高中英语 1.3练习课件 外研版必修1 (陕西专版)

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1、Section Pronunciation,Speaking,Writing,Everyday English and Function & Cultural CornerStep One:Fast readingScan the text (P9) and choose the best answer.1Rob Marshall wrote the letter to_.Afind a chance to go to collegeBenjoy his long winter holidayCtake part in as many school activities as possible

2、Dtell information about the American school system答案:答案:D2In which month neednt Rob Marshall go to school?AApril.BJune.COctober. DDecember.答案:答案:BStep Two:Detail readingRead the passage on P9 and tell the following statements True (T) or False (F)1Those who want to go to college need a high school d

3、iploma.()2The summer vacation is from January to May in the US.()3There are many kinds of afterschool activities in the American schools.()4Rob Marshall often plays tennis after school.()5American students usually study for seven years before they go to college.()答案:答案:1.T2.F3.T4.F5.Fencouragement (

4、课文原句文原句P5)n.激励;鼓励激励;鼓励He received a lot of encouragement from his teacher.老老师给了他很多鼓励。了他很多鼓励。Her words were a great encouragement to them.她的她的话对他他们是极大的鼓舞。是极大的鼓舞。encourage vt.鼓励;鼓舞鼓励;鼓舞encourage sb.to do鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事 His success encouraged me to have a try.他的成功激励着我去他的成功激励着我去尝试。1.完成句子完成句子他的成功他的成功对我我们来

5、来说是个极大的激励。是个极大的激励。His success_ _ _ _to us.老老师鼓励我出国留学。鼓励我出国留学。The teacher_ _ _study abroad.答案:答案:was a great encouragementencouraged me todisappointed adj.失望的失望的(课文原句文原句P5)I was a bit disappointedshe explained everything in English.我有些失望,她全部是用英我有些失望,她全部是用英语解解释的。的。We were disappointed to find the muse

6、um closed.看到博物看到博物馆已已经关关门,我,我们感到很沮感到很沮丧。She was disappointed at losing the race.比比赛输了,她很沮了,她很沮丧。I am afraid youre very disappointed with me (my bike)恐怕你恐怕你对我我(我的我的车)非常不非常不满意吧。意吧。(3)to ones disappointment令某人失望的是令某人失望的是 The holiday was very disappointing.这个假日很令人失望。个假日很令人失望。His behaviour disappointed m

7、e.他的行他的行为令我失望。令我失望。2.完成句子完成句子他没有通他没有通过考考试,这令人令人扫兴的消息的消息让他感到非常失望。他感到非常失望。The_news that he failed the exam made him very_.他的他的样子子变得使我得使我们大大为失望。失望。We_ _ _ _the change in his appearance.令我失望的是,我没通令我失望的是,我没通过驾驶考考试。_ _ _,I didnt pass my driving test.答案:答案:disappointing;disappointedwere all disappointed ab

8、outTo my disappointmentdisappear vi.消失,不消失,不见(课文原句文原句P8)The smell disappeared quite quickly,but I still remember it.气味很快就消失了,但是我仍然能气味很快就消失了,但是我仍然能记住。住。I can never find a pen in this house.They disappear as soon as I buy them.我在家里从来找不到一支笔。每次我一我在家里从来找不到一支笔。每次我一买来就不翼而来就不翼而飞。David watched her car until

9、it disappeared from view.戴戴维一直望着她的一直望着她的车,直到它消失在,直到它消失在视线外。外。appear v出出现;到达;看上去;到达;看上去(系系动词 )The manager promised to come by 800,but hasnt appeared yet.经理答理答应八点八点钟来,但至今来,但至今还没有出没有出现。Li Lei appeared sad when I met him.我遇我遇见李雷李雷时,他看上去很,他看上去很伤心。心。3.完成句子完成句子Her nervousness_ _(迅速消失迅速消失) once she was on s

10、tage.答案:答案:quickly disappearedcover vt.(1)覆盖,包括覆盖,包括(课文原句文原句P9)Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years,grades six to twelve.美国中学通常包括六到十二年美国中学通常包括六到十二年级这七个年七个年级。The mountain is covered with snow all the year round.山上山上终年覆盖年覆盖积雪。雪。(2)走走过一段路程一段路程They stopped for the night after covering 2

11、00 li.走了两百里之后,他走了两百里之后,他们停下来准停下来准备过夜。夜。(3)占地占地(面面积)The park covers an area of 1,000 square meters.这个公园占地个公园占地1 000平方米。平方米。(4)(钱)够用用Will 10,000 dollars cover the bill?1万美元足万美元足够付付账吗?(5)报道;道;对进行采行采访Who will be sent to cover the event?将派将派谁去采去采访这事?事?4.Mr Sampson plans to write a dictionary which will_t

12、he new words that have appeared in the past few years.Aspell BpronounceCcorrect Dcover解析:解析:cover在此的意思为包括。句意为:在此的意思为包括。句意为:Mr Sampson计划计划编写一本囊括最近几年出现的新词汇的词典。编写一本囊括最近几年出现的新词汇的词典。spell拼写;拼写;pronounce发音;发音;correct改正。改正。答案:答案:Ddivide.into. 把把分成分成(课文原句文原句P9)The school year is divided into two semesters,t

