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1、Skimming & ScanningSkimming & ScanningDiggingDiggingWarming uWarming up pFurther readingFurther readingCulture pointsCulture pointsWarming upWarming upWatch a video clip about placebo effect magic and discuss the questions.Have you ever experienced any “placebo effect” in your life? Does it work aft

2、er you know that its just the placebo?Warming upWarming upIf you were Michael, would you _?(a) be angry when you found out what the doctor had done(b) ask for the same treatment next time (c) conclude that your problem was psychological, not physical(d) think that there was no connection between the

3、 injection and the headache disappearing Now read the passage and find out more about Michael and the placebo effect.TaskTaskBrowse the passage within 8 minutes and find out which questions on the previous page the passage answers in full.Answer the questions of Activity 2 and 3 on page 124.Skimming

4、 & ScanningSkimming & Scanning Check ( ) the true statements.Skimming & ScanningSkimming & ScanningThetruestatementsare1,3,4,6and8. 1 Michael used to get bad headaches. 2 He would go to his local hospital around midday to get treatment. 3 One night the doctor gave him an injection of salt water. 4 T

5、he injection made Michael feel better. 5 The doctor gave the injection by mistake. 6 The doctor told Michael what she had done. 7 Michael didnt believe the doctor. 8 Michaels case provides an example of the “placebo effect”.3 What is mysterious about the placebo effect? Answer: (a)Skimming & Scannin

6、gSkimming & Scanning(a) It is modified by factors which seem to be related to culture. (b) It only works with a certain type of patients. (c) The less you spend on it, the more effective it is.(d) It has more benefits than we realize. 4 Why do pills have different colours? Answer: (d)Skimming & Scan

7、ningSkimming & Scanning(a) To ensure that people do not mix them up.(b) Because different colours are associated with different brands. (c) To make patients feel more cheerful. (d) Because of the placebo effect.5 What is the ethical problem for doctors? Answer: (a)Skimming & ScanningSkimming & Scann

8、ing(a) Whether or not to tell their patients they are using placebos. (b) The fact that they dont believe placebos are useful. (c) The fact that placebos may do more harm than good. (d) The fact that placebos can be more expensive than real medicine.6 What does the writer think about the placebo eff

9、ect? Answer: (d)Skimming & ScanningSkimming & Scanning(a) Not enough patients respond to treatment with placebos. (b) Placebos are more important than traditional medicine.(c) Doctors should be more careful in their use of placebos. (d) It teaches us about the human dimension of the doctor-patient r

10、elationship. 1 Michael was a regular visitor to his local hospital, often appearing around midnight, complaining of severe headaches and requesting an injection of a drug which had helped in the past. One night, the duty doctor gave him an injection of saline salt water instead, and it worked. The d

11、octor explained what she had done, and thought this would convince him that the problem was psychological. But Michael then said, “Can I get that new medicine next time, its really effective!”译文译文Mind over bodythe placebo effectDiggingDigging2 The phenomenon which Michael experienced is known as the

12、 placebo effect, where something fake in this case the saline becomes something real seemingly because someone believes in it. On this occasion, the placebo effect was working in two ways. First, the doctor was using it to highlight the power of the mind over the body to Michael. Secondly, despite t

13、he doctors explanation, and even though its effect was imaginary, Michael still believed in the new medicine so much that the physical pain faded away.译文译文DiggingDigging3 But the placebo effect is merely part of a much more extensive phenomenon called the Mind-Body effect. The term refers to the eff

14、ect of beliefs and fears on physical health, and has been described as a special form of hope. For centuries physicians and most members of the general public have been aware of the importance of good emotional health. We know either consciously or unconsciously how our thoughts, feelings and behavi

15、our can make us feel better, as well as how fatigue and stress can be tackled by developing certain strategies, such as how to breathe and to relax.译文译文DiggingDigging4 Yet the placebo effect remains one of the most mysterious aspects of the Mind-Body phenomenon. In fact, it covers a complex scale of

16、 benefits. It goes like this: The placebo effect of a white sugar pill, which of course has no qualities for treating illness or injury, is inferior to that of a green one. Capsules are more effective than tablets. One pill a day is not as good as three. Expensive pills intensify the effect more tha

