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1、21st Teens for Senior 3Teens - Issue 221st Teens for Senior 3P1 Make college amazing(for writing)vNearly 64 percent favored(支持,赞成支持,赞成) universities with top rankings and outstanding academic performance records vCompared with lower-ranking universities, a household name on the first-level list usua

2、lly means more advanced facilities (设施设施), better lecturers and more opportunities.vThese will all help me settle down to(专心致专心致志于志于)a successful university experiencevWhatever university you go to, what matters most is that you make the most of your time there.” 21st Teens for Senior 3P2 Preparing

3、for war1.Why the US wants to s_ (打击)(打击)Syria. 2.The_ (事件)(事件) is a red line for the US because its starting to affect “core national interests that the United States has, both _ (在。方面)(在。方面)us making sure that weapons of mass destruction are not proliferating (扩散扩散), 3.Relations between the US and

4、Syria have been_ (紧张)(紧张). 4.Possible choices include launching missiles or air strikes on Syrian military_(目标)(目标).5.On Sept 4, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voiced its _(同意)(同意) the use of military force in Syria. 6.The White House did not say what it will do if Congress _ (反对)(反对)the war

5、. trike incidentin terms of tensetargetsapproval ofobjects to21st Teens for Senior 3object to (doing) sthvI objected to _ (重写)(重写)the article.object thatvThe group objected that the policy would prevent patients from receiving the best treatment.vMy names not Sonny, the child objected.rewriting21st

6、Teens for Senior 3Cut off from society (P4-5) 21st Teens for Senior 34. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?II. Reading4.A。本本文文第第一一、二二段段引引出出全全文文要要讲讲的的话话题题并并介介绍绍了了影影片片穹穹顶顶之之下下的的成成功功,第第三三至至五五段段介介绍绍影影片片的的内内容容,第第六六段段总总体体上上说说这这部部影影片片与与现现实实联联系系密密切切,下下文文从从两两个个方方面面分分说说:第第七七、八八段段主主要要讲讲的

7、的影影片片在在环环保保方方面面与与现现实实的的联联系系;第第九九、十十段段则则从从影影片片中中社社会会秩秩序序感感的的丧丧失失方方面面谈谈其其与与现现实实的的联联系系,故故A项项最最能能体体现文章的结构。现文章的结构。21st Teens for Senior 31.Fillintheblankswithproperwords.1)_(base)onrenownedUSauthorStephenKings2009best-sellingnovel,theshowhasbecome“the highest-rated summer show in 21 years” sincedebutingo

8、nJune24.2)Theseriesbeginswiththedome_(make)itsalarmingappearance.3) As the earth trembles and birds take off, anenormous,invisiblebarrierslicesdown,_(cut)thetownofffromtherestoftheworld.Language study Basedmakingcutting21st Teens for Senior 34) Thus, the residents are _ (任由。摆布)(任由。摆布)unknown forces

9、and their internal conflicts.5) But the show explores many themes _ (除了。以外)(除了。以外)environmental destruction. at the mercy ofin addition to21st Teens for Senior 32.Sentenceunderstanding“Once the people of Chesters Mill realize they areindefinitelytrapped without means of food supply,outsidecommunicat

10、ionandpower,theirpolitesenseof small-town, American civilization begins to fall apart.”III. Language study fallapart:崩溃,瓦解,破碎eg:Theirmarriagefinallyfellapart.句意为:一旦切斯特磨坊镇的人们意识到他们被无限期地困住了,而且没有食物供应,没有与外界的联系,也没有电,他们所谓的小城镇式的美国文明礼节也开始崩溃瓦解了。21st Teens for Senior 3Protecting your genes (P5)21st Teens for S

11、enior 31. Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?ItisverydifficulttorecognizeadamagedDNA.Butthetaskoflocatingadamagedbaseissimilartofindinganeedleinahaystack.IV. Language study 此处MichaelFeig用比喻修辞形象地说明了定位受损的DNA的难度之大,就如从干草堆里找一根针一样。21st Teens for Senior 32.“Theseareexpens

12、ivecalculationsfor whichweneedhundredsofCPUstoworksimultaneously,”Feigsaid.句中用forwhich引导定语从句,which指代上文的calculations,Feig表示对于这些计算非常昂贵,科学家们需要用数百台电脑同时工作才能得出。IV. Language study 21st Teens for Senior 3Mystery friend (P6)21st Teens for Senior 3I. Fast reading Read the story and find out who the authors my

13、stery friend is. The person who found the authors lost job application and helped mail it to the company in which the author applied for a position. 21st Teens for Senior 3Read the text and complete the quiz below:1. Why did the author quit his previous job?A.Hisbossthoughtthathewasnotfitforthejob.B

14、.Hefoundithardtogetalongwithhisboss.C.Hehadgotanofferfromabiggercompany.D.Hecouldntputupwiththepressureofthejob.II. Specific reading 1.B。由第一段的“myrelationshipwithmybosshadbecomestrained(紧张的).Notwantingtoputupwiththis,Iresigned.”可知B为正确答案。21st Teens for Senior 32. When the author asked for advice on th

15、e “Situations Vacant” ad, his wife _. A.encouragedhimtofollowhisheartB.didntthinkhemettherequirementsC.believedhewastherightpersonforthatjobD.consideredthisjobtobeawasteofhistime2.A。由第二段的Mywifedisagreed.“Gobyyourinstinct,”shesaid.“Youvegotnothingtolose.”可知A为正确答案。II. Specific reading 21st Teens for S

16、enior 33. The underlined phrase “drew a blank” in Paragraph 4 probably means _.A.gotsomehelpB.wasimpossibleB.C.wasunsuccessfulD.gotintotroubleII. Specific reading 3.C。由下文可知作者找丢失的简历和求职信失败了,所以这里表示作者对车厢的搜寻不成功,故选C。21st Teens for Senior 34. After losing his job application, the author _.A.gaveupandfailed

17、togetthatjobB.wentbackandmadeanewoneC. was unexpectedly asked to appear for aninterviewD. contacted the companys managing director byphone4.C。由倒数第三段可知C为正确答案。II. Specific reading 21st Teens for Senior 35. Each time the author recalls how he got his second job, he probably feels _.A.proudB.gratefulB.C

18、.confusedD.satisfied5.B。由最后一段尤其是该段最后一句话可知,作者对那位捡到他简历并帮助他邮寄到他所应聘公司的那个人一直心怀感激,故选B。II. Specific reading 21st Teens for Senior 3Use the phrases in the box to complete the sentencesbelow.1.Thelawwaspassed_publicpressure.2.Welookedinthefilesforanhour,butwe_.3.Noiseiscomingtothepointwherewecant_it.4.Imlookingforsomeonewithseveralyearsofpublishingexperienceandyouseemto_.5.Therewasaroarandacloudofsmokeasthecar_fromthetrafficlights.III. Language study putupwithfitthebilldrawablankpullawayinresponsetoinresponsetodrewablankputupwithfitthebillpulledaway



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