13、he first of which is September through December,and the second January through May.一学年分一学年分为两个学期,第一学期从两个学期,第一学期从9月份月份到到12月份,第二学期从月份,第二学期从1月份到月份到5月份。月份。US is divided into fifty states.美国被划分美国被划分为五十个州。五十个州。I divided the class into five groups to have a discussion.我把班我把班级分成分成5个小个小组进行分行分组讨论。辨析:辨析:divide

14、与与separatedivide侧重于把一个整体分成若干部侧重于把一个整体分成若干部分,常和分,常和into连用连用separate侧重于把原来连在一起或靠近侧重于把原来连在一起或靠近的人或物分开,常和的人或物分开,常和from连用连用England is separated from France by the English Channel.英法两国之英法两国之间隔着英吉利海峡。隔着英吉利海峡。5.完成句子完成句子请把把这个苹果分成两半。个苹果分成两半。Please_the apple_two halves.答案:答案:divide;into6The tourists were_three

15、 groups to visit the museum.Adivided into Bdivided fromCseparated into Dseparated from解析:解析:divide表示把一个整体分成若干份,表示把一个整体分成若干份,separate指把相邻的指把相邻的两个物体分开。句意为两个物体分开。句意为“旅游者被分成三组参观博物馆。旅游者被分成三组参观博物馆。”答案:答案:Atake part in参加参加(课文原句文原句P9)I take part in all kinds of afterschool activities.我参加各种我参加各种课外活外活动We shou

16、ld take an active part in social activities during summer holidays.我我们在暑假期在暑假期间应积极参加社会活极参加社会活动。All the students took part in the game.所有的学生都参加了所有的学生都参加了这次比次比赛。(3)attend参加会参加会议、典礼、婚礼、上学、听、典礼、婚礼、上学、听讲座、听座、听报告、听告、听音音乐会等会等 Our school held a sports meeting and many students took part.我我们学校学校举行运行运动会,有很多学生

17、参加了。会,有很多学生参加了。He joined us in the discussion yesterday.他昨天参加了我他昨天参加了我们的的讨论。I cant wait to join the army.我迫不及待要入伍从我迫不及待要入伍从军。Must I attend the meeting?非要我参加会?非要我参加会议吗?7.The Olympic Games_liked by almost everyone in the world.Thats why more and more countries decided_the Olympics.Ais;to join Bare;to

18、joinCis;to take part in Dare;to take part in解析:解析:the Olympic Games作主语,谓语动词用复数。作主语,谓语动词用复数。“参参加活动加活动”应用应用take part in。答案:答案:D8Well go out for a walk after supper.Will you_us?Ajoin Bjoin inCtake part Dtake part in解析:解析:此题此题join us意为加入我们,和我们一起,意为加入我们,和我们一起,后省略了后省略了in the walk。答案:答案:A.because you can k

19、eep quiet if you want to. 因因为如果你愿意,你可以保持安静。如果你愿意,你可以保持安静。if you want to后省略了后省略了keep quiet。为避免重复,避免重复,动词不定式在不定式在like,want等等动词后作后作宾语时:(1)省略省略to后后边的的动词部分,保留符号部分,保留符号to。(2)to后有后有be或助或助动词have时,保留,保留to be或或to have Did you go to see the Great Wall?你去看?你去看长城了城了吗?I wanted to,but I was too busy.我本来想去的,但我太忙了。我

20、本来想去的,但我太忙了。Dont do anything until your father tells you to.除非你父除非你父亲叫你去做,否叫你去做,否则不要做任何事情。不要做任何事情。Are you a teacher?你是老?你是老师吗?No,but I used to be.不,但我以前是。不,但我以前是。9.Whats the matter with Della?Well,her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party,but she still_.Ahopes to Bhopes soChopes not Dhopes fo

21、r解析:解析:为避免重复,为避免重复,hopes to后省略了后省略了go to the party。答案:答案:AOh really?So have I. 真的真的吗?我也是。?我也是。So have I是一个常用的句型,是一个常用的句型,该句型的句型的结构构为“So助助动词(情情态动词或或be动词)另一主另一主语”,是倒装,是倒装结构,表示另一主构,表示另一主语与前面一句中的主与前面一句中的主语做了相同的做了相同的动作或作或处于相同的状于相同的状态,用于肯定句。,用于肯定句。Im a teacher,and so is my husband.我是个教我是个教师,我丈夫也是。,我丈夫也是。H

22、e has finished his homework,and so have I.他完成了作他完成了作业,我也完成了。,我也完成了。If you go to school early tomorrow,so shall I.如果明天你上学早,我也早去。如果明天你上学早,我也早去。(1)neither/norbe动词(助助动词、情、情态动词)另一主另一主语。这一一主主谓语倒装倒装结构表示另一主构表示另一主语与前面叙述的主与前面叙述的主语的情况有着相的情况有着相同的否定概念。同的否定概念。(2)so it is/was with另一主另一主语或者或者It is/was the same with