17、n the cheaper ones. An injection presents a stronger image than pills, tablets or capsules, and works better than placebo pills. And placebo surgery, where the surgeon actually makes a cut in the patient but goes no further, is the best placebo treatment of all.译文译文DiggingDigging5 Patients responses

18、 to the placebo effect take us beyond the world of emotional and physical well-being into areas such as branding or cultural association. There is research that shows when a patient is given aspirin in either a brand-name bottle or a bottle with no label, it worked better if it was a brand they reco

19、gnized, even though the active ingredient is exactly the same. 译文译文DiggingDigging译文译文DiggingDiggingPills to treat anxiety are usually coloured green because of its association with calm and peace; painkillers are often packaged in red and orange boxes. The placebo effect lies beyond the chemical eff

20、ect: Its the ceremony and cultural meaning of the treatment which is more important.译文译文DiggingDigging6 Furthermore, since the placebo is in effect something fake, it raises an ethical dilemma: Should a doctor deceive their patients? Surely this would undermine our belief in medicine, and challenge

21、the doctors code of conduct. At least Michaels doctor revealed her deceit after the treatment. But should she have practised it in the first place?译文译文DiggingDigging7 This recent insight into the Mind-Body effect has taught both doctors and patients that their relationship has undergone a change. It

22、s no longer one which is restricted simply by the reactions of the body to chemicals. It has become a human relationship where the doctor interacts with us, the patients. The doctor is someone who is caring for us, and offering to help. Its a relationship which may explain to us why we feel sick and

23、 what we can do to get better. 译文译文DiggingDiggingWe get hope, support and human warmth. The meaning of the treatment becomes more important than its chemical effects, and this may lead to a genuine reaction, where our pulse rate drops, we relax, and our stress levels decrease.8 Once doctors begin to

24、 make use of the placebo effect and patients respond to it, society becomes more aware of the greater extent of the Mind-Body effect. Its a society where ordinary people become more aware of their emotional health and its consequences on their physical health. All this becomes part of a collective c

25、ommon sense, and society as a whole becomes more healthy.译文译文DiggingDiggingDifficult sentences Difficult sentences As the examples which follow show, patients feel even better if the sham medicine they are given appears to come from a well-known drug company and is the psychologically “correct” colo

26、ur. Although the passage does not go into it, even ethnic background can affect which sort of placebo works for you.1. Patients responses to the placebo effect take us beyond the world of emotional and physical well-being into areas such as branding or cultural association. (Line 1, Para 5)Text2. Th

27、e placebo effect lies beyond the chemical effect: Its the ceremony and cultural meaning of the treatment which is more important. (Line 12, Para 5)Difficult sentences Difficult sentences Having a nurse come and give one an injection is an example of a medical ritual or ceremony. In other cultures yo

28、u might expect someone to move their hands over you and sing ancient songs the expected treatment differs, but the effect is the same.Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义n. C a substance that is not medicine but that a patient who is taking it believes is medicine, so they get better 安慰剂placebo如果病人知道是安慰剂的话,那它就没有效果了。Wor

29、dsWordsThe placebo will not work if the patient knows it is a placebo.例句例句翻译翻译It is not yet known just how the placebo works to heal the body.我们仍然不清楚安慰剂到底是如何治病的。 Text释义释义1a. serious and unpleasant (病痛) 剧烈的; (伤势或病情) 严重的 severeThis drug relieved the severe pain in my chest. WordsWords例句例句翻译翻译这个药减轻了我胸部

30、的剧痛。I have a severe toothache. 我的牙疼很严重。例句例句翻译翻译例句例句翻译翻译释义释义2a. very serious and worrying (问题)严重的有些地方专业人员严重短缺。 WordsWordsShortages of professional staff are very severe in some places. 改革使贫困人口遇到了严重的经济困难。The reforms have caused severe economic hardship for the poorest members of the population. 例句例句翻译

31、翻译severeAs soon as the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with a severe shortage of food, clothing, fuel, and almost everything. (Jun. 2003, CET4, Vocabulary and Structure)真题真题Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义vt. to make someone believe that something is true 使确信;使信服 这样的解释无法使我信服。WordsWordsSuch explanation

32、doesnt convince me. The waste disposal industry is finding it difficult to convince the public that its operations are safe. 例句例句翻译翻译垃圾处理业发现很难让公众相信其操作是安全的。 convinceWe are convinced that you mean to do us good by your proposal; and we thank you heartily. (Jan. 1989, CET4, Reading comprehension)真题真题Te

