Bowl) attract

78、huge audiencesBasketball: most popular indoor sport; nearly every park has a basketball net and hard-surface playing area; 29 professional mens teamsSection BExercise 21.6. 2.7. 3.8. 4.9. 5.10. Section CKey Wordspreach to advocate, especially to urge acceptance of blend mixturestrenuous requiring gr

79、eat effort, energy, or exertionbowling a game played by rolling a ball down a wooden alley in order to knock down a triangular group of ten pins; tenpins workout a session of exercise or practicedaredevil recklessly boldparachute an apparatus used to retard free fall from an aircraftcliff a high, st

80、eep, or overhanging face of rockbungee jumping diving from a height while secured by elasticated ropes attached to the ankles 蹦极跳蹦极跳Section CExercise 11.B2.D3.C4.B5.DSection CExercise 21. Doctors highly recommend golf and they often practice what they preach. The achievements of Tiger Woods is an in

81、spiration to golfers everywhere. He is a man of American ulticulturalism. His ethnic background is a blend of African-American, Native American, Chinese, European, and Thai!2. Bowling is not extremely strenuous and appeals to a wide age range. Many bowling leagues are formed by coworkers or members

82、of community organizations.3. Tennis provides a very vigorous workout. When two people play against each other, its called singles; when four people play, its called doubles. 4. Extreme sports involve speed, high skill, and danger. They include daredevil tricks on snowboards, skateboards, and bicycl

83、es; parachute jumps off bridges or cliffs; bungee jumping; barefoot waterskiing; and skydiving. Most Americans consider extreme sports enthusiasts extremely foolish. Others see them as having traditional pioneering, adventurous spirit.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. C 6. A2. C 7. B3. B 8. C4

84、. C 9. A5. D10. CUnit 11The Olympic GamesSection AKey Wordsemblem an object or a representation that functions as a symbolOlympiad an interval of four years between celebrations of the Olympic gamesAntwerp a city of northern Belgium 安特卫普安特卫普logo a name, symbol, or trademark designed for easy and def

85、inite recognitionSection AExercise 11.C2.B3.DSection AExercise 21.88%2.36%3.88% 4.92%5.74%Section BKey WordsSailing帆船帆船Synchronized Swimming 花样游泳花样游泳Diving跳水跳水Water Polo 水球水球Rhythmic Gymnastics艺术体操艺术体操Canoe/kayak Flatwater 皮划艇静水皮划艇静水Archery 射箭射箭 Judo 柔道柔道Wrestling 摔跤摔跤 Shooting 射击射击Taekwondo 跆拳道跆拳道

86、Equestrian 马术马术Triathlon 铁人三项铁人三项Modern Pentathlon 现代五项现代五项Fencing 击剑击剑Trampoline 蹦床蹦床Softball 垒球垒球Artistic Gymnastics 体操体操Athletics 田径田径Canoe/Kayak-Slalom 皮划艇激流回旋皮划艇激流回旋Rowing 赛艇赛艇Section BExercise 11.Sailing 2.Synchronized Swimming 3.Swimming4.Diving 5.Water Polo6. Rhythmic Gymnastics7. Canoe/kaya

87、k-Flatwater 8. Weightlifting9. Baseball10. Archery 11. Judo 12. Wrestling 13. Shooting 14. Boxing 15. Football16. Basketball 17. Table tennis18. Taekwondo 19. Equestrian20. Triathlon21. Modern Pentathlon 22. Fencing23. Trampoline 24. Volleyball 25. Beach Volleyball26. Badminton27. Softball28. Cyclin

88、g 29. Tennis 30. Handball31. Hockey32. Artistic Gymnastics 33. Athletics 34. Canoe/Kayak-Slalom35. RowingSection CKey Wordscouplet a unit of verse consisting of two successive linescutesy deliberately or affectedly cutemascot a person, an animal, or an object believed to bring good luck, especially

89、one kept as the symbol of an organization such as a sports teamcarnival a festival marked by merrymaking and feastingcalligraphy the art of fine handwritingSection CExercise 1Person 1: a little disappointingPerson 2: not so unexpectedPerson 3: better than expectedPerson 4: nicePerson 5: like it very

90、 muchSection CExercise 21. It takes some time to get used to it.2. It is the best symbol color of China.3. Its fun, but its also a serious sporting event.4. The hidden calligraphy looks Chinese character “Jing” (京京) and the shape looks like a stone.5. It looks like a personal stamp.Part III Listenin

91、g Comprehension TestPassage one1. B2. C3. DPassage two4. D5. B6. A7. DUnit 12ShoppingSection AKey Wordsadaptor device that connects pieces of equipment that were not orginally designed to connectrazor a sharp-edged cutting instrument used especially for shaving the face or removing other body hairCo

92、ntinental Europeanreceipt a written acknowledgment that a specified article, sum of money, or shipment of merchandise has been receivedSection AExercise 11.Store Adaptor6.85Cash2. Lambswool sweater28.99Credit card MastercardSection AExercise 21. Electrical supplies2. 2.553. 3.154. Navy blue5. V-neck

93、 and Round-neck6. SmallSection BKey Wordscatalog a list or itemized display of articles for sale, usually including descriptive information or illustrationsin stock available for sale or useexpire to come to an end; terminatecredit to enter as a credit 记入帐户的贷方记入帐户的贷方Section BExercise 1Catalog Page N

94、o.: 36Item: (womens snowflake print) wool sweaterSize: 12Color: royal blue Way of Payment: credit card Chase VisaCredit Card No.: 4356-67-9087Expiratory Date: August 8, 2012Full Name of Purchaser: Ann T. DowellDelivery Time: ten daysDelivery Address: 436 North Plain Street Brownsville, Missouri 6579

95、0Section CKey Wordsretailer tradesman who sells by retailmall a large, often enclosed shopping complexdeal a business transactionbargain a good deal or a reasonable pricediscount store a store that sells merchandise, especially consumer goods, at a discount from the manufacturers suggested retail pr

96、ice. Also called discounter, discount house variety store a retail store that carries a large variety of usually inexpensive merchandiseSection CExercise 1Ken: On the Internet; There are a lot of retailers, its cheaper and faster, and you can get things sent to you the next day.Anna: Department stor