23、另另一主一主语。这种种结构表示另一主构表示另一主语的情况与前面所叙述的情况相的情况与前面所叙述的情况相同,既可用于肯定,也可用于否定,同,既可用于肯定,也可用于否定,陈述两种或两种以上的情述两种或两种以上的情况。况。(3)so同一主同一主语be动词(助助动词、情、情态动词)。此。此结构表示构表示说话人人对前面或前面或对方所方所说的情况的的情况的赞同或同或证实 I havent seen the film,nor/neither has Tom.我未看我未看过这部影片,部影片,汤姆也没看姆也没看过。I like English but I cant study it well.我喜我喜欢英英语但

24、学不好。但学不好。So it is with my brother.我弟弟也是。我弟弟也是。It is very hot today.今天天气真今天天气真热。So it is.是啊,的确很是啊,的确很热。10.If you dont go there,_.Aso will I Bneither do ICneither will I Dso do I解析:解析:考查倒装结构。句意为:如果你不去,我也不去。考查倒装结构。句意为:如果你不去,我也不去。neither表表示否定,示否定,so表示肯定;而表示肯定;而if条件句中用一般现在时表示将来时,故主条件句中用一般现在时表示将来时,故主句应是将来

25、时。句应是将来时。答案:答案:C11Do you know why Joe was angry with Jim?I dont know._.ANor dont I care BNor do I careCI dont care neither DI dont care also解析:解析:A、C两项用词有重复现象,两项用词有重复现象,nor和和neither含有否定意思,故否含有否定意思,故否定句中不再用。定句中不再用。D项中项中also不对。正确答案为不对。正确答案为B项,表示项,表示“某人也不某人也不。”用用Nor或或Neitherdo/be/have/情态动词主语。情态动词主语。答案:

26、答案:B12John missed the first bus and was late for work today.Oh,_.Aso was Mary Bso did MaryCit is the same with Mary Dit is the same to Mary解析:解析:本题考查混合不同谓语动词形式的本题考查混合不同谓语动词形式的“也也”表达。表达。由于句中有两个谓语动词由于句中有两个谓语动词missed和和was,不能使用,不能使用“so倒装倒装句句”,而要改用,而要改用It is the same with.。或。或So it is/was with.。答案:答案:C13

27、David has made great progress recently._,and_.ASo he has;so you have BSo he has;so have youCSo has he;so have you DSo has he;so you have解析:解析:“So主语情态动词主语情态动词/助动词助动词/系动词系动词”结构表示对结构表示对上文的肯定,上文的肯定,“他确实如此他确实如此”;“So情态动词情态动词/助动词主语助动词主语”表示表示“也一样也一样”。答案:答案:B.单词拼写单词拼写1More than 70% of the surface of the eart

28、h is c_with water.答案:答案:covered2A t_is a boy or girl aged from thirteen to nineteen.答案:答案:teenager3The teacher gave us away high school d_at the graduation.答案:答案:diplomas4You have to enter some information before entering this_(系系统)答案:答案: system5The sun soon_(消失消失) behind a cloud.答案:答案: disappeared6

29、He worked as an_(助手助手) to the President.答案:答案: assistant.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1The teachers_(encourage) made him work harder.答案:答案: encouragement2I have made several_(correct) to your report.答案:答案: corrections3_(fluent) in English is required for this job.答案:答案: Fluency4He was_(disappoint)

30、at the result of the game.答案:答案: disappointed5My daughter gets a lot of_(enjoy) from reading.答案:答案: enjoyment6A_(understand) was the beginning of their quarrel.答案:答案: misunderstanding.短语翻译短语翻译1feel _ about.感到做某事的快感到做某事的快乐2at the _ of 在在开始的开始的时候,在开候,在开头3more _ one 不止一个不止一个4be disappointed _对感到失望感到失望5

31、be _ into 被被(划划)分成分成goodbeginning/startthanat/about/withdivided6_ oneself 玩得开心玩得开心7go _ college 去上大学去上大学8take _ in 参加参加enjoytopart.完成句子完成句子1汤姆和他父姆和他父亲在相貌上很相似。在相貌上很相似。Tom_ _ _his father_ appearance.答案:答案:is similar to;in2当她当她进教室教室时,脸上挂着上挂着灿烂的微笑。的微笑。When she came into the classroom,she_ _ _ _on her fa

32、ce.答案:答案: had a big smile3我学我学习非常努力。我同桌也是非常努力。我同桌也是这样。I work hard at my lessons._ _my deskmate.答案:答案: So does4高一期高一期间我我们每两周参加一次每两周参加一次课外活外活动。We_ _ _afterschool activities_ _ _during Senior 1.答案:答案: take part in;once two weeks5你昨天没有参加会你昨天没有参加会议,怎么回事呢?,怎么回事呢?对不起,我病了。不起,我病了。_ _ _possible that you didnt attend the meeting yesterday?Sorry.I was ill.答案:答案: How was it6我有两本我有两本词典,典,较厚的那一本包括了厚的那一本包括了许多新多新词汇。I have two dictionaries,_ _ _ _ _many new expressions.答案:答案: the thicker of which covers练规范、练技能、练速度



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