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1、Unit 9Unit 9I like music that I can I like music that I can dance to.dance to.Section B 2c Self Check 九年级英语 新目标 人The man is Abing. He was a folk musician. He wrote many pieces of beautiful music. He was born in Wuxi in 1893. Which piece of his music is the most famous? 1I was _ by a piece of music n

2、amed Erquan Yingyue.The music was strangely beautiful .2Abing lived a very _ life.3Abings musical skills made him very _.Para. Read again and complete the chart.movedpoorpopularMain ideaSupporting detailsStrangely beautifulbeautifulAbing played music (that/who) could touch the hearts of people. When

3、 we listen to his music, we can _ both the beauty and the sadness in it. It makes us think about the _ and _ (that/who) we have experienced in the past. For this reason, many people _ him as the musician (that/who) has greatly influenced erhu music. So it is really a _ that not many pieces of his mu

4、sic were recorded. Circle that or who and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.painwoundssensepitypraisesensepainwoundspraisepity Student A is a foreign visitor who is interested in Abing and his music. Student B is a Chinese student who knows about Abing. Use the information in the passage

5、to make a conversation.A: What kind of musical instruments did Abing play?B: He could play many instruments, but he is best known for playing the erhu.教材解教材解读1.The piece had a simple name,Erquan Yingyue (Moon Reflected on Second Spring),but it was one of the most moving pieces of music that Ive ever

6、 heard. “one of the +形容形容词或副或副词最高最高级+名名词复数复数”意意为“最最之一之一”。that引引导的是的是定定语从句从句,pieces of music为先行先行词,先先行行词有形容有形容词的最高的最高级the most moving修修饰,关系代关系代词只能只能够使用使用that。This is one of the most interesting basketball games that I have ever seen.这是我所看是我所看过的最有趣的最有趣的一的一场篮球球赛。2.The music was written by Abing,a folk

7、musician who was born in the city of Wuxi in 1893. 本句采用了本句采用了一般一般过去去时的被的被动结构构;who引引导的的who was born in the city of Wuxi in 1893是定是定语从句从句,修修饰先行先行词a folk musician;be born in表示表示“出生于出生于”。The book was written by Mo Yan,a writer who was born in Shandong.这本本书是莫言写的是莫言写的,出生出生于山于山东的一名作家。的一名作家。3.Even after Abi

8、ng got married and had a home again,he continued to sing and play on the streets. get married结婚。婚。get married to sb.嫁嫁给某人某人;跟某跟某人人结婚。婚。get married为短短暂性性动作作,不能接一段不能接一段时间。He didnt get married when I knew him.我我认识他他时,他他还没有没有结婚。婚。【辨析辨析】marry,be married,get married (1)marry可作及物可作及物动词或不及物或不及物动词。它用作及物。它用作及

9、物动词时,意意为“嫁嫁给(marryto),娶娶(marry sb),和和结婚婚(marry sb)”。它用作不及物。它用作不及物动词时,意意为“结婚婚”,常有状常有状语修修饰。Im going to marry John.我要和我要和约翰翰结婚了。婚了。They married their daughter to a teacher.他他们把他把他们的女儿嫁的女儿嫁给了一位老了一位老师。He married late.他他结婚很晚。婚很晚。 【注意注意】表示表示“和某人和某人结婚婚”用用marry sb或或be married to sb,后面不可以用介后面不可以用介词with。He mar

10、ried my cousin.=He was married to my cousin.她和我的表妹她和我的表妹结了了婚。婚。(2)be married和和get married表示表示“结婚婚(已婚已婚)”。当表示当表示结婚已有一段婚已有一段时间时不用不用get married/marry(短短暂性性),要用延要用延续性的性的be married。 They have been married for ten years.他他们已已经结婚十年了。婚十年了。We got married in May,2013.我我们在在2013年年5月月结的的婚。婚。4.It is a pity that o

