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1、Module1 Unit 2Growing pains(1)1、deserve (因因为为行行为为、品行、才干、品行、才干)而而应该应该得到,得到,值值得,得,后面加后面加n. / pron. / to doGood work deserves good pay. 良好的工作表现应该得到丰厚的报酬。He certainly deserves to be sent to prison if he continues to do it. 如果他再继续这样做的话,的确应该被送去坐牢。Theyve been training so hard for the match. They surely des

2、erve to win. 他们为了这次比赛一直努力训练。他们确实应该赢。 Nobody thinks he _ our help so we wont give him any hand. A. deserves B. worth C. deserve D. worths Adeserve 值得,为动词;worth 值得的,为形容词。2、 forbid vt.禁止禁止(forbade, forbidden)forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事(不能说forbid to do)forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事My parents forbid me to st

3、ay the night out. 我父母不准我在外面过夜。Restaurants are forbidden to charge extra money for their service. 餐馆是严禁加收服务费的。Bforbid禁止;allow允许,指允许做某事,给予某人权利或特权;follow跟着,跟随;ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事。句意为“玛丽想独自环球旅行,可是她父母不允许她这样做。”根据句意可选择答案B。 Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not

4、 _ her to do so. A. forbid B. allow C. follow D. ask3、 explain v. 解解释释,说说明明“Let me explain our new policy to you all,” the manager cleared his throat and said. “让我为大家解释我们的新政策,”经理清了清嗓子说。(explain作及物动词时不能接双宾语, 表达“向某人说明某事”应用explain sth. to sb. )She tried to explain but her husband wouldnt listen. 她试图解释,

5、但她丈夫不愿听。explanation n. 解释,说明What is your explanation for being late? 你迟到的理由是什么?He left the room without explanation. 他未加解释就离开了房间。Athe reason后接的是一定语从句,引导词在从句中作explain的宾语,可省略。Is this the reason _ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? A. he explained B. what he explained C. how to explained

6、D. why he explainedD“向某人说明某事”应用explain sth. to sb.。 I failed again. Why not explain _ you have done your best? A. him B. him that C. that D. to him4、 fault n. 过错过错,错误错误;弱点,缺点;弱点,缺点It was my fault that we could not catch the train. 我们没能赶上火车是我的错。find fault with sb. 对某人吹毛求疵,找某人的茬儿Why do you always find

7、 fault with David? Are you jealous of him?你为什么总找戴维的茬儿?你嫉妒他吗?This machine, for all its faults, is the best at the moment. 这台机器虽有不少缺点,却是现在最好的一台。fault多指人在道德上、习惯上、性格上等的弱点或行为上的过失,强调对过失应负责任;也可指物的功能方面的缺陷。mistake 多指因缺乏正确的理解而造成的行动上、认识上的错误。Its his own fault that he failed in the exam. 考试不及格是他自己的错。Theres a fau

8、lt in this building, so its not safe. 这座楼有个缺陷,所以它不太安全。You cant arrest me. There must be some mistakes. 你们不能逮捕我。这一定有什么误会。C“I dont think its my _ that the TV blew up. I just turned it on, thats all,” said the boy. A. turn B. mistake C. fault D. duty 用fault或mistake的适当形式填空His essay is full of spelling _

9、.Why should I apologize when it is not my _?mistakesfault5、 argument n. 争争论论,争,争辩辩;论论点,点,观观点;点;论论据据The students had a long argument with their teachers about their uniforms. 学生们就他们校服的事和老师进行了很长时 间的辩论。argument about / over sth.关于某事物的争论 argument with sb.和某人的争论argument against / for sth.反对 / 赞成某事物的论据sb.

