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1、小学二年级上册英语教案多篇小学二年级上册英语教案 1教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会认单词 father、mother、brother、sister、me2、能用 This is my 。来介绍自己的家庭成员。教学重点:目标 1、2教学准备:手指套、全家福照片、图片、一副眼镜、领带教学过程:一、warm up1、greeting: Good morning. How are you?2、listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. Put it down.二、presentationT show the family photo: now, bo

2、ys and girls, look, what is this? This ismy family photo. Look, my father, my mother and me . This is my family.用手圈一下。教 my family.由慢到快。Ss read one by oneSs say : my family, your family.(出示他们的照片)(一)teach: father, mother, me(1)老师出示自己的全家照自问自答:look, guess who is he? S: Father.(给予学生适当的奖励)T: Yes. This is

3、my father。T show the card :father 贴于 Bb, 领读几遍,注意 th 的发音。Ss read : father, father ,my father (一小组传卡片挨个读; 一组一组读,)T : look, this is my father. 出示句型卡片 This is my 。 学生跟读遍。T:Who can follow me ?introduce your father 学生手指着照片练说。(2)教师指着自己父亲的照片问:This is my father. Is this my father?S: No.(若学生能说出 mother, 则给予奖励)

4、T: This is my mother. 出示卡片 mother 贴于 Bb 上,领读。Ss read : mother, mother, my mother.T: now, please introduce your mother 教师手指黑板上的句型 This ismy 。让学生明白用此句型说。再让学生手指照片练说: This is my mother, thats your mother.三、consolidationWork in groups Ss introduce ,抽几个小组表演。小学二年级上册英语教案 2教学目标:(1)能听懂 Whats your?并能根据实际情况用 He

5、s/Shes。回答。(2)能正确使用 Whats your?Hes/Shes。 ,语音语调正确。(3)进一步掌握四个单词。重点难点:(1)能听懂 Whats your?并能根据实际情况用 Hes/Shes。回答。(2)能正确使用 Whats your?Hes/Shes。 ,语音语调正确。教具准备:图片、挂图作业设计:课内:活动手册 P6课外:听录音,熟练朗读 A 部分对话板书设计:Unit 2 Whats your father?a doctor/a nurse/a worker/a cook,Whats your father/your mother?Hes/Shes a。教学过程:A. F

6、ree talk:1、对照 B 部分图片,请同桌相互练习。Whos he/ she?Hes/ Shes my father/ mother/ brother/ sister.再以不同形式的分角色练习,如男生问,女生答,左边两组问,右边两组答等,以提高学生的掌握熟练度。B、Presentation教师通过复习第一单元的 A 部分对话,逐步引入话题。T: (出示本单元的课文图片)Look! Su Hai and Helen are still talkingabout the photos. What are they talking about?Lets listen to the tape.播

7、放课文录音,引出课文内容。C、Learn to say1、采用听录音后回答问题的方式,让学生熟悉课文内容,学习句型。T: (指着第一幅图照片中 Helen 的父亲) Whats Helens father?Ss: (引导学生回答)Hes a doctor.2、教师采用听录音、集体跟读的方式让学生学习对话,要求模仿语音语调。在教对话过程中,教师要引导学生注意 what 和 who 在词义上的区别。3、操练与应用(1)教师让学生通过多种形式朗读课文。(2)在学生基本掌握课文对话的基础上,可让学生根据对话,分角色进行表演。(3)让学生带着家人或朋友的家庭照片,在小组内用 Whos he/she?和

8、What is he/she ? 相 互询问照片中的人物以及他们各自的职业。在此对话基础上,再让学生用 This is 。和 Hes/shes a 。向全班同学介绍。(4)引导学生想象生活中的类似场景,进行拓展表演。D、Practice 活动手册 P6(1)鼓励学生仔细观察插图内容。(2)听录音,学生做题。E、Assign homework(1)听录音,熟练朗读 A 部分对话。(2)鼓励学生结合家庭照片尝试对话交流。小学二年级上册英语教案 3教学目标:1 能听懂、会说日常交际用语 Look at the moon. Oh, its bright.2 能初步运用句型 Look at。 。 Oh,

9、 its。 对物品进行简单的描述。重点难点:1 能听懂、会说日常交际用语 Look at the moon. Oh, its bright.2 能初步运用句型 Look at。 。 Oh, its。 对物品进行简单的描述。教学对策:要求学生进行各种形式的句型练习。课前准备:录音机,挂图,各种图片教学过程:Step 11、GreetingsHello.2、Free talkT: Good morning.S: Good morning.T: Who is he?S: He is。TSs S1S2Step 21、Review the wordsRead the words together男女竞赛

10、朗读Say the rhyme2、New dialoguesT: 同学们我们刚刚度过了教师节,接下来我们将迎来一个中国传统的节日。你们知道是什么吗?Ss: 国庆,中秋节T: 介绍一点中秋的习俗。中秋节呀,我们家家要赏月。看月亮来了。(出示挂图)Look at the moon! How about the moon?Ss: 修改:要求学生来练习歌谣。a big moona small moona bright moonT: Oh, its big.Learn: Look at the moon! Oh, its bright.Read the dialogues some times.Prac