97、es/Discount stores/Variety stores. She likes to physically see and try on things, likes different kinds of places, and likes window-shopping.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. A day after Thanksgiving Day2. A 24-hour stop on consumer spending/ a consumer fast for one day3. A loose union of inte

98、rnational groups4. Make people aware of over-consumption and its environmental and social consequences.5. Nonmaterial things6. Shop around. 7. Check shipping and handling charges.8. Stick with companies you know.9. Use your credit card.10. Look for security guarantees.Unit 13Marketing StrategiesSect

99、ion AKey Wordstelemarketing use of the telephone in marketing goods or servicessubscription a purchase made by signed order, as for a periodical for a specified period of timeflamenco a dance style of the Andalusian Gypsies characterized by forceful, often improvised rhythmsdatabase a collection of

100、data arranged for ease and speed of search and retrieval.Also called data bank Section AExercise 11. B2. A3. C4. B5. ASection AExercise 2Telemarketer: offerMan: subscription, airfare, flamenco Telemarketer: trial, introductoryTelemarketer: access Man: fitness Telemarketer: once-in-a-lifetimeMan: pas

101、s, list. Telemarketer: database, representative Section BKey Wordssubzero below zeropatented protected by a grant made by a government that confers upon the creator of an invention the sole right to make, use, and sell that invention for a set period of timefilling something used to fill a space, ca

102、vity, or containerbulky large-sizedcompact occupying little space compared with others of its typetake off to achieve wide use or popularityword-processing the creation, input, editing, and production of documents and texts by means of computer systemsgizmo a gadgetSection BExercise 1Suzero sleeping

103、 bag: Yes. Theyre warm, take up less room, and are lightweight.Compact, portable electronic dictionary: No. Kids have computers and dont need dictionaries.Remote-control device for your car: Yes. (during the winter holidays)It sends out a signal that warms up your car.Section CKey Wordsinsecticide c

104、hemical substance used to kill insectscockroach any of numerous oval, flat-bodied insects that are common household pestswoodworm a worm or an insect larva that bores into woodscrub to rub hard in order to cleandisinfect to cleanse so as to destroy or prevent the growth of disease-carrying microorga

105、nismscreepy-crawly insect thought of as unpleasant or frighteningdo the trick It works; succeedspray to disperse (a liquid) in a mass or jet of dropletsSection CExercise 1Name: Mrs. Mary EgertonAddress: 12 Holly Crescent, PeterfordAge: Over 50 Occupation: HousewifeWhy did you buy Pestaway? Cockroach

106、es How long have you been using Pestaway? About two yearsHow often do you use it? About every six weeksWhere do you use it? In the kitchen around the skirting board, under the stoveWhere did you buy it? Corner shop How did you first hear about Pestaway? Radio advertisement Are you with Pestaway? Sat

107、isfied Part III Listening Comprehension TestTalk one1. B2. A3. BTalk two1. analyzing marketing problems scientifically2. teenagers, high-income groups, senior citizens3. population groups or geography4. sales and profits5. advertising research, market analysis, performance analysis, and product rese

108、archUnit 14About HealthSection AKey Wordspoison oak North American shrubs related to poison ivy and causing a rash on contactrash a skin eruptionSection AExercise 11.a backache2.a sore throat and a stiff neck3.a stuffy nose, a cough, and a fever4.a fever and a sick stomachache5.a headache6.a rashSec

109、tion AExercise 21.You want some aspirin?2.Wed better stretch after we exercise.3.You should go home and go to bed.4.Is there anything I can do?5.Why dont you go home and rest?6.Next time well be more careful.Section BKey Wordsinfection becoming ill through contact with bacteria, etc.aerobics a syste

110、m of physical conditioning designed to enhance circulatory and respiratory efficiency that involves vigorous, sustained exercise, such as jogging, swimming, or cycling, thereby improving the bodys utilization of oxygenSection BExercise 1The student has a bad cold.Section BExercise 21. You must sleep

111、 more.2. You have to eat better.3. You should exercise more.Section CExercise 11. No time. 2. No money.3. Too tired.4. Bad weather.5. Embarrassed.Section CExercise 21. No time: You should take two or three short walks every day.2. No money: You dont have to join a gym. Walk.3. Too tired: Exercise ev

112、ery day it will give you energy.4. Bad weather: Exercise inside. 5. Embarrassed: Dont feel bad; you should feel great!Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. Exercise everyday2. Get enough sleep.3. Eat green things.4. Dont smoke.5. Dont drink a lot of alcohol.6. Wear a seatbelt.7. Drink lots of wate

113、r.8. Visit your doctor for regular check-ups.9. Reduce stress.10. Spend time with friends and family.Unit 15You Are What You EatSection AKey Wordsprawn any of various edible crustaceans similar to but larger than the shrimpsavocado the edible fruit of a tropical American treefilet small tender piece

114、 of meat without bonessole any of various chiefly marine flatfishcasserole a dish, usually of earthenware, glass, or cast iron, in which food is both baked and servedBordeaux a red or white wine originally produced in the region around Bordeaux, Francefizzy having a lot of bubbles of gas that make a

115、 hissing soundSection AExercise 1Name: Simons Day: SaturdayNo. of guests: 4 Time: 9.30Starters: prawns (1), snails (1), avocado (2)Main courses: pork fillet (2), sole (1), beef casserole (1)Drinks: Bordeaux red, mineral water Section BKey Wordsgravy the juices that drip from cooking meatcorn on the

116、cob maize cooked with all the grains still attached to the stalkmashed a crushing or grindingprime rib cut of meat from the ribs of an animalvinegar sour liquide made from malt, wine, cider, etc by fermentation and used for flavouring foodthousand island a kind of salad dressingSection BExercise 1Wo

117、man: fried chicken, biscuits and gravy, potatoes (mashed), chocolate pie, coffeeMan: sole, green salad, fruit salad, waterSection BExercise 2The man. The mans meal contains more vegetables and fruits.Section CKey Wordsstarchy containing starchtissue cells that perform one or more specific functions

118、in the bodycholesterol a white, crystalline substance found in animal tissues and various foodsartery any of a branching system of muscular, elastic tubes that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the bodydeficiency a lack or shortage, especially of something essentia

119、l to healthcitrus edible fruits that have a leathery, aromatic rindcalcium chemical element found as a compound in bones and teethiodine non-metallic element found in sea water and seweedanaemia condition of the blood caused by a lack of red corpuscles, making a person look pale lentils plant grown

120、for its small bean-like seedsmolasses thick dark syrup drained from raw sugar during the refining processSection CExercise 11. Carbohydrates: They produce energy.2. Protein: It is used for tissue building.3. Fat: It produces energy.4. Vitamins: Vitamin A is good to vision, skin and resist infection.