10、s argument某人的观点What is their argument over? 他们在争论什么?Thats not a good argument for raising the price. 那不是涨价的好理由。The authors argument is that some of the plays were actually not written by Shakespeare. 作者的观点是:其中有些剧作实际创作者并不是莎士比亚。argue v. 争辩,争论argue about/over sth. 争论某事argue with sb. 和某人争论argue for/agai

11、nst sth. 争论赞成/反对某事B根据语境,该句意思应为“他们不同意这个计划的论据/理由是这个计划成本太大”。 Why dont they agree to the plan? Their main argument _ it is that it will cost too much. A. of B. against C. about D. with6、 defend vt. 防御,保防御,保卫卫;为为辩护辩护Some players are better at defending. 有些运动员较擅长打防卫。The labour union said that they would t

12、ake action to defend their members rights and interests. 工会说他们将采取行动维护会员的权益。The accused man had a lawyer to defend him. (defend in defense of) 被告有一律师为他辩护。defend vt.“防卫,防御”,指用武力或其他手段抵御任何危险或攻击;也可用于“捍卫”,指维护意见、决定。protect vt.“保护”,强调提供某种掩护和障碍物以免受到损害,其结构为protectfrom。guard vt.“守卫”,强调看守某样东西或戒备实际或潜在的危险。We shou

13、ld defend our country when she is attacked. 我们要在国家被攻击的时候保卫她。The girl wore gloves to protect her hands from the cold. 这女孩戴上了手套保护手以免受冻。They guarded the house against strangers. 他们守卫着这房子以防陌生人(潜入)。Bprotectfrom 保护以免遭受危险或伤害。This medicine can _ you from the disease. A. defend B. protect C. escape D. preven

14、t7、 tolerate vt. 容忍,忍耐,忍受容忍,忍耐,忍受tolerate (doing) sth. 容忍(做)某事tolerate sb. doing sth. 容忍某人做某事 tolerance of 对宽容;对的忍受能力be tolerant of 对容忍的用正确的介词填空On the continent people are more tolerant _children in public places. of句意:在大陆,人们在公众场合更宽容孩子们些。be tolerant of 对容忍的。1、 now that 既然;既然; 由于由于Now that Ive seen h

15、ow she lives, I know why she needs so much money. 看过了她的生活状况,我才知道她为什么需要那么多的钱。Now that he is well again, he can go on with his English study. 既然恢复了健康,他就可以继续他的英语学习。_ youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon asA句意:既然你得到了机会, 就应该好好利用它。2、be supp

16、osed to 应应当,当, 理理应应; 一般一般认为认为, 被看做被看做是是(往往含有往往含有“事事实实并非如此并非如此”的意思的意思) Everyone is supposed to bring a bottle of beer to the party. 每个人都必须带一瓶啤酒去参加聚会。 be supposed to have done sth. 表示“本应该做某事而实际上却没有做”。He was supposed to have told me about it. 他本应该把这件事告诉我的。I havent seen it yet, but its supposed to be a

17、very good film. 我还没看过这部电影,但一般认为这是一部很好的电影。 此外,be supposed to还可表示“意图、意旨”、“将要、打算”。The law is supposed to help the poor. 那条法律旨在帮助穷人。 Why dont you and Bill go to the movies tonight? 你和比尔今晚为什么不去看电影? We are supposed to take care of the old woman.我们打算去照看那位老大娘。Mr. Led wasnt _ the heritor of the company accor

18、ding to the law.A. suppose to be B. supposing to be C. supposed to beingD. supposed to beDbe supposed to be 应该是A pet _ one of the family in the USA. A. is supposed as B. is supposed to be C. is treated to beD. is seen toBbe supposed to be 被看做是3、stay up 不睡不睡觉觉, 熬夜熬夜We stayed up till after midnight to

19、 see the New Year in. 我们熬夜等着新年的到来。I stayed up last night, reading a novel from cover to cover. 我昨晚熬夜读了一整本小说。What makes you tired now? 什么事让你现在这么疲倦? Staying up for my favourite TV programme last night. 昨晚熬夜看我最喜欢的电视节目了。Ill be home late, but please dont _ for me. A. stay indoors B. stay out C. stay up D

20、. stay inCstay up 熬夜。4、 insist on sth./(doing) sth. 坚坚决要,非得要决要,非得要(做做)某事某事She insisted on not telling me her telephone number. 她坚持不告诉我她的电话号码。The scientist insisted on an exact figure. 这位科学家坚持要得到一个精确的数字。insist有两个含义,其用法也不同:(1)作“坚持要;一定要”讲时,后面的从句中用虚拟语气,即“should动词原形”,其中should可省略。(2)作“坚持说;坚持认为”讲时,后面的从句中不用

