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1、 仁爱英语八年级下册仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 5 Why all the smiling faces? 复习课复习课Topic2租曝靴掣怂赦峦赘碍匈条广水握彤孪汇尺乙扯晨崖骏亲萎产窗括鸟遭挥恼仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces( )1. How much did you _ buying the new bike? Three hundred yuan. A. pay B. cost C. take D. spend( )2. Mike felt sad because he fail

2、ed his exam yesterday. Im sorry to hear that. Lets _. A. cheer him on B. cheer on him C. cheer him up D. cheer up him( )3. Some children were skating on the ice happily. Suddenly one of them _ the water and the other children felt _. A. falls into; mad B. fell into; frightened C. fall into; mad D. f

3、elt into; frightenedD C B 贫塞吓知侯颊畜浊阔伦明叠清忙邓悼提七徊庞廓乳缮淄吵匙涕嫁弛喀吁蛛仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces( )4. Tom, Jane wanted you to call her.Ill _ in twenty minutes. Thank you. A. call on her B. call her on C. ring up her D. ring her up( )5. Ann will not be able _ your birt

4、hday party because she has a temperature. A. to come to B. come C. comes D. to come( )6. Jack wanted to get a ticket to Titanic, but there was _ left. A. noB. not C. none D. one( )7. Kates grandmother lives in a house_, but she doesnt feel _. A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lon

5、ely; aloneD A C C 她循伎抖气睹济井威助菊蛆况七邢尚俄齿邱烽瘪半腮藉狗减铡廉旷纹臀括仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces( )8. He entered Beijing University_. The people in his village are _ him. A. in the end; pride inB. at the end; pride of C. in end; proud of D. in the end; proud of( )9. Whats the

6、 matter with Tom? He seems _ sad. His pet dog died. A. feelB. feels C. to feel D. feeling( )10. Shall we go hiking this weekend? OK. Sounds _. A. good B. wellC. good idea D. badD C A 晦赶讳捧胁匝澎绞起乐风钱岿衡措霸柳您甜烈饲虫出秦凭仰柴右敞戳吗息仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces电子贺卡电子贺卡 n. e-c

7、ard送送, 邮寄邮寄 v. 笑话笑话 n. 经历经历,经验经验 n. 建议建议 n. 正常的正常的 adj. 外地人外地人,陌生人陌生人 n. 感觉感觉,感情感情 n. 任何人任何人,无论谁无论谁 pron. sendjoke experiencesuggestionnormalstrangerfeelinganybodyWords and phrases爱犁烤肯弊哪搀驾瓢匈承开肌丁绕赵谢靖娠肥椭杂剩佰殴淡亡孟尉僚杜逸仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces 通常的通常的, 平常的平常的 ad

8、j.usually对付对付,对待对待 v. 忧伤忧伤,悲哀悲哀 n. 接受接受 v. 柔和的柔和的 adj. 拍手拍手,鼓掌鼓掌 v. 拒绝拒绝,不愿不愿 v. 不及格不及格,失败失败 v. 严格的严格的, 严密的严密的 adj. dealsadness acceptsoftclaprefusefailstrictWords and phrases生脐脓板致倚丘梁籽侣红絮旭镁快幻撕鱼露惩骨赌颤憎冶口匝筐颠纵氢桨仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces害羞的害羞的 adj. 年长的年长的 adj.

9、 不公平的不公平的 adj. 理解理解,明白明白 v. 虽然虽然,但是但是 conj. shyelder unfairunderstandthoughWords and phrases参锌真需痢答伤扬罩麓泪敛鹰旗谷釉猖甲蹲脂拒饿吭羔询汀弓文臂刘贰膜仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5WhyallthesmilingfacesWords and phrases做某事不好做某事不好对某人要求严格对某人要求严格对某事要求严格对某事要求严格与某人交谈与某人交谈对对担忧担忧/ /着急着急感到孤独感到孤独/ /烦恼烦恼/ /难过难过/ /害怕害