121、 Vitamin C prevents colds and low energy states.5. Minerals: Calcium helps build our bones and teeth. Iron prevents anaemia.Section CExercise 21. Bread, potatoes and sugar.2. They can be converted to fat and cause a condition of overweight.3. Meat and cheese.4. 70g5. It may cause increased cholester

122、ol levels in the blood.6. 407. Vitamin A: carrots, rose-hips, liver Vitamin C: oranges and other citrus fruit8. Calcium: milk Iron: liver, lentils, molasses, dates Part III Listening Comprehension Test1.It is food (either a plant or animal) that has been altered in the laboratory by scientists.2. Th

123、ey need fewer pesticides. They grow better than normal plants.They stay fresh longer after they are harvested.3. They may dominate other plants in the environment. They might hurt wild animals and insects. They might even hurt the people who eat them.Simulated Listening Test 1Section A1. C 6. C2. B

124、7. C3. A 8. A4. C 9. B5. B Section B10.B 11.D 12.D 13.D 14.B 15.DSection C16. the objectives and requirements 17. reading and writing18. library research 19. participate in the discussion20. the evaluation criteriaSimulated Listening Test 2Section A1. B 6.D2. A 7.B3. C 8.C4. B 9.A5. DSection B10.C 1

125、1.C 12.A 13.D 14.D 15.ASection C16. What makes people happy17. Happy people are satisfied with themselves.18. Happy people are optimistic.19. Happy people have good relationships with other people.20. PsychologyUnit 16Personality Section AExercise 1Type 1: Perfectionists Type 2: HelpersType 3: Achie

126、versType 4: RomanticsType 5: ObserversType 6: QuestionersType 7: AdventurersType 8: AssertersType 9: PeacemakersSection AExercise 2_i_ cheerful_g_ energetic_d_ expressive_f_ loyal_c_ ambitious _e_ knowledgeable_b_ caring_h_ productive_a_ well-organizedSection BKey Wordstemperament the manner of thin

127、king, behaving, or reacting characteristic of a specific personautonomy the condition or quality of being autonomous; independencepragmatist a person who acts in a practical wayimpulsive inclined to act on impulse rather than thoughtintegrity steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical codeSect

128、ion BExercise 11. Because the strengths of one worker can overcome the weaknesses of another.2. They refer to the importance that we give to ideas, things, or people.3. It refers to the distinctive way you think, feel, and react to the world.Section BExercise 21.Traditionalists: value hard work, doi

129、ng things the way theyve always been done, loyalty to the organization, and the authority of leaders2.Humanists: value quality of life, autonomy, loyalty to self, and leaders who are attentive to workers needs3.Pragmatists: value success, achievement, loyalty to career, and leaders who reward people

130、 for hard work Section CKey WordsRudyard Kipling British writer who won the 1907 Nobel Prize for literaturetwain twoangular having, forming, or consisting of an angle or anglesverse work of a poetfilial piety respect for and obedience to a parentConfucian of, relating to, or characteristic of Confuc

131、ius, his teachings, or his followersTaoist of, relating to, or characteristic of a Chinese religion TaoismBuddhist of, relating to, or characteristic of an Asian religion Buddhisminherit to receive from an ancestorSection CExercise 1I. Nhan and Hung are different in looks. A. Nhan 1. physical appear

132、ance: short, small; full, moon-shaped face; small arms and feet; smooth, white skin; look like an early twentieth- century intellectual2. clothes: formal and traditional B. Hung 1. physical appearance: tall, muscular and big-boned; straight as an arrow; long and angular face; strong feet and arms; s

133、houlders and chest are hairy, large and full. looks like an American boxer2. clothes: T-shirts and jeans or sports clothesII. Nhan and Hung differ in personality. B. Hung 1. self-centered; only smiles when happy 2. likes: science and technology; sun baths; Coca-Cola; rock and roll musicIII. Nhan and

134、 Hung have different attitudes toward life. B. Hung 1. concerned with material needs 2. affected by western theories of real valuesPart III Listening Comprehension Test1. C2. C3. D4. C5. A6. B Unit 17Family LifeSection AExercise 11. B2. A3. A4. B5. A6. B7. BSection BKey Wordsnuclear family the famil

135、y considered as mother, father and children only, and not including any less close relationssibling a brother or sisterhop to make a quick trip, especially in an airplaneSection BExercise 11. C2. D3. DSection BExercise CKey Wordsrivalry the act of competing or emulating; the s

136、tate or condition of being a rivalambivalent of coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings, such as love and hate, toward a person, an object, or an ideatoss to be thrown here and there; to move about restlesslySection CExercise 11. The battle of the sexes: Husband and wife fight for control of t

137、he family.2. Sibling rivalry: competition and jealousy between brothers and sisters.3. Generation gap: Parents have difficulty understanding the attitudes and behavior of their children and vice versa.4. In-law problems: especially when parents try to interfere in the lives of their married children

138、.Section CExercise 21. Todays family tries to be democratic, to give all family members some voice in decision-making.2. Teenagers are ambivalent about parental control and help.3. Get out of my life, but first could you drive me and Cheryl to the mall?4. Parents want to maintain a friendly relation

139、ship with their teenagers and guide them toward proper behavior.5. Arguments may concern such trivial matters as clothing or hair styles.6. The whole question of whos in charge becomes more complicated when there is divorce and remarriage.7. Many American children have to adjust to a stepparent livi

140、ng in the home, supervising and disciplining them. When children are tossed back and forth between different authority figures, they sometimes wonder whos in charge.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. C2. C3. C4. A5. D6. BUnit 18Talking about PeopleSection AKey WordsNantes a city of western Fran

141、ceirate extremely angryyacht any of various relatively small sailing or motor-driven vessels, generally with smart, graceful lines, used for pleasure cruises or racingSection AExercise 1Name: Jules VerneProfession: writerNumber of books written: over 80Things depicted in his books: helicopters, subm