21、虚拟语气。They insisted that we (should) begin the work at once. 他们坚持要我们立刻开始工作。He insisted that he had put the file back in the case. 他坚持说他已经把文件放回到盒子里了。He has always insisted on his _ Dr. Turner instead of Mr. Turner. A. been called B. called C. having called D. being calledD句意:他总是坚持要别人叫他Turner医生而不是Turne

22、r先生。insist on后接名词或动名词。followed by为过去分词短语作伴随状语。而walking very slowly为现在分词短语作定语。China is a developing country.中国是一个发展中国家。There was a terrible noise following the sudden burst of light.突然一道闪光过后紧跟着发出一阵巨大的响声。1、Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly.埃里克跟在后边跑了进来,身后跟着一只狗慢慢地走着。At th

23、e age of 29, Dave was a worker, _ in a small apartment near Boston and _ what to do about his future. A. living; wondering B. lived; wondering C. lived; wondered D. living; wonderedA句意:29岁时,Dave是个打工仔,住在波士顿的一个小公寓里,对前途一片迷茫。was和live以及wonder之间的时间关系应该是同时,所以后两者不能是谓语动词,否则多个用一般过去时的谓语动词在一起应该是表示3个相继发生的动作,而非同时

24、存在的动作。那么,只能是was是谓语动词,另外两个作同时存在的伴随状语。The government plans to bring in new laws _ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children. A. forced B. forcing C. to be forced D. having forcedB句意:政府打算引入一些新的法律,以促使家长们对孩子的教育承担更多责任。考查非谓语动词作定语。forcing是现在分词作定语,修饰new laws表示主动,相当于定语从句that/whic

25、h force,A、C两项表示被动,D项表示主动及完成,均不合题意。此句中with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink用的是with的复合结构,这里是“with名词介词短语”的形式。The English teacher came into the classroom, with a book in her hand.英语老师手里拿着一本书走进教室。2、The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.房房间间

26、一片混乱,地上四一片混乱,地上四处处是比是比萨萨盒子,水池里堆着没洗的盒子,水池里堆着没洗的盘盘子。子。“with复合宾语(即O.O.C.)”在句子中充当状语或定语。其中宾语补足语除了可以由介词短语充当外,还可以是分词短语、形容词短语、副词短语、不定式短语。They came to a farmhouse with a big tree in front of it.他们来到一间前面有一棵大树的农舍处。(定语)They came to a farmhouse with their equipment on their backs.他们背着自己的装备,来到一所农舍前。(状语)with名词/代词分

27、词With the exams coming next week, I have no time to play.下周考试就要来临了,我没时间玩了。With their homework finished, the boys went out to play.由于作业完成了,男孩们就出去玩耍。with名词/代词形容词He likes to sleep with the door open.他喜欢睡觉时把门开着。with名名词词/代代词词副副词词The young couple sat there in silence, with the light on, for nearly half an

28、 hour.这对年轻的夫妇开着灯一言不发坐在那儿近半个小时。with名名词词/代代词词不定式不定式With no one to talk to, the girl felt bored and cried under the quilt alone.没有人可以交谈,这个女孩感到很乏味并且躲在被子里哭了起来。with名名词词/代代词词分分词词With her son still being a schoolboy, she has to work hard to support his study.儿子还在上学,她不得不努力工作以维持他的学业。John received an invitatio

29、n to dinner, and with his work _, he gladly accepted it. A. finished B. finishing C. having finished D. was finishedA句意:约翰收到一份宴请函,他的工作也干完了,他就欣然接受了邀请。考查with复合结构。根据句意,工作该是被完成,所以排除B、C两项。with复合结构中,所缺部分作宾补,D项只能作谓语。故选A项。窗户敞开着,我们可以感觉到凉爽的风吹到我们脸上。_With the windows open, we can feel the cool wind blowing against our face.妈妈不在家,我不得不独自做饭。 _With Mum out, I have to cook meals on my own.



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