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1、Unit 1 单词用法1.enjoyable adj. 有乐趣的;令人愉快的 an enjoyable experience enjoy v. enjoy doing sth. enjoy oneself enjoyment n. to ones enjoyment 一次愉快的经历令某人高兴的是2. experience n. & v. C 经历 an unusual / unforgettable / an terrible experience U 经验 have much / no experience in / of v. 经历,体验 experience pleasure / pai

2、n / difficulty / great hardship / different way of life experienced adj. 有经验的 inexperienced 没经验的 experienced workers be experienced in / at 3. assembly n. 集会,会议; 参加集会的人们(集合名词) assembly rooms / hall morning assembly attend the assembly The national assembly has / have met to discuss the crisis at len

3、gth. 国民大会已对这一危机进行了详细的讨论。会议室 / 大厅晨会参加会议4. earn vt. 获得;赚,挣得 earn respect from others earn / make ones living earn one million dollars a year earn sb. praise / good reputation赢得别人的尊敬谋生一年赚一百万美元为某人赢得称赞 / 好名声5. respect n. 尊敬,方面 respects (pl.) 问候,敬意 out of respect (for ) have respect for sb. = show respect

4、 for / to lose / win the respect of in this / that / every respect in some / all / few respects in respect of / with respect to 关于; 至于 His work is good in respect of quality but bad in respect of quantity. give my respects / regards to your family出于对的尊敬对某人表示尊敬失去 / 赢得尊敬在这个/ 那个/ 每个方面替我向你的家人问好在一些/ 所有/

5、几个方面respect vt. 尊敬,敬重 respect sb. for respect sb. as respect oneselfrespectful adj. 恭敬的 respectable adj. 值得尊敬的 respective adj. 各自的 The _ students show their respect to the _ professor. The three men were given work according to their _ abilities.respectfulrespectablerespective因而尊敬某人尊某人为 6. devote vt

6、. 致力于;献身 devote oneself to sth. / doing sth. devote ones life / time / money / energy to (doing) sth. devoted adj. 投入的,深爱的, 全心全意的be devoted to sth. / doing sthdevotion n. 投入,奉献,热爱We were deeply touched by his devotion to world peace.His devotion to music is plain to see.7. average adj. 一般的,普通的,平均的 a

7、n average student / worker the average income / temperature n. 平均数;平均水平 an average of on / above / below (the) average一个普通学生 / 工人平均收入 / 温度的平均数平均 / 高于 / 低于平均8. struggle n. 难事;斗争;努力 Its a real struggle to be ready on time. 要按时做好准备确非易事。 vi.奋斗,努力;挣扎 struggle to ones feet struggle against / for sth. stru

8、ggle to do 挣扎着站起来为 反对 / 支持 , 而奋斗努力做9. challenging adj. 具有挑战性的 a challenging job / task / question challenge vt. 向挑战,盘问,质疑 challenge sb. to sth. challenge sb. to do sth. challenge a theory n. face / meet / pose a challenge 面对 / 迎接 / 提出挑战 Exploring outer space is a challenge to mankind. I challenged h

9、im to a game of chess. The police challenged him to show his proof.一个具有挑战性的工作 / 任务 / 问题向某人挑战挑战某人做质疑一个理论10. encouragement n. 鼓励 U give me much encouragement encourage v. encourage doing encourage sb. to do sth. discourage v. discourage sb. from doing sth. courage n. have courage to do sth. keep up on

10、es courage 鼓起勇气阻止某人做11. cooking n. 做饭,烹饪 She showed her talent for cooking. cooker n. 厨具 The cooker wont fit in your new kitchen. cook n. 厨师 work as / employ / hire / fire / train a cook v. 做饭 I find it a great trouble to cook by myself.12. for free 免费地 = for nothing = free of charge be free to do s

11、et sb. free释放某人 free sb. from 使某人摆脱 13. extra adj. extra charge / work 另外的收费/加班 an extra train 加班火车 extra reward for overwork加班所得的额外报酬14. look back on look forward to doing sth. look up to look down upon sb. look after look over look through look into look up look out (for) 回首期盼做尊敬,瞧不起,轻视照顾,照看仔细检查浏览