142、arines, modern weapons, movies with sound, rockets, televisionYear of birth: in 1828Place of birth: Nantes, FranceFamily background: sailorsWhat happened in the following years of Jules Vernes life?1847: went to Paris to study law1850: published his first play 1863: published his first novel, Five W

143、eeks in a Balloon1864: Journey to the Center of the Earth1865: From the Earth to the Moon1870: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea1873: Around the World in Eighty Days1874: The Mysterious IslandSection AExercise 21. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5.10.Section BKey WordsGalileo Italian physicist and astronom

144、er (1564-1562)arcane known or understood by only a fewintrigued interestedformula a statement, especially an equation, of a fact, rule, principle, or other logical relationthermodynamics physics that deals with the relationships between heat and other forms of energyblack hole an extremely small reg

145、ion of space-time with a gravitational field so intense that nothing can escape, not even lightquantum mechanics quantum theory, especially the quantum theory of the structure and behavior of atoms and moleculesequation a statement asserting the equality of two expressionsbig bang theory a cosmologi

146、cal theory holding that the universe originated approximately 20 billion years ago from the violent explosion of a very small agglomeration of matter of extremely high density and temperatureglitch a sudden changesynthesizer electronic musical instrument producing a large number of different sounds,

147、 including imitations of other instrumentsSection BExercise 1Name: Stephen HawkingDate of birth: 8 January 1942Profession: PhysicistWhere he is from: LondonFamily background: intellectual1958: built a primitive computer with his friends1959: won a scholarship to Oxford University1962: got a degree i

148、n Natural Science with honors and went to Cambridge University to pursue a PhD in cosmology1968: joined the staff of the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge1974: became a fellow of the Royal Society1979: became Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge1988: wrote A Brief History of Time: From t

149、he Big Bang to Black HolesSection BExercise 21. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10.Section CKey Wordscommitment state of being dedicated or devoted (to sth.)Methodist a member of an evangelical Protestant church founded on the principles of John and Charles Wesley in England in the early 18th century and ch

150、aracterized by active concern with social welfare and public morals Girl Scout a member of the Girl Scouts, an organization of young women and girls, founded in the United States in 1912 on the plan of the Girl Guides, for character development and citizenship traininglobby to try to influence the t

151、hinking of legislators or other public officials for or against a specific causeSection CExercise 1Name: Hillary Rodham ClintonPlace of birth: Chicago, IllinoisDate of birth: October 26, 19471) organized food drives2) served in student government3) a member of the National Honor Society4) a member o

152、f the local Methodist youth group5) a Girl Scout1969: graduated from Wellesley College and enrolled in Yale Law School1975: married Bill Clinton1977: started Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families1992: helped her husband run for president of the United States1996: published a book about childr

153、en, It Takes a VillageSection CExercise 21. She and her two younger brothers grew up in Park ridge, Illinois, as part of a close-knit family. Early in life, she learned the importance of commitment to family, work, and service. It is this commitment and the belief that we “all have an obligation to

154、give something of ourselves to our community” that has helped to shape her role and actions as Americas First Lady.2. After graduating from Yale Law School, Hillary went to work for the Childrens Defense Fund, an organization that lobbies for childrens welfare. This was the beginning of her career a

155、s a defender of the rights of children. In 1992 when her husband first ran for president of the United States, Hillary became a powerful symbol of the changing role and status of women in American society.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. A2. B3. C4. A5. D6. CUnit 19AnimalsSection AExercise 11

156、. B2. C3. A4. C5. CSection BKey Wordssolitary to be the only one or to choose not to be with similar people, animals or thingsBorneo a large island in Southeast Asia shard by Malaysia and IndonesiaSumatra one of the islands of IndonesiaHabitat the natural surroundings in which an animal or plant usu

157、ally livesSection BExercise 1Animal 1. snow leopard Animal 2. orangutanAnimal 3. pandaSection BExercise 2Snow leopard: Central Asia; deer; It is hunted for its fur.Orangutan: tropical rain forest of Southeast Asia; fruit, leaves, insects; It is hunted or captured for zoos. Habitat is being destroyed

158、.Panda: bamboo forests of the mountains of China; bamboo shoots, stems, leaves; from lack of foodSection CKey Wordsshowdown final test, argument or fight to settle a disputegreed an excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealt

159、hbludgeon to hit with with a heavy clubwean to accustom (the young of a mammal) to take nourishment other than by sucklinginflated raised or expanded to abnormal levelsline ones pockets make big moneypoach to take (fish or game) illegallyin defiance of in spite of; contrary totrophy a prize or memen

160、toharpoon to strike, kill, or capture with or as if with a spearlike weaponbatter to hit heavily and repeatedly with violent blowsambergris a waxy, grayish substance formed in the intestines of sperm whales and found floating at sea or washed ashore. It is added to perfumes to slow down the rate of

161、evaporation.devoid completely lackingimmunize to render immunemite a very small object, creature, or particleannihilate to destroy completelypermeate to spread or flow throughout; pervadeassimilate to consume and incorporate nutrients into the body after digestionbeaver a large aquatic rodent mole a

162、 small, insectivorous mammalsterile not producing or incapable of producing offspringSection CExercise 11. B2. C3. C4. B5. B6. A, B, E, F7. A, C, DSection CExercise 2_G_ 1. much of wild life will have died out_C_ 2. we cant of course rule out_D_ 3. its going to turn out_A_ 4. its hard to make out_H_

163、 5. well-intentioned people who start out_F_ 6. danger to other forms of life, including humans, comes out_B_ 7. not to say, leaks out_E_ 8. our time is running outPart III Listening Comprehension Test1. B2. A3. D4. B5. C6. DUnit 20Music Section AKey Wordsinstrumental performed on or written for an

164、instrumentharmonica a small, rectangular instrument consisting of a row of free reeds set back in air holes, played by exhaling or inhaling. Also called mouth organCeltic One of an Indo-European people originally of central Europe and spreading to western Europe, the British Isles, and southeast to

165、Galatia during pre-Roman times, especially a Briton or Gaulbanjo a fretted stringed instrumentimprovise to compose without preparationsyncopation a shift of accent in a passage or composition that occurs when a normally weak beat is stressedpolyrhythm the use or an instance of simultaneous contrasti

166、ng rhythmsdouble bass the largest bowed stringed instrument in the modern orchestraDJ an announcer who presents and comments on popular recorded music, especially on the radio (disc jockey)percussion the section of a band or an orchestra composed of percussion instrumentsfunk a type of popular music