33、xt例句例句翻译翻译释义释义n. C (pl phenomena) an event or situation that can be seen to happen or exist 现象有些人将“真人秀”节目视作一个令人不安的新现象。WordsWordsSome people see reality TV shows as a disturbing new phenomenon. phenomenon例句例句翻译翻译公路暴力似乎是最近才有的现象。 Road rage seems to be a fairly recent phenomenon. Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义a. made

34、 to look like something real in order to trick people 假的;伪造的;冒充的 fakeIt is filled with famous works of art, and every one of them is a fake. 市场有很多假名牌。 WordsWordsOn the market you can find many fake brands.例句例句翻译翻译这里满是艺术名品,但每一件都是赝品。 Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义vt. to report or describe something in a way that ma

35、kes people notice it and think about it 使突出;使强调;使注意力集中于 用对比色会突出你房间的形状和尺寸。 WordsWordsUsing contrasting colours will highlight the shape and dimensions of your room. 例句例句翻译翻译你的简历应突出你的技能和成绩。 Your resum should highlight your skills and achievements. highlightText例句例句翻译翻译释义释义a. not real but only created

36、by your mind 想象中的;假想的 该剧中的人物都是虚构的。 WordsWordsAll the characters in this play are imaginary. 例句例句翻译翻译赤道只是一条假想的线。The Equator is just an imaginary line. imaginaryText例句例句翻译翻译释义释义vi. to gradually become less clear or noticeable until it finally disappears 逐渐消失 fade他们听见有人经过房门的脚步声,后来声音逐渐在远处消失。 WordsWordsT

37、hey heard footsteps go past the room, then fade into the distance. 例句例句翻译翻译喷气式飞机的声音逐渐消失了。The sound of the jet plane faded away. Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义a. an unconscious feeling or thought is one that you do not realize you have (感情或想法) 无意识的,不自觉的 父母很多时都没有意识到自己在各方面影响着孩子。 WordsWordsParents are often quite unc

38、onscious of the ways in which they influence their children. 例句例句翻译翻译这些冲动通常是完全潜意识的。 These impulses are often totally unconscious. unconsciousText例句例句翻译翻译释义释义vt. to make an organized and determined attempt to deal with a problem 解决;应付;处理 tackle毒品问题必须毫不回避地解决处理。 WordsWordsThe drugs problem has to be ta

39、ckled head-on. 例句例句翻译翻译果断处理这些问题的首要原因是为了挽救孩子们的生命。 The first reason to tackle these problems is to save childrens lives. Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义n. C a particular part, feature, or quality of something 方面;特色;特点aspectWhen everything turns green, the countryside presents a truly beautiful aspect. 因特网影响着我们生活的方方面

40、面。 WordsWordsThe Internet affects every aspect of our lives. 例句例句翻译翻译当一切都变绿后,乡间呈现出一派美丽宜人的景色。 TextThe most important aspects of the decision have to do with the emotional needs of each member of the family. (Jun. 1999, CET4, Short Answer Questions)真题真题例句例句翻译翻译释义释义n. sing, U the size of something, esp

41、ecially when it is big 大小,规模scale这种布娃娃正以商业规模大量生产。 WordsWordsThe dolls are now produced on a commercial scale. The break-down of law and order could result in killing on a massive scale. 法律和秩序一旦崩溃便可能导致大规模的屠杀。 例句例句翻译翻译Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义n. C, U physical damage done to a person or a part of their body 伤害;

42、损害injury医治伤害的方法便是忘却伤害。 WordsWordsThe remedy for injuries is not to remember them. The doctor said he would risk serious injury if he were to fall again. 医生说如果他再次跌倒的话,会有受重伤的危险。 例句例句翻译翻译Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half. (Jan. 1989, CE

43、T4, Reading Comprehension )真题真题Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义a. not as good as something else 次等的;较差的 inferiorHe preferred the company of those who were intellectually inferior to himself. 如果让孩子们感觉他们不如其他孩子,他们的信心就会减弱。 WordsWordsIf children were made to feel inferior to other children their confidence declined. 例句例

