科技论文写作:04 - Elsevier中国科技论文写作培训

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《科技论文写作:04 - Elsevier中国科技论文写作培训》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《科技论文写作:04 - Elsevier中国科技论文写作培训(206页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、How to Write a World Class PaperFrom title to referencesFrom submission to revision OutlinesCurrent status of Chinese articlesWhy do scientists publish?What is a good manuscript?How to write a good manuscript for an international journalPreparations before startingConstruction of an articleTechnical

2、 detailsRevision, and response to reviewersEthical issuesConclusion: what gets you accepted?Appendix: Language2Current status of Chinese articlesWhy do scientists publish?What is a good manuscript?How to write a good manuscript for an international journalPreparations before startingConstruction of

3、an articleTechnical detailsRevision, and response to reviewersEthical issuesConclusion: what gets you accepted?3Current status of Chinese articlesHigh quantity exponential growth since 1999Low quality China is at 70% of world average4Comparison: China and US acceptance rates for Elsevier journals 20

4、0520062007(Jan. Jun.)Number of submissionsRate of acceptanceNumber of submissionsRate of acceptanceNumber of submissionsRate of acceptanceChina25,696 (14%)*24%59,161 (15%)*26%40,333 (15%)*24%US35,973 (20%)*58%62,775 (16%)*55%43,784 (17%)*51%Total189,34342%386,55740%261,86738%Selection of Elsevier Ed

5、itorial Outflow Statistics* Number of submissions from the country / Total number of submissions Elsevier received. 5One reason of the explosion in quantity: Publication is the most important measure for researchers in China Number of publications Number of publications in international journals Num

6、ber of publications included by EI, SCI Impact factor of the journal in which an article is published 6High submissions + Low quality STRESS for editors and reviewers Editors and reviewers are the most precious resource of a journal!Editors and reviewers are practicing scientists, even leaders in th

7、eir fields. They are not professional journal staff they do journal work on the side of their own research, writing and teaching.They are busy people who work for journals to contribute to science.Editors may receive a small payment, but reviewers are UNPAID. 7An international editor says“A great de

8、al of excellent research is submitted from China.”“I have encountered the following serious issues on an occasional basis (but more often than I would like)”Multiple submission of the same manuscript to two or more journalsSubmission of a paper already published in ChinesePlagiarism (especially of s

9、mall parts of a paper)”“The following problems appear much too frequently”Submission of papers which are clearly out of scopeFailure to format the paper according to the Guide for AuthorsInappropriate (or no) suggested reviewersInadequate response to reviewersInadequate standard of EnglishResubmissi

10、on of rejected manuscripts without revision Paul Haddad, Editor, Journal of Chromatography A8and our publishing advice is as follows:Submit to the right journal (scope and prestige)Submit to one journal onlyDo not submit “salami” articlePay attention to journal requirementsPay attention to structure

11、Check the English9Current status of Chinese articlesWhy do scientists publish?What is a good manuscript?How to write a good manuscript for an international journalPreparations before startingConstruction of an articleTechnical detailsRevision, and response to reviewersEthical issuesConclusion: what

12、gets you accepted?10What is your personal reason for publishing?However, editors, reviewers, and the research community dont care about these reasons. ?Get promoted?Get funding?PhD or Ms degree?11Scientists publish to share with the science COMMUNITY something that advances, not repeats, knowledge a

13、nd understanding in a certain field. “In determining the suitability of submitted articles for publication, particular scrutiny will be placed on the degree of novelty and significance of the research and the extent to which it adds to existing knowledge in separation science.” Aims and Scope, Journ

14、al of Chromatography AExampleWhy should scientists publish?12 Thomas H. Adair, Professor, University of MississippiPublish or Perish? “There are three necessary steps in useful research: the first to begin it, the second to end it and the third to publish it.” M. FaradayBeing published Immortality!1

15、3Your paper is worthless if no one reads, uses, or cites it “A research study is meaningful only if someone else uses it in his/her studies. For this to happen a paper has to be written in a way that arouses other scientists interest and allows others to reproduce the results. Only an understandable

16、 study can be reproduced. Only a reproducible work enables others to follow the lead. The number of scientists following the lead is a measure of the impact of a research study. Thus, in a way, a research study has to make a sale to other scientists.” ZHOU Yaoqi, Professor. Indiana University School

17、 of Informatics, IUPUI http:/sparks.informatics.iupui.edu 14Even high impact factor journals have articles that get no citation or very low downloadsArticles with low downloadsSelection from the Full-text usage report: Cell, articles published in 2005 (2007.6)Example15Non-cited papers in high IF jou

18、rnalsCitations of the Articles published in Cell at the year of 2005. (2007.6)Example16Editors now regularly analyze citations per article. “The statistic that 27% of our papers were not cited in 5 years was disconcerting. It certainly indicates that it is important to maintain high standards when a

19、ccepting papers. nothing would have been lost except the CVs of those authors would have been shorter” Marv Bauer, Editor, Remote Sensing of EnvironmentArticles will increasingly be checked on originality and relevance. Acceptance will get even harder. Journal publishers do not want zero-cited artic

20、les17A journal is the gateway to a COMMUNITY of researchers with a common interest.Journals are the prime carrier of scholarly communication. New research relies on relevant informationJournal Editors + Reviewers + Authors + Readers A community of scientists You paper is your passport to your commun

21、ity18Editors and reviewers invest time in considering, revising, and editing your paper; Researchers invest time in exploring your ideas and findings;Publishers invest time and resources organizing the review process, and building reviewing systemsWhen you submit a paper, many people invest in you.1

22、9QUALITY and VALUE is at the heart of the scholarly communication system. Journals do not want:Reports of no scientific interestWork out of dateDuplications of previously published workIncorrect/unacceptable conclusions“Salami” papers: datasets too small to be meaningful “Just because it has not bee

23、n done before is no justification for doing it now. ” Peter Attiwill, Editor-in-Chief, Forest Ecology and ManagementIs your paper worth peoples time?20Current status of Chinese articlesWhy do scientists publish?What is a good manuscript?How to write a good manuscript for an international journalPrep

24、arations before startingConstruction of an articleTechnical detailsRevision, and response to reviewersEthical issuesConclusion: what gets you accepted?21Content is essentialContains a scientific message that is clear, useful, and excitingPresentation is criticalConveys the authors thoughts in a logi

25、cal manner such that the reader arrives at the same conclusions as the author Constructed in the format that best showcases the authors material, and written in a style that transmits the message clearly “Good science deserves good presentation, not the sloppy accounts I read too often.” Peter Throw

26、er, Editor-in-chief, CarbonWriting a Scientific Paper: I. Titles and Abstracts, Carbon (2007), doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2007.07.009A good manuscript leads readers to scientific significance immediately.22Work hard to satisfy readers expectations.What readers want “The potential readers of your paper hav

27、e a diverse level of expertise in your fieldthe paper should be written simply enough to make it understandable and reproducible by graduate students and deep enough to attract the interests of experts.”“All scientists (students or their advisors) are usually very busy. They usually hope to find the

28、 most important information in a paper very quickly.it is important to write a well-structured (linked) paper that allows readers to search for information quickly.”“In addition, a paper will be widely cited/used only if its significance can be understood without much effort. Letting readers to find

29、 things where they expect to find is the key to the clarity of a paper. ”ZHOU Yaoqi, professor, Indiana University School of Informatics, IUPUI http:/sparks.informatics.iupui.edu/Publications_files/write-english.pdf 23Current status of Chinese articlesWhy do scientists publish?What is a good manuscr

30、ipt?How to write a good manuscript for an international journalPreparations before startingConstruction of an articleTechnical detailsRevision, and response to reviewersEthical issuesConclusion: what gets you accepted?24How to write a good manuscript for an international journalPreparations before s

31、tartingConstruction of an articleTechnical details251. Check the originality of your idea at the very beginning of your research.Have you done something new and interesting?Is there anything challenging in your work?Is the work directly related to a current hot topic?Have you provided solutions to a

32、ny difficult problems? If all answers are “yes”, then start preparing your manuscript.26TRACK the latest results regularly in your field. New and relevant articles get published all the time. “Save as Alert”: Remind yourself about the new findings.Example272. Decide the type of your manuscriptFull a

33、rticles/Original articles: the most important papers; often substantial, completed pieces of research that are of significance. Letters/Rapid Communications/Short communications: usually published for quick and early communication of significant and original advances; much shorter than full articles

34、 (usually strictly limited). Review papers/perspectives: summarize recent developments on a specific topic; highlight important points that have been previously reported and introduce no new information; often submitted on invitation. 28Self-evaluate your work: Is it sufficient for a full article? O

35、r are your results so thrilling that they need to be shown as soon as possible?Ask your supervisor and colleagues for advice on manuscript type. Sometimes outsiders see things more clearly than you. 2. Decide the type of your manuscript293. Who is your audience? “One seldom writes for oneself. it is

36、 of great importance to identify the sector of readership for which a paper is meant. A paper written in abstruse mathematical language cannot be appreciated by the practical engineer who is interested in acquiring something for immediate use. On the other hand, for a scientific conference, a paper

37、written in the style of a practicum would probably put the author to disgrace.” Mooson Kwauk, Academician, Chinese academy of Sciences30Topics of local or national relevance are sometimes not interesting for an international audience. Can you distinguish a trend in these articles that do NOT get cit