167、 combining elements of jazz, blues, and soul and characterized by syncopated rhythm and a heavy, repetitive bass linegenre a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, marked by a distinctive style, form, or contentturntable the circular horizontal rotating platform of a phonograph

168、 on which the record is placedstaple main or principal elementsynthesizer an electronic instrument, often played with a keyboard, that combines simple waveforms to produce more complex soundsSection AExercise 11Blues: African American spirituals and work songs; brought by slaves to southern United S

169、tates, especially the Mississippi Delta; guitar, piano, harmonica, bass,drums, saxophone2 Country: traditional folk music, Celtic music and blues; early 20th century, Southwestern United States; guitar, fiddle,harmonica, banjo3 Jazz: blues and other African American music; start of the 20th century,

170、 New Orleans, Louisiana, United States; saxophone, drums, trumpet, piano, guitar, double bass 4 Rock & Roll: blues, R&B, country and western music; late 1940s United States; guitar, bass, drumsand keyboards5 Hip-hop: Jamaican Dancehall toasting, disco, and funk; early 1970s South Bronx, New York Cit

171、y; turntable, rapping, drum machine, synthesizerSection BKey Wordscurriculum all the courses of study offered by an educational institutionmundane relating to, characteristic of, or concerned with commonplaces; ordinaryaesthetic characterized by a heightened sensitivity to beautySection BExercise 11

172、. a basic form of communication2. the worlds peoples3. the learning process4. the imagination and self-expression5. the basics6. artSection CKey Wordshustle and bustle busy energetic activity rev up to excitemeditative characterized by or prone to meditationSection CExercise 11. helps you relax2. re

173、duces level of stress3. increases academic skills (helping you concentrate and memorize more easily)Section CExercise 21. We all have some form of stress. Whether its due to work, school reports, family, or relationships, we could all use a break now and then. Yet, in the hustle and bustle of everyd

174、ay life, a lot of us cant find the time to just drop everything and take it easy.2. Campbell doesnt stop with Mozart. He says that Bach can stimulate the mind, military marches can rev up the body, and religious music can help create a meditative mood. Its important to find what works best for your

175、situation.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. B2. B3. C4. A5. C6. D7. DUnit 21Money MattersSection AExercise 11. B2. C3. A4. B5. BSection AExercise 2_e_ buck_d_ curb_j_ pinch pennies _m in the hole_a_ make ends meet _l_ loaded _k_ budget b_ keep track of _i_ run out_c_ pay through the nose _g_ k

176、nack_f_ blow _h_ strapped for cash Section BKey Wordsat ones fingertips readily or instantly availablebaby boom a sudden, large increase in the birthrate, especially the one in the United States after World War II from 1947 through 1961baby boomer a member of a baby-boom generationSection BExercise

177、1financial emergencies, secure future, at their fingertips, goals, basic, in the baby boomer group, added, monthly salary, in addition to, rise up, blowing up, from paycheck, deeper into debt, behind, forced into homelessness, overwhelming, cent, bills, save, portion, $10, 13%, 60, 5.6 millionSectio

178、n BExercise 21. Grace thinks most people dont care about saving for the future. (do)2. It is easy to get information to help plan for your financial future. (hard)3. According to grace, people need to have two months of salary saved. (3-6)4. Baby boomers may have to help their children or their pare

179、nts. (and)5. Many common financial emergencies happen expectedly. (unexpectedly)6. Younger people are good at saving money. (bad)7. People who cant pay their bills may sell everything. (lose)8. Saving $10 a week is a bad way to start. (good)9. Thirty percent is a reasonable rate of interest, accordi

180、ng to Grace. (13)10. If you start young enough, it is possible to save billions of dollars before you retire. (millions)Section CKey Wordschecking accounts a bank account in which checks may be written against amounts on depositATM Automatic Teller Machine sales slip sales receiptdebit an item of de

181、bt as recorded in an accountindebtedness the state of being indebtedSection CExercise 11. four types2. check, credit card, debit card, loanSection CExercise 6.7.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. A2. C3. A4. C5. D6. AUnit 22Undergraduate EducationSection AKey Wordspay off to effect

182、profitwell-rounded comprehensively developed and well-balanced in a range or variety of aspectsremedial intended to correct or improve deficient skills in a specific subject Section AExercise 11.It means good results the more you learn, the more you earn.2.elective courses3.500,0004.either for new v

183、ocational skills or for personal growth5.remedial/developmental classes in reading, writing, and mathSection AExercise 21. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Section BExercise 11. What are the two main categories of institutions of higher learning? 1) public 2) Private2. What are the three major groups of higher

184、learning classified by programs and degrees? 1) community colleges / junior colleges2) 4-year colleges3) universities3. What are the three differences between a college and a university? 1) A university is usually bigger in size than a college. 2) A university offers a wider range of undergraduate p

185、rograms plus graduate studies. 3) A university has obligation to conduct research.Section BExercise 21.All schools get money from tuition and private contributors.2.Public schools receive state funding.3.In terms of tuition fees, permanent residents benefit most from public schools of the state to w

186、hich they belong.4.Community colleges offer only the first two years of undergraduate studies the freshman and sophomore years.5.Community colleges enroll students who prepare to transfer to a 4-year school for their third and fourth years junior and senior years.6.Community colleges also offer 1- o

187、r 2-year job-training programs.Section CExercise 11. B2. C3. A Section CExercise 2c_ ace the testh_ bomb the testg_ suck up e_ easy grader a_ killer coursed_ grade (mark) on a curvei _ pull all-nightersb_ mega homeworkf_ data braing_ brown-nose Part III Listening Comprehension TestReport One1. The C

188、hina Youth Development Foundation2. (1) build Project Hope primary schools in poor rural areas; (2) establish Project Hope scholarships in high schools and universities; (3) carry out distance education initiatives; (4)train rural teachers. 3. domestic and overseas4. Chinas middle and western region

189、s.5. 93.9%, 63.5%Report Two6. character, citizenship7. split over8. right from wrong9. angered, confused10. honesty, caringUnit 23Graduate EducationSection A Exercise 11.research masters degrees, professional masters degrees Ph.D. degrees2.research masters degrees3.professional masters degrees4.Beca

