高考英语一轮总复习 Unit4 Global warming课件 新人教版选修6

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1、Global warmingGlobal warming1 1result in result in 产生,导致(产生,导致(=lead to, cause =lead to, cause sthsth. to happen). to happen) result from result from 由由引起,产生引起,产生(= lie in, (= lie in, occur as a result of/because of ) occur as a result of/because of ) The accident resulted from the drivers carelessn

2、ess, which resulted in the death of two passengers. 事故是由司机的粗心造成的,导致了两名旅客的 死亡。(1)选择正确的选项填空。The experiment _the discovery of a cure for cancer. A. resulted in B. lead to C. resulted from D. was caused byHe slipped and broke his leg. , he will have to be away from school for two or three months. A. Res

3、ulting in B. With the result that C. As a result D. The result is thatCA(2)在空格里填入适当的短语,使其与划线部分的意思一致。His sickness was caused by eating too much.His sickness _ _eating too much.He was ill he had too much.He was ill eating too much. eating too much, he was ill.Eating too much _ his illness.He had too m

4、uch., he was ill.resulted frombecausebecause ofAsaresult ofresulted inAs a result /led to 2 2build upbuild up (1) 逐步增加 The museum has built up a fine art collection. 博物馆已经增加了一系列艺术品。 (2) 发展 build something up (into) Hes built up the family firm into a multinational company. 他把他的家族公司发展成了跨国公司。(3) 感情累积I

5、f you dont express your feelings, frustration and anger can build up. 如果你不表达你的感觉,挫败和愤怒感会越来越多。根据括号里所给的汉语补全句子。He his business by good service. (他以优质的服务使他的生意兴隆起来。)Clouds . (云在聚集。)He takes exercise every day _ _. (他每天锻炼以增进健康。)built upwere building upto build uphis health3 3keep on doing keep on doing 继续

6、做某事继续做某事 (= continue/go (= continue/go on doing) on doing) We kept on studying late into the night. 我坚持学习到深夜。 He kept on talking after the bell rang for class. 上课铃响后他还在继续讲着。4 4on the whole on the whole 总的来说总的来说 We met something unhappy, but on the whole, we enjoyed our stay there. 虽然遇上一点不愉快的事情,但总的来说

7、, 我们在那里很舒畅。 On the whole our business was going on smoothly. 总的来说,我们的生意进展平稳。5 5make a/the/ no difference (to / for) make a/the/ no difference (to / for) 有有( (没没 有有) )关系;有关系;有( (没有没有) )影响影响 make a / no difference (between) 区别对待 /一视同仁 Whatever she did, it made no difference. 无论她做什么都没关系。 One more perso

8、n wouldnt make any difference to the arrangements. 多了一个人对安排不会有任何影响。 It could make the difference between missing your train and getting to work on time. 错过火车和按时上班是不同的。Having a good teacher has made all the difference for Alex (=had an important influence) . 好老师对阿里斯影响很大。 根据括号里所给的汉语补全句子。The sea air he

9、r _ health. (海上的空气改变了她的健康状况。) whether you go or not. (你去不去都没有什么关系。)She between her two sons. (她对两个孩子一视同仁。)has made a difference toIt doesnt make much differencemake no difference6.put up with 6.put up with 忍受;容忍忍受;容忍 He had an eccentric character and my sister found it hard to put up with him. As a

10、result, they got divorced. 他性情古怪,我姐姐觉得难以忍受,他们终于 离婚了。 He couldnt put up with the noise so he kept the windows shut all day long. 他忍受不了嘈杂声,所以整天窗户紧闭。7.so long as 7.so long as 只要只要 (= as long as) + (= as long as) + 从句从句 It doesnt matter what you wear-just as long as you come. 只要你来就好,穿什么无关紧要。 Im happy as

11、 long as you are happy. 只要你高兴,我就高兴。 As long as you keep away from them, they wont do you any harm. 只要你远离他们,他们就不会伤害你。翻译下面的句子。Its OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it. _只要你不把书弄脏, 就可以借给你。 _ _只要你在使用电器, 使它处于工作状态是可以的.You may borrow the book so long as you keep it clean.1.1.Ev

12、ery timeEvery time you you feel likefeel like smoking a smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. non-smoker. (1)“every time + 从句”这是名词词组作连 词引导时间状语从句。 常用的有以下情况: every/each/any time; the + 序数词+ time; next time; the moment (/instant/minute

13、 etc.) ; the day(/week/month/year) Every/Each time I was in trouble, he would come to help me out.每次我遇到麻烦,他总是帮我解决。Each time I called on him he was busy with his work. 每次我去看他,他总是在忙着工作。The first time I climbed onto the wall, I felt nervous. 我第一次爬上墙时,感到有点紧张。Next time you come, youll see him. 你下次来时就会看到他

14、。翻译句子。下次来时务必带上你儿子。 _ _她最后一次看到詹姆斯时,他正躺在床上。 _ _Next time you come, do remember to bring your son here. The last time she saw James, he was lying in bed. 2.2.There is no doubt thatThere is no doubt that the earth is the earth is becoming warmer but there is fierce debate becoming warmer but there is fi

15、erce debate over whether it is human activity that has over whether it is human activity that has caused this global warming or whether it caused this global warming or whether it is just a natural phenomenon. is just a natural phenomenon. “There is no doubtbut there is fierce debate”是并列句; “There is

16、 no doubt”部 分的“that ”是同位语从句, “but there is fierce debate”部分有两个由whether 引导 的宾语从句。作介词over的宾语,第一个宾语从 句中又有一个强调句型。和there is相关的类似句型有: There is no need 没有必要There is no question 是没有问题的There is no reason 没有理由There is no possibility that 是没有可能的There is no knowing/telling没法知道/说下面的句型用it is引导:It is a/no wonder t

17、hat 真奇怪/真令人吃惊It is no use/good thatIt is no use/good doing sth.(1)翻译下面的句子。约翰会不会准时来有些疑问。 _ _她说了实话,这一点似乎是没有疑问。 _ _Tom stayed up very late last night. _ _ (难怪他今 天上课打瞌睡。)There is some doubt whether John will come on time.There seems to be no doubt that she has told the truth.It was no wonder (No wonder) thathe fell asleep in class today.(2)选择适当的选项填空: was no that he was a fine scholar. A. There; doubt B. It; doubt C. There; wonder D. It; question_no knowing what he could do. He might get a job tomorrow. He might stay out of work for weeks. A. There is B. It is C. There was D. It wasAC



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