38、ed? Example314. Choose the right journalInvestigate all candidate journals to find out:Aims and scopeTypes of articlesReadershipCurrent hot topics (go through recent abstracts)ExampleExample32You must get help from your supervisor or colleagues. Chase them if necessary. Articles in your references w

39、ill likely lead you to the right journal. DO NOT gamble by scattering your manuscript to many journals. Only submit once! International ethics standards prohibit multiple/simultaneous submissions, and editors DO find out!4. Choose the right journal335. Read the Guide for Authors! Again and again!App

40、ly the Guide for Authors to your manuscript, even to the first draft (text layout, paper citation, nomenclature, figures and table, etc.). It will save your time, and the editors. All editors hate wasting time on poorly prepared manuscripts. It is a sign of desrespect.Example34“Guide for Authors” of

41、ten contains useful instructions on scientific writing. “ 6 Introduction The Introduction summarizes the rationale for the study and gives a concise background. Use references to provide the most salient background rather than an exhaustive review. The last sentence should concisely state your purpo

42、se for carrying out the study (not methods, results, or conclusion). 9 Results Emphasize or summarize only important observations. Simple data may be set forth in the text with no need for tables or figures. Give absolute values, not merely percentages, particularly for the control values. Present y

43、our results followed by (Table 1 or Figure 2). Do not write Table 1 shows that or Figure 2 demonstrated that. ” Author guidelines, Acta Pharmacologica SinicaExample35How to write a good manuscript for an international journalPreparations before startingConstruction of an articleTechnical details36Th

44、e general structure of a full articleTitleAuthorsAbstractKeywordsMain text (IMRAD)IntroductionMethodsResultsAnd Discussion (Conclusions)AcknowledgementsReferencesSupplementary materialMake them easy for indexing and searching! (informative, attractive, effective)Each has a distinct function. 37The p

45、rogression of the thematic scope of a paper: general particular generalHowever, we often write in the following order:Figures and tablesMethods, Results and DiscussionConclusions and IntroductionAbstract and title For example, if the discussion is insufficient, how can you objectively demonstrate th

46、e scientific significance of your work in the introduction?381. Title what the paper is broadly aboutA good title contains the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of the paper.Effective titlesIdentify the main issue of the paperBegin with the subject of the paperAre accurate,

47、 unambiguous, specific, and completeDo not contain infrequently-used abbreviationsAttract readers39the main issueExampleSpecific The title honestly reflects the subject matter of the paper.40Does the title give a full and honest indication of what is in the paper? “I recently received a paper whose

48、title indicated that it concerned the preparation of carbon nanoparticles as a filler for polymers. But this was not true! The authors had only examined one polymer Another recent submission had a title that told me that a material was synthesised in a gas pressure atmosphere. I had to read well int

49、o the experimental part of the paper before I learned that the atmosphere was argon! There was no indication of this in either the title or the abstract. What the author should have said was in high pressure argon.” Peter Thrower, Editor-in-chief, CarbonWriting a Scientific Paper: I. Titles and Abst

50、racts, Carbon (2007), doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2007.07.00941Keep a title short. Remove all uninformative phrases such as “studies on”, “the nature of”, etc. Preliminary observations on the effect of salinity on benthic community distribution within a estuarine system, in the North SeaEffect of salinity

51、on benthic distribution within the Scheldt estuary (North Sea)Example42Be specific Fabrication of carbon/CdS coaxial nanofibers displaying optical and electrical properties via electrospinning carbon “The title is nonsense. All materials have properties of all varieties. You could examine my hair fo

52、r its electrical and optical properties! You MUST be specific. I havent read the paper but I suspect there is something special about these properties, otherwise why would you be reporting them?” Peter Thrower, Editor-in-Chief, CarbonElectrospinning of carbon/CdS coaxial nanofibers with optical and

53、electrical properties432. Authors and Affiliations44Keep your name and affiliation consistentEx1. 欧阳钟灿欧阳钟灿 Standard: Ouyang Zhongcan (Ouyang Z. ), GB/T 16159-1996. 汉语拼音正词法基本规则OUYANG Zhong-can (Ouyang Z.C.), 中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范 Following are also found in literature: Ou-yang Zhong-can, Ouyang Zhong-

54、can, Ou-Yang Zhongcan, Ouyang, Z.C, Zhongcan Ouyang, Zhong-can Ou-Yang, Indicate your family name and given name clearly. Example45Ex2. Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics北京航空北京航空航天大学航天大学Alternative spellings lead to online confusionExample463. Abstract what has been done and what are

55、 the main findingsThere are 3 main types of abstract. Indicative (descriptive) abstract outlines the topics covered in a piece of writing so the reader can decide whether to read the entire document. Often used in review articles or conference reports. Informative abstract summarize the article base

56、d on the IMRAD structure, but without these words explicitly presented. Structured abstract follows headings required by the journal. Often used in Medical journals. Check carefully which type fits the journal of your choice. 47Indicative abstract Abstract. The publication of the Cooley-Tukey fast F

57、ourier transform (FFT) algorithm in 1965 has opened a new area in digital signal processing by reducing the order of complexity of some crucial computational tasks like Fourier transform and convultion from N2 to N log2, where N is the problem size. The development of the major algorithms (Cooley-Tu

58、key and split-radix FFT, prime factor algorithm and Winograd fast Fourier transform) is reviewed. Then, an attempt is made to indicate the state of the art on the subject, showing the standing of research, open problems and implementations.ExampleBackgroundMain topicIssues discussed48Informative abs

59、tract Abstract. We tackle the general linear instantaneous model (possibly underdetermined and noisy) where we model the source prior with a Student t distribution. The conjugate-exponential characterisation of the t distribution as an infinite mixture of scaled Gaussians enables us to do efficient

60、inference. We study two well-known inference methods, Gibbs sampler and variational Bayes for Bayesian source separation. We derive both techniques as local message passing algorithms to highlight their algorithmic similarities and to contrast their different convergence characteristics and computat

61、ional requirements. Our simulation results suggest that typical posterior distributions in source separation have multiple local maxima. Therefore we propose a hybrid approach where we explore the state space with a Gibbs sampler and then switch to a deterministic algorithm. This approach seems to b

62、e able to combine the speed of the variational approach with the robustness of the Gibbs sampler. Example 1What are the main findingsWhat has been doneIDMR49Informative abstract Abstract. This article discusses the efficient calculation of radix-2 multiresolution Fourier transform (MFT), which can a

63、lso be regarded as a collection of short-time Fourier transforms (STFTs) with multiple 2-based window sizes, calculated on the same discrete-time signal. We show that by reconfiguring the (decimation-in-frequency)-fast Fourier transform (DIF-FFT) framework to adopt different internal calculations, w

64、e are able to save nearly 50% of the calculation compared with a direct DIF-FFT method. Practical issues on real signals, sliding windows and cosine-family windowing are also discussed. Example 2IDMR50Structured AbstractExample51The abstract is the advertisement of your article. A clear abstract wil

65、l strongly influence the editors decision on whether your work will be further considered.Precise and honestStand-aloneNo uncommon technical jargons, or citations. Brief and specific52An abstract should precisely reflects the content of a paper.Abstracts: A soluble, poly (ethylene glycol) supported

66、piperazine catalyst has been prepared. Its utility in Knoevenagel condensation has been demonstrated.ExampleFor what? And how?What was found?53An abstract cannot include anything not mentioned in the main text. “Very occasionally one finds a statement such as .the activation energy was determined to

67、 be 270 kcal/mole in the abstract, but there is no mention of the value in the text! The abstract should be a concise summary of the text, and should not contain any information that is not in the text.” Peter Thrower, Editor-in-chief, CarbonWriting a Scientific Paper: I. Titles and Abstracts, Carbo

68、n (2007), doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2007.07.00954The abstract should be understood without reading the whole article. “I recently asked an author the question, What does this mean about a statement in his paper. He had used a word that does not exist in any dictionary that I haveHow would non-native Engl

69、ish speakers understand it? The author replied, that if I only read the full paper I would discover what it meant, to which I replied that the point of my comment was that it should not be necessary to read the whole paper to discover what was meant in the abstract. This vital point is not understoo

70、d by many authors.” Peter Thrower, Editor-in-chief, CarbonWriting a Scientific Paper: I. Titles and Abstracts, Carbon (2007), doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2007.07.00955Normally no reference should be cited in abstract.Readers of the abstract may not be able to access the full article for the reference list.