190、use they do not lead to doctoral programs.5.their departments and program advisorsSection AExercise 21.Research masters degrees: 1) completion and defense of an independent thesis; 2) passing of comprehensive examinations; 3) participation in advanced seminars and courses. 4) completion of between 3

191、0 and 60 credit hours; 5) one or two academic years of full-time study2.professional masters degrees: 1) a similar program of study; 2) completion of a supervised project or report; 3) completion of between 36 and 48 units; 4) one to two years of full-time study3. Ph.D. degrees: 1) 3 years beyond th

192、e masters; 2) pass oral and written examinations; 3) produce a long and comprehensive research paper; 3) read one or two foreign languagesSection BExercise 1A = ExcellentB = Above AverageC = AverageD = Below AverageF = FailureSection BExercise 227 divided by 9 = 3.0 GPASection CKey Wordssuspend to b

193、ar for a period from a privilege, office, or position, usually as a punishmenttransfer to withdraw from one educational institution or course of study and enroll in anotherendeavor a conscientious or concerted effort Section CExercise 11. To tell Mr. Arn the schools decision to discontinue his studi

194、es.2. A passing grade is unacceptable in a graduate school and that the decision cant be changed.3. Mr. Arn can reapply if he wishes.4. Hell have trouble with the immigration.5. It will be a shame to his family.6. He insists on his decision, but offers to help Mr. Arn to transfer to another school.P

195、art III Listening Comprehension Test1.C2.B3.A4.D5.D6.DUnit 24Language and LiteratureSection AKey Wordsverify to determine or test the truth or accuracy offriction conflict, as between persons having dissimilar ideas or interests; clashprovoke to bring about; induceSection AExercise 11. Reporting lan

196、guage2. Inferential language3. Judgmental languageSection AExercise 21. Reporting language consists of statements based on observation.2. The words of reporting language are concrete and specific.3. Information conveyed by reporting language can be confirmed by the listener as well as the speaker.4.

197、 People usually accept reporting language because they can check it for accuracy.5. In conversation, you can often avoid friction by using reporting language. B. Inferential Language 1. Inferential language uses statements that draw conclusions by a reasoning process that may or may not be faulty. 2

198、. Inferences blend assumptions, knowledge, experiences, and attitudes into statements that infer or set up opinions about a subject. 3. Inferential statements reflect the mindset of the speaker. 4. If you monitor your own speech, youll find inferences to be common and convenient. 5. To improve, you

199、might adjust your comments to be closer to reporting language. C. Judgmental Language 1. Judgmental language contains statements that evaluate good/bad, right/wrong, ugly/pretty, and so forth. 2 Judgments about what we like or dislike are so frequent that we dont always recognize them when we speak.

200、 3. Judgmental statements can easily slip off our tongues. 4. To avoid sounding too critical, you should add the phrase “to me” or “I believe” or “as I see it” when you state your outlook. 5. If you qualify the statement as your viewpoint, you will not offend or provoke an argument.Section BExercise

201、 11. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Section BExercise 2_g_ couch potato_e_ to chill out_b_ cheapskate_a_ dimwit_d_ flake _h_ space cadet_f_ worrywart _c_ mind-blowing_c_ phenomenal Section CExercise 11. You learn practical things like vocabulary.2. You learn someone elses point of view.3. You can see what it

202、would be like to be a different person.4. You can lean about different cultures.5. You learn different styles of writing.6. You can be inspired by the characters.7. You learn to develop your imagination.8. You learn facts about different subjects.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. A2. B3. D4. B

203、5. C6. D Unit 25Government & Citizenship Section AExercise 1Government of U.S.LegislativeCongressExecutive Judicial PresidentSupremeCourtSenateHouse ofRepsCabinetSection AExercise 21. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. Section BExercise 11. It means the power to govern is divided between the national (fede

204、ral) government and the state governments.2. ownership of property, divorce, and education3. state laws4. governor5. a trial court, an appellate (appeals) court, and a supreme court6. counties, cities, towns, and villagesSection CKey Wordsassassinate to murder (a prominent person) by surprise attack

205、, as for political reasonsoath a solemn, formal declaration or promise to fulfill a pledgenomination the act or an instance of appointing a person to officeSection CExercise CExercise 21. In his first message to Congress President Arthur proposed a new civil service system that

206、would let ability, not politics, decide who got government jobs. The Republican Party leaders opposed this proposal because the civil service system would stop them from giving federal jobs to their supporters. It would destroy much of their power. These Republican leaders controlled the Congress. T

207、hey refused to act on the civil service proposal.2. New cases of dishonesty were discovered in government departments. The public began to demand laws to clean up the civil service. In 1882 a new Congress was elected. The new Congress was controlled by the Democratic Party. President Arthur again ap

208、pealed for civil service reform. This time he got results. The new Congress passed the Civil Service Bill, which required 10 percent of all federal jobs to be filled through competitive examinations. 3. Chester Arthurs efforts for honest government won him much support from the people, but he could

209、not win the support of his own Republican Party. He failed to win the Presidential nomination in the Republican Nominating Convention in 1884.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. the Democrats and the Republicans2. The Democrats: liberals The Republicans: conservatives3. The Democratic Party supp

210、orts the poor and the middle-class worker The Republican Party supports big business and the rich4. The Democratic: donkey The Republican: elephant1. 19952. They were attracted by the jobs stability, guaranteed health care, pension and “practical profits”.3. 1004. The website broke due to high traff

211、ic/visitation and had to be maintained.5. 3,880Talk TwoUnit 26Looking for a JobSection A Exercise 1Step 1: Do a self-assessmentStep 2: Gather information about different occupationsStep 3: Get the skills you needStep 4: Learn how to find a jobSection AExercise 2Step 1: find out about your interests,

212、 skills, and personality; take a formal survey, or write down the things you like to do and the things you are good at.Step 2: read books and magazines that tell about different jobs; talk to people about different kinds of jobsStep 3: get more education at a college, university, or technical school

213、 or learn on the jobStep 4: go to job interviews; present yourself in a resumeSection B Exercise 11. A secretarial job2. Because she didnt have experience.3. Ten 4. At a recording company5. Upset, sick of looking for a job6. Encouraging AnneSection BExercise 21. Dont let it get you down.2. Something

214、 will turn up.3. Dont give up now.4. Itll work out.5. Look on the bright side.Section CKey WordsO-level Ordinary Level. (formerly in British education) examination of basic standard in the General Certificate of Educationmake a fuss about to trouble or worry over triflesdogsbody one who does menial