11、tice:T shows some pictures, Ss make new dialogues as “Look at the。 Oh,its。 。”(以小组竞赛的方式进行)Step 3Read the dialogues after the tape.Read and actStep 4 Assign homework(1)听录音,朗读 A 部分对话,尝试和家长进行角色对话。(2)听录音,继续熟悉 C 部分歌曲。板书设计:Look at the moon!Oh, its bright.小学二年级上册英语教案 4教学目标:teach tell a storylanguage重点难点:usi

12、ng modeled phrases to municate with other learner.教学准备:tape recorder, word cards.teaching教学过程:pre-task preparation1. greetings:t: hello, boys and girls.ss: hello, teacher.t: how are you?ss: fine, thank you. and you?t: very well. thanks.2. warming up:sing the song, and review the words with gesture.。

13、3. free talk:1.revise the words. i would put up the pictures, and let students saythe words.2 .revise the letters from a-l.3.revise the pronunciation of the letters in the words. greetings in theclass.say and do together.revise the letters 互相问候,创造英语气氛。激跃课堂气氛。复习以往知识。while-taskprocedure2 .put up the w

14、allchart for page 41. tell a story something likethis:mays birthing was near. she went shopping with her mum. sheneeded a new dress for her birthday party. may was looking through allthe dresses on the rack when mum found a pretty green dress for her. butshe didnt like it. she liked pink dresses. at

15、 last she found one herself. it wasbeautiful. she thanked mum for buying her the new dress she liked.3. tell the story in english by reading out the words in each speechbubble.4. play the cassette tape. students listen carefully and follow thesequence of the story. when they listen again, have them

16、say theexpressions with the tape.i need a new dress.i dont like green.i like pink.。.act the model dialogue for the class.tell the story in english by reading out the words in each speechbubble.performing the role-play 通过教授歌曲来渲染一下气氛1.比较有趣味性,2.学生积极性提高,听录音再次纠正部分学生的错误发音。 锻炼学生的认读能力。post-taskactivitiesget

17、 students to pretend that they are going shopping to buy a newitem of clothing. they should work in groups of three, one being theshopkeeper, the other two the customers. work in groups of three, onebeing the shopkeeper, the other two the customers.通过表演 加深他们的印象。assignment read page.板书设计:unit8 clothe

18、si like。i dont like。教学后记:让学生分角色来进行对话表演学生的兴趣十分浓厚。小学二年级上册英语教案 5教学目标:1.知识目标:学生能够运用 “sunny”, “rainy”, “cloudy”,“windy”等形容词恰当的描述天气。能用所学句型 “Whats the weather like” 进行日常对话。2.能力目标:锻炼口语表达能力,思考能力。3.情感目标:欣赏自然的美与力量,尽可能的保护我们的地球资源。重点难点:1.句型 “Whats the weather like” 的掌握以及后面加月份/地点的用法。2.根据熟悉的话题练习口语。教学策略:运用多媒体直观教学,通过

19、欣赏歌曲激发兴趣,争当小小天气预报员竞赛等以学生为主体的任务型活动设计,激发学生的参与积极性。通过两两对话,师生交流和小组活动培养他们的交际能力和合作精神。最后以练习加以巩固,检查学习效果。在教学过程中我尽力营造轻松和谐的氛围,让不同层次的学生都能够参与到教学过程中来。教学过程:(一)课前探究话题贴近生活,学生有生活经验和主观体验。因此知识要点掌握不难,材料可用来着重训练他们的口语能力。(二)教学步骤Step one: warming-upGreeting students and sing an English song The months , thenplay an English ga

20、meMemory Game 。Step Two: lead inShow the video of weather report to the students, let them answer thequestions and know the title.Step Three:Present new words with PPT,and practice dialogues in pairs.What is the weather like?It is sunny / rainy / windy / snowy / cloudy。What is the weather like in 月份

21、/地点?It is sunny / rainy / windy / snowy / cloudy。More able students are allowed to add contents according to theirabilities, such as “ Do you like sunny weather?” “ Which weather do youlike?” etc.Step Four:Show a map of China, the weather conditions of different cities will bemarked with different s

22、igns. Students first write a short weather reportabout one city by imitating the text, then they will give weather reports insmall groups. Then some students will be invited to give weather report tothe whole class.Step Five:1) Have the students enjoy another song Weather, Introduce somefamous sayin

23、gs about weather.2) Divide the students into several groups. They will choose a weatheras their topic and have a hot discussion among them. The teacher will takepart in each group for a few minutes, and inspire them with questions. Forexample: whats the weather like?Step Six:Sum up and give assignment.Composition: My favorite weather.板书设计:Sentence: sunnyWhats the weather like?Its 。 .Whats the weather like in 月份/地点?Its 。 .



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