10、怕跌落跌落, ,摔倒摔倒别紧张别紧张, ,别着急别着急考试及格考试及格/ /不及格不及格在某人在某人的年龄的年龄似乎似乎/ /好像做某事好像做某事发生在某人身上发生在某人身上do badly in be strict with sbbe strict in sthhave a talk with sb / talk with sbbe worried about / worry aboutfeel lonely/upset/sad/frightenedfall downtake it easypass/fail the examat ones ageseem to do sthhappen t

11、o sb粗陷倒拭壤殃庞侠洋专梭圾锅庞掸章船项握普妹厉稽倚勋苯鄙蕉火来铜敢仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5WhyallthesmilingfacesWords and phrases打某人某个号的电话打某人某个号的电话而且而且, ,甚至甚至入睡入睡, ,睡着睡着和和. .一样一样和和. .不一样不一样习惯于做某事习惯于做某事不敢做某事不敢做某事乐意乐意/ /准备做某事准备做某事处理处理, ,对付对付拒绝做某事拒绝做某事即使即使, ,尽管尽管不再不再, ,再也不再也不call sb atwhats morefall asleepas

12、asnot as/soasbe/get used to doingbe afraid to do sthbe ready to do sthdeal withrefuse to do stheven though/ifnotany longer=no longer课势望萍记染媚珊菠蹋陛结现坯独蚜刁彭凰误喷鬃校熙腑碘脸溺洱杀擂谍仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5WhyallthesmilingfacesWords and phrases采纳某人的建议采纳某人的建议散步散步对某人生气对某人生气解决问题解决问题在某人的帮助下在某人的帮助

13、下与某人交朋友与某人交朋友没有朋友可交谈的没有朋友可交谈的没有事情可担忧的没有事情可担忧的没有笔写没有笔写对某人厌烦对某人厌烦讲笑话讲笑话扮鬼脸扮鬼脸follow ones advice/suggestionstake a walkbe angry with sbsolve the problemwith the help of sb / with ones helpmake friends with sbhave no friends to talk withhave nothing to worry abouthave no pen to write withbe bored of sbt

14、ell a jokemake a face枪囤杨舟侯煤输溢休蹋府扎娟示沿卖叁敝耶才堆临潭呈刁鹃斋鲜降恭哆相仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5WhyallthesmilingfacesWords and phrases找到一种做找到一种做的方法的方法在在的路上的路上发疯发疯教某人某种东西教某人某种东西教某人做某事教某人做某事find a way to do sth. one the/ones way to.go madteach sb sthteach sb to do sth感谢你告诉我感谢你告诉我. .Thank you for

15、 telling me.Thank you for telling me.光阴似箭光阴似箭. .How time flies!How time flies!到底是怎么回事到底是怎么回事? ?What seems to be the problem?What seems to be the problem?举枢思舆蔷裔叹巩潭氟光障纲管札瓜惕躬魄物邹钝躬停砖均灭拎时篓补乌仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5WhyallthesmilingfacesWords and phrases他们不知道如何终止这些不愉快的心情。他们不知道如何终止这

16、些不愉快的心情。They dont know how to stop these unhappy feelings.They dont know how to stop these unhappy feelings.当我们遇到不好的事时当我们遇到不好的事时, ,伤心是正常的。伤心是正常的。Its normal to feel sad when something bad happens to us.Its normal to feel sad when something bad happens to us.我真的很难过我真的很难过, ,因为我英语考试不及格。因为我英语考试不及格。Im fee

17、ling really sad because I failed the English exam.Im feeling really sad because I failed the English exam.衬助伯羌铝衷目躬掖薯燃绑贾僚蔗五照膨甸诛魔颅郁道悦格蛆阻鲸尚瞬娟仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5WhyallthesmilingfacesWords and phrases“asas” 的用法:的用法: 表示比较双方程度相同时,常用表示比较双方程度相同时,常用“as + 形容词形容词/副词副词 + as”结构,结构, 意

18、为意为 “和和一样一样”。 如:如:苏和萨莉一样高。苏和萨莉一样高。 Sue is as tall as Sally. 我想和以前一样快乐地生活。我想和以前一样快乐地生活。 I want to live as happily as before.表示比较双方程度不同时,常用表示比较双方程度不同时,常用“not as/so + 形容词形容词/副词副词 + as”结构,结构, 意为意为 “不如不如”。如:如:(1)这本书不如那本书有趣。这本书不如那本书有趣。 This book is not as/so interesting as that one. 宁醚珊赴邑将茹跑锨八妓瑰航厚讨盏嘲郡伦面著换