215、work; a drudgeworked up excited; madencyclopaedia book or set of books giving information about every branch of knowledge, or about one particular subject, with articles in alphabetical orderhaematology scientific study of the blood and its diseasessquint (abnormal condition causing the) squinting p

216、osition of an eyeball or eyeballsbunch a group of peopleSection CExercise 11. Sales Reps. (representatives)2. Not very promising3. By starting on the factory floor; hard work4. It teaches people how to use their mind, exercise their judgment, distinguish the essential from the inessential.5. Applied

217、 psychology6. No7. Interview the next group of candidates himselfSection CExercise 2Director: get on with Saunders: promising / O-levelsDirector: make such a fuss / floor, / dogsbodySaunders: use, exercise, distinguishDirector: worked up Saunders: out ofDirector: engageSaunders: fond of / started ou

218、t Saunders: subconscious Saunders: presentable, squint, boxingDirector: crossed-eyed / analyzing / samples / knocking / orders?Director: bunchPart III Listening Comprehension Test1. A 6. C2. C 7. C3. D 8. A4. C 9. C5. C 10. D Unit 27Employment MattersSection AKey Wordssurname also called family name

219、, second name, last nameChristian name also called first name, given nameSection AExercise 11. They would think he was annoyed with them.2. Everybody3. He says some large firms have one canteen for everybody but most large firms have separate canteens.4. Because it fosters the feeling that theres be

220、tween “them” and “us.”5. They are on the same side of the fence.Section AExercise 21. It fosters the feeling that theres between them and us. (c ) 2. Workers and management are on the same side of the fence. (b ) 3. Employees are not concerned by the managers. (d ) 4. Workers are looked down upon. (

221、a ) Section BKey Wordsfringe benefits extra benefit, esp given to an employee in addition to salary or wagesmotivate to provide with an incentive; move to action; impeldividend a share of profits received by a stockholderSection BExercise 11. What workers wanted in the past: 1) increases in salary 2

222、) fringe benefits 3) promotion2. What workers want today: 1) personal satisfaction 2) feel proud of their work. 3) their bosses to treat them better 4) to participate more in management discussions of the company.Section BExercise 21. Because he has written a book on business management2. No.3. 1) t

223、hey dont want the headaches of being a supervisor or a manager 2) they dont want to leave the town or their friends4. 1) higher level of education2) higher standard of living5. 1) Help in planning work and vacation schedules. 2) Take part in management discussion and help work on planning. 3) Partic

224、ipate in profit-sharing and stock dividend plans.Section CKey Wordsworkshop an educational seminar or series of meetings emphasizing interaction and exchange of information among a usually small number of participantsground rules a basic rule of procedure or behaviorbrainstorm to engage in or organi

225、ze shared problem solvingscenario a plot or situationSection CExercise 1Ann: not to interrupt other people; not to take things too personally; to criticize ideas, not people; to respect differencesThomas: the benefit of addressing work-related problems as a group and joining together to come up with

226、 a solutionPaulina: to understand the needs and concerns of your fellow workers, supervisors, and customersPart III Listening Comprehension Test1. Employers use computers, cameras, listening devices and telephones to observe their workers.2. Telecommunications, insurance, banking3. 1) It violates hu

227、man rights. 2) It destroys the feeling of trust between workers and employers. 3) It makes it easier for employers to learn private information about their workers.Talk Two4. hippies from the sixties5. They took a correspondence course in ice-cream making.6. A business that makes money in a communit

228、y must give it back to the community.7. peace and environmental issues8. $2,500Unit 28Science and TechnologySection AKey Wordsgive me a break (informal) an expression used to indicate an idea or a thing is silly or ridiculoushook sth. up to connect somethingbe happening (slang) an expression meaning

229、 to be newly exciting or fashionabledomain an area of interest or over which a person has controlgo nuts (informal) to go crazyrevert to to go back to a previous conditionSection AExercise 1Remote control: The buttons are too small, its easy to press the wrong button, and there are too many differen

230、t remote controls for the TV, the VCR, the cable TV and the stereo.Computer: It doesnt speak a language that you can understand.Section AExercise 21. give me a break (informal) : used to indicate an idea or a thing is silly or ridiculous2. to hook (sth.) up: to connect something3. to be happening (s

231、lang) : to be newly exciting or fashionable4. to go nuts (informal): to go crazy5. to revert to (sth.): to go back to a previous conditionSection BKey Wordspimple a small red swelling of the skininventory a detailed, itemized list, report, or record of things in ones possession, especially a periodi

232、c survey of all goods and materials in stockretina a delicate, multilayered, light-sensitive membrane lining the inner eyeball and connected by the optic nerve to the brainSection BExercise 11. The smart house provides an enjoyable way of life.2. It is a great convenience.3. It provides excellent se

233、curity and health benefits.Section BExercise 21. Vacuuming and cleaning is done by a robot. The smart house steams all the clothes in the closet and gives ideas on what to wear for that days weather. Pictures on the walls and temperatures can change to your wish. 2. It can record your favorite TV pr

234、ogram when youre not home. It can take inventory, make up a shopping list and order food. It can be controlled through a wall-mounted keyboard, a tele-command or even by voice. E-mail or voice mail can be checked from any TV or computer screen in the house.3. Air conditioners can kill the flu bug an

235、d other harmful viruses. The monitor screens can oversee children in another room. It doesnt need keys. The door unlocks only for the owner.Section CKey Wordsgadget a small specialized mechanical or electronic deviceinteractive of or relating to a two-way electronic or communications system in which

236、 response is direct and continualtransmit to send from one person, thing, or place to another; conveyclick to press the button on a mouse to initiate some action or mark a point on the screensitcom situation comedydapper neatly dressed; trimvirtual existing or resulting in essence or effect though n

237、ot in actual fact, form, or namegratification the condition of being satisfiedSection CExercise 11. B2. A3. D4. DSection CExercise III Listening Comprehension Test1. C2. A3. A4. B5. D6. CUnit 29Man and EnvironmentSection AKey WordsCFC chlorofluorocarbon 氟氯化碳recycle to extract and reu

