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1、1大约在五世纪左右,日耳曼族入侵英格兰岛,主要有盎大约在五世纪左右,日耳曼族入侵英格兰岛,主要有盎格鲁、撒克逊、朱特这三个族群。他们的方言发展成古格鲁、撒克逊、朱特这三个族群。他们的方言发展成古英语。古英语又受到了说英语。古英语又受到了说Old NorseOld Norse的斯堪地那维亚入侵的斯堪地那维亚入侵者影响。古英语内部的发展朝着简化词形变化的方向在者影响。古英语内部的发展朝着简化词形变化的方向在走,而走,而Old NorseOld Norse更加速了这个过程,特别是北方的方言。更加速了这个过程,特别是北方的方言。Around the Fifth century or so, islan

2、d of Germanic invasion of England, notably the Anglo, Saxon, Zhu-these three ethnic groups. Their dialects developed into old English. Old English also has been said that Viacoms invasion in Old Norse of Scandinavian influence. Internal development of simplified spelling changes in the direction of

3、English, and Old Norse has accelerated this process, especially the dialects in the North. 2Middle English and modern English during the Renaissance, English evolved into Middle English, in the 15th century, through vowel change, further evolved into what is called the English in modern English. Has

4、 been absorbing foreign words in English, and until today it is the same, especially Latin, Greece language. Due to this, modern English can be said to be the worlds largest vocabulary of the language. 中古英语与近代英语在文艺复兴时期,英语进化成中古英中古英语与近代英语在文艺复兴时期,英语进化成中古英语,在十五世纪,由於元音大改变,英语更进一步进化语,在十五世纪,由於元音大改变,英语更进一步进化

5、成所谓的近代英语。英语一直在吸收外来词汇,直至现成所谓的近代英语。英语一直在吸收外来词汇,直至现今亦是如此,特别是拉丁语、希腊语。由於如此,现今今亦是如此,特别是拉丁语、希腊语。由於如此,现今英语可以说是世界上最多字汇的语言。英语可以说是世界上最多字汇的语言。34501100Old English11001500Middle English1500Modern English4u Before Christ, the Celts inhabited Before Christ, the Celts inhabited Britain.Britain.基督以前,凯尔特人居住在英国。基督以前,凯尔

6、特人居住在英国。u In the 5th and 6th Centuries A.D. In the 5th and 6th Centuries A.D. the Germanic tribes came to the the Germanic tribes came to the land, and they formed the Anglo-land, and they formed the Anglo-Saxons society.Saxons society.在第五和第六世纪公元的日耳曼部落来在第五和第六世纪公元的日耳曼部落来的土地,他们形成了盎格鲁撒克逊人的社会。的土地,他们形成了盎

7、格鲁撒克逊人的社会。u Together they bring their Germanic Together they bring their Germanic languagelanguage,which gradually replaced which gradually replaced Celts own language .Celts own language .他们一起把日耳曼语言,它逐渐他们一起把日耳曼语言,它逐渐代替了凯尔特人的语言代替了凯尔特人的语言。5 ChristianityChristianity religion enriched religion enriched

8、 English with 400 to 500 words English with 400 to 500 words from Greek and Latin.from Greek and Latin.基督教宗教丰富英语基督教宗教丰富英语以以400到到500个希腊和拉丁词。个希腊和拉丁词。 Such as ancor (anchor), flasce Such as ancor (anchor), flasce (flask), mil(mile), papa, plante (flask), mil(mile), papa, plante (plant).(plant).如信息(锚),如

9、信息(锚),flasce(瓶),密耳(英里),(瓶),密耳(英里),爸爸,普兰特(植物)。爸爸,普兰特(植物)。6 After 1013 the Vikings After 1013 the Vikings dominated the land, and they also dominated the land, and they also brought new words most of which brought new words most of which begin with sk, such as sky, skin, skill begin with sk, such as s

10、ky, skin, skill and so on.and so on.经过经过1013维京人统治的土地,他们也带来了维京人统治的土地,他们也带来了新的话,其中大部分以新的话,其中大部分以sk开头,如天空,皮肤,技能等。开头,如天空,皮肤,技能等。7Here are some examples of old English:ic lufie 我爱我爱u lufast 你爱你爱he lufa 他爱他爱we lufia 我们爱我们爱 ic lufode 我爱过我爱过u lufodest 你爱过你爱过he lufode 他爱过他爱过we lufodon 我们爱过我们爱过 8u1066, Norman

11、s conquered England1066, Normans conquered England. 1066 诺曼人征服英格兰。诺曼人征服英格兰。uThe country now had three languages: French for the The country now had three languages: French for the nobles, Latin for the churches and English for the common nobles, Latin for the churches and English for the common peop

12、lepeople. . 现在国家有三种语言:贵族法语现在国家有三种语言:贵族法语,教堂拉丁语和平民百姓英语教堂拉丁语和平民百姓英语 。So French were usually used to describe the life in the upper So French were usually used to describe the life in the upper society. For example, Englishmen live in society. For example, Englishmen live in houses houses while while F

13、renchmen live in Frenchmen live in towerstowers.所以法国人通常用来形容上流社会的生活。例所以法国人通常用来形容上流社会的生活。例如,英国人住在房子里法国人生活在塔。如,英国人住在房子里法国人生活在塔。9lBritish English 1601lAmerican English 183110 After the second World War, Americas international status had been raised quickly. 第二次世界大战后,美国的国际地位提出了第二次世界大战后,美国的国际地位提出了快速快速The

14、economic base determines the superstructure, so American English soon came up from behind.经济上的基础决定上部结构,所以美国英语不久迎头赶上。经济上的基础决定上部结构,所以美国英语不久迎头赶上。 The European renaissance and the printing press brought many new words from Latin and Greek.欧洲欧洲新生和印刷机从拉丁语和希腊带来很多新词。新生和印刷机从拉丁语和希腊带来很多新词。 Today we still borro

15、w from Latin and Greek to name new inventions, like video, television and cyberspace.今天我们仍今天我们仍借从拉丁文和希腊文名称的新发明,像视频、借从拉丁文和希腊文名称的新发明,像视频、 电视和网络空间。电视和网络空间。11British English American English 没有没有havent gotdont have不得不做某事不得不做某事have got to do sthhave to do sth提价提价put up prices raise prices上上课get on a coursetake a course1213



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