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1、英语、高二年级、选修英语、高二年级、选修6 6、新课标人教版、新课标人教版Unit 4 Global warmingWatch the cartoon and then answer the question: What problem are the speakers talking about ? Unit FourGlobal warmingIt is too hot!The titleThe Earth is Becoming Warmer-But Does it Matter?An introduction paragraphThe main text in two columnsA

2、ltogether 6 paragraphs (段段)The structure of the article word bankFahrenheit 华氏的,华氏温度计华氏的,华氏温度计graph 图表,曲线图图表,曲线图random 胡乱的,任意的胡乱的,任意的phenomenon 现象现象subscribe 同意,捐赠,订阅同意,捐赠,订阅fossil 化石化石fuel 燃料燃料methane 甲烷,沼气甲烷,沼气byproduct 副产品副产品Celsius 摄氏度摄氏度catastrophe 大灾难,浩劫大灾难,浩劫drought 干旱,旱灾干旱,旱灾famine 饥荒饥荒 Soph

3、ie Amstrong ; The name of the magazine is Earth CareTask one: Skim the paragraph and then answer the questions.1. Who wrote the magazine article? What is the name of the magazine?2.What will be discussed in the following passage?How has the phenomenon come about and whether it matters to us.This par

4、agraph runs across the passage and is used as an introduction to the following passage. Task Two: Scan the main text and match the main idea on the right with each part. Part One: (para1.) Part Two: (para2-4.) Part Three: (para5.) Part Four: (para6.)A.Two different attitudes among scientists towards

5、 global warmingB. It is human activity that has caused global warming.C. Whether people should do something about global warming or not. D. Explain to us how global warming has come about.It is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.Careful rea

6、dingRead the first paragragh and translate the sentence into Chinese是人类活动而不是一种任意的自然现象引起了是人类活动而不是一种任意的自然现象引起了地球变暖。地球变暖。Task threeTask four: Read the second part (para2-4), and do the following exercises.1.Which of the following statements is Not true about greenhouse effect?A. It is a natural phenome

7、non.B. Greenhouse gases trap the heat from the Sun and warm the earth.C. Without greenhouse effect, the earth would be much cooler than it is.D. The more carbon dioxide there is, the better.2. Who found out the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1977?A. Dr. Janice Foster. B. Cha

8、rles Keeling.C. George Hambley. D. Sophie Armstrong.3.which of the following statements isNot Dr. Janice Fosters opinion?A.we need greenhouse gases.B.The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon.C.We know exactly the increase in the temperature in the future.D.Problems begin when we add huge quanti

9、ties of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.Global warmingHuman activityBurning fossil fuels Carbon dioxide result howwhatTask fiveRead Part three (para5) ,underline the topic sentence and then fill in the form below. Representative(代表人物)Two different attitudes towards global warmingPessimistic

10、The result could be _.There may be a _ of several metres in the _.They predict severe storms_, droughts, famines, the spread of _, and the _of species.OptimisticThey predict any warming will be _ with few bad environmental _.Carbon dioxide is actually a _thing. It will make plants grow quicker; crop

11、s will produce more; it will encourage a greater _ of animals.Dr Janice FosterGeorge Hambleyvery seriousmildpositive sea levelrange risediseasesfloodsdisappearanceconsequences悲观乐观Pair work: Suppose you are a reporter on our school newspaper, and you have a chance to interview one of the three scient

12、ists mentioned in the passage. Who will you interview? What do you want to know? Make up a dialogue with your partners.interviewerintervieweeinterviewWhat does the last two questions in the last part imply?Task six: Read the last part and think the questions over.By asking the two questions at the e

13、nd of the article, the writer implies that_.A. we should do nothing about global warmingB. we should not be too worried about global warming but we should do somethingTask seven: A small quiz. (Retelling of the text)There is no _ that the earth is becoming warmer. It is _ that has caused this _warmi

14、ng. All scientists _ to the view that the increase in the atmosphere is _ to the burning of fossil fuels ,which has resulted in the _ in carbon dioxide. However, scientists have different attitudes _ this rise. On one hand, some scientists think that the result would be very _. On the other hand, th

15、ose who are _ to this view believe that we should not worry too much. But that doesnt mean we should do nothing.doubthuman activityglobalsubscribedue increasetowardsseriousopposedTask Six: Retelling of the textThere is no _ that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is _ that has caused this _ wa

16、rming. All scientists _ to the view that the increase in the atmosphere is _ to the burning of fossil fuels ,which has _ in the rise in carbon dioxide. However, scientists have different attitudes _ this rise. On one hand, Dr Janice Foster thinks that result would be _. On the other hand, those who

17、_ to this view believe that we should not worry too much. Does that mean we should do nothing?Direct effects (直接影响)What can we do about global warming? discussingDiscussion: What can we do about global warming?What can we do? Windmillssolar energyplastic bagsI swear To protect our motherland, we sho

18、uld Stop using plastic bags. Stop wasting energies. Plant more trees. Ride a bike. Theres a place in your heartAnd I know that it is loveAnd this place could be muchBrighter than tomorrowAnd if you really tryYoull find theres no need to cryIn this place youll feelTheres no hurt or sorrowThere are wa

19、ys to get thereIf you care enough for the livingMake a little spaceMake a better place .Heal the worldMake it a better placeFor you and for meAnd the entire human raceThere are people dyingIf you care enough for the livingMake it a better placeFor you and for meIf you want to know whyTheres love tha

20、t cannot lieLove is strongIt only cares of joyful givingIf we try we shall seeIn this bliss we cannot feelFear od dreadWe stop existing and start livingThe it feels that alwaysLoves enough for us growingHomework:Make a poster(海报)to call on people to do something to protect our environment and our earth, using words pictures, numbers, etc.Thanks for your attention



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