71、 If a reference has to be cited in the abstract, it must be given in full, e.g., “A.D.Becke, J. Chem. Phys. 96, 2155 (1992)”Example56Do not cram the abstract with too many details, or uninformative descriptions. Abstract: Indiplon polymorph I was prepared according to previous reports and polymorph

72、II was obtained in new ways. The polymorphs were characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXRD), power X-ray diffraction (PXRD), variable temperature power X-ray diffraction (VT-PXRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (TG), Fourier transform Raman (FT-Raman) spect

73、roscopy and solubility determination. It was found that SCXRD, PXRD and solubility measurements could clearly distinguish the two forms. Slight differences between the two forms were also detected by FT-Raman. However, no differences were observed by DSC. This was explained by VT-PXRD which showed a

74、 solid-solid phase change from Form II to Form I occurring during the heating process and the failure of DSC to detect the phase change was due to its very small transition enthalpy. Besides, the DSC curve of Form II we gained indicated a melting endotherm at 194 other than 175 as revealed in the pr

75、evious report. VT-PXRD further confirmed the melting endotherm at 194. It was possible that the sample characterized by a main endothermic peak at 175 in previous reports was a novel polymorph that has not been identified. Solubility measurements at various temperatures showed that the two polymorph

76、s were monotropic and Form I was the relatively thermodynamically stable crystal form. ExampleToo detailedToo detailedUnspecific,uninformativeUseless phrases57Some journals require a graphical abstract provided for each manuscript on first submission.The graphical abstract is an a concise, pictorial

77、 form, which is carefully designed to capture the attention of a wide readership;is prepared for compilation of databases;serves to illustrate the theme of the paper are desired;may also be accompanied by appropriate text with strict word limitation, e.g., 30-50 words.Consult a recent issue of the j

78、ournal for the examples of acceptable graphical abstract.58The graphical abstract is more effective and direct than a text abstract. Make it eye-catching. Example59Example60Example614. Keywords how your manuscript should be labeled or categorizedCheck the Guide for Authors! (Number, label, definitio

79、n, thesaurus, range, and other special requests) Avoid words with a broad meaning. “Words selected should reflect the essential topics of the article. Do not select soil. ” Guide for Authors, Soil Biology & BiochemistryOnly abbreviations firmly established in the field are eligible. e.g., DNA (life

80、sciences), FFT (signal processing), SEM (material engineering), etc. 635. Introduction what problem was studied and why your work is necessaryAnswer a series of questions:What is the problem? Are there any existing solutions? Which is the best? What is its main limitation? What do you hope to achiev

81、e?Provide sufficient and background information that helps readers evaluate your work without referring to previous publications.General background (review articles cited) problems investigated particularly in this piece of research (briefly review the main publications on which your work is based.)

82、Convince readers that you clearly know why your work is necessary. Use words or phrases like “however”, “remain unclear”, etc., to address your opinions and work64 Introduction. Listeria monocytogenes is a facultative anaerobic gram-positive bacterial species widely distributed in the environment It

83、 is the etiological agent of listeriosis, a severe infectious disease that Human listeriosis is associated with food products contaminated with L. monocytogenes (Peccio et al., 2003 and Ryser, 1999). The classical approach for detection of L. monocytogenes in food involves (Farber and Peterkin, 1991

84、)DNA-based techniques such ashave been developed for (Hough et al., 2002, Koo and Jaykus, 2003, Liming et al., 2004, Nogva et al., 2000 and Rodrguez-Lzaro et al., 2004b) and can exhibit limits of (Rodrguez-Lzaro et al., 2004c and Rodrguez-Lzaro et al., 2005). However, amplification of DNA from dead

85、cells can overestimate the number of (Josephson et al., 1993). Efforts have been made to reduce by (Nogva et al., 2000) Although conventional NASBA has been reported (Blais et al., 1997 and Uyttendaele et al., 1995), no real-time NASBA (QNASBA) assay has been published to. We describe a QNASBA assay

86、 for and its application to In addition, we present our assay as an illustrative example ofExampleGeneral BackgroundProblem investigated, brief literature reviewWhat we have done and why65“If you published something related to the new work or even something to be published, you should mention this i

87、n the introduction, which will help editors and reviewers to see you track record. ” George F. Gao, Director, Institute of microbiology,Chinese Academy of Sciences “Our recent studies of HR1 and HR2 regions in MuV fusion protein have shown that its HR1 and HR2 also form a stable six-helix bundle, su

88、ggesting a common core architecture similar to those of other viral fusion protein 20. These methods have been successfully used in the biochemical and structural analysis of several other viral fusion protein core, including SARS-CoV 21 and 22, MHV 17, Newcastle disease virus 23 and 24, Nipah virus

89、, and Hendra virus 25. Here, we report the determination of crystal structure of MuV fusion core to 2.2 resolution by X-ray crystallography. The structure confirms ”Example66Introduction is not a review article or a history lesson! “Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the major corps in the word (Wang

90、et al. 2004), contribution 43.7% of the total national grain production in China Followed are more than 200 words, describing the problem of water shortage in rice cropping area. Nitrogen (N) is one the three essential macronutrients for plant growth Another nearly 300 words describe the generation

91、of nitrites in the soil. Using model calculations and experiments The next 5 more paragraphs describe the detailed mechanism of how plants absorb N in the soil and its relationship with irrigation. Based on previous studies, we focus our investigation on Readers may well be exhausted If they ever re

92、ad this far. ”Example67But give the whole picture before you present your new data. “Wide band gap materials are attractive for optical devices. For example, GaN and SiC have been used for blue or shorter wavelength light emitting diodes. ZnO is a wide band gap material (3.37 eV). Compared with othe

93、rs, it has larger exciton binding energy (60 meV), which assure more efficient excitonic emission at higher temperature. The study on the emission properties of ZnO films is attractively increasing attention because of its promising optoelectric applications 4-9. In this paper, Cu-doped ZnO films we

94、re prepared by RF sputtering technique. The structures and light emission properties of Cu-doped ZnO films have been investigated and discussed. ”The problem investigated is not addressed enough, especially the necessity or the work. Readers will skim your paper if they cannot find any attractive po

95、ints in the introduction. Example68Citing relevant references is very important Corresponding references should be CITED here!Example696. Methods how was the problem studiedThe structure, organization, and content of this section depends heavily on the type of paper. The basic principle is to provid

96、e sufficient information so that a knowledgeable reader can reproduce the experiment, or the derivation.Empirical papers (实证论文)(实证论文)material studied, area descriptionsmethods, techniques, theories appliedCase study papers(个案研究论文)(个案研究论文)application of existing methods, theory or toolsspecial settin

97、gs in this piece of workMethodology papers (方法论文)(方法论文)materials and detailed procedure of a novel experimentationscheme, flow, and performance analysis of a new algorithmTheory papers(理论论文)(理论论文)principles, concepts, and modelsmajor framework and derivation 70Empirical papersProvide operational def

98、initionsDescribe the methods of data collection, unit of analysis and measurementIdentify the subject of studyGive the dates or time periods of data collection if importantIdentify the statistical methods if they are used : sample size, type of analyses, alpha level, statistical software used 71Exam

99、ple72Case study papersCite corresponding references if necessary. Specify the value of the key parameters and the experimental settings for your case. 73Evolution of a Combinatorial Transcriptional Circuit: A Case Study in Yeasts (Annie E. Tsong, Mathew G. Miller, Ryan M. Raisner and Alexander D. Jo

100、hnson) Experimental Procedures Strain Construction. All strains were derived from CAI4 (ura3:imm434/ura3:imm434) (Fonzi and Irwin, 1993).The a1 and a2 genes were knocked out using strategies outlined Wilson et al. (2000) Quantitative Mating Analysis. Quantitative mating analysis was previously descr

101、ibed (Miller and Johnson, 2002). Preparation of Cultures and cDNA for Microarray Experiments. For white and opaque cultures, 1 ml cultures were grown overnight at 23C in SC+100 g/ml uridine + 55 g/ml adenine cDNA was prepared as previously described (Bennett et al., 2003). Construction and analysis

102、of C. albicans microarrays was also as previously described (Bennett et al., 2003) Example74Methodology papersAddress the model and the theoretical frame work of the methodology. Cite corresponding references. List every experimental detail which is unpublished.Describe the tests designed to examine

103、 both the effectiveness and the performance of the new method. The main results should be presented and studied thoroughly in the section of results and discussion. (Sometimes this part could be combined into the section of results. )75ExampleThe method section is usually the heaviest part in method

104、ology papers. 76A clear and brief algorithm schemeExampleOn-line non-stationary ICA using mixture modelsAhmed, A.; Andrieu, C.; Doucet, A.; Rayner, P.J.W.Proc. IEEE ICASSP. v5. 3148-3151, 2000Do not present your coding segment as the flow or scheme of your algorithm. 77Theory papersDefine or constru

105、ct the model. Provide the complete inference of the main theme of the article. Put the supportive details which are of secondary importance into appendix or supplementary materials. (e.g., the proof of whether some condition is fulfilled to implement a well established theorem)Indicate the correspon

106、ding simulations if appropriate. The main results should be presented and studied thoroughly in the section of results and discussion. (Sometimes this part could be combined into the section of results. )78Major inferenceSecondary inferenceExample797. Results what have you found?The following should

107、 be included in this part. the main findings listed in association with the methodsthe highlighted difference between your results and the previous publications (especially in case study papers)Results of statistical analysisResults of performance analysis (especially in the methodology, or algorith

108、m papers)A set of principle equations or theorems supporting the assumptions after a long chain of inferences (especially in the theory papers)80Use numbered sub-headings to keep together results of the same typeExample81The results should be essential for discussion. Use supplementary material for

109、data of secondary importance. Example82Gustave Dor John Milton “Better to reign in hell, than serve in heavn. (Paradise Lost, 1. 263). A figure is worth a thousand wordsIllustrations, including figures and tables, are the most efficient way to present the results. Your data are the “driving force of

110、 the paper” . Therefore, your illustrations are critical! “I do remember when you have an argument about the authorship, people usually would ask: why do not you count the figures to see who contributed what and how many figures?” George F. Gao, Director, Institute of microbiology,Chinese Academy of

111、 Sciences83Make captions self-sufficientThe caption of figures and tables should contain sufficient explanatory details to make the figure understood easily without referring to the text. “Readers often look at the graphics first and many times go no further. Therefore, the reviewer should be partic