44、句翻译翻译他喜欢与那些智力水平不如他的人共处。 Their products are frequently overpriced and inferior in quality. (Jun. 2002, CET4, Vocabulary and Structure)真题真题Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义n. C, U medical treatment in which a doctor cuts open someones body 外科手术 surgeryTruth, like surgery, may hurt, but it cures.你也许根本不需要动手术。WordsWordsY

45、ou may not need surgery after all. 例句例句翻译翻译真理,像外科手术一样,可能使人疼痛,但却可治愈疾病。 Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义n. C a reaction 反应;回应 responseHer response was to leave the room and slam the door. 我留了口信,但没有得到回复。 WordsWordsIve left messages, but theres been no response. 例句例句翻译翻译她的反应是离开房间并把门砰地关上。 Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义1n. C a connect

46、ion between two things 关系;联系 associationMy association with him goes back to our days in high school. 该研究显示饮食与多种疾病之间存在着联系。 WordsWordsThe research showed an association between diet and various diseases.例句例句翻译翻译我和他的交往可以追溯到我们的高中时代。They are building the dam in association with another firm. (Jan. 1992,

47、 CET4, Vocabulary and structure)真题真题例句例句翻译翻译释义释义2n. C a group of people who have joined together because they have similar interests or aims 协会;联盟Research associations are often linked to a particular industry. 她是牙科医师协会的会长。WordsWordsShe is president of the dental association. 例句例句翻译翻译研究协会经常与某个特定的行业相

48、关。 associationText例句例句翻译翻译释义释义n. U a worried feeling you have because you think something bad might happen 焦虑;忧虑 There was a lot of anxiety about the results of the talks. 人们对经济情况的忧虑在增加。 WordsWords Peoples anxiety about the economy is increasing. 例句例句翻译翻译对于会谈的结果大家都很焦虑。 anxietyIn fact, the analysis s

49、howed, normal children ages 9 to 17 exhibit a higher level of anxiety today than children who were treated for mental illness 50 years ago. (Dec. 2003, CET4, Reading Comprehension)真题真题Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义vt. to trick someone by behaving in a dishonest way 欺骗 deceiveYoure just deceiving yourself if you t

50、hink hell come back to you. 他们骗那个老人在文件上签了字。 WordsWordsThey deceived the old man into signing the papers. 例句例句翻译翻译如果你认为他会回到你身边,那你是在自欺欺人。 名词词性:名词词性: deceitText例句例句翻译翻译释义释义n. C, U dishonest behaviour that is intended to trick someone 欺骗;欺诈 deceitWordsWords例句例句翻译翻译Her account of the affair was shown to

51、be full of lies and deceits. 这则广告的内容大都是骗人的。 There is too much deceit in this advertisement. 她对这一事件的陈述已被证明满是谎言与欺骗。 Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义vt. to make something or someone become gradually less effective, confident, or successful 逐渐削弱;逐渐损害undermineHis position within the government has been seriously undermi

52、ned. 工作压力损害了她的健康。WordsWordsHer health was undermined by the stress of her job. 例句例句翻译翻译他在政府中的地位遭到严重削弱。 Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义n. U (fml) the way someone behaves, especially in relation to particular rules or accepted ways of behaving 行为;举止conductEfforts were made to regulate the conduct of crowds at footba

53、ll games. 这个囚犯因品行良好而获得提前释放。 WordsWordsThe prisoner was released early for good conduct. 例句例句翻译翻译当局作出努力规范足球比赛中球迷的行为。 Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义n. C, U ( into) a chance to understand something or learn more about it 洞悉;深入了解;见解 insight经验丰富的专家具有专业的技术和洞察力。 WordsWordsThe experienced specialist has professional skil

54、ls and insight. 真题真题那篇文章使我们对中国文化有了深刻的理解。The article gives us a real insight into Chinese culture. 翻译翻译TextThe film provides a deep insight into a wide range of human qualifies and feelings. (Jan. 2003, CET4, Vocabulary and structure)真题真题例句例句翻译翻译释义释义1vt. to experience a process of change 经历(变化的过程)und

55、ergo公司经历了几次重大变化。 WordsWordsThe company underwent several major changes. 真题真题很多昆虫在发育过程中身体形态会经历几种变化。Many insects undergo several changes in body form during their development.翻译翻译例句例句翻译翻译释义释义2vt. to experience something, especially something that is unpleasant but necessary 经受,承受 (尤指不愉快的事情)那家公司正在经受着严重

