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1、【期末测试 AB 卷】人教 3 起版 4 年级上册英语A 基础测试一、词汇选择题(共 15 分)一、词汇选择题(共 15 分)(本题 15 分)选出不同类的一项。1(3 分)AfootballBbasketballCwindow2(3 分)AfarmerBparentsCdriver3(3 分)AchairBnoodlesCbeef4(3 分)AlightBcomputerCsoup5(3 分)AblackboardBbedroomCbathroom二、单选题(共 30 分)二、单选题(共 30 分)6(本题 3 分)_()Id like some beef,please.AWhat do y

2、ou like?BDo you like apples?CWhat would you like?7(本题 3 分)Would you like some soup?()_AYes,I am.BNo,Im not.CYes,please.8(本题 3 分)Go to the _.Have a snack.()AstudyBkitchenCliving room9(本题 3 分)Let _ clean the classroom.()AweBmeCI10(本题 3 分)露西又高又壮。()ALucy is tall and thin.BLucy is tall or strong.CLucy is

3、 tall and strong.11(本题 3 分)Whats your _ job?()AuncleBauntsCparent12(本题 3 分)_ people are there in your family?()Three.AHow muchBHow manyCHow old13(本题 3 分)Where _ my glasses?()AisBamCare14(本题 3 分)_ in the classroom?()Ten desks and a blackboard.AWhatBWhereCWhats15(本题 3 分)Are they on the table?()_ They

4、are in the fridge.AYes,they are.BNo,they arent.CNo,it isnt.三、选词/短语填空(共 15 分)三、选词/短语填空(共 15 分)16(本题 3 分)Id like _(many/some)beef,please.17(本题 3 分)She _(has/have)short hair and big eyes.18(本题 3 分)Help _(yourself/you),Sam.19(本题 3 分)_(Put/To)away your books.20(本题 3 分)_(She/Her)name is Amy.四、选内容补全对话/短文(共

5、 20 分)四、选内容补全对话/短文(共 20 分)(本题 20 分)A:Dad,I cant find my notebook.B:_21(4 分)_A:Thank you!B:_22(4 分)_A:Its blue.B:_23(4 分)_A:No,it isnt.B:_24(4 分)_A:Some storybooks.B:Oh!Its in your hand!A:_25(4 分)_ Silly me!B:Haha!AYes,it is.BLet me help you.CIs it in your schoolbag?DWhat colour is it?EWhats in your

6、schoolbag?五、阅读选择(共 20 分)五、阅读选择(共 20 分)(本题 20 分)I am Chen Jie.Im ten years old.I am tall and thin.I am quiet.My mother is short and thin.My father is tall and fat.I have two good friends.They are Liu Xing and Jack.Liu Xing is a girl.She and I are of the same age.She has big eyes and blue glasses.She

7、has long hair.Her father is short and fat.Her mother is an English teacher.She can speak English well.Jack is a boy.Hes eleven years old.Hes tall and strong.He has short black hair.Hes friendly.His parents are both tall.Theyre farmers.26(4 分)In Chen Jies family,_ is tall and fat.()Aher fatherBher mo

8、therCChen Jie27(4 分)Is Chen Jies mother an English teacher?()AYes,he is.BYes,she is.CWe dont know.28(4 分)How old is Liu Xing?()A10.B11.C12.29(4 分)_ is tall and strong.()AChen JieBLiu XingCJack30(4 分)Whats Jacks mothers job(工作)?()AA nurse.BA farmer.CA teacher.参考答案参考答案1C 2B 3A 4C 5A6C7C8B9B10C11B12B13C14C15B16some17has18yourself19Put20Her21B 22D 23C 24E 25A26A 27C 28A 29C 30B



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