112、ularly sensitive to inclusion of clear and informative graphics. ” Henry Rapoport, Associate Editor, the Journal of Organic Chemistry84Figure 5. Expression of Transgenes in piggyBac Vectors (A) PBAct-RFP expression in the progenies resulted in red fluorescence under the illumination of a portable lo

113、ng-wave UV light. Two positive mice (arrows) carrying the same single copy transposon (AF0-47T6) and two negative littermates (asterisks) are shown. (B) PBAct-RFP expression in a founder mouse and her progeny. Red fluorescence was mosaic in the founder. Segregation of transposons in the progeny resu

114、lted in different intensities of RFP signal. The star marks the transgene-negative littermate. (C and D) Coexpression of two transgenes in the same piggyBac vector. As a result of tyrosinase expression, a PBK14-Tyr, Act-RFP founder shows gray coat color under white light, while the transgene-negativ

115、e littermate remains albino (C, right and left, respectively). When illuminated by UV, red fluorescence was observed from this founder (D). Example185Example 286 Generally, tables give the actual experimental results. In this case, the table is more direct and clear. No illustrations should duplicat

116、e the information described elsewhere in the manuscript. The graph repeats what the table describes. Example87This table is not necessary. It can all be said in the text: The surface soils were dark grayish brown, grading to light olive brown (woodland), light olive brown (wetland), and pale olive (

117、grassland) at 100 cm. There is little to no value in describing colour of soil at 10 cm intervals.Illustrations should be used only for essential data.Example188The vibration characters could be easily described in the text. The figure is unnecessary, and meaningless with an inappropriate display ra

118、nge of x-axis. Fig. 4 Result of vibration acceleration at end of bonding toolExample289Why include .0? It adds nothing.Contents in illustrations should be meaningfulExample90Plot 3 or 4 data sets per figure; Use subplot panels to assemble figures which illustrate the same type of problem.well-select

119、ed scales; appropriate axis label size; symbols clear to see and data sets easy to discriminate. Appearances count!91ExampleRevision of a figure92Example c93Example c94 DepthGravel SandMud5 m3,42%81.41%15,17%50 m2,5%58.42%39.08%100 m0,0%32.5%67.5%Water depth (m) Gravel (%) Sand (%) Mud (%) 5 3.4 81.

120、4 15.2 50 2.5 58.4 39.1 100 0 32.5 67.5Revision of a tableExample95Use color ONLY when necessaryExample 1an unreadable figure with the unnecessary usage of color 96Does this figure really tell us much? Can we distinguish sufficiently between the 14 colours? Example 297Avoid long and boring tablesWha

121、t a crowded table!Giving all of these ratios to two significant figures after the decimal point is simply not justified by the accuracy of measurement.Example98A few statistical rules for the Results sectionWhich tests were used, with all the relevant parameters, should be noted. E.g., Mean and stan

122、dard deviation (SD) 44% (3) Median and interpercentile range 7 years (4.5 to 9.5 years)Mean and standard deviation should be used for reporting normally distributed data. Median and interpercentile range should be used for skewed data. Numbers should be reported with the appropriate degree of precis

123、ion. Reported (not analyzed) numbers should be rounded to two significant digits unless there is a valid reason for more precision.99When reporting percentages, the numerators and denominators should always be given. E.g., 50% (500/1000)Percentages should not be used for very small samples. E.g., “O

124、ne of two” should not be replaced by 50%The actual P value should be reported (not simply P 0.05)The word “significant” should be used to describe “statistically significant differences” only. A few statistical rules for the Results section100Please consult Thomas A. Lang, Michelle Secic. How to Rep

125、ort Statistics in Medicine: Annotated Guidelines for Authors, Editors, and Reviewers. Philadelphia: ACP; 1997. A few statistical rules for the Results section1018. Discussion what do the results mean?Check for the following:How do your results relate to the original question or objectives outlined i

126、n the Introduction section? Can you reach your conclusion smoothly after your discussion? Do you provide interpretation for each of your results presented?Are your results consistent with what other investigators have reported? Or are there any differences? Why?Are there any limitations?Do notMake s

127、tatements that go beyond what the results can supportSuddenly introduce new terms or ideas102Clearly state the relationship with previous publications. we showed that HR212 could inhibit NDV-mediated cell fusion. This was in contrast to the results of others16, which. As a further characterization,

128、we detected the inhibition of HR212 added This result implied that the conformational changes of the F protein occurred very quickly after receptor binding to the HN protein This may explain why the inhibition activity was much lower if added after cleavage activation. However, all these results are

129、 still consistent with the idea that HR2 peptides could interact Example103Speculations on possible interpretations are allowed. But these should be rooted in fact, rather than imagination. ExamplePage 101-103104Watch out for the non-quantitative words! E.g., Low/high; Extremely; Enormous; Rapidly;

130、Dramatic; Massive; Considerably; Exceedingly; Major, minor; They are often qualified by very, quite, slightly, etc. Quantitative description is always preferred. But note subtleties the effect of adding N was minor not quantitative; the effect of adding P was to increase dry weight by 60% whereas th

131、e effect of adding N was minor minor is given a sense of quantitative definition.105Ask your colleagues to read Results and Discussion before you go further! Check the organization, number and quality of illustrations, the logic and the justifications.Revision of Results and Discussion is not just p

132、aper work. You may do further experiments, derivations, or simulations. Sometimes you cannot clarify your idea in words because some critical items have not been studied substantially. 1069. Conclusion How the work advances the field from the present state of knowledgeA clear conclusion section help

133、s reviewers to judge your work easily.DoPresent global and specific conclusions, in relation to the objectives.Indicate uses, extensions, and limitations if appropriate.Suggest future experiments and point out those that are underway.Do not Summarize paper (abstract is for that purpose). Make a list

134、 of trivial statements of your results.Make judgments about impact.107In conclusion, our results obtained with mice increase the knowledge on CPF-induced adverse effects, up to now limited to rats. They seem to suggest that not all the CPF effects measured in rats and the related doses can be direct

135、ly extrapolated to mice, which seem to be more susceptible at least to acute treatment. Even though many questions still remain open, our findings show that the mouse could be considered a suitable experimental model for future studies on the toxic action of organophosphorus pesticides focused on me

136、chanisms, long term and age-related effects. Contribution to the particular areaPractical significance, extensions Possible future workExample1108 “we addressed the calculation issues of radix-2 MFT We have shown that by making reuse of the internal results of DIF-FFT, we are able to save nearly hal

137、f the computation. The main drawback of this method is the loss of flexibility in framing and windowing, i.e., we are restrained to use 1/integer frame offsets, and low-complexity window functions of the cosine window family, although this is rarely a problem in practise.”Scientific significance of

138、the workLimitationPractical relevance Example2109 “There was a tendency for the soil seed bank to decrease in density with increasing elevation in both shady slope and sunny slope, although this pattern is complicated by the occurrence of different plant communities and species and different altitud

139、es. Sorensen similarity index between soil seed band and vegetation of the seven habitats was very low, and Picea crassifolia was absent in the soil seed bank despite being prominent component of the surface vegetation at woodlands, thus Picea crassifolia has no persistent seed bank. It will be impo

140、rtant to maintain the existing vegetation in the future management. ”Avoid gratuitous statements in conclusionExampleWhy is it important to maintain the existing vegetation, and how are we going to apply the results of this study of seed banks to maintain it?110Another Example “The limited distribut

141、ion of this L. chinensis forest, and the rare status of the species make these kinds of studies very important to the successful management and preservation of this endemic species of the Taibai Natural Reserve.”How are these type of studies going to be used in land management and preservation? How

142、are they going to be applied, and what will be the outcomes?Example111Write positively! “These results suggest that the trees might be under water stress to the extent that mortality might be possible”This statement is vague enough to mean nothing!Example11210. AcknowledgmentsIt is your chance to th

143、ankPeople who have helped you, e.g., technical help, English revisionFunding organizationsAffiliation to projects and programsReviewers and editors (especially in the revised manuscript)DoAsk permission from those who will be acknowledged with their names mentioned. State clearly why they are acknow

144、ledged. Include the grant number or reference.113Example11411. ReferencesThere are two basic references systems. 1. Vancouver system: references are numbered in the list according to the sequences they appeared in the main text. Look for the journal title abbreviations at http:/ or http:/www.library

145、.ubc.ca/scieng/coden.html#U. Example1152. Harvard system: references are listed alphabetically according to the author name. First alphabeticallyThen chronologicallyExample116It is irritating for reviewers to find mistakes, particularly in one of their own references. Checking the format takes much

146、time for the editors. Make their work easier and they will appreciate the effort.Please make everything conforms to the Guide for Authors of the journal, including the format of in-text citation, author names, article titles, journal names, page span, volume, and year. Read several sample articles t

147、o learn the right style. Get your references right!117In-text citation: do not put all citations at the end of sentences “Worldwide research on pegmatites has involved the study of their petrogenesis, classification, texture and structure, rare element geochemistry, mineralogy, and experimental petr

148、ology; (Solodov, 1962; Zou and Xu, 1975; Zou et al., 1986; Kuzminko, 1976; Makagon, 1977; Makagon and Shmakin, 1988; Luan, 1979; Wang, 1982; Shmakin, 1983; London, 1981, 1986, 1998; Cerny, 1982a, 1982b, 1991; Cerny et al., 1986; Cerny and Lenton, 1995; Roedder, 1984; Walker et al., 1986; Wang et al.