56、的财政危机。 WordsWordsThe company is undergoing severe financial crises. 真题真题战争发生以来,我们经历了许多苦难。We have undergone many hardships since the war. 翻译翻译undergoText例句例句翻译翻译释义释义vi. if one person interacts with another, they communicate with one another and react to one another, often while performing an activity

57、 together 相互交流;互动interact做游戏是一家人互相交流的一个途径。 WordsWordsPlaying a game is a way for a family to interact. 真题真题桌子被摆成U字形,这样老师和学生交流会很方便。 Desks are arranged in a U-shape, so the teacher can interact easily with the students. 翻译翻译Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义1to say you have a pain or are ill 诉说 (病痛)complainof老妇人总是抱怨头疼但

58、又不去看病。 WordsWordsThe old woman kept complaining of the headache but refused to go to see the doctor. 真题真题他是个非常自我克制的人,从不抱怨病痛的折磨。 He is quite a self-restraint person, never complain of the suffering from the illness. 翻译翻译Many people complain of the rapid pace of modern life. (Jun. 1991, CET4, Vocabula

59、ry and structure)真题真题例句例句翻译翻译释义释义2to say that something bad has happened 控诉 年轻人有时抱怨无法与父母沟通思想。 WordsWordsYoung people sometimes complain of not being able to communicate with their parents. 真题真题游客抱怨需要花六周时间等签证,并且签证官还索贿。 visitors complain of six-week waits for visas and of officials demanding bribes.翻译

60、翻译complainofText例句例句翻译翻译释义释义used for giving a summary of what you think the situation really is 事实上;实际上ineffect她的答复事实上是一种道歉。 WordsWordsHer reply is in effect an apology.真题真题那两个办法实际上是一样的。 The two methods were in effect identical. 翻译翻译Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义to do the necessary things for someone who needs he

61、lp or protection 照看;照顾 careforsb要是孩子们的父母离开的话,谁来照顾他们呢? WordsWordsWho will care for the children if their parents are away ? 真题真题国家必须照料阵亡军人家属的生活。 The State must care for the families of soldiers killed in the war. 翻译翻译Although there are some men who like children and may have had considerable experien

62、ce with them, others do not particularly care for children and spend little time with them. (Jan. 1994, CET4, Reading Comprehension)真题真题Text例句例句翻译翻译释义释义considering all the parts of something as one unit 总体上;整个看来 asawhole这批收藏品是零卖还是一起卖? WordsWordsIs the collection going to be divided up or sold as a w

63、hole? 真题真题世界作为一个整体将仍需一年多的时间才能从粮食危机中恢复过来。It will take more than a year for the world as a whole to recover from the food crisis. 翻译翻译Text心理对生理的影响心理对生理的影响安慰剂效应安慰剂效应 迈克尔是当地医院的常客,他经常半夜里来到医院,迈克尔是当地医院的常客,他经常半夜里来到医院,抱怨自己头疼得厉害,要求打一针,这种药以前对他很抱怨自己头疼得厉害,要求打一针,这种药以前对他很有用。一天晚上,值班医生给他打的不是那种药,而是有用。一天晚上,值班医生给他打的不是那

64、种药,而是一针生理盐水一针生理盐水盐水而已,竟然起作用了。医生对他盐水而已,竟然起作用了。医生对他说明了,以为这样能使他相信他的问题是心理上的。但说明了,以为这样能使他相信他的问题是心理上的。但迈克尔却说:迈克尔却说:“我下次可以用这种新药吗?它真的很有我下次可以用这种新药吗?它真的很有效!效!”原文原文TranslationTranslation 迈克尔的这种现象被称为安慰剂效应,即某迈克尔的这种现象被称为安慰剂效应,即某种虚假的东西种虚假的东西在这个病例中是生理盐水在这个病例中是生理盐水因为某个人相信它,就似乎成真的了。在这个案因为某个人相信它,就似乎成真的了。在这个案例中,安慰剂效应从两

