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1、Content pageuStorylineuCharactersuConclusionStorylineuTony Stark creates the Ultron Program to protect the world, but when the peace-keeping program becomes hostile, The Avengers , including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the Incredible Hulk, and Black Widow, go into action to try and defeat a vir

2、tually impossible enemy. Earths mightiest heroes must come together once again to protect the world from global extinction.u托尼斯塔克(钢铁侠)计划创造奥创保护地球,但是维和系统出了错,整个地球的命运岌岌可危。复仇者联盟钢铁侠、美国队长、雷神、绿巨人、黑寡妇和鹰眼接受终极考验,要全力阻止邪恶的超能机器人奥创实施他危险的计划,联盟的不稳定和意想不到的行动成就了一段史诗般宏大且独一无二的全球大冒险。(trailer) Captain America uVowing to se

3、rve his country any way he could, young Steve Rogers took the super soldier serum to become Americas one-man army. Fighting for the red, white and blue for over 60 years, Captain America is the living, breathing symbol of freedom and liberty.u本名史蒂夫罗杰斯,宣誓报效祖国,接受实验被改造成“超级士兵”。美国队长就是一块“自由”二字的活招牌!此后他的力量、

4、速度、耐力都远超出于常人,以美国队长的身份,为美国及世界在二战中立下显赫战功,他的武器是吸震金属合金制成的盾牌。 Captain America uPowers Captain America represented the peak of human physical perfection. He experienced a time when he was augmented to superhuman levels . Captain America had a very high intelligence as well as superior eagility, strength,

5、speed, endurance, and reaction time. The Super-Soldier formula that he had enhanced all of his bodily functions to the peak of human efficiency. Most notably, his body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing poisons in his muscles, granting him phenomenal endurance.美国队长代表了人类机体达到完美的顶峰。

6、美国队长拥有超群智慧,超高敏捷度,超强力量,超级速度和超长耐力,还有极端的反应时间。这一切能力都比已知的任何奥利匹克运动员都厉害的多。最强悍的是,他的身体去除了肌肉中会造成疲劳的毒素积累,使得他拥有了超凡的耐力。美国队长还精通美式拳击和柔道。他是地球上最优秀的战士之一。u Iron ManuWounded, captured and forced to build a weapon by his enemies, billionaire industrialist Tony Stark instead created an advanced suit of armor to save his

7、life and escape captivity. Now with a new outlook on life, Tony uses his money and intelligence to make the world a safer, better place as Iron Man.u亿万富翁企业家托尼史塔克被敌人俘虏后,被迫制造致命武器,身受重伤的他却暗中制造了一套高科技盔甲保护自己逃生。对生命有了全新认识的托尼,现在利用自己的财富和智慧化身“钢铁侠”保卫地球。Iron ManuAbilities Tony has a genius level intellect that al

8、lows him to invent a wide range of sophisticated devices, specializing in advanced weapons and armor. He possesses a keen business mind.托尼的天才智慧使他能够发明一系列精密复杂的装置,尤其擅长开发高级武器和盔甲。他还拥有超级棒的经商头脑。ThoruAs the Norse God of thunder and lightning, Thor wields one of the greatest weapons ever made, the enchanted

9、hammer Mjolnir. While others have described Thor as an over-muscled, oafish imbecile, hes quite smart and compassionate. Hes self-assured, and he would never, ever stop fighting for a worthwhile cause.u作为北欧的雷电之神,托尔挥舞着上古神器大铁锤。尽管别人说他四肢发达,头脑简单,但它实际上机敏热情,自信,且永不言败。 ThoruPowers Thor is extremely long-live

10、d, immune to conventional disease and highly resistant to injury. His flesh and bones are several times denser than a humans. As son of Odin, Thor possessed the Odinforce, which enabled him to enhance all of his abilities. Thor is trained in the arts of war, being a superbly skilled warrior, highly

11、proficient in hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship and hammer throwing.托尔是奥丁和盖亚的儿子。他的力量,耐力和抵击打能力是神族中的佼佼者。他的寿命极长(尽管不是完全的不老之身),对常见疾病都免疫,几乎不会受伤。他的骨骼和血肉都比常人要强悍好多倍。作为仙宫的王,托尔拥有奥丁神力,神力赋予托尔使用宇宙中无尽神秘能源的能力,强化了他所有的能力。由于具有奥丁神力的巨大神力力量,托尔甚至能用大铁锤在美国队长的金刚不坏神盾上打出坑来。托尔精通武艺,是一个的卓越战士,肉搏、剑术和扔锤子技艺都十分精湛。Hulk uCaught in a ga

12、mma bomb explosion while trying to save the life of a teenager, Dr. Bruce Banner was transformed into the incredibly powerful creature called the Hulk. An all too often misunderstood hero, the angrier the Hulk gets, the stronger the Hulk gets.u布鲁斯班纳博士一次为救一个孩子,意外受到伽玛炸弹爆炸后的放射线污染后,变成了名为浩克的拥有无穷力量的生物。他越生

13、气力量就越大。HulkuPowers uThe Hulk can slam his hands together creating a shock wave, this can deafen people, send objects flying and extinguish fires. The Hulk has shown a high resistance to physical damage nearly regardless of the cause, and has also shown resistance to extreme temperatures, mind contro

14、l, nuclear explosions, poisons, and all diseases. In addition to the regeneration of limbs, vital organs, and damaged or destroyed areas of tissue at an amazing rate. The Hulk also has superhuman endurance. He can breathe underwater and move quickly between varying depths without concerns about deco