149、,1987; Chu and Wang, 1987; Wang et al.,1987; Zhang et al., 1987; Zhao et al., 1993; Li et al.,1983; Li ,1987; Li et al.,1994, 1998, 1999a, 1999b, 2000; Bai, 1995; Zeng and Jin, 1995; Wu et al., 1995; Lu and Wang,1997; Feng, 1998). 36 references in one sentence!Example118Give just 2-3 pertinent refer

150、ences in a proper context. The new materials achieved by using conventional chemical methods include carbon, noble metals, transition metal oxides and sulphides. 4-8 The new materials achieved by using conventional chemical methods include carbon 4, noble metals 5, 6, transition metal oxides 7 and s

151、ulphides 8.Example119In-text citation: “et al” can be used only when a reference bears more than two authors “For three or more authors you must use the surname name of the first author and add et al. and for two authors you cannot use et al., but must mention both family names. For one author, you

152、must mention the family name This means that referring to ref. 13, with two authors, cannot be done with et al., but must be done by Hu and Ruckenstein. Similarly, referring to ref. 17 should be done as Zhdanov and Kasemov. Ref. 20 should be referred to as Latkin et al., always mention the FIRST aut

153、hor and then add et al.” Roel Prins, Editor, Journal of Catalysis120Each reference needs to sufficient information so that the reader can find it easily. Avoid citing the following if possible: personal communications, unpublished observations, manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted for publicat

154、ionarticles published only in the local language, which are difficult for international readers to find121Avoid excessive self-citation and journal self-citationIt is easy to exclude the self-citation from your citation record.“ISI stopped listing that journal this year because 85 percent of the cit

155、ations to the publication were coming from its own pages.”122“Secondary referencing”: not the best practiceWherever possible, you should always try and read the original.If you have to give a secondary reference in your work, you must make it clear that you have not read the original. For example, J

156、ones (2004, p.22) endorses this controversial view, quoting Johnsons conclusion that the earlier records have been forged. In your list of references at the end of your work, you cannot include a reference to the original work (in this example, by Johnson) as you have not read it. Your reference wou

157、ld therefore be: Jones, P.R. (2004) Golden legends: Christian hagiographies in early medieval Europe. London: Farrar. Academic conventions and bibliographic referencing.Newman higher education in Birmingham. http:/www.newman.ac.uk/Library/referencing.htm#intextcitation Example12312. Supplementary Ma

158、terial “In particular, figures, tables, passages describing theory, or experimental details, which are only of secondary importance to the main scientific thrust of an article, can now be moved to supporting material. This has begun to open up new possibilities: papers that have in the past been con

159、sidered as long and heavy going can be transformed into succinct information-rich articles, which are more interesting to read.” Guide for Authors, Journal of Colloid and interface ScienceSupporting material will be available online to readers if the paper is eventually published. The supporting mat

160、erials section should be referred to in the main manuscript to direct reader, as appropriate. All the information should be related and supportive to your article. 124ExampleThe main text125How to write a good manuscript for an international journalPreparations before startingConstruction of an arti

161、cleTechnical details1261. Suggested text layoutKeep it consistent throughout the manuscript. Double line spacing and 12 font is preferred: make it convenient for reviewers to make annotations.Number the pages. Number the lines if the journal requires to do so. 1272. Suggested length of a full articl

162、e“25- 30 pages is the ideal length for a submitted manuscript, including ESSENTIAL data only.” Julian Eastoe, Co-editor, Journal of Colloid and Interface ScienceTitle pageAbstract 1 paragraphIntroduction 1.5-2 manuscript pages (double-spaced, 12pt)Methods 2-4 manuscript pagesResults and Discussion 1

163、0-12 manuscript pagesConclusions 1-2 manuscript pagesFigures 6-8Tables 1-3References 20-50 itemsLetters or short communications have a stricter limitation of the length. For example, 3000 words with no more than 5 illustrations. 1283. AbbreviationsAbbreviations should be defined on the first use in

164、both abstract and the main text. Some journals even forbid the usage of abbreviations in the abstract. Abbreviations that are firmly established in the field do not need to be defined. “There is no need to define the commonly used abbreviations such as SEM, TEM, etc.” Peter Thrower, Editor-in-chief,

165、 CarbonNever define an abbreviation which is never used later in the text. 129Acronyms abbreviations that consists of the initial letters of a series of words, pronounced in sequence.Do not overuse acronyms. “You might have set up an experiment with a eucalypt forest (EF) and a pine forest (PF), on

166、two aspects North (N) and south (S), in two localities, say Victoria (V) and Tasmania (T). You then have the following: VEFS, VEFN, TEFS, TEFN, VPFS, VPFN, TPFS and TPFN. This leads to sentences like The concentration of phosphorus in top-soil was greatest in VEFS, intermediate in VEFN, VPFN and TPF

167、S, and least in the other forests. This might make sense to the author, but it is a nightmare for reviewers and readers. You should not expect your readers to remember acronyms. ” Peter Attiwill, Editor-in-Chief, Forest Ecology and ManagementExample1304. Cover LetterBasic information should be inclu

168、ded as follows: Editor name(s)Originality of submissionNo competing financial interestsDesired reviewersCorresponding authorExample131Cover letter is your chance to speak to the editor directly. Do not summarize your paper, or repeat the abstract, but mention what makes it special to the journal. “I

169、ndicate the editor about the track record of your researchMake it short and striking.” Tell the editor your research area or your specialty (1 sentence) “We have been working in a certain field”Mention your current research interest (1 sentence) “We are now interested in / working on some hot topic”

170、Present the significance of this piece of work (1-2 sentences) “In this manuscript, we answered a critical issue of”Stress 1-3 main points (1-3 sentences)Confine the length to 2/3 page George F. Gao, Director, Institute of microbiology,Chinese Academy of SciencesExample1325. Suggest potential review

171、ers (referees)Your suggestions will help the Editor to pass your manuscript to the review stage more efficiently. Generally you are requested to provide 3-6 potential reviewers. “You can easily find potential reviewers and their contact details by mentioning authors from articles in your specific su

172、bject area (e.g., your references). The reviewers should represent at least two regions of the world. And they should not be your supervisor or close friends.” Roel Prins, Editor, Journal of Catalysis133Current status of Chinese articlesWhy do scientists publish?What is a good manuscript?How to writ

173、e a good manuscript for an international journalPreparations before startingConstruction of an articleTechnical detailsRevision, and response to reviewersEthical issuesConclusion: what gets you accepted?134Why revision is important and necessary?Which procedure do you prefer?Send out a sloppily prep

174、ared manuscript get rejected after 4-6 months send out again only a few days later get rejected again sink into despairTake 3-4 months to prepare the manuscript get the first decision after 4 months revise carefully within time limitationaccepted磨刀不误砍柴工磨刀不误砍柴工Please cherish your own achievements!135

175、 Who moved your manuscript?Michael Derntl. Basics of Research Paper Writing and Publishing. http:/www.pri.univie.ac.at/derntl/papers/meth-se.pdf 1361. Revision before submission: to avoid EARLY REJECTION137“Initial editorial review”: many journals reject manuscripts that are not well prepared withou

176、t sending them for review.Why? The peer-review system is grossly overloaded and editors wish to use reviewers only for those papers with a good probability of acceptance.It is a disservice to ask reviewers to spend time on work that has clearly evident deficiencies. 138Please make every attempt to m

177、ake the manuscript as good as possible.No one get it right at the first time! Write, and re-write. Suggestions: After writing a first verstion, take several days of rest. Refresh your brain with different things. Come back with critical eyes. Ask your colleagues and supervisor to review your manuscr

178、ipt first. Ask them to be highly critical, and be open to their suggestions. 139Revision before submission checklist Reasons for early rejection: content (aims and scope)Paper is of limited interest or covers local issues only (sample type, geography, specific product, etc.).Paper is a routine appli

179、cation of well-known methodsPaper presents an incremental advance or is limited in scopeNovelty and significance are not immediately evident or sufficiently well-justified What should you check?Does your work have any interest for an international audience? Is it necessary to let the international r

180、eaders know the results?Have you added any significant values to an exist method or explored remarkable extensions of its application?Did you provide a perspective consistent with the nature of journal? Are the right conclusions drawn from the results?Does your work add to the existing body of knowl

181、edge? Just because it has not been done before is no justification for doing it now. And just because you have done the study does not mean that is very important!140Revision before submission checklist Reasons for early rejection: PreparationFailure to meet submission requirementsIncomplete coverag

182、e of literature Unacceptably poor English What should you check?Read the Guide for Authors again! Check your manuscript point by point. Make sure every aspect of the manuscript is in accordance with the guidelines. (Word count, layout of the text and illustrations, format of the references and in-te

183、xt citations, etc.)Are there too many self-citations, or references that are difficult for the international reader to access?Did the first readers of your manuscript easily grasp the essence? Correct all the grammatical and spelling mistakes. 1412. Revision after submission: carefully study the com

184、ments and prepare a detailed letter of response.142Take revision very seriously. Nearly every article requires revision. Bear in mind that editors and reviewers mean to help you improve your article. Do not take offence. Minor revision does NOT guarantee acceptance after revision. Do not count on th