65、个方面起了作用。第一,例中,安慰剂效应从两个方面起了作用。第一,医生用它来证明精神力量对迈克尔身体的作用;医生用它来证明精神力量对迈克尔身体的作用;第二,尽管医生作了解释,即使药的效果是想象第二,尽管医生作了解释,即使药的效果是想象出来的,迈克尔还是很相信它,连生理上的痛苦出来的,迈克尔还是很相信它,连生理上的痛苦也渐渐消除了。也渐渐消除了。原文原文TranslationTranslation 然而,安慰剂效应只是一种更广泛的、被称为然而,安慰剂效应只是一种更广泛的、被称为身心效应现象的一部分。身心效应是指信念和恐惧身心效应现象的一部分。身心效应是指信念和恐惧对生理健康的影响,它被描述成希望的



68、,其他什的上策,其实外科医生只在病人身上开了刀,其他什么也没有做。么也没有做。原文原文TranslationTranslation 病人的反应让我们注意到安慰剂效应远不止身病人的反应让我们注意到安慰剂效应远不止身心健康这一范畴,还包括品牌效应或文化联想这些心健康这一范畴,还包括品牌效应或文化联想这些方面。一项实验表明,当病人拿到阿斯匹林药片,方面。一项实验表明,当病人拿到阿斯匹林药片,一个装在贴有品牌标签的瓶子里,一个装在没有贴一个装在贴有品牌标签的瓶子里,一个装在没有贴标签的瓶子里,如果病人认得那个牌子,药的疗效标签的瓶子里,如果病人认得那个牌子,药的疗效会更好,即使两瓶药的有效成分完全一样

69、。会更好,即使两瓶药的有效成分完全一样。原文原文TranslationTranslation原文原文TranslationTranslation治疗焦虑症的药片通常都是绿色的,因为绿色和平治疗焦虑症的药片通常都是绿色的,因为绿色和平静、平和有关;止痛药则常常以红色和橙色的盒子静、平和有关;止痛药则常常以红色和橙色的盒子包装。安慰剂效应超越了药物的化学疗效:它在形包装。安慰剂效应超越了药物的化学疗效:它在形式上和文化方面所起的治疗意义更为重要。式上和文化方面所起的治疗意义更为重要。原文原文TranslationTranslation 此此外外,既既然然安安慰慰剂剂实实际际上上是是虚虚假假的的东东

70、西西,它它造造成成了了一一个个道道德德上上的的两两难难境境地地:医医生生应应该该欺欺骗骗他他们们的的病病人人吗吗?欺欺骗骗的的话话当当然然会会破破坏坏我我们们对对于于药药物物的的信信念念,并并且且会会挑挑战战医医生生的的行行为为准准则则。至至少少迈迈克克尔尔的的医医生生在在治治疗疗后后向向他他坦坦白白了了。但但她她一一开开始始该该不不该这么做呢?该这么做呢?原文原文TranslationTranslation 对身心效应最新的认识让医生和病人知道,对身心效应最新的认识让医生和病人知道,他们之间的关系经历了一个变化。这种关系不再他们之间的关系经历了一个变化。这种关系不再仅仅局限于人体对化学药物的

71、反应,而是变成了仅仅局限于人体对化学药物的反应,而是变成了医生与病人互动的人际关系。医生是照顾和帮助医生与病人互动的人际关系。医生是照顾和帮助我们的人。正是这种关系能向我们解释病因,告我们的人。正是这种关系能向我们解释病因,告诉我们怎么才能康复。诉我们怎么才能康复。原文原文TranslationTranslation我们得到了希望、支持,感受到人与人之间的温我们得到了希望、支持,感受到人与人之间的温暖,治疗的意义变得比化学作用更重要了,这可暖,治疗的意义变得比化学作用更重要了,这可能会促成真正的反应:我们的脉搏率下降了,我能会促成真正的反应:我们的脉搏率下降了,我们放松下来,压力也降低了。们放松下来,压力也降低了。原文原文TranslationTranslation 一旦医生开始利用安慰剂效应,而且病人对一旦医生开始利用安慰剂效应,而且病人对此有了反应,整个社会就会更清楚地意识到身心此有了反应,整个社会就会更清楚地意识到身心效应的广泛程度。在这样一个社会中,普通人也效应的广泛程度。在这样一个社会中,普通人也就会更清楚地认识到情感的健康问题,以及情感就会更清楚地认识到情感的健康问题,以及情感健康对于生理健康的影响。当所有这一切都成了健康对于生理健康的影响。当所有这一切都成了大家的共识,整个社会也会变得更加健康。大家的共识,整个社会也会变得更加健康。



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