11、nly six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear,but his popularity continues to this day. It作形式主作形式主语的句型的句型:It+be+(冠冠词+)名名词 +that从从句句。可用于。可用于该句型的有句型的有a pity,a shame,a fact,an honor,a good thing,good news等。等。It is a good idea that we go and see our grandparents this weeken

12、d.这个周末去看望我个周末去看望我们的祖父母是个好主意。的祖父母是个好主意。What kind of music or movies do you like best? What is your favorite song / movie? Make notes in the chart below.Favorite kind of musicWhy I like this kind of music /movieFavorite song/movieWhy I like this kind of music/movieHow this song/movie makes me feelWhy

13、I think others should listen to/watch this song/movie Use your notes to write an article for a newspaper or magazine to tell people about your favorite kind of music/movie and your favorite song/movie.My favorite kind of music/movie isI like. BecauseIt was by.When I listen to/watch it, I feelI think

14、 you should listen to/watch it too because .Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. plenty of suppose war electronic actor spare1.The comedy has _ dialogs which are very humorous.2. Since you prefer music that is relaxing, I dont _ you would want to buy this _ music CD.plenty ofsupposeelectron

15、ic3. Christmas is a time for spreading joy, so you should some_ time to spend with your family and friends.4. Although he is an _ who does not have much experience, he did an excellent job in the new_ film.spareactorwarFill in the blanks with who or that/which. More than one answer may be possible.A

16、: Hi, Cindy! Would you like to see Sky High in 2050 this weekend?B: Hmmno, I dont think movies _ try to describe the future are very interesting. Could we see City Danger instead?A: You mean, the new police story _ was filmed in five countries?that/whichthat/which B : Yes, thats the one. The actor _

17、 plays the hero used to be a school teacher! A: OK, sure. It sounds like something _we both will enjoy!that/whothatComplete the sentences about yourself.1. I dont like music_.2. I enjoy spending time in places_. 3. I have friends_.4. I like movie stars_.that is too loud which are interesting who sha

18、re the same hobby with mewho are beautiful.用方框中所用方框中所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空master,reflect,recall,praise,lifetime1.The mountains in the river.They are very beautiful. 2.Its very important for us a second language. 3.The sad beauty makes people their wounds from their experiences. 4.Abings musical skills ma

19、de him very popular in his . 5.Jack helped his classmates.And his teacher him yesterday. Exercises:the end-of-class testreflectto masterrecalllifetimepraised.根据根据汉语意思完成句子意思完成句子1.他的他的计划以划以彻底失底失败告告终。His plan ended failure. 2.我我们这周末去看周末去看电影是一个好主意。影是一个好主意。we go to a movie this weekend. 3.他父他父亲的死使他很悲痛。的死

20、使他很悲痛。The death of his father gave him. 4.我不我不认识这个新个新单词。咱。咱们查一下字典吧。一下字典吧。I dont know the new word.Lets in the dictionary. 5.这位位战士在士在战斗中两斗中两处受受伤。The solider got two. in totalIt is a good idea thatmuch painlook it upwounds in the warHomework 假如你叫假如你叫Li Ming,是一名中学生是一名中学生,经常收听由英国主持人常收听由英国主持人Philip主持的音主持的音乐节目。目。请根据内容要点提示根据内容要点提示,用英用英语给主主持人写一封信。持人写一封信。内容要点内容要点:1.你很喜你很喜欢这个个节目目,特特别是是节目播放歌目播放歌词很棒的英很棒的英语歌曲。歌曲。 2.你学你学习很忙很忙,疲疲劳时,会打开收音机听会打开收音机听这个个节目。目。 3.从从节目中你学到了很多新目中你学到了很多新单词。 4.告告诉他你最喜他你最喜欢什么什么类型的音型的音乐,请他帮你介他帮你介绍一些相一些相关的歌手和关的歌手和CD。要求要求:1.意思意思连贯,符合符合逻辑,书信格式正确。信格式正确。 2.不要直接翻不要直接翻译内容提示。内容提示。



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