185、e acceptance before you carefully study the comments. Revise the whole manuscript not just the parts the reviewers point out. 143Revision: a great learning opportunity! A further review of the revised manuscript is common. Cherish the chance of discussing your work directly with other scientists in

186、your community. Please prepare a detailed letter of response. Cut and paste each comment by the reviewer. Answer it directly below. Do not miss any point. State specifically what changes (if any) you have made to the manuscript. Identify the page and line number. A typical problem Discussion is prov

187、ided but it is not clear what changes have been made. Provide a scientific response to the comment you accept; or a convincing, solid and polite rebuttal to the point you think the reviewer is wrong. Write in a way that your responses can be given to the reviewer. 144A sample response “ Reviewers Co

188、mments: It would also be good to acknowledge that geographic routing as you describe it is not a complete routing solution for wireless networks, except for applications that address a region rather than a particular node. Routing between nodes requires further machinery, which detracts from the ben

189、efits of geographic routing, and which I dont believe you have made practical. Authors reply: We agree and will add an appropriate caveat. Note that for data-centric storage (name-based exact-match and range queries for sensed events), the storage and query processing mechanisms natively address pac

190、kets geographically-without a node-to-location database. Reviewers Comments: The footnotes are driving me crazy! Authors reply: Well strive to remove some of them. ” Dr. Ramesh Govindan, professor, Computer Science Department, University of Southern California http:/enl.usc.edu/ramesh/writings/files

191、/NSDI_response.txtExample145A sample rebuttal “In section (4) you complain that there is no discussion of the limitations in the scope of HR. For example merely to reflect outside reality does not contribute to the problem of conscious awareness of these objects. However this issue is not unique to

192、HR, it is a general philosophical issue that applies just as well to the alternative Neuron Doctrine model. But the Neuron doctrine itself cannot even plausibly account for the reflection of outside reality in an internal representation, due to the problems of emergence, reification, and invariance,

193、 which is why the Neuron Doctrine suggests a more abstracted concept of visual representation, in which the visual experience is encoded in a far more abstracted and abbreviated form. Therefore although HR does not solve the problem of consciousness completely, it is one step closer to a solution th

194、an the alternative. The philosophical issue of consciousness however is beyond the scope of this paper, which is a theory of neural representation, rather than a philosophical paper. I enclose a copy of my book, The World In Your Head, which addresses these philosophical issues more extensively ” Dr

195、. Steven Lehar, http:/sharp.bu.edu/slehar/ http:/sharp.bu.edu/slehar/webstuff/hr/rebut.html http:/sharp.bu.edu/slehar/webstuff/hr/rebut-a.html http:/sharp.bu.edu/slehar/webstuff/hr/rebut-b.html Example1463. Be very sparing if you want to resubmit a paper rejected after review!147Rejection: not the e

196、nd of the worldEveryone has papers rejected do not take it personally. Try to understand why the paper was rejected.Note that you have received the benefit of the editors and reviewers time; take their advice serious!Re-evaluate your work and decide whether it is appropriate to submit the paper else

197、where.If so, begin as if you are going to write a new article. Read the Guide for Authors of the new journal, again and again.148Never treat publication as a lottery by resubmitting a rejected manuscript directly to another journal without any significant revision! It wont save any of your time and

198、energyThe original reviewers (even editors) may eventually find it, which can lead to animosity towards the author.A suggested strategyIn your cover letter, declare that the paper was rejected and name the journal.Include the referees reports and a detailed letter of response, showing how each comme

199、nt has been addressed.Explain why you are resubmitting the paper to this journal, e.g., this journal is a more appropriate journal; the manuscript has been improved as a result of its previous review; etc.149Current status of Chinese articlesWhy do scientists publish?What is a good manuscript?How to

200、 write a good manuscript for an international journalPreparations before startingConstruction of an articleTechnical details Revision, and response to reviewersEthical issuesConclusion: what gets you accepted?150Publish AND Perish! if you break ethical rulesInternational scientific ethics have evolv

201、ed over centuries and are commonly held throughout the world. Scientific ethics are not considered to have national variants or characteristics there is a single ethical standard for science.Ethics problems with scientific articles are on the rise globally. 151Deadly Sins Unethical behavior “can ear

202、n rejection and even a ban from publishing in the journal” Terry M. Phillips, Editor, Journal of Chromatography BMultiple submissionsRedundant publicationsPlagiarismData fabrication and falsificationImproper use of human subjects and animals in researchImproper author contribution1521. Multiple subm

203、issions (一稿多投一稿多投): sending one of your papers to more than one journal at the same timeMultiple submissions save your time but waste editors.The editorial process of your manuscripts will be completely stopped if the duplicated submissions are discovered. “It is considered to be unethicalWe have th

204、rown out a paper when an author was caught doing this. I believe that the other journal did the same thing. ” James C. Hower, Editor, the International Journal of Coal GeologyCompeting journals constantly exchange information on suspicious papers (even between competitors).You should not send your m

205、anuscripts to a second journal UNTIL you receive the final decision of the first journal. 1532. Redundant Publication (重复发表重复发表): two or more papers, without full cross reference, share the same hypotheses, data, discussion points, or conclusions An author should not submit for consideration in anot

206、her journal a previously published paper. Published studies do not need to be repeated unless further confirmation is required. Previous publication of an abstract during the proceedings of conferences does not preclude subsequent submission for publication, but full disclosure should be made at the

207、 time of submission. Re-publication of a paper in another language is acceptable, provided that there is full and prominent disclosure of its original source at the time of submission. At the time of submission, authors should disclose details of related papers, even if in a different language, and

208、similar papers in press. 154Acceptable secondary publication“Certain types of articles, such as guidelines produced by governmental agencies and professional organizations, may need to reach the widest possible audience. In such instances, editors sometimes choose deliberately to publish material th

209、at is also being published in other journals, with the agreement of the authors and the editors of those other journals.” Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals. http:/w

210、ww.icmje.org/index.html#ethic 1551. The authors have received approval from the editors of both journals; the editor concerned with secondary publication must have a photocopy, reprint, or manuscript of the primary version.2. The priority of the primary publication is respected by a publication inte

211、rval of at least one week (unless specifically negotiated otherwise by both editors).3. The paper for secondary publication is intended for a different group of readers; an abbreviated version could be sufficient. (to be continued)Secondary publication: conditions1564. The secondary version faithful

212、ly reflects the data and interpretations of the primary version.5. The footnote on the title page of the secondary version informs readers, peers, and documenting agencies that the paper has been published in whole or in part and states the primary reference. A suitable footnote might read: “This ar

213、ticle is based on a study first reported in the title of journal, with full reference.”6. The title of the secondary publication should indicate that it is a secondary publication (complete republication, abridged republication, complete translation, or abridged translation) of a primary publication

214、.Secondary publication: conditions (contunued)1573. Plagiarism (剽窃剽窃)“Presenting the data or interpretations of others without crediting them, and thereby gaining for yourself the rewards earned by others, is theft, and it eliminates the motivation of working scientists to generate new data and inte

215、rpretations.” Bruce Railsback, Professor, Department of Geology, University of GeorgiaFor more information on plagiarism and self-plagiarism, please see http:/facpub.stjohns.edu/roigm/plagiarism/ “Plagiarism is the appropriation of another persons ideas, processes, results, or words without giving a

216、ppropriate credit, including those obtained through confidential review of others research proposals and manuscripts.” (the Federal Office of Science and Technology Policy, 1999).158Plagiarism:tempting short-cut with long-term consequencesPlagiarism is considered a serious offense by your institute,

217、 by journal editors and by the scientific community. Plagiarism may result in academic charges, and will certainly cause rejection of your paper. Plagiarism will hurt your reputation in the scientific community. 159Source: China Daily, 15 March 2006 Chinese authorities take strong measures against s

218、cientific dishonesty Plagiarism and stealing work from colleagues can lead to serious consequencesExample160ExampleThe article of which the authors committed self-plagiarism: it wont be removed from ScienceDirect. Everybody who downloads it will see the reason of retraction161One of the most common

219、forms of plagiarism is inappropriate, or inadequate paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is restating someone elses ideas while not copying verbatim. Unacceptable paraphrasing includes any of the following: using phrases from the original source without enclosing them in quotation marks; emulating sentence st

220、ructure even when using different wording;emulating paragraph organization even when using different wording or sentence structure. Unacceptable paraphrasing-even with correct citation-is considered plagiarism. Statement on Plagiarism. Department of Biology, Davidson College.http:/www.bio.davidson.e

221、du/dept/plagiarism.html 162 Ronald K. Gratz. Using Others Words and Ideas. Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological Universityhttps:/www.geo.mtu.edu/asmayer/un1001/UN1001%20Fac%20Handbk%202_%20Using%20Others%20Words%20&%20Ideas.pdf Original (Gratz, 1982): Bilateral vagotomy resulted

222、 in an increase in tidal volume but a depression in respiratory frequency such that total ventilation did not change.Restatement 1: Gratz (1982) showed that bilateral vagotomy resulted in an increase in tidal volume but a depression in respiratory frequency such that total ventilation did not change

223、. This sentence is identical to the original except that the author is attributed. It is a word-for word copying, without any changes and without quotation marks. Example1163 Ronald K. Gratz. Using Others Words and Ideas. Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological Universityhttps:/www

