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1、ListeningStep1.Warming up(听歌填词,提高听力听歌填词,提高听力)You Are My SunshineYou are my_, my only _.You make me _ when skies are grayYoull never know _, how much I love youPlease dont take my sunshine _.The other night, dear, as I _sleepingI _I held you in my armsWhen I awoken, dear, I was_.So I hung my _ and cr

2、iedYou are my sunshine my _sunshine.You make me happy when skies are _.Youll never know dear how much I love youPlease dont take my sunshine awaySo Please dont take my sunshine away 高考听力有一半的信息高考听力有一半的信息靠听靠听,而,而 另一半的信息另一半的信息靠阅读靠阅读。 迅速迅速浏览题干和所给选项浏览题干和所给选项,做到有,做到有备而发!备而发! 化被动为主动!化被动为主动!Step2 听前:读题经验分享忽

3、略忽略相似部分,把注意力集中在有相似部分,把注意力集中在有较大差异较大差异的部分,的部分,画重点和关键词画重点和关键词。例1:Whats the mans suggestion?A. Buying expensive things.B. Buying cheap things.C. Buying necessary things.读题技巧:读题技巧:分男女、抓关键词,注意细节差异What did the woman do last night?A.She went to pick up her brother.B.She watched a movie at home.C.She drove

4、her brother to the airport.以下问题为同一段对话而设置的内容13.Why did the girl go out yesterday? A. She got tired of staying indoors. B. Her friends strongly insisted on going out. C. She wanted to eat out.14. What was the weather like yesterday? A. Hot. B. Warm. C. Cold.15.What did the girl call her mother for? A.

5、 Asking about her conference. B. Asking about the pills. C. Telling about her cold.16.What the girl do? A. Go to see a doctor. B. Buy some pills. C. Sleep in bed.较长对话,根据问题,理出逻辑,适当预测听力材料的内容,Step3.听中:注意典型题型,把握解题技巧1. 人物关系及身份题人物关系及身份题2.场景型问题场景型问题3.数字型问题数字型问题4.观点态度题观点态度题5.推理判断题推理判断题一、人物关系及身份题一、人物关系及身份题解题

6、技巧解题技巧:a.仔细辨认对话中的仔细辨认对话中的职业职业及语气的及语气的相关词相关词,抓住抓住其相关的关键词进行答题。其相关的关键词进行答题。b.职业与人物间的关系职业与人物间的关系husband and wifeassistant and customerdoctor and patientteacher and student Key words relation dear, darling, sweetheart, my love, cook, TV, dinnersize, color, try on, discount, Can I help you?trouble, check,

7、 pain, fever, dentistprofessor,subject, homework, questions, major(专业),hand in,Who is Mary Green? A.The womans sister. B.The mans sister. C.Jennys mother.二、场景型问题二、场景型问题解题技巧:解题技巧:a.a.分析选项目分析选项目, , 预测预测可能出现的词汇可能出现的词汇, ,短语短语, ,句子句子. .b.b.仔细辨认对话中的语境相关词仔细辨认对话中的语境相关词, ,特别是特别是场场景景词汇及习惯用语词汇及习惯用语. .menu, bil

8、l, order, tip, hamburger, sandwich, take medicine, pill , headache, blood pressure fever, luggage, single room, double room, room number ,reserve, book餐馆(餐馆(restaurant)宾馆(宾馆(hotel)mail, deliver, stamp envelope, telegram邮局邮局(post office)医院(医院(hospital)Where does the conversation take place?A.Over the

9、 phone.B.At a store.C.At home解题技巧解题技巧:a.a.要注意区分要注意区分-teen-teen和和-ty-ty及及fourfour和和fivefive的发音;的发音;辨别日期,多位数辨别日期,多位数,电话号码,门牌等。电话号码,门牌等。b.b.无论是哪种计算,其特点是计算都较简单,在无论是哪种计算,其特点是计算都较简单,在做题的过程当中做题的过程当中, ,最好做简要的笔记。最好做简要的笔记。这类题的这类题的特点是学生听到什么就选什么往往会错。特点是学生听到什么就选什么往往会错。三、数字型问题三、数字型问题How much did the digital camer

10、a cost the woman? A. $60. B. $100. C. $120.解题技巧:解题技巧:解题技巧:解题技巧:注意对话中注意对话中肯定与否定肯定与否定 回答回答. 肯定回答肯定回答: Yes/ Absolutely/ I agree with you ; 否定回答否定回答: Im sorry, Im busy now ,Im afraid I cant常见语气词常见语气词:well委婉否定委婉否定四、观点态度题四、观点态度题What does the woman think of the mans speech? A. Touching. B. Boring. C. Excit

11、ing.五、推理判断题五、推理判断题解题技巧:解题技巧:1捕捉捕捉“弦外之音弦外之音“,如降调表示,如降调表示赞同肯定赞同肯定;升调表示升调表示怀疑、惊讶或否定怀疑、惊讶或否定。2侧重侧重but词后的信息。词后的信息。but后的信息往往比较后的信息往往比较重要。因为重要。因为but前的往往是婉转的客套话,而前的往往是婉转的客套话,而后后面的才是真正的心里话。面的才是真正的心里话。Id like,butI was planning to,butIm sorry to hear that, butThats great, butWhat will the womans brother do this weekend? A. Study. B. Go hiking. C. Take an examThank you!



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