PEP英语四年级下册Unit 3 A Let's learn&Let's chantppt课件

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1、 Unit 3WeatherPart A Lets learn&Lets chant 教学内容:教学内容: 1.通过说唱进行热身并复习通过说唱进行热身并复习hot和和cold,引出引出warm 和和cool的学习。的学习。 2.通过创设天气预报情景,让学生学习如何用英语来描通过创设天气预报情景,让学生学习如何用英语来描述天气情况,并进一步巩固所学词汇。述天气情况,并进一步巩固所学词汇。 3.最后通过练习,让学生进一步巩固本课时的内容。最后通过练习,让学生进一步巩固本课时的内容。学习目标:学习目标:(1)能听、说、认读单词)能听、说、认读单词warm,cool,weather,同时复习,同时复习

2、hot,cold。(2)能熟练运用句型:)能熟练运用句型:Its warm/ coldin.(3)能熟练运用句型来描述天气情况:)能熟练运用句型来描述天气情况:Good morning. This is the weather report. Its in.Look and say: hot or coldwarm :wmar -ccoolc l oo - u: warmcoolLook and say cold hotcoolwarmWhat is the weather(天气)(天气)?你知道吗?v英语中hot、 cold 、warm 、cool四个词不仅可以用来形容气温的状况,还可以用来

3、形容人的情感态度。比如hot可以说get hot under the collar意思是怒气冲天、发怒。这个惯用语和汉语中的“气得脸红脖子粗”意思相近。与hot相反,cold-blooded指人或行动无情的,残酷的。Play it cool指不露声色、沉着冷静,与汉语里“喜怒不形于色”意思相同。同样warm-hearted指热心肠的;warm-blooded指人热心的、热情的。Listen and answer the question:Its_in Bejing.A: coldB: warmC: coolD: hotBeijing2 20 0 warmIts warm in Beijing.

4、Harbin5 5 coldIts cold in Harbin. 1 15 5 cool LhasaIts cool in Lahsa.Hong Kong3 30 0 hotIts hot in Hong Kong.chant Warm, warm, its warm in Beijing.Cold, cold, its cold in Harbin . Hot, hot, its hot in Hongkong.Cool, cool, its cool in Lhasa.Group workMake a report with your partners, and try to be a

5、good weather boy / reportGood morning. This is the weather report. Its cold in Dalian. Its hot in Shenzhen. Its cool in Tianjin. Its warm in Shanghai. Kunming is warm, too. What about Changchun? Its very cold.听音连线听音连线weather report city city city 北京北京 14 南京南京 18 南宁南宁 30 天津天津 12 杭州杭州 25

6、海口海口 32 成都成都 23 武汉武汉 17 深圳深圳 28 重庆重庆 20 长沙长沙 22 香港香港 27 青岛青岛 8 哈尔滨哈尔滨 2 拉萨拉萨 7 大连大连 10乌鲁木齐乌鲁木齐 5 兰州兰州 4 合肥合肥 17 西安西安 13 昆明昆明 24Homework:1. Copy the words five times.2. Make a weather report to your parents.3. Watch the weather report and fill the blanks. warm hot cold coolKunmingDalianShanghaiShenzhenChangchunTianjin同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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