224、.geo.mtu.edu/asmayer/un1001/UN1001%20Fac%20Handbk%202_%20Using%20Others%20Words%20&%20Ideas.pdf Original (Gratz, 1982): Bilateral vagotomy resulted in an increase in tidal volume but a depression in respiratory frequency such that total ventilation did not change.Restatement 2: Gratz (1982) showed t

225、hat bilateral vagotomy produced an increase in tidal volume and a depression in respiratory frequency so that total ventilation did not change. Changing a few words does not alter the fact that this sentence, especially the sentence structure, is still substantially the same as the original. Example

226、1164 Ronald K. Gratz. Using Others Words and Ideas. Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological Universityhttps:/www.geo.mtu.edu/asmayer/un1001/UN1001%20Fac%20Handbk%202_%20Using%20Others%20Words%20&%20Ideas.pdf Original (Gratz, 1982): Bilateral vagotomy resulted in an increase in tida

227、l volume but a depression in respiratory frequency such that total ventilation did not change.Restatement 3: Gratz (1982) showed that following bilateral vagotomy the snakes tidal volume increased but their respiratory frequency was lowered. As a result, their total ventilation was unchanged. Althou

228、gh the same information is presented, the sentence structure and word order have been substantially altered.Example1165 Ronald K. Gratz. Using Others Words and Ideas. Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological Universityhttps:/www.geo.mtu.edu/asmayer/un1001/UN1001%20Fac%20Handbk%202_%

229、20Using%20Others%20Words%20&%20Ideas.pdf Original (Gratz, 1982): Bilateral vagotomy resulted in an increase in tidal volume but a depression in respiratory frequency such that total ventilation did not change.Restatement 4: Gratz (1982) showed that following vagotomy the snakes lung volume increased

230、 but their respiratory rate was lowered. As a result, their breathing was unchanged. Dropping the adjective bilateral alters the sense of the experimental technique. Lung volume is not the same as tidal volume and breathing is not the same as total ventilation. Paraphrase should not change the meani

231、ng of the source. Example1166 Ronald K. Gratz. Using Others Words and Ideas. Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological Universityhttps:/www.geo.mtu.edu/asmayer/un1001/UN1001%20Fac%20Handbk%202_%20Using%20Others%20Words%20&%20Ideas.pdf Original (Buchanan, 1996): What makes intentional

232、ly killing a human being a moral wrong for which the killer is to be condemned is that the killer did this morally bad thing not inadvertently or even negligently, but with a conscious purpose - with eyes open and a will directed toward that very object.Restatement 1: Buchanan (1996) states that wha

233、t makes intentionally killing a human being a moral wrong for which the killer is to be condemned is that the killer did this morally bad thing not inadvertently or even negligently, but with a conscious purpose with eyes open and a will directed toward that very object. Although technically avoidin

234、g plagiarism, the fact that the quoted sentences makes up almost the entire paragraph and contains all of the important information means that this is not the writers own work.Example2167 Ronald K. Gratz. Using Others Words and Ideas. Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological Univers

235、ityhttps:/www.geo.mtu.edu/asmayer/un1001/UN1001%20Fac%20Handbk%202_%20Using%20Others%20Words%20&%20Ideas.pdf Original (Buchanan, 1996): What makes intentionally killing a human being a moral wrong for which the killer is to be condemned is that the killer did this morally bad thing not inadvertently

236、 or even negligently, but with a conscious purpose - with eyes open and a will directed toward that very object.Restatement 2: Buchanan (1996) states that we condemn a person who intentionally kills a human being because he did a morally bad thing not through negligence or accident but with open eye

237、s and a direct will to take that life. It is an acceptable paraphrasing. Example2168What guarantee an acceptable paraphrasing?Make sure that you really understand what the original author means. Never copy and paste any words that you do not fully understand. Think about how the essential ideas of t

238、he source relate to your own work, until you can deliver the information to others without referring to the source. Compare you paraphrasing with the source, to see 1) whether you change the wording and the structure sufficiently; 2) whether the true meaning of the source is retained. 1694. Data fab

239、rication and falsification (数据数据造假造假)Fabrication is making up data or results, and recording or reporting them. “ the fabrication of research data hits at the heart of our responsibility to society, the reputation of our institution, the trust between the public and the biomedical research community

240、, and our personal credibility and that of our mentors, colleagues” “It can waste the time of others, trying to replicate false data or designing experiments based on false premises, and can lead to therapeutic errors. It can never be tolerated.” Richard Hawkes, Professor, Department of Cell Biology

241、 and Anatomy, University of Calgary1704. Data fabrication and falsification (数据数据造假造假)Falsification is manipulating research materials, equipment, processes; or changing / omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.Select data to fit a precon

242、ceived hypothesis: “an experiment (or data from an experiment ) is not included because it did not work, or we show representative images that do not reflect the total data set or, more egregiously, data that do not fit are simply shelved.” Richard Hawkes “The most dangerous of all falsehoods is a s

243、lightly distorted truth.” G.C.Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799)1715. Improper use of human subjects and animals in researchWhen reporting experiments on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human

244、 experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000 (5). If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach, and demonstrate that the institu

245、tional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study.When reporting experiments on animals, authors should be asked to indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed. No manuscript will be considered unless this infor

246、mation is supplied. 1726. Improper author contributionAuthorship credit should be based on 1substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 3final a

247、pproval of the version to be published. Authors should meet conditions 1, 2, and 3. Those who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project should be acknowledged or listed as contributors. 173Each author should have sufficiently participated in the work to take public res

248、ponsibilities for appropriate portions of the content. The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included on the paper. If there is plagiarism or other ethical problems, the corresponding author cannot hide behind or remain innocent.Ac

249、quisition of funding, collection of data, or general supervision of the research group, alone, does not justify authorship. 174Current status of Chinese publicationsWhy do scientists publish?What is a good manuscript?How to write a good manuscript for an international journalPreparations before star

250、tingConstruction of an articleTechnical detailsRevision, and response to reviewersEthical issuesConclusion: what gets you accepted?175What gets you accepted?Attention to detailsCheck and double check your workConsider the reviewsEnglish must be as good as possiblePresentation is importantTake your t

251、ime with revisionAcknowledge those who have helped youNew, original and previously unpublishedCritically evaluate your own manuscriptEthical rules must be obeyed Nigel John Cook, Editor-in-Chief, Ore Geology Reviews176References & Acknowledgements a growing listMark Ware Consulting Ltd, Publisin gan

252、d Elearning Consultancy. Scientific publishing in transition: an overview of current developments. Sept., 2006. www.stm-assoc.org/storage/Scientific_Publishing_in_Transition_White_Paper.pdfGuide for Authors of Elsevier journals. Ethical Guildlines for Journal Publishing, Elsevier. http:/ Internation

253、al Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication. Feb. 2006 http:/www.publicationethics.org.uk/guidelines http:/www.icmje.org/index.html#ethic http:/www.onlineethics.org/ http:/owl.english.p

254、urdue.edu/owl/ http:/www.physics.ohio-state.edu/wilkins/writing/index.html Academic conventions and bibliographic referencin. http:/www.newman.ac.uk/Library/referencing.htm#intextcitation George D. Gopen, Judith A. Swan. The science of Scientific Writing. American Scientist (Nov-Dec 1990), Vol. 78,

255、550-558. Michael Derntl. Basics of Research Paper Writing and Publishing. http:/www.pri.univie.ac.at/derntl/papers/meth-se.pdf Thomas H Adair. Professor, Physiology & Biophysics Center of Excellence in Cardiovascular-Renal Research, University of Mississippi Medical Center. http:/dor.umc.edu/ARCHIVE

256、S/WritingandpublishingaresearcharticleAdair.ppt Bruce Railsback. Professor, Department of Geology, University of Georgia. Some Comments on Ethical issues about research. www.gly.uga.edu/railsback/11111misc/ResearchEthics.html Peter Young. Writing and Presenting in English. The Rosetta Stone of Scien

257、ce. Elsevier 2006.Philip Campbell. Editor-in-Chief, Nature. Futures of scientific communication and outreach. June 2007.Yaoqi ZHOU. Recipe for a quality Scientific Paper: Fulfill Readers and Reviewers Expectations. http:/sparks.informatics.iupui.edu EDANZ Editing training materials. 2006 http:/, htt

258、p:/ 177References & Acknowledgements a growing listPeter Attiwill. Editor-in-Chief, Forest Ecology and ManagementBelton Fleisher. Editor, China Economic ReviewAngel Borja. Editorial board member, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Continental Shelf ResearchIain C. Bruce. Professor, School of Medicine, Zheji

259、ang UniversityGregory Chow. Professor, Princeton UniversityNigel Cook. Editor-in-chief, Ore Geology Reviews.Jullian Eastoe. Co-editor, Journal of Colloid and Interface ScienceGeorge F. Gao, Director, Institute of microbiology, Chinese Academy of SciencesRonald K. Gratz. Director of pre-health profes

260、sions studies, Department of Biological Sciences, Michigan Technological UniversityPaul R. Haddad. Editor, Journal of Chromatography ARichard Hawkes. Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, University of CalgaryJames C Hower. Editor, The International Journal of Coal GeologyMalcolm W. Ken

261、nedy. Professor, Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, UKMooson Kwauk. Academician, Chinese academy of SciencesPok-sang Lam. Professor, Ohio UniversitySteven Lehar. http:/cns-alumni.bu.edu/slehar/ Patrick McCarthy. Professor, Georgia Institute of TechnologyRichard Meltzer

262、. Editor-in-chief, Journal of Luminescence.Frans P. Nijkamp. Journal of EthnopharmacologyWilfred CG Peh. Editor, Singapore Medical JournalTerry M. Phillips. Editor, Journal of Chromatography BRoel Prins. Editor-in-chief, Journal of CatalysisJason (Jieshan) QIU. Editor, CarbonShengli REN. Editor, Pro

263、gress in Natural Science (China)Terry Sheppard. Editor, Nature Chemical Biology. Peter Thrower. Editor-in-chief, Carbon178More Informationhttp:/ http:/ Questions?Thanks!179Appendix: languageFive rules from George Orwell1. Never use a metaphor, simile or other figure of speech which you are used to

264、seeing in print.2. Never use a long word where a short one will do.3. If it is possible to cut a word out, cut it out. (This is a little similar to another rule in writing a scientific paper. If you are in doubt about including a theme, topic, result etc, omit it. If in doubt, leave it out.) e.g., T

265、he deposits were characterized with the help of infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy.4. Never use the passive where you can use the active: active voice is generally clearer and more direct5. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word or a jargon word if you can think of an ever

266、yday English equivalent.181ClarityTo communicate effectively to the reader; to make writing persuasive; to show credibility and authority as a writerThe first step towards being clear is to be brief. Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. Albert Einstein183Clarity: avoid1.