238、se detergent a cleansing substance made from chemical compounds phosphate a salt or an ester of phosphoric acidbaking soda a white crystalline compound used in making beverages etc.vinegar an impure dilute solution of acetic acidSection AExercise 1Person 1: air pollutionPerson 2: plasticPerson 3: CF

239、CsPerson 4: carbon dioxide/Water shortagePerson 5: toxic chemicalsPerson 6: deforestationSection AExercise 2Person 1: ride a bikePerson 2: use cloth bags when shoppingPerson 3: use a car without an air conditionerPerson 4: plant trees and use as little water as possiblePerson 5: avoid using chemical

240、 cleanersPerson 6: stop eating beefSection BKey Wordsderive to obtain or receive from a sourcepolymer any of numerous natural and synthetic compoundstuber a swollen, fleshy, usually underground stem, such as the potatogranule a small grain or pellet; a particlebiodegradable (of substances) that can

241、be made to rot by bacteriarenewable inexhaustible or replaceable by new growthSection BExercise 11. petrol2. plantsSection BExercise 21. because this plastic would be truly biodegradable.2. because it would be a renewable source of plastic.Section CKey Wordsdepletion the gradual use or consumption o

242、f a resource, especially a natural resourceozone layer a region of the upper atmosphere, between about 15 and 30 kilometers (10 and 20 miles) in altitude, containing a relatively high concentration of ozone that absorbs solar ultraviolet radiation in a wavelength range not screened by other atmosphe

243、ric components.Also called ozonosphere irreversible impossible to reverseemit to give or send out matter or energymass transit public transportcommuter one that travels regularly from one place to another, as from suburb to city and backSection CExercise 11. Issue being discussed: The positive advan

244、ces in technology vs. the damage it does to environment.2. Main points of each speaker: Stevens: Modern innovations in technology cause irreversible damage to environment. Technological advances cant keep up with negative impact. Grant: Technology can reverse environmental damage. Overpopulation can

245、 be limited by birth control. Pollution can be cut down by effective means of mass transitSection CExercise 2Stevens thinks that technological innovation cannot solve the problems of environmental damage caused by technology itself while Grant thinks that despite the damage caused by technology ther

246、e are many positive implications of technological innovation for environmental improvement.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. reduce, reuse, recycle2. to reduce impulse buying3. They last long so they save you money and the environment in the long run.4. Recycling means collecting, processing,

247、marketing, and ultimately reusing materials that were once discarded.5. glass, aluminum, steel, paper and cardboard, plasticsTalk Two6. 85% and 70%7. 50%8. a system of megaparks (large national parks)9. to protect the forests and help the environment10. People used to eat its eggs. Now they work in

248、the tourist industry, including acting as guides to take tourists to see the turtles.Unit 30Space ExplorationSection AExercise 1Mission Control: readingCaptain Daniel Blake: loud and clearMission Control: in good shapeMission Control: fuel cellsMission Control: mission/ count-down to splash-down/ mo

249、on-rockMission Control: Stand by /lift-off! Section AExercise 21. Are you reading me?2. Reading you loud and clear.3. You all in good shape?4. You better believe it. 5. No problem.6. All systems go.7. splash-down8. Stand by for count-down.9. count-down10. lift-off11. Boy, oh boy, isnt that something

250、!Section BKey Wordslunar of, involving, caused by, or affecting the moonreminisce recall, rememberbarrenness a tract of unproductive landconfiguration the form, as of a figure, determined by the arrangement of its parts or elementscrater a bowl-shaped depression in a surfacefragile easily broken, da

251、maged, or destroyedinfinite having no boundaries or limitsshed to cause to pour forthSection BExercise 1Sentences 3 and 7 are not on the tape.Section BExercise 21. fifth, barren, not a surprise, had studied models of the surface2. brown, black, blue, bigger than, North Pole3. fragile, be more carefu

252、l about their resources, the fragile earthSection CKey Wordsblob small round mass or spot of coloraerial one or more wires or rods for sending or receiving radio wavesscarey causing frightUFO Unidentified Flying ObjectSection CExercise 1Annie: Its a super evening, isnt it? Joe: Ill say. Skys covered

253、 in stars. Looks like someones left all the lights on. Shouldnt like to pay that electricity bill. Annie: Well, I dont suppose youll have to. Hey, whats that?Joe: Whats what?Annie: That sort of big orange blob over there.Joe: I cant see any orange blob.Annie: Yes, you can. Look up there. Joe: Oh, ye

254、s, now Ive got it. Thats not a blob. Looks more like a soup plate wrong way up, only its got a kind of aerial or something sticking out of the top. Annie: It looks ever so funny. What on earth can it be, Joe? Joe: How should I know? Probably some new plane or other theyre testing at the Research Cen

255、tre. Whatever it is, its not much to look at. Annie: I think its a bit scarey. Its all yellowy now. I think its getting bigger. Oh Joe, do youdoyou think its one of those UFO things? Joe: What do you mean? A Flying Saucer? Course not. Theres no such thing. Anyway, its gone now. Annie: It mustve land

256、ed or something behind those trees. It couldnt justwelldisappear, could it? Joe: Well, if its landed, youd better look out. Any minute now well be surrounded by little green men with ray guns saying “Take me to your Leader”. Annie: Dont, Joe. I didnt like the look of it one little bit. Im glad its g

257、one. Section CExercise 2f_ 1. That sort of big orange blob.c_ 2. Looks more like a soup plate wrong way up.e_ 3. Its got a kind of aerial or something sticking out of the top.b_ 4. It looks ever so funny._g_ 5. What on earth can it be?_d_ 6. Its not much to look at._j_ 7. Its a bit scarey._i_ 8. Its

258、 all yellowy now._h_ 9. Youd better look out._a_ 10. I didnt like the look of it.Part III Listening Comprehension Test1. D2. A3. D4. C5. BSimulated Listening Test 3Section A1.C 6.B2.A 7.D3.C 8.C4.B 9.D5.ASection B10.D 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.BSection C16. It makes our cities more beautiful and intere

259、sting.17. It communicates ideas or concepts.18. pop art19. realism20. surrealismSimulated Listening Test 4Section A1.B 6.A2.D 7.C3.C 8.A 4.D 9.D5.ASection B10.B 11.D 12.B 13.B 14.D 15.ASection C16. perceived risk and factual risk17. whether the risk is an activity we control.18. whether the risk is natural.19. whether the risk is part of an everyday activity.20. why we worry about some risks more than others.



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