12、调查,研究;直视查找;好转;抬头看小心15. satisfaction n. 满意 to ones satisfaction with satisfaction satisfy v. satisfy ones need satisfying = satisfactory adj. 令人满意的 a satisfactory meal satisfied adj. 对 感到满意的 be satisfied with 令某人满意的满意地满足某人的需要对感到满意16. academic adj. 学业的,学术的 academic performance academy n. 学院 medical ac

13、ademy 医学专科院校17. exchange n. in exchange for 作为交换 an exchange student 一个交换生 v. 交换;交流 exchange sth. (with sb.) for sth. 和某人用交换 exchange A for B 用交换 exchange dollars for RMB exchange opinions / views 18. former adj. the former the latter 前者.后者 my former English teacher 我以前的英语老师19. graduate vi. 毕业 gradu

14、ate from n. 毕业生excellent / promising graduates graduation n. 毕业 after graduation on / upon graduation / graduating 一毕业就毕业后20. fluent adj. speak fluent English fluently adv. speak English fluently fluency n. speak English with great fluency21. donate vt. donate sth. to sb. donation n. make a generous

15、 donation to donator 捐献者22. independent adj. be independent of independence n. gain independence a life of independence dependent adj. be dependent on dependence n. put / place dependence upon depend v. depend on = count on = rely on it that 从句 It depends. dependable adj. 可依赖的,可靠的 = reliable dependi

16、ng on = according to 23. make use of = take advantage of 利用 sth. be made use of / use be made of sth. make good / full use of = make the best / most of 充分利用 We should make good use of our time to improve our English. (改为被动句) Our time should be made good use of to improve our English. Good use should

17、 be made of our time to improve our English. of great use = very useful Its no use doing 24. somehow adv. 1) 不知为何;2)以某种方式 anyhow = anyway adv. 无论如何,反正,即使如此 somewhat adv. 稍微;有些;多少;几分25. recent adj. 最近的 recently adv. 最近 = lately (常用现在完成时) in recent years / days / weeks26. inform vt. 通知,告知 inform sb. o

18、f / about sth. sb. be well informed of sth. keep sb. informed of sth. inform sb. that 从句 information U 信息 a piece of information27. run vt. 1) 操作,操纵 = operate run / operate a machine 2) 经营,管理 = manage run a factory / ones business a restaurant run by the teenagers vi. 3) (汽车、火车) 行驶;(疾病)传播;(河水)流淌 run

19、 after run away run into28. approve v. 1) 批准,通过 approve the plan 2) 同意,赞同 approve of sb. doing sth. approval n. 同意;批准;认可;赞同 sth. meet with / gain / have sb.s approval sb. give approval to sth. arrive arrivalsurvive survival29. charge n. 负责,掌管;费用 sb. be in charge of sth. sb. take charge of sth. sth.

20、be in / under the charge of sb. free of charge v. 收费,要价; 控告;充电;使承担责任charge sb. + money for sth. charge the cellphone / battery charge sb. with sth. 指控某人犯罪 sb. be charged with 1) Tom will take charge of the company.= Tom will be _ of the company.= The company will be _ of Tom.2) The doctor _ this hos

21、pital is a professor.in charge in the charge ofin caharge of30. broadcast vt. & n. 广播,播放 (broadcast, broadcast) broadcast the game live a live broadcast 31. preparation n. 准备,筹备 in preparation for make preparations for prepare v. 使作好准备;把预备好;准备;配制 prepare sth. prepare for sth. prepare to do sth. prep

22、are sb. for sth. / to do sth. be well prepared for sth. / to do sth. = be / get ready for 为做准备为做准备工作为做准备准备为做好了准备32. generation n. 一代,一代人 generate v. 发生,生殖;使形成 generation gap 代沟 from generation to generation the generation to come = the coming generation = the following generation一代又一代后代33. literatur

23、e n. 文学 study English Literature literary adj. 文学的 literary world 文学界34. select vt. 选择,挑选 select sb. as / to do select sth. from / among selection n. 选 择 , 挑 选 make a selection 挑选某人为 / 做从 / 在当中挑选35. composition n. 作品,成分 chemical composition literary composition compose v. 组成,谱曲 be composed of = be made up of = consist of compose a music化学成分文学作品



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