267、 Long phrases that may be better said with one or two words:in view of the foregoing circumstances - thereforeare found to be in agreement - agree has the capability of - canin an adequate manner adequately2. Tautology:consensus of opinion - consensusfewer in number - fewerexact duplicate - duplicat

268、e184Common clarity problemsMisplaced modifiers The other day I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas Ill never know. -Groucho Marx Portia rushed to the store loaded with cash to buy a birthday gift. Portia, loaded with cash, rushed to the stored to buy a birthday gift.Dangling mod

269、ifiers Having been thrown in the air, the dog caught the stick. When the stick was thrown in the air, the dog caught it. After mixing CO2 and N2, the initial test was carried out. The authors carried out the initial test after mixing CO2 and N2.185ObjectivityReflects the philosophy of the scientific

270、 method; to present an unbiased and honest tone; as a general rule, minimize your use of personal pronouns “From our analysis, we found that activation led to cell death.”“This analysis showed that activation led to cell death.”186AccuracyAvoid to mislead the reader with inaccurate or incomplete res

271、ults or misleading interpretations of the data. Avoid the use of casual or imprecise language, as this can make a paper less objective, and less accurate: nowadays - presently, currently despite the fact that - although goes under the name of - is called on the contrary - in contrast (up) until now

272、- to date be that as it may - however187BrevityWrite briefly and to the point. Say what you mean clearly and avoid embellishment with unnecessary words or phrases. Use of the active voice alone shortens sentence length considerably.“ brevity is the soul of wit, and tediousness the limbs and outward

273、flourishes” -William Shakespeare 188Brevity: Avoid nominalization“The comparison between X and Y was performed.”“We compared X and Y.”“X is the dominant factor of Y no matter what kind of treatment was performed.”“X is the main factor of Y despite the treatments.”“Hydrogen adsorption measurement at

274、the atmospheric pressure was carried outin the laboratory.”“We measured hydrogen adsorption at the atmospheric pressurein the laboratory.”190Brevity: Keep sentences clear and conciseKeep sentences clear and concise“linearly with the increment of the concentrations” “linearly with increasing concentr

275、ations”“To cope with the situations with time- and space-dependent” “To manage situations with time- and space-dependent”191long sentencesDirect and short sentences are preferred!Long sentences will not make the writing more professional. They only confuse readers.Nowadays, the average length of sen

276、tences in scientific writing is about 12-17 words. It is said that we read one sentence in one breath. Long sentences choke readers.The Chinese language can express more complicated meaning with fewer words than English. You have to change your style when writing in English. One idea or piece of inf

277、ormation per sentence is sufficient. Avoid multiple statements in one sentence.192long sentencesSee the 80-word long sentence below. Even the editor found it incomprehensible. The luminous efficiency of MOLED device drawn down faster than PLED, which may be caused by different fabrication process, i

278、.e., the distribution of (tpbi)2Ir(acac) dye in host is more uniform in liquid polymer from spin coating method than thermal deposition of solid organic small molecules, so that the quenching phenomena in small molecular device are more critical than in polymer device, even the doping concentration

279、of phosphor dye in MOLED (2 wt%) is lower than that in PLED (4 wt%). 193long sentencesAnother awful example (with 91 words): If it is the case, intravenous administration should result in that emulsion has higher intravenous administration retention concentration, but which is not in accordance with

280、 the result, and therefore the more rational interpretation should be that SLN with mean diameter of 46nm is greatly different from emulsion with mean diameter of 65 nm in entering tumor, namely, it is probably difficult for emulsion to enter and exit from tumor blood vessel as freely as SLN, which

281、may be caused by the fact that the tumor blood vessel aperture is smaller. 194long sentencesProblems with long sentences:Inappropriate use of passive voice or dummy clauses (e.g., “It has been found that there had been many ”) makes sentences complex. Bad structure of sentences with wrongly used con

282、junctive words or dangling modifiers. (e.g., “because, so”, “Although, but”, “considering, it is”)Excessive use of subordinate clauses in one sentence. (e.g., “It has already been found that whenthere would be whichwhile”)Mixing different levels of parallelisms connected by “and” in one sentence. (e

283、.g., “investigates the constructions of triangular norms and discusses the rotation construction and the rotation-annihilation construction based on weak negations ”)195long sentencesExample 1: Another problem related to the effects of environmental factors on the survival and growth of ECM strains

284、in the Mongolian pine plantations is the distribution of tree root systems, because the distribution of ECM is corresponded with the roots directly, especially the fine roots. Therefore, we observed the root distribution of Mongolian pine in the present study. Results indicated that about 80% of the

285、 roots distributed within 20-40 cm soil depth, and more than 85% distributed within 0-40. Combined the observations of soil water content (soil water potential) in the plantation site, we observed that the water conditions within 20-40 cm layer were substantially better than in other layer. Addition

286、ally the temperature in month of July (the highest mean temperature in a year) within 20-40 cm layer just fell the optimum range for the growth of the major ECM strains. As for the soil pH it was not the limiting factor within 20-40 cm layer as well. This result suggested that the soil water conditi

287、on and temperature in the roots distributing layer were suitable for the growth of the tested ECM strains in the plantation.196long sentencesEditors Comments: Unfortunately, this is very near to being incomprehensible. Perhaps the following: The distribution of ECM is directly related to the distrib

288、ution of fine roots in Mongolian pine. About 80% of the roots are within the 20-40 cm layer of soil, where water content is greatest. Thus neither water nor temperature limited the growth of ECM in July, the hottest month of the year.However, no reviewer is going to do what I have done above, and so

289、 the paper will be summarily rejected without going out for review.197long sentencesExample 2: The clay serves beneficially in the instances where the sands and silts contain hydrolysable nutritive cations and behaves as a detrimental factor if the sand and silt contain non-transferable plant nutrie

290、nts or only those transferred very slowly.This single sentence contains too much information (and many grammatical errors as well). The clay serves beneficially in some sands and siltsSands and silts contain hydrolysable nutritive cationsSands and silts behave as detrimental factorSome nutrients mak

291、e the sands and silts a detrimental factorPlant nutrients in sands and silts may be non-transferableOr transfer very slowly198Repetition & RedundancyOverusing conjunctive words or phrases such as “However”, “in addition”, “Moreover”. Keep the usage of these words to a minimum!Phrases without meaning

292、. Learn from the following comments from an Editor:Never say and references therein - as in 1 and 25. Any intelligent reader knows to look at the references in a paper in order to get even more information.Delete In the present report. It is impossible for it to be in a different report! You start t

293、he conclusions In this report, we have prepared. This is nonsense. The samples were prepared in the laboratory!199Wrong use of words and phrases Passive voice used for intransitive verbs e.g., It has been arrived It has arrived atThe 3rd singular form of verbs used for plural subjects e.g., The data

294、 was calculated the data were calculatedSubject of the main clause is not the doer of the dangling modifier e.g., “To improve the results, the experiment was done again.” the experiment cannot improve the results itself. It should be “We did the experiment again to improve the results”.Multiple Noun

295、s e.g., Mountain Ash regrowth forest 10 cm soil water calcium Mean summer tree leaf water potential the mean water potential of tree leaves measured in summerSpoken abbreviations: “its”, “werent”, “hasnt” Never use them in scientific writing201Avoid colloquialismDo not use colloquial speech, slang,

296、or childish words or phrases, for example, “get”, “done”, and “since” or “as” when because should be used.Do not use contractions: for example, dont must be do not and isnt must be is not etc. 202Grammar, spelling, etc. You are encouraged to have an English expert proof reading your manuscript. At l

297、east you should make use of the spelling and grammar checking tool of your word processor. Be sparing when using unfamiliar words or phrase. Do not just rely on electronic dictionaries or translating software, which may bring out ridiculous results (often Chinglish). You should understand the meanin

298、g of every single word you type in the manuscript. US or UK spellings should be used consistently in a paperNever let Editors find such a word in your manuscript! (Distinguish zero from the letter “O”)“0bviously”203Finally, you should use English throughout the manuscript205Good luck!and read the guide for authors206



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