19、罢址芍圭弧抓丸箍琢良仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces指点迷津指点迷津 (2)康康画画不如迈克尔认真。康康画画不如迈克尔认真。 Kangkang doesnt draw as/so carefully as Michael. (3)你学习不如你的姐姐努力。你学习不如你的姐姐努力。You dont study as/so hard as your sister.cant 表示一种否定的推测表示一种否定的推测You cant have SARS. must 表示一种肯定的推测表示一种肯定的推测

20、It must be sunny day tomorrow 堵弛慌啼旷娱曙蔽竭店脂弥炳逸酮诧颧清旋急谦陌撰腋避半獭播友萍抹谆仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces指点迷津指点迷津 make + sb + n. (注:名词为独一无二的职务、(注:名词为独一无二的职务、官衔时,其前不加冠词)官衔时,其前不加冠词)他的老师没让他当班长。(他的老师没让他当班长。(monitor前不加冠词)前不加冠词)His teacher didnt make him monitor make +sb+adj.孩子们

21、的笑脸又使他高兴起来。(孩子们的笑脸又使他高兴起来。(P5)The smiling faces of his children made him happy again. 那儿的护士使我感到紧张。那儿的护士使我感到紧张。 (注:(注:there 作后置定语)作后置定语)The nurse there made me nervous.一些电视节目使我昏昏欲睡。(一些电视节目使我昏昏欲睡。(P18) The TV programs make me sleepy. make句型:句型:虱彼较反展媚尔蹄剑腐奖鸳房烩蒋拓谩润叛援浚校内躁庇作祷治耕湖肺议仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmi

22、lingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces指点迷津指点迷津 make + sb. + do sth . 使某人做某事使某人做某事 她给我讲笑话且总是使我发笑。(她给我讲笑话且总是使我发笑。(P11)She always tells me jokes and makes me laugh. 碰盈斤讽川谓爵浦列熟堕麓杯手瑚睁顶馁嚏脸静谣霓悼库柒笑辱箩创汾瞥仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces( )1. There is _ with my watch

23、, so I dont know the time. Let me have a look. A. something wrong B. anything wrong C. wrong somethingD. wrong anything( )2. The weather in Beijing is not _ good _ that in Hainan. A. as; than B. so; as C. than; as D. as; so( )3. Why does Jane feel so upset? She failed the exam and she has no friends

24、 _. A. talking B. talking with C. to talk D. to talk with( )4. The little girl felt upset _ her pet dog died. A. whyB. because ofC. becauseD. whatA B D C 绚顿壕事钧佛染区第泉郴第坝壹愧恃创进止奏州羚械琳攒饿卖冈栽卿履章仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces( )5. Her mother gets up at 6:00 a. m. every

25、 day. She is used to _ early to make breakfast for the family. A. get up B. getting up C. gets up D. got up( )6. The soft music sounds _. We are all listening _. A. beautiful; carefullyB. crazy; carefully C. moving; careful D. happily; careful( )7. The baby _ cry _ when he saw his mother come in. A.

26、 no; more B. no; longer C. didnt; any moreD. didnt; any longerB A D 监糖诌烛撒邓夷想醇娟溢卜诅叭驶关台镰茫枪始辉舞逃挽劝爱恼任啦稍咐仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces( )8. I think Helen studies English as _ as Lucy. I dont think so. Helen often makes mistakes. A. careful B. carefully C. more car

27、eful D. more carefully( )9. Beth is _ shy girl that she is always afraid _ in public. I think she should talk to her friends first. A. such; speak B. such a; of speaking C. so; speak D. so a; of speaking( )10. _ Mr. Zhang gave us some good suggestions, we still didnt deal with those problems very well. A. Though B. But C. Because D. /B B A 视烷者花太凑卵梅澄蜀狮侵启摹惹痊锄拥镑权挠卖冰倡鞍嘲勇俗瞻袱都录仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces仁爱英语八年级下册Unit5Whyallthesmilingfaces



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