15、mpression or nitrogen narcosis.浩克可以一拍手就创造出冲击波,把人震聋,把物体撞飞,还能灭火。浩克还能抵挡几乎一切形式的物理伤害,高温,意念控制,核爆炸,毒药以及疾病都不能伤害到他。还有超速的再生能力,包括肢体,重要器官和身体各部位的受损都可以再生。另外,超长耐力,水下呼吸,以及水下迅速移动也都是浩克的特异功能。Black WidowuNatasha Romanova, known by many aliases, is an expert spy, athlete, and assassin. Trained at a young age by the KGBs

16、 infamous Red Room Academy, the Black Widow was formerly an enemy to the Avengers. She later became their ally after breaking out of the U.S.S.R.s grasp, and also serves as a top S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.u真名为娜塔莎罗曼诺夫,拥有各种化名的,是一名专家级的特工,运动健将以及刺客。年幼时在克格勃的“红房”经受过训练。之前曾是复仇者联盟的敌人,但随后在脱离了苏联的控制之后,成为了复联的盟友,并成为神盾局顶级

17、特工。Black WidowuPowers uGovernment treatments have slowed her aging, augmented her immune system and enhanced her physical durability.u经基因改造后大大延缓衰老速度,并增强其免疫系统以及抗击打能力。QuicksilveruQuicksilver possessed superhuman speed, he could also use his speed to create cyclones, dodge machine gun and laser fire, a

18、nd run up walls and across water. Quicksilver now possess the power to vibrate his atoms so quickly he travels forward in time.u快银具有超人的速度,可以以超过音速的速度跑过上千公里一点都不费劲儿。他还可以用他的速度创造龙卷风,躲避子弹和激光炮,或在水面及垂直墙壁上奔跑。为了追寻他失掉的变种人天赋,他穿过了泰瑞根之雾,使得自己具有了振动自身原子的能力并且可以穿越时间到未来。Scarlet WitchuThe Scarlet Witch can tap into myst

19、ic energy for reality-altering effects. She later can create entire armies of enemies from nowhere. Although the Scarlet Witch has been trained in basic sorcery techniques, she lacks the specialized mystic training required to fully control her poweru绯红女巫的主要超能力是混沌魔法(现实扭曲)。她后来扭曲现实的能力增强,甚至能凭空制造一个军队。尽管

20、绯红女巫接受过巫师的基本训练,但是她缺乏专门的训练用以完全控制自己的能力。 Ultron uArguably the greatest and certainly the most horrific creation of scientific genius Dr. Henry Pym, Ultron is a criminally insane rogue sentient robot dedicated to conquest and the extermination of humanity. u可以说是最完美的,当然也是最可怕的产物,奥创被科学天才亨利皮姆创作出来,是一个疯狂犯罪并且有

21、感情的机器人,致力于征服人类和毁灭地球。 Ultron uPowers uUltrons outer shell is usually composed of Adamantium, rendering it almost totally impervious to damage. Most Ultrons are powered by a small internal nuclear furnace, and incorporate a program transmitter which can beam part or all of Ultrons programming into rem

22、ote locations such as computers or alternate robotic bodies. Ultron can often control other machines remotely even if he has not transplanted his consciousness into them. One recent Ultron model developed hive-mind technology, allowing him to possess hundreds of alternate Ultron bodies at the same t

23、ime, becoming a robotic one-man army. Ultron is one of the foremost robotics experts on Earth.u奥创的外壳通常由爱德曼合金制成, 它几乎完全不受损害;而他的内部机制通常不耐用,更容易损坏。奥创内部是由一个小核炉运作,并整合一束“程序发射机”,可以部分或全部的编程到偏远地区如电脑或替代机械机构。奥创能通常可以远程控制其他机器,即使他没有移植他的意识给他们。最新的一个奥创模型蜂群思维技术,能让他激活和控制数以百计的奥创替身,同时创作出一个机器人的军队。Conclusion Stark for the ma

24、intenance of world peace, to protect their own team, created the most advanced robot of artificial intelligence, Ultron. The avengers in order to prevent the planning effort, fighting with Ultron while causing civilian casualties, city buildings destroyed.A similar scenario also occur in the reality

25、: after the 911 event, the US launched the war in Iraq in the name of fighting against al-qaeda , the punishment of the handful of terrorists at the same time, resulting in a large number of civilians displaced even hurt women and children. True peace is not easily to wage war, because once there is

26、 war, hurt the most must be ordinary people. 斯塔克为了维护世界和平、保护自己的团队,创造出了最先进的人工智能机器人奥创。但奥创已经先进到具有了独立意识,他认为终极的世界和平就是毁灭所有的人类,没有人类就没有战争的根源。复仇者联盟团体为了阻止奥创的计划全力拼搏,但就是在各种打斗的场景里(无论是在美国还是在韩国或南非)平民伤亡惨重、城市建筑大量毁坏类似的场景同样发生在现实:911事件以后,美国以攻打基地组织为名发动了伊拉克战争,惩戒了少数恐怖分子的同时导致大量的平民流离失所甚至误伤妇女儿童。犹如漫威公司创造的这些超级英雄,美国本身代表着超级力量的存在,维护世界和平其实就是不要轻易发动战争,因为一旦有战争,受伤害最深的一定是平民百姓。Thanks



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